예제 #1
    options.stochastic_snapshot_number = 5

    for opt, arg in opts:

        if opt in ('-h', "--help"):

        elif opt in ("cpp-heartbeat-dir"):
            options.heartbeat_dir = arg
        elif opt in ("-r", "--probing-rate"):
            options.probing_rate = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("--db-host"):
            options.db_host = arg
        elif opt in ("-t", "--table"):
            options.db_table = arg
        elif opt in ("--remote-probing"):
            options.is_remote_probe = True
        elif opt in ("--remote-probing-host"):
            options.remote_probe_hostname = arg
        elif opt in ("--remote-cpp-heartbeat-dir"):
            options.probe_dir = arg

        print(opt + " set to:" + arg)

    probing_rates = [10000 for i in range(1, 25)]

    for i in range(len(probing_rates)):
        This is a full stochastic Internet snapshot composed of rounds based on combination of Yaarp and MDA.
        A round is composed of the following steps: