예제 #1
	def fill(self,seedPoint,fillValue=1 ):
		"fills an area starting with seed"
		i = self.index(seedPoint);
		v = self.p[:];
		x = Image.fromarray(v.T);

		v[:] = np.array(x).T;
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: kikoval/pyHTM
def createMask(imageIn, threshold=10, fillHoles=True, backgroundColor=255, blurRadius=0.0,
    Given an image, create a mask by locating the pixels that are not the backgroundColor
    (within a threshold).

    @param threshold  How far away from the backgroundColor a pixel must be to be included
                        in the mask
    @param fillHoles  If true, the inside of the mask will be filled in. This is useful if
                        the inside of objects might contain the background color
    @param backgroundColor the background color.
    @param blurRadius If set to some fraction > 0.0, then the edges of the mask will be blurred
                        using a blur radius which is this fraction of the image size.
    @param maskScale  If set to < 1.0, then the effective size of the object (the area where
                        the mask includes the object) will be scaled down by this
                        amount. This can be useful when the outside of the object contains
                        some noise that you want to trim out and not include in the mask.

    @retval the mask as a PIL 'L' image, where 255 is areas that include the object, and 0
                      are areas that are background. If blurRadius is > 0, then it will
                      also contain values between 0 and 255 which act as compositing values.


    image = imageIn.convert('L')
    bwImage = image.point(lambda x: (abs(x - backgroundColor) > threshold) * 255)

    if not fillHoles:
        mask = bwImage
        bwImage = ImageOps.expand(bwImage, 1, fill=0)
        maskColor = 128
        ImageDraw.floodfill(bwImage, (0, 0), maskColor)
        mask = bwImage.point(lambda x: (x != maskColor) * 255)
        mask = ImageOps.crop(mask, 1)

    # Are we reducing the object size?
    if maskScale < 1.0:
        newSize = [int(x * maskScale) for x in mask.size]
        reducedMask = mask.resize(newSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        sizeDiff = numpy.array(mask.size) - numpy.array(newSize)
        pos = [int(x / 2) for x in sizeDiff]
        mask = ImageChops.constant(mask, 0)
        mask.paste(reducedMask, tuple(pos))

    # Blur the mask
    if blurRadius > 0.0:
        radius = int(round(blurRadius * (mask.size[0] + mask.size[1]) / 2))
        if radius > 1:
            mask = blur(mask, radius=radius, edgeColor=0)
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return mask
예제 #3
파일: canvas.py 프로젝트: MikiLoz92/pyqx
    def fillImageFaster(self, begin, paint, current, image):

        buffer = QBuffer()

        image.save(buffer, "PNG")

        pil_im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(buffer.data()))
        ImageDraw.floodfill(pil_im, begin, (paint.red(), paint.green(), paint.blue()))

        self.image().image = QtGui.QImage(pil_im.convert("RGB").tobytes("raw", "RGB"), pil_im.size[0], pil_im.size[1], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888)
예제 #4
def test_floodfill():
    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (w, h))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(bbox2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(w/2), int(h/2))

    # Act
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"))
    del draw

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill.png"))
예제 #5
    def test_floodfill(self):
        # Arrange
        im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(W / 2), int(H / 2))
        red = ImageColor.getrgb("red")
        im_floodfill = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill.png")

        # Act
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)

        # Assert
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that using the same colour does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that filling outside the image does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (W, H), red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test filling at the edge of an image
        im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (0, 0), red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, Image.new("RGB", (1, 1), red))
예제 #6
    def test_floodfill(self):
        # Arrange
        im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(W / 2), int(H / 2))

        # Act
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"))
        del draw

        # Assert
            im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill.png"))
예제 #7
파일: map.py 프로젝트: MatthewWilkes/roosk
 def __init__(self, simplemap):
     self.image = Image.new("RGB", simplemap.image.size)
     self.simple = simplemap
     ImageDraw.floodfill(self.image, (0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
     self.territories = set()
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
     self.territory_colours = territory_colours = simplemap.get_territories()
     self.inv_territory_colours = inv_territory_colours = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in territory_colours.items()])
     for fillpass in range(3):
         for y in xrange(self.image.size[1]):
             for x in xrange(self.image.size[0]):
                 colour = simplemap.image.getpixel((x, y))
                 if fillpass == 1 and colour in territory_colours.values():
                     tid = inv_territory_colours[colour] * 100
                     n_x, n_y = x, y
                     neighbours = [(x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y), (x, y - 1)]
                     neighbours = [(x if x > 0 else self.image.size[0] - 1, y) for (x, y) in neighbours]
                     neighbours = [(x if x < self.image.size[0] else 0, y) for (x, y) in neighbours]
                     neighbours = [(x, y if y > 0 else self.image.size[1] - 1) for (x, y) in neighbours]
                     neighbours = [(x, y if y < self.image.size[1] else 0) for (x, y) in neighbours]
                     neighbours = set(self.image.getpixel(neighbour) for neighbour in neighbours)
                     neighbours = set(
                         for colour in neighbours
                         if colour[2] < 255 and colour != (0, 0, 0) and colour != (255, 0, 0)
                     if neighbours:
                         colour = max(neighbours)
                         tid = colour_to_territory_id(colour)
                         tid = inv_territory_colours[colour] * 100
                         # generate a new tid
                         tid += 1
                         while tid in self.territories:
                             tid += 1
                         colour = territory_id_to_colour(tid)
                     x, y = n_x, n_y
                     ImageDraw.floodfill(self.image, (x, y), colour)
                 elif colour == (255, 255, 255):
                     if x < self.image.size[0] - 1:
                         next_pixel = simplemap.image.getpixel((x + 1, y))
                         if fillpass == 2 and (next_pixel in territory_colours.values()):
                             # We're not in the sea
                             colour = self.image.getpixel((x + 1, y))[:2] + (255,)
                             draw.point((x, y), tuple(colour))
                     draw.point((x, y), colour)
                 elif colour in set([(0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)]):
                     draw.point((x, y), colour)
예제 #8
    def test_floodfill(self):
        red = ImageColor.getrgb("red")

        for mode, value in [
            ("L", 1),
            ("RGBA", (255, 0, 0, 0)),
            ("RGB", red)
            # Arrange
            im = Image.new(mode, (W, H))
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
            centre_point = (int(W/2), int(H/2))

            # Act
            ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, value)

            # Assert
            expected = "Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill_"+mode+".png"
            im_floodfill = Image.open(expected)
            self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that using the same colour does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that filling outside the image does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (W, H), red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test filling at the edge of an image
        im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (0, 0), red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, Image.new("RGB", (1, 1), red))
예제 #9
def test_floodfill_thresh():
    # floodfill() is experimental

    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="darkgreen", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(W / 2), int(H / 2))

    # Act
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"), thresh=30)

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png")
예제 #10
    def DrawBalls(self, differentialMethod, step):
        # First, track the border for all balls and store
        # it to pos0 and edgePos. The latter will move along the border,
        # pos0 stays at the initial coordinates.
        for ball in self.balls:
            ball.pos0 = self.trackTheBorder(ball.pos + 1j)
            if ball.pos0 == None:
                ball.tracking = False
                ball.edgePos = ball.pos0
                ball.tracking = True
                # print "Done with tracking"

        loopIndex = 0
        while loopIndex < 200:
            loopIndex += 1
            for ball in self.balls:
                if not ball.tracking:

                    # store the old coordinates
                old_pos = ball.edgePos

                # walk along the tangent, using chosen differential method
                ball.edgePos = differentialMethod(ball.edgePos, step, self.calcTangent)

                # correction step towards the border
                ball.edgePos, tmp = self.stepOnceTowardsBorder(ball.edgePos)

                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
                draw.line((old_pos.real, old_pos.imag, ball.edgePos.real, ball.edgePos.imag), fill=self.color)
                del draw

                # check if we've gone a full circle or hit some other
                # edge tracker
                for ob in self.balls:
                    if ob.tracking:
                        if (ob is not ball) and abs(ob.pos0 - ball.edgePos) < step:  # or loopIndex > 3
                            ball.tracking = False

            tracking = 0
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.tracking:
                    tracking += 1
                if tracking == 0:
        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.tracking:
                ball.pos = complex(round(ball.pos.real), round(ball.pos.imag))
                ImageDraw.floodfill(self.image, (ball.pos.real, ball.pos.imag), self.color)  # , self.color)
예제 #11
def test_floodfill():
    red = ImageColor.getrgb("red")

    for mode, value in [("L", 1), ("RGBA", (255, 0, 0, 0)), ("RGB", red)]:
        # Arrange
        im = Image.new(mode, (W, H))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(W / 2), int(H / 2))

        # Act
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, value)

        # Assert
        expected = "Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill_" + mode + ".png"
        with Image.open(expected) as im_floodfill:
            assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

    # Test that using the same colour does not change the image
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)
    assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

    # Test that filling outside the image does not change the image
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (W, H), red)
    assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

    # Test filling at the edge of an image
    im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (0, 0), red)
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.new("RGB", (1, 1), red))
예제 #12
    def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e):
        x = e.x()
        y = e.y()

        if image.getpixel((x, y)) == (255, 255, 255, 255):
            ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), (50, 205, 50, 255))
            curTer = self.list.currentItem().text()
            if curTer not in config:
                config.update(OrderedDict({curTer: [(x, y)]}))
                config[curTer] += [(x, y)]
            item = self.list.currentItem()
            item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ Qt.ItemIsEditable)
예제 #13
    def rand_fill(self, image):
        Fill the center and edge of an image with two separate randomly picked colors.
        For airfoils, since the airfoil is an enclosed shape, this makes the background and cross section colors irrelevant to the regressor as signals

        :param image: PIL image to augment
        width, height = image.size
        center = int(0.5 * width), int(0.5 * height)
        origin = 0, 0

        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=self.random_color())
        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=origin, value=self.random_color())
        return image
예제 #14
 def on_list_currentTextChanged(self, current):
     for ter in config:
         if ter == current:
             for (x, y) in config[ter]:
                 ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), (50, 205, 50, 255))
             for (x, y) in config[ter]:
                 if image.getpixel((x, y)) != (0, 0, 255, 255):
                     ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), (0, 0, 255, 255))
예제 #15
def preProcessImg():
    db = './public/cards/sourceImg'
    img_list = get_imlist(db, '.png')
    save = './public/cards/trainImg/'

    for i, img_path in enumerate(img_list):
        img_name = os.path.split(img_path)[1]
        image = Image.open(img_path).convert("RGBA")
        for key in color:
            new_image = Image.new("RGBA", image.size, color[key])
            new_image.paste(image, (0, 0), image)
            new_image = new_image.convert('RGB')
            ImageDraw.floodfill(new_image, (0, 0), (136, 97, 148), thresh=0)
            new_image.save(save + key + img_name[:-4] + ".jpg", "JPEG")
예제 #16
def grid(res, gridres):
    res = res
    tile_size = gridres
    origin = [0, 0]
    x = 0
    y = 0
    im = Image.open("test.png")

    while origin[1] < res[1]:
        while origin[0] < res[0]:
            if origin[0] < res[0]:
                a = [origin[0], origin[1]]
                b = [x+tile_size, y+2*tile_size]
                c = [x, y+4*tile_size]
                d = [x+4*tile_size, y]
                e = [x+3*tile_size, y+2*tile_size]
                f = [x+4*tile_size, y+4*tile_size]
                g = [x+6*tile_size, y]
                h = [x+6*tile_size, y+4*tile_size]
                center0 = [x, y+1.5*tile_size]
                center1 = [x+2*tile_size, y+1.5*tile_size]
                pointa = (a[0]), (a[1])
                pointb = (origin[0]+b[0]), (origin[1]+b[1])
                pointc = (origin[0]+c[0]), (origin[1]+c[1])
                pointd = (origin[0]+d[0]), (origin[1]+d[1])
                pointe = (origin[0]+e[0]), (origin[1]+e[1])
                pointf = (origin[0]+f[0]), (origin[1]+f[1])
                pointg = (origin[0]+g[0]), (origin[1]+g[1])
                pointh = ((origin[0]+h[0]), (origin[1]+h[1]))
                pointcenter1 = (origin[0] + center1[0], (origin[1] + center1[1]))
                pointcenter0 = (origin[0] + center0[0], (origin[1] + center0[1]))
                lines = [pointa, pointb, pointc, pointb, pointe, pointd,
                         pointg, pointd, pointe, pointf, pointh]

                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line(lines, fill="Black", width=1)
                ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy=pointcenter1, value=(255, 255, 255, 255))
                ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy=pointcenter0, value=(0, 0, 0, 255))

                origin = pointg

            z = origin[1]
            z += 4*tile_size
            origin = [0, z]

        im.save("test.png", "PNG")
예제 #17
def test_floodfill_not_negative():
    # floodfill() is experimental
    # Test that floodfill does not extend into negative coordinates

    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.line((W / 2, 0, W / 2, H / 2), fill="green")
    draw.line((0, H / 2, W / 2, H / 2), fill="green")

    # Act
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (int(W / 4), int(H / 4)), ImageColor.getrgb("red"))

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill_not_negative.png")
예제 #18
def color():
    data = list(image.getdata())
    real_data = []

    for i in range(int(len(data) / (cwd + 1))):
        x = []
        for j in range(cwd):
    colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0)]

    for i in range(randint(1, 5)):
        x = randint(1, cwd)
        y = randint(1, cht)
        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), choice(colors), (0, 0, 0))
예제 #19
async def handler(req):
    lang = 'en'
    for i in req.query_args:
        if i[0] == 'lang':
            lang = str(i[1]).lower()
            if lang != "es-419":
                lang = "en"
    color = (255, 255, 0)
    seasonend = "2020-12-01T13:00:00Z"
    seasonstart = "2020-08-27T13:00:00Z"

    # daysleft = int((dp.parse(seasonend).timestamp()-datetime.utcnow().timestamp())/86400)
    daysgone = int(
        (datetime.utcnow().timestamp() - dp.parse(seasonstart).timestamp()) /
    seasonlen = int(
        (dp.parse(seasonend).timestamp() - dp.parse(seasonstart).timestamp()) /

    finalim = Image.open("API/v1/br/progress/new.png")
    im = Image.open('Cache/progress.png').convert('RGB')
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    x, y, diam = (590 / 100) * int((seasonlen / 100) * daysgone), 8, 34
    draw.ellipse([x, y, x + diam, y + diam], fill=color)

    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy=(14, 24), value=color, thresh=40)

        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(finalim)

        if lang == "es-419":
            text = f"Progreso Temporada 4 de Fortnite: {int((daysgone / 100 * seasonlen))}%"
            text = f"Fortnite Season 4 - {int((daysgone / 100) * seasonlen)}% over"

        BurbankBigCondensed = ImageFont.truetype(
            f"assets/Fonts/BurbankBigCondensed-Black.otf", 45)
        textWidth = BurbankBigCondensed.getsize(text)[0]
        Middle = int((finalim.width - textWidth) / 2)
        draw.text((Middle, 13), text, color, font=BurbankBigCondensed)

    finalim.paste(im, (89, 73))

    return await sanic.response.file(f'cdn/current/progress.png')
예제 #20
def test_floodfill_border():
    # floodfill() is experimental

    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(W / 2), int(H / 2))

    # Act
        im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"), border=ImageColor.getrgb("black"),

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #21
def test_floodfill_border():
    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (w, h))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(bbox2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(w / 2), int(h / 2))

    # Act
    del draw

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #22
def get_bw_connected_components_map(img, image):
    fill_mask = img.copy()
    fill_image = fill_mask.load()
    connected_components_map = numpy.zeros(fill_mask.size, dtype=int)
    component_number = 1
    for x in range(0, fill_mask.size[0]):
        for y in range(0, fill_mask.size[1]):
            if fill_image[x, y] == 255:
                ImageDraw.floodfill(fill_mask, (x, y), 128)

                for i in range(0, connected_components_map.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(0, connected_components_map.shape[1]):
                        if fill_image[i, j] == 128:
                            connected_components_map[i, j] = component_number
                            fill_image[i, j] = 0
                component_number += 1
    return connected_components_map
예제 #23
    def test_floodfill_thresh(self):
        # floodfill() is experimental

        # Arrange
        im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="darkgreen", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(W/2), int(H/2))

        # Act
            im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"),

        # Assert
            im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #24
def genLetter(xsize, ysize, character='Y', blur=2):
    fontsize = min(xsize, ysize)
    # fontsize = int(boxsize * 1.1)
    img = Image.new('RGB', (xsize, ysize), color=(255, 255, 255))
    # get a font
    # character = 'P'

    # font = ImageFont.truetype("/System/Library/Fonts/Keyboard.ttf", fontsize)
    font = ImageFont.truetype("/System/Library/Fonts/Geneva.dfont", fontsize)
    width, height = font.getsize(character)

    x = int((xsize - width) / 2)
    y = int(
        (ysize - height * 1.3) / 2
    )  # Need to adjust for font height: https://websemantics.uk/articles/font-size-conversion/

    d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    d.text((x, y), character, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font)  # Add the text.

    # Blur the image.
    if blur > 0:
        img = img.filter(ImageFilter.BoxBlur(blur))
        img = img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)

    # Flood file for masking.
        img, xy=(0, 0), value=(255, 0, 255), thresh=200
    )  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46083880/fill-in-a-hollow-shape-using-python-and-pillow-pil

    # Fill in holes.
    n = np.array(img)
    n[(n[:, :, 0:3] != [255, 0, 255]).any(2)] = [0, 0, 0]
    # Revert all artifically filled magenta pixels to white
    n[(n[:, :, 0:3] == [255, 0, 255]).all(2)] = [255, 255, 255]

    img = Image.fromarray(n)
    img = img.convert('L')
    # Bridson_Common.logDebug(__name__, img.size)

    n = np.array(img)
    n = np.reshape(n, img.size)
    # Bridson_Common.logDebug(__name__, np.shape(n))
    # Bridson_Common.logDebug(__name__, n)
    n = 255 - n  # Need to flip the bits.  The Freeman chain code generator requires the letter portion to have a value of 255 instead of 0.
    return (n)
예제 #25
def floodFill(canvas, origImage, edgeImage, color, filledImage=None):
    (width, height) = origImage.size
    edgePixels = edgeImage.load()
    fillRegionCoords = []
    temporaryFill = (100,100,100)
    for x in xrange(width):
        for y in xrange(height):
            if (edgePixels[x, y] == color):
                fillRegionCoords += [(x,y)]
                ImageDraw.floodfill(edgeImage, (x,y), temporaryFill)
                #fill temporarily to make sure fillRegionCoords does not have
                #multiple coordinates that would fill the same region
    if (filledImage == None):
        filledImage = Image.open(canvas.data.edgeImageFile)
    for (x,y) in fillRegionCoords:
        fillColor = regionColor(origImage, filledImage, (x,y))
        ImageDraw.floodfill(filledImage, (x,y), fillColor)
    return filledImage
예제 #26
 def apply(self, image):
     for val in self.mod['remove']:
         edge = Op.detectEdge(val.img)
         Op.updateOriginalImage(image, edge)
     for val in self.mod['add']:
         image = Op.addImage(image, val.img)
     for val in self.mod['fill']:
         if val is Shape.SOLID:
             image = Shape.fill(image)
     for val in self.mod['transform']:
         if val is not None:
             image = image.transpose(val)
     for val in self.mod['rotate']:
         image = image.rotate(val)
         image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=2, fill=Const.BLACK_VALUE)
         ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=(0, 0), value=Const.WHITE_VALUE)
         image = ImageOps.crop(image, border=2)
     return image
예제 #27
 def get_progress(self, percents: int):
     #percents : % of 100
     size = (480, 32)
     im = Image.open('progress.png').convert('RGB').resize((500, 32))
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
     color = (98, 211, 245)
     x, y, diam = int(size[0] / 100 * percents), 5, 21
     if x == 0:
         half = diam // 2
         if x < half + 11:
             x = half
         elif x >= half + 11:
             x -= half
         draw.ellipse([x, y, x + diam, y + diam], fill=color)
         ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy=(11, 18), value=color, thresh=40)
     return im
예제 #28
def drawterritory(t, color=None):
    """Draw an entire territory (will draw in color provided, default is owning player's color)"""
    terr = territories[str(riskboard.territories[t].name)]
    #Create colored version of the image
    if len(backcolors) > 0 and current_state.owners[t] is not None:
        for fp in terr.floodpoints:
            if color:
                ImageDraw.floodfill(terr.photo, fp, color)
                ImageDraw.floodfill(terr.photo, fp, hex_to_rgb(backcolors[current_state.owners[t]]))

    terr.currentimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(terr.photo)
    canvas.create_image(terr.x, terr.y, anchor=Tkinter.NW, 
                            image=terr.currentimage, tags=(terr.name,))  
    drawarmy(t, 1)
예제 #29
    def test_floodfill_border(self):
        # floodfill() is experimental

        # Arrange
        im = Image.new("RGB", (w, h))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(bbox2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(w/2), int(h/2))

        # Act
            im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"),
        del draw

        # Assert
            im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #30
파일: Agent.py 프로젝트: repogit44/CS7637-2
    def getShapeCoordiantes(self, image):
        """Counts the number of shapes in the image"""
        image = image.filter(
        labels = []
        coordinates = []
        for x in range(image.width):
            for y in range(image.height):
                if image.getpixel((x, y)) not in labels:
                    color = self.generateColor()
                    while tuple(color) in labels:
                        color = self.generateColor()

                    ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), tuple(color))
                    coordinates.append({"coor": (x, y), "label": tuple(color)})

        return coordinates, image
예제 #31
def main(width, height):
    flood = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), BLACK)
    # Create randomly generated walls
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            flood.putpixel((x, y), BLACK if random.random() < 0.15 else WHITE)
    # Create borders
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            if x in {0, width - 1} or y in {0, height - 1}:
                flood.putpixel((x, y), BLACK)

    # floodfill(50, 25, RED, flood)
    width, height = flood.size
    center = (int(0.5 * width), int(0.5 * height))
    color = (255, 255, 0, 255)
    ImageDraw.floodfill(flood, xy=center, value=color, thresh=0)
예제 #32
    def catDraw(self, data, key, color):
        taille = len(data[key])
        x = 880
        y = 80 * (taille // 10 + 1)
        out = Image.new("RGB", (x, y))

        cat = Image.new("RGB", (80, y))
        ImageDraw.floodfill(cat, (0, 0), color)
        catD = ImageDraw.Draw(cat)
        textFormat = ""
        for j in range(0, len(key)):
            if key[j] == "-":
                textFormat += " "
                textFormat += key[j]
            if (j + 1) % 11 == 0:
                textFormat += "\n"
        catD.multiline_text((5, 5), textFormat, fill=(0, 0, 0), align="center")
        out.paste(cat, (0, 0))

        for i in range(len(data[key])):
                headers = {
                    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) " +
                    "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " +
                    "Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.3"
                fd = urllib.request.Request(url=data[key][i], headers=headers)
                image_file = urllib.request.urlopen(fd)
                im = Image.open(image_file)
                im.thumbnail((80, 80))
            except Exception:
                textFormat = ""
                for j in range(0, len(data[key][i])):
                    textFormat += (data[key][i][j])
                    if (j + 1) % 11 == 0:
                        textFormat += "\n"
                im = Image.new("RGB", (80, 80))
                d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                d.multiline_text((5, 5), textFormat)

            out.paste(im, ((i * 80) % 800 + 80, 80 * (i // 10)))
        return out
예제 #33
파일: assign.py 프로젝트: yud-ws/-
 def fill(self, x, y):
     self.img[y][x] = 150
     # self.count += 1
     # print('{}'.format(self.count))
     if self.img[y - 1][x] == 0:
         self.fill(x, y - 1)
     if self.img[y][x - 1] == 0:
         self.fill(x - 1, y)
     if self.img[y + 1][x] == 0:
         self.fill(x, y + 1)
     if self.img[y][x + 1] == 0:
         self.fill(x + 1, y)
     self.count += 1
     self.img = Image.open('./img.png')
     ImageDraw.floodfill(self.img, (x, y), (255, 0, 0), border=None)
예제 #34
def test_floodfill_border():
    # floodfill() is experimental
    if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
        # Causes fatal RPython error on PyPy

    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (w, h))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(bbox2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(w/2), int(h/2))

    # Act
        im, centre_point, ImageColor.getrgb("red"),
    del draw

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #35
 def checkRotation(self, shapeA, shapeB):
     ops = [45, -45, 125, -125]
     for op in ops:
         modifiedShape = ImageOps.expand(
             shapeA.img, border=100, fill=Const.WHITE_VALUE
         )  # shape will get cut off when rotates if it is close to the border
         modifiedShape = modifiedShape.rotate(op)
         modifiedShape = ImageOps.expand(modifiedShape,
                             xy=(0, 0),
         modifiedShape = ImageOps.crop(modifiedShape, border=102)
         if Op.isHistSimilar(modifiedShape,
             return op
     return None
예제 #36
def imfill(arr, edge):
    """Fill holes in images.
    NOTE: dtype of input array will be temporarily converted uint8!
    This is because PIL's fromarray function works only with numpy
    arrays of data type 'uint8'. This may cause some data losses, so 
    proceed with caution!
    arr -- a numpy.array to be floodfilled
    edge -- a value of edges
    # using arr.astype to preserve array's dtype, as fromarray requires
    # array whose dtype is uint8
    img = Image.fromarray(arr.astype('uint8')) # read-only
    aimg = img.copy()
    ImageDraw.floodfill(aimg, (0,0), edge, edge)
    invimg = ImageChops.invert(aimg)
    invarr = asarray(invimg)
    arr[invarr==255] = edge
    return arr
예제 #37
def test_floodfill_border():
    # floodfill() is experimental
    if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
        # Causes fatal RPython error on PyPy

    # Arrange
    im = Image.new("RGB", (w, h))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw.rectangle(bbox2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
    centre_point = (int(w / 2), int(h / 2))

    # Act
    del draw

    # Assert
    assert_image_equal(im, Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill2.png"))
예제 #38
def printbar(salary, upperbound):
    im = Image.open('progress.png').convert('RGB')
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    # Cyan-ish fill colour

    n = upperbound
    ca = salary
    x_n = 600
    # Draw circle at right end of progress bar
    x, y, diam = ca*x_n/n, 8, 34
    draw.ellipse([x,y,x+diam,y+diam], fill=color)

    # Flood-fill from extreme left of progress bar area to behind circle
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy=(14,24), value=color, thresh=40)
    draw.text((5,20), "0", fill=(255,255,0))
    draw.text((x+20,20), str(ca), fill=(255,255,0))
    draw.text((600,20), str(n), fill=(255,255,0))

    # Save result
예제 #39
def ocr_outline_font(name_img):
    # gets text with outline font from an image

    # filter out font
    img = cv2.inRange(name_img, np.array([100, 100, 100]),
                      np.array([255, 255, 255]))
    img = _cv_to_pil(img)

    # fill background
    point_inside_digit = (0, 0)

    # invert
    img = _pil_to_cv(img)
    img = cv2.inRange(img, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([50, 50, 50]))
    img = _cv_to_pil(img)

    # apply image to string
    return pytesseract.image_to_string(img).strip()
예제 #40
def solve_four_color(im, g):
    from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpBinary, lpSum, lpDot, value

    r4 = range(4)
    m = LpProblem()  # 数理モデル
    # エリアiを色jにするかどうか
    v = {
        i: [LpVariable("v%d_%d" % (i, j), cat=LpBinary) for j in r4] for i in g.nodes()
    for i in g.nodes():
        m += lpSum(v[i]) == 1
    for i, j in g.edges():
        for k in r4:
            m += v[i][k] + v[j][k] <= 1
    co = [(97, 132, 219), (228, 128, 109), (255, 241, 164), (121, 201, 164)]  # 4色
    rr = {k: int(value(lpDot(r4, w))) for k, w in v.items()}  # 結果
    for y, x in product(range(im.height - 1), range(im.width - 1)):
        c = im.getpixel((x, y))
        if c[:2] == (0, 1) and c[2] in rr:  # エリアならば、結果で塗る
            ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (x, y), co[rr[c[2]]])
예제 #41
    def illustrate(self, shield_design, image):
        Draws a shield by taking the colours in the design and applying them
        to two halves of an image.

        fur = ImageColor.getrgb("#%s" % shield_design["fur"]["hex"])
        tincture = ImageColor.getrgb("#%s" % shield_design["tincture"]["hex"])

        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (116, 67), fur)
        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (253, 77), tincture)
        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (144, 201), tincture)
        ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (214, 198), fur)

        return image
예제 #42
파일: Figure.py 프로젝트: oio14644/CS7637-3
    def identify_objects(self):
        im = copy.deepcopy(self.image)
        width, height = im.size

        dark_fill_val = 1
        light_fill_val = 254
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                xy = (x, y)
                l_val = im.getpixel(xy)

                if l_val == 0:
                    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy, dark_fill_val)
                    self.objects.append(Object(xy, dark_fill_val))
                    dark_fill_val += 1
                elif l_val == 255:
                    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, xy, light_fill_val)
                    light_fill_val -= 1
                    for obj in self.objects:
                        if obj.l_val == l_val:
예제 #43
def drawterritory(t, shaded):
    """Draw an entire territory (possibly shaded)"""
    risknetwork.draw_territory(t, shaded)
    terr = territories[t.name]

    #Create colored version of the image
    #print 'Drawing territory: ', t.name
    if hasattr(t.player, 'backcolor'):
        for fp in terr.floodpoints:
            #print 'Flood-filling', terr.name, ' territory'
            ImageDraw.floodfill(terr.photo, fp, hex_to_rgb(t.player.backcolor))

        #print 'Saving images'
        terr.shadedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(terr.photo.point(lambda x:x * 0))
        terr.currentimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(terr.photo)
    if shaded:
        canvas.create_image(terr.x, terr.y, anchor=Tkinter.NW,
                            image=terr.shadedimage, tags=(terr.name,))
        canvas.create_image(terr.x, terr.y, anchor=Tkinter.NW,
                            image=terr.currentimage, tags=(terr.name,))
    drawarmy(riskengine.territories[terr.name], 1)
예제 #44
    def test_floodfill(self):
        # Arrange
        im = Image.new("RGB", (W, H))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle(BBOX2, outline="yellow", fill="green")
        centre_point = (int(W/2), int(H/2))
        red = ImageColor.getrgb("red")
        im_floodfill = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill.png")

        # Act
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)

        # Assert
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that using the same colour does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, centre_point, red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)

        # Test that filling outside the image does not change the image
        ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (W, H), red)
        self.assert_image_equal(im, im_floodfill)
예제 #45
shortsizes = [(640, 480, 126)]

masked_file = r"F:\Documents\Python\heroclicker\source\masked_final.bmp"
masked = Image.open(masked_file)

SaveDirectory = r'F:\Documents\Python\heroclicker\clean_fish'
cleanlist = os.listdir(SaveDirectory)

for desired in sortedsizes:
    output = Image.new(masked.mode, (desired[0], desired[1]))
    output.putpixel((0, 0), (255,255,255))
    ImageDraw.floodfill(image=output, xy=(0, 0), value=(255, 255, 255))

    width = int(desired[0]/clickable[0] + .5)
    height = int(desired[1]/clickable[1] + .5)
    total = width * height
    if total > limit:
        reuse = total / limit
        reuse = 0
    print("Resolution:", str(desired[0]) + "x" + str(desired[1]), "width:", width, "Height:", height, "Clickables:", width*height, "reuse:", str(reuse)[:3])
    currentx = 0
    currenty = 0
    fishcounter = 0
    while True:
        if fishcounter == len(cleanlist):
            fishcounter = 0
    def _draw_fill(self, image, d, key, percentage):
        color = self._color(percentage)

        for current_key, (cx, cy) in d:
            if current_key == key:
                ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (cx, cy), color)
예제 #47
# Random percolation cluster fractals
# FB - 201003243
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import random
imgx = 512
imgy = 512
image = Image.new("RGB", (imgx, imgy))
maxIt = imgx * imgy / 1.25
for i in range(maxIt):
    x = random.randint(0, imgx - 1)
    y = random.randint(0, imgy - 1)
    r = random.randint(1, 255)
    g = random.randint(1, 255)
    b = random.randint(1, 255)
    r2 = random.randint(1, 255)
    g2 = random.randint(1, 255)
    b2 = random.randint(1, 255)
    image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b))
    ImageDraw.floodfill(image, (x, y), (r2, g2, b2), (0, 0, 0))

image.save("percolation.png", "PNG")
Created on Oct 13, 2017

Used to answer this question:

@author: physicalattraction

from PIL import ImageDraw

from utils import save_img, open_img, print_pil_version_info

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image = open_img('star_transparent.png')
    width, height = image.size
    center = (int(0.5 * width), int(0.5 * height))
    yellow = (255, 255, 0, 255)
    ImageDraw.floodfill(image, xy=center, value=yellow)
    save_img(image, 'star_yellow.png')

예제 #49
from PIL import ImageColor, ImageDraw, Image
import sys

thingy2 = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(thingy2)
floodedimage = ImageDraw.floodfill(thingy2, (1, 1), 1)
del draw

# write to stdout

예제 #50
파일: crowds.py 프로젝트: hohiroki/Crowds
def createImage(width, height):
    imBytes = np.zeros((width, height, 3))
    im = Image.frombytes(size = (width, height),
                             data = imBytes, mode = "RGB")
    ImageDraw.floodfill(im, (0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
    return im