예제 #1
def ShowText(text, display_format='',
             allowhtml=False, # only applies to plaintext and structured_text
             paragraphtag=True, # only applies with plaintext
    Display text, using harmless HTML
    if not text: # blank or None
        return ""

    if display_format == 'structuredtext':

        if not allowhtml:
            for k,v in {'<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;'}.items():
                st = st.replace(k, v)

        st = st.replace('[','|[|')

        st = html_entity_fixer(st, skipchars=('"',))

        st = structured_text(st)

        if allowhtml:
            for k,v in {'<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;'}.items():
                st = st.replace(v, k)

        for k,v in {'&amp;lt;':'&lt;', '&amp;gt;':'&gt;',
            st = st.replace(k,v)

        st = addhrefs(st, emaillinkfunction=emaillinkfunction, urllinkfunction=urllinkfunction)

        st = st.rstrip()

        return st

    elif display_format == 'html':
        return text

        if paragraphtag:
            t = '<p>%s</p>'%safe_html_quote(text)
            t = safe_html_quote(text)
        t = t.replace('&amp;lt;','&lt;').replace('&amp;gt;','&gt;')
        t = addhrefs(t)
        t = newline_to_br(t)
        return t
예제 #2
def nice_structured_text(st):
    """ run structured_text() but recognized text like:
    and attached style="text-decoration:none" on those.
    letters = string.letters
    hrefn = re.compile(
        "(\"[ %s0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+\")n(:)([a-zA-Z0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\=\&\%%\-\#\~]+)([,]*\s*)"
        % letters)
    found_ununderlined = hrefn.findall(st)
    _href_mem = {}
    for each in found_ununderlined:
        randstr = getRandomString(5)
        _href_mem[randstr] = each[0]

    for each in found_ununderlined:
        each = list(each)
        basiceach = [each[0], 'n'] + list(each[1:-1])
        for mem, title in _href_mem.items():
            if title == each[0]:
                each[0] = '"%s"' % mem
        st = st.replace(''.join(basiceach), ''.join(each))

    st = structured_text(st)

    for each in found_ununderlined:
        e2 = each[2]
        if e2[-1] in ['.', ',']:
            e2 = e2[:-1]
        e0 = each[0]  # title
        for mem, title in _href_mem.items():
            if title == each[0]:
                e0 = mem
                orig_href = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (e2, e0)
                _good = _href_mem[e0].replace('"', '')
                new_href = '<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none">%s</a>'
                new_href = new_href % (e2, _good)
                st = st.replace(orig_href, new_href)

    return st
예제 #3
파일: Utils.py 프로젝트: peterbe/Peterbecom
def nice_structured_text(st):
    """ run structured_text() but recognized text like:
    and attached style="text-decoration:none" on those.
    letters = string.letters
    hrefn = re.compile("(\"[ %s0-9\n\-\.\,\;\(\)\/\:\/\*\']+\")n(:)([a-zA-Z0-9\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\=\&\%%\-\#\~]+)([,]*\s*)" % letters)
    found_ununderlined = hrefn.findall(st)
    _href_mem = {}
    for each in found_ununderlined:
        randstr = getRandomString(5)
        _href_mem[randstr] = each[0]

    for each in found_ununderlined:
        each = list(each)
        basiceach = [each[0],'n'] + list(each[1:-1])
        for mem, title in _href_mem.items():
            if title == each[0]:
                each[0] = '"%s"'%mem
        st = st.replace(''.join(basiceach), ''.join(each))

    st = structured_text(st)

    for each in found_ununderlined:
        e2 = each[2]
        if e2[-1] in ['.',',']:
            e2 = e2[:-1]
        e0 = each[0] # title
        for mem, title in _href_mem.items():
            if title == each[0]:
                e0 = mem
                orig_href = '<a href="%s">%s</a>'%(e2, e0)
                _good = _href_mem[e0].replace('"','')
                new_href = '<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none">%s</a>'
                new_href = new_href%(e2, _good)
                st = st.replace(orig_href, new_href)

    return st
예제 #4
def ShowDescription(text, display_format=''):
    Display text, using harmless HTML

    if display_format == 'structuredtext':

        for k,v in {'<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;',
            st = st.replace(k,v)

        st = html_entity_fixer(st, skipchars=('"',))

        st = structured_text(st)

        for k,v in {'&amp;lt;':'&lt;', '&amp;gt;':'&gt;',
            st = st.replace(k,v)

        # BUG in structured_text in Zope 2.4.0
        # it appends these annoying tags.
        #for tag in ['<html>','<body>','</body>','</html>']:
        #    st = st.replace(tag, '')
        st = addhrefs(st)
        return st
    elif display_format == 'html':
        return text
        t = '<p>%s</p>'%html_quote(text)
        t = t.replace('&amp;lt;','&lt;').replace('&amp;gt;','&gt;')
        t = addhrefs(t)
        t = newline_to_br(t)
        return t
예제 #5
from ZTUtils import Batch
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByInterfaceName
from Products.CMFDefault.utils import decode

ctool = getToolByInterfaceName(script,
utool = getToolByInterfaceName(script, 'Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IURLTool')
portal_url = utool()

options = {}

target = '%s/recent_news' % portal_url
items = ctool.searchResults(portal_type='News Item',
batch_obj = Batch(items, 10, b_start, orphan=1)

items = [{
    'creators': item.listCreators,
    'date': item.Date,
    'description': structured_text(item.Description),
    'title': item.Title,
    'url': item.getURL()
} for item in batch_obj]

navigation = context.getBatchNavigation(batch_obj, target)
options['batch'] = {'listItemInfos': items, 'navigation': navigation}

return context.recent_news_template(**decode(options, script))
예제 #6
파일: recent_news.py 프로젝트: goschtl/zope
from Products.PythonScripts.standard import structured_text
from ZTUtils import Batch
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByInterfaceName
from Products.CMFDefault.utils import decode

ctool = getToolByInterfaceName('Products.CMFCore.interfaces.ICatalogTool')
utool = getToolByInterfaceName('Products.CMFCore.interfaces.IURLTool')
portal_url = utool()

options = {}

target = '%s/recent_news' % portal_url
items = ctool.searchResults(portal_type='News Item', sort_on='Date',
                            sort_order='reverse', review_state='published')
batch_obj = Batch(items, 10, b_start, orphan=1)

items = [ {'creators': item.listCreators,
           'date': item.Date,
           'description': structured_text(item.Description),
           'title': item.Title,
           'url': item.getURL()}
          for item in batch_obj ]

navigation = context.getBatchNavigation(batch_obj, target)
options['batch'] = {'listItemInfos': items,
                    'navigation': navigation}

return context.recent_news_template(**decode(options, script))
예제 #7
if add and \
        context.validateHTML(**form) and \
elif preview and \
    is_preview = True

options = {}

title = form.get('title', context.Title())
text = form.get('text', '')
options['is_preview'] = is_preview
options['title'] = title
options['text'] = text
options['cooked_text'] = structured_text(text)

if is_preview:
    hidden_vars = [{
        'name': n,
        'value': v
    } for n, v in html_marshal(title=title, text=text)]
    hidden_vars = []
buttons = []
target = atool.getActionInfo('object/reply', context)['url']
buttons.append({'name': 'add', 'value': _(u'Add')})
if is_preview:
    buttons.append({'name': 'edit', 'value': _(u'Edit')})
    buttons.append({'name': 'preview', 'value': _(u'Preview')})
예제 #8
def ShowDescription(text, display_format='', nofollow_rel=False):
    Display text, using harmless HTML

    text = SplitRegEx.sub('<!--split-->', text)

    codesyntax = ''
    if same_type(display_format, ()) or same_type(display_format, []):
        display_format, codesyntax = display_format

    if display_format == 'structuredtext':
        st = text

        for k, v in {  #'<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;',
                '[': '|[|'
            st = st.replace(k, v)

            # my structured text
            st = nice_structured_text(st)
            st = structured_text(st)

        for k, v in {
                '&amp;lt;': '&lt;',
                '&amp;gt;': '&gt;',
                '|[|': '['
            st = st.replace(k, v)

        # BUG in structured_text in Zope 2.4.0
        # it appends these annoying tags.
        for tag in ['<html>', '<body>', '</body>', '</html>']:
            st = st.replace(tag, '')

        pre_whole_tags = re.compile(r'<pre>.*?</pre>', re.I | re.DOTALL)
        pre_tags = pre_whole_tags.findall(st)
        mem = {}
        for pre_tag in pre_tags:
            randstr = '__%s__' % getRandomString()
            mem[randstr] = pre_tag
            st = st.replace(pre_tag, randstr)

        ### NEEDS TO BE FIXED!
        #st = addhrefs(st, urllinkfunction=mylinker)

        for key, tag in mem.items():
            st = st.replace(key, tag)

        # preserve look of '<!--split-->'
        st = st.replace('<p><!--split--></p>', '<!--split-->')

        # syntax highlighting of code
        if str(codesyntax).lower() in ['c++', 'cpp']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, CPP_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['py', 'python']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, PYTHON_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['sql']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, SQL_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['xml/html', 'xml', 'html']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, XML_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['css', 'stylesheet']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, CSS_SYNTAX)

        st = sole_ampersand_regex.sub('&amp;', st)

        return st
    elif display_format == 'html':
        return text
    elif display_format == 'texmix':
        texes = getTexes(text, 1)

        count = 1
        for tagused, texstring in texes:
            imageid = 'texjpeg-%s.jpg' % count
            imagepath = 'texcache/%s' % imageid
            imagetag = '<img src="%s" alt="%s" ' % (imagepath,
                                                    "*generated jpeg*")
            if tagused.lower().find('inline') > -1:
                imagetag += 'class="texmix-inline"'
                imagetag += 'class="texmix"'
            imagetag += ' />'
            text = text.replace(texstring, imagetag)
            count += 1

        text = text.replace('<texmix>', '<span class="texmix">')
        text = text.replace('<texmix inline="1">',
                            '<span class="texmix-inline">')
        text = text.replace('</texmix>', '</span>')
        format = 'structuredtext'
        if codesyntax:
            format = [format, codesyntax]
        return ShowDescription(text, format)

        t = html_quote(text)
        t = t.replace('&amp;lt;', '&lt;').replace('&amp;gt;', '&gt;')
        t = t.replace('&lt;!--split--&gt;', '<!--split-->')
        if nofollow_rel:

            def nofollower(url):
                template = '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow">%s</a>'
                return template % (url, url)

            t = addhrefs(t, urllinkfunction=nofollower)
            t = addhrefs(t)

        t = newline_to_br(t)
        return t
예제 #9
        context.validateHTML(**form) and \
elif preview and \
    is_preview = True

options = {}

title = form.get('title', context.Title())
text = form.get('text', '')
options['is_preview'] = is_preview
options['title'] = title
options['text'] = text
options['cooked_text'] = structured_text(text)

if is_preview:
    hidden_vars = [ {'name': n, 'value': v}
                    for n, v in html_marshal(title=title, text=text) ]
    hidden_vars = []
buttons = []
target = atool.getActionInfo('object/reply', context)['url']
buttons.append( {'name': 'add', 'value': _(u'Add')} )
if is_preview:
    buttons.append( {'name': 'edit', 'value': _(u'Edit')} )
    buttons.append( {'name': 'preview', 'value': _(u'Preview')} )
options['form'] = { 'action': target,
                    'listHiddenVarInfos': tuple(hidden_vars),
예제 #10
파일: Utils.py 프로젝트: peterbe/Peterbecom
def ShowDescription(text, display_format='', nofollow_rel=False):
    Display text, using harmless HTML

    text = SplitRegEx.sub('<!--split-->', text)

    codesyntax = ''
    if same_type(display_format, ()) or same_type(display_format, []):
        display_format, codesyntax = display_format

    if display_format == 'structuredtext':

        for k,v in {#'<':'&lt;', '>':'&gt;',
            st = st.replace(k,v)

            # my structured text
            st = nice_structured_text(st)
            st = structured_text(st)

        for k,v in {'&amp;lt;':'&lt;', '&amp;gt;':'&gt;',
            st = st.replace(k,v)

        # BUG in structured_text in Zope 2.4.0
        # it appends these annoying tags.
        for tag in ['<html>','<body>','</body>','</html>']:
            st = st.replace(tag, '')

        pre_whole_tags = re.compile(r'<pre>.*?</pre>', re.I|re.DOTALL)
        pre_tags = pre_whole_tags.findall(st)
        mem = {}
        for pre_tag in pre_tags:
            randstr = '__%s__'%getRandomString()
            mem[randstr] = pre_tag
            st = st.replace(pre_tag, randstr)

        ### NEEDS TO BE FIXED!
        #st = addhrefs(st, urllinkfunction=mylinker)

        for key, tag in mem.items():
            st = st.replace(key, tag)

        # preserve look of '<!--split-->'
        st = st.replace('<p><!--split--></p>','<!--split-->')

        # syntax highlighting of code
        if str(codesyntax).lower() in ['c++','cpp']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, CPP_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['py','python']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, PYTHON_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['sql']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, SQL_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['xml/html','xml','html']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, XML_SYNTAX)
        elif str(codesyntax).lower() in ['css','stylesheet']:
            st = SyntaxHighlight(st, CSS_SYNTAX)

        st = sole_ampersand_regex.sub('&amp;', st)

        return st
    elif display_format == 'html':
        return text
    elif display_format == 'texmix':
        texes = getTexes(text, 1)

        count = 1
        for tagused, texstring in texes:
            imageid = 'texjpeg-%s.jpg'%count
            imagepath = 'texcache/%s'%imageid
            imagetag = '<img src="%s" alt="%s" '%(imagepath, "*generated jpeg*")
            if tagused.lower().find('inline') > -1:
                imagetag += 'class="texmix-inline"'
                imagetag += 'class="texmix"'
            imagetag += ' />'
            text = text.replace(texstring, imagetag)
            count += 1

        text = text.replace('<texmix>','<span class="texmix">')
        text = text.replace('<texmix inline="1">','<span class="texmix-inline">')
        text = text.replace('</texmix>','</span>')
        format = 'structuredtext'
        if codesyntax:
            format = [format, codesyntax]
        return ShowDescription(text, format)

        t = html_quote(text)
        t = t.replace('&amp;lt;','&lt;').replace('&amp;gt;','&gt;')
        t = t.replace('&lt;!--split--&gt;', '<!--split-->')
        if nofollow_rel:
            def nofollower(url):
                template = '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow">%s</a>'
                return template % (url, url)
            t = addhrefs(t, urllinkfunction=nofollower)
            t = addhrefs(t)

        t = newline_to_br(t)
        return t