def connect_line(line, master, value): update_value = gui.ValueCallback(master, value) # save the value update_control = LineCallFront(line) # update control update_value.opposite = update_control update_control(getdeepattr(master, value)) # set the first value master.connect_control(value, update_control) line.sigMoved.connect(lambda: update_value(line.rounded_value()))
def settings_to_widget(self, widget): """ Restore the saved `context` to `widget`. """ super().settings_to_widget(widget) context = widget.current_context if context is None: return if self.inputListField and self.inputListFieldName in context.values: # find the permutation of the current input list so it matches # the stored one inputs = widgetutils.getdeepattr(widget, self.inputListFieldName) _, encoded = self.encode(widget, inputs) _, stored = context.encoded def uuids(seq): return [uuid for _, _, uuid in seq] # NOTE: Match on widget uuids only. # LTTL.Input.Input can change it's 'label' in place on user # interaction try: permutation = self._permutation(uuids(encoded), uuids(stored)) except ValueError: permutation = range(len(inputs)) permuted = [inputs[p] for p in permutation] # Restore the stored order in the widget. setattr(widget, self.inputListFieldName, permuted)
def connect_line_edit_finished(lineedit, master, value, valueToStr=str, valueType=str, callback=None): # callback is only for compatibility with the old code update_value = gui.ValueCallback(master, value, valueType) # save the value update_control = CallFrontLineEditCustomConversion(lineedit, valueToStr) # update control update_value.opposite = update_control update_control(getdeepattr(master, value)) # set the first value master.connect_control(value, update_control) lineedit.newInput.connect(lambda x: (update_value(x), callback() if callback is not None else None))
def save_graph(self): """Save the graph with the name given in class attribute `graph_name`. The method is called by the *Save graph* button, which is created automatically if the `graph_name` is defined. """ graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return saveplot.save_plot(graph_obj, self.graph_writers)
def lineEditFloatOrNone(widget, master, value, **kwargs): kwargs["validator"] = FloatOrEmptyValidator(master) kwargs["valueType"] = floatornone le = gui.lineEdit(widget, master, value, **kwargs) if value: val = getdeepattr(master, value) if val is None: le.setText("") else: le.setText(str(val)) return le
def __call__(self, *_): # triggered by selectionChange() if not self.disabled and self.control.ogValue is not None: clist = getdeepattr(self.widget, self.control.ogValue) control = self.control selection = [i for i in range(control.count()) if control.item(i).isSelected()] if isinstance(clist, int): self.widget.__setattr__( self.control.ogValue, selection[0] if selection else None) else: list.__setitem__(clist, slice(0, len(clist)), selection) self.widget.__setattr__(self.control.ogValue, clist)
def settings_from_widget(self, widget): """ Get the settings from a widget. """ super().settings_from_widget(widget) context = widget.current_context if context is None: return if self.inputListField: encoded = self.encode( widget, widgetutils.getdeepattr(widget, self.inputListFieldName)) context.encoded = encoded context.values[self.inputListFieldName] = encoded[1]
def report_plot(self, name=None, plot=None): """ Add a plot to the report. Both arguments can be omitted. - `report_plot("graph name", self.plotView)` reports plot `self.plotView` with name `"graph name"` - `report_plot(self.plotView) reports plot without name - `report_plot()` reports plot stored in attribute whose name is taken from `self.graph_name` - `report_plot("graph name")` reports plot stored in attribute whose name is taken from `self.graph_name` :param name: report section name (can be omitted) :type name: str or tuple or OrderedDict :param plot: plot widget :type plot: QGraphicsScene or pyqtgraph.PlotItem or pyqtgraph.PlotWidget or pyqtgraph.GraphicsWidget. If omitted, the name of the attribute storing the graph is taken from `self.graph_name` """ if not (isinstance(name, str) and plot is None): name, plot = self._fix_args(name, plot) from pyqtgraph import PlotWidget, PlotItem, GraphicsWidget, GraphicsView from Orange.widgets.utils.webview import WebviewWidget self.report_name(name) if plot is None: plot = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name) if isinstance(plot, (QGraphicsScene, PlotItem)): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot) elif isinstance(plot, PlotWidget): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot.plotItem) elif isinstance(plot, GraphicsWidget): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot.scene()) elif isinstance(plot, GraphicsView): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot) elif isinstance(plot, WebviewWidget): try: svg = plot.svg() except (IndexError, ValueError): svg = plot.html() self.report_html += svg
def report_plot(self, name=None, plot=None): """ Add a plot to the report. Both arguments can be omitted. - `report_plot("graph name", self.plotView)` reports plot `self.plotView` with name `"graph name"` - `report_plot(self.plotView) reports plot without name - `report_plot()` reports plot stored in attribute whose name is taken from `self.graph_name` - `report_plot("graph name")` reports plot stored in attribute whose name is taken from `self.graph_name` :param name: report section name (can be omitted) :type name: str or tuple or OrderedDict :param plot: plot widget :type plot: QGraphicsScene or pyqtgraph.PlotItem or pyqtgraph.PlotWidget or pyqtgraph.GraphicsWidget. If omitted, the name of the attribute storing the graph is taken from `self.graph_name` """ if not (isinstance(name, str) and plot is None): name, plot = self._fix_args(name, plot) from pyqtgraph import PlotWidget, PlotItem, GraphicsWidget, GraphicsView from Orange.widgets.utils.webview import WebviewWidget self.report_name(name) if plot is None: plot = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name) if isinstance(plot, (QGraphicsScene, PlotItem)): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot) elif isinstance(plot, PlotWidget): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot.plotItem) elif isinstance(plot, GraphicsWidget): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot.scene()) elif isinstance(plot, GraphicsView): self.report_html += get_html_img(plot) elif isinstance(plot, WebviewWidget): try: svg = plot.svg() except IndexError: svg = plot.html() self.report_html += svg
def connect_settings(master, value, value2, transform=None): """ Connect two Orange settings, so that both will be mutually updated. One value can be a function of the other. This sets value of the value2 as a function of value. :param master: a settings controller :param value: name of the first value :param value2: name of the second value :param transform: a transform from value to value2 (an instance of ValueTransform) """ update_value = ValueCallbackTransform(master, value, f=transform.inverse if transform is not None else None) update_value2 = ValueCallbackTransform(master, value2, f=transform.transform if transform is not None else None) update_value.opposite = update_value2 update_value2.opposite = update_value update_value2(getdeepattr(master, value)) master.connect_control(value, update_value2) master.connect_control(value2, update_value)
def addSetting(self, owner, name, label=None, updateCallback=None): """ :param owner: setting owner :type owner: OWWidget or OWComponent :param name: setting name :type name: str :param label: setting label :type label: str or None """ # Label if label is None: label = '{}:'.format(name) # Field value = getdeepattr(owner, name) if isinstance(value, str): field = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() field.setText(value) if updateCallback: field.textChanged.connect(updateCallback) elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number): if isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): field = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() ma = sys.maxsize field.setRange(-ma - 1, ma) else: field = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() field.setValue(value) if updateCallback: field.valueChanged.connect(updateCallback) else: raise ValueError('{} does not have a Qt widget'.format( repr(type(value).__qualname__))) # Append policy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding field.setSizePolicy(policy, policy) self.layout().addRow(label, field) return field
def copy_to_clipboard(self): if self.graph_name: graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return ClipboardFormat.write_image(None, graph_obj)
def comboBox(widget, master, value, box=None, label=None, labelWidth=None, orientation=Qt.Vertical, items=(), callback=None, sendSelectedValue=False, valueType=str, emptyString=None, editable=False, contentsLength=None, maximumContentsLength=25, **misc): """ Construct a combo box. The `value` attribute of the `master` contains either the index of the selected row (if `sendSelected` is left at default, `False`) or a value converted to `valueType` (`str` by default). :param widget: the widget into which the box is inserted :type widget: QWidget or None :param master: master widget :type master: OWWidget or OWComponent :param value: the master's attribute with which the value is synchronized :type value: str :param box: tells whether the widget has a border, and its label :type box: int or str or None :param orientation: tells whether to put the label above or to the left :type orientation: `Qt.Horizontal` (default), `Qt.Vertical` or instance of `QLayout` :param label: a label that is inserted into the box :type label: str :param labelWidth: the width of the label :type labelWidth: int :param callback: a function that is called when the value is changed :type callback: function :param items: items (optionally with data) that are put into the box :type items: tuple of str or tuples :param sendSelectedValue: flag telling whether to store/retrieve indices or string values from `value` :type sendSelectedValue: bool :param valueType: the type into which the selected value is converted if sentSelectedValue is `False` :type valueType: type :param emptyString: the string value in the combo box that gets stored as an empty string in `value` :type emptyString: str :param editable: a flag telling whether the combo is editable :type editable: bool :param int contentsLength: Contents character length to use as a fixed size hint. When not None, equivalent to:: combo.setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) combo.setMinimumContentsLength(contentsLength) :param int maximumContentsLength: Specifies the upper bound on the `sizeHint` and `minimumSizeHint` width specified in character length (default: 25, use 0 to disable) :rtype: QComboBox """ # Local import to avoid circular imports from Orange.widgets.utils.itemmodels import VariableListModel if box or label: hb = widgetBox(widget, box, orientation, addToLayout=False) if label is not None: label = widgetLabel(hb, label, labelWidth) else: hb = widget combo = OrangeComboBox(hb, maximumContentsLength=maximumContentsLength, editable=editable) if contentsLength is not None: combo.setSizeAdjustPolicy( QtWidgets.QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) combo.setMinimumContentsLength(contentsLength) = hb combo.label = label for item in items: if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): combo.addItem(*item) else: combo.addItem(str(item)) if value: cindex = getdeepattr(master, value) model = misc.pop("model", None) if model is not None: combo.setModel(model) if isinstance(model, VariableListModel): callfront = CallFrontComboBoxModel(combo, model) callfront.action(cindex) else: if isinstance(cindex, str): if items and cindex in items: cindex = items.index(cindex) else: cindex = 0 if cindex > combo.count() - 1: cindex = 0 combo.setCurrentIndex(cindex) if isinstance(model, VariableListModel): connectControl(master, value, callback, combo.activated[int], callfront, ValueCallbackComboModel(master, value, model)) elif sendSelectedValue: connectControl( master, value, callback, combo.activated[str], CallFrontComboBox(combo, valueType, emptyString), ValueCallbackCombo(master, value, valueType, emptyString)) else: connectControl(master, value, callback, combo.activated[int], CallFrontComboBox(combo, None, emptyString)) miscellanea(combo, hb, widget, **misc) combo.emptyString = emptyString return combo
def copy_to_clipboard(self): graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return ClipboardFormat.write_image(None, graph_obj)
def listBox(widget, master, value=None, labels=None, box=None, callback=None, selectionMode=QtWidgets.QListWidget.SingleSelection, enableDragDrop=False, dragDropCallback=None, dataValidityCallback=None, sizeHint=None, **misc): """ Insert a list box. The value with which the box's value synchronizes (`master.<value>`) is a list of indices of selected items. :param widget: the widget into which the box is inserted :type widget: QWidget or None :param master: master widget :type master: OWWidget or OWComponent :param value: the name of the master's attribute with which the value is synchronized (list of ints - indices of selected items) :type value: str :param labels: the name of the master's attribute with the list of items (as strings or tuples with icon and string) :type labels: str :param box: tells whether the widget has a border, and its label :type box: int or str or None :param callback: a function that is called when the selection state is changed :type callback: function :param selectionMode: selection mode - single, multiple etc :type selectionMode: QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode :param enableDragDrop: flag telling whether drag and drop is available :type enableDragDrop: bool :param dragDropCallback: callback function on drop event :type dragDropCallback: function :param dataValidityCallback: function that check the validity on enter and move event; it should return either `ev.accept()` or `ev.ignore()`. :type dataValidityCallback: function :param sizeHint: size hint :type sizeHint: QSize :rtype: OrangeListBox """ if box: bg = hBox(widget, box, addToLayout=False) else: bg = widget lb = OrangeListBox(master, enableDragDrop, dragDropCallback, dataValidityCallback, sizeHint, bg) lb.setSelectionMode(selectionMode) lb.ogValue = value lb.ogLabels = labels lb.ogMaster = master if labels is not None: setattr(master, labels, getdeepattr(master, labels)) master.connect_control(labels, CallFrontListBoxLabels(lb)) if value is not None: clist = getdeepattr(master, value) if not isinstance(clist, (int, ControlledList)): clist = ControlledList(clist, lb) master.__setattr__(value, clist) setattr(master, value, clist) connectControl(master, value, callback, lb.itemSelectionChanged, CallFrontListBox(lb), CallBackListBox(lb, master)) misc.setdefault('addSpace', True) miscellanea(lb, bg, widget, **misc) return lb
def settings_from_widget(self, widget, *args): super().settings_from_widget(widget, *args) context = widget.current_context context.targetClass = getdeepattr(widget, self.targetAttr) context.selectedClassifiers = list(getdeepattr(self.selectedAttr))
def save_graph(self): graph_obj = getdeepattr(self, self.graph_name, None) if graph_obj is None: return saveplot.save_plot(graph_obj, self.graph_writers)
def settings_from_widget(self, widget): super().settings_from_widget(widget) context = widget.current_context context.targetClass = getdeepattr(widget, self.targetAttr) context.selectedClassifiers = list(getdeepattr(self.selectedAttr))