예제 #1
#!/bin/env python
import sys

# Test data
#from GaudiConf import IOHelper
#IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(['/eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/LHCb/Collision16/EW.DST/00069603/0000/00069603_00001133_1.ew.dst'], clear = True)

from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
fltrs = LoKi_Filters (
    STRIP_Code = """
   HLT_PASS_RE ( 'StrippingLowMultLMR2HHLineDecision' )

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SimpleSelection, MergedSelection, DataOnDemand, Selection
from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, CombineParticles

##other selections
from StandardParticles import StdAllNoPIDsKaons    as loosekaons

kaons = SimpleSelection (
    'kaons'         ,
    FilterDesktop   ,
    [ loosekaons ]    ,
    DecayDescriptor = "[K+]cc",
    Code = (#"(PIDK - PIDpi > 5) & "
            "& (TRGHOSTPROB<0.3)")
예제 #2
#DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'cond-20161004'
#DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20150724'

DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [

# Setup Turbo
if TYPE == "Displ":
    from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
    hltFilter = LoKi_Filters(
    DaVinci().EventPreFilters = hltFilter.filters('TriggerFilters')

    #fltrSeq = hltFilter.sequence ( 'MyHLTFilters' )
    #DaVinci().EventPreFilters = [fltrSeq]
    rootInTes = ""

    if YEAR == 2016:
        from Configurables import DstConf
        from Configurables import TurboConf

        DaVinci().Turbo = True

        DstConf().Turbo = True
        TurboConf().PersistReco = True
예제 #3
#!/bin/env python
import sys

from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters

fltrs = LoKi_Filters (
    STRIP_Code = """
    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'StrippingZ02MuMu.*' )

# Data type configuration.
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as Units
##Type     = 'MC'
JetPtMin = 10 * Units.GeV

from StandardParticles import StdAllNoPIDsMuons as loosemuons
from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SimpleSelection, MergedSelection, DataOnDemand, Selection
from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, CombineParticles

from commonSelections import *

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SelectionSequence
Z_seq = SelectionSequence('Z_Seq', TopSelection=Zs)

# Create the generated jets.
예제 #4
leptonicMicroDSTname   = 'Leptonic'
charmMicroDSTname      = 'Charm'
pidMicroDSTname        = 'PID'
bhadronMicroDSTname    = 'Bhadron'
mdstStreams = [ leptonicMicroDSTname,charmMicroDSTname,pidMicroDSTname,bhadronMicroDSTname ]
dstStreams  = [ "BhadronCompleteEvent", "CharmCompleteEvent", "CharmToBeSwum", "Dimuon",
                "EW", "Semileptonic", "Calibration", "MiniBias", "Radiative" ]

stripTESPrefix = 'Strip'

from Configurables import ProcStatusCheck

from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
flts = LoKi_Filters(VOID_Code = "( TrSource(TrSOURCE('/Event/Rec/Track/Best', TrLONG))"\
                                " >> ( sum( TrPT,TrP < 1 * TeV ) > 1 * TeV ) )" ,
                    VOID_Preambulo = ["from LoKiTracks.decorators import *" ,
                                      "from LoKiCore.functions    import * ",
                                      "from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import *"])
filterBadEvents = GaudiSequencer("BadEventFilter",
                                  ModeOR = True,
                                  Members = [ flts.sequencer("GECFilter"),
                                              ProcStatusCheck() ] )
streamFilter = { 'default'  : filterBadEvents,
                 'MiniBias' : ProcStatusCheck() }

sc = StrippingConf( Streams = streams,
                    MaxCandidates = 2000,
                    AcceptBadEvents = False,
                    BadEventSelection = streamFilter,
                    TESPrefix = stripTESPrefix,
예제 #5
#!/bin/env python
import sys

from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters

fltrs = LoKi_Filters(STRIP_Code="""
    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'StrippingMuMuSSLine4.*' )

# Data type configuration.
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as Units
##Type     = 'MC'
JetPtMin = 10 * Units.GeV

## Data.
#from GaudiConf import IOHelper
#IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(['/eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/LHCb/Collision16/EW.DST/00069603/0000/00069603_00005740_1.ew.dst'],#'/eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/LHCb/Collision16/EW.DST/00061346/0000/00061346_00007712_1.ew.dst'],#/tmp/dcraik/00042952_00000002_1.ldst'], #/data/dst/MC15.MD.49000004.1.00.dst'],
#                            clear = True)
##Type = 'MC'

from StandardParticles import StdAllNoPIDsMuons as loosemuons
from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SimpleSelection, MergedSelection, DataOnDemand, Selection
from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, CombineParticles

from commonSelections import *

from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import SelectionSequence
Z_seq = SelectionSequence('Z_Seq', TopSelection=SSZs)

# Create the generated jets.
예제 #6
#elif jobType.startswith('Data'): DaVinci().Simulation = False
DaVinci().Lumi = False
DaVinci().DataType = '2016'
DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'cond-20161004'
DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20150724'

DaVinci().UserAlgorithms = [convLLSeq, convDDSeq, caloSeq, dimuSeq]

# Setup Turbo
if True:
    from Configurables import DstConf
    from Configurables import TurboConf
    from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
    #hltFilter = LoKi_Filters(HLT2_Code = "HLT_PASS_RE('.*ExoticaDisplDiMuonDecision.*')")
    hltFilter = LoKi_Filters(
    hlt = LoKi_Filters(
    DaVinci().Turbo = True
    DstConf().Turbo = True
    #DstConf().Turbo = False
    TurboConf().PersistReco = True
    #DaVinci().EventPreFilters = hltFilter.filters('TriggerFilters')

#from GaudiConf import IOHelper
#        '~/DSTs/pPbPhotons/MinBiasMC.dst'

# Setup GaudiPython
예제 #7
def options(year, mag, data_type, mode):

    #=== DaVinci script for Data and MC ===#
    #=== year = year of data taking   ===#
    #=== mag  = magnet polarity of data ===#
    #=== data_type = MC or data?    ===#
    #=== These variables are given to   ===#
    #=== function by the ganga script,  ===#
    #=== which is different, depending  ===#
    #=== on whether MC or data is being ===#
    #=== looked at.           ===#
    from Configurables import DaVinci
    from Configurables import MCMatchObjP2MCRelator
    from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
    #=== Check if MC or Data ===#
    if data_type == "data":
        data = True
    elif data_type == "MC":
        data = False
        print "WARNING: data type not recognised. Please enter either \"data\" or \"MC\" as the third argument to options()!"

    #=== Setup depending on data type ===#
    if data:
        stream = 'Bhadron'
        prefix = 'Data'
        stream = 'AllStreams'
        prefix = 'MC'

    #=== Assign Stripping Lines ===#

    #=== b2dk d2pi0hh  ===#
    line_k = 'B2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine'
    #=== b2dpi d2pi0hh ===#
    line_pi = 'B2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLine'

    #=== Stripping Pre-Filters ===#
    fltrs = LoKi_Filters(
        "HLT_PASS_RE('StrippingB2D0KD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineDecision') | HLT_PASS_RE('StrippingB2D0PiD2Pi0HHResolvedBeauty2CharmLineDecision')"

    #=== Import necessary tools ===#
    from Configurables import DecayTreeTuple
    from DecayTreeTuple.Configuration import *
    if data:
        from Configurables import TrackScaleState
        scaler = TrackScaleState('StateScale')
        scaler.RootInTES = '/Event/{0}/'.format(stream)

    #=== Setup DecayTreeTuples for each channel/mode ===#
    etuple = EventTuple()
    if data:
        dk_d2kpipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2KPiPi0')
        dk_d2pikpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2PiKPi0')
        dk_d2kkpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2KKPi0')
        dk_d2pipipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2PiPiPi0')
        dpi_d2kpipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2KPiPi0')
        dpi_d2pikpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2PiKPi0')
        dpi_d2kkpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2KKPi0')
        dpi_d2pipipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2PiPiPi0')
        dk_d2kpipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2KPiPi0_MC')
        dk_d2pikpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2PiKPi0_MC')
        dk_d2kkpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2KKPi0_MC')
        dk_d2pipipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DK_D2PiPiPi0_MC')
        dpi_d2kpipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2KPiPi0_MC')
        dpi_d2pikpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2PiKPi0_MC')
        dpi_d2kkpi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2KKPi0_MC')
        dpi_d2pipipi0 = DecayTreeTuple('B2DPi_D2PiPiPi0_MC')

    #=== Assign vectors of DecayTreeTuples for easy use later ===#
    channels = [
        dk_d2kpipi0, dk_d2pikpi0, dk_d2kkpi0, dk_d2pipipi0, dpi_d2kpipi0,
        dpi_d2pikpi0, dpi_d2kkpi0, dpi_d2pipipi0

    k_chans = [dk_d2kpipi0, dk_d2pikpi0, dk_d2kkpi0, dk_d2pipipi0]
    pi_chans = [dpi_d2kpipi0, dpi_d2pikpi0, dpi_d2kkpi0, dpi_d2pipipi0]

    #=== Setting location/inputs is different depending on data type ===#
    if data:
        for channel in channels:
            channel.RootInTES = '/Event/{0}'.format(stream)
        for channel in k_chans:
            channel.Inputs = ['Phys/{0}/Particles'.format(line_k)]
        for channel in pi_chans:
            channel.Inputs = ['Phys/{0}/Particles'.format(line_pi)]

        for channel in k_chans:
            if year == '2012' or year == '2011':  # 2012 and 2011 MC is DST!
                channel.Inputs = [
                    '/Event/{0}/Phys/{1}/Particles'.format(stream, line_k)
                channel.Inputs = ['Phys/{0}/Particles'.format(line_k)]
        for channel in pi_chans:
            if year == '2012' or year == '2011':
                channel.Inputs = [
                    '/Event/{0}/Phys/{1}/Particles'.format(stream, line_pi)
                channel.Inputs = ['Phys/{0}/Particles'.format(line_pi)]

    #=== Setup decay descriptors for each channel/mode ===#
    #=== B2DK ===#
    dk_d2kpipi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^K+ ^pi- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^K- ^pi+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ ^pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- ^pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K- )]'

    dk_d2pikpi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^pi+ ^K- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^pi- ^K+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ ^K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- ^K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K- )]'

    dk_d2kkpi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^K+ ^K- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^K- ^K+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ ^K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- ^K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K- )]'

    dk_d2pipipi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^pi+ ^pi- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^pi- ^pi+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^K- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ ^pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- ^pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) K- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) K- )]'

    #=== B2DPi ===#
    dpi_d2kpipi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^K+ ^pi- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^K- ^pi+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ ^pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- ^pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi- )]'

    dpi_d2pikpi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^pi+ ^K- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^pi- ^K+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi-)]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ ^K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- ^K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ K- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- K+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi-)]'

    dpi_d2kkpi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^K+ ^K- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^K- ^K+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi-)]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ ^K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- ^K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi-)]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> K+ K- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> K- K+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi-)]'

    dpi_d2pipipi0.Decay = '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> ^pi+ ^pi- ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> ^pi- ^pi+ ^(pi0 --> ^gamma ^gamma)) ^pi- )]'
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+ )  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi-  )]',
        '[(B+ --> ^(D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> ^(D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> ^pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> ^pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ ^pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- ^pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ ^(pi0 --> gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma gamma)) ^pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> ^gamma gamma)) pi- )]',
        '[(B+ --> (D0 --> pi+ pi- (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi+)  ,  (B- --> (D0 --> pi- pi+ (pi0 --> gamma ^gamma)) pi- )]'

    #=== Setup LoKi variables to be added ===#
    #=== Added to all branches ===#
    LoKiVars = {
        "Q": "Q",
        "DIRA_BPV": "BPVDIRA",
        "MAXDOCA": "DOCAMAX",
        "AMAXDOCA": "PFUNA(AMAXDOCA(''))",
        "LT_BPV": "BPVLTIME('PropertimeFitter/ProperTime::PUBLIC')",

    if data:
        #=== Added only to B2DK channels ===#
        LoKiVars_K = {

        #=== Added only to B2DPi channels ===#
        LoKiVars_Pi = {

    #=== Add tuple tools to relevent branches ===#

    #=== Needed for new MC which has "turbo" in LFN path name ===#
    default_rel_locs = MCMatchObjP2MCRelator().getDefaultProperty(
    rel_locs = [loc for loc in default_rel_locs if 'Turbo' not in loc]

    if not data:

    for channel in channels:
        #=== Added to all branches ===#
        channel.ToolList += [
            "TupleToolAngles", "TupleToolEventInfo", "TupleToolGeometry",
            "TupleToolKinematic", "TupleToolPid", "TupleToolPrimaries",
            "TupleToolPropertime", "TupleToolRecoStats", "TupleToolTrackInfo"

        if not data:
            ttMCt = channel.addTupleTool("TupleToolMCTruth")
            ttMCt.MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.RelTableLocations = rel_locs

        channel.LoKi_All.Variables = LoKiVars

        #=== Neutral variables added to photons from pi0 decay ===#
        channel.Gamma1.ProtoPData.DataList = ["IsNotE"]

        channel.Gamma2.ProtoPData.DataList = ["IsNotE"]

        #=== Add Pi0 information ===#

        #=== Trigger information added to Bu ===#
        channel.Bu.TupleToolTISTOS.Verbose = True
        # Trigger names changed with runs!
        TriggerListL0 = ["L0HadronDecision"]
        TriggerListHlt1 = []
        TriggerListHlt2 = []

        if year == '2011' or year == '2012':
            TriggerListHlt1 = ["Hlt1TrackAllL0Decision"]
            TriggerListHlt2 = [
                "Hlt2Topo2BodyBBDTDecision", "Hlt2Topo3BodyBBDTDecision",

        if year == '2015' or year == '2016' or year == '2017':
            TriggerListHlt1 = [
                "Hlt1TrackMVADecision", "Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision"
            TriggerListHlt2 = [
                "Hlt2Topo2BodyDecision", "Hlt2Topo3BodyDecision",

        AllTriggers = TriggerListL0 + TriggerListHlt1 + TriggerListHlt2
        channel.Bu.TupleToolTISTOS.TriggerList = AllTriggers

        #=== Kinematic refit of Bu based on fixing D0 mass and fixing origin vertex ===#
        #=== DPVCFIT = D0 (mass), primary vertex constrained fit ===#
        channel.Bu.DPVCFIT.constrainToOriginVertex = True
        channel.Bu.DPVCFIT.Verbose = True
        channel.Bu.DPVCFIT.daughtersToConstrain = ["D0"]
        channel.Bu.DPVCFIT.UpdateDaughters = True

        #=== Add branches which are exclusive to MC data ===#
        if not data:
            channel.ToolList += ["TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo"]
            ttMCt.ToolList = [
                "MCTupleToolDecayType", "MCTupleToolHierarchy",
                "MCTupleToolKinematic", "MCTupleToolReconstructed"

            #=== Add ptasy_1.50 variable ===#
            channel.ttti.FillAsymmetry = True
            channel.ttti.MinConeAngle = 1.5
            channel.ttti.MaxConeAngle = 1.5

    #=== Add ptasy_1.50 variable for data ===#
    if data:
        for channel in k_chans:
            channel.Bu.LoKi_Bu.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Pi0.LoKi_Pi0.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Gamma1.LoKi_Gamma1.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Gamma2.LoKi_Gamma2.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +

        for channel in pi_chans:
            channel.Bu.LoKi_Bu.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Pi0.LoKi_Pi0.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Gamma1.LoKi_Gamma1.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +
            channel.Gamma2.LoKi_Gamma2.Variables = dict(LoKiVars.items() +

    #=== Finalise configuration ===#
    #=== Set database tags ===#
    from Configurables import CondDB
    if data:

    #=== Configure DaVinci ===#

    if data:
        DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/{0}'.format(stream)
        DaVinci().EventPreFilters = fltrs.filters('Filters')
        channels += [etuple]
        DaVinci().UserAlgorithms += channels

    #=== Input type for 2012 MC is DST, but all data is MDST ===#
    if data:
        DaVinci().InputType = 'MDST'
        ).TupleFile = prefix + '_Bu2DH_AllModes_' + year + '_Mag' + mag + '.root'
    if not data:
        ).TupleFile = prefix + '_Bu2' + mode + '_' + year + '_Mag' + mag + '.root'
        if year == "2012" or year == "2011":
            DaVinci().InputType = 'DST'
            DaVinci().InputType = 'MDST'
            DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/{0}'.format(stream)

    DaVinci().PrintFreq = 1000
    DaVinci().DataType = year
    DaVinci().Simulation = not data
    DaVinci().Lumi = not DaVinci().Simulation
    DaVinci().EvtMax = -1
    DaVinci().RootCompressionLevel = 'ZLIB:1'

    #=== Set database tags! Only needs to be done for MC ===#
    if not data:
        #=== D --> K Pi Pi0 ===#
        if mode == "DK_D2KPiPi0" or mode == "DPi_D2KPiPi0":
            if year == "2012":
                if mag == 'Up':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20160321-2-vc-mu100'
                if mag == 'Down':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20160321-2-vc-md100'
                    DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20150928'
            if year == "2015":
                if mag == 'Up':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20161124-vc-mu100'
                if mag == 'Down':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20161124-vc-md100'
            DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20170721-3'

        #=== D --> Pi Pi Pi0 ===#
        if mode == "DK_D2PiPiPi0" or mode == "DPi_D2PiPiPi0":
            if year == "2012":
                if mag == 'Up':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20130522-1-vc-mu100'
                if mag == 'Down':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20130522-1-vc-md100'
            DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130929-1'
        #=== D --> K K Pi0 ===#
        if mode == "DK_D2KKPi0" or mode == "DPi_D2KKPi0":
            if year == "2012":
                if mag == 'Up':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20130522-1-vc-mu100'
                if mag == 'Down':
                    DaVinci().CondDBtag = 'sim-20130522-1-vc-md100'
            DaVinci().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20130929-1'

예제 #8
파일: DV_PbPb_new.py 프로젝트: dcraik/lhcb
#IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(['/eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/LHCb/Protonion16/IFT.DST/00076144/0000/00076144_00000038_1.ift.dst'], clear = True)
#IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(['/tmp/dcraik/00076144_00000038_1.ift.dst'], clear = True)
#IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(["/eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/LHCb/Lead18/IFT.DST/00089031/0000/00089031_00009979_1.ift.dst"], clear = True)

## import DaVinci
from Configurables import DaVinci
from Configurables import CondDB

from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
#fltrs = LoKi_Filters (
#    STRIP_Code = """
#    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'StrippingHeavyIonTopologyLowActivityLineDecision' )
#    """
fltrs = LoKi_Filters(
    "(HLT_PASS('Hlt1BBMicroBiasSoftCEPDecision')) | (HLT_PASS('Hlt1BBMicroBiasLowMultVeloDecision'))"

dv = DaVinci(
    TupleFile='Tuples.root',  ## IMPORTANT
    HistogramFile='Histos.root',  ## IMPORTANT
    #CondDBtag       = 'cond-20180625-1',
    #DDDBtag         = 'dddb-20180726-3',
    #DQFLAGStag      = 'dq-20170627',
    EvtMax=-1  ##TODO
    #EvtMax          = 10000 ##TODO
from Configurables import DaVinci
DaVinci().DataType = ThisDataType
DaVinci().DDDBtag = ThisDDDBtag
DaVinci().CondDBtag = ThisCLCondDBtag
DaVinci().DQFLAGStag = ThisDQFLAGStag
DaVinci().Lumi = True
#DaVinci().Lumi = False
DaVinci().TupleFile = 'lumi.root'
if 'MC' in Type:
    DaVinci().Simulation = True
    DaVinci().Lumi = False
    DaVinci().CondDBtag = ThisMCCondDBtag
if 'Turbo' in Type:
    from Configurables import DstConf, TurboConf
    from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
    hlt = LoKi_Filters(
    DstConf().Turbo = True
    TurboConf().PersistReco = True
    DaVinci().EventPreFilters = hlt.filters('TriggerFilters')

# Tag configuration.
TrkCats = [('ve', 1), ('tt', 2), ('it', 3), ('ot', 4), ('mu', 7)]
#TrgLocs = ['Hlt2ExoticaPrmptDiMuonSSTurbo',
#           'Hlt2ExoticaPrmptDiMuonTurbo',
#           'Hlt2ExoticaDiMuonNoIPTurbo',
#           'Hlt2ExoticaQuadMuonNoIP',
#           'Hlt2ExoticaDisplDiMuon']

TrgLocs = []
#TrgLocs = ['Hlt2ExoticaDisplDiE']
예제 #10
    def __init__( self, name, config ):
        LineBuilder.__init__( self, name, config )

        ###                                                                 ###
        ###     VELO BASED VERTEXING SEQUENCE                               ###
        ###                                                                 ###

        bestTracks = AutomaticData("Rec/Track/Best")

        withVeloTracksForVertexing = bestTracks

        if self.configurationParameter("VeloGEC")["Apply"]:
            from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import VeloEventShapeCutsS20p3

            veloGEC = VeloEventShapeCutsS20p3()
            self.validatedSetProps( "VeloGEC", DisplVerticesConf.veloGECCuts, veloGEC )

            withVeloTracksForVertexing = PassThroughSelection( "%sVeloGEC" % self.name()
                                           , RequiredSelection = withVeloTracksForVertexing
                                           , Algorithm = veloGEC

        if self.configurationParameter("FilterVelo")["Apply"]:
            from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import SelectVeloTracksNotFromPVS20p3

            veloWithIP = SelectVeloTracksNotFromPVS20p3()
            self.validatedSetProps( "FilterVelo", DisplVerticesConf.veloWithIPCuts, veloWithIP )

            withVeloTracksForVertexing = Selection( "%sVeloFilteredTracks" % self.name()
                                           , RequiredSelections = [ withVeloTracksForVertexing ]
                                           , Algorithm = veloWithIP

        # Displaced Vertex reconstruction with best tracks (dominated by those with a Velo segment)
        from Configurables import PatPV3D, PVOfflineTool, PVSeed3DTool, LSAdaptPV3DFitter, LSAdaptPVFitter

        withVeloVertexAlg = PatPV3D( "%sWithVeloVertexAlg" % self.name() )
        withVeloVertexFinder = addPrivateToolAndGet(withVeloVertexAlg, PVOfflineTool)
        withVeloVertexFinder.PVsChi2Separation = 0
        withVeloVertexFinder.PVsChi2SeparationLowMult = 0
        withVeloSeeder = addPrivateToolAndGet(withVeloVertexFinder, PVSeed3DTool )
        withVeloVertexFinder.PVSeedingName = withVeloSeeder.getTitleName()
        withVeloSeeder.MinCloseTracks = 3
        withVeloFitter = addPrivateToolAndGet(withVeloVertexFinder, LSAdaptPV3DFitter)
        withVeloVertexFinder.PVFitterName = withVeloFitter.getTitleName()
        withVeloFitter.MinTracks      = 4

        withVeloVertexing = SelectionPatPV3DWrapper( "%sWithVeloVertexing" % self.name()
                              , withVeloVertexAlg
                              , RequiredSelections = [ withVeloTracksForVertexing ]

        # Make Particles out of the RecVertices
        from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import LLParticlesFromRecVertices

        rv2pWithVelo = LLParticlesFromRecVertices(
                           VerticesFromVeloOnly = False
                         , RequireUpstreamPV    = False
                         , WriteP2PVRelations   = False
                         , ForceP2PVBuild       = False
                         , VeloProtoParticlesLocation = "Phys/%s/VeloProtoP" % self.name()
        self.validatedSetProps( "RV2PWithVelo", DisplVerticesConf.recoCuts + DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts, rv2pWithVelo )

        withVeloCandidates = Selection( "%sWithVeloCandidates" % self.name()
                               , RequiredSelections = [ withVeloVertexing ]
                               , Algorithm          = rv2pWithVelo
                               , InputDataSetter    = "RecVertexLocations"

        ###                                                                 ###
        ###     DOWNSTREAM VERTEXING SEQUENCE                               ###
        ###                                                                 ###

        from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import CopyDownstreamTracks

        downTracks = Selection( "%sDownstreamTracks" % self.name()
                       , RequiredSelections = [ bestTracks ]
                       , Algorithm          = CopyDownstreamTracks()

        # Displaced Vertex reconstruction from downstream tracks
        downVertexAlg = PatPV3D( "%sDownVertexAlg" % self.name() )
        downVertexFinder = addPrivateToolAndGet( downVertexAlg, PVOfflineTool )
        downVertexFinder.RequireVelo = False
        downVertexFinder.PVsChi2Separation = 0
        downVertexFinder.PVsChi2SeparationLowMult = 0
        downSeeder = addPrivateToolAndGet( downVertexFinder, PVSeed3DTool )
        downVertexFinder.PVSeedingName  = downSeeder.getTitleName()
        downSeeder.TrackPairMaxDistance = 2.0*units.mm
        downSeeder.zMaxSpread           = 20.0*units.mm
        downSeeder.MinCloseTracks       = 4
        downFitter = addPrivateToolAndGet( downVertexFinder, LSAdaptPVFitter )
        downVertexFinder.PVFitterName = downFitter.getTitleName()
        downFitter.MinTracks          = 4
        downFitter.maxChi2            = 400.0
        downFitter.maxDeltaZ          = 0.0005 *units.mm
        downFitter.maxDeltaChi2NDoF   = 0.002
        downFitter.acceptTrack        = 0.000000001
        downFitter.trackMaxChi2       = 9
        downFitter.trackMaxChi2Remove = 64

        downVertexing = SelectionPatPV3DWrapper( "%sDownVertexing" % self.name()
                          , downVertexAlg
                          , RequiredSelections = [ downTracks ]

        # Make Particles out of the RecVertices
        rv2pDown = LLParticlesFromRecVertices(
                       VerticesFromVeloOnly = False
                     , RequireUpstreamPV    = False
                     , WriteP2PVRelations   = False
                     , ForceP2PVBuild       = False
                     #, OutputLevel          = VERBOSE
        self.validatedSetProps( "RV2PDown", DisplVerticesConf.recoCuts + DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts, rv2pDown )

        downCandidates = Selection( "%sDownCandidates" % self.name()
                           , RequiredSelections = [ downVertexing ]
                           , Algorithm          = rv2pDown
                           , InputDataSetter    = "RecVertexLocations"

        ###                                                                 ###
        ###     HLT JET SEQUENCE                                            ###
        ###                                                                 ###
        # timing is already fine, so one algo with loose JetID is sufficient

        # Hlt prefilter and vertex candidates from Hlt2
        from Configurables import HltVertexConverterS20p3
        revivedHlt2Candidates = "Phys/%sHlt2Cand/Particles" % self.name()
        hltCandReviver = GaudiSequenceroid(ModeOR = True, ShortCircuit = False,
            Members = [ GaudiSequencer( "%sHlt2CandFilterTCK%s-%s" % (self.name(), tckBegin, tckEnd),
                                        Members = ( LoKi_Filters(HLT2_Code="in_range( {begin}, HLT_TCK % 0x40000000 , {end} ) & ( {decisions} )".format(begin=tckBegin, end=tckEnd, decisions=" | ".join("HLT_PASS('%s')" % ln for ln in hltLines))).filters("%sHlt2DecisionFilterTCK%s-%s" % (self.name(), tckBegin, tckEnd))
                                                  + [ HltVertexConverterS20p3("%sHltConverter%s-%s" % (self.name(), tckBegin, tckEnd), HltSelReports="Hlt2/SelReports", HltLines=hltLines, Recursive=True, Output=revivedHlt2Candidates, WriteP2PVRelations=False, ForceP2PVBuild=False) ] ) )
                        for (tckBegin, tckEnd), hltLines in self.configurationParameter("HLT")["SignalLines"]
        hltCandSelection = EventSelection( "%sHltCandidates" % self.name()
                          , Algorithm = hltCandReviver

        hltVeloGEC = VeloEventShapeCutsS20p3()
        self.validatedSetProps( "VeloGEC", DisplVerticesConf.veloGECCuts, hltVeloGEC )
        hltVeloGEC.HistoProduce = False
        hltVeloGECSel = EventSelection( "%sHltVeloGEC" % self.name(), Algorithm=hltVeloGEC )

        hlt2CandAndGECSelection = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), "Hlt2CandVertices" ))
                          , RequiredSelections = [ hltCandSelection, AutomaticData(revivedHlt2Candidates), hltVeloGECSel ]
                          , Algorithm = FilterDesktop(
                                            Code = "( ABSID == '{pid}' )".format(pid=LLPLHCbName)
                                          , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                                          , ForceP2PVBuild = False

        ###                                                                 ###
        ###     LINE DEFINITIONS                                            ###
        ###                                                                 ###
        # one line for every configuratoin key of the format
        # "Single.*Selection"
        # "JetSingle.*Selection"
        # "JetHltSingle.*Selection"
        # "Double.*Selection"
        # ".*HLTPS"
        # "HltEff.*Selection"

        ##============================== Single ===================================##

        singleLineNames = [ p.split("Single")[1].split("Selection")[0]
                                for p in self.configKeys()
                                    if p.startswith("Single")
                                    and p.endswith("Selection")

        for lAcroName in singleLineNames:
            lShortName = "Single%s" % lAcroName             # SingleMedium
            lSelName   = "%sSelection" % lShortName         # SingleMediumSelection
            lLineName  = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName) # DisplVerticesSingleMedium

            # Choose between Velo-based and downstream vertexing input
            candidates = withVeloCandidates
            code = None
            if "Down" in lAcroName:
                candidates = downCandidates
                code = self.getLLPSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts + DisplVerticesConf.downCuts) )
                code = self.getLLPSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts) )

            lineFilter = FilterDesktop(
                             DecayDescriptor    = LLPLHCbName
                           , Preambulo          = DisplVerticesConf.llpSelectionPreambulo
                           , Code               = code
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
                           #, OutputLevel        = VERBOSE

            lineSel = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName ))
                        , RequiredSelections = [ candidates ]
                        , Algorithm          = lineFilter

            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     , selection = lineSel
                     , RequiredRawEvents = [ "Calo" ]
                     , RelatedInfoTools = [ { "Type" : "AddVeloEventShapeS21", "TopSelection" : lineSel, "Location" : "P2VES" } ]
            if lShortName in self.configurationParameter("HLT"):
                line.HLT2 = self.configurationParameter("HLT")[lShortName]


        ##========================= Single with jets ==============================##

        jetSingleLineNames = [ p.split("JetSingle")[1].split("Selection")[0]
                                for p in self.configKeys()
                                    if p.startswith("JetSingle")
                                    and p.endswith("Selection")

        for lAcroName in jetSingleLineNames:
            lShortName = "JetSingle%s" % lAcroName          # JetSingleMedium
            lSelName   = "%sSelection" % lShortName         # JetSingleMediumSelection
            lLineName  = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName) # DisplVerticesJetSingleMedium

            # Choose between Velo-based and downstream vertexing input
            vertexCandidates = withVeloCandidates
            code = self.getLLPSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts) )

            vertexFilter = FilterDesktop(
                             DecayDescriptor    = LLPLHCbName
                           , Preambulo          = DisplVerticesConf.llpSelectionPreambulo
                           , Code               = code
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
                           #, OutputLevel        = VERBOSE

            goodVertices = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName, "Vertices" ))
                           , RequiredSelections = [ vertexCandidates ]
                           , Algorithm          = vertexFilter

            jetProps = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.jetCuts)
            vertWithJets = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName, "Jets" ))
                           , RequiredSelections = [ goodVertices ]
                           , Algorithm          = self.makeJetCandidateAlg("".join((self.name(), lSelName, "JetAlg"))
                                                      , MinNumJets = jetProps["MinNumJets"]
                                                      , ConeSize   = jetProps["ConeSize"]
                                                      , JetIDCut   = jetProps["JetIDCut"]
                                                      , MinDOCABL  = jetProps["MinDOCABL"]
            jetCode = self.getLLPJetSelection(jetProps)
            jetCandFilter = FilterDesktop(
                             DecayDescriptor    = LLPLHCbName
                           , Preambulo          = self.jetSelectionPreambulo
                           , Code               = jetCode
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
            lineSel = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName ))
                        , RequiredSelections = [ vertWithJets ]
                        , Algorithm          = jetCandFilter

            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     , selection = lineSel
                     , RequiredRawEvents = [ "Calo" ]
                     , RelatedInfoTools = [ { "Type" : "AddVeloEventShapeS21", "TopSelection" : lineSel, "Location" : "P2VES" } ]
            if lShortName in self.configurationParameter("HLT"):
                line.HLT2 = self.configurationParameter("HLT")[lShortName]


        ##============= Single with jets based on Hlt candidate ==================##

        jetHltSingleLineNames = [ p.split("JetHltSingle")[1].split("Selection")[0]
                                   for p in self.configKeys()
                                       if p.startswith("JetHltSingle")
                                       and p.endswith("Selection")

        for lAcroName in jetHltSingleLineNames:
            lShortName = "JetHltSingle%s" % lAcroName       # JetHltSingleMedium
            lSelName   = "%sSelection" % lShortName         # JetHltSingleMediumSelection
            lLineName  = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName) # DisplVerticesJetHltSingleMedium

            jetProps = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.jetCuts)
            vertWithJets = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName, "HltJets" ))
                           , RequiredSelections = [ hlt2CandAndGECSelection ]
                           , Algorithm          = self.makeJetCandidateAlg("".join((self.name(), lSelName, "HltJetAlg"))
                                                      , MinNumJets = jetProps["MinNumJets"]
                                                      , ConeSize   = jetProps["ConeSize"]
                                                      , JetIDCut   = jetProps["JetIDCut"]
                                                      , MinDOCABL  = jetProps["MinDOCABL"]
            jetCode = self.getLLPJetSelection(jetProps)
            jetCandFilter = FilterDesktop(
                             DecayDescriptor    = LLPLHCbName
                           , Preambulo          = self.jetSelectionPreambulo
                           , Code               = jetCode
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
            lineSel = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName ))
                        , RequiredSelections = [ vertWithJets ]
                        , Algorithm          = jetCandFilter

            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     , selection = lineSel
                     , RequiredRawEvents = [ "Calo" ]
                     , RelatedInfoTools = [ { "Type" : "AddVeloEventShapeS21", "TopSelection" : lineSel, "Location" : "P2VES" } ]
            if lShortName in self.configurationParameter("HLT"):
                line.HLT2 = self.configurationParameter("HLT")[lShortName]


        ##============================== Double ===================================##

        doubleLineNames = [ p.split("Double")[1].split("Selection")[0]
                                for p in self.configKeys()
                                    if p.startswith("Double")
                                    and p.endswith("Selection")
        for lAcroName in doubleLineNames:
            lShortName = "Double%s" % lAcroName
            lSelName   = "%sSelection" % lShortName
            lLineName  = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName)

            combinationCut, motherCut = self.getResonanceSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.doubleResonanceCuts) )
            lineFilter = CombineParticles(
                             DecayDescriptor    = "H_10 -> %s %s" % (LLPLHCbName, LLPLHCbName)
                           , Preambulo          = DisplVerticesConf.llpSelectionPreambulo
                           , DaughtersCuts      = { LLPLHCbName : self.getLLPSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts) ) }
                           , CombinationCut     = combinationCut
                           , MotherCut          = motherCut
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
                           #, OutputLevel        = VERBOSE
            lineSel = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName ))
                        , RequiredSelections = [ withVeloCandidates ]
                        , Algorithm          = lineFilter
            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     , selection = lineSel
                     , RequiredRawEvents = [  "Calo" ]
                     , RelatedInfoTools = [ { "Type" : "AddVeloEventShapeS21", "TopSelection" : lineSel, "Location" : "P2VES" } ]
            if lShortName in self.configurationParameter("HLT"):
                line.HLT2 = self.configurationParameter("HLT")[lShortName]


        ##============================== HLT PS ===================================##

        hltPSLineNames = [ p.split("HLTPS")[0]
                               for p in self.configKeys()
                                   if p.endswith("HLTPS")
        for lAcroName in hltPSLineNames:
            lShortName = "%sHLTPS" % lAcroName
            lLineName  = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName) # DisplVerticesSingleMedium

            orFilters = []
            for (tckBegin, tckEnd), hltFilter in self.validatedGetProps("HLT", [lShortName])[lShortName]:
                filters = LoKi_Filters(HLT2_Code="in_range( {begin}, HLT_TCK % 0x40000000, {end} ) & ( {decisions} )".format(begin=tckBegin, end=tckEnd, decisions=hltFilter)).filters("%sHlt2FilterTCK%s-%s" % (lLineName, tckBegin, tckEnd))
                assert len(filters) == 1
            assert len(orFilters) == len(self.validatedGetProps("HLT", [lShortName])[lShortName])

            hltSelection = EventSelection( "%sHltFilter" % lLineName
                              , Algorithm = GaudiSequenceroid(ModeOR = True, ShortCircuit = False, Members=orFilters)

            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lShortName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     , selection = hltSelection
                     , RequiredRawEvents = ["Muon","Calo","Rich","Velo","Tracker"]


        ##============================== OTHER  ===================================##

        hltEffLineNames = [ p.split("HltEff")[1].split("Selection")[0]
                                for p in self.configKeys()
                                    if p.startswith("HltEff")
                                    and p.endswith("Selection")
        for lShortName in hltEffLineNames:
            lSelName  = "HltEff%sSelection" % lShortName
            lLineName = "%s%s" % (self.name(), lShortName)

            # HltEff lines are single, Velo-vertexing based lines
            lineFilter = FilterDesktop(
                             DecayDescriptor    = LLPLHCbName
                           , Preambulo          = DisplVerticesConf.llpSelectionPreambulo
                           , Code               = self.getLLPSelection( self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, DisplVerticesConf.singleCuts) )
                           , WriteP2PVRelations = False
                           , ForceP2PVBuild     = False
                           #, OutputLevel        = VERBOSE

            lineSel = Selection( "".join(( self.name(), lSelName ))
                        , RequiredSelections = [ withVeloCandidates ]
                        , Algorithm          = lineFilter

            line = StrippingLine(lLineName
                     , prescale  = self.validatedGetProps(lSelName, ["PreScale"])["PreScale"]
                     # these lines MUST have an HLT filter
                     , HLT2      = self.configurationParameter("HLT")[lShortName]
                     , selection = lineSel
                     , RequiredRawEvents = ["Muon","Calo","Rich","Velo","Tracker"]
                     , RelatedInfoTools = [ { "Type" : "AddVeloEventShapeS21", "TopSelection" : lineSel, "Location" : "P2VES" } ]

예제 #11
파일: BandQ.py 프로젝트: MMhaidra/lhcb-1
    StreamConf         =  SelDSTWriterConf      ,
    MicroDSTElements   =  SelDSTWriterElements  ,
    OutputFileSuffix   = 'BandQ'                ,  ## output PRE-fix! 
    SelectionSequences = [ 
                           psi_x0 ,

## Read only fired events to speed up
from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
fltrs = LoKi_Filters (
    STRIP_Code = """
    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'Stripping.*DiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetached.*' ) |
    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'Stripping.*DiMuonPsi2MuMuDetached.*'  ) |
    HLT_PASS_RE ( 'Stripping.*DiMuonDiMuonHighMass.*'    )     

## protection against ``corrupted'' Stripping 17b DIMUON.DST
#  obsolete? 
#  also add protection against very busy events
fltrs_0 = LoKi_Filters (
    VOID_Code  = """
    ( EXISTS     ( '/Event/DAQ/RawEvent' ) | EXISTS ( '/Event/Trigger/RawEvent' ) ) 
    & EXISTS     ( '/Event/Strip/Phys/DecReports') &
    ( RECSUMMARY (  0 , -1 )                                > 0.5 ) & 
    ( RECSUMMARY ( 10 , -1 )                                < 500 ) & 
    ( RECSUMMARY ( 13 , -1 )                                < 500 ) & 
예제 #12
the_year = '2016'

rootInTES = '/Event/Turbo'
the_line = 'B2XMuMu_Line/Particles'

## use pre-filters to speedup
from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters
fltrs = LoKi_Filters(VOID_Code="""
            0 < CONTAINS('%s/%s')
                """ % (rootInTES, the_line))
from Configurables import DstConf, TurboConf

DstConf().Turbo = True
TurboConf().PersistReco = True


from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
eventNodeKiller = EventNodeKiller('Stripkiller')
eventNodeKiller.Nodes = ['/Event/AllStreams', '/Event/Strip']

from StrippingConf.Configuration import StrippingConf
from StrippingConf.StrippingStream import StrippingStream

from StrippingArchive.Stripping28.StrippingRD.StrippingB2XMuMu import B2XMuMuConf

from StrippingSettings.Stripping28.LineConfigDictionaries_RD import B2XMuMu
from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import AutomaticData, Selection, SelectionSequence
#from Configurables import DstConf, TurboConf

B2XMuMuConf = B2XMuMuConf("B2XMuMu", B2XMuMu['CONFIG'])