def getSubComponents(self, dmd): i = 0 catalog = ICatalogTool(dmd.Devices) COMPONENT = 'Products.ZenModel.DeviceComponent.DeviceComponent' query = Eq('monitored', '1') for brain in, query=query): i += 1 obj = None try: obj = brain.getObject() except KeyError: continue dev = obj.device() status = obj.getStatus() row = (dict(getParentDeviceTitle=obj.getParentDeviceTitle(), hostname=obj.getParentDeviceTitle(),, meta_type=obj.meta_type, getInstDescription=obj.getInstDescription(), getStatusString=obj.convertStatus(status), getDeviceLink=obj.getDeviceLink(), getPrimaryUrlPath=obj.getPrimaryUrlPath(), cssclass=obj.getStatusCssClass(status), status=status)) obj._p_invalidate() dev._p_invalidate() if i % 100 == 0: transaction.abort() yield Utils.Record(**row)
def _getPercentUtilization( availableReal, totalReal, usedPercent ): if usedPercent: return usedPercent elif totalReal and availableReal: return Utils.percent( totalReal - availableReal, totalReal ) else: return None
def _getPercentUtilization(availableReal, totalReal, usedPercent): if usedPercent: return usedPercent elif totalReal and availableReal: return Utils.percent(totalReal - availableReal, totalReal) else: return None
def run(self, dmd, args): report = [] for g in dmd.Groups.getSubOrganizers(): t_mem = 0 t_disk_used = 0 t_disk_total = 0 t_devices = 0 t_cpuspeed = 0 for d in g.getSubDevices(): t_mem += self.getMemory(d) t_disk_used += self.getDiskSpaceUsed(d) t_disk_total += self.getDiskSpaceTotal(d) t_devices += 1 t_cpuspeed += self.getCPUSpeed(d) t_disk_used = int(t_disk_used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) t_disk_total = int(t_disk_total / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) t_mem = int(t_mem / 1024 / 1024) report.append( Utils.Record( group = g, groupname = g.getOrganizerName(), tmem = t_mem, tdiskused = t_disk_used, tdisktotal = t_disk_total, tcpuspeed = t_cpuspeed, tdevices = t_devices ) ) return report
def run(self, dmd, args): report = [] recordCount = 0 for m in dmd.Manufacturers.objectValues(): if == 'Unknown' or m.meta_type != 'Manufacturer': continue for p in m.products.objectValues(): if p.meta_type == 'SoftwareClass': c = 0 for i in p.instances(): try: if dmd.checkRemotePerm('View', i.device()): c += 1 except Exception: continue i._p_invalidate() if c == 0: continue report.append( Utils.Record(manufLink=m.getIdLink(),, softLink=p.getIdLink(),, count=c)) p._p_invalidate() m._p_invalidate() recordCount += 1 if recordCount % 100 == 0: transaction.abort() return report
def run(self, dmd, args): """ Generate the report using custom filter """ report = [] #'invoking InstalledSoftware report') # Filter the device list down according to the # values from the filter widget for device in self.filteredDevices(dmd, args): yield Utils.Record(device=device)
def _createRecord(self, device, component=None, columnDatapointsMap={}, summary={}, templateArgs=None): """ Creates a record for the given row context (that is, the device and/or component) @param device: the device for this row @param component: the (optional) component for this row @param columnDatapointsMap: a dict of Column objects to alias-datapoint pairs. The first datapoint that gives a value for the context will be used. @param summary: a dict of report parameters like start date, end date, and rrd summary function @param templateArgs the template tags from the ui @rtype L{Utils.Record} """ def localGetValue(device, component, extra): try: return column.getValue(device, component, extra=extra) except (TypeError, NameError): return None columnValueMap = {} for column, aliasDatapointPairs in columnDatapointsMap.iteritems(): columnName = column.getColumnName() extra = dict(aliasDatapointPairs=aliasDatapointPairs, summary=summary, templateArgs=templateArgs) value = localGetValue(device, component, extra) columnValueMap[columnName] = value # The composite columns cannot be RRD columns, because we do # not pass datapoints. extra = dict(summary=summary) extra.update(columnValueMap) for column in self.getCompositeColumns(): columnName = column.getColumnName() value = localGetValue(device, component, extra) columnValueMap[columnName] = value extra.update({columnName: value}) return Utils.Record(device=device, component=component, **columnValueMap)
def run(self, dmd, args): report = [] for device in dmd.Devices.getSubDevicesGen(): report.append( Utils.Record( device=device.titleOrId(), ip=device.manageIp, hardware="%s %s" % (device.hw.getManufacturerName(), device.hw.getProductName()), software="%s %s" % (device.os.getManufacturerName(), device.os.getProductName()), )) return report
def run(self, dmd, args): report = [] zem = dmd.ZenEventManager windows_class = None # Guard against people removing the /Server/Windows device class. try: windows_class = dmd.getObjByPath('Devices/Server/Windows') except KeyError: return [] for d in windows_class.getSubDevices(): if "MSExchangeIS" not in d.zDeviceTemplates: continue if not d.monitorDevice(): continue availability = d.availability() uptime = d.sysUpTime() uptime_string = "unknown" if uptime and uptime != -1: uptime = uptime / 100 uptime_string = Time.Duration(uptime) else: uptime = None r = Utils.Record( device=d.titleOrId(), deviceUrl=d.getPrimaryUrlPath(), availability=float(availability), availability_string=str(availability), uptime=uptime, uptime_string=uptime_string, ) for winservice in self.winservices: ws = getattr(d.os.winservices, winservice, None) if ws: r.values[winservice] = ws.getStatusString( '/Status/WinService') r.values[winservice+'_img'] = d.getStatusImgSrc( ws.getStatus()) report.append(r) return report
def getSubComponents(self, dmd): catalog = IModelCatalogTool(dmd.Devices) COMPONENT = 'Products.ZenModel.DeviceComponent.DeviceComponent' query = Eq('monitored', '1') with gc_cache_every(100, db=dmd._p_jar._db): for brain in, query=query): try: obj = brain.getObject() except KeyError: continue status = obj.getStatus() row = (dict(getParentDeviceTitle=obj.getParentDeviceTitle(), hostname=obj.getParentDeviceTitle(),, meta_type=obj.meta_type, getInstDescription=obj.getInstDescription(), getStatusString=obj.convertStatus(status), getDeviceLink=obj.getDeviceLink(), getPrimaryUrlPath=obj.getPrimaryUrlPath(), cssclass=obj.getStatusCssClass(status), status=status)) yield Utils.Record(**row)
def run(self, dmd, args): summary = Utilization.getSummaryArgs(dmd, args) deviceClass = args.get('deviceClass', '/Server') organizer = deviceClass showAll = args.get('showAll', '') == "on" deviceFilter = args.get('deviceFilter', '') deviceMatch = re.compile('.*%s.*' % deviceFilter) report = [] if deviceClass == '/': return [] parts = organizer.lstrip('/').split('/') try: if not len(parts): raise AttributeError() # Invalid organizer root = dmd.getDmdRoot(parts[0]) for part in parts[1:]: root = getattr(root, part) except AttributeError: root = dmd.Devices for org in [ root, ] + root.getSubOrganizers(): path = org.getPrimaryUrlPath() for devObj in org.getDevices(): devObj = devObj.primaryAq() if not deviceMatch.match( continue types = getattr(org, 'zPerfReportableMetaTypes', ['IpInterface']) avePeriod = getattr(org, 'zPerfReportableAvePeriod', 86400) fullComponentList = [] for typeEntry in types: fullComponentList = fullComponentList + devObj.getMonitoredComponents( type=str(typeEntry)) for intObj in fullComponentList: if not showAll: if intObj.snmpIgnore(): continue isLocal = re.compile(devObj.zLocalInterfaceNames) if isLocal.match( continue if not intObj.speed: speed = 'Unknown' else: speed = intObj.speed counters = [ 'ifHCInOctets', 'ifHCOutOctets', 'ifInOctets', 'ifOutOctets' ] def multiply(number, by): if number is None or by is None: return None return number * by aveVals = getRRDValues(intObj, dsNames=counters, operation='AVERAGE', **summary) volAveIn = multiply( aveVals.get('ifHCInOctets', aveVals.get('ifInOctets', None)), avePeriod) volAveOut = multiply( aveVals.get('ifHCOutOctets', aveVals.get('ifOutOctets', None)), avePeriod) totalVals = getRRDValues(intObj, counters, operation='TOTAL', **summary) volIn = totalVals.get( 'ifHCInOctets', totalVals.get('ifInOctets', None)) volOut = totalVals.get( 'ifHCOutOctets', totalVals.get('ifOutOctets', None)) if volAveOut and volAveIn: volTotal = volOut + volIn else: volTotal = 0 record = Utils.Record(, devicePath=devObj.getPrimaryUrlPath(),, path=intObj.getPrimaryUrlPath(), description=intObj.description, speed=speed, volIn=volIn, volOut=volOut, volAveIn=volAveIn, volAveOut=volAveOut, volTotal=volTotal) report.append(record) return report
def run(self, dmd, args): now = time.time() zep = getFacade("zep", dmd) # read in args dateAsFloat(args, 'startDate', Availability.getDefaultAvailabilityStart(dmd)) dateAsFloat(args, 'endDate', Availability.getDefaultAvailabilityEnd()) args['eventClass'] = args.get('eventClass', '') or '/Perf' startDate = min(args['startDate'], now) endDate = min(args['endDate'], now) startDate = getBeginningOfDay(startDate) endDate = getEndOfDay(endDate) if endDate <= startDate: return [] # convert start and end date to integer milliseconds for defining filters startDate = int(startDate*1000) endDate = int(endDate*1000) # compose filter for retrieval from ZEP create_filter_args = { 'severity' : _severityGreaterThanOrEqual(SEVERITY_WARNING), 'event_class' : args['eventClass'] + ('/' if not args['eventClass'].endswith('/') else ''), 'first_seen' : (0,endDate), 'last_seen' : (startDate,), } event_filter = zep.createEventFilter(**create_filter_args) events = zep.getEventSummariesGenerator(event_filter) events_from_archive = zep.getEventSummariesGenerator(event_filter, archive=True) sum = defaultdict(int) counts = defaultdict(int) for evtsumm in chain(events, events_from_archive): first = evtsumm['first_seen_time'] # if event is still open, downtime persists til end of report window if evtsumm['status'] not in CLOSED_EVENT_STATUSES: last = endDate else: last = evtsumm['status_change_time'] # clip first and last within report time window first = max(first, startDate) last = min(last, endDate) # discard any events that have no elapsed time if first == last: continue # extract key fields, and update time/count tallies evt = evtsumm['occurrence'][0] evt_actor = evt['actor'] device = evt_actor.get('element_identifier') component = evt_actor.get('element_sub_identifier') eventClass = evt['event_class'] diff = last - first sum[(device, component, eventClass)] += diff counts[(device, component, eventClass)] += 1 # Look up objects that correspond to the names report = [] find = dmd.Devices.findDevice totalTime = endDate - startDate for k, seconds in sum.items(): deviceName, componentName, eventClassName = k deviceLink = deviceName component = None componentLink = componentName eventClass = None eventClassLink = eventClassName device = find(deviceName) if not device or not dmd.checkRemotePerm('View', device): continue deviceLink = device.urlLink() if componentName: for c in device.getMonitoredComponents(): if >= 0: component = c componentLink = c.urlLink() break # get some values useful for the report duration = Duration(seconds/1000) percent = seconds * 100. / totalTime try: eventClass = dmd.Events.getOrganizer(eventClassName) eventClassLink = eventClass.urlLink() except KeyError: pass report.append(Utils.Record( deviceName=deviceName, deviceLink=deviceLink, componentName=componentName, componentLink=componentLink, eventClassName=eventClassName, eventClassLink=eventClassLink, count=counts.get(k, 1), seconds=seconds, percentTime=percent, duration=duration)) return report