예제 #1
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):

        ## An instance of mindsensorsUI.mindsensorsUI representing the PiStorms's touchscreen.
        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        ## An instance of PiStormsCom.PiStormsCom.
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 1.
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 2.
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 1.
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 2.
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 1.
        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 2.
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 1.
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 2.
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)

예제 #2
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):

        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        if "GRX" in config.get('msdev', 'device'):
            self.comm = GRXCom
            self.comm = PiStormsCom()
        # note self.comm is only used to getTouchscreenCoordinates and to getKeyPressCount

        if (rotation in range(4)):
            self.currentRotation = rotation
        self.myname = name
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3 ):

        ## An instance of mindsensorsUI.mindsensorsUI representing the PiStorms's touchscreen.
        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        ## An instance of PiStormsCom.PiStormsCom.
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 1.
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 2.
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 1.
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 2.
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 1.
        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 2.
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 1.
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 2.
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)

예제 #5
 def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3 ):
     self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name ,rotation)
     self.psc = PiStormsCom()
     self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
     self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
     self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
     self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)
     self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
     self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
     self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
     self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3):
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        if "GRX" in config.get('msdev', 'device'):
            self.comm = GRXCom
            self.comm = PiStormsCom()
        # note self.comm is only used to getTouchscreenCoordinates and to getKeyPressCount

        if(rotation in range(4)):
            self.currentRotation = rotation
        self.myname = name
예제 #7
class mindsensorsUI():
    ## Constant to specify black color
    PS_BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
    ## Constant to specify blue color
    PS_BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
    ## Constant to specify red color
    PS_RED = (255, 0, 0)
    ## Constant to specify green color
    PS_GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
    ## Constant to specify cyan color
    PS_CYAN = (0, 255, 255)
    ## Constant to specify magenta color
    PS_MAGENTA = (255, 0, 255)
    ## Constant to specify yellow color
    PS_YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
    ## Constant to specify white color
    PS_WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

    ## Constant to defualt screen width
    ## Constant to defualt screen height

    ### @cond Doxygen_ignore_this
    ## Constant to specify terminal mode
    ## Constant to specify pop-up mode
    ## Constant to specify dead mode
    PS_MODE_DEAD = 2

    ## Dictionary of default emnpty terminal buffer
    terminalBuffer = [""] * 20
    ## Variable of default terminal cursor position
    terminalCursor = 0
    ## Variable of default mode
    currentMode = 0
    ## Variable of default rotation
    currentRotation = 0
    ## Instance to initialize the display
    disp = TFT.ILI9341(24, rst=25, spi=SPI.SpiDev(0, 0, max_speed_hz=64000000))
    ## Variable of default button text
    buttonText = ["OK", "Cancel"]
    ## Variable of default pop-up text
    popupText = ["Do you wish to continue?"]

    ## Variable of default draw arrow state
    drawArrowsbool = False

    x = 0
    y = 0

    ### @endcond

    ## Initialize the UI device.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen. Optional, defaults to "PiStorms" (unused).
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen. Optional, defaults to 3 (standard rotation).
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the mindsensorsUI class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from mindsensorsUI import mindsensorsUI
    #  ...
    #  screen = mindsensorsUI()
    #  @endcode
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        if "GRX" in config.get('msdev', 'device'):
            self.comm = GRXCom
            self.comm = PiStormsCom()
        # note self.comm is only used to getTouchscreenCoordinates and to getKeyPressCount

        if (rotation in range(4)):
            self.currentRotation = rotation
        self.myname = name
        #self.drawDisplay(name, display=False)

    ## Dumps the screen buffer
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def dumpTerminal(self):
        self.terminalBuffer = [""] * 20
        self.terminalCursor = 0
        if (self.getMode() == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):

    ## Sets the mode (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param mode The new mode: PS_MODE_TERMINAL, PS_MODE_POPUP, or PS_MODE_DEAD. Optional, defaults to PS_MODE_TERMINAL.
    def setMode(self, mode=0):
        if (mode < 0 or mode > 2):
            self.currentMode = self.PS_MODE_DEAD
            self.currentMode = mode

    ## Returns the value of the mode (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def getMode(self):
        return self.currentMode

    ## Draw a rectangle with rounded edges on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the rectangle.
    #  @param height The height of the rectangle.
    #  @param radius The arc of the rectangle corners.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def fillRoundRect(self,
                      fill=(255, 255, 255),
                      y + radius,
                      height - (radius * 2),
        self.fillRect(x + radius,
                      width - (radius * 2),
        self.fillCircle(x + radius,
                        y + radius,
        self.fillCircle(x + width - radius,
                        y + radius,
        self.fillCircle(x + radius,
                        y + height - radius,
        self.fillCircle(x + width - radius,
                        y + height - radius,

    ## Calculates the x-coordinate of the screen upon rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @param y y value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @return x value for the corresponding point in the display's coordinate system (for writing to TFT)
    def screenXFromImageCoords(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 0):
            return x
        if (cr == 1):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH - y
        if (cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH - x
        if (cr == 3):
            return y

    ## Calculates the y-coordinate of the screen upon rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @param y y value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @return y value for the corresponding point in the display's coordinate system (for writing to TFT)
    def screenYFromImageCoords(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 0):
            return y
        if (cr == 1):
            return x
        if (cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT - y
        if (cr == 3):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT - x

    ## Calculates display x-coordinate from touchscreen values, adjusted for rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @param y y value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @return x value for the corresponding point in the current rotation's coordinate system
    def TS_To_ImageCoords_X(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 0):
            return y
        if (cr == 1):
            return x
        if (cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH - y
        if (cr == 3):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT - x

    ## Calculates display y-coordinate from touchscreen values, adjusted for rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @param y y value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @return y value for the corresponding point in the current rotation's coordinate system
    def TS_To_ImageCoords_Y(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 0):
            return x
        if (cr == 1):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH - y
        if (cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT - x
        if (cr == 3):
            return y

    ## Displays rotated text (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param image The image used for creating text
    #  @param text The text to display on the screen
    #  @param position The position of the text as a set of x and y-coordinates
    #  @param angle The angle at which to rotate the text
    #  @param font The font of the text
    #  @param fill The color of the text. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def draw_rotated_text(self,
                          fill=(255, 255, 255),
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        width, height = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
        textimage = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
        textdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(textimage)
        textdraw.text((0, 0), text, font=font, fill=fill)
        if angle == -90: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if angle == -180: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if angle == -270: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
        image.paste(textimage, position, textimage)
        if (display):

    ## Determines the width of the screen based on rotation (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def screenWidth(self):
        if (self.currentRotation == 1 or self.currentRotation == 3):
            return 320
            return 240

    ## Determines the height of the screen based on rotation (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def screenHeight(self):
        if (self.currentRotation == 1 or self.currentRotation == 3):
            return 240
            return 320

    ## Prints a large title, intended for terminal mode.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen in cyan.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def drawDisplay(self, name, display=True):
                          fill=(0, 255, 255),

    ## Draw forward and back arrows on the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def drawArrows(self, display=True):
        self.drawButton(0, 0, width=50, height=40, text="<", display=False)
        self.drawButton(self.screenWidth() - 50,

    ## Determine if either on screen arrow button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def checkArrows(self):
        return (self.checkButton(0, 0, 50, 50),
                self.checkButton(self.screenWidth() - 50, 0, 50, 50))

    ## Hide the on screen arrow buttons
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param refresh Choose to immediately refresh screen.
    def hideArrows(self, refresh=True):
        self.drawArrowsbool = False
        if (refresh):

    ## Show the on screen arrow buttons
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param refresh Choose to immediately refresh screen.
    def showArrows(self, refresh=True):
        self.drawArrowsbool = True
        if (refresh):

    ## Reads the x-coordinate of the touchscreen press
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  x = screen.TS_X()
    #  @endcode
    def TS_X(self):
        return self.x

    ## Reads the y-coordinate of the touchscreen press
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  y = screen.TS_Y()
    #  @endcode
    def TS_Y(self):
        return self.y

    ## Detects touchscreen presses and prevents false positives,
    #  updates self.x and self.y if pressed.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  if (screen.isTouched())
    #      print "Touched at {},{}".format(screen.x, screen.y)
    #  @endcode
    def isTouched(self):
        x, y = self.comm.getTouchscreenCoordinates()
        if x == 0 and y == 0:
            return False
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        return True

    ## Clears the LCD screen to defualt black
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.clearScreen()
    #  @endcode
    def clearScreen(self, display=True):
        if (display):

    ## Draw a rectangle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the rectangle.
    #  @param height The height of the rectangle.
    #  @param fill The color of inside of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param outline The color of the outer edge of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to no outline.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.fillRect(100, 100, 75, 75, fill = (255,0,0), outline = (0,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def fillRect(self,
                 fill=(255, 255, 255),
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)
        actx2 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x + width, y + height)
        acty2 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x + width, y + height)
        draw.rectangle((actx, acty, actx2, acty2), fill=fill, outline=outline)
        if (display):

    ## Draw a filled circle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The center x coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param y The center y coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param radius The radius of the circle.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the circle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.fillCircle(100, 100, 15, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def fillCircle(self, x, y, radius, fill=(255, 255, 255), display=True):
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)
            (actx - radius, acty - radius, actx + radius, acty + radius),
        if (display):

    ## Draw a circle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The center x coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param y The center y coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param radius The radius of the circle.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the circle. Optional, defaults to None
    #  @param outline The color of the outer edge of the circle. Optional, defaults to Black
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  red circle with blue outline:
    #  screen.drawCircle(100, 100, 15, fill = (255,0,0), outline=(0,0,255))
    #  @endcode
    def drawCircle(self,
                   outline=(0, 0, 0),
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)
            (actx - radius, acty - radius, actx + radius, acty + radius),
        if (display):

    ## Draw a bitmap image on the screen (.png files rcommended)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the image.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the image.
    #  @param width The width of the image.
    #  @param height The width of the image.
    #  @param path The image file path. Optional, defaults to the popup background image.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.screen.fillBmp(30, 0, 240, 240, path = os.path.join(currentdir, "dog.png"))
    #  @endcode
    def fillBmp(self,
        buff = self.disp.buffer
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)
        # if the caller only provided icon name, assume it is in our system repository
        if (path[0] != "/"):
            path = "/usr/local/mindsensors/images/" + path

        # if the image is missing, use a default X image.
        if (os.path.isfile(path)):
            image = Image.open(path)
            image = Image.open("/usr/local/mindsensors/images/missing.png")

        image = image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 1):
            actx -= height
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if (cr == 2):
            acty -= height
            actx -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if (cr == 3):
            acty -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)

        buff.paste(image, (actx, acty))
        if (display):

    ## Draw a  image on the screen using supplied image data
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the image.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the image.
    #  @param width The width of the image.
    #  @param height The width of the image.
    #  @param image data
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.screen.fillBmp(40, 0, 240, 240, image)
    #  @endcode
    def fillImgArray(self, x, y, width, height, image, display=True):
        buff = self.disp.buffer
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)

        image = Image.fromarray(image)

        image = image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if (cr == 1):
            actx -= height
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if (cr == 2):
            acty -= height
            actx -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if (cr == 3):
            acty -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)

        buff.paste(image, (actx, acty))
        if (display):

    ## Rotates the screen orientation 90 degrees to the right (-90 degrees)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.rotateRight()
    #  @endcode
    def rotateRight(self):
        self.currentRotation += 1
        if (self.currentRotation > 3):
            self.currentRotation = 0

    ## Rotates the screen orientation 90 degrees to the left (90 degrees)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.rotateLeft()
    #  @endcode
    def rotateLeft(self):
        self.currentRotation -= 1
        if (self.currentRotation < 0):
            self.currentRotation = 3

    ## Displays text on the screen with adjusted position and rotation
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to display on the screen
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the text. Optional, defaults to "left". Irrelevant if align is "center"
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the text.
    #  @param fill The color of the text. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param size The pixel size of the text. Optional, defaults to 20.
    #  @param align The text alignment, "left" or "center" or "right". Optional, defaults to "left".
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawAutoText("Wow!", 10, 20, fill = (255,255,255), size = 25)
    #  @endcode
    def drawAutoText(self,
                     fill=(255, 255, 255),
        text = str(text)
        font = ImageFont.truetype(
            "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", size)
        width, height = ImageDraw.Draw(self.disp.buffer).textsize(text,
        tempx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x, y)
        tempy = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x, y)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if align == "center":
            tempy = (self.screenWidth() - width) / 2
            if cr == 1 or cr == 2:
                tempx = self.screenHeight() - height - y
            if cr == 0 or cr == 2:
                tempx, tempy = tempy, tempx
            if cr == 0:
                tempy = y
        elif align == "right":
            if cr == 0:
                tempx = self.screenWidth() - width - x
                tempy = y
            if cr == 1:
                tempx = self.screenHeight() - height - y
                tempy = self.screenWidth() - width - x
            if cr == 2:
                tempx, tempy = x, self.screenHeight() - height - y
            if cr == 3:
                tempy = x
            if cr == 1:
                tempx -= height
            if cr == 2:
                tempy -= height
                tempx -= width
            if cr == 3:
                tempy -= width

        angletemp = -90 * self.currentRotation

                               text, (tempx, tempy),

    ## Set the cursor to a specific line of the of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineno The line number at which to set the cursor.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termGotoLine(5)
    #  @endcode
    def termGotoLine(self, lineno):
        self.terminalCursor = lineno

    ## Print to a specific line of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineno The line number at which to set the cursor.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrintAt(5, "Printing at line 5")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrintAt(self, lineno, text):
        self.terminalCursor = lineno
                      self.terminalCursor * 20 + 42,
                      19, (0, 0, 0),
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] = str(text)

    ## Print to the current line of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrint("Regular print, no newline")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrint(self, text):
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] += str(text)

    ## Print to the current line and then go to the next line
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrintln("Hello, world!")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrintln(self, text):
        if (self.terminalCursor > 9):
            self.terminalCursor = 0
            self.terminalBuffer = [""] * 20
        self.terminalCursor += 1

    ## Print new text in place of current line (Low Refresh Rate)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termReplaceLastLine("Replaced!")
    #  @endcode
    def termReplaceLastLine(self, text):
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] = ""
                      self.terminalCursor * 20 + 42,
                      19, (0, 0, 0),

    ## Refresh a screen line
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineNum The line number to refresh.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.refreshLine(1)
    #  @endcode
    def refreshLine(self, lineNum, display=True):
        if (self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):
                              lineNum * 20 + 40, (255, 255, 255),

    ## Draw a labeled button on the screen (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the button.
    #  @param height The height of the button.
    #  @param prefix The button images filename prefix. Optional, defaults to "btns_"
    #  @param text The button label. Defaults to "OK"
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param align The alignment for the button's text label.
    #  @param image An optional image to be included on the button, should be 32x32.
    #  @param imageX The x-coordinate of the optional image icon.
    #  @param imageY The y-coordinate of the optional image icon.
    def drawButton(self,
        self.fillBmp(x, y, 14, height, prefix + "left.png", display=False)
        self.fillBmp(x + 14,
                     width - 28,
                     prefix + "center.png",
        self.fillBmp(x + width - 14,
                     prefix + "right.png",

        textX = x + 10
        if image:
            textX += 32
            imgY = imageY or y + ((height - 32) / 2)
            imgX = imageX or x + 4
            self.fillBmp(imgX, imgY, 32, 32, image, display=False)

                          y + (height / 2) - 10,
                          fill=(0, 0, 0),

    ## Refresh the screen (Slow)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.refresh()
    #  @endcode
    def refresh(self):
        if (self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):
            if (self.drawArrowsbool):
            for i, _ in enumerate(self.terminalBuffer):
                self.refreshLine(i, display=False)
        if (self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_POPUP):
            xbuff = 20
            ybuff = 20
                             self.screenWidth() - (2 * xbuff),
                             self.screenHeight() - (2 * ybuff),
                              self.screenWidth() - (2 * xbuff),
                              self.screenHeight() - (2 * ybuff),
                              fill=(127, 127, 127),
                              outline=(255, 255, 255))

            numButts = len(self.buttonText)
            spacing = 10
            room = self.screenWidth() - (xbuff + ybuff)
            buttHeight = 50
            n = 0
            while (n < numButts):
                    (room / numButts) * n + xbuff + spacing / 2 + 10,
                    self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight),
                    (room / numButts) - spacing - 20,
                self.fillBmp((room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing/2, self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight), (room/numButts) - spacing, buttHeight, path = "button.png", display = False)
                self.drawAutoText(self.buttonText[n],(room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing, self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + buttHeight), fill = (0,0,0), display = False)
                n += 1
            n = 0
            offset = 5
            if (self.currentRotation % 2 == 0):  # portrait
                offset = 12
            while (n < len(self.popupText)):
                if (n > 0):
                    offset = 10
                    if (self.currentRotation % 2 == 0):  # portrait
                        offset = 24
                                  xbuff + 10,
                                  ybuff + offset + (20 * n),
                                  fill=(0, 0, 0),

                n += 1

    ## Determine if an on screen button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x-coordinate of the button.
    #  @param y The upper left y-coordinate of the button.
    #  @param width The width of the button.
    #  @param height The height of the button.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  button = screen.checkButton(0, 0, 50, 50)
    #  @endcode
    def checkButton(self, x, y, width, height):
        if self.isTouched():
            tsx = self.TS_To_ImageCoords_X(self.x, self.y)
            tsy = self.TS_To_ImageCoords_Y(self.x, self.y)
            if tsx in range(x, x + width) and tsy in range(y, y + height):
                return True
        return False

    ## Determines if button in a pop-up window is pressed (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param numButts How many buttons are being shown
    def checkDialogButtons(self, numButts):
        # see refresh method for value definitions
        xbuff = 20
        ybuff = 20
        spacing = 10
        room = self.screenWidth() - (xbuff + ybuff)
        buttHeight = 50
        y = self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight)
        width = (room / numButts) - spacing - 20
        for n in range(numButts):
            x = (room / numButts) * n + xbuff + spacing / 2 + 10
            if self.checkButton(x, y, width, buttHeight):
                return n
        return -1

    ## Display pop-up of a question on the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param question The question that will pop-up on the screen. The first string will be the titlebar.
    #  @param options The possible answers to the question.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if the on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to False.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  question = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Here's a second line. It will be wrapped, too. What do you think?"]
    #  options = ["No thanks", "Cool!"]
    #  answer = screen.askQuestion(question, options, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return -1
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  question = ["Color Picker", "Pick a color!"]
    #  options = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]
    #  answer = screen.askQuestion(question, options)
    #  @endcode
    def askQuestion(self,
        for i, line in enumerate(question):
            question[i] = str(line)
        if wrapText:
            wrap, maxlines = 48, 5
            if (self.currentRotation % 2 == 0):  # portrait
                wrap, maxlines = 30, 9
            maxWidth = self.screenWidth(
            ) - 60  # see fillBpm of dialogbg.png in refresh()
            getTextSize = ImageDraw.Draw(self.disp.buffer).textsize
            font = ImageFont.truetype(
                "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", 15)

            def makeWrappedText():
                arr = '\n'.join([
                    textwrap.fill(t, width=wrap) for t in question[1:]
                self.popupText = [question[0]] + arr[:maxlines]
                if len(arr) > maxlines:
                    if self.popupText[maxlines][-1] == ".":
                        self.popupText[maxlines] += " ..."
                        self.popupText[maxlines] += "..."

            def widestLine():
                return max(
                    [getTextSize(str, font=font)[0] for str in self.popupText])

            while (widestLine() > maxWidth):
                wrap -= 1
            self.popupText = question
        self.buttonText = options
        oldMode = self.currentMode
        if (len(options) >= 4):
            print "warning!, buttons may be too small to read"
        if (len(options) <= 0 and not goBtn):
            print "warning!, no options will leave this pop-up stuck"
        if goBtn:
            keyPressCount = self.comm.getKeyPressCount()
        while (True):
            if (goBtn and keyPressCount < self.comm.getKeyPressCount()):
                return -1
            if (touch and self.isTouched()):
                n = self.checkDialogButtons(len(options))
                if (n != -1):
                    return n

    ## Display Pop-up of 'Yes' or 'No' question on the screen, returning True or False
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param question The question that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to False.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  question = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Cool?"]
    #  response = screen.askYesOrNoQuestion(question, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return False
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  question = ["Continue?", "Do you want to continue?"]
    #  response = screen.askYesOrNoQuestion(question)
    #  @endcode
    def askYesOrNoQuestion(self,
        return self.askQuestion(question, ["Yes", "No"],
                                wrapText=wrapText) == 0

    ## Display pop-up of a message on the screen with a single option "OK"
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param message The message that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  message = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Other lines will be wrapped, too. Press OK to close this popup."]
    #  screen.showMessage(message, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return False
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  message = ["Complete", "The process has completed.", "Status: success"]
    #  screen.showMessage(message)
    #  @endcode
    def showMessage(self, message, touch=True, goBtn=True, wrapText=False):
        if type(message) is not list:
            message = ["Message", message]
        return self.askQuestion(message, ["OK"],
                                wrapText=wrapText) == 0

    ## Display pop-up of a message on the screen with no exit options.
    #  This function will return right away. You may need to call `screen.setMode(screen.PS_MODE_TERMINAL)` to stop the popup later.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param message The message that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  message = ["Processing", "Processing, please wait..."]
    #  screen.forceMessage(message)
    #  @endcode
    def forceMessage(self, message):
        self.popupText = message
        self.buttonText = []
        oldMode = self.currentMode

    ## Draw a line on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x1, y1, x2, y2 The x and y coordinates of each endpoint of the line.
    #  @param width The width of the line. Optional, defaults to 0.
    #  @param fill The color of line. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawLine(50, 50, 100, 100, width = 0, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def drawLine(self,
                 fill=(255, 255, 255),
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx1 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x1, y1)
        acty1 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x1, y1)
        actx2 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x2, y2)
        acty2 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x2, y2)
        draw.line((actx1, acty1, actx2, acty2), fill=fill, width=width)
        if (display):

    ## Draw a polyline on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param endpoints [x1, y1, x2, y2...] The x and y coordinates of each endpoint of the polyline.
    #  @param width The width of the polyline. Optional, defaults to 0.
    #  @param fill The color of polyline. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawLine([50, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100], width = 0, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def drawPolyLine(self,
                     fill=(255, 255, 255),
        assert len(
        ) % 2 == 0, "endpoints must be an array of even length, containing *pairs* of integers"
        assert len(
        ) >= 4, "endpoints must contain at least two coordinates to draw a line"
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actendpts = []
        for (x, y) in [(endpoints[i * 2], endpoints[i * 2 + 1])
                       for i in range(len(endpoints) / 2)
                       ]:  # iterate over each pair of integers
                x, y))  # actual x-coordinate
                x, y))  # actual y-coordinate
        draw.line(actendpts, fill=fill, width=width)
        if (display):
예제 #8
class PiStorms:
    ## Initialize the PiStorms motor and sensor ports
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the PiStorms class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  @endcode    
    def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3 ):
        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name ,rotation)
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)
        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)
    def command (self, cmd, bank):
        self.psc.command(cmd, bank)
    ## Shutdown the Raspberry Pi
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.Shutdown()
    #  @endcode    
    def Shutdown(self):
    ## Returns the input battery voltage
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  volts = psm.battVoltage()
    #  if(volts > 6):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def battVoltage(self):
        return self.psc.battVoltage()
    ## Returns the PiStorms firmware version
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  fwVersion = psm.GetFirmwareVersion()
    #  print str(devID)
    #  @endcode    
    def GetFirmwareVersion(self):
        return self.psc.GetFirmwareVersion()
    ## Returns the PiStorms vendor name
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  venName = psm.GetVendorName()
    #  print str(devID)
    #  @endcode    
    def GetVendorName(self):
        return self.psc.GetVendorName()
    ## Returns the PiStorms device ID
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  devID = psm.GetDeviceId()
    #  print str(devID)
    #  @endcode    
    def GetDeviceId(self):
        return self.psc.GetDeviceId()
    ## Writes to the specified RGB LED
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lednum The number to specify the LED (1 for BankA, 2 for BankB).
    #  @param red The red value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param green The green value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param blue The blue value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.led(1,255,0,0)
    #  @endcode    
    def led(self,lednum,red,green,blue):
        return self.psc.led(lednum,red,green,blue)
    ## Check if the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isKeyPressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def isKeyPressed(self):
        return self.psc.isKeyPressed()

    ## Check if any Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.getKeyValue()
    #  if(key == 40):
    #      # (40 is F4), do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def getKeyPressValue(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressValue()

    ## Check if F1 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF1Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F1 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def isF1Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 8)

    ## Check if F2 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF2Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F2 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def isF2Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 16)

    ## Check if F3 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF3Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F3 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def isF3Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 24)

    ## Check if F4 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF4Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F4 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode    
    def isF4Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 40)
    ## Returns the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  keyCount = psm.getKeyPressCount()
    #  if(keyCount == 5):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode   
    def getKeyPressCount(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressCount()
    ## Resets the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms 
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  resetKeyPressCount()
    #  @endcode   
    def resetKeyPressCount(self):
    ### @cond
    ## Pings the PiStorms for reliable I2C communication
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def ping(self):
예제 #9
import socket, fcntl, struct

def get_ip_address(ifname):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    return socket.inet_ntoa(
            0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
            struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24])

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom

print("running psm-info.py")
psm_comm = PiStormsCom()

print(" Version :  {0}".format(str(psm_comm.GetFirmwareVersion())[:5]))
print(" Vendor  :  {0}".format(str(psm_comm.GetVendorName())))
print(" Device :   {0}".format(str(psm_comm.GetDeviceId())))
print(" HostName : {0}".format(socket.gethostname()))

    print(" eth0 :    {0} ".format(get_ip_address('eth0')))
    print(" eth0 : not present")
    print(" wlan0 :   {0} ".format(get_ip_address('wlan0')))
    print(" wlan0 : not present")
예제 #10
# Copyright (c) 2016 mindsensors.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#mindsensors.com invests time and resources providing this open source code,
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date      Author      Comments
# 05/25/16   Deepak     Initial development.

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom

psc = PiStormsCom()

예제 #11
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date       Author          Comments
# 04/21/17   Seth Tenembaum  Initial development.

import os, time
from mindsensorsUI import mindsensorsUI
from mindsensors_i2c import mindsensors_i2c
from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
from PiStormsCom import PSSensor

s = mindsensorsUI()  # screen
psc = PiStormsCom()
i2c = mindsensors_i2c(0x22 >> 1)

PSSensor(psc.bankA, 1).activateCustomSensorI2C()

s.drawDisplay("ABSIMU Calibration")

s.termPrintln("Beginning AbsoluteIMU compass")
s.termPrintln("calibration program.")
s.termPrintln("Connect AbsoluteIMU-ACG")
s.termPrintln("to BAS1.")
s.termReplaceLastLine("Press GO to begin.")
예제 #12
파일: MSWeb.py 프로젝트: tizcodex/PiStorms
    common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([requested_path, current_directory])
    return common_prefix != current_directory

app = Flask(__name__)

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
from PiStormsCom_GRX import GRXCom

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
if "GRX" in config.get('msdev', 'device'):
    psc = GRXCom
    psc = PiStormsCom()

import MS_ILI9341
import Adafruit_GPIO.SPI as SPI
disp = MS_ILI9341.ILI9341(24,
                          spi=SPI.SpiDev(0, 0, max_speed_hz=64000000))

import socket, fcntl, struct

def get_ip_address(ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(
예제 #13
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#mindsensors.com invests time and resources providing this open source code,
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date        Author      Comments
#  04-11-16   Deepak      Troubleshooting program

import time

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
print ""
print "Running program 5 times, press Ctrl-C to terminate"
print ""
psm_comm = PiStormsCom()

exit = False
a = 0
while(a < 5):
    voltVal = psm_comm.battVoltage()
    print "PiStorms voltage: " + str(voltVal)
    a = a + 1
예제 #14
class mindsensorsUI():
    ## Constant to specify black color
    PS_BLACK = (0,0,0)
    ## Constant to specify blue color
    PS_BLUE = (0,0,255)
    ## Constant to specify red color
    PS_RED = (255,0,0)
    ## Constant to specify green color
    PS_GREEN = (0,255,0)
    ## Constant to specify cyan color
    PS_CYAN = (0,255,255)
    ## Constant to specify magenta color
    PS_MAGENTA = (255,0,255)
    ## Constant to specify yellow color
    PS_YELLOW = (255,255,0)
    ## Constant to specify white color
    PS_WHITE = (255,255,255)

    ## Constant to defualt screen width
    ## Constant to defualt screen height

    ### @cond Doxygen_ignore_this
    ## Constant to specify terminal mode
    ## Constant to specify pop-up mode
    ## Constant to specify dead mode
    PS_MODE_DEAD = 2

    ## Dictionary of default emnpty terminal buffer
    terminalBuffer = [""]*20
    ## Variable of default terminal cursor position
    terminalCursor = 0
    ## Variable of default mode
    currentMode = 0
    ## Variable of default rotation
    currentRotation = 0
    ## Instance to initialize the display
    disp = TFT.ILI9341(24, rst=25, spi=SPI.SpiDev(0,0,max_speed_hz=64000000))
    ## Variable of default button text
    buttonText = ["OK","Cancel"]
    ## Variable of default pop-up text
    popupText = ["Do you wish to continue?"]

    ## Variable of default draw arrow state
    drawArrowsbool = False

    x = 0
    y = 0
    ### @endcond

    ## Initialize the UI device.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen. Optional, defaults to "PiStorms" (unused).
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen. Optional, defaults to 3 (standard rotation).
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the mindsensorsUI class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from mindsensorsUI import mindsensorsUI
    #  ...
    #  screen = mindsensorsUI()
    #  @endcode
    def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3):
        config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        if "GRX" in config.get('msdev', 'device'):
            self.comm = GRXCom
            self.comm = PiStormsCom()
        # note self.comm is only used to getTouchscreenCoordinates and to getKeyPressCount

        if(rotation in range(4)):
            self.currentRotation = rotation
        self.myname = name
        #self.drawDisplay(name, display=False)

    ## Dumps the screen buffer
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def dumpTerminal(self):
        self.terminalBuffer = [""]*20
        self.terminalCursor = 0
        if(self.getMode() == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):

    ## Sets the mode (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param mode The new mode: PS_MODE_TERMINAL, PS_MODE_POPUP, or PS_MODE_DEAD. Optional, defaults to PS_MODE_TERMINAL.
    def setMode(self, mode = 0):
        if(mode<0 or mode>2):
            self.currentMode = self.PS_MODE_DEAD
            self.currentMode = mode

    ## Returns the value of the mode (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def getMode(self):
        return self.currentMode

    ## Draw a rectangle with rounded edges on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the rectangle.
    #  @param height The height of the rectangle.
    #  @param radius The arc of the rectangle corners.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def fillRoundRect(self, x, y, width, height, radius, fill = (255,255,255), display = True):
        self.fillRect(x,y + radius,width, height-(radius*2), fill = fill, display = False)
        self.fillRect(x + radius, y, width - (radius*2), height, fill = fill, display = False)
        self.fillCircle(x + radius, y + radius, radius, fill = fill, display = False)
        self.fillCircle(x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, fill = fill, display = False)
        self.fillCircle(x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, fill = fill, display = False)
        self.fillCircle(x + width - radius,y + height - radius, radius, fill = fill, display = display)

    ## Calculates the x-coordinate of the screen upon rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @param y y value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @return x value for the corresponding point in the display's coordinate system (for writing to TFT)
    def screenXFromImageCoords(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 0):
            return x
        if(cr == 1):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH-y
        if(cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH-x
        if(cr == 3):
            return y

    ## Calculates the y-coordinate of the screen upon rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @param y y value in the current rotation's coordinate system
    #  @return y value for the corresponding point in the display's coordinate system (for writing to TFT)
    def screenYFromImageCoords(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 0):
            return y
        if(cr == 1):
            return x
        if(cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-y
        if(cr == 3):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-x

    ## Calculates display x-coordinate from touchscreen values, adjusted for rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @param y y value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @return x value for the corresponding point in the current rotation's coordinate system
    def TS_To_ImageCoords_X(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 0):
            return y
        if(cr == 1):
            return x
        if(cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH-y
        if(cr == 3):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-x

    ## Calculates display y-coordinate from touchscreen values, adjusted for rotation (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x x value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @param y y value in the touchscreen's coordinate system (read from registers)
    #  @return y value for the corresponding point in the current rotation's coordinate system
    def TS_To_ImageCoords_Y(self, x, y):
        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 0):
            return x
        if(cr == 1):
            return self.PS_SCREENWIDTH-y
        if(cr == 2):
            return self.PS_SCREENHEIGHT-x
        if(cr == 3):
            return y

    ## Displays rotated text (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param image The image used for creating text
    #  @param text The text to display on the screen
    #  @param position The position of the text as a set of x and y-coordinates
    #  @param angle The angle at which to rotate the text
    #  @param font The font of the text
    #  @param fill The color of the text. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def draw_rotated_text(self, image, text, position, angle, font, fill=(255,255,255), display = True):
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        width, height = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
        textimage = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0,0,0,0))
        textdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(textimage)
        textdraw.text((0,0), text, font=font, fill=fill)
        if angle == - 90: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if angle == -180: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if angle == -270: textimage = textimage.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
        image.paste(textimage, position, textimage)

    ## Determines the width of the screen based on rotation (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def screenWidth(self):
        if(self.currentRotation == 1 or self.currentRotation == 3):
            return 320
            return 240

    ## Determines the height of the screen based on rotation (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def screenHeight(self):
        if(self.currentRotation == 1 or self.currentRotation == 3):
            return 240
            return 320

    ## Prints a large title, intended for terminal mode.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen in cyan.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def drawDisplay(self, name, display = True):
        self.drawAutoText(name, 0, 5, fill = (0,255,255), size = 30, display = display, align="center")

    ## Draw forward and back arrows on the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    def drawArrows(self, display = True):
        self.drawButton(0, 0, width = 50, height = 40, text = "<", display = False)
        self.drawButton(self.screenWidth()-50, 0, width = 50, height = 40, text = ">", display = display)

    ## Determine if either on screen arrow button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def checkArrows(self):

    ## Hide the on screen arrow buttons
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param refresh Choose to immediately refresh screen.
    def hideArrows(self, refresh = True):
        self.drawArrowsbool = False

    ## Show the on screen arrow buttons
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param refresh Choose to immediately refresh screen.
    def showArrows(self, refresh = True):
        self.drawArrowsbool = True

    ## Reads the x-coordinate of the touchscreen press
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  x = screen.TS_X()
    #  @endcode
    def TS_X(self):
        return self.x

    ## Reads the y-coordinate of the touchscreen press
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  y = screen.TS_Y()
    #  @endcode
    def TS_Y(self):
        return self.y

    ## Detects touchscreen presses and prevents false positives,
    #  updates self.x and self.y if pressed.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  if (screen.isTouched())
    #      print "Touched at {},{}".format(screen.x, screen.y)
    #  @endcode
    def isTouched(self):
        x, y = self.comm.getTouchscreenCoordinates()
        if x == 0 and y == 0:
            return False
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        return True

    ## Clears the LCD screen to defualt black
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.clearScreen()
    #  @endcode
    def clearScreen(self, display = True):

    ## Draw a rectangle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the rectangle.
    #  @param height The height of the rectangle.
    #  @param fill The color of inside of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param outline The color of the outer edge of the rectangle. Optional, defaults to no outline.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.fillRect(100, 100, 75, 75, fill = (255,0,0), outline = (0,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def fillRect(self, x, y, width, height, fill = (255,255,255), outline = None, display=True):
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)
        actx2 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x + width,y + height)
        acty2 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x + width,y + height)
        draw.rectangle((actx,acty,actx2,acty2), fill = fill, outline = outline)

    ## Draw a filled circle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The center x coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param y The center y coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param radius The radius of the circle.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the circle. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.fillCircle(100, 100, 15, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def fillCircle(self, x, y, radius, fill = (255,255,255), display = True):
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)
        draw.ellipse((actx-radius,acty-radius,actx+radius,acty+radius), fill = fill)

    ## Draw a circle on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The center x coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param y The center y coordinate of the circle.
    #  @param radius The radius of the circle.
    #  @param fill The color of the inside of the circle. Optional, defaults to None
    #  @param outline The color of the outer edge of the circle. Optional, defaults to Black
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  red circle with blue outline:
    #  screen.drawCircle(100, 100, 15, fill = (255,0,0), outline=(0,0,255))
    #  @endcode
    def drawCircle(self, x, y, radius, fill = None, outline = (0,0,0), display = True):
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)
        draw.ellipse((actx-radius,acty-radius,actx+radius,acty+radius), fill=fill, outline=outline)

    ## Draw a bitmap image on the screen (.png files rcommended)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the image.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the image.
    #  @param width The width of the image.
    #  @param height The width of the image.
    #  @param path The image file path. Optional, defaults to the popup background image.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.screen.fillBmp(30, 0, 240, 240, path = os.path.join(currentdir, "dog.png"))
    #  @endcode
    def fillBmp(self, x, y, width, height, path = "/usr/local/mindsensors/images/Pane1.png", display = True):
        buff = self.disp.buffer
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)
        # if the caller only provided icon name, assume it is in our system repository
        if (path[0] != "/"):
            path = "/usr/local/mindsensors/images/" + path

        # if the image is missing, use a default X image.
        if (os.path.isfile(path)):
            image = Image.open(path)
            image = Image.open("/usr/local/mindsensors/images/missing.png")

        image = image.resize((width,height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 1):
            actx -= height
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if(cr == 2):
            acty -= height
            actx -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if(cr == 3):
            acty -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)

        buff.paste(image, (actx,acty))

    ## Draw a  image on the screen using supplied image data
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the image.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the image.
    #  @param width The width of the image.
    #  @param height The width of the image.
    #  @param image data
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.screen.fillBmp(40, 0, 240, 240, image)
    #  @endcode
    def fillImgArray(self, x, y, width, height, image, display = True):
        buff = self.disp.buffer
        actx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        acty = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)

        image = Image.fromarray(image)

        image = image.resize((width,height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if(cr == 1):
            actx -= height
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
        if(cr == 2):
            acty -= height
            actx -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
        if(cr == 3):
            acty -= width
            image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)

        buff.paste(image, (actx,acty))

    ## Rotates the screen orientation 90 degrees to the right (-90 degrees)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.rotateRight()
    #  @endcode
    def rotateRight(self):
        self.currentRotation += 1
            self.currentRotation = 0

    ## Rotates the screen orientation 90 degrees to the left (90 degrees)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.rotateLeft()
    #  @endcode
    def rotateLeft(self):
        self.currentRotation -= 1
            self.currentRotation = 3

    ## Displays text on the screen with adjusted position and rotation
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to display on the screen
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the text. Optional, defaults to "left". Irrelevant if align is "center"
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the text.
    #  @param fill The color of the text. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param size The pixel size of the text. Optional, defaults to 20.
    #  @param align The text alignment, "left" or "center" or "right". Optional, defaults to "left".
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawAutoText("Wow!", 10, 20, fill = (255,255,255), size = 25)
    #  @endcode
    def drawAutoText(self, text, x, y, fill = (255,255,255), size = 20, align="left", display = True):
        text = str(text)
        font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", size)
        width, height = ImageDraw.Draw(self.disp.buffer).textsize(text, font=font)
        tempx = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)
        tempy = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)

        cr = self.currentRotation
        if align == "center":
            tempy = (self.screenWidth() - width)/2
            if cr == 1 or cr == 2:
                tempx = self.screenHeight() - height - y
            if cr == 0 or cr == 2:
                tempx, tempy = tempy, tempx
            if cr == 0:
                tempy = y
        elif align == "right":
            if cr == 0:
                tempx = self.screenWidth() - width - x
                tempy = y
            if cr == 1:
                tempx = self.screenHeight() - height - y
                tempy = self.screenWidth() - width - x
            if cr == 2:
                tempx, tempy = x, self.screenHeight() - height - y
            if cr == 3:
                tempy = x
            if cr == 1:
                tempx -= height
            if cr == 2:
                tempy -= height
                tempx -= width
            if cr == 3:
                tempy -= width

        angletemp = -90*self.currentRotation

        self.draw_rotated_text(self.disp.buffer, text, (tempx,tempy), angletemp, font, fill, display = display)

    ## Set the cursor to a specific line of the of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineno The line number at which to set the cursor.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termGotoLine(5)
    #  @endcode
    def termGotoLine(self, lineno):
        self.terminalCursor = lineno

    ## Print to a specific line of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineno The line number at which to set the cursor.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrintAt(5, "Printing at line 5")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrintAt(self, lineno, text):
        self.terminalCursor = lineno
        self.fillRect(10, self.terminalCursor*20+42, 320, 19, (0,0,0), display = False)
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] =  str(text)

    ## Print to the current line of the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrint("Regular print, no newline")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrint(self, text):
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] += str(text)

    ## Print to the current line and then go to the next line
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termPrintln("Hello, world!")
    #  @endcode
    def termPrintln(self, text):
            self.terminalCursor = 0
            self.terminalBuffer = [""]*20
        self.terminalCursor += 1

    ## Print new text in place of current line (Low Refresh Rate)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param text The text to print to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.termReplaceLastLine("Replaced!")
    #  @endcode
    def termReplaceLastLine(self, text):
        self.terminalBuffer[self.terminalCursor] = ""
        self.fillRect(10, self.terminalCursor*20+42, 320, 19, (0,0,0), display = False)

    ## Refresh a screen line
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lineNum The line number to refresh.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.refreshLine(1)
    #  @endcode
    def refreshLine(self, lineNum, display = True):
        if(self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):
            self.drawAutoText(self.terminalBuffer[lineNum], 10, lineNum*20 + 40, (255,255,255), display = display)

    ## Draw a labeled button on the screen (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param y The upper left y coordinate of the rectangle.
    #  @param width The width of the button.
    #  @param height The height of the button.
    #  @param prefix The button images filename prefix. Optional, defaults to "btns_"
    #  @param text The button label. Defaults to "OK"
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param align The alignment for the button's text label.
    #  @param image An optional image to be included on the button, should be 32x32.
    #  @param imageX The x-coordinate of the optional image icon.
    #  @param imageY The y-coordinate of the optional image icon.
    def drawButton(self, x, y, width, height, prefix="btns_",text="OK", display=True, align="left", image=None, imageX=None, imageY=None):
        self.fillBmp(x, y, 14, height, prefix+"left.png", display=False)
        self.fillBmp(x+14, y, width-28, height, prefix+"center.png", display=False)
        self.fillBmp(x+width-14, y, 14, height, prefix+"right.png", display=False)

        textX = x+10
        if image:
            textX += 32
            imgY = imageY or y+((height-32)/2)
            imgX = imageX or x+4
            self.fillBmp(imgX, imgY, 32, 32, image, display=False)

        self.drawAutoText(text,textX, y+(height/2)-10, size=16, fill = (0,0,0), display=display, align=align)

    ## Refresh the screen (Slow)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.refresh()
    #  @endcode
    def refresh(self):
        if(self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_TERMINAL):
            for i,_ in enumerate(self.terminalBuffer):
                self.refreshLine(i, display = False)
        if(self.currentMode == self.PS_MODE_POPUP):
            xbuff = 20
            ybuff = 20
                self.fillBmp(xbuff,ybuff,self.screenWidth()-(2*xbuff),self.screenHeight()-(2*ybuff), "dialogbg.png", display = False)
                self.fillRect(xbuff,ybuff,self.screenWidth()-(2*xbuff),self.screenHeight()-(2*ybuff),fill = (127,127,127), outline = (255,255,255))

            numButts = len(self.buttonText)
            spacing = 10
            room = self.screenWidth()-(xbuff + ybuff)
            buttHeight = 50
            n = 0
                self.drawButton((room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing/2 + 10, self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight), (room/numButts) - spacing - 20, buttHeight, prefix = "btns_", text=self.buttonText[n], display = False)
                self.fillBmp((room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing/2, self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight), (room/numButts) - spacing, buttHeight, path = "button.png", display = False)
                self.drawAutoText(self.buttonText[n],(room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing, self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + buttHeight), fill = (0,0,0), display = False)
                n+= 1
            n = 0
            offset = 5
            if(self.currentRotation % 2 == 0): # portrait
                offset = 12
                if ( n > 0 ):
                    offset = 10
                    if(self.currentRotation % 2 == 0): # portrait
                        offset = 24
                self.drawAutoText(self.popupText[n], xbuff + 10, ybuff + offset + (20*n), fill = (0,0,0), size = 15, display = False)

                n += 1

    ## Determine if an on screen button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x The upper left x-coordinate of the button.
    #  @param y The upper left y-coordinate of the button.
    #  @param width The width of the button.
    #  @param height The height of the button.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  button = screen.checkButton(0, 0, 50, 50)
    #  @endcode
    def checkButton(self, x, y, width, height):
        if self.isTouched():
            tsx = self.TS_To_ImageCoords_X(self.x, self.y)
            tsy = self.TS_To_ImageCoords_Y(self.x, self.y)
            if tsx in range(x, x+width) and tsy in range(y, y+height):
                return True
        return False

    ## Determines if button in a pop-up window is pressed (Experienced users)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param numButts How many buttons are being shown
    def checkDialogButtons(self, numButts):
        # see refresh method for value definitions
        xbuff = 20
        ybuff = 20
        spacing = 10
        room = self.screenWidth() - (xbuff + ybuff)
        buttHeight = 50
        y = self.screenHeight() - (ybuff + spacing + buttHeight)
        width = (room/numButts) - spacing - 20
        for n in range(numButts):
            x = (room/numButts)*n + xbuff + spacing/2 + 10
            if self.checkButton(x, y, width, buttHeight):
                return n
        return -1

    ## Display pop-up of a question on the screen
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param question The question that will pop-up on the screen. The first string will be the titlebar.
    #  @param options The possible answers to the question.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if the on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to False.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  question = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Here's a second line. It will be wrapped, too. What do you think?"]
    #  options = ["No thanks", "Cool!"]
    #  answer = screen.askQuestion(question, options, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return -1
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  question = ["Color Picker", "Pick a color!"]
    #  options = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]
    #  answer = screen.askQuestion(question, options)
    #  @endcode
    def askQuestion(self, question, options, touch=True, goBtn=False, wrapText=False):
        for i, line in enumerate(question):
            question[i] = str(line)
        if wrapText:
            wrap, maxlines = 48, 5
            if (self.currentRotation % 2 == 0): # portrait
                wrap, maxlines = 30, 9
            maxWidth = self.screenWidth()-60 # see fillBpm of dialogbg.png in refresh()
            getTextSize = ImageDraw.Draw(self.disp.buffer).textsize
            font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", 15)
            def makeWrappedText():
                arr = '\n'.join([textwrap.fill(t, width=wrap) for t in question[1:]]).split('\n')
                self.popupText = [question[0]] + arr[:maxlines]
                if len(arr) > maxlines:
                    if self.popupText[maxlines][-1] == ".":
                        self.popupText[maxlines] += " ..."
                        self.popupText[maxlines] += "..."
            def widestLine():
                return max([getTextSize(str, font=font)[0] for str in self.popupText])
            while (widestLine() > maxWidth):
                wrap -= 1
            self.popupText = question
        self.buttonText = options
        oldMode = self.currentMode
            print "warning!, buttons may be too small to read"
        if(len(options)<=0 and not goBtn):
            print "warning!, no options will leave this pop-up stuck"
        if goBtn:
            keyPressCount = self.comm.getKeyPressCount()
            if(goBtn and keyPressCount < self.comm.getKeyPressCount()):
                return -1
            if(touch and self.isTouched()):
                n = self.checkDialogButtons(len(options))
                if(n != -1):
                    return n

    ## Display Pop-up of 'Yes' or 'No' question on the screen, returning True or False
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param question The question that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to False.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  question = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Cool?"]
    #  response = screen.askYesOrNoQuestion(question, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return False
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  question = ["Continue?", "Do you want to continue?"]
    #  response = screen.askYesOrNoQuestion(question)
    #  @endcode
    def askYesOrNoQuestion(self, question, touch=True, goBtn=False, wrapText=False):
        return self.askQuestion(question, ["Yes","No"], touch=touch, goBtn=goBtn, wrapText=wrapText) == 0

    ## Display pop-up of a message on the screen with a single option "OK"
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param message The message that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @param touch Whether to check if on screen buttons are pressed. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param goBtn Whether to check for the GO button to close the question. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @param wrapText When True, long lines of text will be wrapped to fit in the popup. Optional, default to False.
    #  @code
    #  message = ["Title", "This is a very long line of text which will be wrapped to fit in the dialog box.", "Other lines will be wrapped, too. Press OK to close this popup."]
    #  screen.showMessage(message, wrapText=True)
    #  @endcode
    #  @note If goBtn is True, pressing GO will close the dialog and return False
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  message = ["Complete", "The process has completed.", "Status: success"]
    #  screen.showMessage(message)
    #  @endcode
    def showMessage(self, message, touch=True, goBtn=True, wrapText=False):
        if type(message) is not list:
            message = ["Message", message]
        return self.askQuestion(message, ["OK"], touch=touch, goBtn=goBtn, wrapText=wrapText) == 0

    ## Display pop-up of a message on the screen with no exit options.
    #  This function will return right away. You may need to call `screen.setMode(screen.PS_MODE_TERMINAL)` to stop the popup later.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param message The message that will pop-up on the screen.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  message = ["Processing", "Processing, please wait..."]
    #  screen.forceMessage(message)
    #  @endcode
    def forceMessage(self, message):
        self.popupText = message
        self.buttonText = []
        oldMode = self.currentMode

    ## Draw a line on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param x1, y1, x2, y2 The x and y coordinates of each endpoint of the line.
    #  @param width The width of the line. Optional, defaults to 0.
    #  @param fill The color of line. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawLine(50, 50, 100, 100, width = 0, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def drawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, width = 0, fill = (255,255,255), display = True):
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actx1 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x1,y1)
        acty1 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x1,y1)
        actx2 = self.screenXFromImageCoords(x2,y2)
        acty2 = self.screenYFromImageCoords(x2,y2)
        draw.line((actx1,acty1,actx2,acty2), fill = fill, width = width)

    ## Draw a polyline on the screen (rotated to screen)
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param endpoints [x1, y1, x2, y2...] The x and y coordinates of each endpoint of the polyline.
    #  @param width The width of the polyline. Optional, defaults to 0.
    #  @param fill The color of polyline. Optional, defaults to white.
    #  @param display Choose to immediately push the drawing to the screen. Optional, defaults to True.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  ...
    #  screen.drawLine([50, 50, 100, 50, 100, 100], width = 0, fill = (255,0,0))
    #  @endcode
    def drawPolyLine(self, endpoints, width = 0, fill = (255,255,255), display = True):
        assert len(endpoints) % 2 == 0, "endpoints must be an array of even length, containing *pairs* of integers"
        assert len(endpoints) >= 4, "endpoints must contain at least two coordinates to draw a line"
        draw = self.disp.draw()
        actendpts = []
        for (x,y) in [(endpoints[i*2],endpoints[i*2+1]) for i in range(len(endpoints)/2)]: # iterate over each pair of integers
            actendpts.append(self.screenXFromImageCoords(x,y)) # actual x-coordinate
            actendpts.append(self.screenYFromImageCoords(x,y)) # actual y-coordinate
        draw.line(actendpts, fill = fill, width = width)
예제 #15
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#mindsensors.com invests time and resources providing this open source code,
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date      Author      Comments
# 05/02/16  deepak      Initial development
# we could also do this instead:
# i2cdump -y -r 0x00-0x04 1 0x1a | grep "^00:" | cut -c 56-60

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
#psm = PiStorms()
psm_comm = PiStormsCom()

print str(psm_comm.GetFirmwareVersion())[:5]
예제 #16
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date       Author          Comments
# 04/21/17   Seth Tenembaum  Initial development.

import os, time
from mindsensorsUI import mindsensorsUI
from mindsensors_i2c import mindsensors_i2c
from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
from PiStormsCom import PSSensor

s = mindsensorsUI() # screen
psc = PiStormsCom()
i2c = mindsensors_i2c(0x22 >> 1)

PSSensor(psc.bankA, 1).activateCustomSensorI2C()

s.drawDisplay("ABSIMU Calibration")

s.termPrintln("Beginning AbsoluteIMU compass")
s.termPrintln("calibration program.")
s.termPrintln("Connect AbsoluteIMU-ACG")
s.termPrintln("to BAS1.")
s.termReplaceLastLine("Press GO to begin.")
예제 #17
class PiStorms:

    ## Initialize the PiStorms motor and sensor ports
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the PiStorms class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  @endcode
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):

        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)

    ## Returns the input battery voltage
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  volts = psm.battVoltage()
    #  @endcode
    def battVoltage(self):
        return self.psc.battVoltage()

    ## Returns the PiStorms firmware version
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  fwVersion = psm.GetFirmwareVersion()
    #  @endcode
    def GetFirmwareVersion(self):
        return self.psc.GetFirmwareVersion()

    ## Returns the PiStorms vendor name
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  venName = psm.GetVendorName()
    #  @endcode
    def GetVendorName(self):
        return self.psc.GetVendorName()

    ## Returns the PiStorms device ID
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  devID = psm.GetDeviceId()
    #  @endcode
    def GetDeviceId(self):
        return self.psc.GetDeviceId()

    ## Writes to the specified RGB LED
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lednum The number to specify the LED (1 for BankA, 2 for BankB).
    #  @param red The red value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param green The green value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param blue The blue value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.led(1,255,0,0)
    #  @endcode
    def led(self, lednum, red, green, blue):
        return self.psc.led(lednum, red, green, blue)

    ## Check if the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isKeyPressed()
    #  @endcode
    def isKeyPressed(self):
        return self.psc.isKeyPressed()

    ## Returns the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  keyCount = psm.getKeyPressCount()
    #  if(keyCount == 5):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def getKeyPressCount(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressCount()

    ## Resets the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  resetKeyPressCount()
    #  @endcode
    def resetKeyPressCount(self):

    ### @cond
    ## Pings the PiStorms for reliable I2C communication
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def ping(self):
예제 #18
class PiStorms:

    ## Initialize the PiStorms motor and sensor ports
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the PiStorms class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  @endcode
    def __init__(self, name="PiStorms", rotation=3):

        ## An instance of mindsensorsUI.mindsensorsUI representing the PiStorms's touchscreen.
        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        ## An instance of PiStormsCom.PiStormsCom.
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 1.
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 2.
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 1.
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 2.
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 1.
        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 2.
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 1.
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 2.
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)


    def command(self, cmd, bank):
        self.psc.command(cmd, bank)

    ## Shutdown the Raspberry Pi
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.Shutdown()
    #  @endcode
    def Shutdown(self):

    ## Returns the input battery voltage
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  volts = psm.battVoltage()
    #  if(volts > 6):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def battVoltage(self):
        return self.psc.battVoltage()

    ## Returns the PiStorms firmware version
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  fwVersion = psm.GetFirmwareVersion()
    #  print str(fwVersion)
    #  @endcode
    def GetFirmwareVersion(self):
        return self.psc.GetFirmwareVersion()

    ## Returns the PiStorms vendor name
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  venName = psm.GetVendorName()
    #  print str(venName)
    #  @endcode
    def GetVendorName(self):
        return self.psc.GetVendorName()

    ## Returns the PiStorms device ID
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  devID = psm.GetDeviceId()
    #  print str(devID)
    #  @endcode
    def GetDeviceId(self):
        return self.psc.GetDeviceId()

    ## Writes to the specified RGB LED
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lednum The number to specify the LED (1 for BankA, 2 for BankB).
    #  @param red The red value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param green The green value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param blue The blue value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.led(1,255,0,0)
    #  @endcode
    def led(self, lednum, red, green, blue):
        return self.psc.led(lednum, red, green, blue)

    ## Check if the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isKeyPressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isKeyPressed(self):
        return self.psc.isKeyPressed()

    ## Wait until the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.screen.termPrintln("Press GO to continue...")
    #  psm.waitForKeyPress()
    #  @endcode
    def waitForKeyPress(self):
        self.untilKeyPress(functools.partial(time.sleep, 0.01))

    ## Repeat an action until the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @param args Positional arguments to be passed to func
    #  @param kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to func
    #  @warning Beware of scope issues! In Python, functions introduce a new scope.
    #  You might have to use the keyword "global" to achieve your intended behavior.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilKeyPress(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilKeyPress(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        initialKeyPressCount = self.getKeyPressCount()
        while self.getKeyPressCount() == initialKeyPressCount:
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Repeat an action until the GO button is pressed
    #  or the screen is touched
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilKeyPressOrTouch(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilKeyPressOrTouch(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        initialKeyPressCount = self.getKeyPressCount()
        while self.getKeyPressCount(
        ) == initialKeyPressCount and not self.screen.isTouched():
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Repeat an action until the touchscreen is touched
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilTouch(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilTouch(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        while not self.screen.isTouched():
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Check if any Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.getKeyValue()
    #  if(key == 40):
    #      # (40 is F4), do some task
    #  @endcode
    def getKeyPressValue(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressValue()

    ## Check if F1 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF1Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F1 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF1Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 8)

    ## Check if F2 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF2Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F2 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF2Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 16)

    ## Check if F3 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF3Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F3 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF3Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 24)

    ## Check if F4 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF4Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F4 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF4Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 40)

    ## Returns the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  keyCount = psm.getKeyPressCount()
    #  if(keyCount == 5):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def getKeyPressCount(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressCount()

    ## Resets the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  resetKeyPressCount()
    #  @endcode
    def resetKeyPressCount(self):

    ### @cond
    ## Pings the PiStorms for reliable I2C communication
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def ping(self):
예제 #19
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#mindsensors.com invests time and resources providing this open source code,
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date        Author      Comments
#  04-11-16   Deepak      Troubleshooting program

import time

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom

print ""
print "Running program 5 times, press Ctrl-C to terminate"
print ""
psm_comm = PiStormsCom()

exit = False
a = 0
while (a < 5):
    voltVal = psm_comm.battVoltage()
    print "PiStorms voltage: " + str(voltVal)
    a = a + 1
예제 #20
import socket,fcntl,struct

def get_ip_address(ifname):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
        0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
        struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
print "running psm-info.py"
psm_comm = PiStormsCom()

print " Version : "+ str(psm_comm.GetFirmwareVersion() )[:5]
print " Vendor  : "+ str(psm_comm.GetVendorName() )
print " Device : "+ str(psm_comm.GetDeviceId() )
print " HostName :     "   + socket.gethostname()

    print " eth0 :     "   + get_ip_address('eth0')
    print " eth0 : not present"
    print " wlan0 :    "+ get_ip_address('wlan0')
    print " wlan0 : not present"
예제 #21
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#mindsensors.com invests time and resources providing this open source code,
#please support mindsensors.com  by purchasing products from mindsensors.com!
#Learn more product option visit us @  http://www.mindsensors.com/
# History:
# Date      Author      Comments
# 05/02/16  deepak      Initial development
# we could also do this instead:
# i2cdump -y -r 0x00-0x04 1 0x1a | grep "^00:" | cut -c 56-60

from PiStormsCom import PiStormsCom
comm = PiStormsCom()

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()

if "GRX" in comm.GetDeviceFeatures().upper():
    config.set('msdev', 'device', 'PiStorms-GRX')
    config.set('msdev', 'device', 'PiStorms')

with open("/usr/local/mindsensors/conf/msdev.cfg", 'wb') as configfile:
예제 #22
class PiStorms:

    ## Initialize the PiStorms motor and sensor ports
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param name The display title that will appear at the top of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @param rotation The rotation of the LCD touchscreen.
    #  @remark
    #  There is no need to use this function directly. To initialize the PiStorms class in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  @endcode
    def __init__(self, name = "PiStorms", rotation = 3 ):

        ## An instance of mindsensorsUI.mindsensorsUI representing the PiStorms's touchscreen.
        self.screen = mindsensorsUI(name, rotation)
        ## An instance of PiStormsCom.PiStormsCom.
        self.psc = PiStormsCom()
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 1.
        self.BAS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank A sensor 2.
        self.BAS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BAS2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 1.
        self.BBS1 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsSensor representing Bank B sensor 2.
        self.BBS2 = PiStormsSensor(self.psc.BBS2)

        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 1.
        self.BAM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank A motor 2.
        self.BAM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BAM2)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 1.
        self.BBM1 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM1)
        ## An instance of PiStormsMotor representing Bank B motor 2.
        self.BBM2 = PiStormsMotor(self.psc.BBM2)


    def command (self, cmd, bank):
        self.psc.command(cmd, bank)

    ## Shutdown the Raspberry Pi
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.Shutdown()
    #  @endcode
    def Shutdown(self):

    ## Returns the input battery voltage
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  volts = psm.battVoltage()
    #  if(volts > 6):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def battVoltage(self):
        return self.psc.battVoltage()

    ## Returns the PiStorms firmware version
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  fwVersion = psm.GetFirmwareVersion()
    #  print str(fwVersion)
    #  @endcode
    def GetFirmwareVersion(self):
        return self.psc.GetFirmwareVersion()

    ## Returns the PiStorms vendor name
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  venName = psm.GetVendorName()
    #  print str(venName)
    #  @endcode
    def GetVendorName(self):
        return self.psc.GetVendorName()

    ## Returns the PiStorms device ID
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  devID = psm.GetDeviceId()
    #  print str(devID)
    #  @endcode
    def GetDeviceId(self):
        return self.psc.GetDeviceId()

    ## Writes to the specified RGB LED
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param lednum The number to specify the LED (1 for BankA, 2 for BankB).
    #  @param red The red value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param green The green value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @param blue The blue value to write to the specified LED (0-255).
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.led(1,255,0,0)
    #  @endcode
    def led(self,lednum,red,green,blue):
        return self.psc.led(lednum,red,green,blue)

    ## Check if the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isKeyPressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isKeyPressed(self):
        return self.psc.isKeyPressed()

    ## Wait until the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  psm.screen.termPrintln("Press GO to continue...")
    #  psm.waitForKeyPress()
    #  @endcode
    def waitForKeyPress(self):
        self.untilKeyPress(functools.partial(time.sleep, 0.01))

    ## Repeat an action until the GO button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @param args Positional arguments to be passed to func
    #  @param kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to func
    #  @warning Beware of scope issues! In Python, functions introduce a new scope.
    #  You might have to use the keyword "global" to achieve your intended behavior.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilKeyPress(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilKeyPress(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        initialKeyPressCount = self.getKeyPressCount()
        while self.getKeyPressCount() == initialKeyPressCount:
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Repeat an action until the GO button is pressed
    #  or the screen is touched
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilKeyPressOrTouch(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilKeyPressOrTouch(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        initialKeyPressCount = self.getKeyPressCount()
        while self.getKeyPressCount() == initialKeyPressCount and not self.screen.isTouched():
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Repeat an action until the touchscreen is touched
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param func The function to be called repeatedly
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  def mainLoop():
    #      psm.screen.termPrintln(psm.battVoltage())
    #  psm.untilTouch(mainLoop)
    #  @endcode
    def untilTouch(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        while not self.screen.isTouched():
            func(*args, **kwargs)

    ## Check if any Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.getKeyValue()
    #  if(key == 40):
    #      # (40 is F4), do some task
    #  @endcode
    def getKeyPressValue(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressValue()

    ## Check if F1 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF1Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F1 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF1Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 8)

    ## Check if F2 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF2Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F2 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF2Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 16)

    ## Check if F3 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF3Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F3 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF3Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 24)

    ## Check if F4 Function button is pressed
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  key = psm.isF4Pressed()
    #  if(key == True):
    #      # F4 is pressed, do some task
    #  @endcode
    def isF4Pressed(self):
        return (self.psc.getKeyPressValue() == 40)

    ## Returns the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  keyCount = psm.getKeyPressCount()
    #  if(keyCount == 5):
    #      # do some task
    #  @endcode
    def getKeyPressCount(self):
        return self.psc.getKeyPressCount()

    ## Resets the GO button press count
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @remark
    #  To use this function in your program:
    #  @code
    #  from PiStorms import PiStorms
    #  ...
    #  psm = PiStorms()
    #  resetKeyPressCount()
    #  @endcode
    def resetKeyPressCount(self):

    ### @cond
    ## Pings the PiStorms for reliable I2C communication
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def ping(self):