class IMU(object): device = None def __init__(self): self.spatial = Spatial() self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.getDataHandler) self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(self.attachDeviceHandler) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(16) def attachDeviceHandler(self, e): self.device = e.device def getDataHandler(self, e): for data in e.spatialData: if len(data.Acceleration) > 0: print "Acc", print data.Acceleration[0], print data.Acceleration[1], print data.Acceleration[2], if len(data.AngularRate) > 0: print "Gyr", print data.AngularRate[0], print data.AngularRate[1], print data.AngularRate[2], if len(data.MagneticField) > 0: print "Mag", print data.MagneticField[0], print data.MagneticField[1], print data.MagneticField[2]
class IMU(object): device = None def __init__(self): self.spatial = Spatial() self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.getDataHandler) self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(self.attachDeviceHandler) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(16) def attachDeviceHandler(self, e): self.device = e.device def getDataHandler(self,e): for data in e.spatialData: if len(data.Acceleration) > 0: print "Acc", print data.Acceleration[0], print data.Acceleration[1], print data.Acceleration[2], if len(data.AngularRate) > 0: print "Gyr", print data.AngularRate[0], print data.AngularRate[1], print data.AngularRate[2], if len(data.MagneticField) > 0: print "Mag", print data.MagneticField[0], print data.MagneticField[1], print data.MagneticField[2]
class PhidgetWrapper(object): def __init__(self, data_callback): self.spatial = Spatial() self.callback = data_callback; # attach the event handlers. try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(self.on_attach) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(self.on_detach) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(self.on_error) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.on_data) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(1000) self.spatial.setDataRate(4) self.spatial.setCompassCorrectionParameters(0.51236, 0.02523, 0.16216, 0.07254, 1.88718, 1.82735, 2.14068, -0.06096, -0.04644, -0.05897, 0.00783, -0.05211, 0.00870); except e: print("Error connecting to IMU, I cannot handle this. I will just go die now!", e) exit(1) def on_data(self, e): source = e.device for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): if len(spatialData.Acceleration) > 0 and len(spatialData.AngularRate) > 0 and len(spatialData.MagneticField) > 0: acc = [spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2]] gyr = [spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2]] mag = [spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2]] self.callback(acc, gyr, mag, spatialData.Timestamp.microSeconds) def on_attach(self, e): print('Phidget attached!') return def on_detach(self, e): print('Phidget detached!') return def on_error(self, e): try: source = e.device print(("Spatial %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % \ (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description))) except PhidgetException as e: print(("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)))
def AttachSpatial(databasepath, serialNumber): def onAttachHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Attached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayAttachedDeviceInfo(event.device) def onDetachHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Detached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayDetachedDeviceInfo(event.device) event.device.closePhidget() def onErrorHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Error " + str( event.device.getSerialNum()) + ", Error: " + event.description #print(logString) DisplayErrorDeviceInfo(event.device) def onServerConnectHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Server Connect " + str( event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def onServerDisconnectHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Server Disconnect " + str( event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def spatialDataHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Changed " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) index = 0 for spatialData in enumerate(event.spatialData): accelX = 0 accelY = 0 accelZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].Acceleration) > 0: accelX = spatialData[1].Acceleration[0] accelY = spatialData[1].Acceleration[1] if len(spatialData[1].Acceleration) > 2: accelZ = spatialData[1].Acceleration[2] angularX = 0 angularY = 0 angularZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 0: angularX = spatialData[1].AngularRate[0] angularY = spatialData[1].AngularRate[1] if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 2: angularZ = spatialData[1].AngularRate[2] magneticX = 0 magneticY = 0 magneticZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].MagneticField) > 0: magneticX = spatialData[1].MagneticField[0] magneticY = spatialData[1].MagneticField[1] if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 2: magneticZ = spatialData[1].MagneticField[2] conn.execute( "INSERT INTO SPATIAL_DATACHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (event.device.getSerialNum(), index, accelX, accelY, accelZ, angularX, angularY, angularZ, magneticX, magneticY, magneticZ)) index += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] try: p = Spatial() p.setOnAttachHandler(onAttachHandler) p.setOnDetachHandler(onDetachHandler) p.setOnErrorhandler(onErrorHandler) p.setOnServerConnectHandler(onServerConnectHandler) p.setOnServerDisconnectHandler(onServerDisconnectHandler) p.setOnSpatialDataHandler(spatialDataHandler) p.openPhidget(serialNumber) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting...") exit(1)
#print("------------------------------------------") #Main Program Code #logging example, uncomment to generate a log file #spatial.enableLogging(PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, "phidgetlog.log") print("Opening phidget object....") numDevices = len(manager.getAttachedDevices()) params = {} for device in manager.getAttachedDevices(): try: spatial = Spatial() spatial.openPhidget(device.getSerialNum()) sensor = SensorParams(device.getSerialNum()) sensor.setBufferSize(bufferSize) sensor.setWindowSize(windowSize) params[device.getSerialNum()] = sensor spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....")
class Sensor(object): """ Phidgets sensor class obeying the expected Sensor contract. Expected functions for a Sensor are: run A function which takes a threading.Event object which is set when the sensor should halt. The body of run should be used for processing sensor data, and is run in its own thread by the controller. get_current_data Used to respond to requests for ongoing sensor data. Must be thread safe. The result is a tuple of metadata and a block of data to be uploaded, if desired. To opt not to return data, the sensor can simply return `(None, None)`. The function can block to request data from the sensor thread, if necessary. set_sensor_id Set the sensor_id for this sensor. Must be thread safe. Without a sensor id, events cannot be sent. to_dict Return a dictionary containing all fields that need persisted and the special fields 'module' and 'class', which tell the client how to instantiate the sensor. The dictionary will be passed as the second argmuent to __init__ when deserializing a client. Must be thread safe. """ def __init__(self, send_event_fn=None, config=None): if not config: config = {} if send_event_fn: self._send_event = send_event_fn self.phidget_attached = False self.sensor_data_lock = threading.Lock() # Set of fields that have changed since the last update. self.delta_fields = set() self.sensor_data = client_messages_pb2.SensorMetadata() self.sensor_data.sensor_type = common_pb2.ACCELEROMETER_3_AXIS self.sensor_data.calibrated = True self.sensor_data.model = 'Phidgets 1056' if 'serial' in config: self.sensor_data.serial = config.get('serial') else: self.sensor_data.serial = '' if 'datastore' in config: self.datastore = config.get('datastore') else: self.datastore = '/tmp/phidgetsdata' if 'time_server' in config: self.time_server = config.get('time_server') else: self.time_server = None self.datastore_uploaded = self.datastore + '/uploaded' self.datastore_corrupted = self.datastore + '/corrupted''Sensor datastore directory is %s',self.datastore) self.sensor_data.units = 'g' self.sensor_data.num_samples = 50 self.sensor_data.sample_window_size = 1 self.accelerometer = None self.time_start = None self.reported_clock_drift = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) self.file_store_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=600) self.last_phidgets_timestamp = None self.last_datastore_filename = None self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded = None # a lock for updating the timing variables self.timing_lock = threading.Lock() self.timing_gradient = 0.0 self.timing_intercept = 0.0 self.timing_base_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.recent_picks = [] # Make sure data directory exists try: os.makedirs(self.datastore) except OSError as exception:'Notification for directories %s', exception) try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_uploaded) except OSError as exception:'Notification for directories %s', exception) try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_corrupted) except OSError as exception:'Notification for directories %s', exception) # start the Picker thread self.sensor_readings_queue = Queue.Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Picker, args=['algorithm']) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.sensor_readings_queue.join()'Client initialised: now starting Phidget') self.data_buffer = [] # Start the Phidget self.StartPhidget() self.sensor_data.serial = str(self.accelerometer.getSerialNum()) self.DisplayDeviceInfo() def StartPhidget(self): # Initialise the Phidgets sensor self.phidget_attached = False self.time_start = None try: if self.accelerometer: self.accelerometer.closePhidget() self.accelerometer = Spatial() self.accelerometer.setOnAttachHandler(self.AccelerometerAttached) self.accelerometer.setOnDetachHandler(self.AccelerometerDetached) self.accelerometer.setOnErrorhandler(self.AccelerometerError) self.accelerometer.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.SpatialData) self.accelerometer.openPhidget() self.accelerometer.waitForAttach(10000) # set data rate in milliseconds (we will decimate from 4ms to 20ms later) self.accelerometer.setDataRate(PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Runtime Exception: %s", e.details) return except PhidgetException as e: logging.error("Phidget Exception: %s. Is the Phidget not connected?", e.details) return self.phidget_attached = True def Picker(self, args):'Initialise picker with args %s', args) # LTA = 10 seconds # Gap = 1 seconds # STA = 0.5 seconds delta = PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS * PHIDGETS_DECIMATION * 0.001 LTA_count = int(LTA / delta) STA_count = int(STA / delta) Gap_count = int(Gap / delta) ksigma_count = LTA_count + Gap_count + STA_count horizontal_accelerations = [] vertical_accelerations = [] last_horizontal_pick_timestamp = last_vertical_pick_timestamp = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() in_pick_horizontal = False in_pick_vertical = False count_readings = 0 timestamp_reading = datetime.datetime.utcnow() while True: (timestamp, accelerations) = self.sensor_readings_queue.get() count_readings += 1 """ if count_readings == 5*PHIDGETS_DECIMATION: timestamp_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()"Picker: %s readings in %s seconds", count_readings, (timestamp_now-timestamp_reading).total_seconds()) timestamp_reading = timestamp_now count_readings = 0 """ horizontal = math.sqrt(accelerations[0]*accelerations[0] + accelerations[1]*accelerations[1]) north = accelerations[0] east = accelerations[1] vertical = accelerations[2] horizontal_accelerations.append(horizontal) vertical_accelerations.append(vertical) number_in_list = len(horizontal_accelerations) if number_in_list < ksigma_count: continue lta_horizontal_std = numpy.std(horizontal_accelerations[:LTA_count]) lta_vertical_std = numpy.std(vertical_accelerations[:LTA_count]) lta_horizontal_lta = numpy.mean(horizontal_accelerations[:LTA_count]) lta_vertical_lta = numpy.mean(vertical_accelerations[:LTA_count]) #sta_horizontal_std = numpy.std(horizontal_accelerations[LTA_count+Gap_count:]) #sta_vertical_std = numpy.std(vertical_accelerations[LTA_count+Gap_count:]) sta_horizontal_mean = sum([abs(a-lta_horizontal_lta) for a in horizontal_accelerations[LTA_count+Gap_count:]]) / STA_count ksigma_horizontal = sta_horizontal_mean / lta_horizontal_std sta_vertical_mean = sum([abs(a-lta_vertical_lta) for a in vertical_accelerations[LTA_count+Gap_count:]]) / STA_count ksigma_vertical = sta_vertical_mean / lta_vertical_std if not in_pick_horizontal and timestamp-last_horizontal_pick_timestamp > MINIMUM_REPICK_INTERVAL_SECONDS: if ksigma_horizontal > KSIGMA_THRESHOLD: in_pick_horizontal = True maximum_acceleration_north = abs(north) maximum_acceleration_east = abs(east) last_horizontal_pick_timestamp = timestamp ksigma_horizontal_at_pick = ksigma_horizontal'Horizontal pick at %s ksigma=%s',timestamp,ksigma_horizontal_at_pick) if not in_pick_vertical and timestamp-last_vertical_pick_timestamp > MINIMUM_REPICK_INTERVAL_SECONDS: if ksigma_vertical > KSIGMA_THRESHOLD: in_pick_vertical = True maximum_acceleration_vertical = abs(vertical) last_vertical_pick_timestamp = timestamp ksigma_vertical_at_pick = ksigma_vertical'Vertical pick at %s ksigma=%s',timestamp,ksigma_vertical_at_pick) if in_pick_horizontal: if ksigma_horizontal < ksigma_horizontal_at_pick: self.recent_picks.append((last_horizontal_pick_timestamp, [maximum_acceleration_north, maximum_acceleration_east, 0.0])) while len(self.recent_picks) > RECENT_PICKS_COUNT: self.recent_picks = self.recent_picks[1:] self.send_event(last_horizontal_pick_timestamp, [maximum_acceleration_north, maximum_acceleration_east, 0.0]) in_pick_horizontal = False else: if abs(north) > maximum_acceleration_north: maximum_acceleration_north = abs(north) if abs(east) > maximum_acceleration_east: maximum_acceleration_east = abs(east) if in_pick_vertical: if ksigma_vertical < ksigma_vertical_at_pick: self.recent_picks.append((last_vertical_pick_timestamp, [0.0, 0.0, maximum_acceleration_vertical])) while len(self.recent_picks) > RECENT_PICKS_COUNT: self.recent_picks = self.recent_picks[1:] # pick has ended: send the message self.send_event(last_vertical_pick_timestamp, [0.0, 0.0, maximum_acceleration_vertical]) in_pick_vertical = False else: if abs(vertical) > maximum_acceleration_vertical: maximum_acceleration_vertical = abs(vertical) vertical_accelerations = vertical_accelerations[1:] horizontal_accelerations = horizontal_accelerations[1:] def DisplayDeviceInfo(self): print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- Attached -|- Type -|- Serial No. -|- Version -|") print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- %8s -|- %30s -|- %10d -|- %8d -|" % (self.accelerometer.isAttached(), self.accelerometer.getDeviceName(), self.accelerometer.getSerialNum(), self.accelerometer.getDeviceVersion())) print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("Number of Axes: %i" % (self.accelerometer.getAccelerationAxisCount())) print('Max Acceleration Axis 0: {} Min Acceleration Axis 0: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(0), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(0))) print('Max Acceleration Axis 1: {} Min Acceleration Axis 1: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(1), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(1))) print('Max Acceleration Axis 2: {} Min Acceleration Axis 2: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(2), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(2))) def setFileStoreInterval(self, file_store_interval): # sets the interval for writing the data to a new file self.file_store_interval = file_store_interval #Event Handler Callback Functions def AccelerometerAttached(self, e): attached = e.device"Accelerometer %s Attached!", attached.getSerialNum()) def AccelerometerDetached(self, e): detached = e.device self.phidget_attached = False logging.warn('Accelerometer %s Detached!',(detached.getSerialNum())) def AccelerometerError(self, e): try: source = e.device print("Accelerometer %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def AccelerometerAccelerationChanged(self, e): source = e.device print("Accelerometer %i: Axis %i: %6f" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.acceleration)) def MakeFilename(self, timestamp): return self.datastore + '/' + str(self.accelerometer.getSerialNum()) + '_' + timestamp.strftime(FILESTORE_NAMING) + '.dat' def setTimingFitVariables(self, base_time, gradient, intercept): # this is called by the main client which is monitoring the system clock compared with NTP with self.timing_lock: self.timing_base_time = base_time self.timing_gradient = gradient self.timing_intercept = intercept def GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp(self): # from the current system time we use the NTP thread's line fit to estimate the true time time_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() offset_estimate = (time_now-self.timing_base_time).total_seconds() * self.timing_gradient + self.timing_intercept return time_now + datetime.timedelta(microseconds = offset_estimate*1000000.0) def SpatialData(self, e): if not self.phidget_attached: return sample_timestamp = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() if self.time_start == None: self.time_start = sample_timestamp self.last_sample_datetime = self.time_start self.sample_count = 0 self.accelerations = [] if self.datastore: self.datastore_filename = self.MakeFilename(sample_timestamp)'Storing samples to %s',self.datastore_filename) self.datastore_file = open(self.datastore_filename, 'w') self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file = None self.last_phidgets_timestamp = 0.0 for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): phidgets_timestamp = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds + (spatialData.Timestamp.microSeconds * 0.000001) # the accelerations are scaled and reordered to conform to the SAF standard of [N, E, Z] accs = [PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[1],\ PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[0],\ PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[2]] #accs = [a*PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G for a in spatialData.Acceleration] #print spatialData.Acceleration #print accs if len(self.accelerations) == 0: self.accelerations = accs else: for i in range(len(self.accelerations)): self.accelerations[i] += accs[i] if self.last_phidgets_timestamp: if phidgets_timestamp - self.last_phidgets_timestamp > 1.5 * PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS: logging.warn('Missing samples: last sample %s current sample %s equiv samples %s',\ self.last_phidgets_timestamp, phidgets_timestamp, \ (phidgets_timestamp-self.last_phidgets_timestamp)/PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS) self.last_phidgets_timestamp = phidgets_timestamp self.last_sample_datetime = sample_timestamp self.sample_count += 1 if self.sample_count == PHIDGETS_DECIMATION: # we average the last PHIDGETS_DECIMATION samples accelerations = [acc / float(PHIDGETS_DECIMATION) for acc in self.accelerations] #invert channel 1 (E-W) - this results in +1g being reported when the sensor is resting on its E side accelerations[1] = -accelerations[1] data_entry = [sample_timestamp, accelerations] # put this reading in the queue for the Picker self.sensor_readings_queue.put(data_entry) self.data_buffer.append(data_entry) if self.datastore_file: if self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file == None: self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file = sample_timestamp self.datastore_file.write(sample_timestamp.strftime(PRECISION_NAMING) + ' ' + ' '.join("%10.7f" % x for x in accelerations)+'\n') self.sample_count = 0 self.accelerations = [] if sample_timestamp - self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file >= self.file_store_interval:'File store interval elapsed with %s samples, rate %s samples/second',len(self.data_buffer),float(len(self.data_buffer))/self.file_store_interval.seconds) if self.datastore: # we will change to a new file in the datastore self.datastore_file.close() self.last_datastore_filename = self.datastore_filename self.data_buffer = [] self.time_start = None def to_dict(self): # No need to persist anything that doesn't change. details = {} details['module'] = 'PhidgetsSensor' details['class'] = 'Sensor' with self.sensor_data_lock: details['sensor_id'] = self.sensor_data.sensor_id details['serial'] = self.sensor_data.serial details['datastore'] = self.datastore if self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded: details['last_upload'] = self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded else: details['last_upload'] = '' if self.time_server: details['time_server'] = self.time_server return details def get_metadata(self): data_copy = client_messages_pb2.SensorMetadata() with self.sensor_data_lock: data_copy.CopyFrom(self.sensor_data) return data_copy def datafiles_not_yet_uploaded(self): # Returns a list of files that are older than last_datastore_filename (or current time) in the # data file directory that have not yet been uploaded # we subtract 10 minutes off the time to avoid finding the currently open file (although we could in # principle trap that) file_list = [] last_file_date = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=600)'Searching for files older than %s',last_file_date) for f in os.listdir(self.datastore): filename = self.datastore + '/' + f if filename == self.datastore_filename:'Will not add currently opened file %s', filename) continue if os.path.isfile(filename): try: t = os.path.getctime(filename) file_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t) if file_date < last_file_date:'Not yet uploaded: %s',filename) file_list.append(filename) except: logging.error('Error getting file time for %s', filename) return file_list def datafile_to_streams(self, filename): # opens the datafile, reads the accelerometer readings, and adjusts the samples to match # the required delta time interval. # Places the adjusted samples in the returned serialized DataRecord object data = heartbeat_pb2.DataRecord() data.datapoint_spacing = PHIDGETS_RESAMPLED_DATA_INTERVAL_MS with open(filename,'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # the time stamp of the first entry in the file first_entry = lines[0].split() first_entry_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(first_entry[0], PRECISION_NAMING) start_time = first_entry_time # the time stamp of the last entry last_entry = lines[-1].split() last_entry_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_entry[0], PRECISION_NAMING) delta_step_seconds = PHIDGETS_RESAMPLED_DATA_INTERVAL_MS * 0.001 # given the first and last entries, we calculate the number of steps of delta interval to span the difference num_steps = 1 + int(round((last_entry_time - first_entry_time).total_seconds() / delta_step_seconds)) # we initialise our three acceleration component arrays each of length num_steps to "None" streams_values = [None,None,None] for i in range(3): streams_values[i] = [None]*num_steps # now we read each timestamped line in the file for line in lines: # each line entry has a NTP corrected timestamp and (typically) 3 acceleration values entry = line.split() entry_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(entry[0], PRECISION_NAMING) #we calculate the location (step) of this time stamp in the acceleration array step = int(round((entry_time-first_entry_time).total_seconds() / delta_step_seconds)) if step >= num_steps: logging.error('Resampling at step %s line %s',step, line) continue # and we calculate the absolute time of this location (step) step_time = first_entry_time + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=delta_step_seconds*step*1000000) # we calculate the difference between the step's absolute time, and the timestamp in the file difference = (step_time-entry_time).total_seconds() # if the difference is zero (i.e. the timestamp is exactly in the right position) we add the accelerations if difference == 0.0 or step == 0: for i in range(3): streams_values[i][step] = float(entry[i+1]) else: # otherwise, we calculate the acceleration at the step by linear interpolation # As = d/(d+delta)(A1-A0) + A0 # where As is the acceleration at the step # d is the step interval (seconds) # delta is the difference between the step time and the time stamp # A1 and A0 are the accelerations at the timestamp and at the previous step, respectively correction = delta_step_seconds / (delta_step_seconds + difference) for i in range(3): this_accel = float(entry[i+1]) last_accel = streams_values[i][step-1] if last_accel == None: # missing data for the previous step: assign the current acceleration streams_values[i][step-1] = this_accel last_accel = this_accel streams_values[i][step] = correction * (this_accel-last_accel) + last_accel # the end time is defined as the start time plus delta times (the number of steps minus one) end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=delta_step_seconds*(num_steps-1)*1000000)'File %s %s Samples created %s Start %s End %s',filename,len(lines),num_steps,start_time,end_time) # there may be positions in the acceleration arrays that are not yet filled in (i.e. == None) # if so we assign them to the most recent filled in accelerations # add the data streams to the message for stream_values in streams_values: for j in range(1,len(stream_values)): if stream_values[j] == None: stream_values[j] = stream_values[j-1] data_stream = data.streams.add() data_stream.values.extend(stream_values) data = data.SerializeToString() return (start_time, end_time, num_steps, data) def get_filename_data(self, filename): # prepares the data in filename into an offer protocol buffer # ensure that this is not the file currently being written if filename == self.datastore_filename: return None, None offer_pb = heartbeat_pb2.SensorReadingDescription() offer_pb.data_format = heartbeat_pb2.SensorReadingDescription.DATA_RECORD offer_pb.current_data = True offer_pb.sensor_id = self.sensor_data.sensor_id try: (start_time, end_time, num_samples, data) = self.datafile_to_streams(filename) except Exception,e: logging.error('Error %s converting datafile %s to streams', str(e), filename) # move the file to a directory for corrupt files self.mark_file_corrupted(filename) return None, None'Data file %s %s elapsed seconds, nsamples %s',filename, (end_time-start_time).total_seconds(), num_samples) offer_pb.start_date = util.date_format(start_time) offer_pb.end_date = util.date_format(end_time) return offer_pb, data
def AttachSpatial(databasepath, serialNumber): def onAttachHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Attached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayAttachedDeviceInfo(event.device) def onDetachHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Detached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayDetachedDeviceInfo(event.device) event.device.closePhidget() def onErrorHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Error " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) + ", Error: " + event.description #print(logString) DisplayErrorDeviceInfo(event.device) def onServerConnectHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Server Connect " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def onServerDisconnectHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Server Disconnect " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def spatialDataHandler(event): logString = "Spatial Changed " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) index = 0 for spatialData in enumerate(event.spatialData): accelX = 0 accelY = 0 accelZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].Acceleration) > 0: accelX = spatialData[1].Acceleration[0] accelY = spatialData[1].Acceleration[1] if len(spatialData[1].Acceleration) > 2: accelZ = spatialData[1].Acceleration[2] angularX = 0 angularY = 0 angularZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 0: angularX = spatialData[1].AngularRate[0] angularY = spatialData[1].AngularRate[1] if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 2: angularZ = spatialData[1].AngularRate[2] magneticX = 0 magneticY = 0 magneticZ = 0 if len(spatialData[1].MagneticField) > 0: magneticX = spatialData[1].MagneticField[0] magneticY = spatialData[1].MagneticField[1] if len(spatialData[1].AngularRate) > 2: magneticZ = spatialData[1].MagneticField[2] conn.execute("INSERT INTO SPATIAL_DATACHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (event.device.getSerialNum(), index, accelX, accelY, accelZ, angularX, angularY, angularZ, magneticX, magneticY, magneticZ)) index += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] try: p = Spatial() p.setOnAttachHandler(onAttachHandler) p.setOnDetachHandler(onDetachHandler) p.setOnErrorhandler(onErrorHandler) p.setOnServerConnectHandler(onServerConnectHandler) p.setOnServerDisconnectHandler(onServerDisconnectHandler) p.setOnSpatialDataHandler(spatialDataHandler) p.openPhidget(serialNumber) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting...") exit(1)
#Main Program Code try: spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: spatial.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: spatial.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))
class PhidgetsSensor(object): def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: config = {} self.phidget_attached = False self.collect_samples = True self.picker = True self.sensor_data_lock = threading.Lock() self.delta_fields = set() self.sensor_data = {} self.sensor_data['Type'] = 'ACCELEROMETER_3_AXIS' self.sensor_data['Calibrated'] = True self.sensor_data['Model'] = 'Phidgets 1056' self.decimation = PHIDGETS_DECIMATION if 'software_version' in config: self.software_version = config.get('software_version') else: self.software_version = 'PyCSN Unknown' if 'decimation' in config: self.decimation = config.get('decimation') if 'picker' in config: self.picker = config.get('picker') if 'pick_threshold' in config: self.pick_threshold = config.get('pick_threshold') else: self.pick_threshold = PICKER_THRESHOLD if 'serial' in config: self.sensor_data['Serial'] = config.get('serial') else: self.sensor_data['Serial'] = '' if 'datastore' in config: self.datastore = config.get('datastore') else: self.datastore = '/var/tmp/phidgetsdata' #if 'pick_queue' in config: # self.pick_queue = config.get('pick_queue') #else: # self.pick_queue = None if 'latitude' in config: self.latitude = config.get('latitude') else: self.latitude = 0.0 if 'longitude' in config: self.longitude = config.get('longitude') else: self.longitude = 0.0 if 'floor' in config: self.floor = config.get('floor') else: self.floor = '1' if 'client_id' in config: self.client_id = config.get('client_id') else: self.client_id = 'Unknown' if 'stomp' in config: self.stomp = config.get('stomp') else: self.stomp = None if 'stomp_topic' in config: self.stomp_topic = config.get('stomp_topic') else: self.stomp_topic = None if 'connect_stomp' in config: self.connect_stomp = config.get('connect_stomp') else: self.connect_stomp = None self.datastore_uploaded = self.datastore + '/uploaded' self.datastore_corrupted = self.datastore + '/corrupted''Sensor datastore directory is %s',self.datastore) # Make sure data directory exists try: os.makedirs(self.datastore) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore) raise exception try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_uploaded) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore_uploaded) raise exception try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_corrupted) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore_corrupted) raise exception self.sensor_data['Units'] = 'g' self.sensor_data['Num_samples'] = 50 self.sensor_data['Sample_window_size'] = 1 self.accelerometer = None self.time_start = None self.reported_clock_drift = 0.0 self.file_store_interval = 600.0 self.last_phidgets_timestamp = None self.last_datastore_filename = None self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded = None self.writing_errors = 0 self.last_sample_seconds = time.time() # a lock for updating the timing variables self.timing_lock = threading.Lock() self.timing_gradient = 0.0 self.timing_intercept = 0.0 self.timing_base_time = time.time() self.recent_picks = [] # Everything looks OK, start the collect samples and picking threads and the Phidget """ self.sensor_raw_data_queue = Queue.Queue() raw_data_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ProcessSensorReading, args=['raw']) raw_data_thread.setDaemon(True) raw_data_thread.start() self.sensor_raw_data_queue.join()'Raw Data Thread started') # start the Picker thread, if this is required if self.picker: self.sensor_readings_queue = Queue.Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Picker, args=['Simple Threshold']) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start()'Picker started') self.sensor_readings_queue.join()'Sensor readings thread started') else:'This Phidget will not calculate or send picks') """ self.sensor_raw_data_queue = Queue.Queue() raw_data_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Picker, args=['Simple Threshold']) raw_data_thread.setDaemon(True) raw_data_thread.start()'Picker started') self.sensor_raw_data_queue.join()'Client initialised: now starting Phidget') self.data_buffer = [] # Start the Phidget self.StartPhidget() if not self.phidget_attached: raise self.sensor_data['Serial'] = str(self.accelerometer.getSerialNum()) self.DisplayDeviceInfo() def StartPhidget(self): # Initialise the Phidgets sensor self.phidget_attached = False self.time_start = None try: if self.accelerometer: self.accelerometer.closePhidget() self.accelerometer = Spatial() self.accelerometer.setOnAttachHandler(self.AccelerometerAttached) self.accelerometer.setOnDetachHandler(self.AccelerometerDetached) self.accelerometer.setOnErrorhandler(self.AccelerometerError) self.accelerometer.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.SpatialData) #self.accelerometer.enableLogging(Phidget.PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING, None) #self.accelerometer.enableLogging(Phidget.PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, None) self.accelerometer.openPhidget() self.accelerometer.waitForAttach(10000) # set data rate in milliseconds (we will decimate from 4ms to 20ms later) # we now do this in the Attach handler #self.accelerometer.setDataRate(PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Runtime Exception: %s", e.details) return except PhidgetException as e: logging.error("Phidget Exception: %s. Is the Phidget not connected?", e.details) return self.phidget_attached = True def Picker(self, args):'Initialise picker %s', args) delta = PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS * self.decimation * 0.001 LTA_count = int(LTA / delta) def pick_orientation(scaled, timestamps, orientation): """ Sends picks on a single orientation, either 'n', 'e', or 'z'. """ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # CREATE AGENTS AND STREAMS # --------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. DECIMATE SCALED DATA. # Window of size DECIMATION is decimated to its average. decimated = Stream('decimated') map_window(lambda v: sum(v) / float(len(v)), scaled, decimated, window_size=self.decimation, step_size=self.decimation) # 2. DECIMATE TIMESTAMPS. # Window of size DECIMATION is decimated to its last value. decimated_timestamps = Stream('decimated_timestamps') map_window(lambda window: window[-1], timestamps, decimated_timestamps, window_size=self.decimation, step_size=self.decimation) # 3. DEMEAN (subtract mean from) DECIMATED STREAM. # Subtract mean of window from the window's last value. # Move sliding window forward by 1 step. demeaned = Stream('demeaned', initial_value=[0.0] * (LTA_count - 1)) map_window(lambda window: window[-1] - sum(window) / float(len(window)), decimated, demeaned, window_size=LTA_count, step_size=1) # 4. MERGE TIMESTAMPS WITH DEMEANED ACCELERATIONS. # Merges decimated_timestamps and demeaned to get timestamped_data. timestamped_data = Stream('timestamped_data') zip_streams(in_streams=[decimated_timestamps, demeaned], out_stream=timestamped_data) # 5. DETECT PICKS. # Output a pick if the value part of the time_value (t_v) exceeds threshold. picks = Stream('picks') filter_element(lambda t_v: abs(t_v[1]) > self.pick_threshold, timestamped_data, picks) # 6. QUENCH PICKS. # An element is a (timestamp, value). # Start a new quench when timestamp > QUENCH_PERIOD + last_quench. # Update the last quench when a new quench is initiated. # Initially the last_quench (i.e. state) is 0. quenched_picks = Stream('quenched_picks') # f is the filtering function def f(timestamped_value, last_quench, QUENCH_PERIOD): timestamp, value = timestamped_value new_quench = timestamp > QUENCH_PERIOD + last_quench last_quench = timestamp if new_quench else last_quench # return filter condition (new_quench) and next state (last_quench) return new_quench, last_quench filter_element(f, picks, quenched_picks, state=0, QUENCH_PERIOD=2) # 7. SEND QUENCHED PICKS. self.send_event(quenched_picks) def picker_agent(nezt): # nezt is a stream of 'data_entry' in the original code. # Declare acceleration streams in n, e, z orientations and timestamp stream. n, e, z, t = (Stream('raw_north'), Stream('raw_east'), Stream('raw_vertical'), Stream('timestamps')) # split the nezt stream into its components split_element(lambda nezt: [nezt[0], nezt[1], nezt[2], nezt[3]], in_stream=nezt, out_streams=[n, e, z, t]) # Determine picks for each orientation after scaling. Note negative scale for East. # Parameters of pick_orientation are: # (0) stream of accelerations in a single orientation, scaled by multiplying by SCALE. # (1) timestamps # (2) The orientation 'n', 'e', or 'z' pick_orientation(f_mul(n, PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G), t, 'n') pick_orientation(f_mul(e, -PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G), t, 'e') pick_orientation(f_mul(z, PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G), t, 'z') def datastore_file_agent(in_streams, out_streams): """ Agent that manages writing to and creating datastore files @in_streams - Stream of (n, e, z, t) @out_streams - Stream of (n, e, z, t) - stream itself is not modified """ def write_to_datastore_file(nezt, file_ptr): """ Writes the input stream to the given file_ptr """ accelerations = nezt[:3] sample_timestamp = nezt[3] file_ptr.write("%20.5f" % sample_timestamp + ' ' + ' '.join("%10.7f" % x for x in accelerations) + '\n') def write_to_file(stream, state): """ Writes stream to file. Creates a new file after FILE_STORE_INTERVAL passes. @param stream - input stream of acceleration data. @param state - tuple of (timestamp, curr_file_pointer, n_writing_error) """ timestamp = stream[3] latest_timestamp, curr_file_ptr, curr_filename, n_sample_cnt, n_writing_error = state # update the datastore file if FILE_STORE_INTERVAL passed if timestamp >= latest_timestamp + self.file_store_interval:'File %s store interval elapsed with %s samples, rate %s samples/second', curr_filename, n_sample_cnt, float(n_sample_cnt) / self.file_store_interval) if curr_file_ptr is not None: curr_file_ptr.close() curr_filename = self.MakeFilename(timestamp) curr_file_ptr = open(curr_filename, 'w') latest_timestamp = timestamp n_sample_cnt = 0 try: write_to_datastore_file(stream, curr_file_ptr) n_sample_cnt += 1 except: n_writing_error += 1 if n_writing_error <= 10: print('Error writing sample to file {} with timestamp {}'.format(curr_filename, timestamp)) return stream, (latest_timestamp, curr_file_ptr, curr_filename, n_sample_cnt, n_writing_error) sink_element(func=write_to_file, in_stream=in_streams, state=(-self.file_store_interval, None, None, 0, 0)) nezt = Stream('nezt') picker_agent(nezt) datastore_file_agent(nezt) while True: e, sample_timestamp = self.sensor_raw_data_queue.get() if self.collect_samples: if self.time_start is None: self.time_start = sample_timestamp self.last_phidgets_timestamp = 0.0 for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): phidgets_timestamp = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds + (spatialData.Timestamp.microSeconds * 0.000001) stream_data = (spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[2], sample_timestamp) nezt.extend([stream_data]) if self.last_phidgets_timestamp: sample_increment = int(round( (phidgets_timestamp - self.last_phidgets_timestamp) / PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL)) if sample_increment > 4*self.decimation: logging.warn('Missing >3 samples: last sample %s current sample %s missing samples %s',\ self.last_phidgets_timestamp, phidgets_timestamp, sample_increment) elif sample_increment == 0: logging.warn('Excess samples: last sample %s current sample %s equiv samples %s',\ self.last_phidgets_timestamp, phidgets_timestamp, sample_increment) self.last_phidgets_timestamp = phidgets_timestamp def DisplayDeviceInfo(self): print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- Attached -|- Type -|- Serial No. -|- Version -|") print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- %8s -|- %30s -|- %10d -|- %8d -|" % (self.accelerometer.isAttached(), self.accelerometer.getDeviceName(), self.accelerometer.getSerialNum(), self.accelerometer.getDeviceVersion())) print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("Number of Axes: %i" % (self.accelerometer.getAccelerationAxisCount())) print('Max Acceleration Axis 0: {} Min Acceleration Axis 0: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(0), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(0))) print('Max Acceleration Axis 1: {} Min Acceleration Axis 1: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(1), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(1))) print('Max Acceleration Axis 2: {} Min Acceleration Axis 2: {}'.format(self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMax(2), self.accelerometer.getAccelerationMin(2))) def setFileStoreInterval(self, file_store_interval): # sets the interval for writing the data to a new file self.file_store_interval = file_store_interval #Event Handler Callback Functions def AccelerometerAttached(self, e): attached = e.device self.phidget_attached = True"Accelerometer %s Attached!", attached.getSerialNum()) # set data rate in milliseconds (we will decimate from 4ms to 20ms later) self.accelerometer.setDataRate(PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS)"Phidget data rate interval set to %s milliseconds", PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS) def AccelerometerDetached(self, e): detached = e.device self.phidget_attached = False logging.error('Accelerometer %s Detached!',(detached.getSerialNum())) def AccelerometerError(self, e): try: source = e.device logging.error("Accelerometer %s: Phidget Error %s: %s", source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description) except PhidgetException as e: logging.error("Phidget Exception %s: %s", e.code, e.details) def AccelerometerAccelerationChanged(self, e): source = e.device logging.error("Accelerometer %s: Axis %s: %s", source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.acceleration) def MakeFilename(self, timestamp): timestamp_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(FILESTORE_NAMING) sps = int (1000 / (PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS * self.decimation)) return self.datastore + '/' + str(sps) + '_' + timestamp_datetime + '.dat' def setTimingFitVariables(self, base_time, gradient, intercept): # this is called by the main client which is monitoring the system clock compared with NTP # we acquire a lock on the timing variables to update them with self.timing_lock: self.timing_base_time = base_time self.timing_gradient = gradient self.timing_intercept = intercept def GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp(self): # from the current system time we use the NTP thread's line fit to estimate the true time time_now = time.time() # we ensure that the timing variables are not being updated concurrently by acquiring a lock on them with self.timing_lock: offset_estimate = (time_now-self.timing_base_time) * self.timing_gradient + self.timing_intercept return time_now + offset_estimate def StopSampleCollection(self): # This stops more samples being collected, and closes the current samples file self.collect_samples = False self.datastore_file.close() def StartSampleCollection(self): # This restarts sample collection (into files) self.collect_samples = True def SpatialData(self, e): if not self.phidget_attached: return sample_timestamp = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() self.sensor_raw_data_queue.put((e, sample_timestamp)) def to_dict(self): # No need to persist anything that doesn't change. details = {} details['module'] = 'PhidgetsSensor' details['class'] = 'PhidgetsSensor' with self.sensor_data_lock: details['sensor_id'] = self.sensor_data details['serial'] = self.sensor_data['Serial'] details['datastore'] = self.datastore details['decimation'] = self.decimation details['picker'] = self.picker details['pick_threshold'] = self.pick_threshold if self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded: details['last_upload'] = self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded else: details['last_upload'] = '' return details def get_metadata(self): logging.error('PhidgetSensor get_metadata Not implemented') def datafiles_not_yet_uploaded(self): # Returns a list of files that are older than last_datastore_filename (or current time) in the # data file directory that have not yet been uploaded # we subtract 10 minutes off the time to avoid finding the currently open file (although we could in # principle trap that) file_list = [] last_file_date = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() - 600.0'Searching for files older than %s',last_file_date) for f in os.listdir(self.datastore): filename = self.datastore + '/' + f if filename == self.datastore_filename:'Will not add currently opened file %s', filename) continue if os.path.isfile(filename): try: #t = os.path.getctime(filename) file_date = os.path.getctime(filename) if file_date < last_file_date: if len(file_list) < 20:'Not yet uploaded: %s',filename) elif len(file_list) == 20:'Not yet uploaded: %s (will not show more)', filename) file_list.append(filename) except: logging.error('Error getting file time for %s', filename) return file_list def mark_file_uploaded(self, filename): # when a sensor data file has been successfully uploaded to the server we move it to the uploaded directory try: shutil.copy2(filename, self.datastore_uploaded) self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded = filename os.remove(filename) except: logging.warning('Failed to move %s to %s', filename, self.datastore_uploaded) def mark_file_corrupted(self, filename): # when a sensor data file fails to convert to stream we move it to the corrupt directory try: shutil.copy2(filename, self.datastore_corrupted) except: logging.warning('Failed to move %s to %s', filename, self.datastore_corrupted) # always remove the corrupt file from the main directory try: os.remove(filename) except: logging.error('Failed to delete %s', filename) def set_sensor_id(self, sensor_id): with self.sensor_data_lock: self.sensor_data['sensor_id'] = sensor_id def send_event(self, in_stream): """ pick_message = {'timestamp': event_time, 'station': self.client_id, 'latitude': self.latitude, 'longitude': self.longitude, 'demeaned_accelerations': values, 'floor': self.floor, } try: message_body = json.dumps(pick_message) m = Message() m.set_body(message_body) self.pick_queue.write(m)'Sent pick to Amazon SQS: %s', pick_message) except Exception, e: logging.error('Failed to send pick message: %s', e) """ def send_pick_to_finder(values): # values: (time stamp, accs) # Send pick to FinDer station_name = self.client_id station_name = station_name[0:1] + station_name[3:] finder_accs = [acc*G_TO_CMS2 for acc in values[1:]] channel = 'HNN' if finder_accs[1] > 0.0: channel = 'HNE' if finder_accs[2] > 0.0: channel = 'HNZ' pick_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(values[0])) pick_time = pick_datetime.strftime(TIMESTAMP_NAMING) finder_location = str(self.latitude) + ' ' + str(self.longitude) timenow_timestamp = self.GetNtpCorrectedTimestamp() timenow = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timenow_timestamp) activemq_message = '1 ' + timenow.strftime(TIMESTAMP_NAMING)[:-3] + ' '+self.software_version+'\n' line = '%s CSN.%s.%s.-- %s %s %s %s\n' % \ (finder_location, station_name, channel, pick_time, abs(finder_accs[0]), abs(finder_accs[1]), abs(finder_accs[2])) activemq_message += line activemq_message += 'ENDOFDATA\n'"ActiveMQ message to send:\n%s", activemq_message[:-1]) try: self.stomp.put(activemq_message, destination=self.stomp_topic) except Exception, err: logging.error('Error sending pick to ActiveMQ %s', err)'Trying to reconnect to ActiveMQ broker') self.stomp = self.connect_stomp() sink_element(func=send_pick_to_finder, in_stream=in_stream)
#Basic imports from ctypes import * import sys #Phidget specific imports from Phidgets.Phidget import Phidget from Phidgets.PhidgetException import PhidgetErrorCodes, PhidgetException from Phidgets.Events.Events import SpatialDataEventArgs, AttachEventArgs, DetachEventArgs, ErrorEventArgs from Phidgets.Devices.Spatial import Spatial, SpatialEventData, TimeSpan sp = Spatial() print("Opening phidget object....") try: sp.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: sp.waitForAttach(6000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: sp.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))
class Controller(object): """ """ # stores acceleration gyroscope, magnetic, time. imu_measurements = [[], [], [], 0] _AXES2TUPLE = { 'sxyz': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'sxyx': (0, 0, 1, 0), 'sxzy': (0, 1, 0, 0), 'sxzx': (0, 1, 1, 0), 'syzx': (1, 0, 0, 0), 'syzy': (1, 0, 1, 0), 'syxz': (1, 1, 0, 0), 'syxy': (1, 1, 1, 0), 'szxy': (2, 0, 0, 0), 'szxz': (2, 0, 1, 0), 'szyx': (2, 1, 0, 0), 'szyz': (2, 1, 1, 0), 'rzyx': (0, 0, 0, 1), 'rxyx': (0, 0, 1, 1), 'ryzx': (0, 1, 0, 1), 'rxzx': (0, 1, 1, 1), 'rxzy': (1, 0, 0, 1), 'ryzy': (1, 0, 1, 1), 'rzxy': (1, 1, 0, 1), 'ryxy': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'ryxz': (2, 0, 0, 1), 'rzxz': (2, 0, 1, 1), 'rxyz': (2, 1, 0, 1), 'rzyz': (2, 1, 1, 1) } _TUPLE2AXES = dict((v, k) for k, v in _AXES2TUPLE.items()) _NEXT_AXIS = [1, 2, 0, 1] _EPS = np.finfo(float).eps * 4.0 class IMU_Handlers(object): """ """ def on_data(self, e): """ """ source = e.device for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): if (len(spatialData.Acceleration) == 3) and (len(spatialData.AngularRate) == 3) \ and (len(spatialData.MagneticField) == 3): acc = [ spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2] ] gyr = [ spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2] ] mag = [ spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2] ] Controller.imu_measurements[0] = gyr Controller.imu_measurements[1] = acc Controller.imu_measurements[2] = mag Controller.imu_measurements[ 3] = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds break def on_attach(self, e): """ """ return def on_detach(self, e): """ """ return def on_error(self, e): """ """ try: source = e.device print(("Spatial %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % \ (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description))) except PhidgetException as e: print(("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))) def __init__(self): """ """ # update from the IMU. self.spatial = Spatial() imu_handlers = Controller.IMU_Handlers() self.prev = 0 # attach the event handlers. try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(imu_handlers.on_attach) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(imu_handlers.on_detach) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(imu_handlers.on_error) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(imu_handlers.on_data) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(4) except: print("Error connecting to IMU, I cannot handle this. " + \ "I will just go die now!") exit(1) #t = Thread(target=self.update_head) #t.daemon = True #t.start() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) while (len(data[2]) != 3): data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) print("here") mag_v = np.array(data[2]) norm = np.linalg.norm(mag_v) mag_v = mag_v / norm x = mag_v[0] y = mag_v[1] z = mag_v[2] # intial reference frame self.state = [x, y, z] self.update_head() def update_head(self): """ """ while True: data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) if (len(data[0]) + len(data[1]) + len(data[2]) == 9): #self.ahrs.update( # data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], # data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], # data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2] #) mag_v = np.array(data[2]) norm = np.linalg.norm(mag_v) mag_v = mag_v / norm x = mag_v[0] y = mag_v[1] z = mag_v[2] if self.prev != data[3]: print("") print([x, y, z]) print(self.state) print(math.acos(, [x, y, z]))) print(self.state[0] - x, self.state[1] - y, self.state[2] - z) #print (self.ahrs.quatern2rotMat()) #print (data) print("") #print (data[3]) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.prev = data[3]
def startAccel(trialId, graph): global accelFilename global outPutTxt_a global orientation global fA global totalTimeElapsed global totalSamplesTaken_a global totalAbsZAccel global totalAVec global totalAvgAVec totalAvgAVec = 0; totalAVec = 0; totalAbsZAccel = 0; totalSamplesTaken_a = 0; totalTimeElapsed = 0; # Setutp graphing ability outPutTxt_a = graph orientation = True # True corresponds to "right-side up" if graph: accelFilename = str(trialId) + "_accelOutput.txt" fA = open(accelFilename, 'w') #WRITES OVER PREVIOUS DATA header = "#Trial: " + str(trialId) + " (x[g], y[g], z[g], 3D A_Vec, samples) \n" fA.write(header) #Create an accelerometer object try: global spatial spatial = Spatial() except RuntimeError as e: print("Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) print("Exiting....") exit(1) try: spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: spatial.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: spatial.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Exiting....") exit(1) else: spatial.setDataRate(24) ############### Sample rate is 24ms averaged
class Controller(object): """ """ # stores acceleration gyroscope, magnetic, time. imu_measurements = [[], [], [], 0] class IMU_Handlers(object): """ """ def on_data(self, e): """ """ source = e.device for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): if (len(spatialData.Acceleration) == 3) and (len(spatialData.AngularRate) == 3) \ and (len(spatialData.MagneticField) == 3): acc = [ spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2] ] gyr = [ spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2] ] mag = [ spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2] ] Controller.imu_measurements[0] = gyr Controller.imu_measurements[1] = acc Controller.imu_measurements[2] = mag Controller.imu_measurements[ 3] = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds break def on_attach(self, e): """ """ return def on_detach(self, e): """ """ return def on_error(self, e): """ """ try: source = e.device print(("Spatial %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % \ (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description))) except PhidgetException as e: print(("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))) def __init__(self): """ """ # update from the IMU. self.spatial = Spatial() imu_handlers = Controller.IMU_Handlers() self.prev = 0 # attach the event handlers. try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(imu_handlers.on_attach) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(imu_handlers.on_detach) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(imu_handlers.on_error) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(imu_handlers.on_data) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(4) except: print("Error connecting to IMU, I cannot handle this. " + \ "I will just go die now!") exit(1) samplePeriod = 1 / 256 self.ahrs = MadgwickAHRS(samplePeriod) #t = Thread(target=self.update_head) #t.daemon = True #t.start() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 self.update_head() def update_head(self): """ """ while True: data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) if (len(data[0]) + len(data[1]) + len(data[2]) == 9): self.ahrs.update(data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2]) x, y, z = self.ahrs.getEulerAngles() self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z if self.prev != data[3]: print("") print(self.x, self.y, self.z) #print (self.ahrs.quatern2rotMat()) print(data) print("") #print (data[3]) self.prev = data[3]
class PhidgetsSensor(object): def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: config = {} self.phidget_attached = False self.collect_samples = True self.picker = True self.sensor_data_lock = threading.Lock() self.delta_fields = set() self.sensor_data = {} self.sensor_data['Type'] = 'ACCELEROMETER_3_AXIS' self.sensor_data['Calibrated'] = True self.sensor_data['Model'] = 'Phidgets 1056' self.decimation = PHIDGETS_DECIMATION if 'software_version' in config: self.software_version = config.get('software_version') else: self.software_version = 'PyCSN Unknown' if 'decimation' in config: self.decimation = config.get('decimation') if 'picker' in config: self.picker = config.get('picker') if 'pick_threshold' in config: self.pick_threshold = config.get('pick_threshold') else: self.pick_threshold = PICKER_THRESHOLD if 'serial' in config: self.sensor_data['Serial'] = config.get('serial') else: self.sensor_data['Serial'] = '' if 'datastore' in config: self.datastore = config.get('datastore') else: self.datastore = '/var/tmp/phidgetsdata' #if 'pick_queue' in config: # self.pick_queue = config.get('pick_queue') #else: # self.pick_queue = None if 'latitude' in config: self.latitude = config.get('latitude') else: self.latitude = 0.0 if 'longitude' in config: self.longitude = config.get('longitude') else: self.longitude = 0.0 if 'floor' in config: self.floor = config.get('floor') else: self.floor = '1' if 'client_id' in config: self.client_id = config.get('client_id') else: self.client_id = 'Unknown' if 'stomp' in config: self.stomp = config.get('stomp') else: self.stomp = None if 'stomp_topic' in config: self.stomp_topic = config.get('stomp_topic') else: self.stomp_topic = None if 'connect_stomp' in config: self.connect_stomp = config.get('connect_stomp') else: self.connect_stomp = None self.datastore_uploaded = self.datastore + '/uploaded' self.datastore_corrupted = self.datastore + '/corrupted''Sensor datastore directory is %s',self.datastore) # Make sure data directory exists try: os.makedirs(self.datastore) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore) raise exception try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_uploaded) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore_uploaded) raise exception try: os.makedirs(self.datastore_corrupted) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: logging.error('Error making directory %s', self.datastore_corrupted) raise exception self.sensor_data['Units'] = 'g' self.sensor_data['Num_samples'] = 50 self.sensor_data['Sample_window_size'] = 1 self.accelerometer = None self.time_start = None self.reported_clock_drift = 0.0 self.file_store_interval = 600.0 self.last_phidgets_timestamp = None self.last_datastore_filename = None self.last_datastore_filename_uploaded = None self.writing_errors = 0 self.last_sample_seconds = time.time() # a lock for updating the timing variables self.timing_lock = threading.Lock() self.timing_gradient = 0.0 self.timing_intercept = 0.0 self.timing_base_time = time.time() self.recent_picks = [] # Everything looks OK, start the collect samples and picking threads and the Phidget self.sensor_raw_data_queue = Queue.Queue() raw_data_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.ProcessSensorReading, args=['raw']) raw_data_thread.setDaemon(True) raw_data_thread.start() self.sensor_raw_data_queue.join()'Raw Data Thread started') # start the Picker thread, if this is required if self.picker: self.sensor_readings_queue = Queue.Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Picker, args=['Simple Threshold']) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start()'Picker started') self.sensor_readings_queue.join()'Sensor readings thread started') else:'This Phidget will not calculate or send picks')'Client initialised: now starting Phidget') self.data_buffer = [] # Start the Phidget self.StartPhidget() if not self.phidget_attached: raise self.sensor_data['Serial'] = str(self.accelerometer.getSerialNum()) self.DisplayDeviceInfo() def StartPhidget(self): # Initialise the Phidgets sensor self.phidget_attached = False self.time_start = None try: if self.accelerometer: self.accelerometer.closePhidget() self.accelerometer = Spatial() self.accelerometer.setOnAttachHandler(self.AccelerometerAttached) self.accelerometer.setOnDetachHandler(self.AccelerometerDetached) self.accelerometer.setOnErrorhandler(self.AccelerometerError) self.accelerometer.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.SpatialData) #self.accelerometer.enableLogging(Phidget.PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING, None) #self.accelerometer.enableLogging(Phidget.PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, None) self.accelerometer.openPhidget() self.accelerometer.waitForAttach(10000) # set data rate in milliseconds (we will decimate from 4ms to 20ms later) # we now do this in the Attach handler #self.accelerometer.setDataRate(PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL_MS) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Runtime Exception: %s", e.details) return except PhidgetException as e: logging.error("Phidget Exception: %s. Is the Phidget not connected?", e.details) return self.phidget_attached = True def ProcessSensorReading(self, args): # handles incoming samples from the Phidgets sensor'Initialise ProcessSensorReading') while True: e, sample_timestamp = self.sensor_raw_data_queue.get() if self.collect_samples: if self.time_start == None: self.time_start = sample_timestamp self.last_timestamp_sent_to_picker = 0 self.last_sample_seconds = self.time_start self.sample_count = 0 self.accelerations = [] self.datastore_filename = self.MakeFilename(sample_timestamp)'Storing samples to %s',self.datastore_filename) self.datastore_file = open(self.datastore_filename, 'w') self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file = None self.last_phidgets_timestamp = 0.0 for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): phidgets_timestamp = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds + (spatialData.Timestamp.microSeconds * 0.000001) # the accelerations are scaled and reordered to conform to the SAF standard of [N, E, Z] accs = [PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[1],\ PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[0],\ PHIDGETS_ACCELERATION_TO_G*spatialData.Acceleration[2]] # we keep a running sum of accelerations in self.accelerations, which we will use to average later if len(self.accelerations) == 0: self.accelerations = accs else: for i in range(len(self.accelerations)): self.accelerations[i] += accs[i] sample_increment = 1 if self.last_phidgets_timestamp: sample_increment = int(round( (phidgets_timestamp - self.last_phidgets_timestamp) / PHIDGETS_NOMINAL_DATA_INTERVAL)) if sample_increment > 4*self.decimation: logging.warn('Missing >3 samples: last sample %s current sample %s missing samples %s',\ self.last_phidgets_timestamp, phidgets_timestamp, sample_increment) elif sample_increment == 0: logging.warn('Excess samples: last sample %s current sample %s equiv samples %s',\ self.last_phidgets_timestamp, phidgets_timestamp, sample_increment) self.last_phidgets_timestamp = phidgets_timestamp self.last_sample_seconds = sample_timestamp self.sample_count += 1 if self.sample_count >= self.decimation: # we average the last self.decimation samples accelerations = [acc / float(self.decimation) for acc in self.accelerations] #invert channel 1 (E-W) - this results in +1g being reported when the sensor is resting on its E side accelerations[1] = -accelerations[1] data_entry = [sample_timestamp, accelerations] if self.picker: if sample_timestamp - self.last_timestamp_sent_to_picker >= PICKER_INTERVAL: # put this reading in the queue for the Picker self.last_timestamp_sent_to_picker = sample_timestamp self.sensor_readings_queue.put(data_entry) # append this reading to the data buffer # @TODO add lock self.data_buffer.append(data_entry) if self.datastore_file: if self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file == None: self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file = sample_timestamp try: self.datastore_file.write("%20.5f" % sample_timestamp + ' ' + ' '.join("%10.7f" % x for x in accelerations)+'\n') self.writing_errors = 0 except Exception, e: self.writing_errors += 1 if self.writing_errors <= 10: logging.error('Error %s writing sample to file %s with timestamp %s',e,self.datastore_filename,sample_timestamp) self.sample_count = 0 self.accelerations = [] if sample_timestamp - self.first_sample_timestamp_in_file >= self.file_store_interval:'File %s store interval elapsed with %s samples, rate %s samples/second',self.datastore_filename,len(self.data_buffer),float(len(self.data_buffer))/self.file_store_interval) # we will change to a new file in the datastore if self.datastore_file: self.datastore_file.close()'File closed') self.last_datastore_filename = self.datastore_filename self.data_buffer = [] self.time_start = None logging.error('Raw Data Processing Thread terminated')
class Compass(): def __init__(self): try: self.spatial = Spatial() except Exception as e: print("Could not build object %s" %e) exit(0) self.RegisterHandlers() self.last_angles = [0,0,0] self.compass_bearing_filter = [] self.bearing_filter_size = 10 self.compass_bearing = 0 # Register singal capture signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) def DeviceInfo(self): """ Get and print all the information about this device """ self.is_attached = self.spatial.isAttached() self.device_name = self.spatial.getDeviceName() self.seriel_number = self.spatial.getSerialNum() self.device_version= self.spatial.getDeviceVersion() self.accel_axis_count = self.spatial.getAccelerationAxisCount() self.gyro_axis_count = self.spatial.getGyroAxisCount() self.comp_axis_count = self.spatial.getCompassAxisCount() print("Start of Device Info") print self.is_attached print self.device_name print self.seriel_number print self.device_version print self.accel_axis_count print self.gyro_axis_count print self.comp_axis_count print("End of Device Info") def RegisterHandlers(self): """ Register our event handlers - these functions will be called at the set event """ try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(self.DeviceAttached) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(self.DeviceDetached) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(self.DeviceError) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(self.CalculateBearing) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(0) def DeviceAttached(self, e): """ Device has been attached (event) """ self.attached = e.device print("Device %i Attached!" % (self.attached.getSerialNum())) self.DeviceInfo() def DeviceDetached(self, e): """ Device has been detached event """ self.detached = e.device print("Spatial %i Detached!" % (self.detached.getSerialNum())) def DeviceError(self, e): """ Device has encountered an error """ try: source = e.device print("Device %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def ReadData(self, e): """ Reads and prints data off of each sensor """ source = e.device print("Spatial %i: Amount of data %i" % (source.getSerialNum(), len(e.spatialData))) for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): print("=== Data Set: %i ===" % (index)) if len(spatialData.Acceleration) > 0: print("Acceleration> x: %6f y: %6f z: %6f" % (spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2])) if len(spatialData.AngularRate) > 0: print("Angular Rate> x: %6f y: %6f z: %6f" % (spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2])) if len(spatialData.MagneticField) > 0: print("Magnetic Field> x: %6f y: %6f z: %6f" % (spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2])) print("Time Span> Seconds Elapsed: %i microseconds since last packet: %i" % (spatialData.Timestamp.seconds, spatialData.Timestamp.microSeconds)) print("------------------------------------------") def CalculateBearing(self, e): """ Calculates a bearing value using the accelerometer and magnetometer """ gravity = [] mag_field = [] angles = [] # 0 = x axis, 1 = y axis, 2 = z axis gravity.append(self.spatial.getAcceleration(0)) gravity.append(self.spatial.getAcceleration(1)) gravity.append(self.spatial.getAcceleration(2)) mag_field.append(self.spatial.getMagneticField(0)) mag_field.append(self.spatial.getMagneticField(1)) mag_field.append(self.spatial.getMagneticField(2)) # Roll angle about axis 0 # tan(roll angle) = gy/gz # Atan2 gives us output as (-180 - 180) deg roll_angle = math.atan2(gravity[1], gravity[2]) # Pitch Angle - about axis 1 # tan(pitch angle) = -gx / ((gy * sin(roll angle)) + (gz * cos(roll angle))) # Pitch angle range is (-90 - 90) degrees pitch_angle = math.atan( -gravity[0] / (gravity[1] * math.sin(roll_angle) + gravity[2] * math.cos(roll_angle))) # Yaw Angle - about axis 2 # tan(yaw angle) = (mz * sin(roll) \96 my * cos(roll)) / # (mx * cos(pitch) + my * sin(pitch) * sin(roll) + mz * sin(pitch) * cos(roll)) # Use Atan2 to get our range in (-180 - 180) # Yaw angle == 0 degrees when axis 0 is pointing at magnetic north yaw_angle = math.atan2( mag_field[2] * math.sin(roll_angle) - mag_field[1] * math.cos(roll_angle), mag_field[0] * math.cos(pitch_angle) + mag_field[1] * math.sin(pitch_angle) * math.sin(roll_angle) + mag_field[2] * math.sin(pitch_angle) * math.cos(roll_angle)) # Add angles to our list angles.append(roll_angle) angles.append(pitch_angle) angles.append(yaw_angle) # This is our low pass filter to make the values look nicer on screen try: # Make sure the filter bugger doesn't have values passing the -180<->180 mark # This only applies to the Roll and Yaw - Pitch will never have a sudden switch like that for i in xrange(0,3,2): if( math.fabs( angles[i] - self.last_angles[i] > 3 )): for stuff in self.compass_bearing_filter: if(angles[i] > self.last_angles[i]): stuff[i] += 360 * math.pi / 180.0 else: stuff[i] -= 360 * math.pi / 180.0 self.last_angles = angles self.compass_bearing_filter.append(angles) if(len(self.compass_bearing_filter) > self.bearing_filter_size): self.compass_bearing_filter.pop(0) yaw_angle = pitch_angle = roll_angle = 0 for stuff in self.compass_bearing_filter: roll_angle += stuff[0] pitch_angle += stuff[1] yaw_angle += stuff[2] yaw_angle = yaw_angle / len(self.compass_bearing_filter) pitch_angle = pitch_angle / len(self.compass_bearing_filter) roll_angle = roll_angle / len(self.compass_bearing_filter) # Convert radians to degrees for display self.compass_bearing = yaw_angle * (180.0 / math.pi) # Set a directional string (one of 8 compass directions # based on the angle i.e. North, North-East, South-West etc. # Split by checking main 4 compass point angles +/- 22.5 deg if(self.compass_bearing >=0 and self.compass_bearing < 22.5 ): string_bearing = "North: " elif(self.compass_bearing >=22.5 and self.compass_bearing < 67.5 ): string_bearing = "North East: " elif(self.compass_bearing >=67.5 and self.compass_bearing < 112.5 ): string_bearing = "East: " elif(self.compass_bearing >=112.5 and self.compass_bearing < 157.5 ): string_bearing = "South East: " elif(self.compass_bearing >=157.5 and self.compass_bearing <= 180 ): string_bearing = "South: " elif(self.compass_bearing <= -157.5 and self.compass_bearing > -180 ): string_bearing = "South: " elif(self.compass_bearing <= -112.5 and self.compass_bearing > -157.5 ): string_bearing = "South West: " elif(self.compass_bearing <= -67.5 and self.compass_bearing > -112.5 ): string_bearing = "West: " elif(self.compass_bearing <= -22.5 and self.compass_bearing > -67.5 ): string_bearing = "North West: " elif(self.compass_bearing <= 0.0 and self.compass_bearing > -22.5 ): string_bearing = "North: " # Add the actual bearing value to the string then print string_bearing = string_bearing + " %.1f" % self.compass_bearing print string_bearing except Exception as e: print e def Main(self): try: self.spatial.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(0) print ("Looking for device...") try: self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: self.spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(0) print("Exiting....") exit(0) self.spatial.setDataRate(1000) self.DeviceInfo() print("Closing...") try: self.spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): print("Ctrl+C pressed") try: self.spatial.closePhidget() print("Compass Closed") print("Exiting....") except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(0) exit(1)
def startAccel(trialId, graph): global accelFilename global outPutTxt_a global orientation global fA global totalTimeElapsed global totalSamplesTaken_a global totalAbsZAccel global totalAVec global totalAvgAVec totalAvgAVec = 0 totalAVec = 0 totalAbsZAccel = 0 totalSamplesTaken_a = 0 totalTimeElapsed = 0 # Setutp graphing ability outPutTxt_a = graph orientation = True # True corresponds to "right-side up" if graph: accelFilename = str(trialId) + "_accelOutput.txt" fA = open(accelFilename, 'w') #WRITES OVER PREVIOUS DATA header = "#Trial: " + str( trialId) + " (x[g], y[g], z[g], 3D A_Vec, samples) \n" fA.write(header) #Create an accelerometer object try: global spatial spatial = Spatial() except RuntimeError as e: print("Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) print("Exiting....") exit(1) try: spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: spatial.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: spatial.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Exiting....") exit(1) else: spatial.setDataRate(24) ############### Sample rate is 24ms averaged
import time import math #Basic imports from ctypes import * import sys #Phidget specific imports from Phidgets.Phidget import Phidget from Phidgets.PhidgetException import PhidgetErrorCodes, PhidgetException from Phidgets.Events.Events import SpatialDataEventArgs, AttachEventArgs, DetachEventArgs, ErrorEventArgs from Phidgets.Devices.Spatial import Spatial, SpatialEventData, TimeSpan sp = Spatial() print("Opening phidget object....") try: sp.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: sp.waitForAttach(6000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: sp.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))
class Controller(object): """ """ # stores acceleration gyroscope, magnetic, time. imu_measurements = [[], [], [], 0] class IMU_Handlers(object): """ """ def on_data(self, e): """ """ source = e.device for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): if (len(spatialData.Acceleration) == 3) and (len(spatialData.AngularRate) == 3) \ and (len(spatialData.MagneticField) == 3): acc = [spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2]] gyr = [spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2]] mag = [spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2]] Controller.imu_measurements[0] = gyr Controller.imu_measurements[1] = acc Controller.imu_measurements[2] = mag Controller.imu_measurements[3] = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds break; def on_attach(self, e): """ """ return def on_detach(self, e): """ """ return def on_error(self, e): """ """ try: source = e.device print(("Spatial %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % \ (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description))) except PhidgetException as e: print(("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))) def __init__(self): """ """ # update from the IMU. self.spatial = Spatial() imu_handlers = Controller.IMU_Handlers() self.prev = 0 # attach the event handlers. try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(imu_handlers.on_attach) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(imu_handlers.on_detach) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(imu_handlers.on_error) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(imu_handlers.on_data) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(4) except: print("Error connecting to IMU, I cannot handle this. " + \ "I will just go die now!") exit(1) samplePeriod = 1/256 self.ahrs = MadgwickAHRS(samplePeriod) #t = Thread(target=self.update_head) #t.daemon = True #t.start() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 self.update_head() def update_head(self): """ """ while True: data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) if (len(data[0]) + len(data[1]) + len(data[2]) == 9): self.ahrs.update( data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2] ) x, y, z = self.ahrs.getEulerAngles() self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z if self.prev != data[3]: print ("") print(self.x , self.y , self.z) #print (self.ahrs.quatern2rotMat()) print (data) print ("") #print (data[3]) self.prev = data[3]
#logging example, uncomment to generate a log file #spatial.enableLogging(PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, "phidgetlog.log") spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: spatial.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: spatial.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))
class Controller(object): """ """ # stores acceleration gyroscope, magnetic, time. imu_measurements = [[], [], [], 0] _AXES2TUPLE = { "sxyz": (0, 0, 0, 0), "sxyx": (0, 0, 1, 0), "sxzy": (0, 1, 0, 0), "sxzx": (0, 1, 1, 0), "syzx": (1, 0, 0, 0), "syzy": (1, 0, 1, 0), "syxz": (1, 1, 0, 0), "syxy": (1, 1, 1, 0), "szxy": (2, 0, 0, 0), "szxz": (2, 0, 1, 0), "szyx": (2, 1, 0, 0), "szyz": (2, 1, 1, 0), "rzyx": (0, 0, 0, 1), "rxyx": (0, 0, 1, 1), "ryzx": (0, 1, 0, 1), "rxzx": (0, 1, 1, 1), "rxzy": (1, 0, 0, 1), "ryzy": (1, 0, 1, 1), "rzxy": (1, 1, 0, 1), "ryxy": (1, 1, 1, 1), "ryxz": (2, 0, 0, 1), "rzxz": (2, 0, 1, 1), "rxyz": (2, 1, 0, 1), "rzyz": (2, 1, 1, 1), } _TUPLE2AXES = dict((v, k) for k, v in _AXES2TUPLE.items()) _NEXT_AXIS = [1, 2, 0, 1] _EPS = np.finfo(float).eps * 4.0 class IMU_Handlers(object): """ """ def on_data(self, e): """ """ source = e.device for index, spatialData in enumerate(e.spatialData): if ( (len(spatialData.Acceleration) == 3) and (len(spatialData.AngularRate) == 3) and (len(spatialData.MagneticField) == 3) ): acc = [spatialData.Acceleration[0], spatialData.Acceleration[1], spatialData.Acceleration[2]] gyr = [spatialData.AngularRate[0], spatialData.AngularRate[1], spatialData.AngularRate[2]] mag = [spatialData.MagneticField[0], spatialData.MagneticField[1], spatialData.MagneticField[2]] Controller.imu_measurements[0] = gyr Controller.imu_measurements[1] = acc Controller.imu_measurements[2] = mag Controller.imu_measurements[3] = spatialData.Timestamp.seconds break def on_attach(self, e): """ """ return def on_detach(self, e): """ """ return def on_error(self, e): """ """ try: source = e.device print(("Spatial %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description))) except PhidgetException as e: print(("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))) def __init__(self): """ """ # update from the IMU. self.spatial = Spatial() imu_handlers = Controller.IMU_Handlers() self.prev = 0 # attach the event handlers. try: self.spatial.setOnAttachHandler(imu_handlers.on_attach) self.spatial.setOnDetachHandler(imu_handlers.on_detach) self.spatial.setOnErrorhandler(imu_handlers.on_error) self.spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(imu_handlers.on_data) self.spatial.openPhidget() self.spatial.waitForAttach(10000) self.spatial.setDataRate(4) except: print("Error connecting to IMU, I cannot handle this. " + "I will just go die now!") exit(1) # t = Thread(target=self.update_head) # t.daemon = True # t.start() self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) while len(data[2]) != 3: data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) print("here") mag_v = np.array(data[2]) norm = np.linalg.norm(mag_v) mag_v = mag_v / norm x = mag_v[0] y = mag_v[1] z = mag_v[2] # intial reference frame self.state = [x, y, z] self.update_head() def update_head(self): """ """ while True: data = copy.copy(Controller.imu_measurements) if len(data[0]) + len(data[1]) + len(data[2]) == 9: # self.ahrs.update( # data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], # data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], # data[2][0], data[2][1], data[2][2] # ) mag_v = np.array(data[2]) norm = np.linalg.norm(mag_v) mag_v = mag_v / norm x = mag_v[0] y = mag_v[1] z = mag_v[2] if self.prev != data[3]: print("") print([x, y, z]) print(self.state) print(math.acos(, [x, y, z]))) print(self.state[0] - x, self.state[1] - y, self.state[2] - z) # print (self.ahrs.quatern2rotMat()) # print (data) print("") # print (data[3]) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.prev = data[3]
#Main Program Code try: spatial.setOnAttachHandler(SpatialAttached) spatial.setOnDetachHandler(SpatialDetached) spatial.setOnErrorhandler(SpatialError) #spatial.setOnSpatialDataHandler(SpatialData) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") sys.exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: spatial.openPhidget(302229) #354120) #302229) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") sys.exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: spatial.waitForAttach(50000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) try: spatial.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details))