예제 #1
    def __init__(self, EG):
        self._edgeTo = [-1 for _ in range(EG.V())]
        self._distTo = [_INF for _ in range(EG.V())]
        self._distTo[0] = 0
        self._pq = IndexMinPQ(EG.V())
        self._mst = []  # list of edges in MST
        self._weight = 0
        self._marked = set()  # set of vertices in MST
        self._pq.insert(0, 0)

        while (not self._pq.isEmpty() and len(self._mst) < EG.V() - 1):
            v = self._pq.delMin()
            if v > 0:
                self._weight += self._edgeTo[v].weight()
            self._visit(EG, v)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, G, s, t=None):
        "find the shortest path tree (in a directed graph with non-negative weights) from s to every other vertex using Dijkstra's alg"
        self._s = s
        self._distTo = [_INF for _ in range(G.V())]
        self._distTo[s] = 0
        self._edgeTo = [_SENTINEL for _ in range(G.V())
                        ]  # edgeTo[v]: last edge on shortest path from s to v
        self._pq = IndexMinPQ(G.V())
        self._pq.insert(s, 0)

        while (not self._pq.isEmpty()):
            v = self._pq.delMin()  # add closest vertex to source to Tree
            if t and v == t: return
            for e in G.adj(v):
                )  # relax(e) updates the distTo and edgeTo data structures