class NodeGraph(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeGraph, self).__init__(parent) self._model = NodeGraphModel() self._viewer = NodeViewer() self._undo_stack = QUndoStack(self) self._init_actions() self._wire_signals() def _wire_signals(self): self._viewer.moved_nodes.connect(self._on_nodes_moved) self._viewer.search_triggered.connect(self._on_search_triggered) self._viewer.connection_changed.connect(self._on_connection_changed) def _init_actions(self): # setup tab search shortcut. tab = QAction('Search Nodes', self) tab.setShortcut('tab') tab.triggered.connect(self._toggle_tab_search) self._viewer.addAction(tab) setup_actions(self) def _toggle_tab_search(self): """ toggle the tab search widget. """ self._viewer.tab_search_set_nodes(NodeVendor.names) self._viewer.tab_search_toggle() def _on_nodes_moved(self, node_data): """ called when selected nodes in the viewer has changed position. Args: node_data (dict): {<node_view>: <previous_pos>} """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('moved nodes') for node_view, prev_pos in node_data.items(): node = self._model.nodes[] self._undo_stack.push(NodeMovedCmd(node, node.pos(), prev_pos)) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_search_triggered(self, node_type, pos): """ called when the tab search widget is triggered in the viewer. Args: node_type (str): node identifier. pos (tuple): x,y position for the node. """ self.create_node(node_type, pos=pos) def _on_connection_changed(self, disconnected, connected): """ called when a pipe connection has been changed in the viewer. Args: disconnected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]): pair list of port view items. connected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port view items. """ if not (disconnected or connected): return label = 'connected node(s)' if connected else 'disconnected node(s)' ptypes = {'in': 'inputs', 'out': 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro(label) for p1_view, p2_view in disconnected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) for p1_view, p2_view in connected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.connect_to(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() @property def model(self): """ Return the node graph model. Returns: NodeGraphModel: model object. """ return self._model def show(self): """ Show node graph viewer widget. """ def hide(self): """ Hide node graph viewer widget. """ self._viewer.hide() def close(self): """ Close node graph viewer widget. """ self._viewer.close() def viewer(self): """ Return the node graph viewer widget object. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.viewer.NodeViewer: viewer widget. """ return self._viewer def scene(self): """ Return the scene object. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.scene.NodeScene: node scene. """ return self._viewer.scene() def undo_stack(self): """ Returns the undo stack used in the node graph Returns: QUndoStack: undo stack. """ return self._undo_stack def begin_undo(self, name='undo'): """ Start of an undo block followed by a end_undo(). Args: name (str): name for the undo block. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro(name) def end_undo(self): """ End of an undo block started by begin_undo(). """ self._undo_stack.endMacro() def context_menu(self): """ Returns a node graph context menu object. Returns: ContextMenu: node graph context menu object instance. """ return self._viewer.context_menu() def acyclic(self): """ Returns true if the current node graph is acyclic. Returns: bool: true if acyclic. """ return self._model.acyclic def set_acyclic(self, mode=True): """ Set the node graph to be acyclic or not. (default=True) Args: mode (bool): false to disable acyclic. """ self._model.acyclic = mode self._viewer.acyclic = mode def set_pipe_layout(self, layout='curved'): """ Set node graph pipes to be drawn straight or curved by default all pipes are set curved. (default='curved') Args: layout (str): 'straight' or 'curved' """ self._viewer.set_pipe_layout(layout) def fit_to_selection(self): """ Sets the zoom level to fit selected nodes. If no nodes are selected then all nodes in the graph will be framed. """ nodes = self.selected_nodes() or self.all_nodes() if not nodes: return self._viewer.zoom_to_nodes([n.view for n in nodes]) def reset_zoom(self): """ Reset the zoom level """ self._viewer.reset_zoom() def set_zoom(self, zoom=0): """ Set the zoom factor of the Node Graph the default is 0.0 Args: zoom (float): zoom factor max zoom out -0.9 max zoom in 2.0 """ self._viewer.set_zoom(zoom) def get_zoom(self): """ Get the current zoom level of the node graph. Returns: float: the current zoom level. """ return self._viewer.get_zoom() def center_on(self, nodes=None): """ Center the node graph on the given nodes or all nodes by default. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Node]): a list of nodes. """ self._viewer.center_selection(nodes) def center_selection(self): """ Center the node graph on the current selected nodes. """ nodes = self._viewer.selected_nodes() self._viewer.center_selection(nodes) def registered_nodes(self): """ Return a list of all node types that have been registered. To register a node see "NodeGraphWidget.register_node()" Returns: list[str]: node types. """ return sorted(NodeVendor.nodes.keys()) def register_node(self, node, alias=None): """ Register a node. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.Node): node object. alias (str): custom alias name for the node type. """ NodeVendor.register_node(node, alias) def create_node(self, node_type, name=None, selected=True, color=None, pos=None): """ Create a new node in the node graph. To list all node types see "NodeGraphWidget.registered_nodes()" Args: node_type (str): node instance type. name (str): set name of the node. selected (bool): set created node to be selected. color (tuple or str): node color (255, 255, 255) or '#FFFFFF'. pos (tuple): set position of the node (x, y). Returns: NodeGraphQt.Node: created instance of a node. """ NodeInstance = NodeVendor.create_node_instance(node_type) if NodeInstance: node = NodeInstance() node._graph = self node.update() self._undo_stack.beginMacro('created node') self._undo_stack.push(NodeAddedCmd(self, node, pos)) if name: node.set_name(name) else: node.set_name(node.NODE_NAME) if color: if isinstance(color, str): color = color[1:] if color[0] is '#' else color color = tuple(int(color[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) node.set_color(*color) node.set_selected(selected) self._undo_stack.endMacro() return node raise Exception('\n\n>> Cannot find node:\t"{}"\n'.format(node_type)) def add_node(self, node): """ Add a node into the node graph. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.Node): node object. """ assert isinstance(node, NodeObject), 'node must be a Node instance.' node._graph = self node.NODE_NAME = self.get_unique_name(node.NODE_NAME) = node.NODE_NAME node.update() self._undo_stack.push(NodeAddedCmd(self, node)) def delete_node(self, node): """ Remove the node from the node graph. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.Node): node object. """ assert isinstance(node, NodeObject), \ 'node must be a instance of a NodeObject.' self._undo_stack.push(NodeRemovedCmd(self, node)) def delete_nodes(self, nodes): """ Remove a list of nodes from the node graph. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Node]): list of node instances. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('deleted nodes') [self.delete_node(n) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() def all_nodes(self): """ Return all nodes in the node graph. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.Node]: list of nodes. """ return list(self._model.nodes.values()) def selected_nodes(self): """ Return all selected nodes that are in the node graph. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.Node]: list of nodes. """ nodes = [] for item in self._viewer.selected_nodes(): node = self._model.nodes[] nodes.append(node) return nodes def select_all(self): """ Select all nodes in the current node graph. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('select all') for node in self.all_nodes(): node.set_selected(True) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def clear_selection(self): """ Clears the selection in the node graph. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('deselected nodes') for node in self.all_nodes(): node.set_selected(False) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def get_node_by_id(self, node_id=None): """ Get the node object by it's id. Args: node_id (str): node id Returns: NodeGraphQt.NodeObject: node object. """ return self._model.nodes.get(node_id) def get_node_by_name(self, name): """ Returns node object that matches the name. Args: name (str): name of the node. Returns: NodeGraphQt.Node: node object. """ for node_id, node in self._model.nodes.items(): if == name: return node def get_unique_name(self, name): """ return a unique node name for the node. Args: name (str): node name. Returns: str: unique node name. """ name = ' '.join(name.split()) node_names = [ for n in self.all_nodes()] if name not in node_names: return name regex = re.compile('[\w ]+(?: )*(\d+)') search = if not search: for x in range(1, len(node_names) + 1): new_name = '{} {}'.format(name, x) if new_name not in node_names: return new_name version = name = name[:len(version) * -1].strip() for x in range(1, len(node_names) + 1): new_name = '{} {}'.format(name, x) if new_name not in node_names: return new_name def current_session(self): """ returns the file path to the currently loaded session. Returns: str: path to the currently loaded session """ return self._model.session def clear_session(self): """ clear the loaded node layout session. """ for n in self.all_nodes(): self.delete_node(n) self._undo_stack.clear() self._model.session = None def _serialize(self, nodes): """ serialize nodes to a dict. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Nodes]): list of node instances. Returns: dict: serialized data. """ serial_data = {'nodes': {}, 'connections': []} nodes_data = {} for n in nodes: # update the node model. n.update_model() nodes_data.update(n.model.to_dict) for n_id, n_data in nodes_data.items(): serial_data['nodes'][n_id] = n_data inputs = n_data.pop('inputs') if n_data.get('inputs') else {} outputs = n_data.pop('outputs') if n_data.get('outputs') else {} for pname, conn_data in inputs.items(): for conn_id, prt_names in conn_data.items(): for conn_prt in prt_names: pipe = { 'in': [n_id, pname], 'out': [conn_id, conn_prt] } if pipe not in serial_data['connections']: serial_data['connections'].append(pipe) for pname, conn_data in outputs.items(): for conn_id, prt_names in conn_data.items(): for conn_prt in prt_names: pipe = { 'out': [n_id, pname], 'in': [conn_id, conn_prt] } if pipe not in serial_data['connections']: serial_data['connections'].append(pipe) if not serial_data['connections']: serial_data.pop('connections') return serial_data def _deserialize(self, data, relative_pos=False, pos=None): """ deserialize node data. Args: data (dict): node data. relative_pos (bool): position node relative to the cursor. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.Nodes]: list of node instances. """ nodes = {} # build the nodes. for n_id, n_data in data.get('nodes', {}).items(): identifier = n_data['type'] NodeInstance = NodeVendor.create_node_instance(identifier) if NodeInstance: node = NodeInstance() node._graph = self name = self.get_unique_name(n_data.get('name', node.NODE_NAME)) n_data['name'] = name # set properties. for prop, val in if prop in n_data.keys(): setattr(node.model, prop, n_data[prop]) # set custom properties. for prop, val in n_data.get('custom', {}).items(): if prop in node.model.custom_properties.keys(): node.model.custom_properties[prop] = val node.update() self._undo_stack.push( NodeAddedCmd(self, node, n_data.get('pos'))) nodes[n_id] = node # build the connections. for connection in data.get('connections', []): nid, pname = connection.get('in', ('', '')) in_node = nodes.get(nid) if not in_node: continue in_port = in_node.inputs().get(pname) if in_node else None nid, pname = connection.get('out', ('', '')) out_node = nodes.get(nid) if not out_node: continue out_port = out_node.outputs().get(pname) if out_node else None if in_port and out_port: self._undo_stack.push(PortConnectedCmd(in_port, out_port)) node_objs = list(nodes.values()) if relative_pos: self._viewer.move_nodes([n.view for n in node_objs]) [setattr(n.model, 'pos', n.view.pos) for n in node_objs] elif pos: self._viewer.move_nodes([n.view for n in node_objs], pos=pos) return node_objs def save_session(self, file_path): """ Saves the current node graph session layout to a JSON formatted file. Args: file_path (str): path to the saved node layout. """ serliazed_data = self._serialize(self.selected_nodes()) file_path = file_path.strip() with open(file_path, 'w') as file_out: json.dump(serliazed_data, file_out, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) def load_session(self, file_path): """ Load node graph session layout file. Args: file_path (str): path to the serialized layout file. """ file_path = file_path.strip() if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise IOError('file does not exist.') self.clear_session() try: with open(file_path) as data_file: layout_data = json.load(data_file) except Exception as e: layout_data = None print('Cannot read data from file.\n{}'.format(e)) if not layout_data: return self._deserialize(layout_data) self._undo_stack.clear() self._model.session = file_path def copy_nodes(self, nodes=None): """ copy nodes to the clipboard by default this method copies the selected nodes from the node graph. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Node]): list of node instances. """ nodes = nodes or self.selected_nodes() if not nodes: return False clipboard = QClipboard() serial_data = self._serialize(nodes) serial_str = json.dumps(serial_data) if serial_str: clipboard.setText(serial_str) return True return False def paste_nodes(self): """ Pastes nodes from the clipboard. """ clipboard = QClipboard() cb_string = clipboard.text() if not cb_string: return self._undo_stack.beginMacro('pasted nodes') serial_data = json.loads(cb_string) self.clear_selection() nodes = self._deserialize(serial_data, True) [n.set_selected(True) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() def duplicate_nodes(self, nodes): """ Create duplicates nodes. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Node]): list of node objects. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.Node]: list of duplicated node instances. """ if not nodes: return self._undo_stack.beginMacro('duplicated nodes') self.clear_selection() serial = self._serialize(nodes) new_nodes = self._deserialize(serial) offset = 50 for n in new_nodes: x, y = n.pos() n.set_pos(x + offset, y + offset) n.set_property('selected', True) self._undo_stack.endMacro() return new_nodes def disable_nodes(self, nodes, mode=None): """ Disable/Enable specified nodes. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Node]): list of node instances. mode (bool): (optional) disable state of the nodes. """ if not nodes: return if mode is None: mode = not nodes[0].disabled() if len(nodes) > 1: text = {False: 'enabled', True: 'disabled'}[mode] text = '{} ({}) nodes'.format(text, len(nodes)) self._undo_stack.beginMacro(text) [n.set_disabled(mode) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() return nodes[0].set_disabled(mode)
class NodeGraph(QtCore.QObject): node_selected = QtCore.Signal(list) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeGraph, self).__init__(parent) self._model = NodeGraphModel() self._viewer = NodeViewer() self._undo_stack = QUndoStack(self) self._init_actions() self._wire_signals() self.patch_context_menu() def _wire_signals(self): self._viewer.moved_nodes.connect(self._on_nodes_moved) self._viewer.search_triggered.connect(self._on_search_triggered) self._viewer.connection_changed.connect(self._on_connection_changed) self._viewer.node_selected.connect(self._on_node_selected) def _init_actions(self): # setup tab search shortcut. tab = QAction('Search Nodes', self) tab.setShortcut('tab') tab.triggered.connect(self._toggle_tab_search) self._viewer.addAction(tab) setup_actions(self) def _toggle_tab_search(self): """ toggle the tab search widget. """ self._viewer.tab_search_set_nodes(NodeVendor.names) self._viewer.tab_search_toggle() def _on_nodes_moved(self, node_data): """ called when selected nodes in the viewer has changed position. Args: node_data (dict): {<node_view>: <previous_pos>} """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('moved nodes') for node_view, prev_pos in node_data.items(): node = self._model.nodes[] self._undo_stack.push(NodeMovedCmd(node, node.pos(), prev_pos)) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_nodes_moved(self, node_data): """ called when a node in the viewer is selected on left click. """ nodes = self.selected_nodes() self.node_selected.emit(nodes) def _on_search_triggered(self, node_type, pos): """ called when the tab search widget is triggered in the viewer. Args: node_type (str): node identifier. pos (tuple): x,y position for the node. """ self.create_node(node_type, pos=pos) def _on_connection_changed(self, disconnected, connected): """ called when a pipe connection has been changed in the viewer. Args: disconnected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]): pair list of port view items. connected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port view items. """ if not (disconnected or connected): return label = 'connected node(s)' if connected else 'disconnected node(s)' ptypes = {'in': 'inputs', 'out': 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro(label) for p1_view, p2_view in disconnected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) for p1_view, p2_view in connected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.connect_to(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() @property def model(self): """ Return the node graph model. Returns: NodeGraphModel: model object. """ return self._model def show(self): """ Show node graph viewer widget. """ def hide(self): """ Hide node graph viewer widget. """ self._viewer.hide() def close(self): """ Close node graph viewer widget. """ self._viewer.close() def viewer(self): """ Return the node graph viewer widget object. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.viewer.NodeViewer: viewer widget. """ return self._viewer def scene(self): """ Return the scene object. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.scene.NodeScene: node scene. """ return self._viewer.scene() def undo_stack(self): """ Returns the undo stack used in the node graph Returns: QUndoStack: undo stack. """ return self._undo_stack def begin_undo(self, name='undo'): """ Start of an undo block followed by a end_undo(). Args: name (str): name for the undo block. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro(name) def end_undo(self): """ End of an undo block started by begin_undo(). """ self._undo_stack.endMacro() def context_menu(self): """ Returns a node graph context menu object. Returns: ContextMenu: node graph context menu object instance. """ return self._viewer.context_menu() @staticmethod def modify_context_menu(viewer):
class NodeGraph(QtCore.QObject): """ base node graph controller. """ #: signal emits the node object when a node is created in the node graph. node_created = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) #: signal emits a list of node ids from the deleted nodes. nodes_deleted = QtCore.Signal(list) #: signal emits the node object when selected in the node graph. node_selected = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) #: signal triggered when a node is double clicked and emits the node. node_double_clicked = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) #: signal for when a node has been connected emits (source port, target port). port_connected = QtCore.Signal(Port, Port) #: signal for when a node has been disconnected emits (source port, target port). port_disconnected = QtCore.Signal(Port, Port) #: signal for when a node property has changed emits (node, property name, property value). property_changed = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject, str, object) #: signal for when drop data has been added to the graph. data_dropped = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QMimeData, QtCore.QPoint) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeGraph, self).__init__(parent) self.setObjectName('NodeGraphQt') self._model = NodeGraphModel() self._viewer = NodeViewer(parent) self._node_factory = NodeFactory() self._undo_stack = QtWidgets.QUndoStack(self) tab = QtWidgets.QAction('Search Nodes', self) tab.setShortcut('tab') tab.triggered.connect(self._toggle_tab_search) self._viewer.addAction(tab) self._wire_signals() def __repr__(self): return '<{} object at {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self))) def _wire_signals(self): # internal signals. self._viewer.search_triggered.connect(self._on_search_triggered) self._viewer.connection_sliced.connect(self._on_connection_sliced) self._viewer.connection_changed.connect(self._on_connection_changed) self._viewer.moved_nodes.connect(self._on_nodes_moved) self._viewer.node_double_clicked.connect(self._on_node_double_clicked) # pass through signals. self._viewer.node_selected.connect(self._on_node_selected) self._viewer.data_dropped.connect(self._on_node_data_dropped) def _toggle_tab_search(self): """ toggle the tab search widget. """ self._viewer.tab_search_set_nodes(self._node_factory.names) self._viewer.tab_search_toggle() def _on_property_bin_changed(self, node_id, prop_name, prop_value): """ called when a property widget has changed in a properties bin. (emits the node object, property name, property value) Args: node_id (str): node id. prop_name (str): node property name. prop_value (object): python object. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) # prevent signals from causing a infinite loop. if node.get_property(prop_name) != prop_value: node.set_property(prop_name, prop_value) def _on_node_double_clicked(self, node_id): """ called when a node in the viewer is double click. (emits the node object when the node is clicked) Args: node_id (str): node id emitted by the viewer. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) self.node_double_clicked.emit(node) def _on_node_selected(self, node_id): """ called when a node in the viewer is selected on left click. (emits the node object when the node is clicked) Args: node_id (str): node id emitted by the viewer. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) self.node_selected.emit(node) def _on_node_data_dropped(self, data, pos): """ called when data has been dropped on the viewer. Args: data (QtCore.QMimeData): mime data. pos (QtCore.QPoint): scene position relative to the drop. """ # don't emit signal for internal widget drops. if data.hasFormat('text/plain'): if data.text().startswith('<${}>:'.format(DRAG_DROP_ID)): node_ids = data.text()[len('<${}>:'.format(DRAG_DROP_ID)):] x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() for node_id in node_ids.split(','): self.create_node(node_id, pos=[x, y]) x += 20 y += 20 return self.data_dropped.emit(data, pos) def _on_nodes_moved(self, node_data): """ called when selected nodes in the viewer has changed position. Args: node_data (dict): {<node_view>: <previous_pos>} """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('move nodes') for node_view, prev_pos in node_data.items(): node = self._model.nodes[] self._undo_stack.push(NodeMovedCmd(node, node.pos(), prev_pos)) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_search_triggered(self, node_type, pos): """ called when the tab search widget is triggered in the viewer. Args: node_type (str): node identifier. pos (tuple): x,y position for the node. """ self.create_node(node_type, pos=pos) def _on_connection_changed(self, disconnected, connected): """ called when a pipe connection has been changed in the viewer. Args: disconnected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]): pair list of port view items. connected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port view items. """ if not (disconnected or connected): return label = 'connect node(s)' if connected else 'disconnect node(s)' ptypes = {'in': 'inputs', 'out': 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro(label) for p1_view, p2_view in disconnected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) for p1_view, p2_view in connected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.connect_to(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_connection_sliced(self, ports): """ slot when connection pipes have been sliced. Args: ports (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port connections (in port, out port) """ if not ports: return ptypes = {'in': 'inputs', 'out': 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro('slice connections') for p1_view, p2_view in ports: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() @property def model(self): """ Returns the model used to store the node graph data. Returns: NodeGraphQt.base.model.NodeGraphModel: node graph model. """ return self._model def show(self): """ Show node graph viewer widget this is just a convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().show()`. """ def close(self): """ Close node graph NodeViewer widget this is just a convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().close()`. """ self._viewer.close() def viewer(self): """ Return the node graph viewer widget. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.viewer.NodeViewer: viewer widget. """ return self._viewer def scene(self): """ Return the scene object. Returns: NodeGraphQt.widgets.scene.NodeScene: node scene. """ return self._viewer.scene() def background_color(self): """ Return the node graph background color. Returns: tuple: r, g ,b """ return self.scene().background_color def set_background_color(self, r, g, b): """ Set node graph background color. Args: r (int): red value. g (int): green value. b (int): blue value. """ self.scene().background_color = (r, g, b) def grid_color(self): """ Return the node graph grid color. Returns: tuple: r, g ,b """ return self.scene().grid_color def set_grid_color(self, r, g, b): """ Set node graph grid color. Args: r (int): red value. g (int): green value. b (int): blue value. """ self.scene().grid_color = (r, g, b) def display_grid(self, display=True): """ Display node graph background grid. Args: display: False to not draw the background grid. """ self.scene().grid = display def add_properties_bin(self, prop_bin): """ Wire up a properties bin widget to the node graph. Args: prop_bin (NodeGraphQt.PropertiesBinWidget): properties widget. """ prop_bin.property_changed.connect(self._on_property_bin_changed) def undo_stack(self): """ Returns the undo stack used in the node graph Returns: QtWidgets.QUndoStack: undo stack. """ return self._undo_stack def clear_undo_stack(self): """ Clears the undo stack. (convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.undo_stack().clear`) """ self._undo_stack.clear() def begin_undo(self, name): """ Start of an undo block followed by a :meth:`NodeGraph.end_undo()`. Args: name (str): name for the undo block. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro(name) def end_undo(self): """ End of an undo block started by :meth:`NodeGraph.begin_undo()`. """ self._undo_stack.endMacro() def context_menu(self): """ Returns the node graph root context menu object. Returns: Menu: context menu object. """ return Menu(self._viewer, self._viewer.context_menu()) def disable_context_menu(self, disabled=True): """ Disable/Enable node graph context menu. Args: disabled (bool): true to enable context menu. """ menu = self._viewer.context_menu() menu.setDisabled(disabled) menu.setVisible(not disabled) def acyclic(self): """ Returns true if the current node graph is acyclic. Returns: bool: true if acyclic (default: True). """ return self._model.acyclic def set_acyclic(self, mode=False): """ Enable the node graph to be a acyclic graph. (default=False) Args: mode (bool): true to enable acyclic. """ self._model.acyclic = mode self._viewer.acyclic = mode def set_pipe_style(self, style=None): """ Set node graph pipes to be drawn straight or curved by default all pipes are set curved. (default=0) ``NodeGraphQt.constants.PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED`` = 0 ``NodeGraphQt.constants.PIPE_LAYOUT_STRAIGHT`` = 1 Args: style (int): pipe style. """ pipe_default = max([PIPE_LAYOUT_CURVED, PIPE_LAYOUT_STRAIGHT]) style = PIPE_LAYOUT_STRAIGHT if style > pipe_default else style self._viewer.set_pipe_layout(style) def fit_to_selection(self): """ Sets the zoom level to fit selected nodes. If no nodes are selected then all nodes in the graph will be framed. """ nodes = self.selected_nodes() or self.all_nodes() if not nodes: return self._viewer.zoom_to_nodes([n.view for n in nodes]) def reset_zoom(self): """ Reset the zoom level """ self._viewer.reset_zoom() def set_zoom(self, zoom=0): """ Set the zoom factor of the Node Graph the default is 0.0 Args: zoom (float): zoom factor (max zoom out -0.9 / max zoom in 2.0) """ self._viewer.set_zoom(zoom) def get_zoom(self): """ Get the current zoom level of the node graph. Returns: float: the current zoom level. """ return self._viewer.get_zoom() def center_on(self, nodes=None): """ Center the node graph on the given nodes or all nodes by default. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]): a list of nodes. """ self._viewer.center_selection(nodes) def center_selection(self): """ Centers on the current selected nodes. """ nodes = self._viewer.selected_nodes() self._viewer.center_selection(nodes) def registered_nodes(self): """ Return a list of all node types that have been registered. To register a node see :meth:`NodeGraph.register_node` Returns: list[str]: list of node type identifiers. """ return sorted(self._node_factory.nodes.keys()) def register_node(self, node, alias=None): """ Register the node to the node graph vendor. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.NodeObject): node. alias (str): custom alias name for the node type. """ self._node_factory.register_node(node, alias) def create_node(self, node_type, name=None, selected=True, color=None, text_color=None, pos=None): """ Create a new node in the node graph. (To list all node types see :meth:`NodeGraph.registered_nodes`) Args: node_type (str): node instance type. name (str): set name of the node. selected (bool): set created node to be selected. color (tuple or str): node color (255, 255, 255) or '#FFFFFF'. text_color (tuple or str): node text color (255, 255, 255) or '#FFFFFF'. pos (list[int, int]): initial x, y position for the node (default: (0, 0)). Returns: NodeGraphQt.BaseNode: the created instance of the node. """ NodeCls = self._node_factory.create_node_instance(node_type) if NodeCls: node = NodeCls() node._graph = self node.model._graph_model = self.model wid_types = node.model.__dict__.pop('_TEMP_property_widget_types') prop_attrs = node.model.__dict__.pop('_TEMP_property_attrs') if self.model.get_node_common_properties(node.type_) is None: node_attrs = { node.type_: {n: { 'widget_type': wt } for n, wt in wid_types.items()} } for pname, pattrs in prop_attrs.items(): node_attrs[node.type_][pname].update(pattrs) self.model.set_node_common_properties(node_attrs) node.NODE_NAME = self.get_unique_name(name or node.NODE_NAME) = node.NODE_NAME node.model.selected = selected def format_color(clr): if isinstance(clr, str): clr = clr.strip('#') return tuple(int(clr[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) return clr if color: node.model.color = format_color(color) if text_color: node.model.text_color = format_color(text_color) if pos: node.model.pos = [float(pos[0]), float(pos[1])] node.update() undo_cmd = NodeAddedCmd(self, node, node.model.pos) undo_cmd.setText('create node: "{}"'.format(node.NODE_NAME)) self._undo_stack.push(undo_cmd) self.node_created.emit(node) return node raise Exception('\n\n>> Cannot find node:\t"{}"\n'.format(node_type)) def add_node(self, node, pos=None): """ Add a node into the node graph. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.BaseNode): node object. pos (list[float]): node x,y position. (optional) """ assert isinstance(node, NodeObject), 'node must be a Node instance.' wid_types = node.model.__dict__.pop('_TEMP_property_widget_types') prop_attrs = node.model.__dict__.pop('_TEMP_property_attrs') if self.model.get_node_common_properties(node.type_) is None: node_attrs = { node.type_: {n: { 'widget_type': wt } for n, wt in wid_types.items()} } for pname, pattrs in prop_attrs.items(): node_attrs[node.type_][pname].update(pattrs) self.model.set_node_common_properties(node_attrs) node._graph = self node.NODE_NAME = self.get_unique_name(node.NODE_NAME) node.model._graph_model = self.model = node.NODE_NAME node.update() self._undo_stack.push(NodeAddedCmd(self, node, pos)) def delete_node(self, node): """ Remove the node from the node graph. Args: node (NodeGraphQt.BaseNode): node object. """ assert isinstance(node, NodeObject), \ 'node must be a instance of a NodeObject.' self.nodes_deleted.emit([]) self._undo_stack.push(NodeRemovedCmd(self, node)) def delete_nodes(self, nodes): """ Remove a list of specified nodes from the node graph. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]): list of node instances. """ self.nodes_deleted.emit([ for n in nodes]) self._undo_stack.beginMacro('delete nodes') [self._undo_stack.push(NodeRemovedCmd(self, n)) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() def all_nodes(self): """ Return all nodes in the node graph. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]: list of nodes. """ return list(self._model.nodes.values()) def selected_nodes(self): """ Return all selected nodes that are in the node graph. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]: list of nodes. """ nodes = [] for item in self._viewer.selected_nodes(): node = self._model.nodes[] nodes.append(node) return nodes def select_all(self): """ Select all nodes in the node graph. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('select all') for node in self.all_nodes(): node.set_selected(True) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def clear_selection(self): """ Clears the selection in the node graph. """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('clear selection') for node in self.all_nodes(): node.set_selected(False) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def get_node_by_id(self, node_id=None): """ Returns the node from the node id string. Args: node_id (str): node id (:meth:``) Returns: NodeGraphQt.NodeObject: node object. """ return self._model.nodes.get(node_id) def get_node_by_name(self, name): """ Returns node that matches the name. Args: name (str): name of the node. Returns: NodeGraphQt.NodeObject: node object. """ for node_id, node in self._model.nodes.items(): if == name: return node def get_unique_name(self, name): """ Creates a unique node name to avoid having nodes with the same name. Args: name (str): node name. Returns: str: unique node name. """ name = ' '.join(name.split()) node_names = [ for n in self.all_nodes()] if name not in node_names: return name regex = re.compile('[\w ]+(?: )*(\d+)') search = if not search: for x in range(1, len(node_names) + 1): new_name = '{} {}'.format(name, x) if new_name not in node_names: return new_name version = name = name[:len(version) * -1].strip() for x in range(1, len(node_names) + 1): new_name = '{} {}'.format(name, x) if new_name not in node_names: return new_name def current_session(self): """ Returns the file path to the currently loaded session. Returns: str: path to the currently loaded session """ return self._model.session def clear_session(self): """ Clears the current node graph session. """ for n in self.all_nodes(): self._undo_stack.push(NodeRemovedCmd(self, n)) self._undo_stack.clear() self._model.session = None def _serialize(self, nodes): """ serialize nodes to a dict. (used internally by the node graph) Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.Nodes]): list of node instances. Returns: dict: serialized data. """ serial_data = {'nodes': {}, 'connections': []} nodes_data = {} for n in nodes: # update the node model. n.update_model() nodes_data.update(n.model.to_dict) for n_id, n_data in nodes_data.items(): serial_data['nodes'][n_id] = n_data inputs = n_data.pop('inputs') if n_data.get('inputs') else {} outputs = n_data.pop('outputs') if n_data.get('outputs') else {} for pname, conn_data in inputs.items(): for conn_id, prt_names in conn_data.items(): for conn_prt in prt_names: pipe = { 'in': [n_id, pname], 'out': [conn_id, conn_prt] } if pipe not in serial_data['connections']: serial_data['connections'].append(pipe) for pname, conn_data in outputs.items(): for conn_id, prt_names in conn_data.items(): for conn_prt in prt_names: pipe = { 'out': [n_id, pname], 'in': [conn_id, conn_prt] } if pipe not in serial_data['connections']: serial_data['connections'].append(pipe) if not serial_data['connections']: serial_data.pop('connections') return serial_data def _deserialize(self, data, relative_pos=False, pos=None): """ deserialize node data. (used internally by the node graph) Args: data (dict): node data. relative_pos (bool): position node relative to the cursor. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.Nodes]: list of node instances. """ nodes = {} # build the nodes. for n_id, n_data in data.get('nodes', {}).items(): identifier = n_data['type_'] NodeCls = self._node_factory.create_node_instance(identifier) if NodeCls: node = NodeCls() node.NODE_NAME = n_data.get('name', node.NODE_NAME) # set properties. for prop in if prop in n_data.keys(): node.model.set_property(prop, n_data[prop]) # set custom properties. for prop, val in n_data.get('custom', {}).items(): node.model.set_property(prop, val) nodes[n_id] = node self.add_node(node, n_data.get('pos')) # build the connections. for connection in data.get('connections', []): nid, pname = connection.get('in', ('', '')) in_node = nodes.get(nid) if not in_node: continue in_port = in_node.inputs().get(pname) if in_node else None nid, pname = connection.get('out', ('', '')) out_node = nodes.get(nid) if not out_node: continue out_port = out_node.outputs().get(pname) if out_node else None if in_port and out_port: self._undo_stack.push(PortConnectedCmd(in_port, out_port)) node_objs = list(nodes.values()) if relative_pos: self._viewer.move_nodes([n.view for n in node_objs]) [setattr(n.model, 'pos', n.view.xy_pos) for n in node_objs] elif pos: self._viewer.move_nodes([n.view for n in node_objs], pos=pos) [setattr(n.model, 'pos', n.view.xy_pos) for n in node_objs] return node_objs def serialize_session(self): """ Serializes the current node graph layout to a dictionary. Returns: dict: serialized session of the current node layout. """ return self._serialize(self.all_nodes()) def deserialize_session(self, layout_data): """ Load node graph session from a dictionary object. Args: layout_data (dict): dictionary object containing a node session. """ self.clear_session() self._deserialize(layout_data) self._undo_stack.clear() def save_session(self, file_path): """ Saves the current node graph session layout to a `JSON` formatted file. Args: file_path (str): path to the saved node layout. """ serliazed_data = self._serialize(self.all_nodes()) file_path = file_path.strip() with open(file_path, 'w') as file_out: json.dump(serliazed_data, file_out, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) def load_session(self, file_path): """ Load node graph session layout file. Args: file_path (str): path to the serialized layout file. """ file_path = file_path.strip() if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise IOError('file does not exist.') self.clear_session() try: with open(file_path) as data_file: layout_data = json.load(data_file) except Exception as e: layout_data = None print('Cannot read data from file.\n{}'.format(e)) if not layout_data: return self._deserialize(layout_data) self._undo_stack.clear() self._model.session = file_path def copy_nodes(self, nodes=None): """ Copy nodes to the clipboard. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]): list of nodes (default: selected nodes). """ nodes = nodes or self.selected_nodes() if not nodes: return False clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() serial_data = self._serialize(nodes) serial_str = json.dumps(serial_data) if serial_str: clipboard.setText(serial_str) return True return False def paste_nodes(self): """ Pastes nodes copied from the clipboard. """ clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() cb_text = clipboard.text() if not cb_text: return self._undo_stack.beginMacro('pasted nodes') serial_data = json.loads(cb_text) self.clear_selection() nodes = self._deserialize(serial_data, relative_pos=True) [n.set_selected(True) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() def duplicate_nodes(self, nodes): """ Create duplicate copy from the list of nodes. Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]): list of nodes. Returns: list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]: list of duplicated node instances. """ if not nodes: return self._undo_stack.beginMacro('duplicate nodes') self.clear_selection() serial = self._serialize(nodes) new_nodes = self._deserialize(serial) offset = 50 for n in new_nodes: x, y = n.pos() n.set_pos(x + offset, y + offset) n.set_property('selected', True) self._undo_stack.endMacro() return new_nodes def disable_nodes(self, nodes, mode=None): """ Set weather to Disable or Enable specified nodes. see: :meth:`NodeObject.set_disabled` Args: nodes (list[NodeGraphQt.BaseNode]): list of node instances. mode (bool): (optional) disable state of the nodes. """ if not nodes: return if mode is None: mode = not nodes[0].disabled() if len(nodes) > 1: text = {False: 'enable', True: 'disable'}[mode] text = '{} ({}) nodes'.format(text, len(nodes)) self._undo_stack.beginMacro(text) [n.set_disabled(mode) for n in nodes] self._undo_stack.endMacro() return nodes[0].set_disabled(mode) def question_dialog(self, text, title='Node Graph'): """ Prompts a question open dialog with "Yes" and "No" buttons in the node graph. (convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().question_dialog`) Args: text (str): question text. title (str): dialog window title. Returns: bool: true if user clicked yes. """ self._viewer.question_dialog(text, title) def message_dialog(self, text, title='Node Graph'): """ Prompts a file open dialog in the node graph. (convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().message_dialog`) Args: text (str): message text. title (str): dialog window title. """ self._viewer.message_dialog(text, title) def load_dialog(self, current_dir=None, ext=None): """ Prompts a file open dialog in the node graph. (convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().load_dialog`) Args: current_dir (str): path to a directory. ext (str): custom file type extension (default: json) Returns: str: selected file path. """ return self._viewer.load_dialog(current_dir, ext) def save_dialog(self, current_dir=None, ext=None): """ Prompts a file save dialog in the node graph. (convenience function to :meth:`NodeGraph.viewer().save_dialog`) Args: current_dir (str): path to a directory. ext (str): custom file type extension (default: json) Returns: str: selected file path. """ return self._viewer.save_dialog(current_dir, ext)
class NodeGraph(QtCore.QObject): """ The ``NodeGraph`` class is the main controller for managing all nodes. Inherited from: :class:`PySide2.QtCore.QObject` .. image:: _images/graph.png :width: 60% """ node_created = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) """ Signal triggered when a node is created in the node graph. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.NodeObject` :emits: created node """ nodes_deleted = QtCore.Signal(list) """ Signal triggered when nodes have been deleted from the node graph. :parameters: list[str] :emits: list of deleted node ids. """ node_selected = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) """ Signal triggered when a node is clicked with the LMB. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.NodeObject` :emits: selected node """ node_double_clicked = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject) """ Signal triggered when a node is double clicked and emits the node. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.NodeObject` :emits: selected node """ port_connected = QtCore.Signal(Port, Port) """ Signal triggered when a node port has been connected. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.Port`, :class:`NodeGraphQt.Port` :emits: input port, output port """ port_disconnected = QtCore.Signal(Port, Port) """ Signal triggered when a node port has been disconnected. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.Port`, :class:`NodeGraphQt.Port` :emits: input port, output port """ property_changed = QtCore.Signal(NodeObject, str, object) """ Signal is triggered when a property has changed on a node. :parameters: :class:`NodeGraphQt.BaseNode`, str, object :emits: triggered node, property name, property value """ data_dropped = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QMimeData, QtCore.QPoint) """ Signal is triggered when data has been dropped to the graph. :parameters: :class:`PySide2.QtCore.QMimeData`, :class:`PySide2.QtCore.QPoint` :emits: mime data, node graph position """ session_changed = QtCore.Signal(str) """ Signal is triggered when session has been changed. :parameters: :str :emits: new session path """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NodeGraph, self).__init__(parent) self.setObjectName('NodeGraphQt') self._widget = None self._model = NodeGraphModel() self._viewer = NodeViewer() self._node_factory = NodeFactory() self._undo_stack = QtWidgets.QUndoStack(self) tab = QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab), self._viewer) tab.activated.connect(self._toggle_tab_search) self._viewer.need_show_tab_search.connect(self._toggle_tab_search) self._wire_signals() self.widget.setAcceptDrops(True) def __repr__(self): return '<{} object at {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self))) def _wire_signals(self): # internal signals. self._viewer.search_triggered.connect(self._on_search_triggered) self._viewer.connection_sliced.connect(self._on_connection_sliced) self._viewer.connection_changed.connect(self._on_connection_changed) self._viewer.moved_nodes.connect(self._on_nodes_moved) self._viewer.node_double_clicked.connect(self._on_node_double_clicked) self._viewer.insert_node.connect(self._insert_node) # pass through signals. self._viewer.node_selected.connect(self._on_node_selected) self._viewer.data_dropped.connect(self._on_node_data_dropped) def _insert_node(self, pipe, node_id, prev_node_pos): """ Slot function triggered when a selected node has collided with a pipe. Args: pipe (Pipe): collided pipe item. node_id (str): selected node id to insert. prev_node_pos (dict): previous node position. {NodeItem: [prev_x, prev_y]} """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) # exclude the BackdropNode if not isinstance(node, BaseNode): return disconnected = [(pipe.input_port, pipe.output_port)] connected = [] if node.inputs(): connected.append( (pipe.output_port, list(node.inputs().values())[0].view) ) if node.outputs(): connected.append( (list(node.outputs().values())[0].view, pipe.input_port) ) self._undo_stack.beginMacro('inserted node') self._on_connection_changed(disconnected, connected) self._on_nodes_moved(prev_node_pos) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _toggle_tab_search(self): """ toggle the tab search widget. """ if self._viewer.underMouse(): self._viewer.tab_search_set_nodes(self._node_factory.names) self._viewer.tab_search_toggle() def _on_property_bin_changed(self, node_id, prop_name, prop_value): """ called when a property widget has changed in a properties bin. (emits the node object, property name, property value) Args: node_id (str): node id. prop_name (str): node property name. prop_value (object): python object. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) # prevent signals from causing a infinite loop. _exc = [float, int , str, bool, None] if node.get_property(prop_name) != prop_value: if type(node.get_property(prop_name)) in _exc: value = prop_value else: value = copy.deepcopy(prop_value) node.set_property(prop_name, value) def _on_node_double_clicked(self, node_id): """ called when a node in the viewer is double click. (emits the node object when the node is clicked) Args: node_id (str): node id emitted by the viewer. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) self.node_double_clicked.emit(node) def _on_node_selected(self, node_id): """ called when a node in the viewer is selected on left click. (emits the node object when the node is clicked) Args: node_id (str): node id emitted by the viewer. """ node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) self.node_selected.emit(node) def _on_node_data_dropped(self, data, pos): """ called when data has been dropped on the viewer. Args: data (QtCore.QMimeData): mime data. pos (QtCore.QPoint): scene position relative to the drop. """ # don't emit signal for internal widget drops. if data.hasFormat('text/plain'): if data.text().startswith('<${}>:'.format(DRAG_DROP_ID)): node_ids = data.text()[len('<${}>:'.format(DRAG_DROP_ID)):] x, y = pos.x(), pos.y() for node_id in node_ids.split(','): self.create_node(node_id, pos=[x, y]) x += 20 y += 20 return self.data_dropped.emit(data, pos) def _on_nodes_moved(self, node_data): """ called when selected nodes in the viewer has changed position. Args: node_data (dict): {<node_view>: <previous_pos>} """ self._undo_stack.beginMacro('move nodes') for node_view, prev_pos in node_data.items(): node = self._model.nodes[] self._undo_stack.push(NodeMovedCmd(node, node.pos(), prev_pos)) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_search_triggered(self, node_type, pos): """ called when the tab search widget is triggered in the viewer. Args: node_type (str): node identifier. pos (tuple): x,y position for the node. """ self.create_node(node_type, pos=pos) def _on_connection_changed(self, disconnected, connected): """ called when a pipe connection has been changed in the viewer. Args: disconnected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]): pair list of port view items. connected (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port view items. """ if not (disconnected or connected): return label = 'connect node(s)' if connected else 'disconnect node(s)' ptypes = {IN_PORT: 'inputs', OUT_PORT: 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro(label) for p1_view, p2_view in disconnected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) for p1_view, p2_view in connected: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.connect_to(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() def _on_connection_sliced(self, ports): """ slot when connection pipes have been sliced. Args: ports (list[list[widgets.port.PortItem]]): pair list of port connections (in port, out port) """ if not ports: return ptypes = {IN_PORT: 'inputs', OUT_PORT: 'outputs'} self._undo_stack.beginMacro('slice connections') for p1_view, p2_view in ports: node1 = self._model.nodes[] node2 = self._model.nodes[] port1 = getattr(node1, ptypes[p1_view.port_type])()[] port2 = getattr(node2, ptypes[p2_view.port_type])()[] port1.disconnect_from(port2) self._undo_stack.endMacro() @property def model(self): """ The model used for storing the node graph data. Returns: NodeGraphQt.base.model.NodeGraphModel: node graph model. """ return self._model @property def widget(self): """ The node graph widget for adding into a layout. Returns: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget: node graph widget. """ if self._widget is None: self._widget = QWidgetDrops() self._widget.import_session = self.import_session layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self._widget) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self._viewer) return self._widget