예제 #1
파일: PyChef.py 프로젝트: xia2/xia2
  def print_completeness_vs_dose(self):
    '''Print the completeness vs. dose for each input reflection file.
    This will need to read the MTZ file, get the dataset cell constants
    and space group, compute the expected number of reflections, then
    as a function of dose compute what fraction of these are measured.
    For native data this is going to simply write out:

    dose, fraction

    but for MAD data it will need to print out:

    dose, fractionI+, fractionI-, fractionI, fractionI+andI-

    would be nice to have this described a little tidier.'''

    for crystal_name, dataset_name in sorted(self._reflections):

      reflections = self._reflections[(crystal_name, dataset_name)]
      uc = self._unit_cells[(crystal_name, dataset_name)]
      sg = self._space_groups[(crystal_name, dataset_name)]

      nref = len(compute_unique_reflections(uc, sg, self._anomalous,

      nref_n = len(compute_unique_reflections(uc, sg, False,

      print 'Cumulative completeness analysis for %s/%s' % \
            (crystal_name, dataset_name)
      print 'Expecting %d reflections' % nref

      # Right, in here I need to get the lowest dose for a given
      # h, k, l and then add this reflection for completeness to all
      # high dose bins, as it is measured already. So, if it is
      # centric and anomalous, add to I+ and I-
      # centric and not anomalous, add to I
      # acentric and anomalous, add to I+ or I-
      # acentric and not anomalous, add to I
      # To do this the best thing to do is to read through all of the
      # reflections and keep a dictionary of the lowest dose at which
      # a given reflection was recorded. Then iterate through this
      # list to see how many we have as a function of dose...
      # Ok, so after trying to implement this cleanly I think that the
      # only way to do this is to actually read all of the reflections
      # in and store them in e.g. a dictionary. Could be expensive
      # for large data sets, but worry about that ... later. Can at
      # least store this in-memory representation. Accordingly will also
      # need to read in the 'I' column...

      # this will be a dictionary indexed by the Miller indices and
      # containing anomalous flag (1: I+, 0:I- or native) baseline
      # intensity values and the error estimate..

      # now construct the completeness tables for I or I+ & I-,
      # then populate from this list of lowest doses...

      if self._anomalous:

        print '$TABLE : Completeness vs. %s, %s/%s:' % \
              (self._base_column, crystal_name, dataset_name)
        print '$GRAPHS: Completeness:N:1,2,3,4,5: $$'
        print '%8s %5s %5s %5s %5s $$ $$' % \
              (self._base_column, 'I+', 'I-', 'I', 'dI')

        iplus_count = []
        iminus_count = []
        ieither_count = []
        iboth_count = []

        nsteps = 1 + int(
            (self._range_max - self._range_min) / self._range_width)

        for j in range(nsteps):

        for h, k, l in reflections:
          base_min_iplus = self._range_max + self._range_width
          base_min_iminus = self._range_max + self._range_width

          for pm, base, i, sigi in reflections[(h, k, l)]:
            if sg.is_centric((h, k, l)):
              if base < base_min_iplus:
                base_min_iplus = base
              if base < base_min_iminus:
                base_min_iminus = base
            elif pm:
              if base < base_min_iplus:
                base_min_iplus = base
              if base < base_min_iminus:
                base_min_iminus = base

          start_iplus = int((base_min_iplus - self._range_min)
                            / self._range_width)

          start_iminus = int((base_min_iminus - self._range_min)
                            / self._range_width)

          if start_iplus < nsteps:
            iplus_count[start_iplus] += 1
          if start_iminus < nsteps:
            iminus_count[start_iminus] += 1
          if min(start_iplus, start_iminus) < nsteps:
            ieither_count[min(start_iplus, start_iminus)] += 1
          if max(start_iplus, start_iminus) < nsteps:
            iboth_count[max(start_iplus, start_iminus)] += 1

        # now sum up

        for j in range(1, nsteps):
          iplus_count[j] += iplus_count[j - 1]
          iminus_count[j] += iminus_count[j - 1]
          ieither_count[j] += ieither_count[j - 1]
          iboth_count[j] += iboth_count[j - 1]

        for j in range(nsteps):
          iplus = iplus_count[j] / float(nref_n)
          iminus = iminus_count[j] / float(nref_n)
          ieither = ieither_count[j] / float(nref_n)
          iboth = iboth_count[j] / float(nref_n)

          print '%8.1f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f' % \
                (self._range_min + j * self._range_width,
                 iplus, iminus, ieither, iboth)

        print '$$'


        print '$TABLE : Completeness vs. %s, %s/%s:' % \
              (self._base_column, crystal_name, dataset_name)
        print '$GRAPHS: Completeness:N:1, 2: $$'
        print '%8s %5s $$ $$' % (self._base_column, 'I')

        i_count = []

        nsteps = 1 + int(
            (self._range_max - self._range_min) / self._range_width)

        for j in range(nsteps):

        for h, k, l in reflections:
          base_min = self._range_max + self._range_width

          for pm, base, i, sigi in reflections[(h, k, l)]:
            if base < base_min:
              base_min = base

          start = int((base_min - self._range_min)
                      / self._range_width)

          # for j in range(start, nsteps):
          i_count[start] += 1

        for j in range(1, nsteps):
          i_count[j] += i_count[j - 1]

        for j in range(nsteps):
          i = i_count[j] / float(nref)

          print '%8.1f %5.3f' % \
                (self._range_min + j * self._range_width, i)

        print '$$'

예제 #2
파일: PyChef.py 프로젝트: xia2/xia2
  def parallel_calculate_completeness_vs_dose_anomalous(self, reflections):
    '''Compute arrays of completeness vs. dose for anomalous data for
    these reflections. This version will split the reflections into
    different chunks and accumulate afterwards.'''

    uc = self._unit_cells[(crystal_name, dataset_name)]
    sg = self._space_groups[(crystal_name, dataset_name)]

    nref = len(compute_unique_reflections(uc, sg, self._anomalous,

    nref_n = len(compute_unique_reflections(uc, sg, False,

    iplus_count = []
    iminus_count = []
    ieither_count = []
    iboth_count = []

    nsteps = 1 + int(
        (self._range_max - self._range_min) / self._range_width)

    for j in range(nsteps):

    hkls = list(reflections)

    chunk_size = len(hkls) / self._ncpu

    chunks = [hkls[j: j + chunk_size] \
              for j in range(0, len(hkls), chunk_size)]

    # here need to spawn parallel threads

    for hkl in reflections:
      base_min_iplus = self._range_max + self._range_width
      base_min_iminus = self._range_max + self._range_width

      for pm, base, i, sigi in reflections[hkl]:
        if sg.is_centric(hkl):
          if base < base_min_iplus:
            base_min_iplus = base
          if base < base_min_iminus:
            base_min_iminus = base
        elif pm:
          if base < base_min_iplus:
            base_min_iplus = base
          if base < base_min_iminus:
            base_min_iminus = base

      start_iplus = int((base_min_iplus - self._range_min)
                        / self._range_width)

      start_iminus = int((base_min_iminus - self._range_min)
                         / self._range_width)

      if start_iplus < nsteps:
        iplus_count[start_iplus] += 1
      if start_iminus < nsteps:
        iminus_count[start_iminus] += 1
      if min(start_iplus, start_iminus) < nsteps:
        ieither_count[min(start_iplus, start_iminus)] += 1
      if max(start_iplus, start_iminus) < nsteps:
        iboth_count[max(start_iplus, start_iminus)] += 1

    # now sum up

    for j in range(1, nsteps):
      iplus_count[j] += iplus_count[j - 1]
      iminus_count[j] += iminus_count[j - 1]
      ieither_count[j] += ieither_count[j - 1]
      iboth_count[j] += iboth_count[j - 1]

    # now compute this as fractions

    comp_iplus = [ip / float(nref_n) for ip in iplus_count]
    comp_iminus = [im / float(nref_n) for im in iminus_count]
    comp_ieither = [ie / float(nref_n) for ie in iplus_count]
    comp_iboth = [ib / float(nref_n) for ib in iplus_count]

    # and return

    return comp_iplus, comp_iminus, comp_ieither, comp_iboth