def dex2jar(f): # 如果操作的是apk,则将apk中全部的dex转换为jar文件输出到在apk同级目录下 if f.endswith('.apk'): output_jar_prefix = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '_' temp_dex_dir = PathManager.get_temp_dir_path() ZipManager.unzip_dexFile_to_dest(f, temp_dex_dir) filenames = os.listdir(temp_dex_dir) for dex_name in filenames: if dex_name.endswith('.dex'): dex_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dex_dir, dex_name) jar_file = output_jar_prefix + os.path.splitext( dex_name)[0] + '.jar' retcode, msg = star.runcmd2([ PathManager.get_dex2jar_path(), dex_file_path, '-f', '-o', jar_file ]) if retcode == 0: star.run_cmd_asyn([PathManager.get_jdgui_path(), jar_file]) print('dex2jar ok') shutil.rmtree(temp_dex_dir) return retcode, msg elif f.endswith('.dex'): jarFile = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.jar' retcode, msg = star.runcmd2( [PathManager.get_dex2jar_path(), f, '-f', '-o', jarFile]) if retcode == 0: star.run_cmd_asyn([PathManager.get_jdgui_path(), jarFile]) print('dex2jar ok') return retcode, msg else: print(u'选择文件不合法,文件格式需要是apk或者dex格式') os.system("pause") return 0, None
def importMetaData(moduleName, site=None): locPath = 'HazardServices/hazardMetaData/' # Use the base class to get the BASE file path scriptName = '' fileName = locPath + scriptName pathMgr = PathManager() filePath = pathMgr.getLocalizationFile(fileName, loctype='COMMON_STATIC', loclevel='BASE').getFile().name basePath = filePath.replace(scriptName, '') # Import all the modules in the formats BASE directory using PythonOverrider. for s in basePath.split(os.path.pathsep): if os.path.exists(s): scriptfiles = os.listdir(s) for filename in scriptfiles: split = string.split(filename, ".") if len(split) == 2 and len(split[0]) > 0 and split[1] == "py": if sys.modules.has_key(split[0]): clearModuleAttributes(split[0]) tmpModule = importModule(locPath + filename, localizedSite=site) # Reload the desired metadata module again since above import order # is random which may cause subclasses to have old references to superclasses. return importModule(locPath + moduleName + '.py', localizedSite=site)
def axml2txt(f): ret = 0 msg = None ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() txtFile = None if ext == '.apk': print('axml2txt .apk') zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for p in zfile.namelist(): if p == "AndroidManifest.xml": axmlFile = os.path.join(Utils.getparent(f), 'AndroidManifest.xml') file(axmlFile, 'wb').write( txtFile = axmlFile + '.txt' star.runcmd2([ PathManager.get_axmlprinter_path(), axmlFile, '>', txtFile ]) break os.remove(axmlFile) else: txtFile = f + '.txt' ret, msg = star.runcmd2( [PathManager.get_axmlprinter_path(), f, '>', txtFile]) print('axml2txt .xml') if os.path.exists(txtFile): star.run_cmd_asyn(['notepad', txtFile]) print('axml2txt ok') return ret, msg
def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(745, 683) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.verticalLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.centralwidget) self.verticalLayout_3.setObjectName("verticalLayout_3") self.pathWidget = PathManager(self.centralwidget) self.pathWidget.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(0, 256)) self.pathWidget.setObjectName("pathWidget") self.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.pathWidget) self.frame = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 25)) self.frame.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Raised) self.frame.setObjectName("frame") self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.frame) self.verticalLayout.setContentsMargins(-1, 0, 0, 0) self.verticalLayout.setSpacing(0) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_2") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.frame) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.label) self.root = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.frame) self.root.setObjectName("root") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.root) self.browse = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.frame) self.browse.setObjectName("browse") self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.browse) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.frame) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 745, 21)) self.menubar.setObjectName("menubar") self.menuFile = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.menubar) self.menuFile.setObjectName("menuFile") MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar") MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.actionOpen = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionOpen.setObjectName("actionOpen") self.actionSave = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionSave.setObjectName("actionSave") self.actionSave_As = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionSave_As.setObjectName("actionSave_As") self.actionNew = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionNew.setObjectName("actionNew") self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionNew) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionOpen) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave_As) self.menubar.addAction(self.menuFile.menuAction()) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow)
def writeJsonFile(self, filename, id, dataDicts, replaceFile=False): if replaceFile: mode = "w" else: mode = "w+" pathMgr = PathManager() vtecFile = pathMgr.getLocalizationFile(str(filename + ".json"), 'CAVE_STATIC', 'USER') fd = vtecFile.getFile(mode) fd.write(json.dumps(dataDicts, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) fd.close()
def viewapk(apk_path): infoFile = os.path.splitext(apk_path)[0] + '_apkinfo.txt' retcode, msg = star.runcmd2( [PathManager.get_aapt_path(), 'dump', 'badging', apk_path]) if retcode == 0: package = star.find("package: name='(.*?)'", msg) versionCode = star.find("versionCode='(.*?)'", msg) versionName = star.find("versionName='(.*?)'", msg) appName = star.find("application-label:'(.*?)'", msg) activity = star.find("launchable-activity: name='(.*?)'", msg) print(package) print(versionCode) print(versionName) print(appName) print(activity) # APK类型探测 app_type, is_game_app = detectApk(apk_path) if is_game_app: info = '软件名称: {0}\n软件包名: {1}\n软件版本: {2} ( {3} )\n启动Activity: {4}\n该apk为游戏类型app,使用的游戏引擎为: {5}\n'.format( appName, package, versionName, versionCode, activity, ''.join(app_type)) else: info = '软件名称: {0}\n软件包名: {1}\n软件版本: {2} ( {3} )\n启动Activity: {4}\n'.format( appName, package, versionName, versionCode, activity) star.log(info, infoFile) # 打开日志文件 if os.path.exists(infoFile): star.run_cmd_asyn(['notepad', infoFile]) return retcode, msg
def extracticon(apk_path): apk_dir = os.path.splitext(apk_path)[0] retcode, msg = star.runcmd2( [PathManager.get_aapt_path(), 'dump', 'badging', apk_path]) if retcode == 0: icons = star.findall("icon.*?'(.+?)'", msg) icons = list(set(icons)) # icons匹配出来的字符串可能不是图片格式,这里过滤删除下 for i in range(len(icons) - 1, -1, -1): if not (icons[i].endswith('.png') or icons[i].endswith('.jpg') or icons[i].endswith('.jpeg') or icons[i].endswith('.bmp')): icons.remove(icons[i]) zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(apk_path, 'r', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for icon in icons: icon_name = '_' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(icon))[0] icon_file = apk_dir + '_temp.png' file(icon_file, 'wb').write( image = image_size = '_' + str(image.size[0]) image.close() # 一定要调用close否则下面的rename会出现异常 new_icon_file = apk_dir + icon_name + image_size + '.png' if not os.path.exists(new_icon_file): os.rename(icon_file, new_icon_file) else: # 如果当前目录下已存在提取后重新命名的文件,则删除临时文件而不是重命名 os.remove(icon_file) print(u'不同分辨率的图标已经提取完成,路径位于和apk同级目录下') return retcode, msg
def __init__(self, raw_mem, cpu, cfg): self.raw_mem = raw_mem self.ram_size = raw_mem.ram_size self.cpu = cpu self.cpu_type = cfg.cpu self.path_mgr = PathManager( cfg ) # create a label manager and error tracker self.label_mgr = LabelManager() self.error_tracker = ErrorTracker(cpu, self.label_mgr) self.label_mgr.error_tracker = self.error_tracker # set a label for first two dwords label = LabelRange("zero_page",0,8) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) # create memory access self.mem = MainMemory(self.raw_mem, self.error_tracker) self.mem.ctx = self # create memory allocator self.mem_begin = 0x1000 self.alloc = MemoryAlloc(self.mem, 0, self.ram_size, self.mem_begin, self.label_mgr) # create segment loader self.seg_loader = SegmentLoader( self.mem, self.alloc, self.label_mgr, self.path_mgr ) # lib manager self.lib_mgr = LibManager( self.label_mgr, cfg) # no current process right now self.process = None self.proc_list = []
def importModule(name, loctype='COMMON_STATIC', level=None, localizedSite=None, localizationUser=None): """ Takes a name (filename and localization path) and the localization type and finds the file and overrides it, and returns the module Args: name : the name and path of the file in localization loctype : a string representation of the localization type level : a string representation of the localization level (BASE, SITE, etc.) localizedSite: the site that localization information should be retrieved for (if applicable) localizationUser: the user that localization information should be retrieved for (if applicable) Returns: a module that has all the correct methods after being overridden """ if not JEP_AVAILABLE: if localizationHost is None: localizationHost = THRIFT_HOST if localizationPort is None: localizationPort = THRIFT_PORT return PythonOverriderPure.importModule(name, localizationHost, localizationPort, localizedSite, localizationUser, loctype, level) pathManager = PathManager() tieredFiles = pathManager.getTieredLocalizationFile(loctype, name) availableLevels = pathManager.getAvailableLevels() levels = PythonOverriderCore._buildLocalizationLevelsList( availableLevels, level) lfiles = [] for _level in levels: if _level in tieredFiles: lfiles.append(tieredFiles[_level].getPath()) themodule = PythonOverriderCore._internalOverride(lfiles) return themodule
def zipalign(apk_path): output_apk_name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(apk_path))[0] + '_aligned.apk' retcode, msg = star.runcmd2([ PathManager.get_zipaligin_tool_path(), '-f', '4', apk_path, os.path.join(Utils.getparent(apk_path), output_apk_name) ]) if retcode == 0: print('zipalign successed') return retcode, msg
def viewwrapper(file_path): dict = {'apkPath': file_path, 'aaptPath': PathManager.get_aapt_path()} apk_detect = ApkDetect(dict) apk_detect.getXmlInfo() apk_detect.getWrapperSdk() if apk_detect.is_netease_protect: # 如果是网易加固,提示使用插件获取 print(apk_detect.wrapperSdk) print(u'要查看网易加固版本号,您可使用插件“网易加固版本号”获取') else: print(apk_detect.wrapperSdk) return apk_detect.wrapperSdk, None
def __init__(self, scriptPath, localizationPath, site): super(ProductInterface, self).__init__(scriptPath, localizationPath, site) self.pathMgr = PathManager() # TODO - every file that exists in localization and is class based needs # to be imported via PythonOverrider. Not just the 2 below directories. # Import the textUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importTextUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import the eventUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importEventUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import all the generator modules using PythonOverrider. self.importModules() # Import all the formatter modules using PythonOverrider. self.importFormatters() self.logger = logging.getLogger("ProductInterface") self.logger.addHandler( UFStatusHandler.UFStatusHandler( "com.raytheon.uf.common.hazards.productgen", "ProductInterface", level=logging.INFO)) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
def __init__(self, markers, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, min_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body, mode): """ Initialize the class """ # plan a path around obstacles using dijkstra's algorithm print('Planning path...') path = findShortestPath(occupancy_map, x_spacing, y_spacing, pos_init[0:2], pos_goal[0:2], dilate=2) print('Done!') self.path_manager = PathManager(path) self.kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(markers, pos_init) self.diff_drive_controller = DiffDriveController( max_speed, min_speed, max_omega) if 'HARDWARE' in mode: # Handles all the ROS related items self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body) elif 'SIMULATE' in mode: self.robot_sim = RobotSim(markers, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, self.path_manager.path, mode) self.user_control = UserControl() self.vel = 0 # save velocity to use for kalman filter self.goal = self.path_manager.getNextWaypoint() # get first waypoint # for logging postion data to csv file self.stateSaved = [] self.tagsSaved = [] self.waypoints = []
def plug_get_neprotect_ver(apk_path): version = None try: import NEProtectVerManager version = NEProtectVerManager.get_version(apk_path, PathManager.get_aapt_path()) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) os.system('pause') return None, None if version: print(u'当前apk使用的网易易盾加密的版本号为: ' + version) return version, None else: return None, None
def viewsign(f): infoFile = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '_signinfo.txt' check_v2sign_tool_path = PathManager.get_checkV2_sign_tool_path() code, info = star.runcmd2(['java', '-jar', check_v2sign_tool_path, f]) if code == 0: msg_dic = json.loads(info) if msg_dic['isV1OK']: # 如果使用了v1签名,不管是否使用了v2签名检测v1签名 code, info = star.runcmd2( [Constant.KEYTOOL_FILENAME, '-printcert', '-jarfile', f]) if msg_dic['isV2']: info += u"该apk使用了V1+V2签名,其中V1签名信息如上所示" else: info += u"该apk仅仅用了V1签名,其签名信息如上所示" if msg_dic['isV2'] and not msg_dic['isV1OK']: # 未使用v1签名,仅仅使用了v2签名 info += u"该apk仅仅使用了v2签名,未使用v1签名,具体信息如上所示" if code == 0: star.log(info, infoFile) if os.path.exists(infoFile): star.run_cmd_asyn(['notepad', infoFile]) return code, info
def __init__(self, scriptPath, localizationPath, site): super(RecommenderInterface, self).__init__(scriptPath, localizationPath, site) self.pathMgr = PathManager() # Import the textUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importTextUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import the eventUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importEventUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import all the generator modules using PythonOverrider. self.importModules() # This variable will be used to cache the Pythonic version of the # event set supplied by the last call to getDialogInfo(), or the # last call to getSpatialInfo() that included a non-None event set. # It is then used as the event set between then and the next # invocation of execute() for calls to the methods getSpatialInfo(), # handleDialogParameterChange(), and isSpatialInfoComplete(). # # This is done because event sets can have complex attributes that # take a while to convert to Python values from the original Java # objects (e.g. the geometry associated with CWAs if the scope is # national), and since the event set should not change during # parameter gathering, reusing it is OK. self.parameterGatheringEventSet = None
def smali(f): return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_apktool_path(), 'b', f])
def on_command(params): ret = 0 # 默认返回成功 msg = None paramCount = len(params) isMultiFiles = False if params is None or paramCount < 3: print(params[0]) print(params[1]) return -1, u'参数不对,需要传至少 3 个参数' CMD_STR = params[1] filesSelected = params[2] if paramCount > 3: isMultiFiles = True if sys.platform == 'win32': pass # win下命令行参数为gbk编码,转换为UNICODE # filesSelected = filesSelected.decode('gbk', 'ignore') print(str(paramCount) + ' ' + CMD_STR + ' ' + filesSelected) if CMD_STR == 'dex2jar': ret, msg = dex2jar(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'axml2txt': ret, msg = axml2txt(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'viewapk': ret, msg = viewapk(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'viewsign': ret, msg = viewsign(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'sign': ret, msg = sign(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'sign_v1_v2': ret, msg = sign_v1_v2(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'installd': ret, msg = installd(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'installr': ret, msg = installr(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'uninstall': ret, msg = uninstall(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'viewwrapper': ret, msg = viewwrapper(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'phone': ret, msg = viewphone(filesSelected) if ret == 0: os.system('pause') elif CMD_STR == 'photo': ret, msg = photo(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'icon': ret, msg = extracticon(filesSelected) os.system('pause') elif CMD_STR == 'zipalign': ret, msg = zipalign(filesSelected) os.system('pause') elif CMD_STR == 'baksmali': ret, msg = baksmali(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'smali': ret, msg = smali(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'plug_get_neprotect_ver': ret, msg = plug_get_neprotect_ver(filesSelected) os.system('pause') elif CMD_STR == 'md2html': ret, msg = md2html(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'md2pdf': ret, msg = md2pdf(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'plug3': ret, msg = plug(filesSelected) elif CMD_STR == 'about': print(u'\n\n右键工具v3.0 by bising(\n\n') os.system('pause') # star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_about_path()]) elif CMD_STR == 'notepad': ret, msg = star.run_cmd_asyn(['notepad', filesSelected]) elif CMD_STR == 'hex': print('open with hex tool') tool = PathManager.get_hextool_path() ret, msg = star.run_cmd_asyn([tool, filesSelected]) elif CMD_STR == 'lua': print('open with Lua Editor') tool = PathManager.get_luaeditor_path() ret, msg = star.run_cmd_asyn([tool, filesSelected]) elif CMD_STR == 'luyten': print('open with luyten') tool = PathManager.get_luyten_path() ret, msg = star.run_cmd_asyn([tool, filesSelected]) if ret != 0: # 说明此时执行命令出错,暂停下让用户能够看到cmd窗口的出错信息 os.system('pause') elif CMD_STR == 'jdgui': print('open with jdgui') tool = PathManager.get_jdgui_path() ret, msg = star.run_cmd_asyn([tool, filesSelected]) elif CMD_STR == 'md5': ret, msg = md5(filesSelected) os.system('pause') else: return -1, u'\n\n未实现命令:' + CMD_STR + u'请检查您输入的命令是否正确\n\n' return ret, msg
def baksmali(f): print(u'反编译完成') return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_apktool_path(), 'd', '-f', f])
def get_package(f): retcode, msg = star.runcmd2( [PathManager.get_aapt_path(), 'dump', 'badging', f]) if retcode == 0: package = star.find("package: name='(.*?)'", msg) return package
def sign_v1_v2(f): print(u"使用v1+v2签名") return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_v2_sign_tool_path(), f])
def get_value_from_confing(node_name, item_name): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() with open(PathManager.get_config_file_path(), 'r') as config_file: config.readfp(config_file) return config.get(node_name, item_name)
# ========== My class inport ========== # from EncodeManager import NetManager # 呼び出すネットによって変える NetManager = import_module(IMPORT_NET_CLS).NetManager from DataManager import DataManager from PathManager import PathManager from ImageGenerator import ImageGenerator from FitManager import FitManager import ShareNetFunc as nfunc import PlotFunc # ========== NetManager呼び出し ========== net_cls = NetManager() # ========== PathManager呼び出し ========== path_cls = PathManager(tfrecord_folder=TFRECORD_FOLDER, output_rootfolder=OUT_ROOT_FOLDER, epoch_output_rootfolder=EPOCH_OUT_ROOT_FOLDER) path_cls.all_makedirs() # 結果保存フォルダ生成 # ========== DataSet呼び出し ========== # プロパティデータ読み込み df = pd.read_csv(path_cls.get_property_path()) shuf_train_ds_cls = DataManager( tfrecord_path=path_cls.get_train_ds_path(), img_root=IMAGE_ROOT_PATH, batch_size=SHUF_LEARN_BATCH_SIZE, net_cls=net_cls,[0, 'total_learn_data'], suffle_buffer=SUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE, ) train_ds_cls = DataManager(
class RobotControl(object): """Class used to interface with the rover. Gets sensor measurements through ROS subscribers, and transforms them into the 2D plane, and publishes velocity commands. """ def __init__(self, markers, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, min_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body, mode): """ Initialize the class """ # plan a path around obstacles using dijkstra's algorithm print('Planning path...') path = findShortestPath(occupancy_map, x_spacing, y_spacing, pos_init[0:2], pos_goal[0:2], dilate=2) print('Done!') self.path_manager = PathManager(path) self.kalman_filter = KalmanFilter(markers, pos_init) self.diff_drive_controller = DiffDriveController( max_speed, min_speed, max_omega) if 'HARDWARE' in mode: # Handles all the ROS related items self.ros_interface = ROSInterface(t_cam_to_body) elif 'SIMULATE' in mode: self.robot_sim = RobotSim(markers, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_speed, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, self.path_manager.path, mode) self.user_control = UserControl() self.vel = 0 # save velocity to use for kalman filter self.goal = self.path_manager.getNextWaypoint() # get first waypoint # for logging postion data to csv file self.stateSaved = [] self.tagsSaved = [] self.waypoints = [] def process_measurements(self): """Main loop of the robot - where all measurements, control, and estimation are done. """ v, omega, wayptReached = self.user_control.compute_vel() self.robot_sim.command_velocity(v, omega) return #meas = None # for testing purposes #imu_meas = None # for testing purpose #pdb.set_trace() if (imu_meas is None) and (meas is None): pass else: state = self.kalman_filter.step_filter(self.vel, imu_meas, meas) if 'SIMULATE' in mode: self.robot_sim.set_est_state(state) #print("X = {} cm, Y = {} cm, Theta = {} deg".format(100*state[0],100*state[1],state[2]*180/np.pi)) # save the estimated state and tag statuses for offline animation self.stateSaved.append(state) self.waypoints.append(self.path_manager.getActiveWaypointsPos()) if meas is None: self.tagsSaved.append(None) else: meas = np.array(meas) tagIDs = [int(i) for i in meas[:, 3]] self.tagsSaved.append(tagIDs) v, omega, wayptReached = self.diff_drive_controller.compute_vel( state, self.goal.pos) self.vel = v if wayptReached: self.goal = self.path_manager.getNextWaypoint() self.diff_drive_controller.done = False # reset diff controller status if self.goal is None: print('Goal has been reached!') np.savez('savedState.npz', stateSaved=self.stateSaved, tagsSaved=self.tagsSaved, waypoints=self.waypoints) print('Position data saved!') if 'HARDWARE' in mode: self.ros_interface.command_velocity(0, 0) elif 'SIMULATE' in mode: self.robot_sim.command_velocity(0, 0) self.robot_sim.done = True return else: if 'HARDWARE' in mode: self.ros_interface.command_velocity(self.vel, omega) elif 'SIMULATE' in mode: self.robot_sim.command_velocity(self.vel, omega) return def myhook(): print "shutdown time!"
def run(cls): super(Builder, Builder).run() saveOldFuncs() injectNewFuncs() = PathManager()
def main(): mIns = MissionManager() PathManagerIns = PathManager() targetPos = [7, 5] # set target position startPos = [0, 0] # set start position PathManagerIns.pathGenerator(0, mIns, startPos, targetPos, PathManagerIns)
class ProductInterface(HazardServicesPythonOverriderInterface. HazardServicesPythonOverriderInterface): def __init__(self, scriptPath, localizationPath, site): super(ProductInterface, self).__init__(scriptPath, localizationPath, site) self.pathMgr = PathManager() # TODO - every file that exists in localization and is class based needs # to be imported via PythonOverrider. Not just the 2 below directories. # Import the textUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importTextUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import the eventUtilities dir using PythonOverrider self.importEventUtility(reloadModules=False) # Import all the generator modules using PythonOverrider. self.importModules() # Import all the formatter modules using PythonOverrider. self.importFormatters() self.logger = logging.getLogger("ProductInterface") self.logger.addHandler( UFStatusHandler.UFStatusHandler( "com.raytheon.uf.common.hazards.productgen", "ProductInterface", level=logging.INFO)) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def executeGenerator(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): javaDialogInput = kwargs['dialogInputMap'] if javaDialogInput is not None: kwargs['dialogInputMap'] = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(javaDialogInput) formats = kwargs.pop('formats') javaEventSet = kwargs['eventSet'] # execute method in generators is expecting a python eventSet kwargs['eventSet'] = PythonEventSet(kwargs['eventSet']) dataList, events = self.runMethod(moduleName, className, 'execute', **kwargs) if not isinstance(dataList, list): raise Exception('Expecting a list from ' + moduleName + '.execute()') kwargs['dataList'] = dataList # executeGeneratorFrom method is expecting a javaEventSet kwargs['eventSet'] = javaEventSet # dialogInputMap no longer needed for executeFrom method kwargs.pop('dialogInputMap') genProdList = self.executeGeneratorFrom(moduleName, className, **kwargs) javaEventSet = EventSet() javaEventSet.addAll(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(events)) genProdList.setEventSet(javaEventSet) return genProdList def executeGeneratorFrom(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): eventSet = [] if 'generatedProductList' in kwargs: updateList = True genProdList = kwargs.pop('generatedProductList') eventSet = PythonEventSet(genProdList.getEventSet()) dataList = [] for i in range(genProdList.size()): # make sure dataList is a python object dataList.append( JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(genProdList.get(i).getData())) kwargs['dataList'] = dataList kwargs['eventSet'] = eventSet else: updateList = False genProdList = GeneratedProductList() eventSet = PythonEventSet(kwargs.get('eventSet')) productParts = kwargs.get('productParts', None) # make sure keyInfoList is a python object if hasattr(productParts, 'java_name'): productParts = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(productParts) kwargs['productParts'] = productParts # call executeFrom from product generator dataList = self.runMethod(moduleName, className, 'executeFrom', **kwargs) genProdList.setProductInfo(moduleName) self.createProductsFromDictionary(dataList, eventSet, genProdList, updateList) return genProdList def executeGeneratorUpdate(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): dataList = kwargs['dataList'] # make sure dataList is a python object if hasattr(dataList, 'java_name'): dataList = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(dataList) kwargs['dataList'] = dataList formats = kwargs.pop('formats') javaEventSet = kwargs['eventSet'] kwargs['eventSet'] = PythonEventSet(javaEventSet) # call updateDataList from product generator dataList, events = self.runMethod(moduleName, className, 'updateDataList', **kwargs) if not isinstance(dataList, list): raise Exception('Expecting a list from ' + moduleName + '.execute()') kwargs['dataList'] = dataList # executeGeneratorFrom method is expected a javaEventSet kwargs['eventSet'] = javaEventSet genProdList = self.executeGeneratorFrom(moduleName, className, **kwargs) javaEventSet = EventSet() javaEventSet.addAll(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(events)) genProdList.setEventSet(javaEventSet) return genProdList def executeFormatter(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): generatedProductList = kwargs['generatedProductList'] formats = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(kwargs['formats']) # Loop over each product that has been generated and format them for i in range(generatedProductList.size()): generatedProduct = generatedProductList.get(i) self.formatProduct(generatedProduct, formats) return generatedProductList def formatProduct(self, generatedProduct, formats): # Retrieve the product's data to pass to the formatter productData = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal(generatedProduct.getData()) # Retrieve the product's editableEntries if available editableEntries = JUtil.javaObjToPyVal( generatedProduct.getEditableEntries()) if isinstance(productData, dict): errors = [] # Dictionary containing the formatted products productDict = OrderedDict() for format in formats: try: locPath = 'HazardServices/python/events/productgen/formats/' scriptName = locPath + format + '.py' if sys.modules.has_key(format): self.clearModuleAttributes(format) formatModule = HazardServicesPythonOverrider.importModule( scriptName, instance = formatModule.Format() product, editableEntries = instance.execute( productData, editableEntries) productDict[format] = product generatedProduct.setEditableEntries( JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(editableEntries)) except Exception as err: errMsg = 'ERROR: Failed to execute ' + format + '. ' + str( err) productDict[format] = [errMsg] errors.append(errMsg) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print traceback.format_exc(limit=20) os.sys.__stdout__.flush() # TODO Use JUtil.pyValToJavaObj() when JUtil.pyDictToJavaMap() is fully resolved generatedProduct.setEntries(JUtil.pyDictToJavaMap(productDict)) if errors: generatedProduct.setErrors('\n'.join(errors)) def createProductsFromDictionary(self, dataList, eventSet, genProdList, updateList): if dataList is not None: if updateList: for i in range(len(dataList)): data = dataList[i] if isinstance(data, dict): generatedProduct = genProdList.get(i) generatedProduct.setData(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(data)) else: for data in dataList: if isinstance(data, dict): productID = data.get('productID') generatedProduct = GeneratedProduct(productID) generatedProduct.setData(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(data)) javaEventSet = self.getEventSetForProduct( data, eventSet) generatedProduct.setEventSet(javaEventSet) genProdList.add(generatedProduct) def getEventSetForProduct(self, data, eventSet): """ @return: Returns a sub set of the eventSet passed to the generator that pertains to this one product. This sub set will be used as a PK to save the product to the productData table during dissemination. """ # Get all the eventIDs from the product eventIDs = set() for segment in data.get('segments', []): for vtecRecord in segment.get('vtecRecords', []): for eventID in vtecRecord.get('eventID', []): eventIDs.add(eventID) # Create a sub set of the eventSet based on the product eventIDs productEventSet = set() for eventID in eventIDs: for event in eventSet: if event.getEventID() == eventID: productEventSet.add(event) break javaEventSet = EventSet() javaEventSet.addAll(JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(productEventSet)) javaEventSet.addAttribute('runMode', eventSet.getAttribute('runMode')) return javaEventSet def getDialogInfo(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): """ @return: Returns a map of string to string of the dialog info. """ kwargs['eventSet'] = PythonEventSet(kwargs['eventSet']) val = self.runMethod(moduleName, className, 'defineDialog', **kwargs) if val is not None: val = JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(val) return val def getScriptMetadata(self, moduleName, className, **kwargs): """ @return: Returns a map of string to string of the metadata. """ val = self.runMethod(moduleName, className, 'defineScriptMetadata', **kwargs) return JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(val) def importFormatters(self): locPath = 'HazardServices/python/events/productgen/formats/' lf = self.pathMgr.getLocalizationFile(locPath, loctype='COMMON_STATIC', loclevel='BASE') basePath = lf.getPath() # Import all the files in this directory self.importFilesFromDir(basePath, locPath) def importTextUtility(self, reloadModules=True): locPath = 'HazardServices/python/textUtilities/' self.importDirectory(locPath, reloadModules) if reloadModules: self.importFormatters() def importEventUtility(self, reloadModules=True): locPath = 'HazardServices/python/events/utilities/' self.importDirectory(locPath, reloadModules) if reloadModules: self.importFormatters()
class Vamos: def __init__(self, raw_mem, cpu, cfg): self.raw_mem = raw_mem self.ram_size = raw_mem.ram_size self.cpu = cpu self.path_mgr = PathManager( cfg ) # create a label manager and error tracker self.label_mgr = LabelManager() self.error_tracker = ErrorTracker(cpu, self.label_mgr) self.label_mgr.error_tracker = self.error_tracker # set a label for first two dwords label = LabelRange("zero_page",0,8) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) # create memory access self.mem = MainMemory(self.raw_mem, self.error_tracker) self.mem.ctx = self # create memory allocator self.mem_begin = 0x1000 self.alloc = MemoryAlloc(self.mem, 0, self.ram_size, self.mem_begin, self.label_mgr) # create segment loader self.seg_loader = SegmentLoader( self.mem, self.alloc, self.label_mgr, self.path_mgr ) # lib manager self.lib_mgr = LibManager( self.label_mgr, cfg.data_dir ) # no current process right now self.process = None self.proc_list = [] self.tr_list = [] def init(self, cfg): self.init_managers() self.register_base_libs(cfg) self.init_trampoline() self.create_old_dos_guard() self.open_exec_lib() return True def cleanup(self): self.close_exec_lib() self.free_trampoline() self.alloc.dump_orphans() # ----- process handling ----- def _set_this_task(self, proc): """tell exec about this process and all others referencing process from here""" self.process = proc self.exec_lib.lib_class.set_this_task(self.exec_lib, proc) def set_main_process(self, proc):"set main process: %s", proc) self.proc_list.append(proc) self._set_this_task(proc) def start_sub_process(self, proc):"start sub process: %s", proc) self.proc_list.append(proc) self._set_this_task(proc) # setup trampoline to enter sub process tr_mem_size = 128 tr_mem = self.alloc.alloc_memory("SubProcJump", tr_mem_size) tr = Trampoline(self, tr_mem) tr.init() tr.save_all_but_d0() # new proc registers: d0=arg_len a0=arg_cptr tr.set_dx_l(0, proc.arg_len) tr.set_ax_l(0, proc.arg_base) # to track old dos values tr.set_ax_l(2, self.dos_guard_base) tr.set_ax_l(5, self.dos_guard_base) tr.set_ax_l(6, self.dos_guard_base) # setup new stack stack_save_addr = tr_mem.addr + tr_mem_size - 4 tr.write_ax_l(7, stack_save_addr) new_stack = proc.stack_initial tr.set_ax_l(7, new_stack) # call code! (jmp - return value is on stack) # restore stack (set a label to return from new stack - see below) lab = tr.set_label() tr.read_ax_l(7, stack_save_addr) # restore regs tr.restore_all_but_d0() # trap to clean up sub process resources tr.trap(lambda x : self.stop_sub_process()) tr.rts() tr.done() # get label addr -> set as return value of new stack lab_addr = tr.get_label(lab) log_proc.debug("new_stack=%06x trampoline_return=%06x", new_stack, lab_addr) self.mem.access.w32(new_stack, lab_addr) # push trampoline self.tr_list.append(tr) def stop_sub_process(self): # get return value ret_code = self.cpu.r_reg(REG_D0) # pop process proc = self.proc_list.pop()"stop sub process: %s ret_code=%d", proc, ret_code) # pop trampoline tr = self.tr_list.pop() self.alloc.free_memory(tr.mem) # ----- init environment ----- def init_managers(self): self.doslist_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.doslist_size = 0x010000 self.doslist_mgr = DosListManager(self.path_mgr, self.doslist_base, self.doslist_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.doslist_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.doslist_base, r32=self.doslist_mgr.r32_doslist) # fill dos list volumes = self.path_mgr.get_all_volume_names() for vol in volumes: self.doslist_mgr.add_volume(vol) self.lock_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.lock_size = 0x010000 self.lock_mgr = LockManager(self.path_mgr, self.doslist_mgr, self.lock_base, self.lock_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.lock_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.lock_base, r32=self.lock_mgr.r32_lock) self.file_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.file_size = 0x010000 self.file_mgr = FileManager(self.path_mgr, self.file_base, self.file_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.file_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.file_base, r32=self.file_mgr.r32_fh) self.port_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.port_size = 0x010000 self.port_mgr = PortManager(self.port_base, self.port_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.port_mgr) def register_base_libs(self, cfg): libs_cfg = cfg.libs # register libraries # exec self.exec_lib_def = ExecLibrary(self.lib_mgr, self.alloc, version=libs_cfg['exec']['version'], profile=libs_cfg['exec']['profile']) self.lib_mgr.register_int_lib(self.exec_lib_def) # dos self.dos_lib_def = DosLibrary(self.mem, self.alloc, version=libs_cfg['dos']['version'], profile=libs_cfg['dos']['profile']) self.dos_lib_def.set_managers(self.path_mgr, self.lock_mgr, self.file_mgr, self.port_mgr, self.seg_loader) self.lib_mgr.register_int_lib(self.dos_lib_def) # icon self.icon_lib_def = IconLibrary() self.lib_mgr.register_int_lib(self.icon_lib_def) # iffparse self.iffparse_lib_def = IFFParseLibrary() self.lib_mgr.register_int_lib(self.iffparse_lib_def) def init_trampoline(self): self.tr_mem_size = 256 self.tr_mem = self.alloc.alloc_memory("Trampoline", self.tr_mem_size) = Trampoline(self, self.tr_mem) def free_trampoline(self): self.alloc.free_memory(self.tr_mem) def open_exec_lib(self): # open exec lib self.exec_lib = self.lib_mgr.open_lib(, 0, self) def close_exec_lib(self): self.lib_mgr.close_lib(self.exec_lib.lib_base, self) def create_old_dos_guard(self): # create a guard memory for tracking invalid old dos access self.dos_guard_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.dos_guard_size = 0x010000 label = LabelRange("old_dos",self.dos_guard_base, self.dos_guard_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(label)
def md2html(f): return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_mdconverter_path(), f])
def sign(f): return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_signtool_path(), f])
def md2pdf(f): return star.runcmd2([PathManager.get_mdconverter_path(), f, 'pdf'])
class Vamos: def __init__(self, raw_mem, cpu, cfg): self.raw_mem = raw_mem self.ram_size = raw_mem.ram_size self.cpu = cpu self.cpu_type = cfg.cpu self.path_mgr = PathManager( cfg ) # create a label manager and error tracker self.label_mgr = LabelManager() self.error_tracker = ErrorTracker(cpu, self.label_mgr) self.label_mgr.error_tracker = self.error_tracker # set a label for first two dwords label = LabelRange("zero_page",0,8) self.label_mgr.add_label(label) # create memory access self.mem = MainMemory(self.raw_mem, self.error_tracker) self.mem.ctx = self # create memory allocator self.mem_begin = 0x1000 self.alloc = MemoryAlloc(self.mem, 0, self.ram_size, self.mem_begin, self.label_mgr) # create segment loader self.seg_loader = SegmentLoader( self.mem, self.alloc, self.label_mgr, self.path_mgr ) # lib manager self.lib_mgr = LibManager( self.label_mgr, cfg) # no current process right now self.process = None self.proc_list = [] def init(self, cfg): self.init_managers() self.register_base_libs(cfg) self.create_old_dos_guard() self.open_exec_lib() return True def cleanup(self): self.close_exec_lib() self.alloc.dump_orphans() # ----- process handling ----- def _set_this_task(self, proc): """tell exec about this process and all others referencing process from here""" self.process = proc self.exec_lib.set_this_task(proc) def set_main_process(self, proc):"set main process: %s", proc) self.proc_list.append(proc) self._set_this_task(proc) def start_sub_process(self, proc):"start sub process: %s", proc) self.proc_list.append(proc) self._set_this_task(proc) # setup trampoline to enter sub process tr = Trampoline(self, "SubProcJump") # reserve a long for old stack old_stack_off = tr.dc_l(0) # code starts tr.save_all_but_d0() # new proc registers: d0=arg_len a0=arg_cptr tr.set_dx_l(0, proc.arg_len) tr.set_ax_l(0, proc.arg_base) # d2=stack_size. this value is also in 4(sp) (see Process.init_stack), but # various C programs rely on it being present (1.3-3.1 at least have it). tr.set_dx_l(2, proc.stack_size) # to track old dos values tr.set_ax_l(2, self.dos_guard_base) tr.set_ax_l(5, self.dos_guard_base) tr.set_ax_l(6, self.dos_guard_base) # save old stack and set new stack tr.write_ax_l(7, old_stack_off, True) # write to data offset (dc.l above) new_stack = proc.stack_initial tr.set_ax_l(7, new_stack) # call code! (jmp - return value is on stack) # restore stack (set a label to return from new stack - see below) return_off = tr.get_code_offset() tr.read_ax_l(7, old_stack_off, True) # read from data offset (dc.l above) # restore regs tr.restore_all_but_d0() # trap to clean up sub process resources def trap_stop_sub_process(): self.stop_sub_process() tr.final_rts(trap_stop_sub_process) # realize trampoline in memory (data+code) tr.done() # get label addr -> set as return value of new stack return_addr = tr.get_code_addr(return_off) log_proc.debug("new_stack=%06x return_addr=%06x", new_stack, return_addr) # place return address for new process self.mem.access.w32(new_stack, return_addr) def stop_sub_process(self): # get return value ret_code = self.cpu.r_reg(REG_D0) # pop process proc = self.proc_list.pop()"stop sub process: %s ret_code=%d", proc, ret_code) # ----- init environment ----- def init_managers(self): self.doslist_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.doslist_size = 0x010000 self.doslist_mgr = DosListManager(self.path_mgr, self.doslist_base, self.doslist_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.doslist_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.doslist_base, r32=self.doslist_mgr.r32_doslist) # fill dos list volumes = self.path_mgr.get_all_volume_names() for vol in volumes: self.doslist_mgr.add_volume(vol) self.lock_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.lock_size = 0x010000 self.lock_mgr = LockManager(self.path_mgr, self.doslist_mgr, self.lock_base, self.lock_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.lock_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.lock_base, r32=self.lock_mgr.r32_lock) self.file_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.file_size = 0x010000 self.file_mgr = FileManager(self.path_mgr, self.file_base, self.file_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.file_mgr) self.mem.set_special_range_read_funcs(self.file_base, r32=self.file_mgr.r32_fh) self.port_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.port_size = 0x010000 self.port_mgr = PortManager(self.port_base, self.port_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(self.port_mgr) def register_base_libs(self, cfg): # register libraries # exec exec_cfg = cfg.get_lib_config('exec.library') self.exec_lib_def = ExecLibrary(self.lib_mgr, self.alloc, exec_cfg) self.lib_mgr.register_vamos_lib(self.exec_lib_def) # dos dos_cfg = cfg.get_lib_config('dos.library') self.dos_lib_def = DosLibrary(self.mem, self.alloc, dos_cfg) self.dos_lib_def.set_managers(self.path_mgr, self.lock_mgr, self.file_mgr, self.port_mgr, self.seg_loader) self.lib_mgr.register_vamos_lib(self.dos_lib_def) def open_exec_lib(self): # open exec lib self.exec_lib = self.lib_mgr.open_lib(, 0, self) self.exec_lib_def.set_cpu(self.cpu_type) def close_exec_lib(self): self.lib_mgr.close_lib(self.exec_lib.addr_base, self) def create_old_dos_guard(self): # create a guard memory for tracking invalid old dos access self.dos_guard_base = self.mem.reserve_special_range() self.dos_guard_size = 0x010000 label = LabelRange("old_dos",self.dos_guard_base, self.dos_guard_size) self.label_mgr.add_label(label)
def getUserPath(self, category): pathMgr = PathManager() lf = pathMgr.getLocalizationFile(str(self._localizationPath), 'CAVE_STATIC', 'USER') fullpath = lf.getPath() return fullpath + "/"