def fit(self, inputFitFile=None): """Fits the razor pdf to the data""" if inputFitFile is None: self.setDefaultFitParams() else: self.loadFitParamsFromFile(inputFitFile) extRazorPdf = self.workspace.pdf('extRazorPdf') datahist ='data_obs') self.sideband = convertSideband(self.fitRegion, self.workspace, self.x, self.y, self.z) result = binnedFit(extRazorPdf, datahist, self.sideband, box=self.analysis.region, w=self.workspace) result.Print('v') self.addToWorkspace(result, tobject=True)
y = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[1]) # Rsq binning z = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[2]) # nBtag binning nBins = (len(x) - 1) * (len(y) - 1) * (len(z) - 1) xFine = array('d', [x[0] + i * (x[-1] - x[0]) / 100. for i in range(0, 101)]) # MR binning fine yFine = array('d', [y[0] + i * (y[-1] - y[0]) / 100. for i in range(0, 101)]) # Rsq binning fine zFine = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[2]) # nBtag binning fine nBinsFine = (len(xFine) - 1) * (len(yFine) - 1) * (len(zFine) - 1) th1x = w.var('th1x') sideband = convertSideband(fitRegion, w, x, y, z) plotband = convertSideband(plotRegion, w, x, y, z) myTH1 = convertDataset2TH1(data, cfg, box, w, options.useWeight) signalDs = None doSignalInj = (options.signalFileName != "None") and (options.r > -1) if doSignalInj: sigRootFile = rt.TFile(options.signalFileName) #sigWorkspace = sigRootFile.Get('w'+box) #signalDs ='RMRTree') model = options.signalFileName.split('.root')[0].split('-')[1].split( '_')[0] massPoint = '_'.join( options.signalFileName.split('.root')[0].split('_')[1:3]) #sigTH1 = convertDataset2TH1(signalDs, cfg, box, w,"signal")
def runToys(w, options, cfg, seed): setStyle() rt.RooRandom.randomGenerator().SetSeed(seed) extRazorPdf = w.pdf('extRazorPdf') dataHist ="data_obs") if w.obj("fitresult_extRazorPdf_data_obs") != None: fr = w.obj("fitresult_extRazorPdf_data_obs") elif w.obj("nll_extRazorPdf_data_obs") != None: fr = w.obj("nll_extRazorPdf_data_obs") elif w.obj("fitresult_extRazorPdf_data_obs_with_constr") != None: fr = w.obj("fitresult_extRazorPdf_data_obs_with_constr") elif w.obj("nll_extRazorPdf_data_obs_with_constr") != None: fr = w.obj("nll_extRazorPdf_data_obs_with_constr") fr.Print("V") if options.r > -1: extSpBPdf = w.pdf('extSpBPdf') #nll = w.function('nll_extRazorPdf_data_obs') th1x = w.var("th1x") params = extRazorPdf.getParameters(dataHist) paramsToRemove = [] for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(params): if p.isConstant(): paramsToRemove.append(p) [params.remove(p) for p in paramsToRemove] paramNames = [ p.GetName() for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(params) ] paramNames.sort() if options.r > -1: paramNames.append('r') x = array('d', cfg.getBinning([0]) # MR binning y = array('d', cfg.getBinning([1]) # Rsq binning z = array('d', cfg.getBinning([2]) # nBtag binning nBins = (len(x) - 1) * (len(y) - 1) * (len(z) - 1) th1x.setBins(nBins) if seed > -1: output = rt.TFile.Open( options.outDir + '/genfittoys_Freq_s%i_%s.root' % (seed,, 'recreate') else: output = rt.TFile.Open( options.outDir + '/genfittoys_Freq_%s.root' % (, 'recreate') myTree = rt.TTree("myTree", "myTree") s1 = getTree(myTree, paramNames, nBins,, z) pSet = fr.floatParsFinal() for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(pSet): w.var(p.GetName()).setVal(p.getVal()) w.var(p.GetName()).setError(p.getError()) asimov = extRazorPdf.generateBinned(rt.RooArgSet(th1x), rt.RooFit.Name('true'), rt.RooFit.Asimov()) value = setattr( s1, 'toy_num', -1) #save the toy number (for differentiating from true pdf) iBinX = -1 for i in range(1, len(x)): for j in range(1, len(y)): for k in range(1, len(z)): iBinX += 1 th1x.setVal(iBinX + 0.5) expected = extRazorPdf.getValV( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) * extRazorPdf.expectedEvents( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) toy = float(asimov.weight(rt.RooArgSet(th1x))) value = setattr(s1, 'b%i_ff' % iBinX, expected) #save predicted fit yield value = setattr(s1, 'b%i_sf' % iBinX, expected) #save predicted fit yield value = setattr(s1, 'b%i_toy' % iBinX, toy) #save toy yield myTree.Fill() iToy = 0 widgets = [ 'Running Freq toys ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(marker=RotatingMarker()), ' ', ETA(), ' ', FileTransferSpeed() ] pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=options.nToys).start() while iToy < options.nToys: pSet = fr.floatParsFinal() for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(pSet): w.var(p.GetName()).setVal(p.getVal()) w.var(p.GetName()).setError(p.getError()) if 'Ntot' in p.GetName(): w.var(p.GetName()).setVal(options.scaleFactor * p.getVal()) #print "%s = %f +- %f"%(p.GetName(),p.getVal(),p.getError()) #print "good pars" errorCountBefore = rt.RooMsgService.instance().errorCount() asimov = extRazorPdf.generateBinned(rt.RooArgSet(th1x), rt.RooFit.Name('toy')) errorCountAfter = rt.RooMsgService.instance().errorCount() if errorCountAfter > errorCountBefore: #print "can't generate toy=%i"%iToy continue #print "SUCCESS: generated toy=%i"%iToy pSetSave = pSet migrad_status_sf = -1 hesse_status_sf = -1 minos_status_sf = -1 migrad_status_ff = -1 hesse_status_ff = -1 minos_status_ff = -1 sideband = convertSideband('LowMR,LowRsq', w, x, y, z) nll_func_toy_ff = extRazorPdf.createNLL(asimov, rt.RooFit.Extended(True)) nll_func_toy_sf = extRazorPdf.createNLL(asimov, rt.RooFit.Extended(True), rt.RooFit.Range(sideband)) m = rt.RooMinimizer(nll_func_toy_ff) m.setStrategy(0) m.setPrintLevel(-1) m.setPrintEvalErrors(-1) migrad_status_ff = m.minimize('Minuit2', 'migrad') #hesse_status_ff = m.minimize('Minuit2','hesse') fr_ff = covQual_ff = fr_ff.covQual() value = setattr( s1, 'toy_num', iToy) #save the toy number (for differentiating from true pdf) value = setattr(s1, 'migrad_ff', migrad_status_ff) #save migrad status full fit value = setattr(s1, 'hesse_ff', hesse_status_ff) #save hesse status full fit value = setattr(s1, 'covQual_ff', covQual_ff) #save cov qual full fit iBinX = -1 for i in range(1, len(x)): for j in range(1, len(y)): for k in range(1, len(z)): iBinX += 1 th1x.setVal(iBinX + 0.5) expected = extRazorPdf.getValV( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) * extRazorPdf.expectedEvents( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) toy = float(asimov.weight(rt.RooArgSet(th1x))) value = setattr(s1, 'b%i_ff' % iBinX, expected) #save predicted full fit yield value = setattr(s1, 'b%i_toy' % iBinX, toy) #save toy yield # save full fit parameters for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(fr_ff.floatParsFinal()): value = setattr(s1, p.GetName() + "_ff", p.getVal()) value = setattr(s1, p.GetName() + "_ff_error", p.getError()) m = rt.RooMinimizer(nll_func_toy_sf) m.setStrategy(0) m.setPrintLevel(-1) m.setPrintEvalErrors(-1) migrad_status_sf = m.minimize('Minuit2', 'migrad') #hesse_status_sf = m.minimize('Minuit2','hesse') fr_sf = covQual_sf = fr_sf.covQual() value = setattr(s1, 'migrad_sf', migrad_status_sf) #save migrad status sideband fit value = setattr(s1, 'hesse_sf', hesse_status_sf) #save hesse status sideband fit value = setattr(s1, 'covQual_sf', covQual_sf) #save cov qual sideband fit iBinX = -1 for i in range(1, len(x)): for j in range(1, len(y)): for k in range(1, len(z)): iBinX += 1 th1x.setVal(iBinX + 0.5) expected = extRazorPdf.getValV( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) * extRazorPdf.expectedEvents( rt.RooArgSet(th1x)) value = setattr( s1, 'b%i_sf' % iBinX, expected) #save predicted sideband fit yield # save sideband fit parameters for p in rootTools.RootIterator.RootIterator(fr_sf.floatParsFinal()): value = setattr(s1, p.GetName() + "_sf", p.getVal()) value = setattr(s1, p.GetName() + "_sf_error", p.getError()) pbar.update(iToy) myTree.Fill() iToy += 1 rt.RooMsgService.instance().reset() pbar.finish() w.Print('v') myTree.Write() w.Write() output.Close() return output.GetName()
def plot(self, filename=None, unblind=False, toysFile=None, sysFile=None): """Plots the fit results""" options = self.getPlottingOptions() if unblind: plotRegion = 'Full' else: plotRegion = self.fitRegion if filename is None: filename = self.filename.replace('.root', '_Plots.root') f = rt.TFile(filename, 'UPDATE') toyTree = self.getToyTree(toysFile) sysTree = self.getToyTree(sysFile) if toyTree is not None and sysTree is not None: dirName = "WithToys" computeErrors = True else: dirName = "BeforeToys" computeErrors = False tdirectory = f.GetDirectory(dirName) if tdirectory == None: f.mkdir(dirName) tdirectory = f.GetDirectory(dirName) c = rt.TCanvas('c', 'c', 500, 400) rt.SetOwnership(c, False) rt.TH1D.SetDefaultSumw2() rt.TH2D.SetDefaultSumw2() rt.TH3D.SetDefaultSumw2() plotband = convertSideband(plotRegion, self.workspace, self.x, self.y, self.z) # Get the 1D and 2D histograms for each b-tag bin h_data_nBtagRsqMR, h_nBtagRsqMR = self.get3DFitHistos(plotband) h_data_MR, h_data_Rsq, h_data_RsqMR = make3DHistProjections( h_data_nBtagRsqMR) h_MR, h_Rsq, h_RsqMR = make3DHistProjections(h_nBtagRsqMR) if computeErrors: h_MR = getErrors1D(h_MR, h_data_MR, sysTree, options, "x", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, 0, len(self.z) - 1, self.x, self.y, self.z) h_Rsq = getErrors1D(h_Rsq, h_data_Rsq, sysTree, options, "y", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, 0, len(self.z) - 1, self.x, self.y, self.z) h_RsqMR = getErrors2D(h_RsqMR, h_data_RsqMR, sysTree, options, "yx", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, 0, len(self.z) - 1, self.x, self.y, self.z) h_nBtagRsqMR = getErrors3D(h_nBtagRsqMR, h_data_nBtagRsqMR, sysTree, options, "zyx", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, 0, len(self.z) - 1, self.x, self.y, self.z) for h in [ h_data_MR, h_data_Rsq, h_data_RsqMR, h_data_nBtagRsqMR, h_MR, h_Rsq, h_RsqMR, h_nBtagRsqMR ]: h.Write() if len(self.z) > 1: h_MR_components = [] h_Rsq_components = [] h_RsqMR_components = [] h_data_RsqMR_components = [] h_sig_RsqMR_components = [] h_th1x_components = [] h_data_th1x_components = [] h_sig_th1x_components = [] h_labels = [] h_colors = [ rt.kOrange, rt.kViolet, rt.kRed, rt.kGreen, rt.kGray + 2 ] for k in range(1, len(self.z)): h_MR_components.append( h_nBtagRsqMR.ProjectionX("MR_%ibtag" % self.z[k - 1], 0, -1, k, k, "")) h_Rsq_components.append( h_nBtagRsqMR.ProjectionY("Rsq_%ibtag" % self.z[k - 1], 0, -1, k, k, "")) h_nBtagRsqMR.GetZaxis().SetRange(k, k) h_RsqMR_components.append( h_nBtagRsqMR.Project3D("%ibtag_yx" % self.z[k - 1])) h_data_nBtagRsqMR.GetZaxis().SetRange(k, k) h_data_RsqMR_components.append( h_data_nBtagRsqMR.Project3D("%ibtag_yx" % self.z[k - 1])) if computeErrors: h_RsqMR_components[-1] = getErrors2D( h_RsqMR_components[-1], h_data_RsqMR_components[-1], sysTree, options, "yx", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, k, k, self.x, self.y, self.z) h_th1x_components.append( get1DHistoFrom2D(h_RsqMR_components[-1], self.x, self.y, 'h_th1x_%ibtag' % (self.z[k - 1]))) h_data_th1x_components.append( get1DHistoFrom2D(h_data_RsqMR_components[-1], self.x, self.y, 'h_th1x_data_%ibtag' % (self.z[k - 1]))) if self.z[k - 1] == 3 and self.z[-1] == 4: h_labels.append("#geq %i b-tag" % self.z[k - 1]) elif self.z[k - 1] == 1 and self.z[-1] == 4 and len( self.z) == 2: h_labels.append("#geq %i b-tag" % self.z[k - 1]) else: h_labels.append("%i b-tag" % self.z[k - 1]) # Create the nsigma histograms h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components = [] h_RsqMR_nsigma_components = [] if len(self.z) > 1: for k in range(1, len(self.z)): h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components.append( getStatNSigmaHist( h_RsqMR_components[k - 1], h_data_RsqMR_components[k - 1], "h_RsqMR_statnsigma_%ibtag" % self.z[k - 1])) h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag = h_RsqMR.Clone("h_RsqMR_nsigma_%ibtag" % self.z[k - 1]) if computeErrors: h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag = getNsigma2D( h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag, h_data_RsqMR_components[k - 1], toyTree, options, "yx", 0, len(self.x) - 1, 0, len(self.y) - 1, k, k, self.x, self.y, self.z) self.blindSideband(h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag, plotRegion) h_RsqMR_nsigma_components.append(h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag) # Print everything out to pdf files btagLabel = getBtagLabel(self.z) lumiLabel = "%.1f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (self.analysis.lumi / 1000.) boxLabel = "razor %s %s %s Fit" % (self.analysis.region, btagLabel, self.fitRegion.replace( 'LowMR,LowRsq', 'Sideband')) plotLabel = "" eventsLabel = "Events" sidebandFit = self.getSidebandMax() for h in h_RsqMR_components: h.Write() print1DProj(c, tdirectory, h_MR, h_data_MR, self.dirname + "/h_MR_%s.pdf" % self.analysis.region, "M_{R} [GeV]", eventsLabel, lumiLabel, boxLabel, plotLabel, self.isData, False, None, None, h_MR_components, h_colors, h_labels) print1DProj(c, tdirectory, h_Rsq, h_data_Rsq, self.dirname + "/h_Rsq_%s.pdf" % self.analysis.region, "R^{2}", eventsLabel, lumiLabel, boxLabel, plotLabel, self.isData, False, None, None, h_Rsq_components, h_colors, h_labels) #if len(self.z)>2: if len(self.z) > 1: for k in range(0, len(self.z) - 1): newBoxLabel = "razor %s %s %s Fit" % ( self.analysis.region, h_labels[k], self.fitRegion.replace('LowMR,LowRsq', 'Sideband')) if computeErrors: print1DProjNs(c, tdirectory, h_th1x_components[k], h_data_th1x_components[k], h_RsqMR_nsigma_components[k], self.dirname + "/h_th1x_ns_%ibtag_%s.pdf" % (self.z[k], self.analysis.region), "Bin Number", eventsLabel, lumiLabel, newBoxLabel, plotLabel, self.isData, False, options, cfg=self.config) print2DResiduals( c, tdirectory, h_RsqMR_nsigma_components[k], self.dirname + "/h_RsqMR_nsigma_log_%ibtag_%s.pdf" % (self.z[k], self.analysis.region), "M_{R} [GeV]", "R^{2}", "Stat.+Sys. n#sigma", lumiLabel, newBoxLabel, plotLabel, self.x, self.y, self.isData, sidebandFit, False, options) else: print1DProj( c, tdirectory, h_th1x_components[k], h_data_th1x_components[k], self.dirname + "/h_th1x_%ibtag_%s.pdf" % (self.z[k], self.analysis.region), "Bin Number", eventsLabel, lumiLabel, newBoxLabel, plotLabel, self.isData, False, options) print2DResiduals( c, tdirectory, h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components[k], self.dirname + "/h_RsqMR_statnsigma_log_%ibtag_%s.pdf" % (self.z[k], self.analysis.region), "M_{R} [GeV]", "R^{2}", "Stat. n#sigma (Data - Fit)/sqrt(Fit)", lumiLabel, newBoxLabel, plotLabel, self.x, self.y, self.isData, sidebandFit, False, options) f.Close()
def plot(self, filename=None, unblind=False, toysFile=None, sysFile=None): """Plots the fit results""" options = self.getPlottingOptions() if unblind: plotRegion = 'Full' else: plotRegion = self.fitRegion if filename is None: filename = self.filename.replace('.root','_Plots.root') f = rt.TFile(filename, 'UPDATE') toyTree = self.getToyTree(toysFile) sysTree = self.getToyTree(sysFile) if toyTree is not None and sysTree is not None: dirName = "WithToys" computeErrors = True else: dirName = "BeforeToys" computeErrors = False tdirectory = f.GetDirectory(dirName) if tdirectory==None: f.mkdir(dirName) tdirectory = f.GetDirectory(dirName) c = rt.TCanvas('c','c',500,400) rt.SetOwnership(c, False) rt.TH1D.SetDefaultSumw2() rt.TH2D.SetDefaultSumw2() rt.TH3D.SetDefaultSumw2() plotband = convertSideband(plotRegion, self.workspace, self.x, self.y, self.z) # Get the 1D and 2D histograms for each b-tag bin h_data_nBtagRsqMR, h_nBtagRsqMR = self.get3DFitHistos(plotband) h_data_MR,h_data_Rsq,h_data_RsqMR = make3DHistProjections( h_data_nBtagRsqMR) h_MR,h_Rsq,h_RsqMR = make3DHistProjections(h_nBtagRsqMR) if computeErrors: h_MR = getErrors1D(h_MR,h_data_MR,sysTree,options,"x",0, len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,0,len(self.z)-1, self.x,self.y,self.z) h_Rsq = getErrors1D(h_Rsq,h_data_Rsq,sysTree,options,"y",0, len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,0,len(self.z)-1, self.x,self.y,self.z) h_RsqMR = getErrors2D(h_RsqMR,h_data_RsqMR,sysTree,options,"yx",0, len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,0,len(self.z)-1, self.x,self.y,self.z) h_nBtagRsqMR = getErrors3D(h_nBtagRsqMR,h_data_nBtagRsqMR,sysTree, options,"zyx",0,len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,0, len(self.z)-1,self.x,self.y,self.z) for h in [h_data_MR,h_data_Rsq,h_data_RsqMR,h_data_nBtagRsqMR, h_MR,h_Rsq,h_RsqMR,h_nBtagRsqMR]: h.Write() if len(self.z)>1: h_MR_components = [] h_Rsq_components = [] h_RsqMR_components = [] h_data_RsqMR_components = [] h_sig_RsqMR_components = [] h_th1x_components = [] h_data_th1x_components = [] h_sig_th1x_components = [] h_labels = [] h_colors = [rt.kOrange,rt.kViolet,rt.kRed,rt.kGreen,rt.kGray+2] for k in range(1,len(self.z)): h_MR_components.append(h_nBtagRsqMR.ProjectionX( "MR_%ibtag"%self.z[k-1],0,-1,k,k,"")) h_Rsq_components.append(h_nBtagRsqMR.ProjectionY( "Rsq_%ibtag"%self.z[k-1],0,-1,k,k,"")) h_nBtagRsqMR.GetZaxis().SetRange(k,k) h_RsqMR_components.append(h_nBtagRsqMR.Project3D( "%ibtag_yx"%self.z[k-1])) h_data_nBtagRsqMR.GetZaxis().SetRange(k,k) h_data_RsqMR_components.append(h_data_nBtagRsqMR.Project3D( "%ibtag_yx"%self.z[k-1])) if computeErrors: h_RsqMR_components[-1] = getErrors2D(h_RsqMR_components[-1], h_data_RsqMR_components[-1],sysTree,options, "yx",0,len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,k,k, self.x,self.y,self.z) h_th1x_components.append(get1DHistoFrom2D( h_RsqMR_components[-1],self.x,self.y, 'h_th1x_%ibtag'%(self.z[k-1]))) h_data_th1x_components.append(get1DHistoFrom2D( h_data_RsqMR_components[-1],self.x,self.y, 'h_th1x_data_%ibtag'%(self.z[k-1]))) if self.z[k-1]==3 and self.z[-1]==4: h_labels.append("#geq %i b-tag" % self.z[k-1] ) elif self.z[k-1]==1 and self.z[-1]==4 and len(self.z)==2: h_labels.append("#geq %i b-tag" % self.z[k-1] ) else: h_labels.append("%i b-tag" % self.z[k-1] ) # Create the nsigma histograms h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components = [] h_RsqMR_nsigma_components = [] if len(self.z)>1: for k in range(1,len(self.z)): h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components.append( getStatNSigmaHist(h_RsqMR_components[k-1], h_data_RsqMR_components[k-1], "h_RsqMR_statnsigma_%ibtag"%self.z[k-1])) h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag = h_RsqMR.Clone( "h_RsqMR_nsigma_%ibtag"%self.z[k-1]) if computeErrors: h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag = getNsigma2D(h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag, h_data_RsqMR_components[k-1],toyTree,options, "yx",0,len(self.x)-1,0,len(self.y)-1,k,k, self.x,self.y,self.z) self.blindSideband(h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag, plotRegion) h_RsqMR_nsigma_components.append(h_RsqMR_nsigma_btag) # Print everything out to pdf files btagLabel = getBtagLabel(self.z) lumiLabel = "%.1f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (self.analysis.lumi/1000.) boxLabel = "razor %s %s %s Fit" % (self.analysis.region, btagLabel,self.fitRegion.replace('LowMR,LowRsq','Sideband')) plotLabel = "" eventsLabel = "Events" sidebandFit = self.getSidebandMax() for h in h_RsqMR_components: h.Write() print1DProj(c,tdirectory,h_MR,h_data_MR, self.dirname+"/h_MR_%s.pdf"%self.analysis.region,"M_{R} [GeV]", eventsLabel,lumiLabel,boxLabel,plotLabel,self.isData,False,None, None,h_MR_components,h_colors,h_labels) print1DProj(c,tdirectory,h_Rsq,h_data_Rsq, self.dirname+"/h_Rsq_%s.pdf"%self.analysis.region,"R^{2}", eventsLabel,lumiLabel,boxLabel,plotLabel,self.isData,False,None, None,h_Rsq_components,h_colors,h_labels) #if len(self.z)>2: if len(self.z)>1: for k in range(0,len(self.z)-1): newBoxLabel = "razor %s %s %s Fit"%(self.analysis.region, h_labels[k],self.fitRegion.replace('LowMR,LowRsq','Sideband')) if computeErrors: print1DProjNs(c,tdirectory,h_th1x_components[k], h_data_th1x_components[k], h_RsqMR_nsigma_components[k], self.dirname+"/h_th1x_ns_%ibtag_%s.pdf"%( self.z[k],self.analysis.region), "Bin Number",eventsLabel,lumiLabel,newBoxLabel, plotLabel,self.isData,False,options,cfg=self.config) print2DResiduals(c,tdirectory,h_RsqMR_nsigma_components[k], self.dirname+"/h_RsqMR_nsigma_log_%ibtag_%s.pdf"%( self.z[k],self.analysis.region),"M_{R} [GeV]", "R^{2}","Stat.+Sys. n#sigma",lumiLabel,newBoxLabel, plotLabel, self.x,self.y,self.isData,sidebandFit, False,options) else: print1DProj(c,tdirectory,h_th1x_components[k], h_data_th1x_components[k], self.dirname+"/h_th1x_%ibtag_%s.pdf"%(self.z[k], self.analysis.region),"Bin Number", eventsLabel,lumiLabel,newBoxLabel,plotLabel,self.isData, False, options) print2DResiduals(c,tdirectory,h_RsqMR_statnsigma_components[k], self.dirname+"/h_RsqMR_statnsigma_log_%ibtag_%s.pdf"%(self.z[k], self.analysis.region), "M_{R} [GeV]", "R^{2}", "Stat. n#sigma (Data - Fit)/sqrt(Fit)", lumiLabel,newBoxLabel,plotLabel,self.x,self.y,self.isData, sidebandFit,False,options) f.Close()
w.var(p.GetName()).setError(p.getError()) x = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[0]) # MR binning y = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[1]) # Rsq binning z = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[2]) # nBtag binning nBins = (len(x)-1)*(len(y)-1)*(len(z)-1) xFine = array('d', [x[0]+i*(x[-1]-x[0])/100. for i in range(0,101)]) # MR binning fine yFine = array('d', [y[0]+i*(y[-1]-y[0])/100. for i in range(0,101)]) # Rsq binning fine zFine = array('d', cfg.getBinning(box)[2]) # nBtag binning fine nBinsFine = (len(xFine)-1)*(len(yFine)-1)*(len(zFine)-1) th1x = w.var('th1x') sideband = convertSideband(fitRegion,w,x,y,z) plotband = convertSideband(plotRegion,w,x,y,z) myTH1 = convertDataset2TH1(data, cfg, box, w, options.useWeight) signalDs = None doSignalInj = (options.signalFileName != "None") and (options.r > -1) if doSignalInj: sigRootFile = rt.TFile(options.signalFileName) #sigWorkspace = sigRootFile.Get('w'+box) #signalDs ='RMRTree') model = options.signalFileName.split('.root')[0].split('-')[1].split('_')[0] massPoint = '_'.join(options.signalFileName.split('.root')[0].split('_')[1:3]) #sigTH1 = convertDataset2TH1(signalDs, cfg, box, w,"signal") #sigTH1.Scale(lumi/lumi_in) sigTH1 = sigRootFile.Get('%s_%s'%(box,model)).Clone('hist_%s_%s'%(box,model))