예제 #1
def main():
    sets=[] # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
            # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
            # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
            # You may also write your own problems.

    for file in os.listdir("Problems"): # One problem set per folder in /Problems/
        newSet = ProblemSet(file)       # Each problem set is named after the folder in /Problems/
        for problem in os.listdir("Problems" + os.sep + file):  # Each file in the problem set folder becomes a problem in that set.
            f = open("Problems" + os.sep + file + os.sep + problem) # Make sure to add only problem files to subfolders of /Problems/

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent=Agent()   # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
                    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results=open("Results.txt","w")     # Results will be written to Results.txt.
                                        # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
                                        # Do not write anything else to Results.txt during execution of the program.
    for set in sets:
        results.write("%s\n" % set.getName())   # Your agent will solve one problem set at a time.
        results.write("%s\n" % "-----------")   # Problem sets will be individually categorized in the results file.

        for problem in set.getProblems():   # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
            problem.setAnswerReceived(agent.Solve(problem))     # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
                                                                # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
                                                                # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
                                                                # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.

            result=problem.getName() + ": " + problem.getGivenAnswer() + " " + problem.getCorrect() + " (" + problem.correctAnswer + ")"

            results.write("%s\n" % result)
def main():
    sets=[] # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
            # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
            # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
            # You may also write your own problems.

    for file in os.listdir("Problems"): # One problem set per folder in /Problems/
        newSet = ProblemSet(file)       # Each problem set is named after the folder in /Problems/
        for problem in os.listdir("Problems" + os.sep + file):  # Each file in the problem set folder becomes a problem in that set.
            f = open("Problems" + os.sep + file + os.sep + problem) # Make sure to add only problem files to subfolders of /Problems/

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent=Agent()   # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
                    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results=open("Results.txt","w")     # Results will be written to Results.txt.
                                        # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
                                        # Do not write anything else to Results.txt during execution of the program.
    for set in sets:
        results.write("%s\n" % set.getName())   # Your agent will solve one problem set at a time.
        results.write("%s\n" % "-----------")   # Problem sets will be individually categorized in the results file.

        for problem in set.getProblems():   # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
            problem.setAnswerReceived(agent.Solve(problem))     # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
                                                                # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
                                                                # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
                                                                # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.

            result=problem.getName() + ": " + problem.getGivenAnswer() + " " + problem.getCorrect() + " (Correct Answer: " + problem.checkAnswer("") + ")"

            results.write("%s\n" % result)
    def load_problems(self):
        """Load the ProblemSets defined in the filename.

            The next ProblemSet defined in the file.
        with open(self.filename + '.txt', 'r') as fin:
            lines = [a.strip() for a in fin.readlines()]
            key = lines[0]
            lines = lines[1:]

            for line in lines:
                problem_set = ProblemSet()
                problem_set.init_line(line, key)
                yield problem_set
def solve():
    sets=[] # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
            # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
            # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
            # You may also write your own problems.

    r = open(os.path.join("Problems","ProblemSetList.txt"))    # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(r)                                   # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line=="":                                     # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
        sets.append(ProblemSet(line))                       # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
        line=getNextLine(r)                                 # We will also use some problem sets not given in advance.

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent=Agent()   # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
                    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    with open("AgentAnswers.csv","w") as results:     # Results will be written to ProblemResults.csv.
                                                        # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
                                                        # Do not write anything else to ProblemResults.txt during execution of the program.
        results.write("ProblemSet,RavensProblem,Agent's Answer\n")
        for set in sets:
            for problem in set.problems:   # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
                answer = agent.Solve(problem)  # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
                                                # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.

                results.write("%s,%s,%d\n" % (set.name, problem.name, answer))
예제 #5
def solve():
    sets = []  # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
    # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
    # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
    # You may also write your own problems.

    r = open(os.path.join(
        "ProblemSetList.txt"))  # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(
        r)  # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line == "":  # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
        )  # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
        line = getNextLine(
            r)  # We will also use some problem sets not given in advance.

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent = Agent(
    )  # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against selected problem
    for set in sets:
        if set.name == "Basic Problems D":
            for problem in set.problems:  # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
                if problem.name == "Basic Problem D-06":
                    print('\n', problem.name, problem.problemType, problem.problemSetName, \
                        problem.hasVisual, problem.hasVerbal)
                    answer = agent.Solve(problem)
                    print('Final answer:', str(answer))

예제 #6
def main():
    sets = []  # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
    # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
    # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
    # You may also write your own problems.

    r = open(
        "Problems" + os.sep +
        "ProblemSetList.txt")  # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(
        r)  # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line == "":  # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
        )  # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
        line = getNextLine(
            r)  # We will also use some problem sets not given in advance.

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent = Agent(
    )  # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results = open("ProblemResults.csv",
                   "w")  # Results will be written to ProblemResults.csv.
    # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
    # Do not write anything else to ProblemResults.txt during execution of the program.
    setResults = open(
        "w")  # Set-level summaries will be written to SetResults.csv.
    results.write("Problem,Agent's Answer,Correct?,Correct Answer\n")
    for set in sets:
        for problem in set.problems:  # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
            )  # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
            # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
            # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
            # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.

            result = problem.name + "," + str(
                problem.givenAnswer) + "," + problem.getCorrect() + "," + str(

            results.write("%s\n" % result)
            #    print("Error encountered in " + problem.name + ":")
            #    print(sys.exc_info()[0])
            #    result=problem.name + "," + str(problem.givenAnswer) + ",Error," + str(problem.correctAnswer)
            #    results.write("%s\n" % result)
        setResult = set.name + "," + str(set.getTotal("Correct")) + "," + str(
            set.getTotal("Incorrect")) + "," + str(set.getTotal("Skipped"))
        setResults.write("%s\n" % setResult)
예제 #7
def solve():
    sets = []
    r = open(os.path.join("Problems", "ProblemSetList.txt"))
    line = getNextLine(r)
    while not line == "":
        line = getNextLine(r)
    agent = Agent()
    with open("AgentAnswers.csv", "w") as results:
        results.write("ProblemSet,RavensProblem,Agent's Answer\n")
        for set in sets:
            for problem in set.problems:
                answer = agent.Solve(problem)
                results.write("%s,%s,%d\n" % (set.name, problem.name, answer))
예제 #8
def main():
    problem_sets = ['Basic Problems B', 'Challenge Problems B']
    extractor = RavensShapeExtractor()
    classifier = RavensShapeTemplateClassifier()
    templates_to_save = []

    print 'Running template recorder for problem sets: {}'.format(problem_sets)

    for problem_set in problem_sets:
        problems = ProblemSet(problem_set).problems

        for problem in problems:
            skip = raw_input('\nSkip problem {}? '.format(problem.name)).upper()

            if skip == 'Y':

            problem = RavensVisualProblemFactory().create(problem.problemType, problem.figures)

            for answer in problem.answers:
                shapes = extractor.apply(answer)

                for shape in shapes:

                    correct = 'N'
                    name = None

                    while correct != 'Y':
                        name = raw_input('\nWhat shape is this? ').upper()

                        if name == _SKIP:

                        correct = raw_input('Is {} correct? '.format(name)).upper()

                    if name == _SKIP:

                    templates_to_save.append(RavensShapeTemplateClassifier.Template(name=name, points=shape.contour))

    print '\nSaving {} templates'.format(len(templates_to_save))

    print '[DONE]'
예제 #9
    def setUp(self):
        # taken from RavensProject.py
        self.sets = []
        r = open(os.path.join("Problems", "ProblemSetList.txt")
                 )  # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
        line = getNextLine(
            r)  # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
        while not line == "":  # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
            )  # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
            line = getNextLine(r)

        self.agent = Agent()
        self.problemDict = {}
        for set in self.sets:
            for problem in set.problems:
                self.problemDict[problem.name] = problem
def main():
    sets=[] # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
            # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
            # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.

    r = open("Problems" + os.sep + "ProblemSetList.txt")    # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(r)                                   # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line=="":

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    setResults=open("SetResults.csv","w")       # Set-level summaries will be written to SetResults.csv.
    results.write("Problem,Agent's Answer,Correct?,Correct Answer\n")
    for set in sets:
        for problem in set.problems:   # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.

            result=problem.name + "," + str(problem.givenAnswer) + "," + problem.getCorrect() + "," + str(problem.correctAnswer)

            results.write("%s\n" % result)
            #    print("Error encountered in " + problem.name + ":")
            #    print(sys.exc_info()[0])
            #    result=problem.name + "," + str(problem.givenAnswer) + ",Error," + str(problem.correctAnswer)
            #    results.write("%s\n" % result)
        setResult=set.name + "," + str(set.getTotal("Correct")) + "," + str(set.getTotal("Incorrect")) + "," + str(set.getTotal("Skipped"))
        setResults.write("%s\n" % setResult)
예제 #11
def main():
    sets = []  # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
    # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
    # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
    # You may also write your own problems.

    r = open(
        "Problems" + os.sep +
        "ProblemSetList.txt")  # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(
        r)  # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line == "":  # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
        )  # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
        line = getNextLine(
            r)  # We will also use some problem sets not given in advance.

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent = Agent(
    )  # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results = open("ProblemResults.csv",
                   "w")  # Results will be written to ProblemResults.csv.
    # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
    # Do not write anything else to ProblemResults.txt during execution of the program.
    setResults = open(
        "w")  # Set-level summaries will be written to SetResults.csv.
    results.write("Problem,Correct Confidence,Score,Time\n")
    setResults.write("Set,Sum Correct Confidence,Sum Score\n")
    for set in sets:
        sum_correct_confidence = 0
        sum_score = 0
        for problem in set.problems:  # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
                start = time.time()
                )  # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
                # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
                # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
                # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.
                end = time.time()
                timeUsed = (end - start) * 1000

                correct_confidence = 0
                score = 0
                if type(problem.givenAnswer) is list:
                    answer = problem.givenAnswer
                    if len(answer) >= problem.correctAnswer:
                        answer = [max(i, 0) for i in answer]
                        if sum(answer) > 0.01:
                            sum_answer = float(sum(answer))
                            answer = [i / sum_answer for i in answer]
                        correct_confidence = answer[problem.correctAnswer - 1]
                        score = 1 - (1 - correct_confidence)**2
                sum_correct_confidence += correct_confidence
                sum_score += score
                result = problem.name + "," + str(
                    correct_confidence) + "," + str(score) + "," + str(

                results.write("%s\n" % result)
                print("Error encountered in " + problem.name + ":")
                result = problem.name + ",Error,Error, "
                results.write("%s\n" % result)
        setResult = set.name + "," + str(sum_correct_confidence) + "," + str(
        setResults.write("%s\n" % setResult)
예제 #12
from Agent import Agent
from ProblemSet import ProblemSet
import logging
import problem_utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

agent = Agent()
n_correct = 0
n_total = len(ProblemSet("Basic Problems B").problems)

for p in ProblemSet("Basic Problems B").problems:
    LOGGER.info('Solving problem {}'.format(p.name))
    if problem_utils.is_problem2x2(p):
        source = p.figures['A']
        destination = p.figures['B']
        guess = agent.Solve(p)
        answer = p.checkAnswer(guess)
        if guess == answer:
            n_correct += 1
        print 'Not 2x2 problem'

print('Total correct answers {} out of {}'.format(n_correct, n_total))
예제 #13
#from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import pprint
from Agent import Agent
from ProblemSet import ProblemSet

agent = Agent()
problemSet = ProblemSet('Basic Problems B')

class AgentTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def testB1(self):

        # objects.attributes
        # {'fill': 'yes', 'shape': 'square', 'size': 'very large'}

        self.assertEqual(agent.Solve(problemSet.problems[5]), 2)

    def testB2(self):
        self.assertEqual(agent.Solve(problemSet.problems[1]), 5)

    def testB3(self):
        self.assertEqual(agent.Solve(problemSet.problems[2]), 1)

    def testB4(self):
        self.assertEqual(agent.Solve(problemSet.problems[3]), 3)
예제 #14
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Filters for what problems to solve')
        choices=['Basic', 'Challenge', 'Classmates', 'Unordered', 'Test'],
    parser.add_argument('--problems', type=int, nargs='*')
    parser.add_argument('--interactive', type=bool, default=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    sets = []  # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
    # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
    # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
    # You may also write your own problems.

    for file in os.listdir(
            "Problems"):  # One problem set per folder in /Problems/
        if file.startswith('.'):
        newSet = ProblemSet(
            file)  # Each problem set is named after the folder in /Problems/
        for problem in os.listdir(
                "Problems" + os.sep + file
        ):  # Each file in the problem set folder becomes a problem in that set.
            if problem.startswith('.'):
            f = open(
                "Problems" + os.sep + file + os.sep + problem
            )  # Make sure to add only problem files to subfolders of /Problems/

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent = Agent(
    )  # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results = open("Results.txt",
                   "w")  # Results will be written to Results.txt.
    # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
    # Do not write anything else to Results.txt during execution of the program.
    for set in sets:
        if args.problem_sets and set.getName().split(
        )[1] not in args.problem_sets:
            "%s\n" %
            set.getName())  # Your agent will solve one problem set at a time.
            "%s\n" % "-----------"
        )  # Problem sets will be individually categorized in the results file.
        print set.getName()
        correct = 0
        for problem in set.getProblems(
        ):  # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
            if args.problems and int(
                    problem.getName().split()[3]) not in args.problems:
            )  # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
            # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
            # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
            # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.

            result = problem.getName() + ": " + problem.getGivenAnswer(
            ) + " " + problem.getCorrect() + " (" + problem.correctAnswer + ")"
            if problem.getCorrect() == 'Correct':
                correct += 1
            results.write("%s\n" % result)
        print "%d correct" % correct
예제 #15
    return score

def solve_problem(problem):
    Given problem definition provide the best solution
    :param problem: problem definition
    :return: solution which has highest score
    A = problem.figures['A']
    B = problem.figures['B']
    C = problem.figures['C']
    choices = problem_utils.problem_choices(problem)
    ab_rules = transformation_rules(A, B)
    cx_rules = {
        c: transformation_rules(C, figure)
        for c, figure in choices.iteritems()
    scores = {
        choice: similarity_score(ab_rules, rules)
        for choice, rules in cx_rules.iteritems()
    LOGGER.debug('Scores for problem {}: {}'.format(problem.name, scores))
    guess = max(scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
    LOGGER.debug('Best guess: {}'.format(guess))
    return int(guess)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    solve_problem(ProblemSet('Basic Problems B').problems[5])
예제 #16
def main():
    sets = []  # The variable 'sets' stores multiple problem sets.
    # Each problem set comes from a different folder in /Problems/
    # Additional sets of problems will be used when grading projects.
    # You may also write your own problems.

    r = open("Problems" + os.sep + "ProblemSetListTemp.txt"
             )  # ProblemSetList.txt lists the sets to solve.
    line = getNextLine(
        r)  # Sets will be solved in the order they appear in the file.
    while not line == "":  # You may modify ProblemSetList.txt for design and debugging.
        )  # We will use a fresh copy of all problem sets when grading.
        line = getNextLine(
            r)  # We will also use some problem sets not given in advance.

    # Initializing problem-solving agent from Agent.java
    agent = Agent(
    )  # Your agent will be initialized with its default constructor.
    # You may modify the default constructor in Agent.java

    # Running agent against each problem set
    results = open("ProblemResults.csv",
                   "w")  # Results will be written to ProblemResults.csv.
    # Note that each run of the program will overwrite the previous results.
    # Do not write anything else to ProblemResults.txt during execution of the program.
    setResults = open(
        "w")  # Set-level summaries will be written to SetResults.csv.
    results.write("Problem,Correct Confidence\n")
    setResults.write("Set,Sum Correct Confidence\n")
    for set in sets:
        sum_correct_comfidence = 0
        for problem in set.problems:  # Your agent will solve one problem at a time.
                )  # The problem will be passed to your agent as a RavensProblem object as a parameter to the Solve method
                # Your agent should return its answer at the conclusion of the execution of Solve.
                # Note that if your agent makes use of RavensProblem.check to check its answer, the answer passed to check() will be used.
                # Your agent cannot change its answer once it has checked its answer.

                correct_comfidence = 0
                if type(problem.givenAnswer) is list:
                    answer = problem.givenAnswer
                    if len(answer) >= problem.correctAnswer:
                        if sum(answer) > 1:
                            sum_answer = float(sum(answer))
                            answer = [i / sum_answer for i in answer]
                        correct_comfidence = answer[problem.correctAnswer - 1]
                sum_correct_comfidence += correct_comfidence
                result = problem.name + "," + str(correct_comfidence)
                results.write("%s\n" % result)
            except Exception as e:
                exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info(
                print("*** print_tb:")
                print("*** print_exception:")
                print("*** print_exc:")
                print("*** format_exc, first and last line:")
                formatted_lines = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()
                print("*** format_exception:")
                print("*** extract_tb:")
                print("*** format_tb:")
                #print("*** tb_lineno:", traceback.tb_lineno(exceptionTraceback))'''
                print("Error encountered in " + problem.name + ":")
                #result=problem.name + "," + str(problem.givenAnswer) + ",Error,"
                #results.write("%s\n" % result)
        setResult = set.name + "," + str(sum_correct_comfidence)
        setResults.write("%s\n" % setResult)