def generate_planar_slices(nozz_dia, sur_nozz_dia): xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = get_boundingbox(part_shape) print(xmax - xmin, ",", ymax - ymin, ",", zmax - zmin) wires = [] slices = [] contours = [] for z in numpy.arange(zmin+(nozz_dia/2)+(sur_nozz_dia/2), \ zmax-(nozz_dia/2)-(sur_nozz_dia/2), nozz_dia): plane = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0., 0., z), gp_Dir(0., 0., 1.)) slices.append(Slicing.plane_shape_intersection(plane, part_shape)) for s in range(0, len(slices)): wire = [] wires.append([]) while len(slices[s]) != 0: for i in range(0, len(slices[s])): if len(wire) == 0: wire.append(slices[s][i]) slices[s].remove(slices[s][i]) break elif Slicing.do_edges_connect(slices[s][i], wire[-1]): wire.append(slices[s][i]) slices[s].remove(slices[s][i]) break if Slicing.do_edges_connect(wire[0], wire[-1]): if len(wire) > 2: wires[s].append(wire) wire = [] elif len(wire) == 2 and Slicing.do_edges_loop( wire[0], wire[-1]): wires[s].append(wire) wire = [] for k in range(0, len(wires)): contours.append([]) for l in range(0, len(wires[k])): make_wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire() for edge in wires[k][l]: make_wire.Add(edge) try: made_wire = make_wire.Wire() contours[k].append(made_wire) except: print("Skipped a contour!") continue contour_faces = [] for contour in contours: if len(contour) == 1: contour_faces.append( BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(contour[0]).Face()) else: contour_faces.extend(Slicing.get_layer_faces(contour)) # for l in range(0,len(contour_faces)): # display.DisplayShape(contour_faces[l], color=colour[l%5],\ # transparency=0.95, update=True) return contour_faces
def get_surfaces_boundingbox(faces): minx = [] miny = [] minz = [] maxx = [] maxy = [] maxz = [] for face in faces: xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = get_boundingbox(face) minx.append(xmin) miny.append(ymin) minz.append(zmin) maxx.append(xmax) maxy.append(ymax) maxz.append(zmax) return min(minx), min(miny), min(minz), max(maxx), max(maxy), max(maxz)
def sort_surfaces(faces, along): min_along = [] def get_min(e): return e['min'] for i in range(0, len(faces)): xmin, ymin, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx = get_boundingbox(faces[i]) if along == 'X': min_along.append({'id': i, 'min': ymin}) elif along == 'Y': min_along.append({'id': i, 'min': xmin}) min_along.sort(key=get_min) new_faces = [] for j in range(0, len(faces)): new_faces.append(faces[min_along[j]['id']]) return new_faces
def get_layer_faces(wires): faces = [] bounds = [] area = [] for wire in wires: face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire).Face() faces.append(face) xmin, ymin, zzz, xmax, ymax, zzz = get_boundingbox(face) area.append((xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin)) bounds.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) return faces for i in range(0, len(faces)): for j in range(0, len(faces)): if i == j: continue if (bounds[i][0] < bounds[j][0]) and (bounds[i][1] < bounds[j][1]) and\ (bounds[i][2] > bounds[j][2]) and (bounds[i][3] > bounds[j][3]): faces[i] = Slicing.cut_face_from_face(faces[i], faces[j]) faces.remove(faces[j]) return faces
def run(n_procs, compare_by_number_of_processors=False): shape = get_brep() x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = get_boundingbox(shape) z_delta = abs(z_min - z_max) init_time = time.time() # for total time computation def get_z_coords_for_n_procs(n_slices, n_procs): z_slices = drange(z_min, z_max, z_delta / n_slices) slices = [] n = len(z_slices) // n_procs print('number of slices:', len(z_slices)) _str_slices = [] for i in range(1, n_procs + 1): if i == 1: slices.append(z_slices[:i * n]) _str_slices.append(':' + str(i * n) + ' ') elif i == n_procs: # does a little extra work if the number of slices # isnt divisible by n_procs slices.append(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:]) _str_slices.append(str((i - 1) * n) + ': ') print('last slice', len(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:])) else: slices.append(z_slices[(i - 1) * n:i * n]) _str_slices.append(' %s:%s ' % ((i - 1) * n, i * n)) print( 'the z-index array is sliced over %s processors like this: \n %s' % (n_procs, _str_slices)) return slices def arguments(n_slices, n_procs): _tmp = [] slices = get_z_coords_for_n_procs(n_slices, n_procs) for i in slices: _tmp.append([i, shape]) return _tmp n_slice = 50 if not compare_by_number_of_processors: _results = [] P = multiprocessing.Pool(n_procs) _results =, arguments(n_slice, n_procs)) else: # run a few tests from 1 to 9 processors for i in range(1, 9): tA = time.time() _results = [] if i == 1: _results = vectorized_slicer( [drange(z_min, z_max, z_delta / n_slice), shape]) else: P = multiprocessing.Pool(n_procs) _results =, arguments(n_slice, i)) print('slicing took %s seconds for %s processors' % (time.time() - tA, i)) sys.exit() print('\n\n\n done slicing on %i cores \n\n\n' % nprocs) # Display result display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display() print('displaying original shape') display.DisplayShape(shape, update=True) for n, result_shp in enumerate(_results): print('displaying results from process {0}'.format(n)) display.DisplayShape(result_shp, update=True) # update viewer when all is added: display.Repaint() total_time = time.time() - init_time print("%s necessary to perform slice with %s processor(s)." % (total_time, n_procs)) start_display()
section.Build() if section.IsDone(): _slices.append(section.Shape()) return _slices def get_brep(): cylinder_head = TopoDS_Shape() builder = BRep_Builder() breptools_Read(cylinder_head, './core_example/cylinder_head.brep', builder) return cylinder_head if __name__ == '__main__': shp = get_brep() xyz_min_max = get_boundingbox(shp) p1 = gp_Pnt(*xyz_min_max[0:3]) p2 = gp_Pnt(*xyz_min_max[3:]) box = make_box(p1, p2) obj = plotocc() obj.display.DisplayShape(box, transparency=0.9) obj.display.DisplayShape(shp) z_delta = abs(xyz_min_max[2] - xyz_min_max[5]) for z in np.linspace(xyz_min_max[2], xyz_min_max[5], 5): print(z) plane = gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0., 0., z), gp_Dir(0., 0.0, 1.)) face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane).Shape() # Computes Shape/Plane intersection section = BRepAlgoAPI_Section(shp, face)
def get_boundingbox_dimensions(shape): xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = get_boundingbox(shape) return xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin