예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Ability and Pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.battlePkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        self.stat = "ATK"
        self.stat2 = "DEF"

        self.degree = -1
        self.degree2 = 1

        self.ability = CantLowerStatAbility("", self.stat)
예제 #2
class onStatMod(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that onStatMod operates correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Ability and Pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.battlePkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        self.stat = "ATK"
        self.stat2 = "DEF"

        self.degree = -1
        self.degree2 = 1

        self.ability = CantLowerStatAbility("", self.stat)

    def statChange_notStat(self):
        """ Check gaurded stat is the only protected stat """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat2,
                                                  self.degree, 0)

        assert degree == self.degree, "Degree should not be altered when stat lowered is not protected."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."

    def statChange_Raised(self):
        """ Check that the stat is only protected against lowering """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat,
                                                  self.degree2, 0)

        assert degree == self.degree2, "Degree should not be altered when stat is raised."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."

    def statChange_SelfInflicted(self):
        """ Check that the stat is only protected against opp """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat,
                                                  self.degree, 1)

        assert degree == self.degree, "Degree should not be altered when self-inflicted."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."

    def blockStatChange(self):
        """ Check that the stat decrease is blocked """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat,
                                                  self.degree, 0)

        assert degree == 0, "Degree should be zero."
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should have a message."
예제 #3
class onStatMod(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that onStatMod operates correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Ability and Pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.battlePkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.stat = "ATK"
        self.stat2 = "DEF"
        self.degree = -1
        self.degree2 = 1
        self.ability = CantLowerStatAbility("", self.stat)
    def statChange_notStat(self):
        """ Check gaurded stat is the only protected stat """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat2, self.degree, 0)
        assert degree == self.degree, "Degree should not be altered when stat lowered is not protected."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."
    def statChange_Raised(self):
        """ Check that the stat is only protected against lowering """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat, self.degree2, 0)
        assert degree == self.degree2, "Degree should not be altered when stat is raised."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."
    def statChange_SelfInflicted(self):
        """ Check that the stat is only protected against opp """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat, self.degree, 1)
        assert degree == self.degree, "Degree should not be altered when self-inflicted."
        assert len(messages) == 0, "Messages be empty."
    def blockStatChange(self):
        """ Check that the stat decrease is blocked """
        degree, messages = self.ability.onStatMod(self.battlePkmn, self.stat, self.degree, 0)
        assert degree == 0, "Degree should be zero."
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should have a message."
예제 #4
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Ability and Pkmn for use in the tests """
     self.battlePkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.stat = "ATK"
     self.stat2 = "DEF"
     self.degree = -1
     self.degree2 = 1
     self.ability = CantLowerStatAbility("", self.stat)