dataFile.Close() else : dataFile = TFile.Open(dataFilePath) dataSets = dict( [ ( key, dataFile.Get( 'data_' + key ) ) for key in cutKeys ] ) dataFile.Close() print 'build mass PDF' from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import Component sigMassComps = Component( 'sigMass', [ ], Yield = ( 85.e3, 0., 2.e5 ) ) bkgMassComps = Component( 'bkgMass', [ ], Yield = ( 1.e5, 0., 2.e5 ) ) yields = [ comp.getYield() for comp in [ sigMassComps, bkgMassComps ] ] from P2VV.Parameterizations.MassPDFs import DoubleGauss_Signal_Mass as SignalBMass sigMass = SignalBMass( mass = mass ) sigMassComps += sigMass.pdf() from P2VV.Parameterizations.MassPDFs import LP2011_Background_Mass as BackgroundBMass bkgMass = BackgroundBMass( mass = mass ) bkgMassComps += bkgMass.pdf() from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import buildPdf massPdf = buildPdf( [ sigMassComps, bkgMassComps ], Observables = [ mass ], Name = 'JpsiKKMass' ) ws['N_sigMass'].setVal(123.e3) ws['m_sig_mean'].setVal(5368.2) ws['m_sig_sigma_1'].setVal(5.6) ws['m_sig_sigma_2'].setVal(14.) ws['m_sig_frac'].setVal(0.65) ws['m_bkg_exp'].setVal(-0.0015) massPdf.getVariables().Print('v') print 'draw mass plots'
class ShapeBuilder(object): __weights = set(('jpsi', 'B', 'both')) __rho = dict(B = 2., jpsi = 2.) def __init__(self, time, masses, t_diff = None, MassResult = None, InputFile = "/bfys/raaij/p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_2011.root", Workspace = 'Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_2011_workspace', Data = 'data', UseKeysPdf = False, Weights = 'B', Draw = False, Reweigh = {}): assert(Weights in ShapeBuilder.__weights) self.__weights = Weights self.__time = time self.__t_diff = t_diff pos = Workspace.find('201') self.__year = Workspace[pos : pos + 4] self.__input_ws = None self.__ws = RooObject().ws() self.__shapes = {} self.__diff__shapes = {} self.__masses = masses self._sig = Component('wpv_signal', [], Yield = (1000, 10, 5e5)) self._psi = Component('wpv_jpsi', [], Yield = (5000, 10, 5e5)) self._bkg = Component('wpv_bkg', [], Yield = (5000, 10, 5e5)) if 'B' in masses: ## m_sig_mean = RealVar('wpv_m_sig_mean', Unit = 'MeV', Value = 5365, MinMax = (5363, 5372)) ## m_sig_sigma = RealVar('wpv_m_sig_sigma', Unit = 'MeV', Value = 10, MinMax = (1, 20)) ## from ROOT import RooGaussian as Gaussian ## self._sig_mass = Pdf(Name = 'wpv_sig_m', Type = Gaussian, Parameters = (masses['B'], m_sig_mean, m_sig_sigma )) self._sig_mass = BMassPdf(masses['B'], Name = 'wpv_sig_mass', ParNamePrefix = "wpv", AvSigParameterisation = True) self._bkg_mass = BBkgPdf(masses['B'], Name = 'wpv_bkg_mass', ParNamePrefix = "wpv", m_bkg_exp = dict(Name = 'm_bkg_exp', Value = -0.0017, MinMax = (-0.01, -0.00001))) self._sig[masses['B']] = self._sig_mass.pdf() self._psi[masses['B']] = self._bkg_mass.pdf() self._bkg[masses['B']] = self._bkg_mass.pdf() if 'jpsi' in masses: self._sig_mpsi = PsiMassPdf(masses['jpsi'], Name = 'wpv_sig_mpsi', ParNamePrefix = "wpv") self._bkg_mpsi = PsiBkgPdf(masses['jpsi'], Name = 'wpv_bkg_mpsi', ParNamePrefix = "wpv") self._sig[masses['jpsi']] = self._sig_mpsi.pdf() self._psi[masses['jpsi']] = self._sig_mpsi.pdf() self._bkg[masses['jpsi']] = self._bkg_mpsi.pdf() self.__components = {'jpsi' : dict(jpsi = self._psi, bkg = self._bkg), 'B' : dict(B = self._sig, bkg = self._bkg), 'both' : dict(B = self._sig, jpsi = self._psi, bkg = self._bkg)} self.__pdf = buildPdf(self.__components[Weights].values(), Observables = masses.values(), Name = 'wpv_mass_pdf') if MassResult: ## Use the provided mass result to set all the parameter values, only float the yields pdf_params = self.__pdf.getParameters(RooArgSet(*masses.values())) for p in MassResult.floatParsFinal(): ## ignore yields if any((p.GetName().startswith(n) for n in ['N_', 'mpsi_c'])): continue ## Find pdf parameter, add "wpv_" prefix pdf_p = pdf_params.find('wpv_' + p.GetName()) if pdf_p: pdf_p.setVal(p.getVal()) pdf_p.setError(p.getError()) pdf_p.setConstant(True) self.__pdf.Print("t") from ROOT import TFile input_file = TFile.Open(InputFile) if not input_file or not input_file.IsOpen(): raise OSError if Workspace: self.__input_ws = input_file.Get(Workspace) if not self.__input_ws: print 'Cannot find workspace %s in mixing file.' % Workspace raise RuntimeError self._data = if not self._data: print 'Cannot find data in workspace %s.' % Workspace raise RuntimeError else: self._data = input_file.Get(Data) if not self._data.get().find(time.GetName()) and "refit" in time.GetName(): from ROOT import RooFormulaVar, RooArgList def __add_alias(name, obs): obs_name = obs.GetName()[:-6] do = self._data.get().find(obs_name) rf = RooFormulaVar(name, name, "@0", RooArgList(do)) a = self._data.addColumn(rf) a.setMin(obs.getMin()) a.setMax(obs.getMax()) return a ## Add refit observables time = __add_alias("time_refit", time) self.__time = time self.__time.Print() if t_diff: t_diff = __add_alias("time_diff_refit", t_diff) self.__t_diff = t_diff if t_diff: self._data = self._data.reduce("{0} > {1} && {0} < {2} && {3} > {4} && {3} < {5}".format(time.GetName(), time.getMin(), time.getMax(), t_diff.GetName(), t_diff.getMin(), t_diff.getMax())) else: self._data = self._data.reduce("{0} > {1} && {0} < {2}".format(time.GetName(), time.getMin(), time.getMax())) # self._data = self._data.reduce("mass > 5348 && mass < 5388") fitOpts = dict(NumCPU = 4, Save = True, Minimizer = 'Minuit2', Optimize = 2) self.__result = self.__pdf.fitTo(self._data, **fitOpts) from P2VV.Utilities.SWeights import SData for p in self.__pdf.Parameters(): p.setConstant(not p.getAttribute('Yield')) splot = SData(Pdf = self.__pdf, Data = self._data, Name = 'MixingMassSplot') self.__sdatas = {} self.__reweigh_weights = {} for key, c in self.__components[Weights].iteritems(): sdata = if 'Data' in Reweigh and key in Reweigh['Data']: from array import array from ROOT import RooBinning source = Reweigh['Data'][key] binning = Reweigh['Binning'] if type(binning) == array: binning = RooBinning(len(binning) - 1, binning) binning.SetName('reweigh') Reweigh['DataVar'].setBinning(binning, 'reweigh') source_obs = source.get().find('nPV') cat_name = 'nPVs_' + key source_cat = source.get().find(cat_name) if source_cat: # Remove previous weights to make sure we get it right new_vars = source.get() new_vars.remove(source_cat) source = source.reduce(new_vars) source_obs = source.get().find(source_obs.GetName()) source_obs.setBinning(binning, 'reweigh') source_cat = BinningCategory(Name = cat_name, Observable = source_obs, Binning = binning, Data = source, Fundamental = True) from P2VV.Reweighing import reweigh sdata, weights = reweigh(sdata, sdata.get().find('nPV'), source, source_cat) self.__reweigh_weights[key] = weights sdata = self.__ws.put(sdata) self.__sdatas[c] = sdata rho_keys = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.__components[Weights].iteritems()) self.__shapes = {} self.__diff_shapes = {} for c, sdata in self.__sdatas.iteritems(): if UseKeysPdf: rk = rho_keys[c] rho = ShapeBuilder.__rho[rk] if rk in ShapeBuilder.__rho else 1. time_shape = KeysPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observable = time, Data = sdata, Rho = rho) if t_diff: diff_shape = KeysPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_diff_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observable = t_diff, Data = sdata) else: time_shape = HistPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observables = [time], Data = sdata, Binning = {time : 35}) if t_diff: diff_shape = HistPdf(Name = 'wpv_%s_diff_pdf' % c.GetName(), Observables = [t_diff], Data = sdata, Binning = {time : 35}) self.__shapes[c] = time_shape if t_diff: self.__diff_shapes[c] = diff_shape if Draw: self.__draw() def __draw(self): from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack from ROOT import TCanvas from ROOT import TPaveText self.__year_label = TPaveText(0.71, 0.72, 0.89, 0.85, "NDC") self.__year_label.SetFillColor(0) self.__year_label.AddText(self.__year) self.__year_label.SetBorderSize(0) obs = self.__masses.values() self.__canvas = TCanvas('wpv_canvas', 'wpv_canvas', len(obs) * 600, 533) for (p,o) in zip(self.__canvas.pads(len(obs)), obs): from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot plot(p, o, pdf = self.__pdf, data = self._data , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, MarkerColor = kBlack, Binning = 50) , pdfOpts = dict(LineWidth = 2) , plotResidHist = 'BX' , xTitle = 'M_{#mu^{+}#mu^{-}} [MeV/c^{2}]' , yTitle = 'Candidates / (%2.1f MeV/c^{2})' % ((o.getMax() - o.getMin()) / float(50)) , components = { 'wpv_bkg_*' : dict( LineColor = kRed, LineStyle = kDashed ) , 'wpv_psi_*' : dict( LineColor = kGreen, LineStyle = kDashed ) , 'wpv_sig_*' : dict( LineColor = kBlue, LineStyle = kDashed ) } ) self.__year_label.Draw() self.__canvas.Update() self.__draw_time() if self.__t_diff: self.__draw_t_diff() def __draw_time(self): from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack from ROOT import TCanvas from itertools import product self.__time_canvases = [] t = self.__time from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot from ROOT import RooArgSet for logy, (c, shape) in product((True, False), self.__shapes.items()): cn = 'wpv_time_%s' % c.GetName() if logy: cn += '_log' p = TCanvas(cn, cn, 600, 400) self.__time_canvases.append(p) nBins = 80 frame = plot(p, t, pdf = shape, data = self.__sdatas[c] , frameOpts = dict(Title = c.GetName()) , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, Binning = nBins, MarkerColor = kBlack) , pdfOpts = dict(LineWidth = 2) , logy = logy, yScale = (1 if logy else 0, None) , plotResidHist = False)[0] frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle('t [ps]') if logy: frame.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1, 7000 if self.__year == '2012' else 5000) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Candidates / (%3.2f ps)' % ((t.getMax() - t.getMin()) / float(nBins))) self.__year_label.Draw() from P2VV.Utilities.Resolution import plot_dir p.Print(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'wpv_time_%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (c.GetName()[4:], self.__year, 'log' if logy else 'linear')), EmbedFonts = True) def __draw_t_diff(self): from ROOT import kDashed, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack from ROOT import TCanvas self.__diff_canvases = [] t_diff = self.__t_diff from ROOT import RooArgSet for c, shape in self.__diff_shapes.iteritems(): name = 'wpv_diff_%s' % c.GetName() canvas = TCanvas(name, name, 600, 400) p = self.__diff_canvases.append(canvas) from P2VV.Utilities.Plotting import plot plot(p, t_diff, pdf = shape, data = self.__sdatas[c] , dataOpts = dict(MarkerSize = 0.8, Binning = 80, MarkerColor = kBlack) , pdfOpts = dict(LineWidth = 2) , xTitle = 't_{rec} - t_{true} [ps]' , yTitle = 'Candidates / (12.5 fs)' , logy = False , plotResidHist = False) self.__year_label.Draw() from P2VV.Utilities.Resolution import plot_dir canvas.Print(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'wpv_tdiff_%s_%s_linear.pdf' % (c.GetName()[4:], self.__year)), EmbedFonts = True) def sdata(self, key): c = self.__components[self.__weights][key] return self.__sdatas[c] def shape(self, key): c = self.__components[self.__weights][key] return self.__shapes[c] def diff_shape(self, key): c = self.__components[self.__weights][key] return self.__diff_shapes[c] def input_ws(self): return self.__input_ws def reweigh_weights(self, key): try: return self.__reweigh_weights[key] except AttributeError: return {}
observables = [t, m, mpsi, mphi, st, excl_biased, selected, zerr, hlt1_biased, hlt1_unbiased, hlt2_biased, hlt2_unbiased] + angles project_vars = [st, excl_biased] # now build the actual signal PDF... from ROOT import RooGaussian as Gaussian from ROOT import RooExponential as Exponential from ROOT import RooDecay as Decay # B mass pdf from P2VV.Parameterizations.MassPDFs import DoubleGauss_Signal_Mass as MassPdf sig_m = MassPdf(m, Name = 'sig_m', AvSigParameterisation = True) sig_m = sig_m.pdf() # background psi_c = RealVar( 'psi_c', Unit = '1/MeV', Value = -0.0004, MinMax = (-0.1, -0.0000001)) bkg_m = Pdf(Name = 'bkg_m', Type = Exponential, Parameters = [m, psi_c]) background = Component('background', (bkg_m,), Yield= (200000,500,5000000) ) signal = Component('signal', (sig_m,), Yield= (200000,500,500000) ) from P2VV.Utilities.DataHandling import readData tree_name = 'DecayTree' prefix = '/stuff/PhD' if os.path.exists('/stuff') else '/bfys/raaij' if dataSample == '2011': ## input_file = '/stuff/PhD/p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhi_ntupleB_for_fitting_20121012_MagDownMagUp.root' input_file = os.path.join(prefix, 'p2vv/data/Bs2JpsiPhiPrescaled_2012_ntupleB_20130722.root') elif dataSample == '2012':