예제 #1
def validate_color(color: str) -> bool:
    if not color:
        return False
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return True
예제 #2
파일: api.py 프로젝트: cjlarose/pretty-doge
def get_color(color):
    Interpret some string as a color represented as a integer three tuple
    if len(color) == 32 and all(c in hexdigits for c in color):
        return hash_to_color(color)
        return getrgb(color)
        return getrgb("#" + color)
예제 #3
 def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
     if not hasattr(self, 'color'):
         getrgb(name) # as a side effect it validates or throws an exception
         self.color = name
         self.__doc__ = "An accessible traversable view" # Make the Zope publisher happy
         return self
     elif not hasattr(self, 'filename'):
         self.filename = name
         self.__doc__ = "An accessible traversable view"
         return self
         raise AttributeError
예제 #4
 def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
     if not hasattr(self, 'color'):
             name)  # as a side effect it validates or throws an exception
         self.color = name
         self.__doc__ = "An accessible traversable view"  # Make the Zope publisher happy
         return self
     elif not hasattr(self, 'filename'):
         self.filename = name
         self.__doc__ = "An accessible traversable view"
         return self
         raise AttributeError
    def is_valid_color(self, color):
        Test if param color is a valid color that is compatible with Pillow getrgb()
        Valid colors include names like red, blue, green that are recognised by getrgb(),
        and hex values like #44FC313.
        For full details on supported color formats, see

            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
예제 #6
def parse_value(value: Any):
    Parses the input string returning rgb int-tuple.

    Supported formats:

    * RGB ('r,g,b', 'r, g, b')
    * HEX ('00ff00')
    * Arcade colors ('BLUE', 'DARK_BLUE')

    import arcade

    if value in (None, '', 'None'):
        return None

    if type(value) in (int, float, list):
        return value

    # if a string, then try parsing
    if isinstance(value, str):
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:

        # arcade color
        if isinstance(value, str) and hasattr(arcade.color, value.upper()):
            return getattr(arcade.color, value)

        # hex
        if len(value) in (3, 6) and ',' not in value:
                return getrgb(f'#{value}')
            except ValueError:

        # rgb
            return getrgb(f'rgb({value})')
        except ValueError:

        # last chance some Path
        if os.path.exists(value):
            return Path(value)

    warn(f'Could not parse style value: {value}')
    return value
예제 #7
def curve(color='#5C87B2', width=4, number=6):
    from .bezier import make_bezier
    if not callable(color):
        c = getrgb(color)

        def color():
            return c

    def drawer(image_, text_):
        dx, height = image_.size
        dx = dx / number
        path = [(dx * i, random.randint(0, height)) for i in range(1, number)]
        bcoefs = make_bezier(number - 1)
        points = []
        for coefs in bcoefs:
                    sum([coef * p for coef, p in zip(coefs, ps)])
                    for ps in zip(*path)))
        draw = Draw(image_)
        draw.line(points, fill=color(), width=width)
        return image_

    return drawer
예제 #8
def mapdraw(args,colorbar):
   img = Image.new('RGB',(args['xlen'],args['ylen']),'white')
   draw = Draw(img)

   for key,value in args['datamap'].iteritems():

   img2 = img.resize((args['y'],args['y']), Image.BILINEAR)

   imgclr = colorbar.resize((args['colorbar'],img2.size[1]), Image.BILINEAR)

   imgbox = Image.new('RGB',((300+args['y']+args['colorbar']),(img2.size[1]+200)),args['background'])

   drawbox = Draw(imgbox)
   title = args['title']
   titlesize = 50 # future user input
   font = truetype("/library/fonts/Arial.ttf",titlesize)
   smfontsize = 30 # future user input
   smfont = truetype("/library/fonts/Arial.ttf",smfontsize)
   titlewidth = font.getsize(title)[0]
   drawbox.text(((imgbox.size[0]/2 - titlewidth/2), titlesize/2),title,(0,0,0),font=font)

   drawbox.text(((imgbox.size[0] - 95),100),str(args['max']),(0,0,0),font=smfont)
   drawbox.text(((imgbox.size[0] - 95),(100 + img2.size[1] - smfontsize)),str(args['min']),(0,0,0),font=smfont)

   if 'title' in args:
      title = args['title']+'_'+str(args['min'])+'_'+str(args['max'])+'.png'
      title = 'output_'+str(args['min'])+'_'+str(args['max'])+'.png'
예제 #9
def image_tint(src, tint='#fffab5'):
    if Image.isStringType(src):  # file path?
        src = Image.open(src)
    if src.mode not in ['RGB', 'RGBA']:
        raise TypeError('Unsupported source image mode: {}'.format(src.mode))

    tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint)
    tl = getcolor(tint, "L")  # tint color's overall luminosity
    if not tl: tl = 1  # avoid division by zero
    tl = float(tl)  # compute luminosity preserving tint factors
    sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv/tl, (tr, tg, tb))  # per component
                                                      # adjustments
    # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint
    # (using floating-point math only to compute table)
    luts = (tuple(map(lambda lr: int(lr*sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lg: int(lg*sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lb: int(lb*sb + 0.5), range(256))))
    l = grayscale(src)  # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image
    if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4:
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l))  # for RGB verion of grayscale
    else:  # include copy of src image's alpha layer
        a = Image.new("L", src.size)
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a))  # for RGBA verion of grayscale
        luts += tuple(range(256))  # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values
    return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
예제 #10
def background(image, color):
    if not isinstance(color, tuple) or len(color) != 4 or color[3] != 0:
        if image.mode in PALETTE_MODES: 
            if 'transparency' in image.info:
                if not isinstance(color, tuple):
                    color = getrgb(color)
                trans = image.info['transparency']
                del image.info['transparency']
                palette = image.getpalette()
                palette[trans * 3 + 0] = color[0]
                palette[trans * 3 + 1] = color[1]
                palette[trans * 3 + 2] = color[2]
            bg = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, color)
            bg.info = image.info
            if image.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA'):
                if isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 4:
                    # semitransparent background
                    paste_composite(bg, image)
                    # solid background
                    bg = bg.convert(image.mode[:-1])
                    bg.paste(image.convert(image.mode[:-1]), (0, 0), image)
                bg.paste(image, (0, 0))
            image = bg

    image.info['_filter_background_color'] = color
    return image
예제 #11
    def set_status(text=None, bgcolor='black'):
        if not text:
            text = [("Raspberry Pi ", (255, 0, 0))]
        font = ImageFont.truetype(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
            '/C&C Red Alert [INET].ttf', 13)
        all_text = ''
        for text_color_pair in text:
            t = text_color_pair[0]
            all_text += t + ' '

        width, ignore = font.getsize(all_text)

        # img = Image.new('RGB', (max(width, 128), 16), bgcolor)
        img = Image.new('RGB', (max(width, 128), 16), 'black')
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

        x = 0
        for text_color_pair in text:
            t = text_color_pair[0]
            # c = text_color_pair[1]
            c = getrgb(bgcolor)
            draw.text((x, 2), t, c, font=font)
            x = x + font.getsize(t)[0]

예제 #12
def main():
    args = parse_argument()

    length = count_char(args.text)
    fontsize = args.font_size
    width_p = int(fontsize / 72. * DPI[0] * length)
    height_p = int(fontsize / 72. * DPI[1])
    color_rgba = getrgb(args.color) + (int(
        (1. - args.text_transparency) * 255), )

    # write text
    img = Image.new('RGBA', (width_p, height_p), (255, 255, 255, 0))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font=args.font, size=fontsize)
    draw.text((0, 0), args.text, font=font, fill=color_rgba)

    # remove margin
    crop = img.split()[-1].getbbox()
    img = img.crop(crop)

    # make directory
    dir_path = args.output_dir_path
    if dir_path:
        if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):

    output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, args.text + ".png")
    img.save(output_path, dpi=DPI)
예제 #13
 def hex_to_rgb(self, hex):
     """ Convert a given color from a hexadecimal value to a rgb tuple. For
         example a hex value of "C9A814" would get converted to (201, 168, 20).
         :param hex: the hexadecimal code (string) representing a color value.
         :return: Returns the tuple value as a string.
     return getrgb('#' + hex)  # convert to hex value
예제 #14
 def __call__(self):
     portal_skins = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_skins')
     if not hasattr(self, 'filename'):
         self.filename = self.request.img
     if not hasattr(self, 'color'):
         self.color = self.request.color
     color = self.color
     img = portal_skins.restrictedTraverse(self.filename)
     img_data = getattr(img, '_data', False) or getattr(img, 'data', False)
     image = Image.open(StringIO(img_data))
     alpha = None
     if image.mode == 'RGBA':
         alpha = image.split()[3]
     elif image.mode == 'P' and image.format == 'PNG':
         # PNG images can have transparency and be palette-based.
         # This is probably not the most clever method but it works
         alpha = image.convert('RGBA').split()[3]
     r,g,b = getrgb(color)
     if image.mode != 'L':
         grayscale_image = image.convert('L')
         grayscale_image = image
     newimage = ImageOps.colorize(grayscale_image, (r,g,b),(255,255,255))
     output = StringIO()
     if alpha:
     newimage.save(output, format='PNG')
     return output.getvalue()
예제 #15
def image_tint(src,
               tint="#ffffff"):  # From https://stackoverflow.com/a/12310820
    if src.mode not in ["RGB", "RGBA"]:
        raise TypeError("Unsupported source image mode: {}".format(src.mode))

    tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint)
    tl = getcolor(tint, "L")
    if not tl:
        tl = 1
    tl = float(tl)
    sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv / tl, (tr, tg, tb))
    luts = (tuple(map(lambda lr: int(lr * sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lg: int(lg * sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lb: int(lb * sb + 0.5), range(256))))
    l = grayscale(src)
    if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4:
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l))
        a = Image.new("L", src.size)

        luts += tuple(range(256))

    return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
예제 #16
def heatmap(area_num, pic, area_colors):
    for index, row in enumerate(area_num):
        heat_color = getrgb(area_colors[index])
        floodFill(pic, None, (row[2] * 10, row[3] * 10), newVal=heat_color)
        imwrite('test.png', cvtColor(pic, COLOR_BGR2RGB))

    return heatmap
예제 #17
def hl_code(code, name, user_data):
    style: Style = user_data.get('style') or default_style

    formatter = find_formatter_class(style.format)

    css_style = ('pre.code{{ font-family: {}; }}'.format(style.font) +
                 'td.linenos{ '
                 'background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.11); }')

    scheme:pygments.style.Style = get_style_by_name(style.color_scheme)
    rgb = getrgb(scheme.background_color)[:3]
    lineno_bg = (*rgb, 20)

    highlighted = highlight(code,
                                      linenos = True,

    if style.format == 'html':
        highlighted = highlighted.replace(
            'background-color: #f0f0f0;',
            'background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.06);'

    if isinstance(highlighted, str):
        highlighted = highlighted.encode()
    img = BytesIO(highlighted)
    img.name = 'code_{}.{}'.format(name, style.format)

    return img
예제 #18
def image_tint(path: str, tint: str) -> Image:
    src = Image.open(path)
    if src.mode not in ("RGB", "RGBA"):
        raise TypeError(f"Unsupported source image mode: {src.mode}")

    tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint)
    tl = getcolor(tint, "L")  # tint color's overall luminosity
    if not tl:
        tl = 1  # avoid division by zero
    tl = float(tl)  # compute luminosity preserving tint factors
    sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv / tl, (tr, tg, tb))  # per component
    # adjustments
    # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint
    # (using floating-point math only to compute table)
    luts = (tuple(map(lambda lr: int(lr * sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lg: int(lg * sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lb: int(lb * sb + 0.5), range(256))))
    l = grayscale(src)  # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image
    if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4:
        merge_args: tuple = (src.mode, (l, l, l)
                             )  # for RGB verion of grayscale
    else:  # include copy of src image's alpha layer
        a = Image.new("L", src.size)
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a))  # for RGBA verion of grayscale
        luts += tuple(range(256))  # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values

    image = Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
    new_image = Image.new("RGBA", image.size,
                          "WHITE")  # Create a white rgba background
    new_image.paste(image, (0, 0), image)
    return new_image
예제 #19
def background(color='#EEEECC'):
    color = getrgb(color)

    def drawer(image, text):
        Draw(image).rectangle([(0, 0), image.size], fill=color)
        return image
    return drawer
예제 #20
 def __call__(self):
     portal_skins = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_skins')
     if not hasattr(self, 'filename'):
         self.filename = self.request.img
     if not hasattr(self, 'color'):
         self.color = self.request.color
     color = self.color
     img = portal_skins.restrictedTraverse(self.filename)
     img_data = getattr(img, '_data', False) or getattr(img, 'data', False)
     image = Image.open(StringIO(img_data))
     alpha = None
     if image.mode == 'RGBA':
         alpha = image.split()[3]
     elif image.mode == 'P' and image.format == 'PNG':
         # PNG images can have transparency and be palette-based.
         # This is probably not the most clever method but it works
         alpha = image.convert('RGBA').split()[3]
     r, g, b = getrgb(color)
     if image.mode != 'L':
         grayscale_image = image.convert('L')
         grayscale_image = image
     newimage = ImageOps.colorize(grayscale_image, (r, g, b),
                                  (255, 255, 255))
     output = StringIO()
     if alpha:
     newimage.save(output, format='PNG')
     self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png')
     return output.getvalue()
예제 #21
def image_tint(im, tint='#ff0000'):

    src = Image.new('RGB', im.size)

    tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint)
    tl = getcolor(tint, "L")  # tint color's overall luminosity
    if not tl: tl = 1  # avoid division by zero
    tl = float(tl)  # compute luminosity preserving tint factors
    sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv / tl,
                     (tr, tg, tb))  # per component adjustments

    # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint
    # (using floating-point math only to compute table)
    luts = (list(map(lambda lr: int(lr * sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
            list(map(lambda lg: int(lg * sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
            list(map(lambda lb: int(lb * sb + 0.5), range(256))))
    l = grayscale(src)  # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image
    if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4:
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l))  # for RGB verion of grayscale
    else:  # include copy of src image's alpha layer
        a = Image.new("L", src.size)
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a))  # for RGBA verion of grayscale
        luts += range(256)  # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values

    return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
예제 #22
파일: tint.py 프로젝트: plttn/cst205proj2
def image_tint(src, tint='#ffffff'):
    if Image.isStringType(src):  # file path?
        src = Image.open(src)
    if src.mode not in ['RGB', 'RGBA']:
        raise TypeError('Unsupported source image mode: {}'.format(src.mode))

    tr, tg, tb = getrgb(tint)
    tl = getcolor(tint, "L")  # tint color's overall luminosity
    if not tl: tl = 1  # avoid division by zero
    tl = float(tl)  # compute luminosity preserving tint factors
    sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv/tl, (tr, tg, tb))  # per component
                                                      # adjustments
    # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint
    # (using floating-point math only to compute table)
    luts = (tuple(map(lambda lr: int(lr*sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lg: int(lg*sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
            tuple(map(lambda lb: int(lb*sb + 0.5), range(256))))
    l = grayscale(src)  # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image
    if Image.getmodebands(src.mode) < 4:
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l))  # for RGB verion of grayscale
    else:  # include copy of src image's alpha layer
        a = Image.new("L", src.size)
        merge_args = (src.mode, (l, l, l, a))  # for RGBA verion of grayscale
        luts += tuple(range(256))  # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values

    return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)
예제 #23
    def image_tint(self, source_path, tint='#ffffff'):
        Take an image from a path and convert it to a tinted string for sprite coloration.
        :param source_path: sting path to image
        :param tint: string color code in hex
        :return: string of modified image

        img_source = Image.open(source_path)                # Get the image from specified path
        tint_red, tint_green, tint_blue = getrgb(tint)      # Get color tint of each color
        tint_lum = getcolor(tint, "L")                      # Tint color luminosity

        if tint_lum == 0:   # Avoid division by 0
            tint_lum = 1

        tint_lum = float(tint_lum)  # Compute luminosity preserving tint factors
        sr, sg, sb = map(lambda tv: tv / tint_lum, (tint_red, tint_green, tint_blue))  # per component adjustments

        # create look-up tables to map luminosity to adjusted tint
        # (using floating-point math only to compute table)
        luts = (list(map(lambda lr: int(lr * sr + 0.5), range(256))) +
                list(map(lambda lg: int(lg * sg + 0.5), range(256))) +
                list(map(lambda lb: int(lb * sb + 0.5), range(256))))

        l = grayscale(img_source)  # 8-bit luminosity version of whole image

        if Image.getmodebands(img_source.mode) < 4:
            merge_args = (img_source.mode, (l, l, l))  # for RGB verion of grayscale
        else:  # include copy of img_source image's alpha layer
            a = Image.new("L", img_source.size)
            merge_args = (img_source.mode, (l, l, l, a))  # for RGBA verion of grayscale
            luts += range(256)  # for 1:1 mapping of copied alpha values

        return Image.merge(*merge_args).point(luts)     # Return string of image
예제 #24
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self.avatar:
         self.avatar = "avatar/image_" + self.name[0].lower() + ".png"
         colors = [
         img = Image.new('RGB', (64, 64),
                         getrgb(colors[ord(self.name[0].upper()) % 15]))
         img_io = BytesIO()
         font = ImageFont.truetype('../../arial.ttf', 35)
         draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
         w, h = draw.textsize(self.name[0].upper(), font=font)
         draw.text(((64 - w) / 2, (54 - h) / 2),
                   fill=(255, 255, 255))
         img.save(img_io, format='PNG', quality=100)
         self.avatar = ContentFile(img_io.getvalue(),
                                   'image_' + self.name[0].upper() + '.png')
     super(ClientProfile, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #25
def text(fonts,
         color: Union[str, Callable] = '#5C87B2',
    """ 向验证码上写文字

    :param fonts: ttf 字体文件,Iterable
    :param font_sizes: 字体大小,Iterable

    真正的字体是 fonts 和 font_sizes 的笛卡尔积

    :param drawings: 文字变换(混淆)方法,每生成一个字母,所有 drawings 都会变换这个字母
    :param color: 文字颜色,或者是一个返回颜色的函数 (例如随机颜色)
    :param squeeze_factor: 挤压的比例,这个值越低,验证码重叠程度越高

    fonts = tuple(
        truetype(name, size) for name in fonts
        for size in font_sizes or (65, 70, 75))
    if not callable(color):
        c = getrgb(color)

        def color():
            return c

    def drawer(image_, text_):
        draw = Draw(image_)
        char_images = []
        for c_ in text_:
            font = random.choice(fonts)
            c_width, c_height = draw.textsize(c_, font=font)
            # char_image = Image.new('RGB', (c_width, c_height), (0, 0, 0))
            o_width, o_height = font.getoffset(c_)
            char_image = Image.new(mode='RGB',
                                   size=(c_width + o_width,
                                         c_height + o_height),
                                   color=(0, 0, 0))
            char_draw = Draw(char_image)
            char_draw.text((0, 0), c_, font=font, fill=color())
            char_image = char_image.crop(char_image.getbbox())
            for drawing in drawings:
                char_image = drawing(char_image)
        width, height = image_.size
        offset_ = int(
            (width -
             sum(int(i.size[0] * squeeze_factor)
                 for i in char_images[:-1]) - char_images[-1].size[0]) / 2)
        # 将单个字符图像画在验证码上
        for char_image in char_images:
            c_width, c_height = char_image.size
            mask = char_image.convert('L').point(lambda i: i * 1.97)
            image_.paste(char_image, (offset_, int((height - c_height) / 2)),
            offset_ += int(c_width * squeeze_factor)
        return image_

    return drawer
예제 #26
 def hex_to_rgb(self, hex):
     """ Convert a given color from a hexadecimal value to a rgb tuple. For
         example a hex value of "C9A814" would get converted to (201, 168, 20).
         Returns the tuple value as a string.
         [In] hex - the hexidecimal code (string) representing a color value.
     # print '#' + hex, "  ", getrgb('#' + hex)
     return getrgb('#' + hex)  # convert to hex value
예제 #27
 def colour(self, value=None):
     if value is not None:
         self._colour = value
         colour = np.uint8(getrgb(value)[::-1]).reshape((1, 1, 3))
         hsv = cv2.cvtColor(colour, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV).reshape((3))
         self.low = np.array([hsv[0] - 10, 50, 50])
         self.high = np.array([hsv[0] + 10, 255, 255])
         return self._colour
예제 #28
 def __init__(self,
              text: str,
              font: FreeTypeFont = None,
              color: Union[str, Sequence] = (0, 0, 0)):
     self.text = text
     self.font = font
     if type(color) is str:
         self.color = getrgb(color)
         self.color = color
예제 #29
def set_color(color):  # (3)
    Set REG LED Color.
    rgb = getrgb(color)  # (4)

    print("LED is {} ({})".format(color, rgb))

    pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_RED, 255 - rgb[0])  # (5)       <<<< DIFFERENCE
    pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_GREEN, 255 - rgb[1])  #           <<<< DIFFERENCE
    pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_BLUE, 255 - rgb[2])  #           <<<< DIFFERENCE
예제 #30
def background(color='#EEEECC'):
    """ 验证码底色

    color = getrgb(color)

    def drawer(image_, text_):
        Draw(image_).rectangle([(0, 0), image_.size], fill=color)
        return image_

    return drawer
예제 #31
def recolor_image(image, old_color_range, color):
    new_color = getrgb(color)
    img = image.convert('RGBA')
    data = img.getdata()
    new_data = []
    for item in data:
        if (item[-1] != 0) and (item[0] in old_color_range):
    return img
예제 #32
def colormap(args):
   rangelen = args['max'] - args['min']
   rangemid = args['min'] + (rangelen / 2)
   rangemax = args['max']
   rangemin = args['min']
   cr2 = rgb2hex.linear_gradient(args['colors'][1],args['colors'][2],(int(rangelen/2*1000))+1)['hex']
   cr1 = rgb2hex.linear_gradient(args['colors'][0],args['colors'][1],(int(rangelen/2*1000))+1)['hex']
   dictlist = {}

   for y,sl in enumerate(args['data']): # for each sublist within dataset (row)
      for x,i in enumerate(sl): # for each point in sublist (column)
         val = args['colors'][1]
         #top half of data range
         if i > rangemid:
            if i <= rangemax:
               val = cr2[int((i - (rangemin + rangelen/2)) * 1000)]
               val = args['colors'][2]
         #bottom half of data range
         elif i < rangemid:
            if i >= rangemin:
               val = cr1[int((i - rangemin) * 1000)]
               val = args['colors'][0] 
         # mask
         if 'mask' in args:
            if i <= args['mask'][0]:
               val = args['mask'][1]
         # add to dict
         if val in dictlist:
            dictlist[val] = [(x,y)]
   args['datamap'] = dictlist

   # ===== COLORBAR CREATION =====
   clr = (cr1 + cr2)
   clr = clr[::-1000]
   widthclr = args['colorbar']
   heightclr = len(clr)

   imgclr = Image.new("RGB",(widthclr,heightclr),"white")
   drawclr = Draw(imgclr)

   for y,val in enumerate(clr):
      for x in range(widthclr):
   return args, imgclr
예제 #33
 def convertColor(color):
     color = RGBtoLab(getrgb(color))
     colorIds = {
         '#7986cb': 1,
         '#33b679': 2,
         '#8e24aa': 3,
         '#e67c73': 4,
         '#f6c026': 5,
         '#f5511d': 6,
         '#039be5': 7,
         '#616161': 8,
         '#3f51b5': 9,
         '#0b8043': 10,
         '#d60000': 11
     distances = []
     for colorId, id in colorIds.items():
         colorIdLab = RGBtoLab(getrgb(colorId))
         distances.append((sqrt((color[0] - colorIdLab[0])**2 +
                                (color[1] - colorIdLab[1])**2 +
                                (color[2] - colorIdLab[2])**2), id))
     return min(distances)[1]
예제 #34
def rainbow_example(loops=1, delay_secs=0.01):  # (7)
    Cycle RGB LED through a range of colors.
    saturation = 100  # 0 (grayer) to 100 (full color)
    brightness = 100  # 0 (darker) to 100 (brighter)

    for i in range(0, loops):
        for hue in tuple(range(0, 360)) + tuple(range(360, -1,
                                                      -1)):  # 0..360..0
            color_str = "hsb({}, {}%, {}%)".format(hue, saturation, brightness)
            rgb = getrgb(color_str)
            pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_RED, 255 - rgb[0])  # <<<< DIFFERENCE
            pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_GREEN, 255 - rgb[1])  # <<<< DIFFERENCE
            pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO_BLUE, 255 - rgb[2])  # <<<< DIFFERENCE
예제 #35
def make_installer_image(logo_file):
    from PIL import Image
    from PIL.ImageColor import getrgb

    color = getrgb("#77216F")
    logo = Image.open(logo_file).convert("RGB").resize((164, 164))
    newdata = []
    for item in logo.getdata():
        if item == (0, 0, 0):
    region = logo.crop((0, 0, 164, 164))
    img = Image.new("RGB", (164, 314), color)
    img.paste(region, (0, 75))
    return img
예제 #36
def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Finds the nearest colorname for the given color.")
                        help="The color to search for")
                        help="If to be short and concise without link")
    args = parser.parse_args()
        rgb = getrgb(args.color)
    except ValueError:
        print("Unable to parse color", file=sys.stdout)
    return rgb, args.concise
예제 #37
def noise(number=40, color='#EEEECC', level=2):
    if not callable(color):
        c = getrgb(color)
        color = lambda: c

    def drawer(image, text):
        width, height = image.size
        dx = width / 10
        width = width - dx
        dy = height / 10
        height = height - dy
        draw = Draw(image)
        for i in xrange(number):
            x = int(random.uniform(dx, width))
            y = int(random.uniform(dy, height))
            draw.line(((x, y), (x + level, y)), fill=color(), width=level)
        return image
    return drawer
예제 #38
def picture(dic=None):
    from cv2 import imread, floodFill
    from PIL.ImageColor import getrgb
    pos = [
        eval(s) for s in (
            '0 15,15 52,6 57,9 54,19 52,9 52,19 52,24 '
            '52,34 49,31 47,31 47,34 52,36 47,36 47,37 47,24 37,31 34,32 '
            '32,34 44,36 42,34 37,34 42,39 37,39 34,43 32,39 29,39 29,41 '
            '27,39 31,44 29,44 19,38 12,42 22,39 17,41 11,44 22,46 22,44 '
            '17,46 19,48 7,48 3,50 2,52 7,54 8,49 9,54 5,59 54,56').split()
    p = imread(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'japan.png'))
    if dic:
        for k, v in dic.items():
            i = k if isinstance(k, int) else pref_code(k)
            if 1 <= i <= 47:
                c = v if isinstance(v, tuple) else getrgb(v)
                floodFill(p, None, (pos[i][0] * 10, pos[i][1] * 10), c)
    return p
예제 #39
def curve(color='#5C87B2', width=1, number=10):
    from wheezy.captcha.bezier import make_bezier
    if not callable(color):
        c = getrgb(color)
        color = lambda: c

    def drawer(image, text):
        dx, height = image.size
        dx = dx / number
        path = [(dx * i, random.randint(0, height))
                for i in range(1, number)]
        bcoefs = make_bezier(number - 1)
        points = []
        for coefs in bcoefs:
            points.append(tuple(sum([coef * p for coef, p in zip(coefs, ps)])
                          for ps in zip(*path)))
        draw = Draw(image)
        draw.line(points, fill=color(), width=width)
        return image
    return drawer
예제 #40
def MatchColour(colour, low_l=0.2, high_l=0.65, s_factor=1):
    """Determine a colour that contrasts with a given colour. The resulting
    colour pair can be used as foreground and background, guaranteeing
    readable text.

    The match colour is determined by flipping the luminisoty to 10% or 90%,
    while keeping the hue and saturation stable. The only exception are
    yellowish colours, for those the luminosity is always set to 10%.
    (r, g, b) = getrgb(colour)
    (h, l, s) = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
    if 0.16 < h < 0.33:
        l = low_l
    elif l > 0.49:
        l = low_l
        l = high_l
    s *= s_factor
    (r, g, b) = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
def str2color(string: str) -> Tuple[int]:
    color = string
    if re.fullmatch('\\((\\d+), *(\\d+), *(\\d+)\\)', color):
        # rgb color
        result = re.fullmatch('\\((\\d+), *(\\d+), *(\\d+)\\)', color)
        c = []
        for i in range(1, 4):
        return tuple(c)
    elif re.fullmatch('#([0-9a-fA-F]+)', color):
        # Hex color
        result = re.fullmatch('#([0-9a-fA-F]+)', color)
        h = '{:0>6}'.format(result.group(1))
        c = []
        for i in range(3):
            a = h[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
            c.append(int(a, 16))
        return tuple(c)
        # name color
        return getrgb(color)
예제 #42
파일: captcha.py 프로젝트: xxguo/leopard
def captcha_text(fonts, font_sizes=None, drawings=None, color='#5C87B2',
    fonts = tuple([truetype(name, size)
                   for name in fonts
                   for size in font_sizes or (65, 70, 75)])
    if not callable(color):
        c = getrgb(color)
        color = lambda: c

    def drawer(image, text):
        draw = Draw(image)
        char_images = []
        for c in text:
            font = random.choice(fonts)
            c_width, c_height = draw.textsize(c, font=font)
            c_height *= 2
            char_image = Image.new('RGB', (c_width, c_height), (0, 0, 0))
            char_draw = Draw(char_image)
            char_draw.text((0, 0), c, font=font, fill=color())
            char_image = char_image.crop(char_image.getbbox())
            for drawing in drawings:
                char_image = drawing(char_image)
        width, height = image.size
        offset = int((width - sum(int(i.size[0] * squeeze_factor)
                                  for i in char_images[:-1])
                      - char_images[-1].size[0]) / 2)
        for char_image in char_images:
            c_width, c_height = char_image.size
            mask = char_image.convert('L').point(lambda i: i * 1.97)
                        (offset, int((height - c_height) / 2)),
            offset += int(c_width * squeeze_factor)
        return image
    return drawer
예제 #43
    def set_status(text=None, bgcolor='black'):
        if not text:
            text = [("Raspberry Pi ", (255, 0, 0))]
        font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/C&C Red Alert [INET].ttf', 13)
        all_text = ''
        for text_color_pair in text:
            t = text_color_pair[0]
            all_text += t + ' '

        width, ignore = font.getsize(all_text)

        # img = Image.new('RGB', (max(width, 128), 16), bgcolor)
        img = Image.new('RGB', (max(width, 128), 16), 'black')
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

        x = 0
        for text_color_pair in text:
            t = text_color_pair[0]
            # c = text_color_pair[1]
            c = getrgb(bgcolor)
            draw.text((x, 2), t, c, font=font)
            x = x + font.getsize(t)[0]

예제 #44
 def to_hls(self, colour):
     import colorsys
     from PIL.ImageColor import getrgb
     (r, g, b) = getrgb(colour)
     return colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
예제 #45
 def black(self, colorstring, percent):
     factor = int(percent)/100.0
     r,g,b = getrgb(colorstring)
     colors = map(lambda x: int((x+1)*factor), (r,g,b) )
     return get_colorstring(*colors)
예제 #46
 def white(self, colorstring, percent):
     factor = (100-int(percent))/100.0
     r,g,b = getrgb(colorstring)
     colors = map(lambda x: int(256 - (255-x+1)*factor), (r,g,b) )
     return get_colorstring(*colors)
예제 #47
def main():
	# Assumed that watermark has transparent background
	wm = raw_input("Provide Watermark: ")
	wm = validate(wm, 'watermark')

	p = raw_input("Provide Photo: ")		
	p = validate(p, 'photo')
	wm_size = raw_input("Width of Watermark (As % of Photo Width): ")
		assert float(wm_size) >= 0.0 and float(wm_size) <= 100.0
		sys.exit("Invalid watermark percentage.")

	color = raw_input("Provide Hex Color Code: #")
	rgbcolor = hex_to_rgb(color)

	uw = raw_input("Provide Border Width (max 100px): ") 
		assert uw.strip().isdigit() 
		assert int(uw) > 0 and int(uw) <= 100
		sys.exit("Invalid border value.")
	width = int(uw)

	img = Image.open(p)
	w, h = img.size

	# Create border in desired color
	bh = w+width*2
	bw = h+width*2
	border = Image.new('RGB', (bh, bw))
	for x in range(0, border.size[0]):
		for y in range(0, border.size[1]):
			border.putpixel((x,y), rgbcolor)

	# Paste the image on the border
	border.paste(img, (width, width))
	# Save copy of image without watermark
	borderpic = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(p))
	borderpic = borderpic.split('.', 1)[0]
	picname = borderpic + "-border.png"
	print "Saving bordered picture as " + str(picname)

	wmark = Image.open(wm).convert('RGBA')
	wmarkpix = wmark.load()
	ww, wh = wmark.size
	wwmark = Image.new('RGBA', (ww, wh))
	# Make all non-transparent pixels into the color of choice
	hexcolor = '#' + str(color).lower()
	red, green, blue = getrgb(hexcolor)
	for x in range(ww):
		for y in range(wh):
			r, g, b, a = wmarkpix[x, y]
			if (a == 255):
				wwmark.putpixel((x,y), (red, green, blue))
				wwmark.putpixel((x,y), (255, 255, 255, 0))
	waterpic = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(wm)) 
	waterpic = waterpic.split('.', 1)[0]
	wname = waterpic + "-recolor.png"
	print "Saving recolored watermark as " + str(wname)
	# Alter watermark size, maintaining aspect ratio
	size = int(w*(float(wm_size)/100)), int(h*(float(wm_size)/100))
	wwmark.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)	
	sname = waterpic + "-small.png"

	# Load in the final watermark, image
	wmarkpic = Image.open(os.path.abspath(picname))
	wwidth, wheight = wmarkpic.size
	wmarksm = Image.open(os.path.abspath(sname))
	wtwidth, wtheight = wmarksm.size

	# Place the watermark in the right corner
	r, g, b, a = wmarksm.split()
	top = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
	mask = Image.merge("L", (a,))
	wmarkpic.paste(top, (wwidth-wtwidth-width, wheight-wtheight-width), mask)	
	print "Saving watermarked picture as " + str(borderpic) + "-wm.png."
	wmarkpic.save(borderpic + "-wm.png")
예제 #48
def IsBright(colour):
    """Check if a (RGB) colour is a bright colour."""
    (r, g, b) = getrgb(colour)
    (h, l, s) = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
    return l > 0.50
예제 #49
파일: gitvid.py 프로젝트: defnull/gitvid
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     ''' Auto-convert CSS/HTML color hashes (e.g. #112233) '''
     if isinstance(value, str):
         value = getrgb(value)
     dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)