def ll_regular_station_fft(angles, corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
            Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using FFT convolution
            Using FFT convolution, has built-in wrap around, but ARIANNA signals are too short for it to be accurate
            will show problems at zero time delay

            zenith = angles[0]
            azimuth = angles[1]
            times = []

            for pos in positions:
                tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index) * sampling_rate,
                       geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index) * sampling_rate]

            delta_t_02 = (times[0][1] + trace_start_times[0][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[0][0] + trace_start_times[0][0] * sampling_rate)
            delta_t_13 = (times[1][1] + trace_start_times[1][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[1][0] + trace_start_times[1][0] * sampling_rate)

            if delta_t_02 < 0:
                pos_02 = int(delta_t_02 + corr_02_fft.shape[0])
                pos_02 = int(delta_t_02)

            if delta_t_13 < 0:
                pos_13 = int(delta_t_13 + corr_13_fft.shape[0])
                pos_13 = int(delta_t_13)

            weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02_fft))  # Normalize crosscorrelation
            weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13_fft))

            likelihood = -1 * (np.abs(corr_02_fft[pos_02]) ** 2 / weight_02 + np.abs(corr_13[pos_13]) ** 2 / weight_13)
            return likelihood
        def ll_regular_station(angles, corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
            Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using correction.
            Using correlation, has no built in wrap around, pulse needs to be in the middle

            zenith = angles[0]
            azimuth = angles[1]
            times = []

            for pos in positions:
                tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index),
                       geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index)]

            delta_t_02 = times[0][1] - times[0][0]
            delta_t_13 = times[1][1] - times[1][0]
            # take different trace start times into account
            delta_t_02 -= (trace_start_times[0][1] - trace_start_times[0][0])
            delta_t_13 -= (trace_start_times[1][1] - trace_start_times[1][0])
            delta_t_02 *= sampling_rate
            delta_t_13 *= sampling_rate
            pos_02 = int(corr_02.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_02)
            pos_13 = int(corr_13.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_13)

#             weight_02 = np.sum(corr_02 ** 2)  # Normalize crosscorrelation
#             weight_13 = np.sum(corr_13 ** 2)
#             likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] ** 2 / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] ** 2 / weight_13)
            # After deliberating a bit, I don't think we should use the square because anti-correlating
            # pulses would be wrong, given that it is not a continous waveform

            weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02))  # Normalize crosscorrelation
            weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13))

            likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] / weight_13)

            return likelihood
예제 #3
                          order=10), station, "forced", 'cosmic_ray')
 # The time differences between channels have to be stored in the channels
 # We can just calculate it from the CR direction.
 for channel in station.iter_channels():
     time_offset = geometryUtilities.get_time_delay_from_direction(
                                   channel.get_id()), 1.)
     channel.set_parameter(chp.signal_time_offset, time_offset),
                              det, [0, 1, 2, 3],
                      sampling_rate=1 * units.GHz),
    def run(self, evt, station, det, n_index=None, ZenLim=None,
            channel_pairs=((0, 2), (1, 3)),
        reconstruct signal arrival direction for all events

        evt: Event
            The event to run the module on
        station: Station
            The station to run the module on
        det: Detector
            The detector description
        n_index: float
            the index of refraction
        ZenLim: 2-dim array/list of floats (default: [0 * units.deg, 90 * units.deg])
            the zenith angle limits for the fit
        AziLim: 2-dim array/list of floats (default: [0 * units.deg, 360 * units.deg])
            the azimuth angle limits for the fit
        channel_pairs: pair of pair of integers
            specify the two channel pairs to use, default ((0, 2), (1, 3))
        use_envelope: bool (default False)
            if True, the hilbert envelope of the traces is used

        if ZenLim is None:
            ZenLim = [0 * units.deg, 90 * units.deg]
        if AziLim is None:
            AziLim = [0 * units.deg, 360 * units.deg]
        use_correlation = True

        def ll_regular_station(angles, corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
            Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using correction.
            Using correlation, has no built in wrap around, pulse needs to be in the middle

            zenith = angles[0]
            azimuth = angles[1]
            times = []

            for pos in positions:
                tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index),
                       geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index)]

            delta_t_02 = times[0][1] - times[0][0]
            delta_t_13 = times[1][1] - times[1][0]
            # take different trace start times into account
            delta_t_02 -= (trace_start_times[0][1] - trace_start_times[0][0])
            delta_t_13 -= (trace_start_times[1][1] - trace_start_times[1][0])
            delta_t_02 *= sampling_rate
            delta_t_13 *= sampling_rate
            pos_02 = int(corr_02.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_02)
            pos_13 = int(corr_13.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_13)

#             weight_02 = np.sum(corr_02 ** 2)  # Normalize crosscorrelation
#             weight_13 = np.sum(corr_13 ** 2)
#             likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] ** 2 / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] ** 2 / weight_13)
            # After deliberating a bit, I don't think we should use the square because anti-correlating
            # pulses would be wrong, given that it is not a continous waveform

            weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02))  # Normalize crosscorrelation
            weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13))

            likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] / weight_13)

            return likelihood

        def ll_regular_station_fft(angles, corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
            Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using FFT convolution
            Using FFT convolution, has built-in wrap around, but ARIANNA signals are too short for it to be accurate
            will show problems at zero time delay

            zenith = angles[0]
            azimuth = angles[1]
            times = []

            for pos in positions:
                tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index) * sampling_rate,
                       geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index) * sampling_rate]

            delta_t_02 = (times[0][1] + trace_start_times[0][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[0][0] + trace_start_times[0][0] * sampling_rate)
            delta_t_13 = (times[1][1] + trace_start_times[1][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[1][0] + trace_start_times[1][0] * sampling_rate)

            if delta_t_02 < 0:
                pos_02 = int(delta_t_02 + corr_02_fft.shape[0])
                pos_02 = int(delta_t_02)

            if delta_t_13 < 0:
                pos_13 = int(delta_t_13 + corr_13_fft.shape[0])
                pos_13 = int(delta_t_13)

            weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02_fft))  # Normalize crosscorrelation
            weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13_fft))

            likelihood = -1 * (np.abs(corr_02_fft[pos_02]) ** 2 / weight_02 + np.abs(corr_13[pos_13]) ** 2 / weight_13)
            return likelihood

        station_id = station.get_id()
        positions_pairs = [[det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[0][0]), det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[0][1])],
                           [det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[1][0]), det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[1][1])]]
        sampling_rate = station.get_channel(0).get_sampling_rate()  # assume that channels have the same sampling rate
        trace_start_time_pairs = [[station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace_start_time(), station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace_start_time()],
                                  [station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace_start_time(), station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace_start_time()]]
        # determine automatically if one channel has an inverted waveform with respect to the other
        signs = [1., 1.]
        for iPair, pair in enumerate(channel_pairs):
            antenna_type = det.get_antenna_type(station_id, pair[0])
            if("LPDA" in antenna_type):
                otheta, ophi, rot_theta, rot_azimuth = det.get_antenna_orientation(station_id, pair[0])
                otheta2, ophi2, rot_theta2, rot_azimuth2 = det.get_antenna_orientation(station_id, pair[1])
                if(np.isclose(np.abs(rot_azimuth - rot_azimuth2), 180 * units.deg, atol=1 * units.deg)):
                    signs[iPair] = -1

        if use_correlation:
            # Correlation
            if not use_envelope:
                corr_02 = signal.correlate(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace(),
                                           signs[0] * station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace())
                corr_13 = signal.correlate(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace(),
                                           signs[1] * station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace())
                corr_02 = signal.correlate(np.abs(signal.hilbert(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace())),
                corr_13 = signal.correlate(np.abs(signal.hilbert(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace())),

            # FFT convolution
            corr_02_fft = fftpack.ifft(-1 * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace()).conjugate() * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace()))
            corr_13_fft = fftpack.ifft(-1 * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace()).conjugate() * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace()))

        if use_correlation:
            # Using correlation
            ll = opt.brute(
                ranges=(slice(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 0.01), slice(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 0.01)),
                args=(corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs),
                full_output=True, finish=opt.fmin)  # slow but does the trick
            ll = opt.brute(ll_regular_station_fft, ranges=(slice(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 0.05),
                                                           slice(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 0.05)),
                           args=(corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs), full_output=True, finish=opt.fmin)  # slow but does the trick

        if self.__debug:
            import peakutils
            zenith = ll[0][0]
            azimuth = ll[0][1]
            times = []

            for pos in positions_pairs:
                tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index),
                       geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index)]

            delta_t_02 = times[0][1] - times[0][0]
            delta_t_13 = times[1][1] - times[1][0]
            # take different trace start times into account
            delta_t_02 -= (trace_start_time_pairs[0][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[0][0])
            delta_t_13 -= (trace_start_time_pairs[1][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[1][0])
            delta_t_02 *= sampling_rate
            delta_t_13 *= sampling_rate

            toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_02.shape[0]) - corr_02.shape[0] / 2) / sampling_rate

            fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
            ax.plot(toffset, corr_02)
            ax.axvline(delta_t_02 / sampling_rate, label='time', c='k')
            indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_02, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
            ax.plot(toffset[indices], corr_02[indices], 'o')
            imax = np.argmax(corr_02[indices])
            self.logger.debug("offset 02= {:.3f}".format(toffset[indices[imax]] - (delta_t_02 / sampling_rate)))

            ax2.plot(toffset, corr_13)
            indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_13, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
            ax2.plot(toffset[indices], corr_13[indices], 'o')

            ax2.axvline(delta_t_13 / sampling_rate, label='time', c='k')

            ax2.set_ylabel("Correlation Ch 1/ Ch3", fontsize='small')
            ax.set_ylabel("Correlation Ch 0/ Ch2", fontsize='small')
#             plt.close("all")

        station[stnp.zenith] = max(ZenLim[0], min(ZenLim[1], ll[0][0]))
        station[stnp.azimuth] = ll[0][1]
        output_str = "reconstucted angles theta = {:.1f}, phi = {:.1f}".format(station[stnp.zenith] / units.deg, station[stnp.azimuth] / units.deg)
        if station.has_sim_station():
            sim_zen = None
            sim_az = None
                sim_zen = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.zenith]
                sim_az = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.azimuth]
            elif(station.get_sim_station().is_neutrino()):  # in case of a neutrino simulation, each channel has a slightly different arrival direction -> compute the average
                sim_zen = []
                sim_az = []
                for efield in station.get_sim_station().get_electric_fields_for_channels(ray_path_type='direct'):
                sim_zen = np.array(sim_zen)
                sim_az = hp.get_normalized_angle(np.array(sim_az))
                ops = "average incident zenith {:.1f} +- {:.1f}".format(np.mean(sim_zen) / units.deg, np.std(sim_zen) / units.deg)
                ops += " (individual: "
                for x in sim_zen:
                    ops += "{:.1f}, ".format(x / units.deg)
                ops += ")"
                ops = "average incident azimuth {:.1f} +- {:.1f}".format(np.mean(sim_az) / units.deg, np.std(sim_az) / units.deg)
                ops += " (individual: "
                for x in sim_az:
                    ops += "{:.1f}, ".format(x / units.deg)
                ops += ")"

                sim_zen = np.mean(np.array(sim_zen))
                sim_az = np.mean(np.array(sim_az))

            if(sim_zen is not None):
                dOmega = hp.get_angle(hp.spherical_to_cartesian(sim_zen, sim_az), hp.spherical_to_cartesian(station[stnp.zenith], station[stnp.azimuth]))
                output_str += "  MC theta = {:.2f}, phi = {:.2f},  dOmega = {:.2f}, dZen = {:.1f}, dAz = {:.1f}".format(sim_zen / units.deg, hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az) / units.deg, dOmega / units.deg, (station[stnp.zenith] - sim_zen) / units.deg, (station[stnp.azimuth] - hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az)) / units.deg)
                self.__delta_zenith.append(station[stnp.zenith] - sim_zen)
                self.__delta_azimuth.append(station[stnp.azimuth] - hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az))
        # Still have to add fit quality parameter to output

        if self.__debug:
            import peakutils
            # access simulated efield and high level parameters
            sim_present = False
                    sim_station = station.get_sim_station()
                    azimuth_orig = sim_station[stnp.azimuth]
                    zenith_orig = sim_station[stnp.zenith]
                    sim_present = True
                    self.logger.debug("True CoREAS zenith {0}, azimuth {1}".format(zenith_orig, azimuth_orig))
            self.logger.debug("Result of direction fitting: [zenith, azimuth] {}".format(np.rad2deg(ll[0])))

            # Show fit space
            zen = np.arange(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 1 * units.deg)
            az = np.arange(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 2 * units.deg)

            x_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
            y_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
            z_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
            i = 0
            for a in az:
                for z in zen:
                    # Evaluate fit function for grid
                    if use_correlation:
                        z_plot[i] = ll_regular_station([z, a], corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs)
                        z_plot[i] = ll_regular_station_fft([z, a], corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs)
                    x_plot[i] = a
                    y_plot[i] = z
                    i += 1

            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
            ax.scatter(np.rad2deg(x_plot), np.rad2deg(y_plot), c=z_plot, cmap='gnuplot2_r', lw=0)
#             ax.imshow(z_plot, cmap='gnuplot2_r', extent=(0, 360, 90, 180))
            if sim_present:
                ax.plot(np.rad2deg(hp.get_normalized_angle(azimuth_orig)), np.rad2deg(zenith_orig), marker='d', c='g', label="True")
            ax.scatter(np.rad2deg(ll[0][1]), np.rad2deg(ll[0][0]), marker='o', c='k', label='Fit')
#             ax.colorbar(label='Fit parameter')
            ax.set_ylabel('Zenith [rad]')
            ax.set_xlabel('Azimuth [rad]')

            # plot allowed solution separately for each pair of channels
            toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_02.shape[0]) - corr_02.shape[0] / 2.) / sampling_rate
            indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_02, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
            t02s = toffset[indices][np.argsort(corr_02[indices])[::-1]] + (trace_start_time_pairs[0][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[0][0])
            toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_13.shape[0]) - corr_13.shape[0] / 2.) / sampling_rate
            indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_13, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
            t13s = toffset[indices][np.argsort(corr_13[indices])[::-1]] + (trace_start_time_pairs[1][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[1][0])
            from scipy import constants
            c = constants.c * units.m / units.s
            dx = -6 * units.m

            def get_deltat13(dt, phi):
                t = -1. * dt * c / (dx * np.cos(phi) * n_index)
                t[t < 0] = np.nan
                return np.arcsin(t)

            def get_deltat02(dt, phi):
                t = -1 * dt * c / (dx * np.sin(phi) * n_index)
                t[t < 0] = np.nan
                return np.arcsin(t)

            def getDeltaTCone(r, dt):
                dist = np.linalg.norm(r)
                t0 = -dist * n_index / c
                Phic = np.arccos(dt / t0)  # cone angle for allowable solutions
                self.logger.debug('dist = {}, dt = {}, t0 = {}, phic = {}'.format(dist, dt, t0, Phic))
                nr = r / dist  # normalize
                p = np.cross([0, 0, 1], nr)  # create a perpendicular normal vector to r
                p = p / np.linalg.norm(p)
                q = np.cross(nr, p)  # nr, p, and q form an orthonormal basis
                self.logger.debug('nr = {}\np = {}\nq = {}\n'.format(nr, p, q))
                ThetaC = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)
                Phis = np.zeros(len(ThetaC))
                Thetas = np.zeros(len(ThetaC))
                for i, thetac in enumerate(ThetaC):
                    # create a set of vectors that point along the cone defined by r and PhiC
                    rc = nr + np.tan(Phic) * (np.sin(thetac) * p + np.cos(thetac) * q)
                    nrc = rc / np.linalg.norm(rc)
                    theta = np.arccos(nrc[2])
                    phi = np.arctan2(nrc[1], nrc[0])
                    Phis[i] = phi
                    Thetas[i] = theta
                return Phis, Thetas

            # phis = np.deg2rad(np.linspace(0, 360, 10000))
            r0_2 = positions_pairs[0][1] - positions_pairs[0][0]  # vector pointing from Ch2 to Ch0
            r1_3 = positions_pairs[1][1] - positions_pairs[1][0]  # vector pointing from Ch3 to Ch1
            self.logger.debug('r02 {}\nr13 {}'.format(r0_2, r1_3))
            linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
            for i, t02 in enumerate(t02s):
                # theta02 = get_deltat02(t02, phis)
                phi02, theta02 = getDeltaTCone(r0_2, t02)
                theta02[theta02 < 0] += np.pi
                phi02[phi02 < 0] += 2 * np.pi
                jumppos02 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(phi02)) >= 5.0)
                for j, pos in enumerate(jumppos02):
                    phi02 = np.insert(phi02, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
                    theta02 = np.insert(theta02, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
                # mask02 = ~np.isnan(theta02)
                ax.plot(np.rad2deg(phi02), np.rad2deg(theta02), '{}C3'.format(linestyles[i % 4]), label='c 0+2 dt = {}'.format(t02))
            for i, t13 in enumerate(t13s):
                # theta13 = get_deltat13(t13, phis)
                phi13, theta13 = getDeltaTCone(r1_3, t13)
                theta13[theta13 < 0] += np.pi
                phi13[phi13 < 0] += 2 * np.pi
                jumppos13 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(phi13)) >= 5.0)
                for j, pos in enumerate(jumppos13):
                    phi13 = np.insert(phi13, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
                    theta13 = np.insert(theta13, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
                # mask13 = ~np.isnan(theta13)
                ax.plot(np.rad2deg(phi13), np.rad2deg(theta13), '{}C2'.format(linestyles[i % 4]), label='c 1+3 dt = {}'.format(t13))
            ax.set_ylim(ZenLim[0] / units.deg, ZenLim[1] / units.deg)
            ax.set_xlim(AziLim[0] / units.deg, AziLim[1] / units.deg)
예제 #5
def get_array_of_channels(station, det, zenith, azimuth, polarization):
    Returns an array of the channel traces that is cut to the physical overlapping time

    station: Station
        Station from which to take the channels
    det: Detector
        The detector description
    zenith: float
        Arrival zenith angle at antenna
    azimuth: float
        Arrival azimuth angle at antenna
    polarization: int
        0: eTheta
        1: ePhi
    time_shifts = np.zeros(8)
    t_geos = np.zeros(8)

    sampling_rate = station.get_channel(0).get_sampling_rate()
    station_id = station.get_id()
    site = det.get_site(station_id)
    for iCh, channel in enumerate(station.get_electric_fields()):
        channel_id = channel.get_channel_ids()[0]
        antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)
        # determine refractive index of signal propagation speed between antennas
        refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
            1, site)  # if signal comes from above, in-air propagation speed
        if (zenith > 0.5 * np.pi):
            refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
                antenna_position[2], site
            )  # if signal comes from below, use refractivity at antenna position
        refractive_index = 1.353
        time_shift = -geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(
            zenith, azimuth, antenna_position, n=refractive_index)
        t_geos[iCh] = time_shift
        time_shift += channel.get_trace_start_time()
        time_shifts[iCh] = time_shift

    delta_t = time_shifts.max() - time_shifts.min()
    tmin = time_shifts.min()
    tmax = time_shifts.max()
    trace_length = station.get_electric_fields()[0].get_times(
    )[-1] - station.get_electric_fields()[0].get_times()[0]

    traces = []
    n_samples = None
    for iCh, channel in enumerate(station.get_electric_fields()):
        tstart = delta_t - (time_shifts[iCh] - tmin)
        tstop = tmax - time_shifts[iCh] - delta_t + trace_length
        iStart = int(round(tstart * sampling_rate))
        iStop = int(round(tstop * sampling_rate))
        if (n_samples is None):
            n_samples = iStop - iStart
            if (n_samples % 2):
                n_samples -= 1

        trace = copy.copy(channel.get_trace()
                          [polarization])  # copy to not modify data structure
        trace = trace[iStart:(iStart + n_samples)]
        base_trace = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace(
        )  # create base trace class to do the fft with correct normalization etc.
        base_trace.set_trace(trace, sampling_rate)

    return traces
예제 #6
def get_array_of_channels(station,
    time_shifts = np.zeros(len(use_channels))
    t_cables = np.zeros(len(use_channels))
    t_geos = np.zeros(len(use_channels))

    station_id = station.get_id()
    site = det.get_site(station_id)
    for iCh, channel in enumerate(station.iter_channels(use_channels)):
        channel_id = channel.get_id()

        antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)
        # determine refractive index of signal propagation speed between antennas
        refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
            1, site)  # if signal comes from above, in-air propagation speed
        if station.is_cosmic_ray():
            if (zenith > 0.5 * np.pi):
                refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
                    antenna_position[2], site
                )  # if signal comes from below, use refractivity at antenna position
        if station.is_neutrino():
            refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
                antenna_position[2], site)
        time_shift = -geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(
            zenith, azimuth, antenna_position, n=refractive_index)
        t_geos[iCh] = time_shift
        t_cables[iCh] = channel.get_trace_start_time()
            "time shift channel {}: {:.2f}ns (signal prop), {:.2f}ns (trace start time)"
            .format(channel.get_id(), time_shift,
        time_shift += channel.get_trace_start_time()
        time_shifts[iCh] = time_shift

    delta_t = time_shifts.max() - time_shifts.min()
    tmin = time_shifts.min()
    tmax = time_shifts.max()
    logger.debug("adding relative station time = {:.0f}ns".format(
        (t_cables.min() + t_geos.max()) / units.ns))
    logger.debug("delta t is {:.2f}".format(delta_t / units.ns))
    trace_length = station.get_channel(
        0).get_times()[-1] - station.get_channel(0).get_times()[0]
    debug_cut = 0
    if (debug_cut):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(use_channels), 1)

    traces = []
    n_samples = None
    for iCh, channel in enumerate(station.iter_channels(use_channels)):
        tstart = delta_t - (time_shifts[iCh] - tmin)
        tstop = tmax - time_shifts[iCh] - delta_t + trace_length
        iStart = int(round(tstart * channel.get_sampling_rate()))
        iStop = int(round(tstop * channel.get_sampling_rate()))
        if (n_samples is None):
            n_samples = iStop - iStart
            if (n_samples % 2):
                n_samples -= 1

        trace = copy.copy(
            channel.get_trace())  # copy to not modify data structure
        trace = trace[iStart:(iStart + n_samples)]
        if (debug_cut):
        base_trace = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace(
        )  # create base trace class to do the fft with correct normalization etc.
        base_trace.set_trace(trace, channel.get_sampling_rate())
    times = traces[0].get_times(
    )  # assumes that all channels have the same sampling rate
    if (time_domain):  # save time domain traces first to avoid extra fft
        V_timedomain = np.zeros((len(use_channels), len(times)))
        for iCh, trace in enumerate(traces):
            V_timedomain[iCh] = trace.get_trace()
    frequencies = traces[0].get_frequencies(
    )  # assumes that all channels have the same sampling rate
    V = np.zeros((len(use_channels), len(frequencies)), dtype=np.complex)
    for iCh, trace in enumerate(traces):
        V[iCh] = trace.get_frequency_spectrum()

    efield_antenna_factor = trace_utilities.get_efield_antenna_factor(
        station, frequencies, use_channels, det, zenith, azimuth,

    if (debug_cut):

    if (time_domain):
        return efield_antenna_factor, V, V_timedomain

    return efield_antenna_factor, V
예제 #7
    def run(self,
        run method. This function is executed for each event

        use_channels: array of ints (default: [0, 1, 2, 3])
            the channel ids to use for the electric field reconstruction
        use_MC_direction: bool
            if True uses zenith and azimuth direction from simulated station
            if False uses reconstructed direction from station parameters.
        force_Polarization: str
            if eTheta or ePhi, then only reconstructs chosen polarization of electric field,
            assuming the other is 0. Otherwise, reconstructs electric field for both eTheta and ePhi
        if use_channels is None:
            use_channels = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        station_id = station.get_id()

        if use_MC_direction:
            zenith = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.zenith]
            azimuth = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.azimuth]
                "Using reconstructed (or starting) angles as no signal arrival angles are present"
            zenith = station[stnp.zenith]
            azimuth = station[stnp.azimuth]

        efield_antenna_factor, V = get_array_of_channels(
            station, use_channels, det, zenith, azimuth, self.antenna_provider)
        n_frequencies = len(V[0])
        denom = (efield_antenna_factor[0][0] * efield_antenna_factor[1][1] -
                 efield_antenna_factor[0][1] * efield_antenna_factor[1][0])
        mask = np.abs(denom) != 0
        # solving for electric field using just two orthorgonal antennas
        E1 = np.zeros_like(V[0])
        E2 = np.zeros_like(V[0])
        E1[mask] = (V[0] * efield_antenna_factor[1][1] -
                    V[1] * efield_antenna_factor[0][1])[mask] / denom[mask]
        E2[mask] = (V[1] - efield_antenna_factor[1][0] *
                    E1)[mask] / efield_antenna_factor[1][1][mask]
        denom = (efield_antenna_factor[0][0] * efield_antenna_factor[-1][1] -
                 efield_antenna_factor[0][1] * efield_antenna_factor[-1][0])
        mask = np.abs(denom) != 0
        E1[mask] = (V[0] * efield_antenna_factor[-1][1] -
                    V[-1] * efield_antenna_factor[0][1])[mask] / denom[mask]
        E2[mask] = (V[-1] - efield_antenna_factor[-1][0] *
                    E1)[mask] / efield_antenna_factor[-1][1][mask]
        # solve it in a vectorized way
        efield3_f = np.zeros((2, n_frequencies), dtype=np.complex)
        if force_Polarization == 'eTheta':
            efield3_f[:1, mask] = np.moveaxis(
                    np.moveaxis(efield_antenna_factor[:, 0, mask], 1,
                                0)[:, :, np.newaxis],
                    np.moveaxis(V[:, mask], 1, 0)), 0, 1)
        elif force_Polarization == 'ePhi':
            efield3_f[1:, mask] = np.moveaxis(
                    np.moveaxis(efield_antenna_factor[:, 1, mask], 1,
                                0)[:, :, np.newaxis],
                    np.moveaxis(V[:, mask], 1, 0)), 0, 1)
            efield3_f[:, mask] = np.moveaxis(
                    np.moveaxis(efield_antenna_factor[:, :, mask], 2, 0),
                    np.moveaxis(V[:, mask], 1, 0)), 0, 1)
        # add eR direction
        efield3_f = np.array([
            np.zeros_like(efield3_f[0], dtype=np.complex), efield3_f[0],

        electric_field = NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field.ElectricField(
            use_channels, [0, 0, 0])
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.zenith, zenith)
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.azimuth, azimuth)
        # figure out the timing of the E-field
        t_shifts = np.zeros(V.shape[0])
        site = det.get_site(station_id)
        if (zenith > 0.5 * np.pi):
                "Module has not been optimized for neutrino reconstruction yet. Results may be nonsense."
            refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
                -1, site
            )  # if signal comes from below, use refractivity at antenna position
            refractive_index = ice.get_refractive_index(
                site)  # if signal comes from above, in-air propagation speed
        for i_ch, channel_id in enumerate(use_channels):
            antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(
                station.get_id(), channel_id)
            t_shifts[i_ch] = station.get_channel(
                ) - geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(
                    zenith, azimuth, antenna_position, n=refractive_index)

예제 #8
    def run(self, evt, station, det):
        t = time.time()

        # access simulated efield and high level parameters
        sim_station = station.get_sim_station()
        if (len(sim_station.get_electric_fields()) == 0):
            raise LookupError(f"station {station.get_id()} has no efields")
        sim_station_id = sim_station.get_id()

        # first we determine the trace start time of all channels and correct
        # for different cable delays
        times_min = []
        times_max = []
        for iCh in det.get_channel_ids(sim_station_id):
            for electric_field in sim_station.get_electric_fields_for_channels(
                time_resolution = 1. / electric_field.get_sampling_rate()
                cab_delay = det.get_cable_delay(sim_station_id, iCh)
                t0 = electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay
                # if we have a cosmic ray event, the different signal travel time to the antennas has to be taken into account
                if sim_station.is_cosmic_ray():
                    site = det.get_site(sim_station_id)
                    antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(
                        sim_station_id, iCh) - electric_field.get_position()
                    if sim_station.get_parameter(
                    ) > 90 * units.deg:  # signal is coming from below, so we take IOR of ice
                        index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(
                            antenna_position[2], site)
                    else:  # signal is coming from above, so we take IOR of air
                        index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(1, site)
                    # For cosmic ray events, we only have one electric field for all channels, so we have to account
                    # for the difference in signal travel between channels. IMPORTANT: This is only accurate
                    # if all channels have the same z coordinate
                    travel_time_shift = geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(
                        antenna_position, index_of_refraction)
                    t0 += travel_time_shift
                if (
                        not np.isnan(t0)
                ):  # trace start time is None if no ray tracing solution was found and channel contains only zeros
                    times_max.append(t0 +
                                     electric_field.get_number_of_samples() /
                        "trace start time {}, cab_delty {}, tracelength {}".
                            electric_field.get_trace_start_time(), cab_delay,
                            electric_field.get_number_of_samples() /
        times_min = np.array(times_min)
        times_max = np.array(times_max)
        if times_min.min() < 0:
            times_min -= times_min.min()
            times_max -= times_min.min()
        times_min = np.array(times_min) - self.__pre_pulse_time
        times_max = np.array(times_max) + self.__post_pulse_time
        trace_length = times_max.max() - times_min.min()
        trace_length_samples = int(round(trace_length / time_resolution))
        if trace_length_samples % 2 != 0:
            trace_length_samples += 1
            "smallest trace start time {:.1f}, largest trace time {:.1f} -> n_samples = {:d} {:.0f}ns)"
            .format(times_min.min(), times_max.max(), trace_length_samples,
                    trace_length / units.ns))

        # loop over all channels
        for channel_id in det.get_channel_ids(station.get_id()):

            # one channel might contain multiple channels to store the signals from multiple ray paths,
            # so we loop over all simulated channels with the same id,
            # convolve each trace with the antenna response for the given angles
            # and everything up in the time domain
            self.logger.debug('channel id {}'.format(channel_id))
            channel =
            channel_spectrum = None
            trace_object = None
            if (self.__debug):
                from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
                fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
            for electric_field in sim_station.get_electric_fields_for_channels(

                # all simulated channels have a different trace start time
                # in a measurement, all channels have the same physical start time
                # so we need to create one long trace that can hold all the different channel times
                # to achieve a good time resolution, we upsample the trace first.
                new_efield = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace(
                )  # create new data structure with new efield length
                new_trace = np.zeros((3, trace_length_samples))
                # calculate the start bin
                if (not np.isnan(electric_field.get_trace_start_time())):
                    cab_delay = det.get_cable_delay(sim_station_id, channel_id)
                    if sim_station.is_cosmic_ray():
                        site = det.get_site(sim_station_id)
                        antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(
                            channel_id) - electric_field.get_position()
                        if sim_station.get_parameter(
                        ) > 90 * units.deg:  # signal is coming from below, so we take IOR of ice
                            index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(
                                antenna_position[2], site)
                        else:  # signal is coming from above, so we take IOR of air
                            index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(
                                1, site)
                        travel_time_shift = geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(
                            antenna_position, index_of_refraction)
                        start_time = electric_field.get_trace_start_time(
                        ) + cab_delay - times_min.min() + travel_time_shift
                        start_bin = int(round(start_time / time_resolution))
                        time_remainder = start_time - start_bin * time_resolution
                        start_time = electric_field.get_trace_start_time(
                        ) + cab_delay - times_min.min()
                        start_bin = int(round(start_time / time_resolution))
                        time_remainder = start_time - start_bin * time_resolution
                        'channel {}, start time {:.1f} = bin {:d}, ray solution {}'
                            electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + cab_delay,
                            start_bin, electric_field[efp.ray_path_type]))
                    new_trace[:, start_bin:(start_bin +
                                            )] = new_efield.get_trace()
                trace_object = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace()
                trace_object.set_trace(new_trace, 1. / time_resolution)
                    np.min(times_min) - cab_delay)
                if (self.__debug):
                                 label="eTheta {}".format(
                                 label="ePhi {}".format(
                ff = trace_object.get_frequencies()
                efield_fft = trace_object.get_frequency_spectrum()

                zenith = electric_field[efp.zenith]
                azimuth = electric_field[efp.azimuth]

                # get antenna pattern for current channel
                VEL = trace_utilities.get_efield_antenna_factor(
                    sim_station, ff, [channel_id], det, zenith, azimuth,

                if VEL is None:  # this can happen if there is not signal path to the antenna
                    voltage_fft = np.zeros_like(
                        efield_fft[1])  # set voltage trace to zeros
                    # Apply antenna response to electric field
                    VEL = VEL[
                        0]  # we only requested the VEL for one channel, so selecting it
                    voltage_fft = np.sum(
                        VEL * np.array([efield_fft[1], efield_fft[2]]), axis=0)

                # Remove DC offset
                voltage_fft[np.where(ff < 5 * units.MHz)] = 0.

                if (self.__debug):
                                 label="{}, zen = {:.0f}deg".format(
                                     zenith / units.deg))

                if ('amp' in self.__uncertainty):
                    voltage_fft *= np.random.normal(
                        1, self.__uncertainty['amp'][channel_id])
                if ('sys_amp' in self.__uncertainty):
                    voltage_fft *= self.__uncertainty['sys_amp'][channel_id]

                if (channel_spectrum is None):
                    channel_spectrum = voltage_fft
                    channel_spectrum += voltage_fft

            if (self.__debug):
                axes[0].legend(loc='upper left')
                axes[1].legend(loc='upper left')
            if trace_object is None:  # this happens if don't have any efield for this channel
                # set the trace to zeros
                                  1. / time_resolution)
                    channel_spectrum, trace_object.get_sampling_rate())

        self.__t += time.time() - t
    def run(self, evt, station, det, debug=False, debug_plotpath=None,
        run method. This function is executed for each event

        debug: bool
            if True debug plotting is enables
        debug_plotpath: string or None
            if not None plots will be saved to a file rather then shown. Plots will
            be save into the `debug_plotpath` directory
        use_channels: array of ints (default: [0, 1, 2, 3])
            the channel ids to use for the electric field reconstruction
            default: 0 - 3
        bandpass: [float, float] (default: [100 * units.MHz, 500 * units.MHz])
            the lower and upper frequecy for which the analytic pulse is calculated.
            A butterworth filter of 10th order and a rectangular filter is applied.
            default 100 - 500 MHz
        use_MC_direction: bool
            use simulated direction instead of reconstructed direction
        if use_channels is None:
            use_channels = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        if bandpass is None:
            bandpass = [100 * units.MHz, 500 * units.MHz]
        self.__counter += 1
        station_id = station.get_id()"event {}, station {}".format(evt.get_id(), station_id))
        if use_MC_direction and (station.get_sim_station() is not None):
            zenith = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.zenith]
            azimuth = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.azimuth]
            sim_present = True
            logger.warning("Using reconstructed angles as no simulation present")
            zenith = station[stnp.zenith]
            azimuth = station[stnp.azimuth]
            sim_present = False

        efield_antenna_factor, V, V_timedomain = get_array_of_channels(station, use_channels,
                                                                       det, zenith, azimuth, self.antenna_provider,
        sampling_rate = station.get_channel(0).get_sampling_rate()
        n_samples_time = V_timedomain.shape[1]

        noise_RMS = det.get_noise_RMS(station.get_id(), 0)

        def obj_xcorr(params):
            if(len(params) == 3):
                slope, ratio2, phase2 = params
                ratio = (np.arctan(ratio2) + np.pi * 0.5) / np.pi  # project -inf..inf on 0..1
            elif(len(params) == 2):
                slope, ratio2 = params
                phase2 = 0
                ratio = (np.arctan(ratio2) + np.pi * 0.5) / np.pi  # project -inf..inf on 0..1
            elif(len(params) == 1):
                phase2 = 0
                ratio = 0
                slope = params[0]
            phase = np.arctan(phase2)  # project -inf..+inf to -0.5 pi..0.5 pi

            analytic_pulse_theta = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ratio, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            analytic_pulse_phi = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(1 - ratio, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            chi2 = 0

            n_channels = len(V_timedomain)
            analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
            positions = np.zeros(n_channels,
            max_xcorrs = np.zeros(n_channels)
            # first determine the position with the larges xcorr
            for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
                analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta, analytic_pulse_phi]), axis=0)
                analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, sampling_rate)
                xcorr = np.abs(hp.get_normalized_xcorr(trace, analytic_traces[iCh]))
                positions[iCh] = np.argmax(np.abs(xcorr)) + 1
                max_xcorrs[iCh] = xcorr.max()
                chi2 -= xcorr.max()
            logger.debug("ratio = {:.2f}, slope = {:.4g}, phase = {:.0f} ({:.4f}), chi2 = {:.4g}".format(ratio, slope, phase / units.deg, phase2, chi2))
            return chi2

        def obj_amplitude(params, slope, phase, pos, debug_obj=0):
            if(len(params) == 2):
                ampPhi, ampTheta = params
            elif(len(params) == 1):
                ampPhi = params[0]
                ampTheta = 0
            analytic_pulse_theta = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampTheta, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            analytic_pulse_phi = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampPhi, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            chi2 = 0

                fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, sharex=True)

            n_channels = len(V_timedomain)
            analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
            # first determine the position with the larges xcorr
            for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
                analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta, analytic_pulse_phi]), axis=0)
                analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, sampling_rate)

                argmax = np.argmax(np.abs(trace))
                imin = - 30 * sampling_rate)
                imax = + 50 * sampling_rate)

                tmp = np.sum(np.abs(trace[imin:imax] - np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax]) / noise_RMS)
                chi2 += tmp ** 2
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(trace, label='measurement')
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos), '--', label='fit')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(trace - np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos), label='delta')
                    ax[iCh][1].set_xlim(imin, imax)
            logger.debug("amp phi = {:.4g}, amp theta = {:.4g} , chi2 = {:.2g}".format(ampPhi, ampTheta, chi2))
                fig.suptitle("amp phi = {:.4g}, amp theta = {:.4g} , chi2 = {:.2g}".format(ampPhi, ampTheta, chi2))
            return chi2

        def obj_amplitude_slope(params, phase, pos, compare='hilbert', debug_obj=0):
            ampPhi, ampTheta, slope = params
            analytic_pulse_theta = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampTheta, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            analytic_pulse_phi = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampPhi, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
            chi2 = 0
            if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 25 == 0):
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, sharex=False, figsize=(20, 10))

            n_channels = len(V_timedomain)
            analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
            # first determine the position with the larges xcorr
            channel_max = 0
            for trace in V_timedomain:
                if np.max(np.abs(trace)) > channel_max:
                    channel_max = np.max(np.abs(trace))
                    argmax = np.argmax(np.abs(trace))
                    imin = - 50 * sampling_rate, 0))
                    imax = + 50 * sampling_rate)
            for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
                analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta, analytic_pulse_phi]), axis=0)
                analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, sampling_rate)
                if compare == 'trace':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(trace[imin:imax] - np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax]) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                elif compare == 'abs':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(trace[imin:imax]) - np.abs(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax])) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                elif compare == 'hilbert':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(signal.hilbert(trace[imin:imax])) - np.abs(signal.hilbert(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax]))) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                    raise NameError('Unsupported value for parameter "compare": {}. Value must be "trace", "abs" or "hilbert".'.format(compare))
                chi2 += tmp
                if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 25 == 0):
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.array(trace) / units.mV, label='measurement', color='blue')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos) / units.mV, '--', label='fit', color='orange')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.abs(signal.hilbert(trace)) / units.mV, linestyle=':', color='blue')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.abs(signal.hilbert(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos))) / units.mV, ':', label='fit', color='orange')
                    # ax[iCh][1].plot(trace - np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos), label='delta')
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(np.abs(fft.time2freq(trace, sampling_rate)) / units.mV, label='measurement')
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(np.abs(fft.time2freq(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos), sampling_rate)) / units.mV, '--', label='fit')
                    ax[iCh][0].set_xlim([0, 600])
                    ax[iCh][1].set_xlim([imin - 500, imax + 500])
                    ax[iCh][1].axvline(imin, linestyle='--', alpha=.8)
                    ax[iCh][1].axvline(imax, linestyle='--', alpha=.8)
            logger.debug("amp phi = {:.4g}, amp theta = {:.4g}, slope = {:.4g} chi2 = {:.8g}".format(ampPhi, ampTheta, slope, chi2))
            if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 25 == 0):
                self.i_slope_fit_iterations = 0
            self.i_slope_fit_iterations += 1
            return chi2

        def obj_amplitude_second_order(params, slope, phase, pos, compare='hilbert', debug_obj=0):
            ampPhi, ampTheta, second_order = params
            analytic_pulse_theta = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampTheta, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass, quadratic_term=second_order, quadratic_term_offset=bandpass[0])
            analytic_pulse_phi = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampPhi, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass, quadratic_term=second_order, quadratic_term_offset=bandpass[0])
            chi2 = 0
            if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 50 == 0):
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 2, sharex=False, figsize=(20, 10))

            n_channels = len(V_timedomain)
            analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
            # first determine the position with the larges xcorr
            channel_max = 0
            for trace in V_timedomain:
                if np.max(np.abs(trace)) > channel_max:
                    channel_max = np.max(np.abs(trace))
                    argmax = np.argmax(np.abs(trace))
                    imin = - 50 * sampling_rate, 0))
                    imax = + 50 * sampling_rate)
            for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
                analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta, analytic_pulse_phi]), axis=0)
                analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, sampling_rate)
                if compare == 'trace':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(trace[imin:imax] - np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax]) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                elif compare == 'abs':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(trace[imin:imax]) - np.abs(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax])) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                elif compare == 'hilbert':
                    tmp = np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(signal.hilbert(trace[imin:imax])) - np.abs(signal.hilbert(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)[imin:imax]))) ** 2) / noise_RMS ** 2
                    raise NameError('Unsupported value for parameter "compare": {}. Value must be "trace", "abs" or "hilbert".'.format(compare))
                chi2 += tmp
                if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 50 == 0):
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.array(trace) / units.mV, label='measurement', color='blue')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos) / units.mV, '--', label='fit', color='orange')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.abs(signal.hilbert(trace)) / units.mV, linestyle=':', color='blue')
                    ax[iCh][1].plot(np.abs(signal.hilbert(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos))) / units.mV, ':', label='fit', color='orange')
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(np.abs(fft.time2freq(trace, sampling_rate)) / units.mV, label='measurement')
                    ax[iCh][0].plot(np.abs(fft.time2freq(np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos), sampling_rate)) / units.mV, '--', label='fit')
                    ax[iCh][0].set_xlim([0, 600])
                    ax[iCh][1].set_xlim([imin - 500, imax + 500])
                    ax[iCh][1].axvline(imin, linestyle='--', alpha=.8)
                    ax[iCh][1].axvline(imax, linestyle='--', alpha=.8)
            if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 50 == 0):
                sim_channel = station.get_sim_station().get_channel(0)[0]
                ax[4][0].plot(sim_channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampTheta, slope, phase, len(sim_channel.get_times()), sim_channel.get_sampling_rate(), bandpass=bandpass, quadratic_term=second_order)), '--', color='orange')
                ax[4][0].plot(sim_channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(station.get_sim_station().get_channel(0)[0].get_frequency_spectrum()[1]), color='blue')
                ax[4][1].plot(sim_channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ampPhi, slope, phase, len(sim_channel.get_times()), sim_channel.get_sampling_rate(), bandpass=bandpass, quadratic_term=second_order)), '--', color='orange')
                ax[4][1].plot(sim_channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(sim_channel.get_frequency_spectrum()[2]), color='blue')
                ax[4][0].set_xlim([20, 500])
                ax[4][1].set_xlim([20, 500])
            logger.debug("amp phi = {:.4g}, amp theta = {:.4g}, slope = {:.4g} chi2 = {:.8g}".format(ampPhi, ampTheta, slope, chi2))
            if(debug_obj and self.i_slope_fit_iterations % 50 == 0):
                self.i_slope_fit_iterations = 0
            self.i_slope_fit_iterations += 1
            return chi2

        method = "Nelder-Mead"
        options = {'maxiter': 1000,
                   'disp': True}

        res = opt.minimize(obj_xcorr, x0=[-1], method=method, options=options)"slope xcorr fit, slope = {:.3g} with fmin = {:.3f}".format(res.x[0],
        # plot objective function
        phase = 0
        ratio = 0
        slope = res.x[0]
        if slope > 0 or slope < -50:  # sanity check
            slope = -1.9
        analytic_pulse_theta_freq = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(ratio, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
        analytic_pulse_phi_freq = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(1 - ratio, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)

        n_channels = len(V_timedomain)
        analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
        positions = np.zeros(n_channels,
        max_xcorrs = np.zeros(n_channels)
        for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
            analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta_freq, analytic_pulse_phi_freq]), axis=0)
            analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, sampling_rate)
            xcorr = np.abs(hp.get_normalized_xcorr(trace, analytic_traces[iCh]))
            positions[iCh] = np.argmax(np.abs(xcorr)) + 1
            max_xcorrs[iCh] = xcorr.max()
        pos = positions[np.argmax(max_xcorrs)]
        for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
            analytic_traces[iCh] = np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)

        res_amp = opt.minimize(obj_amplitude, x0=[1.], args=(slope, phase, pos, 0), method=method, options=options)"amplitude fit, Aphi = {:.3g} with fmin = {:.5e}".format(res_amp.x[0],
        res_amp = opt.minimize(obj_amplitude, x0=[res_amp.x[0], 0], args=(slope, phase, pos, 0), method=method, options=options)"amplitude fit, Aphi = {:.3g} Atheta = {:.3g} with fmin = {:.5e}".format(res_amp.x[0], res_amp.x[1],
        # counts number of iterations in the slope fit. Used so we do not need to show the plots every iteration
        self.i_slope_fit_iterations = 0
        res_amp_slope = opt.minimize(obj_amplitude_slope, x0=[res_amp.x[0], res_amp.x[1], slope], args=(phase, pos, 'hilbert', False),
                                     method=method, options=options)

        # calculate uncertainties
        def Wrapper(params):
            return obj_amplitude_slope(params, phase, pos, 0)

            cov = covariance(Wrapper, res_amp_slope.x, 0.5, fast=True)
            cov = np.zeros((3, 3))"slope fit, Aphi = {:.3g}+-{:.3g} Atheta = {:.3g}+-{:.3g}, slope = {:.3g}+-{:.3g} with fmin = {:.5e}".format(
            cov[0, 0] ** 0.5,
            res_amp_slope.x[1], cov[1, 1] ** 0.5,
            res_amp_slope.x[2], cov[2, 2] ** 0.5,
        )"covariance matrix \n{}".format(cov))
        if(cov[0, 0] > 0 and cov[1, 1] > 0 and cov[2, 2] > 0):
  "correlation matrix \n{}".format(hp.covariance_to_correlation(cov)))
        Aphi = res_amp_slope.x[0]
        Atheta = res_amp_slope.x[1]
        slope = res_amp_slope.x[2]
        Aphi_error = cov[0, 0] ** 0.5
        Atheta_error = cov[1, 1] ** 0.5

        # plot objective function
        if 0:
            fo, ao = plt.subplots(1, 1)
            ss = np.linspace(-6, -0, 100)
            oos = [obj_amplitude_slope([res_amp_slope.x[0], res_amp_slope.x[1], s], phase, pos) for s in ss]
            ao.plot(ss, oos)

            n = 10
            x = np.linspace(res_amp_slope.x[0] * 0.6, res_amp_slope.x[0] * 1.4, n)
            y = np.linspace(-5, -1, n)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
            Z = np.zeros((n, n))
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(n):
                    Z[i, j] = obj_amplitude_slope([X[i, j], X[i, j] * res_amp_slope.x[1] / res_amp_slope.x[0], Y[i, j]], phase, pos)

            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
            ax.pcolor(X, Y, Z, cmap='viridis_r',, * 2)

        analytic_pulse_theta = pulse.get_analytic_pulse(Atheta, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
        analytic_pulse_phi = pulse.get_analytic_pulse(Aphi, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
        analytic_pulse_theta_freq = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(Atheta, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)
        analytic_pulse_phi_freq = pulse.get_analytic_pulse_freq(Aphi, slope, phase, n_samples_time, sampling_rate, bandpass=bandpass)

        analytic_pulse_theta = np.roll(analytic_pulse_theta, pos)
        analytic_pulse_phi = np.roll(analytic_pulse_phi, pos)
        station_trace = np.array([np.zeros_like(analytic_pulse_theta), analytic_pulse_theta, analytic_pulse_phi])

        electric_field = NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field.ElectricField(use_channels)
        electric_field.set_trace(station_trace, sampling_rate)
        energy_fluence = trace_utilities.get_electric_field_energy_fluence(electric_field.get_trace(), electric_field.get_times())
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.signal_energy_fluence, energy_fluence)
        electric_field.set_parameter_error(efp.signal_energy_fluence, np.array([0, Atheta_error, Aphi_error]))
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.cr_spectrum_slope, slope)
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.zenith, zenith)
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.azimuth, azimuth)
        # calculate high level parameters
        x = np.sign(Atheta) * np.abs(Atheta) ** 0.5
        y = np.sign(Aphi) * np.abs(Aphi) ** 0.5
        sx = Atheta_error * 0.5
        sy = Aphi_error * 0.5
        pol_angle = np.arctan2(abs(y), abs(x))
        pol_angle_error = 1. / (x ** 2 + y ** 2) * (y ** 2 * sx ** 2 + x ** 2 + sy ** 2) ** 0.5  # gaussian error propagation"polarization angle = {:.1f} +- {:.1f}".format(pol_angle / units.deg, pol_angle_error / units.deg))
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.polarization_angle, pol_angle)
        electric_field.set_parameter_error(efp.polarization_angle, pol_angle_error)

        # compute expeted polarization
        site = det.get_site(station.get_id())
        exp_efield = hp.get_lorentzforce_vector(zenith, azimuth, hp.get_magnetic_field_vector(site))
        cs = coordinatesystems.cstrafo(zenith, azimuth, site=site)
        exp_efield_onsky = cs.transform_from_ground_to_onsky(exp_efield)
        exp_pol_angle = np.arctan2(exp_efield_onsky[2], exp_efield_onsky[1])"expected polarization angle = {:.1f}".format(exp_pol_angle / units.deg))
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.polarization_angle_expectation, exp_pol_angle)
        res_amp_second_order = opt.minimize(
            x0=[res_amp_slope.x[0], res_amp_slope.x[1], 0],
            args=(slope, phase, pos, 'hilbert', False),
        second_order_correction = res_amp_second_order.x[2]
        electric_field.set_parameter(efp.cr_spectrum_quadratic_term, second_order_correction)
        # figure out the timing of the electric field
        voltages_from_efield = trace_utilities.get_channel_voltage_from_efield(station, electric_field, use_channels, det, zenith, azimuth, self.antenna_provider, False)
        correlation = np.zeros(voltages_from_efield.shape[1] + station.get_channel(use_channels[0]).get_trace().shape[0] - 1)
        channel_trace_start_times = []
        for channel_id in use_channels:
        average_trace_start_time = np.average(channel_trace_start_times)
        for i_trace, v_trace in enumerate(voltages_from_efield):
            channel = station.get_channel(use_channels[i_trace])
            time_shift = geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, det.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), use_channels[i_trace])) - (channel.get_trace_start_time() - average_trace_start_time)
            voltage_trace = np.roll(np.copy(v_trace), int(time_shift * electric_field.get_sampling_rate()))
            correlation += signal.correlate(voltage_trace, channel.get_trace())
        toffset = (np.arange(0, correlation.shape[0]) - channel.get_trace().shape[0]) / electric_field.get_sampling_rate()
        electric_field.set_trace_start_time(-toffset[np.argmax(correlation)] + average_trace_start_time)

        if debug:
            analytic_traces = np.zeros((n_channels, n_samples_time))
            for iCh, trace in enumerate(V_timedomain):
                analytic_trace_fft = np.sum(efield_antenna_factor[iCh] * np.array([analytic_pulse_theta_freq, analytic_pulse_phi_freq]), axis=0)
                analytic_traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(analytic_trace_fft, electric_field.get_sampling_rate())
                analytic_traces[iCh] = np.roll(analytic_traces[iCh], pos)
            fig, (ax2, ax2f) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
            lw = 2

            times = station.get_times() / units.ns
            ax2.plot(times, station.get_trace()[1] / units.mV * units.m, "-C0", label="analytic eTheta", lw=lw)
            ax2.plot(times, station.get_trace()[2] / units.mV * units.m, "-C1", label="analytic ePhi", lw=lw)
            tmax = times[np.argmax(station.get_trace()[2])]
            ax2.set_xlim(tmax - 40, tmax + 50)

            ff = station.get_frequencies() / units.MHz
            df = ff[1] - ff[0]
            ax2f.plot(ff[ff < 600], np.abs(station.get_frequency_spectrum()[1][ff < 600]) / df / units.mV * units.m, "-C0", label="analytic eTheta", lw=lw)
            ax2f.plot(ff[ff < 600], np.abs(station.get_frequency_spectrum()[2][ff < 600]) / df / units.mV * units.m, "-C1", label="analytic ePhi", lw=lw)

            if station.has_sim_station():
                sim_station = station.get_sim_station()
                logger.debug("station start time {:.1f}ns, relativ sim station time = {:.1f}".format(station.get_trace_start_time(), sim_station.get_trace_start_time()))
                df = (sim_station.get_frequencies()[1] - sim_station.get_frequencies()[0]) / units.MHz
                c = 1.
                ffsim = sim_station.get_frequencies()
                mask = (ffsim > 100 * units.MHz) & (ffsim < 500 * units.MHz)
                result = poly.polyfit(ffsim[mask], np.log10(np.abs(sim_station.get_frequency_spectrum()[2][mask]) / df / units.mV * units.m), 1, full=True)
      "polyfit result = {:.2g}  {:.2g}".format(*result[0]))
                ax2.plot(sim_station.get_times() / units.ns, sim_station.get_trace()[1] / units.mV * units.m * c, "--C0", label="simulation eTheta", lw=lw)
                ax2.plot(sim_station.get_times() / units.ns, sim_station.get_trace()[2] / units.mV * units.m * c, "--C1", label="simulation ePhi", lw=lw)
                ax2f.plot(sim_station.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(sim_station.get_frequency_spectrum()[1]) / df / units.mV * units.m * c, "--C0", label="simulation eTheta", lw=lw)
                ax2f.plot(sim_station.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(sim_station.get_frequency_spectrum()[2]) / df / units.mV * units.m * c, "--C1", label="simulation ePhi", lw=lw)

                ax2f.plot(ffsim / units.MHz, 10 ** (result[0][0] + result[0][1] * ffsim), "C3:")

            ax2.set_xlabel("time [ns]")
            ax2.set_ylabel("electric-field [mV/m]")
            ax2f.set_ylim(1e-3, 5)
            ax2f.set_xlabel("Frequency [MHz]")
            ax2f.set_xlim(100, 500)
            if sim_present:
                sim = station.get_sim_station()
                fig.suptitle("Simulation: Zenith {:.1f}, Azimuth {:.1f}".format(np.rad2deg(sim[stnp.zenith]), np.rad2deg(sim[stnp.azimuth])))
                fig.suptitle("Data: reconstructed zenith {:.1f}, azimuth {:.1f}".format(np.rad2deg(zenith), np.rad2deg(azimuth)))
            if(debug_plotpath is not None):
                fig.savefig(os.path.join(debug_plotpath, 'run_{:05d}_event_{:06d}_efield.png'.format(evt.get_run_number(), evt.get_id())))

            # plot antenna response and channels
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(V), 3, sharex='col', sharey='col')
            for iCh in range(len(V)):
                mask = ff > 100
                ax[iCh, 0].plot(ff[mask], np.abs(efield_antenna_factor[iCh][0])[mask], label="theta, channel {}".format(use_channels[iCh]), lw=lw)
                ax[iCh, 0].plot(ff[mask], np.abs(efield_antenna_factor[iCh][1])[mask], label="phi, channel {}".format(use_channels[iCh]), lw=lw)
                ax[iCh, 0].legend(fontsize='xx-small')
                ax[iCh, 0].set_xlim(100, 500)
                ax[iCh, 1].set_xlim(400, 600)
                ax[iCh, 2].set_xlim(400, 600)
                ax[iCh, 1].plot(times, V_timedomain[iCh] / units.micro / units.V, lw=lw)
                ax[iCh, 1].plot(times, analytic_traces[iCh] / units.micro / units.V, '--', lw=lw)
                ax[iCh, 2].plot(times, (V_timedomain[iCh] - analytic_traces[iCh]) / units.micro / units.V, '-', lw=lw)
                ax[iCh, 0].set_ylabel("H [m]")
                ax[iCh, 1].set_ylabel(r"V [$\mu$V]")
                ax[iCh, 2].set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$V [$\mu$V]")
                RMS = det.get_noise_RMS(station.get_id(), 0)
                ax[iCh, 1].text(0.6, 0.8, 'S/N={:.1f}'.format(np.max(np.abs(V_timedomain[iCh])) / RMS), transform=ax[iCh, 1].transAxes)
            ax[-1, 1].set_xlabel("time [ns]")
            ax[-1, 2].set_xlabel("time [ns]")
            ax[-1, 0].set_xlabel("frequency [MHz]")
            if(debug_plotpath is not None):
                fig.savefig(os.path.join(debug_plotpath, 'run_{:05d}_event_{:06d}_channels.png'.format(evt.get_run_number(), evt.get_id())))
예제 #10
    def run(self, evt, station, det):
        t = time.time()

        # access simulated efield and high level parameters
        sim_station = station.get_sim_station()
        if(len(sim_station.get_electric_fields()) == 0):
            raise LookupError(f"station {station.get_id()} has no efields")

        for channel_id in det.get_channel_ids(station.get_id()):
            # one channel might contain multiple channels to store the signals from multiple ray paths and showers,
            # so we loop over all simulated channels with the same id,
            self.logger.debug('channel id {}'.format(channel_id))
            for electric_field in sim_station.get_electric_fields_for_channels([channel_id]):
                sim_channel = NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel.SimChannel(channel_id, shower_id=electric_field.get_shower_id(),

                ff = electric_field.get_frequencies()
                efield_fft = electric_field.get_frequency_spectrum()

                zenith = electric_field[efp.zenith]
                azimuth = electric_field[efp.azimuth]

                # get antenna pattern for current channel
                VEL = trace_utilities.get_efield_antenna_factor(sim_station, ff, [channel_id], det, zenith, azimuth, self.antenna_provider)

                if VEL is None:  # this can happen if there is not signal path to the antenna
                    voltage_fft = np.zeros_like(efield_fft[1])  # set voltage trace to zeros
                    # Apply antenna response to electric field
                    VEL = VEL[0]  # we only requested the VEL for one channel, so selecting it
                    voltage_fft = np.sum(VEL * np.array([efield_fft[1], efield_fft[2]]), axis=0)

                # Remove DC offset
                voltage_fft[np.where(ff < 5 * units.MHz)] = 0.

                if sim_station.is_cosmic_ray():
                    site = det.get_site(station.get_id())
                    antenna_position = det.get_relative_position(station.get_id(),
                                                                 channel_id) - electric_field.get_position()
                    if zenith > 90 * units.deg:  # signal is coming from below, so we take IOR of ice
                        index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(antenna_position[2], site)
                    else:  # signal is coming from above, so we take IOR of air
                        index_of_refraction = ice.get_refractive_index(1, site)
                    # For cosmic ray events, we only have one electric field for all channels, so we have to account
                    # for the difference in signal travel between channels. IMPORTANT: This is only accurate
                    # if all channels have the same z coordinate
                    travel_time_shift = geometryUtilities.get_time_delay_from_direction(
                    travel_time_shift = 0

                # set the trace to zeros
                sim_channel.set_frequency_spectrum(voltage_fft, electric_field.get_sampling_rate())
                sim_channel.set_trace_start_time(electric_field.get_trace_start_time() + travel_time_shift)

        self.__t += time.time() - t