예제 #1
    def makeGenLeps(self, event):
        """return gen leps coming from W or top decay"""

        genLepsFromTop = []
        genLepsFromW = []

        for p in event.generatorSummary:
            id = abs(p.pdgId())
            # Check if it is muon or ele
            if id not in [11, 13]: continue

            momids = [(m, abs(m.pdgId())) for m in realGenMothers(p)]

            for mom, momid in momids:
                if momid == 24:
                    wmomids = [abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(mom)]
                    if 6 in wmomids:

        return genLepsFromTop, genLepsFromW
예제 #2
    def makeMCInfo(self, event):
        verbose = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'verbose', False)
        rawGenParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product() 
        good = []; keymap = {};
        allGenParticles = []
        for rawIndex,p in enumerate(rawGenParticles):
            if self.makeAllGenParticles: allGenParticles.append(p)
            id     = abs(p.pdgId())
            status = p.status()
            # particles must be status > 2, except for prompt leptons, photons, neutralinos
            if status <= 2:
                if ((id not in self.stableBSMParticleIds) and
                    (id not in [11,12,13,14,15,16,22] or not isNotFromHadronicShower(p))):
            # a particle must not be decaying into itself
            #print "  test %6d  : %+8d  %3d :  %8.2f   %+5.2f   %+5.2f : %d %d : %+8d {%6d}: %s" % ( rawIndex,
            #        p.pdgId(), p.status(), p.pt(), p.eta(), p.phi(), p.numberOfMothers(), p.numberOfDaughters(), 
            #        p.motherRef(0).pdgId() if p.numberOfMothers() > 0 else -999, p.motherRef(0).key()   if p.numberOfMothers() > 0 else -999, 
            #        "  ".join("%d[%d]" % (p.daughter(i).pdgId(), p.daughter(i).status()) for i in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())))
            if id in self.savePreFSRParticleIds:
                # for light objects, we want them pre-radiation
                if any((p.mother(j).pdgId() == p.pdgId()) for j in xrange(p.numberOfMothers())):
                    #print "    fail auto-decay"
                # everything else, we want it after radiation, i.e. just before decay
                if any((p.daughter(j).pdgId() == p.pdgId() and p.daughter(j).status() > 2) for j in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())):
                    #print "    fail auto-decay"
            # FIXME find a better criterion to discard there
            if status == 71: 
                #drop QCD radiation with unclear parentage
            # is it an interesting particle?
            ok = False
            if interestingPdgId(id):
                #print "    pass pdgId"
                ok = True
            ### no: we don't select by decay, so that we keep the particle summary free of incoming partons and such
            # if not ok and any(interestingPdgId(d.pdgId()) for d in realGenDaughters(p)):
            #    #print "    pass dau"
            #     ok = True
            if not ok:
              for mom in realGenMothers(p):
                if interestingPdgId(mom.pdgId()) or (getattr(mom,'rawIndex',-1) in keymap):
                    #print "    interesting mom"
                    # exclude extra x from p -> p + x
                    if not any(mom.daughter(j2).pdgId() == mom.pdgId() for j2 in xrange(mom.numberOfDaughters())):
                        #print "         pass no-self-decay"
                        ok = True
                    # Account for generator feature with Higgs decaying to itself with same four-vector but no daughters
                    elif mom.pdgId() == 25 and any(mom.daughter(j2).pdgId() == 25 and mom.daughter(j2).numberOfDaughters()==0 for j2 in range(mom.numberOfDaughters())):
                        ok = True
                if abs(mom.pdgId()) == 15:
                    # if we're a tau daughter we're status 2
                    # if we passed all the previous steps, then we're a prompt lepton
                    # so we'd like to be included
                    ok = True
                if not ok and p.pt() > 10 and id in [1,2,3,4,5,21,22] and any(interestingPdgId(d.pdgId()) for d in realGenDaughters(mom)):
                    # interesting for being a parton brother of an interesting particle (to get the extra jets in ME+PS) 
                    ok = True 
                if not ok and id in [11, 13, 15] and abs(mom.pdgId()) in [1,2,3,4,5,21]:
                    # Lepton e.g. in off-shell DY with the mother being one of the incoming partons
                    ok = True
            if ok:
                gp = p
                gp.rawIndex = rawIndex # remember its index, so that we can set the mother index later
                keymap[rawIndex] = len(good)
        # connect mother links
        for igp,gp in enumerate(good):
            gp.motherIndex = -1
            gp.sourceId    = 99
            gp.genSummaryIndex = igp
            ancestor = None if gp.numberOfMothers() == 0 else gp.motherRef(0)
            while ancestor != None and ancestor.isNonnull():
                if ancestor.key() in keymap:
                    gp.motherIndex = keymap[ancestor.key()]
                    if ancestor.pdgId() != good[gp.motherIndex].pdgId():
                        print "Error keying %d: motherIndex %d, ancestor.pdgId %d, good[gp.motherIndex].pdgId() %d " % (igp, gp.motherIndex, ancestor.pdgId(),  good[gp.motherIndex].pdgId())
                ancestor = None if ancestor.numberOfMothers() == 0 else ancestor.motherRef(0)
            if abs(gp.pdgId()) not in [1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,21]:
                gp.sourceId = gp.pdgId()
            if gp.motherIndex != -1:
                ancestor = good[gp.motherIndex]
                if ancestor.sourceId != 99 and (ancestor.mass() > gp.mass() or gp.sourceId == 99):
                    gp.sourceId = ancestor.sourceId
        event.generatorSummary = good
        # add the ID of the mother to be able to recreate last decay chains
        for ip,p in enumerate(good):
            moms = realGenMothers(p)
            if len(moms)==0:
                p.motherId = 0
                p.grandmotherId = 0
            elif len(moms)==1:
                p.motherId = moms[0].pdgId()
                gmoms = realGenMothers(moms[0])
                p.grandmotherId = (gmoms[0].pdgId() if len(gmoms)==1 else (0 if len(gmoms)==0 else -9999))
                #print "    unclear what mothers to give to this particle, among ","  ".join("%d[%d]" % (m.pdgId(),m.status()) for m in moms)
                p.motherId = -9999
                p.grandmotherId = -9999
            if verbose:
                print "%3d  {%6d}: %+8d  %3d :  %8.2f   %+5.2f   %+5.2f : %d %2d : %+8d {%3d}: %s" % ( ip,p.rawIndex,
                        p.pdgId(), p.status(), p.pt(), p.eta(), p.phi(), len(moms), p.numberOfDaughters(), 
                        p.motherId, p.motherIndex,
                        "  ".join("%d[%d]" % (p.daughter(i).pdgId(), p.daughter(i).status()) for i in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())))
        if verbose:
            print "\n\n"

        if self.makeAllGenParticles:
            event.genParticles = allGenParticles

        if self.makeSplittedGenLists:
            event.genHiggsBosons = []
            event.genVBosons     = []
            event.gennus         = []
            event.gennusFromTop  = []
            event.genleps        = []
            event.gentauleps     = []
            event.gentaus        = []
            event.gentopquarks   = []
            event.genbquarks     = []
            event.genwzquarks    = []
            event.genbquarksFromTop = []
            event.genbquarksFromH   = []
            event.genlepsFromTop = []
            for p in event.generatorSummary:
                id = abs(p.pdgId())
                if id == 25: 
                elif id in {23,24}:
                elif id in {12,14,16}:

                    momids = [(m, abs(m.pdgId())) for m in realGenMothers(p)]

                    #have a look at the lepton mothers
                    for mom, momid in momids:
                        #lepton from W
                        if momid == 24:
                            wmomids = [abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(mom)]
                            #W from t
                            if 6 in wmomids:
                                #save mu,e from t->W->mu/e

                elif id in {11,13}:
                    #taus to separate vector
                    if abs(p.motherId) == 15:
                    #all muons and electrons
                        momids = [(m, abs(m.pdgId())) for m in realGenMothers(p)]

                        #have a look at the lepton mothers
                        for mom, momid in momids:
                            #lepton from W
                            if momid == 24:
                                wmomids = [abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(mom)]
                                #W from t
                                if 6 in wmomids:
                                    #save mu,e from t->W->mu/e
                elif id == 15:
                    if self.allGenTaus or not any([abs(d.pdgId()) in {11,13} for d in realGenDaughters(p)]):
                elif id == 6:
                elif id == 5:
                    momids = [abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(p)]
                    if  6 in momids: event.genbquarksFromTop.append(p)
                    if 25 in momids: event.genbquarksFromH.append(p)
                if id <= 5 and any([abs(m.pdgId()) in {23,24} for m in realGenMothers(p)]):
예제 #3
    def makeMCInfo(self, event):
        verbose = getattr(self.cfg_ana, 'verbose', False)
        rawGenParticles = self.mchandles['genParticles'].product()
        good = []
        keymap = {}
        allGenParticles = []
        for rawIndex, p in enumerate(rawGenParticles):
            if self.makeAllGenParticles: allGenParticles.append(p)
            id = abs(p.pdgId())
            status = p.status()
            # particles must be status > 2, except for prompt leptons, photons, neutralinos
            if status <= 2:
                if ((id not in self.stableBSMParticleIds)
                        and (id not in [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22]
                             or not isNotFromHadronicShower(p))):
            # a particle must not be decaying into itself
            #print "  test %6d  : %+8d  %3d :  %8.2f   %+5.2f   %+5.2f : %d %d : %+8d {%6d}: %s" % ( rawIndex,
            #        p.pdgId(), p.status(), p.pt(), p.eta(), p.phi(), p.numberOfMothers(), p.numberOfDaughters(),
            #        p.motherRef(0).pdgId() if p.numberOfMothers() > 0 else -999, p.motherRef(0).key()   if p.numberOfMothers() > 0 else -999,
            #        "  ".join("%d[%d]" % (p.daughter(i).pdgId(), p.daughter(i).status()) for i in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())))
            if id in self.savePreFSRParticleIds:
                # for light objects, we want them pre-radiation
                if any((p.mother(j).pdgId() == p.pdgId())
                       for j in xrange(p.numberOfMothers())):
                    #print "    fail auto-decay"
                # everything else, we want it after radiation, i.e. just before decay
                if any((p.daughter(j).pdgId() == p.pdgId()
                        and p.daughter(j).status() > 2)
                       for j in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())):
                    #print "    fail auto-decay"
            # FIXME find a better criterion to discard there
            if status == 71:
                #drop QCD radiation with unclear parentage
            # is it an interesting particle?
            ok = False
            if interestingPdgId(id):
                #print "    pass pdgId"
                ok = True
            ### no: we don't select by decay, so that we keep the particle summary free of incoming partons and such
            # if not ok and any(interestingPdgId(d.pdgId()) for d in realGenDaughters(p)):
            #    #print "    pass dau"
            #     ok = True
            if not ok:
                for mom in realGenMothers(p):
                    if interestingPdgId(mom.pdgId()) or (getattr(
                            mom, 'rawIndex', -1) in keymap):
                        #print "    interesting mom"
                        # exclude extra x from p -> p + x
                        if not any(
                                mom.daughter(j2).pdgId() == mom.pdgId()
                                for j2 in xrange(mom.numberOfDaughters())):
                            #print "         pass no-self-decay"
                            ok = True
                        # Account for generator feature with Higgs decaying to itself with same four-vector but no daughters
                        elif mom.pdgId() == 25 and any(
                                mom.daughter(j2).pdgId() == 25
                                and mom.daughter(j2).numberOfDaughters() == 0
                                for j2 in range(mom.numberOfDaughters())):
                            ok = True
                    if abs(mom.pdgId()) == 15:
                        # if we're a tau daughter we're status 2
                        # if we passed all the previous steps, then we're a prompt lepton
                        # so we'd like to be included
                        ok = True
                    if not ok and p.pt() > 10 and id in [
                            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 22
                    ] and any(
                            for d in realGenDaughters(mom)):
                        # interesting for being a parton brother of an interesting particle (to get the extra jets in ME+PS)
                        ok = True
            if ok:
                gp = p
                gp.rawIndex = rawIndex  # remember its index, so that we can set the mother index later
                keymap[rawIndex] = len(good)
        # connect mother links
        for igp, gp in enumerate(good):
            gp.motherIndex = -1
            gp.sourceId = 99
            gp.genSummaryIndex = igp
            ancestor = None if gp.numberOfMothers() == 0 else gp.motherRef(0)
            while ancestor != None and ancestor.isNonnull():
                if ancestor.key() in keymap:
                    gp.motherIndex = keymap[ancestor.key()]
                    if ancestor.pdgId() != good[gp.motherIndex].pdgId():
                        print "Error keying %d: motherIndex %d, ancestor.pdgId %d, good[gp.motherIndex].pdgId() %d " % (
                            igp, gp.motherIndex, ancestor.pdgId(),
                ancestor = None if ancestor.numberOfMothers(
                ) == 0 else ancestor.motherRef(0)
            if abs(gp.pdgId()) not in [
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21
                gp.sourceId = gp.pdgId()
            if gp.motherIndex != -1:
                ancestor = good[gp.motherIndex]
                if ancestor.sourceId != 99 and (ancestor.mass() > gp.mass()
                                                or gp.sourceId == 99):
                    gp.sourceId = ancestor.sourceId
        event.generatorSummary = good
        # add the ID of the mother to be able to recreate last decay chains
        for ip, p in enumerate(good):
            moms = realGenMothers(p)
            if len(moms) == 0:
                p.motherId = 0
                p.grandmotherId = 0
            elif len(moms) == 1:
                p.motherId = moms[0].pdgId()
                gmoms = realGenMothers(moms[0])
                p.grandmotherId = (gmoms[0].pdgId() if len(gmoms) == 1 else
                                   (0 if len(gmoms) == 0 else -9999))
                #print "    unclear what mothers to give to this particle, among ","  ".join("%d[%d]" % (m.pdgId(),m.status()) for m in moms)
                p.motherId = -9999
                p.grandmotherId = -9999
            if verbose:
                print "%3d  {%6d}: %+8d  %3d :  %8.2f   %+5.2f   %+5.2f : %d %2d : %+8d {%3d}: %s" % (
                    ip, p.rawIndex, p.pdgId(), p.status(), p.pt(), p.eta(),
                    p.phi(), len(moms), p.numberOfDaughters(), p.motherId,
                    p.motherIndex, "  ".join(
                        "%d[%d]" %
                        (p.daughter(i).pdgId(), p.daughter(i).status())
                        for i in xrange(p.numberOfDaughters())))
        if verbose:
            print "\n\n"

        if self.makeAllGenParticles:
            event.genParticles = allGenParticles

        if self.makeSplittedGenLists:
            event.genHiggsBosons = []
            event.genVBosons = []
            event.gennus = []
            event.genleps = []
            event.gentauleps = []
            event.gentaus = []
            event.gentopquarks = []
            event.genbquarks = []
            event.genwzquarks = []
            event.genbquarksFromTop = []
            event.genbquarksFromH = []
            event.genlepsFromTop = []
            for p in event.generatorSummary:
                id = abs(p.pdgId())
                if id == 25:
                elif id in {23, 24}:
                elif id in {12, 14, 16}:
                elif id in {11, 13}:
                    #taus to separate vector
                    if abs(p.motherId) == 15:
                    #all muons and electrons
                        momids = [(m, abs(m.pdgId()))
                                  for m in realGenMothers(p)]

                        #have a look at the lepton mothers
                        for mom, momid in momids:
                            #lepton from W
                            if momid == 24:
                                wmomids = [
                                    abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(mom)
                                #W from t
                                if 6 in wmomids:
                                    #save mu,e from t->W->mu/e
                elif id == 15:
                    if self.allGenTaus or not any([
                            abs(d.pdgId()) in {11, 13}
                            for d in realGenDaughters(p)
                elif id == 6:
                elif id == 5:
                    momids = [abs(m.pdgId()) for m in realGenMothers(p)]
                    if 6 in momids: event.genbquarksFromTop.append(p)
                    if 25 in momids: event.genbquarksFromH.append(p)
                if id <= 5 and any(
                    [abs(m.pdgId()) in {23, 24} for m in realGenMothers(p)]):

        #Add LHE weight info
        event.LHE_weights = []
        if self.makeLHEweights:
            if self.mchandles['LHEweights'].isValid():
                for w in self.mchandles['LHEweights'].product().weights():