예제 #1
def gauss_newton_step(width, height, valid_measurements,
                      valid_measurements_target, W, J_pi, J_lie,
                      target_image_grad_x, target_image_grad_y, v, g,
                      normal_matrix_return, image_range_offset):
    convergence = False
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            if not valid_measurements[
                    flat_index] or not valid_measurements_target[flat_index]:
            J_image = get_jacobian_image(target_image_grad_x,
                                         target_image_grad_y, x, y)
            J_pi_element = J_pi[flat_index]
            J_lie_element = J_lie[flat_index]

            J_pi_lie = np.matmul(J_pi_element, J_lie_element)
            J_full = np.matmul(J_image, J_pi_lie)
            J_t = np.transpose(J_full)
            w_i = W[0, flat_index]
            error_sample = v[flat_index][0]

            g += np.multiply(w_i, np.multiply(-J_t, error_sample))
            normal_matrix_return += np.multiply(w_i, np.matmul(J_t, J_full))

    # different stopping criterion using max norm
    #if math.fabs(np.amax(g)< 0.001):
    #convergence = True
    end = time.time()
    #print('Runtime Gauss Newton Step:', end-start)
    return convergence
예제 #2
def compute_residual(width, height, target_index_projections,
                     valid_measurements, target_image, reference_image, v,
    v_sum = 0
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            x_index = target_index_projections[0, flat_index]
            y_index = target_index_projections[1, flat_index]
            v[flat_index][0] = 0
            if not 0 < y_index < height or not 0 < x_index < width:
                valid_measurements[flat_index] = False
            # A newer SE3 estimate might re-validate a sample / pixel
            valid_measurements[flat_index] = True
            x_target = math.floor(x_index)
            y_target = math.floor(y_index)
            error = target_image[y_target, x_target] - reference_image[y, x]
            error_sq = error * error
            v[flat_index][0] = error_sq
            v_sum += error_sq

    #v_sum = v_sum*v_sum
    # If the estimate is so bad that all measurements are invalid
    if v_sum == 0:
        v_sum = -1000

    end = time.time()
    #print('Runtime for Compute Residual:', end-start)
    return v_sum
예제 #3
def compute_residual(width, height, target_index_projections,
                     valid_measurements, valid_measurements_target,
                     target_image, reference_image, target_depth,
                     reference_depth, v, image_range_offset):
    v_sum = 0
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            v[flat_index][0] = 0
            #if true then invalid depth measurements are being considered
            if not valid_measurements[
                    flat_index] or not valid_measurements_target[flat_index]:
            x_index = target_index_projections[0, flat_index]
            y_index = target_index_projections[1, flat_index]

            if not (image_range_offset < y_index < height -
                    image_range_offset) or not (image_range_offset < x_index <
                                                width - image_range_offset):
                # res no flag - these have to be disabled for R300 since the depth image is very sparse!
                valid_measurements[flat_index] = False
            # A newer SE3 estimate might re-validate a sample / pixel
            # TODO: investigate this flag in thesis
            # Might set invalid depth measurements to True such that they can contribute to the residual
            # res no flag - these have to be disabled for R300 since the depth image is very sparse!
            valid_measurements[flat_index] = True
            x_target = math.floor(x_index)
            y_target = math.floor(y_index)
            flat_index_target = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(
                y_target, x_target, height)
            #if not valid_measurements_target[flat_index_target]:
            #    continue
            #error = target_image[y_target, x_target] - reference_image[y, x] #1
            error = reference_image[y, x] - target_image[y_target,
                                                         x_target]  #2
            v[flat_index][0] = error

    end = time.time()
    # print('Runtime for Compute Residual:', end-start)
    # return v_sum
    return v
예제 #4
def back_project_image(width, height, image_range_offset, reference_camera,
                       reference_depth_image, target_depth_image,
                       X_back_projection, valid_measurements,
                       valid_measurements_target, use_ndc, depth_direction,
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(0, height, 1):
        for x in range(0, width, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            depth = reference_depth_image[y, x]
            depth_target = target_depth_image[y, x]
            valid_measurements[flat_index] = True
            valid_measurements_target[flat_index] = True
            # For opencl maybe do this in a simple kernel before
            # Sets invalid depth measurements to False such that they do not impact the gauss newton step
            focal_m = reference_camera.intrinsic.extract_fx() / (1000.0 *
            if depth == 0:
                # this value directly influences the pose estimation!
                # TODO write about this
                #depth = depth_direction*(focal_m+max_depth)
                depth = depth_direction * (max_depth)
                #depth = depth_direction*1
                valid_measurements[flat_index] = False
            if depth_target == 0:
                valid_measurements_target[flat_index] = False
            depth_ref = depth

            #depending on the direction of the focal length, the depth sign has to be adjusted
            # Since our virtual image plane is on the same side as our depth values
            # we push all depth values out to guarantee that they are always infront of the image plane
            # Better depth results without pushing it out (?)
            #if valid_measurements[flat_index]:
            #    depth_ref = depth_direction*(focal_m + depth)
            #depth_ref = depth_direction*(depth)

            # back projection from ndc seems to give better convergence
            x_back = x
            y_back = y
            if use_ndc:
                x_back /= width
                y_back /= height

            #X_back_projection[0:3, flat_index] = reference_camera.back_project_pixel(x, y, depth_ref)[:, 0]
                0:3, flat_index] = reference_camera.back_project_pixel(
                    x_back, y_back, depth_ref)[:, 0]
    end = time.time()
예제 #5
def gauss_newton_step_motion_prior(width, height, valid_measurements,
                                   valid_measurements_target, W, J_pi, J_lie,
                                   target_image_grad_x, target_image_grad_y, v,
                                   g, normal_matrix_return, motion_cov_inv,
                                   twist_prior, twist_prev,
    convergence = False
    start = time.time()
    twist_delta = np.subtract(twist_prior, twist_prev)
    motion_prior = np.matmul(motion_cov_inv, twist_delta)

    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            if not valid_measurements[
                    flat_index] or not valid_measurements_target[flat_index]:
            J_image = get_jacobian_image(target_image_grad_x,
                                         target_image_grad_y, x, y)
            J_pi_element = J_pi[flat_index]
            J_lie_element = J_lie[flat_index]

            J_pi_lie = np.matmul(J_pi_element, J_lie_element)
            J_full = np.matmul(J_image, J_pi_lie)
            J_t = np.transpose(J_full)
            w_i = W[0, flat_index]
            error_sample = v[flat_index][0]

            g += np.multiply(w_i, np.multiply(-J_t, error_sample))
            normal_matrix_return += np.multiply(w_i, np.matmul(J_t, J_full))

            # TODO: Can optimize this into one mult and 1 add per line
            #g += motion_prior
            #normal_matrix_return += motion_cov_inv
    # different stopping criterion using max norm
    #if math.fabs(np.amax(g)< 0.001):
    #convergence = True
    g += motion_prior
    normal_matrix_return += motion_cov_inv
    end = time.time()

    #print('Runtime Gauss Newton Step:', end-start)
    return convergence
예제 #6
def gauss_newton_step(width, height, valid_measurements, J_pi, J_lie,
                      target_image_grad_x, target_image_grad_y, v, J_v_return,
                      normal_matrix_return, image_range_offset):
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            if not valid_measurements[flat_index]:
            J_image = get_jacobian_image(target_image_grad_x,
                                         target_image_grad_y, x, y)
            J_pi_element = J_pi[flat_index]
            J_lie_element = J_lie[flat_index]

            J_pi_lie = np.matmul(J_pi_element, J_lie_element)
            J_full = np.matmul(J_image, J_pi_lie)
            J_t = np.transpose(J_full)
            error_vector = v[flat_index][0]
            J_v_return += np.multiply(error_vector, -J_t)
            normal_matrix_return += np.matmul(J_t, J_full)
    end = time.time()
예제 #7
def back_project_image(width, height, image_range_offset, reference_camera,
                       reference_depth_image, X_back_projection,
                       valid_measurements, use_ndc):
    start = time.time()
    for y in range(image_range_offset, height - image_range_offset, 1):
        for x in range(image_range_offset, width - image_range_offset, 1):
            flat_index = matrix_to_flat_index_rows(y, x, height)
            depth_ref = reference_depth_image[y, x]
            # For opencl maybe do this in a simple kernel before
            if depth_ref == 0:
                depth_ref = 1000
                valid_measurements[flat_index] = False
            # back projection from ndc seems to give better convergence
            x_back = x
            y_back = y
            if use_ndc:
                x_back /= width
                y_back /= height

            #X_back_projection[0:3, flat_index] = reference_camera.back_project_pixel(x, y, depth_ref)[:, 0]
                0:3, flat_index] = reference_camera.back_project_pixel(
                    x_back, y_back, depth_ref)[:, 0]
    end = time.time()