def change_org_view(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): # get all ref data title_list = ref.RefTitle.objects.all() state_list = ref.RefState.objects.all() user = request.user # add new user institution if 'change' in request.POST: # get all user & user org user_profile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user = user) # create a new user institution new_user_institution = UserInstitution() new_institution_contact = InstitutionContact() # institution details new_user_institution.Name = request.POST['org_name'] new_user_institution.Department = request.POST['org_dept'] new_user_institution.Address = request.POST['org_address'] new_user_institution.City = request.POST['org_city'] new_user_institution.PostCode = request.POST['org_post'] new_user_institution.Phone = request.POST['org_phone'] new_user_institution.Fax = request.POST['org_fax'] new_user_institution.RequestChange = True new_user_institution.StartDate = get_date(request.POST['start_date']) if request.POST['end_date'] != '': new_user_institution.EndDate = get_date(request.POST['end_date']) new_user_institution.ApplicationDate = # set the user it belongs to new_user_institution.BelongsTo = user # set the pending institution new_user_institution.PendingInstitution = user # contact details new_institution_contact.ContactFirstName = request.POST['contact_firstname'] new_institution_contact.ContactLastName = request.POST['contact_lastname'] new_institution_contact.ContactPhone = request.POST['contact_phone'] new_institution_contact.ContactEmail = request.POST['contact_email'] # try and get ref data to save org_state = request.POST['org_state'] contact_title = request.POST['contact_title'] if (org_state): new_user_institution.State = ref.RefState.objects.get(State__iexact = org_state) if (contact_title): new_user_institution.ContactTitle = ref.RefTitle.objects.get(Title__iexact = contact_title) # set foreign key relationship new_institution_contact.UserInstitution = new_user_institution # change the access status of the user profile to "Request Change of Organisation" # TODO: AccessStatus key will need to be updated user_profile.AccessStatus = get_object_or_404(ref.RefAccessStatus, pk=3) # return user back to the user details page return HttpResponseRedirect('/user/') return render_to_response('users/change_org.html', { 'title_list': title_list, 'state_list': state_list, 'user': user, }) else: return render_to_response('home/timeout.html')
def signup_view(request): # load ref data title_list = ref.RefTitle.objects.all() state_list = ref.RefState.objects.all() usage_list = ref.RefUsageIntention.objects.all() # init var firstName = ''; lastName = ''; username = ''; user_email = ''; password = ''; confirm = ''; user_phone = ''; user_mobile = ''; user_title = ''; usage = ''; org_name = ''; org_address = ''; org_city = ''; org_dept = ''; org_state = ''; org_post = ''; org_phone = ''; org_fax = ''; contact_title = ''; contact_firstname = ''; contact_lastname = ''; contact_phone = ''; contact_email = ''; # init password_error and email_exist bools for validating # password and email. password_error = False email_exist = False upload_format_error = False username_exist = False # init form #form = UploadFileForm() if (request.POST): # get user entered details # user details firstName = request.POST['firstname'] lastName = request.POST['lastname'] username = request.POST['username'] user_email = request.POST['user_email'] password = request.POST['password'] confirm = request.POST['confirm_password'] user_phone = request.POST['user_phone'] user_mobile = request.POST['user_mobile'] user_title = request.POST['user_title'] usage = request.POST['usage'] # organisation org_name = request.POST['org_name'] org_dept = request.POST['org_dept'] org_address = request.POST['org_address'] org_city = request.POST['org_city'] org_state = request.POST['org_state'] org_post = request.POST['org_post'] org_phone = request.POST['org_phone'] org_fax = request.POST['org_fax'] contact_title = request.POST['contact_title'] contact_firstname = request.POST['contact_firstname'] contact_lastname = request.POST['contact_lastname'] contact_phone = request.POST['contact_phone'] contact_email = request.POST['contact_email'] # validate password, email and username if bool(password != confirm): password_error = True if bool(User.objects.filter(email__iexact=user_email)): email_exist = True if bool(User.objects.filter(username__iexact=username)): username_exist = True # validate file upload extension if 'file' in request.FILES: uploaded_file = request.FILES['file'] if not valid_file_extensions( upload_format_error = True # I know this is stupid but I can't get the 'or' to work # for some reason it won't let me do this: if not password_error and not email_exist: if not password_error: if not email_exist: if not username_exist: if not upload_format_error: # create user model objects user = User() user_profile = UserProfile() user_institution = UserInstitution() contact = InstitutionContact() try: # save user basic details - password will be encrypted # email will be used as the users username user.username = username = user_email user.first_name = firstName user.last_name = lastName user.set_password(password) user.is_staff = False user.is_active = False user.is_superuser = False # need to save user first before we can assign it to the UserProfile and UserInstitution # create a user profile user_profile.user = user user_profile.Phone = user_phone user_profile.Mobile = user_mobile user_profile.IsHVPAdmin = False user_profile.IsLabLeader = False # set access level and status user_profile.AccessStatus = get_object_or_404(ref.RefAccessStatus, pk=1) # try and get ref to save if (user_title): user_profile.Title = ref.RefTitle.objects.get(Title__iexact = user_title) if (usage): user_profile.UsageIntention = ref.RefUsageIntention.objects.get(UsageIntention__iexact = usage) # create UserInstitution user_institution.User = user user_institution.PendingInstitution = user; user_institution.BelongsTo = user; user_institution.Institution = user; user_institution.Name = org_name user_institution.Department = org_dept user_institution.Address = org_address user_institution.City = org_city if (org_state): user_institution.State = ref.RefState.objects.get(State__iexact = org_state) user_institution.PostCode = org_post user_institution.Phone = org_phone user_institution.Fax = org_fax user_institution.ApplicationDate = # try and get ref to save if (contact_title): contact.ContactTitle = ref.RefTitle.objects.get(Title__iexact = contact_title) contact.ContactFirstName = contact_firstname contact.ContactLastName = contact_lastname contact.ContactPhone = contact_phone contact.ContactEmail = contact_email contact.UserInstitution = user_institution # send email send_new_signup_email(user) except: # in case of error! we delete objects if they have an id, the id # will mean the object was saved with an auto incremented id. # We use delete as there is no rollback feature in django :( if != None: user.delete() if != None: user_profile.delete() if != None: user_institution.delete() if != None: contact.delete() # TODO: if signup failed and user uploaded a file need to delete the # file from the 'uploads/' directory and removed the record from # UserDocument table. raise Http404('Something has gone horribly wrong! Please try again or contact the HVP system admin.') return render_to_response('users/signup_complete.html') return render_to_response('users/signup.html', { #'form': form, 'title_list': title_list, 'state_list': state_list, 'usage_list': usage_list, 'password_error': password_error, 'email_exist': email_exist, 'username_exist': username_exist, 'upload_format_error': upload_format_error, 'firstName': firstName, 'lastName': lastName, 'username': username, 'user_email': user_email, 'user_phone': user_phone, 'user_mobile': user_mobile, 'user_title': user_title, 'usage': usage, 'org_name': org_name, 'org_dept': org_dept, 'org_address': org_address, 'org_city': org_city, 'org_state': org_state, 'org_post': org_post, 'org_phone': org_phone, 'org_fax': org_fax, 'contact_title': contact_title, 'contact_firstname': contact_firstname, 'contact_lastname': contact_lastname, 'contact_phone': contact_phone, 'contact_email': contact_email })