def main(): from warnings import warn from .pncparse import pncparse from PseudoNetCDF.core._functions import pncfunc, pncbfunc from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse parser = getparser(has_ofile = False, plot_options = False, interactive = True) parser.add_argument('--funcs', default = __all__, type = lambda x: x.split(','), help='Functions to evaluate split by , (default: %s)' % ','.join(__all__)) import numpy as np np.seterr(divide = 'ignore', invalid = 'ignore') ifiles, options = pncparse(has_ofile = False, interactive = True, parser = parser) if options.variables is None: options.variables = set(ifiles[0].variables.keys()).difference(options.coordkeys) console = createconsole(ifiles, options) warn("Assumes input order is obs model") ifile1, ifile2 = ifiles for k in options.funcs: console.locals[k] = func = eval(k) console.locals[k+'_f'] = ofile = pncbfunc(func, ifile1, ifile2) times = ifile1.variables['time'] tstart = times[:].min() tstop = times[:].max() dt = tstop - tstart for vk in options.variables: if vk in ('time', 'TFLAG'): continue print('%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%s,%s,%s,%f' % (tstart, tstop, dt, vk, func.__doc__.strip(), k, ofile.variables[vk].ravel()[0])) np.seterr(divide = 'warn', invalid = 'warn') if options.interactive: console.interact()
def main(): from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import pncparse, getparser from PseudoNetCDF.plotutil.pnc2d import make2ds parser = getparser(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True) parser.add_argument('--swapaxes', action='store_true', help='Swap x-y axes') ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True, parser=parser) make2ds(args)
def main(): from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse from PseudoNetCDF.plotutil.pncts import plotts parser = getparser(plot_options=True, has_ofile=True) parser.epilog += """ ----- inobs inmod target [target ...] inobs - path to obs inmod - path to mod target - variable name """ ifiles, args = pncparse(plot_options=True, has_ofile=True, parser=parser) plotts(args)
def main(): from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse from PseudoNetCDF.plotutil.pncmap import makemaps parser = getparser(has_ofile=True, map_options=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True) ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True, parser=parser) args.ifiles = ifiles makemaps(args)
def main(): from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import pncparse, getparser from PseudoNetCDF.plotutil.pnc2d import make2ds parser = getparser(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True) #parser.add_argument('--no-squeeze', dest = 'squeeze', default = True, action = 'store_false', help = 'Squeeze automatically removes singleton dimensions; disabling requires user to remove singleton dimensions with --remove-singleton option') parser.add_argument('--swapaxes', action='store_true', help='Swap x-y axes') ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True, parser=parser) make2ds(args)
def read_bpch(filename, varname_list, latlon_flag=True, verbose=True, squeeze=False): """ read data from GEOS-Chem bpch file Paratemters ----------- filename : str bpch file varname_list : list A list of variable names. latlon_flag : bool Whether latitude and longitude is returned squeeze : logical Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array. Returns ------- """ out_dict = {} # read file if verbose: print('reading ' + filename) infiles, argcs = pncparse(args = [filename, '-f bpch']) infile = infiles[0] # get variables for varname in varname_list: out_dict[varname] = np.array(infile.variables[varname]) if latlon_flag: out_dict['latitude'] = np.array(infile.variables['latitude']) out_dict['longitude'] = np.array(infile.variables['longitude']) lat_e = np.array(infile.variables['latitude_bounds']) lon_e = np.array(infile.variables['longitude_bounds']) out_dict['latitude_e'] = np.append(lat_e[:,0], lat_e[-1,1]) out_dict['longitude_e'] = np.append(lon_e[:,0], lon_e[-1,1]) # Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape # of an array if squeeze: for varn in out_dict: out_dict[varn] = np.squeeze(out_dict[varn]) return out_dict
def main(): from warnings import warn from .pncparse import pncparse from PseudoNetCDF.core._functions import pncfunc, pncbfunc from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse parser = getparser(has_ofile=False, plot_options=False, interactive=True) parser.add_argument('--funcs', default=__all__, type=lambda x: x.split(','), help='Functions to evaluate split by , (default: %s)' % ','.join(__all__)) import numpy as np np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') ifiles, options = pncparse(has_ofile=False, interactive=True, parser=parser) if options.variables is None: options.variables = set(ifiles[0].variables.keys()).difference( options.coordkeys) console = createconsole(ifiles, options) warn("Assumes input order is obs model") ifile1, ifile2 = ifiles for k in options.funcs: console.locals[k] = func = eval(k) console.locals[k + '_f'] = ofile = pncbfunc(func, ifile1, ifile2) times = ifile1.variables['time'] tstart = times[:].min() tstop = times[:].max() dt = tstop - tstart for vk in options.variables: if vk in ('time', 'TFLAG'): continue print('%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%s,%s,%s,%f' % (tstart, tstop, dt, vk, func.__doc__.strip(), k, ofile.variables[vk].ravel()[0])) np.seterr(divide='warn', invalid='warn') if options.interactive: console.interact()
help = "Use quartiles to set range (xmin, xmax); defaults 0,100.") parser.add_argument("--out-unit", dest = "outunit", type = str, default = 'ppb', help = "Defaults ppb.") parser.add_argument("--tes-paths", dest = "tespaths", type = str, default = [], action = "append", help = "Plot tes on top of boundary from paths; defaults to []") parser.add_argument("--omi-paths", dest = "omipaths", type = str, default = [], action = "append", help = "Plot omi on top of boundary from paths; defaults to []") parser.add_argument("--itertime", dest = "itertime", default = False, action = 'store_true', help = "Iterate over times and plot each one.") parser.add_argument("--edges", dest = "edges", default = False, action = "store_true", help = "Plot S,E,N,W edges instead of a single plot.") parser.epilog = """ Example: $ outputs/ test_profile -v O3 --edges --minmaxq .5,99.5 --tes-paths=~/Data/test/* """ ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile = True, parser = parser) if args.variables is None: raise ValueError('User must specify variable(s) to plot:\n%s' % '\n\t'.join(ifiles[0].variables.keys())) if len(args.tespaths) > 0: args.tespaths = reduce(list.__add__, [tp.split(',') for tp in args.tespaths]) if len(args.omipaths) > 0: args.omipaths = reduce(list.__add__, [op.split(',') for op in args.omipaths]) plot(ifiles, args)
def read_nd49_resample(file_list, varname_list): """ read data from GEOS-Chem ND49 file from resampling according to satellite overpass time. Paratemters ----------- file_list: list A list of ND49 filenames. It usually includes files of previous one day, current day, and next one day. varname_list : list A list of variable names. Returns ------- """ out_dict = {} # 4-D variables for varname in varname_list: out_dict[varname] = [] # other variables out_dict['time'] = [] # read data latlon_flag = True for i in range(len(file_list)): filename = file_list[i] # Determine if file exists if not os.path.exists(filename): print(' - read_nd49_resample: WARNING! ' + filename + \ ' does not exist.') continue # read file print('reading ' + filename) infiles, argcs = pncparse(args = [filename, '-f bpch']) infile = infiles[0] # get variables for varname in varname_list: out_dict[varname].append(np.array(infile.variables[varname])) # other variables out_dict['time'].append(np.array(infile.variables['time'])) if latlon_flag: out_dict['latitude'] = np.array(infile.variables['latitude']) out_dict['longitude'] = np.array(infile.variables['longitude']) lat_e = np.array(infile.variables['latitude_bounds']) lon_e = np.array(infile.variables['longitude_bounds']) out_dict['latitude_e'] = np.append(lat_e[:,0], lat_e[-1,1]) out_dict['longitude_e'] = np.append(lon_e[:,0], lon_e[-1,1]) # merge variables for varname in varname_list: # concatenate arrays out_dict[varname] = np.concatenate(out_dict[varname], axis=0) # move axis out_dict[varname] = np.moveaxis(out_dict[varname], 1, 3) # tau # 'time': hours since 1985-01-01T00:00:00 # 'TAI93': seconds since 1993-01-01T00:00:00 # 'Time' : datetime instance day_hours = 24.0 hour_seconds = 3600.0 day_seconds = day_hours * hour_seconds out_dict['time'] = np.hstack(out_dict['time']) diff_93_85 = datetime.datetime.strptime('1993-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') \ - datetime.datetime.strptime('1985-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') diff_93_85_hours = diff_93_85.days * day_hours TAI93 = (out_dict['time'] - diff_93_85_hours) * hour_seconds out_dict['TAI93'] = TAI93 out_dict['Time'] = [] for i in range(len(out_dict['TAI93'])): out_dict['Time'].append( \ datetime.datetime.strptime('1993-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') \ + datetime.timedelta(seconds=out_dict['TAI93'][i]) ) return out_dict
help='Direction bin widths in degrees.') parser.add_argument('--max-pct', dest='maxpct', type=float, default=50., help='Maximum percent on plot') parser.add_argument( '--fromnorth', dest='fromnorth', action='store_true', default=False, help='Bins should start from north (i.e., not bound north)') parser.add_argument('--bounds', dest='bounds', type=lambda x: np.array(eval(x)), default=np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 10, np.inf]), help='Boundaries for wind speed') parser.epilog = """ Example: $ -s time,600,None --max-pct=35 --wind-dir wd --wind-speed ws --mask-var="ws[:].mask.all(0)[None,:].repeat(ws.shape[0], 0)" --bounds="[0.5,1,2,3.5,4.5,6.5,np.inf]" --title obs oct_obs Description: Create windrose for timestep 600 and on where wind-direction is name wd, and windspeed is named ws. Masking is applied from file where all times for ws are masked (useful for ignoring monitors). Values less than 0.5 will be masked. """ ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile=True, plot_options=False, interactive=False, args=None, parser=parser) out = pncwindrose(ifiles, args)
po = np.arange(24) + 0.1 + varwidth / 2 for vi, (time, var) in enumerate(zip(times, vars)): vals = var[:] if args.squeeze: vals = vals.squeeze() vardesc = getattr(var, 'description', None) varb = ax.plot(time, vals[:], label=vardesc) # plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(),rotation = 45) plt.legend() figpath = args.outpath + target + '.' + args.figformat for pc in args.plotcommands: exec(pc, globals(), locals()) fig.savefig(figpath) if args.verbose > 0: print('Saved fig', figpath) print(figpath) if __name__ == '__main__': from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse parser = getparser(plot_options=True, has_ofile=True) parser.epilog += """ ----- inobs inmod target [target ...] inobs - path to obs inmod - path to mod target - variable name """ ifiles, args = pncparse(plot_options=True, has_ofile=True, parser=parser) plotts(args)
extend = 'neither' cbar = fig.colorbar(patches, orientation = orientation, cax = cax, extend = extend, format = formatter) del[:] cbar.set_label(varkey + ' (' + varunit + '; min=%.3g; max=%.3g)' % (var[:].min(), var[:].max())) # if orientation == 'vertical': #, 1.05, '%.3g' % var[:].max(), horizontalalignment = 'center', verticalalignment = 'bottom') #, -.06, '%.3g ' % var[:].min(), horizontalalignment = 'center', verticalalignment = 'top') # else: #, .5, ' %.3g' % var[:].max(), verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'left') #, .5, '%.3g ' % var[:].min(), verticalalignment = 'center', horizontalalignment = 'right') #cbar.update_ticks() fmt = 'png' outpath = options.outpath if len(ifiles) > 1: outpath += ('_%%0%dd' % len(str(len(ifiles)))) % fi figpath = os.path.join(outpath + varkey + '.' + fmt) if options.interactive: csl = PNCConsole(locals = globals()) csl.interact() fig.savefig(figpath) print('Saved fig', figpath) if __name__ == '__main__': from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import pncparse, getparser parser = getparser(has_ofile = True, plot_options = True, interactive = True) parser.add_argument('--swapaxes', action = 'store_true', help = 'Swap x-y axes') ifiles, options = pncparse(has_ofile = True, plot_options = True, interactive = True, parser = parser) make2d(ifiles, options)
def parse_and_run(): import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from warnings import warn from permm import mechanism_dict, Mechanism from permm.analyses import __all__ as all_analyses all_mechs = '|'.join(list(mechanism_dict.keys())) all_analyses = '|'.join(all_analyses) from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse parser = ArgumentParser( description= "permm (Python Environment for Reaction Mechanism Mathematics)") parser.add_argument("--gui", dest="graphical", \ action="store_true", default=False, \ help="open a graphical user interactive environment") parser.add_argument("--mechanism", dest="mechanism", \ default="cb05_camx", help="Chemical mechanisms (e.g., a custom path|%s)" % all_mechs) parser.add_argument("--analysis", dest="analysis", \ default=None, help="Stock analysis to perform (i.e., %s)" % all_analyses) parser.add_argument("--scripts", dest="scripts", action='append', default=[], help="Provide scripts to run") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", dest="interactive", action='store_true', default=False, help="Run interactively") parser.add_argument( "--input-role", dest="inrole", action='append', default=[], help= "Is this a 'merge' file or a 'concentration' file or any other word indicating type?" ) parser.add_argument("pseudonetcdf", nargs='*') options = parser.parse_args() if len(options.pseudonetcdf) > 0: pncparser = getparser(has_ofile=False, interactive=True) ifiles, pncoptions = pncparse(has_ofile=False, interactive=True, parser=pncparser, args=args.pseudonetcdf) else: ifiles = [] pncoptions = {} from permm import netcdf from permm.Shell import load_environ try: mech = mechanism_dict[options.mechanism] except KeyError: mech = Mechanism(options.mechanism) start_script = 0 options.inrole += ['merge'] * (len(ifiles) - len(options.inrole)) for r, ifile in zip(options.inrole, ifiles): if r == 'merge': mech.set_mrg(ifile) else: vardict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in list(ifile.variables.items()) if k in mech.species_dict]) mech.set_process(r, vardict) from permm.Shell import PERMConsole console = PERMConsole() load_environ(mech, console.locals) for script in options.scripts: if os.path.isfile(script): exec(compile(open(script).read(), script, 'exec'), globals(), console.locals) else: exec(script, globals(), console.locals) if options.graphical: console.runsource("from permm.GUI import StartGUI") console.runsource("StartGUI(mech)") if options.analysis is not None: if len(args) < 1: parser.error( msg= "Requires a pyPA mrg file as an argument for analysis output. You can enter an interactive environment (-i), but will not have access to \"netted\" reactions" ) if options.analysis == "net_balance": console.runsource( "from permm.analyses.net_balance import net_balance") console.runsource("net_balance('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (options.mechanism, args[0], options.output)) elif options.analysis == "history": console.runsource("from permm.analyses.history import matrix") console.runsource( "history = matrix(mech, [C2O3], [HC+Radical-OH-HO2-O1D], [])") console.runsource("") else: raise "Unkown analysis" if options.interactive: load_environ(mech, console.locals) console.interact()
rectangles = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, color = ubc) for ubc in ubcs] fig.legend(rectangles, labels, ncol = 3, bbox_to_anchor = (.5, 0.025), loc = 'lower center') ticks = np.linspace(0, args.maxpct, 6)[1:] labels = ['%s%%' % i for i in ticks] plt.yticks(ticks, labels) ax.set_rmax(args.maxpct) ax.set_clip_on(False) fig.savefig(args.outpath) plt.close(fig) if __name__ == '__main__': from PseudoNetCDF.pncparse import getparser, pncparse parser = getparser(has_ofile = True, plot_options = False, interactive = False) parser.add_argument('--wind-speed', dest = 'windspeed', default = 'WS', help = 'Wind speed variable') parser.add_argument('--mask-var', dest = 'maskvar', default = 'WS', help = 'Variable from file two for masking') parser.add_argument('--wind-dir', dest = 'winddir', default = 'WD', help = 'Wind direction variable') parser.add_argument('--title', default = None, help = 'Title for wind rose') parser.add_argument('--binwidth', dest = 'binwidth', type = float, default = 45., help = 'Direction bin widths in degrees.') parser.add_argument('--max-pct', dest = 'maxpct', type = float, default = 50., help = 'Maximum percent on plot') parser.add_argument('--fromnorth', dest = 'fromnorth', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Bins should start from north (i.e., not bound north)') parser.add_argument('--bounds', dest = 'bounds', type = lambda x: np.array(eval(x)), default = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 10, np.inf]), help = 'Boundaries for wind speed') parser.epilog = """ Example: $ -s time,600,None --max-pct=35 --wind-dir wd --wind-speed ws --mask-var="ws[:].mask.all(0)[None,:].repeat(ws.shape[0], 0)" --bounds="[0.5,1,2,3.5,4.5,6.5,np.inf]" --title obs oct_obs Description: Create windrose for timestep 600 and on where wind-direction is name wd, and windspeed is named ws. Masking is applied from file where all times for ws are masked (useful for ignoring monitors). Values less than 0.5 will be masked. """ ifiles, args = pncparse(has_ofile = True, plot_options = False, interactive = False, args = None, parser = parser) out = pncwindrose(ifiles, args)
csl = PNCConsole(locals=globals()) csl.interact() pl.savefig(figpath) print('Saved fig', figpath) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = getparser(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True) parser.add_argument( "--iter", dest="iter", action='append', default=[], help= "Create plots for each element of specified dimension (e.g., --iter=time)." ) ifiles, options = pncparse(has_ofile=True, plot_options=True, interactive=True, parser=parser) prepmap(ifiles, options) ifile, = ifiles if options.iter != []: ifiles = [] for dimk in options.iter: ifiles += [ slice_dim(getvarpnc(ifile, None), '%s,%d' % (dimk, i)) for i in range(len(ifile.dimensions[dimk])) ] makemap(ifiles, options)