예제 #1
    def OnGenShiftmapQuad(self, event):
        from PYME.Analysis.points import twoColour, twoColourPlot
        from PYME.IO.MetaDataHandler import get_camera_roi_origin

        pipeline = self.visFr.pipeline

        vs = pipeline.mdh.voxelsize_nm
        roi_x0, roi_y0 = get_camera_roi_origin(pipeline.mdh)
        x0 = (roi_x0)*vs[0]
        y0 = (roi_y0)*vs[1]
        lx = len(pipeline.filter['x'])
        bbox = None#[0,(pipeline.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'] + 1)*vs[0], 0,(pipeline.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'] + 1)*vs[1]]
        dx, dy, spx, spy, good = twoColour.genShiftVectorFieldQ(pipeline.filter['x']+.1*np.random.randn(lx) + x0, pipeline.filter['y']+.1*np.random.randn(lx) + y0, pipeline.filter['fitResults_dx'], pipeline.filter['fitResults_dy'], pipeline.filter['fitError_dx'], pipeline.filter['fitError_dy'], bbox=bbox)
        #twoColourPlot.PlotShiftField(dx, dy, spx, spy)
        twoColourPlot.PlotShiftField2(spx, spy, pipeline.mdh['Splitter.Channel0ROI'][2:], voxelsize=vs)
        twoColourPlot.PlotShiftResiduals(pipeline['x'][good] + x0, pipeline['y'][good] + y0, pipeline['fitResults_dx'][good], pipeline['fitResults_dy'][good], spx, spy)

        from six.moves import cPickle

        defFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.visFr.GetTitle())[-1])[0] + '.sf'

        fdialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Save shift field as ...',
            wildcard='Shift Field file (*.sf)|*.sf', style=wx.FD_SAVE, defaultDir = nameUtils.genShiftFieldDirectoryPath(), defaultFile=defFile)
        succ = fdialog.ShowModal()
        if (succ == wx.ID_OK):
            fpath = fdialog.GetPath()
            #save as a pickle containing the data and voxelsize

            fid = open(fpath, 'wb')
            cPickle.dump((spx, spy), fid, 2)
예제 #2
    def execute(self, namespace):
        from PYME.Analysis.points import twoColour
        from PYME.Analysis.points import multiview
        from PYME.IO.MetaDataHandler import NestedClassMDHandler

        inp = namespace[self.input_name]

        try:  # make sure we're looking at multiview data
            n_chan = inp.mdh['Multiview.NumROIs']
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError('multiview metadata is missing or incomplete')

        # sort in frame order
        I = inp['tIndex'].argsort()
        x_sort, y_sort = inp['x'][I], inp['y'][I]
        chan_sort = inp['multiviewChannel'][I]

        clump_id, keep = multiview.pair_molecules(
            self.search_radius_nm * np.ones_like(x_sort),
            pix_size_nm=1e3 * inp.mdh['voxelsize.x'])

        # only look at the clumps which showed up in all channels
        x = x_sort[keep]
        y = y_sort[keep]
        chan = chan_sort[keep]
        clump_id = clump_id[keep]

        # Generate raw shift vectors (map of displacements between channels) for each channel
        mol_list = np.unique(clump_id)
        n_mols = len(mol_list)

        dx = np.zeros((n_chan - 1, n_mols))
        dy = np.zeros_like(dx)
        dx_err = np.zeros_like(dx)
        dy_err = np.zeros_like(dx)
        x_clump, y_clump, x_std, y_std, x_shifted, y_shifted = [], [], [], [], [], []

        shift_map_dtype = [
            ('mx', '<f4'),
            ('mx2', '<f4'),
            ('mx3', '<f4'),  # x terms
            ('my', '<f4'),
            ('my2', '<f4'),
            ('my3', '<f4'),  # y terms
            ('mxy', '<f4'),
            ('mx2y', '<f4'),
            ('mxy2', '<f4'),  # cross terms
            ('x0', '<f4')
        ]  # 0th order shift

        shift_maps = np.zeros(2 * (n_chan - 1), dtype=shift_map_dtype)
        mdh = NestedClassMDHandler(inp.mdh)
        mdh['Multiview.shift_map.legend'] = {}

        for ii in range(n_chan):
            chan_mask = (chan == ii)
            x_chan = np.zeros(n_mols)
            y_chan = np.zeros(n_mols)
            x_chan_std = np.zeros(n_mols)
            y_chan_std = np.zeros(n_mols)

            for ind in range(n_mols):
                # merge clumps within channels
                clump_mask = np.where(
                    np.logical_and(chan_mask, clump_id == mol_list[ind]))
                x_chan[ind] = x[clump_mask].mean()
                y_chan[ind] = y[clump_mask].mean()
                x_chan_std[ind] = x[clump_mask].std()
                y_chan_std[ind] = y[clump_mask].std()


            if ii > 0:
                dx[ii - 1, :] = x_clump[0] - x_clump[ii]
                dy[ii - 1, :] = y_clump[0] - y_clump[ii]
                dx_err[ii - 1, :] = np.sqrt(x_std[ii]**2 + x_std[0]**2)
                dy_err[ii - 1, :] = np.sqrt(y_std[ii]**2 + y_std[0]**2)
                # generate shiftmap between ii-th channel and the 0th channel
                dxx, dyy, spx, spy, good = twoColour.genShiftVectorFieldQ(
                    x_clump[0], y_clump[0], dx[ii - 1, :], dy[ii - 1, :],
                    dx_err[ii - 1, :], dy_err[ii - 1, :])
                # store shiftmaps in structured array
                mdh['Multiview.shift_map.legend']['Chan0%s.X' %
                                                  ii] = 2 * (ii - 1)
                mdh['Multiview.shift_map.legend']['Chan0%s.Y' %
                                                  ii] = 2 * (ii - 1) + 1
                for ki in range(len(shift_map_dtype)):
                    k = shift_map_dtype[ki][0]
                    shift_maps[2 * (ii - 1)][k] = spx.__getattribute__(k)
                    shift_maps[2 * (ii - 1) + 1][k] = spy.__getattribute__(k)

                # shift_maps['Chan0%s.X' % ii], shift_maps['Chan0%s.Y' % ii] = spx.__dict__, spy.__dict__

        mdh['Multiview.shift_map.model'] = '.'.join(
            [spx.__class__.__module__, spx.__class__.__name__])

        namespace[self.output_name] = tabular.RecArraySource(shift_maps)
        namespace[self.output_name].mdh = mdh