def createLengthWidget(self, Dialog): self.widgetLengthInput = QtGui.QWidget(Dialog) self.widgetLengthInput.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(0, 27)) self.widgetLengthInput.setObjectName("widgetLengthInput") self.labelHeight = QtGui.QLabel(self.widgetLengthInput) self.labelHeight.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 121, 27)) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth( self.labelHeight.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.labelHeight.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.labelHeight.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(0, 27)) self.labelHeight.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(200, 16777215)) self.labelHeight.setObjectName("labelHeight") self.lineEditLength = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.widgetLengthInput) self.lineEditLength.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 0, 91, 27)) self.lineEditLength.setObjectName("lineEditLength") # Add text. self.labelHeight.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Height (Length):", None, CreatePartGui.UnicodeUTF8())) self.lineEditLength.setText( QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "1 m", None, CreatePartGui.UnicodeUTF8())) return self.widgetLengthInput
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Pipe" params.fittingType = "Pipe" params.dimensionsPixmap = "pipe-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> To construct a part, only these dimensions are used: OD, Thk and the pipe height (length). Flamingo also uses Schedule and DN if they are present in the table. All other dimensions are used for inromation. </p></body></html>""" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Sweep Elbow" params.fittingType = "SweepElbow" params.dimensionsPixmap = "sweep-elbow-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> Only dimensions used are: BendAngle, H, J, M POD, PThk. All other dimensions are used for inromation. </p></body></html>""" params.settingsName = "sweep elbow user input" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Tee" params.fittingType = "Tee" params.dimensionsPixmap = "tee-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> Only dimensions used are: M, M1, M2, G, G1, G2, H, H1, H2, POD, POD1, POD2, PThk, PThk1, PThk2. All other dimensions are used for inromation. </p></body></html>""" params.settingsName = "tee user input" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Bushing" params.fittingType = "Bushing" params.dimensionsPixmap = "bushing-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> To construct a part, only these dimensions are used: L, N, POD, POD1 and PThk1. All other dimensions are used for inromation. </p></body></html>""" params.settingsName = "bushing user input" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Elbow" params.fittingType = "Elbow" params.dimensionsPixmap = "elbow-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> To construct an elbow only these dimensions are used: BendingAngle, H, J, M, POD, and PThk. In Additinon, Flamingo uses the Schedule dimension if it is present in the table. All other dimensions are used for inromation only. </p></body></html>""" params.settingsName = "elbow user input" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def __init__(self, document, table): params = CreatePartGui.DialogParams() params.document = document params.table = table params.dialogTitle = "Create Cross" params.fittingType = "Cross" params.dimensionsPixmap = "cross-dimensions.png" params.explanationText = """<html><head/><body><p> To construct an cross only these dimensions are used: G, G1, H, H1, L, L1, M, M1, POD, POD1, PThk, Pthk1. In Additinon, Flamingo uses the Schedule dimension if it is present in the table. All other dimensions are used for inromation only. </p></body></html>""" params.settingsName = "cross user input" params.keyColumnName = "PartNumber" super(MainDialog, self).__init__(params)
def GuiCheckTable(): return CreatePartGui.GuiCheckTable(Pipe.CSV_TABLE_PATH, Pipe.DIMENSIONS_USED)
def GuiCheckTable(): return CreatePartGui.GuiCheckTable(Elbow.CSV_TABLE_PATH, Elbow.DIMENSIONS_USED)
def GuiCheckTable(): return CreatePartGui.GuiCheckTable(Corner.CSV_TABLE_PATH, Corner.DIMENSIONS_USED)
def GuiCheckTable(): return CreatePartGui.GuiCheckTable(Bushing.CSV_TABLE_PATH, Bushing.DIMENSIONS_USED)