def transaction(conn, mode): """ Gather info required to create a new transaction between an account and an envelope. Deposits go into an account and into a chosen envelope, requires a payee. Withdrawals come out of an account and out of a chosen envelope, requires a payer. Calls into for SQL commands. """ clear() # Gather all necessary inputs, 'q' stops function. acct_name = v.select_account(conn, mode) if acct_name == 'q': return env_name = v.select_envelope(conn, mode) if env_name == 'q': return if mode == 'withdraw': amt = v.transfer_amt(conn, mode, env_name) else: amt = v.transfer_amt(conn, mode) if amt == 'q': return payee = v.select_payee_lst(conn, mode) if payee == 'q': return # Run SQL statement to create new transaction in transactions table. SQL.transact(conn, acct_name, env_name, amt, payee, mode)
def close_acct(conn): """Called from main menu.""" name = v.select_account(conn, 'close') if name == 'q': return SQL.close_account(conn, name) conn.commit()
def table_init(conn): """Initialize tables for first time setup.""" clear() print('accounts table...', end='') SQL.create_table(conn, d.sql_cmd['accountsTable']) print('DONE.') print('groups table...', end='') SQL.create_table(conn, d.sql_cmd['groupsTable']) print('DONE.') print('envelopes table...', end='') SQL.create_table(conn, d.sql_cmd['envelopesTable']) print('DONE.') print('transactions table...', end='') SQL.create_table(conn, d.sql_cmd['transactionsTable']) print('DONE') print('payee table...', end='') SQL.create_table(conn, d.sql_cmd['payeesTable']) print('DONE.') print('Tables created')
def env_init(conn): """Initialize envelope groups and default envelope.""" for k in d.ENV_GROUPS: SQL.create_grp(conn, d.ENV_GROUPS[k]) print(d.ENV_GROUPS[k], 'group created.') # Create income pool envelope object. e = c.envelope(d.ENV_GROUPS[1], 'Income Pool') # Use object to create entry in envelopes table. SQL.create_env(conn, e) print(, 'envelope created') # Update database. conn.commit
def new_group(conn): """Creates a new group entry in groups table, uses user input.""" # Determine name of group from input. name = v.new_env_grp_usr(conn) if name == 'q': # Return 'q' to indicate user wants to quit. return name # Create a new group entry in groups table. SQL.create_grp(conn, name) print(name + ' group created.') # Pass name on for envelope creation. return name conn.commit()
def new_payee(conn, mode): """Creates a new payee entry in payees table, uses user input.""" # Determine name of new payee from input. name = v.new_payee_usr(conn, mode) if name == 'q': # Return 'q' to indicate user wants to quit. return name # List payees in payees table (payers/payees based on mode) ids, names = SQL.list_payees(conn, mode) # ids,names not used, Delete? # Create a new payee in payees table. SQL.create_payee(conn, name, mode) print(name + ' payee created.') # Pass payee name on for transaction creation. return name conn.commit()
def new_env(conn): """Creates a new entry in envelopes table, uses user input.""" # Determine name of envelope from input. name = v.new_env_name() if name == 'q': return # Determine group of envelope from input, input * for list of groups. group = v.new_env_grp_lst(conn) if group == 'q': return # Create envelope object from input information. env = c.envelope(group, name) # Use object to create entry in envelopes table. SQL.create_env(conn, env) print(name + ' envelope created in ' + group + ' group.') # Update database. conn.commit()
def print_payees(conn, mode): """Print list of payees or payers""" # Collect info on existing payees or payers based on mode ids, names = SQL.list_payees(conn, mode) # dep - payers/wthdrw - payees for i in range(len(ids)): # Print payee/payer ID, payee/payer Name. print(":: {} - {}".format(ids[i], names[i])) # Return lists if needed. return ids, names
def print_groups(conn): """Print list of groups""" # Collect info on existing groups. ids, names = SQL.list_groups(conn) for i in range(len(ids)): # Print Group ID, Group Name. print(':: {} - {}'.format(ids[i], names[i])) # Un-comment if needed to avoid auto clear. input('Enter to continue...') # Return lists if needed. return ids, names
def new_acct(conn): """Creates a new entry in accounts table, uses user input.""" # Determine type of account from input, cast as lowercase. type = v.new_acct_type() if type == 'q': return # Determine account name from input. name = v.new_acct_name() if name == 'q': return # Determine opening balance in account from input, cast as float. amt = v.new_acct_amt() if amt == 'q': return # Create account object using input information. acct = c.account(type, name, amt) # Use object to create entry in accounts table. SQL.create_acct(conn, acct) print('{} account created, of {} type.'.format(, acct.type)) # Update database. conn.commit()
def print_envs(conn): """Print list of envelopes and balances.""" # Collect info on existing envelopes. ids, names, amts = SQL.list_envs(conn) for i in range(len(ids)): # Print Env ID, Env Name, Converted cents to dollar amount. print(':: {} - {}: ${}'.format(ids[i], names[i], format(amts[i] / 100, '.2f'))) # Needed to avoid auto clear when displaying envelopes stand alone. input('Enter to continue...') # Return lists if needed. return ids, names, amts
def print_accts(conn): """Print list of accounts and balances.""" # Collect info on existing accounts. ids, names, amts = SQL.list_accts(conn) # For each item in acounts table... for i in range(len(ids)): # Print Account ID, Account Name, Converted cents to dollar amount. print(':: {} - {}: ${}'.format(ids[i], names[i], format(amts[i] / 100, '.2f'))) # Needed to avoid auto clear when displaying accounts stand alone. input('Enter to continue...') # Return lists if needed. return ids, names, amts
def env_trans(conn, mode): """ Gather info required to create a new transaction between envelopes. A 'fund' is moving money from income pool to another envelope. A 'Transfer' is moving money from one envelope to another. Calls into for SQL commands. """ clear() # Since all funding amounts come from income pool, set from_name to that. if mode == 'fund': fromName = 'Income Pool' # Transfers need user defined fromEnv and toEnv names, 'q' stops function. elif mode == 'transfer': fromName = v.select_envelope(conn, 'transferFrom') if fromName == 'q': return # Incase mode doesnt come through... else: print('error in f.env_trans') return # While loop incase user inputs same envelope for to/from. while True: toName = v.select_envelope(conn, mode) if toName == 'q': return # If the user enters the same envelope as the fromEnv. elif toName == fromName: print("You cant transfer in/out of the same envelope.") continue else: break # Get amount from user. amt = v.transfer_amt(conn, mode, fromName) if amt == 'q': return # Run SQL statement to create new transaction in transactions table. SQL.transfer(conn, fromName, toName, amt) conn.commit() # Move to SQL.transfer()?
def main(): """Run main loop for application.""" # Set database path database = os.path.join(os.path.curdir, 'PFT', 'PFT.db') # Create connection to database (creates .db file if not present) conn = SQL.create_connection(database) # Initialize tables in database f.table_init(conn) f.env_init(conn) answer = '' # Set up accounts f.clear() SQL.check_empty_db(conn) # main decision loop, quits when user enters 'q'. while answer != 'q': f.print_options() answer = v.menu_choice() d.OPTIONS[answer](conn) f.clear() conn.commit() conn.close()
def select_account(conn, mode=''): """Selected account should be in list. See select_envelope() for details, similar process. Mode may be 'close', in that case, check if account is empty before closing. If not empty, cancel action. Called by f.transaction(). """ while True: ids, names, amts = f.print_accts(conn) i = input("Select Account ('q' to quit): ") if i is not '' and not None: try: i = int(i) except ValueError: if i == 'q': return i else: print("Select account by number.") continue else: if i in ids: id = ids.index(i) acct = names[id] if mode == 'close': # Create account obj to check amount. cls_acct = SQL.create_acct_object(conn, acct) if cls_acct.amt == 0: return acct else: input('Empty account before closing.') return 'q' else: return acct else: print("Select account by number.") continue else: print("You didn't enter anything, please try again.")
def transfer_amt(conn, mode, env=None): """ Transfer amount should not be negative and not reduce envelope to negative. Modes are fund, transfer, withdraw, deposit. Fund mode sets from envelope as income pool. Transfer or withdraw sets from envelope with passed env object. Limits are determined from from envelope balances. Default env to none since deposit/fund never use it. Deposit has no limit. Called by f.env_trans() and f.transaction() """ if mode == 'fund': # Call into SQL to create income pool envelope object from table. envFrom = SQL.create_env_object(conn, 'Income Pool') # Set limit to envelope balance limit = envFrom.amt elif mode == 'transfer' or mode == 'withdraw': # Call into SQL to create envFrom = SQL.create_env_object(conn, env) limit = envFrom.amt print(limit) elif mode == 'deposit': pass else: print('error in input validation', mode) while True: if mode == 'fund': amt = input('Fund Amount: ') elif mode == 'transfer': amt = input('Transfer Amount: ') elif mode == 'withdraw': amt = input("Withdrawal Amount: ") elif mode == 'deposit': amt = input("Deposit Amount: ") else: print('error in input validation', mode) if amt is not '' and not None: # See new_acct_amt() for details, similar procedure try: # Convert amount into cents and cast as int. amt = int(float(amt) * 100) except ValueError: if amt == 'q': return amt else: print("Please enter a number.") continue else: if amt < 0: print('You cannot enter a negative amount.') continue # If required by mode, check if amount exceeds limit. if mode == 'fund' or mode == 'transfer' or mode == 'withdraw': if amt > limit: # Display limit for user convert to cents and truncate. print("You only have ${} avaliable.".format( format(limit / 100, '.2f'))) while True: ans = input('Confirm Negative Balance (y/n): ') if ans is not '' and not None: ans = ans.lower() if ans == 'y': return amt elif ans == 'n': break continue else: continue break else: # Amount is under limit, return amount. return amt else: # Amount is for deposit so no limit check needed. return amt else: # Nothing entered, loop again. print("You didnt enter amount, please try again.")