def on_compute_change(self, change): if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value': selection = change['new'] output = "" if 'Inertia' in selection: cog, mass, mass_property = measure_shape_mass_center_of_gravity( self._current_shape_selection) # display this point (type gp_Pnt) self.DisplayShape([cog]) output += "<u><b>Center of Gravity</b></u>:<br><b>Xcog=</b>%.3f<br><b>Ycog=</b>%.3f<br><b>Zcog=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( cog.X(), cog.Y(), cog.Z()) output += "<u><b>%s=</b></u>:<b>%.3f</b><br>" % (mass_property, mass) elif 'Oriented' in selection: center, dim, oobb_shp = get_oriented_boundingbox( self._current_shape_selection) self.DisplayShape(oobb_shp, render_edges=True, transparency=True, opacity=0.2, selectable=False) output += "<u><b>OOBB center</b></u>:<br><b>X=</b>%.3f<br><b>Y=</b>%.3f<br><b>Z=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( center.X(), center.Y(), center.Z()) output += "<u><b>OOBB dimensions</b></u>:<br><b>dX=</b>%.3f<br><b>dY=</b>%.3f<br><b>dZ=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( dim[0], dim[1], dim[2]) output += "<u><b>OOBB volume</b></u>:<br><b>V=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]) elif 'Aligned' in selection: center, dim, albb_shp = get_aligned_boundingbox( self._current_shape_selection) self.DisplayShape(albb_shp, render_edges=True, transparency=True, opacity=0.2, selectable=False) output += "<u><b>ABB center</b></u>:<br><b>X=</b>%.3f<br><b>Y=</b>%.3f<br><b>Z=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( center.X(), center.Y(), center.Z()) output += "<u><b>ABB dimensions</b></u>:<br><b>dX=</b>%.3f<br><b>dY=</b>%.3f<br><b>dZ=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( dim[0], dim[1], dim[2]) output += "<u><b>ABB volume</b></u>:<br><b>V=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]) elif 'Recognize' in selection: # try featrue recognition kind, pnt, vec = recognize_face(self._current_shape_selection) output += "<u><b>Type</b></u>: %s<br>" % kind if kind == "Plane": self.DisplayShape([pnt]) output += "<u><b>Properties</b></u>:<br>" output += "<u><b>Point</b></u>:<br><b>X=</b>%.3f<br><b>Y=</b>%.3f<br><b>Z=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()) output += "<u><b>Normal</b></u>:<br><b>u=</b>%.3f<br><b>v=</b>%.3f<br><b>w=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( vec.X(), vec.Y(), vec.Z()) elif kind == "Cylinder": self.DisplayShape([pnt]) output += "<u><b>Properties</b></u>:<br>" output += "<u><b>Axis point</b></u>:<br><b>X=</b>%.3f<br><b>Y=</b>%.3f<br><b>Z=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()) output += "<u><b>Axis direction</b></u>:<br><b>u=</b>%.3f<br><b>v=</b>%.3f<br><b>w=</b>%.3f<br>" % ( vec.X(), vec.Y(), vec.Z()) self.html.value = output
def tag_faces(_shape, _color, shape_name): """ tag the faces of a shape in this example, this easy to see which faces of the 2 shapes we need to glue together so by reading the tagged faces, its easy to find the correct index for the list `facesA` (5) and `facesB` (4) :param _shape: the shape to tag :param color: a string, to colors the faces the `_shape` we're exploring :param shape_name: name to tag the faces the `_shape` """ for n, f in enumerate(_shape): # centroid of the face center_pt = get_aligned_boundingbox(f)[0] # displays the face in the viewer display.DisplayShape(f, color=_color, transparency=0.9) # tag the face in the viewer display.DisplayMessage(center_pt, "{0}_nr_{1}".format(shape_name, n))
def run(n_procs, compare_by_number_of_processors=False): shape = get_brep() center, [dx, dy, dz], box_shp = get_aligned_boundingbox(shape) z_min = center.Z() - dz / 2 z_max = center.Z() + dz / 2 init_time = time.time() # for total time computation def get_z_coords_for_n_procs(n_slices, n_procs): z_slices = drange(z_min, z_max, dz / n_slices) slices = [] n = len(z_slices) // n_procs print('number of slices:', len(z_slices)) _str_slices = [] for i in range(1, n_procs + 1): if i == 1: slices.append(z_slices[:i * n]) _str_slices.append(':' + str(i * n) + ' ') elif i == n_procs: # does a little extra work if the number of slices # isnt divisible by n_procs slices.append(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:]) _str_slices.append(str((i - 1) * n) + ': ') print('last slice', len(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:])) else: slices.append(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:i * n]) _str_slices.append(' %s:%s ' % ((i - 1) * n, i * n)) print( 'the z-index array is sliced over %s processors like this: \n %s' % (n_procs, _str_slices)) return slices def arguments(n_slices, n_procs): _tmp = [] slices = get_z_coords_for_n_procs(n_slices, n_procs) for i in slices: _tmp.append([i, shape]) return _tmp n_slice = 50 if not compare_by_number_of_processors: _results = [] P = multiprocessing.Pool(n_procs) _results =, arguments(n_slice, n_procs)) else: # run a few tests from 1 to 9 processors for i in range(1, 9): tA = time.time() _results = [] if i == 1: _results = vectorized_slicer( [drange(z_min, z_max, dz / n_slice), shape]) else: P = multiprocessing.Pool(n_procs) _results =, arguments(n_slice, i)) print('slicing took %s seconds for %s processors' % (time.time() - tA, i)) sys.exit() print('\n\n\n done slicing on %i cores \n\n\n' % nprocs) # Display result display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display() print('displaying original shape') display.DisplayShape(shape, update=True) for n, result_shp in enumerate(_results): print('displaying results from process {0}'.format(n)) display.DisplayShape(result_shp, update=True) # update viewer when all is added: display.Repaint() total_time = time.time() - init_time print("%s necessary to perform slice with %s processor(s)." % (total_time, n_procs)) start_display()
def tag_edge(_edge, msg, _color=(1, 0, 0)): """ tag an edge """ center_pt = get_aligned_boundingbox(_edge)[0] display.DisplayMessage(center_pt, msg, None, _color, False)
def slice(shape): # keep track of time for perf init_time = time.time() # get the axis-aligned bounding box and dimensions of shape center, [dx, dy, dz], box_shp = get_aligned_boundingbox(shape) # get maximum z coordinate z_max = center.Z() + dz / 2 # slice height in mm slice_height = 2 # 0.3 # number of shells (offsets) num_shells = 3 # distance between offsets shell_thickness = 0.4 # list of slicing plane heights # z_list = [i * slice_height for i in range(int(z_max / slice_height) + 1)] # splitter function splitter = BOPAlgo_Splitter() splitter.SetRunParallel(True) splitter.SetFuzzyValue(0.001) splitter.AddArgument(shape) # loop over slicing planes planes = {} for z in arange(0, z_max, slice_height): # create slicing plane plane = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0., 0., z), gp.DZ()) face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane).Shape() # add slicing plane (face) to dict planes[z] = face # add slicing plane to splitter algo splitter.AddTool(face) # split the shape splitter.Perform() # record the time spent split_time = time.time() # get the solid slices from the result exp = TopExp_Explorer(splitter.Shape(), TopAbs_SOLID) faces = [] while exp.More(): faces.extend(find_faces(exp.Current())) exp.Next() search_time = time.time() # display.EraseAll() # offset wires print('offsetting wires') wires = [] # loop over faces for f in faces: # display.DisplayShape(f, update=False) # make offsets of all wires in face # wires.append(make_offsets(f, num_shells, shell_thickness)) z = TopExp_Explorer(f, TopAbs_WIRE) while z.More(): wires.append(z.Current()) z.Next() offset_time = time.time() print('displaying offsets') for w in wires: wire_gcode(w) # update viewer when all is added: display.Repaint() current_time = time.time() print('Splitting time: ', split_time - init_time) print('Searching time: ', search_time - split_time) print('Offsetting time: ', offset_time - split_time) print('Display time: ', current_time - offset_time) print('Total time: ', current_time - init_time) viewer = get_viewer() viewer.sig_topods_selected.connect(on_select) start_display()