def assertUrlsEqual(self, url1, url2):
     """The order of query-strings is sometimes random in python 3
     This compares urls disregarding the order.
     parsed_url_1 = urlparse(safe_nativestring(url1))
     parse_qs_1 = parse_qs(parsed_url_1.query)
     parsed_url_2 = urlparse(safe_nativestring(url2))
     parse_qs_2 = parse_qs(parsed_url_2.query)
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[0], parsed_url_2[0])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[1], parsed_url_2[1])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[2], parsed_url_2[2])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[3], parsed_url_2[3])
     self.assertEqual(parse_qs_1, parse_qs_2)
예제 #2
 def assertUrlsEqual(self, url1, url2):
     """The order of query-strings is sometimes random in python 3
     This compares urls disregarding the order.
     parsed_url_1 = urlparse(safe_nativestring(url1))
     parse_qs_1 = parse_qs(parsed_url_1.query)
     parsed_url_2 = urlparse(safe_nativestring(url2))
     parse_qs_2 = parse_qs(parsed_url_2.query)
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[0], parsed_url_2[0])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[1], parsed_url_2[1])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[2], parsed_url_2[2])
     self.assertEqual(parsed_url_1[3], parsed_url_2[3])
     self.assertEqual(parse_qs_1, parse_qs_2)
예제 #3
 def testRisk_TwoImages(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     risk.image = MockImage("hot stuff here")
     risk.caption = "Image caption 1"
     risk.image2 = MockImage("hot stuff here")
     risk.caption2 = "Image caption 2"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.include_images = True
     view.exportRisk(root, risk)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <risk type="top5">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be locked"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "    <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         '    <image caption="Image caption 1">aG90IHN0dWZmIGhlcmU=\n'
         '    <image caption="Image caption 2">aG90IHN0dWZmIGhlcmU=\n'
         "  </risk>\n"
예제 #4
 def testRisk_CalculatedEvaluation(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "risk"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = True
     risk.evaluation_method = "calculated"
     risk.default_probability = 1
     risk.default_frequency = 4
     risk.default_effect = 0
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportRisk(root, risk)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <risk type="risk">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be "
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "    <show-not-applicable>true</show-not-applicable>\n"
         '    <evaluation-method default-probability="small" '
         "  </risk>\n"
예제 #5
 def testProfileQuestion_LocationQuestions(self):
     profile = ProfileQuestion()
     profile.title = "Office buildings"
     profile.question = "Do you have an office building?"
     profile.label_multiple_present = "Do you have more than one building?"
     profile.label_single_occurance = "Enter the name of your building."
     profile.label_multiple_occurances = (
         "Enter the names of each of your buildings."  # noqa
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportProfileQuestion(root, profile)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         "  <profile-question>\n"
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <question>Do you have an office building?</question>\n"
         "    <label-multiple-present>Do you have more than one building"
         "    <label-single-occurance>Enter the name of your building."
         "    <label-multiple-occurances>Enter the names of each of your"
         " buildings.</label-multiple-occurances>\n"
         "    <use-location-question>true</use-location-question>\n"
         "  </profile-question>\n"
def handle_workspace_added(context, event):
    workspace = IWorkspace(context)
    for group_name in workspace.available_groups:
        group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
        group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, context.UID())
        title = "{}: {}".format(group_name, context.Title())
        add_group(group_id, title)
예제 #7
 def testProfileQuestion_WithModule(self):
     profile = ProfileQuestion()
     profile.title = "Office buildings"
     profile.question = "Do you have an office buildings?"
     profile.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module.optional = False
     module.solution_direction = None
     profile._setOb("1", module)
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportProfileQuestion(root, profile)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         "  <profile-question>\n"
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <question>Do you have an office buildings?</question>\n"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings "
         "    <use-location-question>true</use-location-question>\n"
         '    <module optional="false">\n'
         "      <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "      <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings "
         "    </module>\n"
         "  </profile-question>\n"
예제 #8
 def testSurvey_IntroductionNoText(self):
     surveygroup = SurveyGroup()
     surveygroup.title = "Generic sector"
     surveygroup._setOb("standard", Survey())
     survey = surveygroup["standard"]  # Acquisition wrap
     survey.title = "Standard"
     survey.introduction = "<p><br/></p>"
     survey.classification_code = None
     survey.evaluation_optional = False
     survey.language = "en-GB"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportSurvey(root, survey)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         "  <survey>\n"
         "    <title>Generic sector</title>\n"
         "    <language>en-GB</language>\n"
         "    <tool_type>classic</tool_type>\n"
         "    <measures_text_handling>full</measures_text_handling>\n"
         "    <integrated_action_plan>false</integrated_action_plan>\n"
         "    <evaluation-algorithm>kinney</evaluation-algorithm>\n"
         "    <evaluation-optional>false</evaluation-optional>\n"
         "  </survey>\n"
예제 #9
 def testModule_WithSubModule(self):
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module.optional = False
     module.solution_direction = None
     submodule = Module()
     submodule.title = "Parking"
     submodule.description = "<p>All about parking garages.</p>"
     submodule.optional = False
     submodule.solution_direction = None
     module._setOb("1", submodule)
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportModule(root, module)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <module optional="false">\n'
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
         '    <module optional="false">\n'
         "      <title>Parking</title>\n"
         "      <description>&lt;p&gt;All about parking garages."
         "    </module>\n"
         "  </module>\n"
예제 #10
 def testModule_WithRisk(self):
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module.optional = False
     module.solution_direction = None
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     module._setOb("1", risk)
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportModule(root, module)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <module optional="false">\n'
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
         '    <risk type="top5">\n'
         "      <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "      <problem-description>Not all your windows can be "
         "      <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is critical."
         "      <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         "    </risk>\n"
         "  </module>\n"
예제 #11
 def testRisk_Minimal(self):
     risk = Risk()
     risk.type = "top5"
     risk.title = "Can your windows be locked?"
     risk.problem_description = "Not all your windows can be locked"
     risk.description = "<p>Locking windows is critical.</p>"
     risk.legal_reference = None
     risk.show_notapplicable = False
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportRisk(root, risk)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <risk type="top5">\n'
         "    <title>Can your windows be locked?</title>\n"
         "    <problem-description>Not all your windows can be locked"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Locking windows is "
         "    <show-not-applicable>false</show-not-applicable>\n"
         "  </risk>\n"
    def _update_groups(self, old_groups, new_groups):
        workspace = self.workspace
        context = workspace.context
        uid = context.UID()
        workspace_groups = get_workspace_groups_plugin()
        if self.user is None:

        for group_name in new_groups:
            if group_name not in workspace.available_groups:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown workspace group: {}".format(group_name))
        if self.groups != new_groups:
            self.__dict__["groups"] = new_groups.copy()

        # Determine automatic groups
        new_groups = set(new_groups)
        old_groups = set(old_groups)
        for name, condition in workspace.auto_groups.items():
            if name not in workspace.available_groups:
                raise Exception("Unknown workspace group: {}".format(name))
            # only add the automatic groups if condition is satisfied,
            # otherwise remove it
            if condition(self):

        # Add to new groups
        for group_name in new_groups - old_groups:
            group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
            group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, uid)
                workspace_groups.addPrincipalToGroup(self.user, group_id)
            except KeyError:  # group doesn't exist
                title = "{}: {}".format(group_name, context.Title())
                add_group(group_id, title)
                workspace_groups.addPrincipalToGroup(self.user, group_id)

        # Remove from old groups
        for group_name in old_groups - new_groups:
            group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
            group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, uid)
                workspace_groups.removePrincipalFromGroup(self.user, group_id)
            except KeyError:  # group doesn't exist
예제 #13
 def _filename(self):
     """Return the document filename"""
     filename = _(
         default="Action plan ${title}",
         mapping={"title": self.context.session.title},
     filename = translate(filename, context=self.request)
     return safe_nativestring(filename) + ".docx"
예제 #14
 def _filename(self):
     """Return the document filename"""
     filename = _(
         default="Identification report ${title}",
     filename = translate(filename, context=self.request)
     return safe_nativestring(filename) + ".docx"
def handle_workspace_modified(context, event):
    workspace = IWorkspace(context)
    gtool = api.portal.get_tool("portal_groups")
    for group_name in workspace.available_groups:
        group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
        group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, context.UID())
        group_title = "{}: {}".format(group_name, context.Title())
        group = gtool.getGroupById(group_id)
        if group is not None:
예제 #16
 def testProfileQuestion_with_description(self):
     profile = ProfileQuestion()
     profile.title = "Office buildings"
     profile.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportProfileQuestion(root, profile)
     xml = safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
     self.assertTrue("<description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
                     "&lt;/p&gt;</description>" in xml)
def handle_workspace_removed(context, event):
    workspace = IWorkspace(context)
    workspace_groups = get_workspace_groups_plugin()
    for group_name in workspace.available_groups:
        group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
        group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, context.UID())
        except KeyError:  # group already doesn't exist
예제 #18
 def testModule_with_description(self):
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module.solution_direction = None
     module.optional = False
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportModule(root, module)
     xml = safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))
     self.assertTrue("<description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
                     "&lt;/p&gt;</description>\n" in xml)
예제 #19
 def verify_password(self, password):
     """Verify the given password against the one
     stored in the account table
     if not password:
         return False
     if not isinstance(password, six.string_types):
         return False
     if password == self.password:
         return True
     password = safe_nativestring(password)
     return bcrypt.checkpw(password, self.password)
예제 #20
 def testImage_Minimal(self):
     image = MockImage("hot stuff here")
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.include_images = True
     node = view.exportImage(root, image)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True)),
         '<image xmlns="">'
 def _remove_all_groups(self):
     workspace = self.workspace
     uid = workspace.context.UID()
     workspace_groups = get_workspace_groups_plugin()
     groups = set(self.groups) | set(workspace.available_groups)
     for group_name in groups:
         group_name = safe_nativestring(group_name)
         group_id = "{}:{}".format(group_name, uid)
             workspace_groups.removePrincipalFromGroup(self.user, group_id)
         except KeyError:  # group doesn't exist
예제 #22
 def testImage_Full(self):
     image = MockImage("hot stuff here", "test.gif", "image/gif")
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.include_images = True
     image = view.exportImage(root, image, "Captiøn")
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(image, pretty_print=True)),
         '<image xmlns="" '
         'content-type="image/gif" filename="test.gif" '
    def compareLayoutVsView(self, obj, path="", viewaction=None):
        if viewaction is None:
            if hasattr(aq_base(obj), 'getLayout'):
                viewaction = obj.getLayout()
                viewaction = obj.getTypeInfo().getActionInfo(

        self.layer['app'].REQUEST['ACTUAL_URL'] = obj.absolute_url()
        resolved = obj.restrictedTraverse(viewaction)()

        # rendering the view cooked the resource registry,
        # so commit the transaction so loading it via the testbrowser
        # doesn't cook it again
        transaction.commit() + path)
        body = safe_nativestring(self.browser.contents)
        resolved = safe_nativestring(resolved)

        # request/ACTUAL_URL is fubar in tests, remove lines that depend on it
        resolved = RE_REMOVE_DOCCONT.sub('', resolved)
        resolved = RE_REMOVE_SKIPNAV.sub('', resolved)
        resolved = RE_REMOVE_TABS.sub('', resolved)
        resolved = RE_REMOVE_AUTH.sub('"', resolved)

        body = RE_REMOVE_DOCCONT.sub('', body)
        body = RE_REMOVE_SKIPNAV.sub('', body)
        body = RE_REMOVE_TABS.sub('', body)
        body = RE_REMOVE_AUTH.sub('"', body)

        if not body:
  'No body in response')

        if not body == resolved:
            diff = difflib.unified_diff(body.split("\n"), resolved.split("\n"))
  "\n".join([line for line in diff]))
예제 #24
 def testSolution_Minimal(self):
     solution = Solution()
     solution.description = "<p>Test description</p>"
     solution.action = "Sample action plan"
     solution.requirements = None
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportSolution(root, solution)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True)),
         '<solution xmlns="">\n'
         "  <description>&lt;p&gt;Test description&lt;/p&gt;"
         "  <action>Sample action plan</action>\n"
예제 #25
 def testModule_Minimal(self):
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.optional = False
     module.solution_direction = None
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportModule(root, module)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <module optional="false">\n'
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "  </module>\n"
예제 #26
 def testSolution_Complete(self):
     solution = Solution()
     solution.description = "<p>Tést description</p>"
     solution.action = "Sample actiøn plan"
     solution.requirements = "Requîrements"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportSolution(root, solution)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True)),
         '<solution xmlns="">\n'
         "  <description>&lt;p&gt;T&#233;st description&lt;/p&gt;"
         "  <action>Sample acti&#248;n plan</action>\n"
         "  <requirements>Requ&#238;rements</requirements>\n"
예제 #27
 def hash_password(self):
     """hash the account password using bcrypt"""
         password = self.password
     except AttributeError:
     if not password:
     password = safe_nativestring(password)
     if BCRYPTED_PATTERN.match(password):
         # The password is already encrypted, do not encrypt it again
         # XXX this is broken with passwords that are actually an hash
     self.password = safe_unicode(
예제 #28
 def testProfileQuestion_Minimal(self):
     profile = ProfileQuestion()
     profile.title = "Office buildings"
     profile.question = "Do you have an office building?"
     profile.use_location_question = False
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     node = view.exportProfileQuestion(root, profile)
     self.assertTrue(node in root)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         "  <profile-question>\n"
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <question>Do you have an office building?</question>\n"
         "    <use-location-question>false</use-location-question>\n"
         "  </profile-question>\n"
예제 #29
 def testModule_SolutionDirectionNoText(self):
     module = Module()
     module.title = "Office buildings"
     module.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     module.optional = False
     module.solution_direction = "<p><br/></p>"
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportModule(root, module)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         '  <module optional="false">\n'
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
         "  </module>\n"
예제 #30
 def testProfileQuestion_WithoutQuestion(self):
     profile = ProfileQuestion()
     profile.title = "Office buildings"
     profile.description = "<p>Owning property brings risks.</p>"
     profile.use_location_question = False
     root = self.root()
     view = ExportSurvey(None, None)
     view.exportProfileQuestion(root, profile)
         safe_nativestring(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)),
         '<root xmlns="">\n'
         "  <profile-question>\n"
         "    <title>Office buildings</title>\n"
         "    <question>Office buildings</question>\n"
         "    <description>&lt;p&gt;Owning property brings risks."
         "    <use-location-question>false</use-location-question>\n"
         "  </profile-question>\n"
예제 #31
def authenticate(login, password):
    """Try to authenticate a user using the given login and password.

    :param unicode login: login name
    :param unicode password: users password
    :return: :py:class:`Account <euphorie.client.model.Account>` instance

    If the credentials are valid the matching account is returned. For invalid
    credentials None is returned instead.
    if not login or not password:
        return None
    password = safe_nativestring(password)

    login = login.lower()
    accounts = Session().query(
        model.Account).filter(model.Account.loginname == login)
    for account in accounts:
        if account.verify_password(password):
            return account