def test_empty(self):
        zcuf = self._makeOne()
        rcm = getattr(zcuf, 'ramcache')

        # This is needed because some underlying ZCacheable code wants to
        # use self.REQUEST :/
        setattr(rcm, 'REQUEST', FauxRequest())

        # Make sure the PAS instance itself is Cacheable

        # Make sure the PAS instance is not associated with any cache manager
        # by default
        self.assert_(zcuf.ZCacheable_getManager() is None)

        # Make sure the RAMCacheManager is empty
        self.assert_(len(rcm.getCacheReport()) == 0)
    def test_empty( self ):
        zcuf = self._makeOne()
        rcm = getattr(zcuf, 'ramcache')

        # This is needed because some underlying ZCacheable code wants to
        # use self.REQUEST :/
        setattr(rcm, 'REQUEST', FauxRequest())

        # Make sure the PAS instance itself is Cacheable

        # Make sure the PAS instance is not associated with any cache manager
        # by default
        self.assert_(zcuf.ZCacheable_getManager() is None)

        # Make sure the RAMCacheManager is empty
        self.assert_(len(rcm.getCacheReport()) == 0)