예제 #1
    def manage_addHttpSLAS(self, newId, rttIndex, deviceIp, community, rttMonEchoAdminURL, rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime=1, rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency=60, rttMonCtrlAdminOwner="zenoss", rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold=5000, rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout=5, REQUEST=None):
        """Add a SLA to this SLA host"""
        tag = str(newId)
               snmpset -v2c -c """ + community + """ """ + deviceIp + """  \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 7 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + newId + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + rttMonCtrlAdminOwner + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 25 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 2 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ t """ + str(rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + rttMonEchoAdminURL + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 4
        log.info("SLA Add cmd %s", cmd)
        newId = "addSLA" + str(rttIndex)

        Commandable.manage_addUserCommand(self, newId, desc='SLA add command', cmd=cmd)
        Commandable.manage_doUserCommand(self, newId)
        Commandable.manage_deleteUserCommand(self, ids=newId) 
        if REQUEST:
            return self.callZenScreen(REQUEST)
예제 #2
    def manage_writeMemSLAS(self, deviceIp, community, REQUEST=None):
        """Write mem on a host"""
               snmpset -v2c -c """ + community + """ """ + deviceIp + """  \
               . i 1
        newId = "writeMemSLA" 

        Commandable.manage_addUserCommand(self, newId, desc='SLA write mem command', cmd=cmd)
        Commandable.manage_doUserCommand(self, newId)
        Commandable.manage_deleteUserCommand(self, ids=newId)
        if REQUEST:
            return self.callZenScreen(REQUEST)
예제 #3
    def manage_delSLAS(self, rttIndex, deviceIp, community, REQUEST=None):
        """Delete a SLA on a host"""
               snmpset -v2c -c """ + community + """ """ + deviceIp + """  \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 6
        newId = "delSLA" + str(rttIndex)

        Commandable.manage_addUserCommand(self, newId, desc='SLA delete command', cmd=cmd)
        Commandable.manage_doUserCommand(self, newId)
        Commandable.manage_deleteUserCommand(self, ids=newId)
        if REQUEST:
            return self.callZenScreen(REQUEST)
예제 #4
    def manage_addDhcpSLAS(self, newId, rttIndex, deviceIp, community, rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime=1, rttMonCtrlAdminOwner="zenoss", REQUEST=None):
        """Add a SLA to this SLA host"""
        tag = str(newId)
               snmpset -v2c -c """ + community + """ """ + deviceIp + """  \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 11 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + newId + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + rttMonCtrlAdminOwner + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 29 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 2 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ t """ + str(rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 4
        log.info("SLA Add cmd %s", cmd)
        newId = "addSLA" + str(rttIndex)

        Commandable.manage_addUserCommand(self, newId, desc='SLA add command', cmd=cmd)
        Commandable.manage_doUserCommand(self, newId)
        Commandable.manage_deleteUserCommand(self, ids=newId)
        if REQUEST:
            return self.callZenScreen(REQUEST)
예제 #5
    def manage_addJitterSLAS(self, newId, rttIndex, deviceIp, community, rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress, rttMonEchoAdminTargetPort, rttMonEchoAdminInterval=60, rttMonEchoAdminNumPackets=100, rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime=1, rttMonCtrlAdminOwner="zenoss", REQUEST=None):
        """Add a SLA to this SLA host"""
        tag = str(newId)
               snmpset -v2c -c """ + community + """ """ + deviceIp + """  \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 9 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + newId + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ s '""" + rttMonCtrlAdminOwner + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 27 \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ x '""" + toHex(rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress) + """' \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonEchoAdminTargetPort) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonEchoAdminInterval) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i """ + str(rttMonEchoAdminNumPackets) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ t """ + str(rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime) + """ \
               .""" + str(rttIndex) + """ i 4
        log.info("SLA Add cmd %s", cmd)
        newId = "addSLA" + str(rttIndex)

        Commandable.manage_addUserCommand(self, newId, desc='SLA add command', cmd=cmd)
        Commandable.manage_doUserCommand(self, newId)
        Commandable.manage_deleteUserCommand(self, ids=newId)
        if REQUEST:
            return self.callZenScreen(REQUEST)