예제 #1
def colors(data, variable, palette=None):
    if palette is None:
        if is_discrete(variable):
            palette = colorpalette.ColorPaletteGenerator(len(variable.values))
        elif is_continuous(variable):
            palette = colorpalette.ColorPaletteBW()
            palette = colorpalette.ContinuousPaletteGenerator(
                QtGui.QColor(220, 220, 220), QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0), False)
            raise TypeError()

    x = numpy.array(data[:, variable]).ravel()

    if is_discrete(variable):
        nvalues = len(variable.values)
        x[numpy.isnan(x)] = nvalues
        color_index = palette.getRGB(numpy.arange(nvalues + 1))
        # Unknown values as gray
        # TODO: This should already be a part of palette
        color_index[nvalues] = (128, 128, 128)
        colors = color_index[x.astype(int)]
        x, _ = scaled(x)
        mask = numpy.isnan(x)
        colors = numpy.empty((len(x), 3))
        colors[mask] = (128, 128, 128)
        colors[~mask] = [palette.getRGB(v) for v in x[~mask]]

#         colors[~mask] = interpolate(palette, x[~mask], left=Qt.gray)

    return colors
예제 #2
def create_image(contingencies, palette=None, scale=None):
#     import scipy.signal
#     import scipy.ndimage

    if scale is None:
        scale = lambda c: c / (contingencies.max() or 1)

    P = scale(contingencies)

#     if scale > 0:
#         P = contingencies / scale
#     else:
#         P = contingencies

#     nbins = node.xbins.shape[0] - 1
#     smoothing = 32
#     bandwidth = nbins / smoothing

    if P.ndim == 3:
        ncol = P.shape[-1]
        if palette is None:
            palette = colorpalette.ColorPaletteGenerator(ncol)
        colors = [palette[i] for i in range(ncol)]
        colors = np.array(
            [[c.red(), c.green(), c.blue()] for c in colors]
#         P = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(
#             P, bandwidth, mode="constant")
#         P /= P.max()

        argmax = np.argmax(P, axis=2)
        irow, icol = np.indices(argmax.shape)
        P_max = P[irow, icol, argmax]
        positive = P_max > 0
        P_max = np.where(positive, P_max * 0.95 + 0.05, 0.0)

        colors = 255 - colors[argmax.ravel()]

        # XXX: Non linear intensity scaling
        colors = colors * P_max.ravel().reshape(-1, 1)
        colors = colors.reshape(P_max.shape + (3,))
        colors = 255 - colors
    elif P.ndim == 2:
        palette = colorpalette.ColorPaletteBW()
        mix = P
        positive = mix > 0
        mix = np.where(positive, mix * 0.99 + 0.01, 0.0)

#         mix = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(
#             mix, bandwidth, mode="constant")
#         mix /= mix.max() if total else 1.0

        colors = np.zeros((np.prod(mix.shape), 3)) + 255
        colors = colors - mix.ravel().reshape(-1, 1) * 255
        colors = colors.reshape(mix.shape + (3,))

    return colors.astype(int)