class SimpleArbitrator(object): debug = True vel = np.zeros(rc.MAX_CONTROL_DIMS) #pos = np.zeros(rc.MAX_CONTROL_DIMS) autoVelControlFraction = \ np.ones_like(rc.MDF_ROBOT_CONTROL_CONFIG().autoVelControlFraction) extrinsic_vel = np.zeros_like(rc.MDF_COMPOSITE_MOVEMENT_COMMAND().vel) intrinsic_vel = np.zeros_like(rc.MDF_COMPOSITE_MOVEMENT_COMMAND().vel) def __init__(self, config_file, server): self.load_config(config_file) self.setup_dragonfly(server) def load_config(self, config_file): self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.timer_tag = self.config.get('main', 'timer_tag') self.extrinsic_tags = self.config.get('main', 'extrinsic_tags').split() self.intrinsic_tags = self.config.get('main', 'intrinsic_tags').split() default_auto = float(self.config.get('main', 'default_auto')) self.autoVelControlFraction[:] = default_auto self.gate = 1. # default value self.idle_gateable = 0. # default value def setup_dragonfly(self, server): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(rc.MID_SIMPLE_ARBITRATOR, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) for sub in subscriptions: self.mod.Subscribe(eval('rc.MT_%s' % (sub))) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", server def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'SimpleArbitrator') else: self.process_message(msg) def process_message(self, msg): ''' Needs to: 1) combine non-conflicting controlledDims e.g. from OPERATOR_MOVEMENT_COMMANDs, into either extrinsic or intrinsic commands 2) combine intrinsic and extrinsic commands into final command ''' msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type in [ rc.MT_OPERATOR_MOVEMENT_COMMAND, rc.MT_PLANNER_MOVEMENT_COMMAND, rc.MT_EM_MOVEMENT_COMMAND, rc.MT_FIXTURED_MOVEMENT_COMMAND ]: if msg_type == rc.MT_OPERATOR_MOVEMENT_COMMAND: mdf = rc.MDF_OPERATOR_MOVEMENT_COMMAND() elif msg_type == rc.MT_PLANNER_MOVEMENT_COMMAND: mdf = rc.MDF_PLANNER_MOVEMENT_COMMAND() elif msg_type == rc.MT_EM_MOVEMENT_COMMAND: mdf = rc.MDF_EM_MOVEMENT_COMMAND() elif msg_type == rc.MT_FIXTURED_MOVEMENT_COMMAND: mdf = rc.MDF_FIXTURED_MOVEMENT_COMMAND() # MOVEMENT_COMMAND # ---------------- # controlledDims # pos # sample_header # sample_interval # tag # vel # ---------------- copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) tag = mdf.tag #if not tag in self.accepted_tags: # return dim = np.asarray(mdf.controlledDims, dtype=bool) #.astype(bool) if mdf.tag in self.intrinsic_tags: # intrinsic is AUTO command self.intrinsic_vel[dim] = np.asarray(mdf.vel, dtype=float)[dim] #print "intr_vel = " + " ".join(["%5.2f" % (x) for x in self.intrinsic_vel]) elif mdf.tag in self.extrinsic_tags: #print "!" # extrinsic is non-AUTO, i.e. EM, command self.extrinsic_vel[dim] = np.asarray(mdf.vel, dtype=float)[dim] #self.extrinsic_vel[:8] *= self.gate if tag == self.timer_tag: self.send_output(mdf.sample_header) elif msg_type == rc.MT_ROBOT_CONTROL_CONFIG: mdf = rc.MDF_ROBOT_CONTROL_CONFIG() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) self.autoVelControlFraction[:] = mdf.autoVelControlFraction elif msg_type == rc.MT_IDLE: mdf = rc.MDF_IDLE() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) self.gate = float(np.asarray(mdf.gain, dtype=float).item()) elif msg_type == rc.MT_IDLE_DETECTION_ENDED: self.gate = 1.0 elif msg_type == rc.MT_TASK_STATE_CONFIG: mdf = rc.MDF_TASK_STATE_CONFIG() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) self.idle_gateable = mdf.idle_gateable def get_combined_command(self): C = 1 - self.autoVelControlFraction # extrinsic fraction d = self.intrinsic_vel u = self.extrinsic_vel combined = C * u + (1 - C) * d print "--------------------------------------" print "C" + " ".join(["%0.2f" % (x) for x in C]) print "d" + " ".join(["%0.2f" % (x) for x in d]) print "u" + " ".join(["%0.2f" % (x) for x in u]) print "+" + " ".join(["%0.2f" % (x) for x in combined]) print "gain: ", self.gate print "gateable: ", self.idle_gateable return combined def send_output(self, sample_header): mdf = rc.MDF_COMPOSITE_MOVEMENT_COMMAND() mdf.tag = 'composite' vel = np.zeros_like(mdf.vel) vel[:] = self.get_combined_command() if self.idle_gateable == 1: vel[:8] *= self.gate mdf.vel[:] = vel mdf.sample_header = sample_header msg = CMessage(rc.MT_COMPOSITE_MOVEMENT_COMMAND) copy_to_msg(mdf, msg) self.mod.SendMessage(msg)
class RTFT(object): def __init__(self, config_file, server): self.load_config(config_file) self.init_gui() self.setup_dragonfly(server) self.solo = True #false if executed from demigod executive file self.RTFT_display = True #default = True. if message from executive, then use that value self.state = -1 #-1= between trials 0 = outside target, 1 = close enough, waiting, 2 = close enough, hold time met self.start_hold = time.time() def load_config(self, config_file): #Default config file is RTFT_CONFIG self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.rate = float(self.config.get('main', 'rate')) self.target_vector = [ float(x) for x in self.config.get('main', 'target_vector').split(" ") ] self.target_color = [ float(x) for x in self.config.get('main', 'target_color').split(" ") ] self.target_rad = float(self.config.get('main', 'target_radius')) self.ball_rad = float(self.config.get('main', 'cursor_radius')) self.ball_color = [ float(x) for x in self.config.get('main', 'cursor_color').split(" ") ] self.max_factor = float(self.config.get('main', 'max_factor')) self.force_scale = float(self.config.get('main', 'force_scale')) self.threshold = float(self.config.get('main', 'threshold')) self.hold_time = float(self.config.get('main', 'hold_time')) def setup_dragonfly(self, server): subscriptions = [MT_EXIT, \ rc.MT_PING, \ rc.MT_FT_DATA, \ rc.MT_FT_COMPLETE, \ rc.MT_RTFT_CONFIG] self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) for sub in subscriptions: self.mod.Subscribe(sub) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at ", server def init_gui(self): # Is the orientation matrix missing here???? self.length = 100 wallR = box(pos=vector(self.length / 2., 0, 0), size=(0.2, self.length, self.length), wallB = box(pos=vector(0, 0, -self.length / 2.), size=(self.length, self.length, 0.2), color=color.white) wallDown = box(pos=vector(0, -self.length / 2., 0), size=(self.length, 0.2, self.length), wallUp = box(pos=vector(0, self.length / 2., 0), size=(self.length, 0.2, self.length), color=color.white) wallL = box(pos=vector(-self.length / 2., 0, 0), size=(0.2, self.length, self.length), self.unit_target = self.target_vector / np.linalg.norm( self.target_vector) self.target_position = np.array( self.unit_target) * self.max_factor * self.force_scale self.ball = sphere(pos=[0, 0, 0], radius=self.ball_rad, color=self.ball_color) = sphere(pos=self.target_position, radius=self.target_rad, color=self.target_color) self.shadow_cursor = ring(pos=[0, -self.length / 2, 0], axis=(0, 10, 0), radius=self.ball_rad, thickness=1, color=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) self.shadow_target = ring(pos=[ self.target_position[0], -self.length / 2, self.target_position[2] ], axis=(0, 10, 0), radius=self.ball_rad, thickness=1, color=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, -1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() self.pi.ser.close() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'RTFT_iso') else: self.process_msg(msg) def process_msg(self, in_msg): header = in_msg.GetHeader() if header.msg_type == rc.MT_FT_DATA: mdf = rc.MDF_FT_DATA() copy_from_msg(mdf, in_msg) rate(self.rate) self.ball.pos = vector(mdf.F[0:3]) self.shadow_cursor.pos = vector( [mdf.F[0], -self.length / 2, mdf.F[2]]) self.unit_target = np.array(self.target_vector) / np.linalg.norm( self.target_vector) self.target_position = np.array( self.unit_target) * self.max_factor * self.force_scale = self.target_position self.shadow_target.pos = [ self.target_position[0], -self.length / 2, self.target_position[2] ] distance = [a - b for a, b in zip(self.ball.pos,] if (distance[0]**2 + distance[1]**2 + distance[2]**2)**( 1 / 2.) >= self.threshold and self.RTFT_display: self.ball.color = self.ball_color self.state = 0 elif (distance[0]**2 + distance[1]**2 + distance[2]**2)**( 1 / 2.) < self.threshold and self.RTFT_display: if self.state == 0: # if previous sample was outside radius, and now we're inside... self.start_hold = time.time() self.state = 1 self.ball.color = else: if time.time() > (self.start_hold + self.hold_time): self.ball.color = = False self.shadow_target.visible = False self.state = 2 out_mdf = rc.MDF_FT_COMPLETE() out_mdf.FT_COMPLETE = self.state out_mdf.sample_header = mdf.sample_header msg = CMessage(rc.MT_FT_COMPLETE) copy_to_msg(out_mdf, msg) self.mod.SendMessage(msg) else: self.state = 1 self.ball.color = else: self.state = -1 if self.state == 2 and self.solo: #if no executive file = [ float(x) for x in [ np.random.rand(1, 1) * self.max_factor * self.force_scale, np.random.rand(1, 1) * self.max_factor * self.force_scale, np.random.rand(1, 1) * self.max_factor * self.force_scale ] ] self.shadow_target.pos = [[0], -self.length / 2,[2] ] sys.stdout.write( "%7.4f, %5d, %16.2f\n" % (mdf.F[2], self.state, (self.start_hold + self.hold_time) - time.time())) #msg_str = "%7.4f " * 6 + "\n" #sys.stdout.write(msg_str % (mdf.F[0], mdf.F[1], mdf.F[2], # mdf.T[0], mdf.T[1], mdf.T[2])) sys.stdout.flush() elif header.msg_type == rc.MT_RTFT_CONFIG: mdf = rc.MDF_RTFT_CONFIG() copy_from_msg(mdf, in_msg) self.max_factor = mdf.max_factor self.RTFT_display = mdf.RTFT_display self.target_vector = mdf.target_vector[:] self.ball.visible = mdf.cursor_visible = mdf.target_visible self.shadow_target.visible = mdf.shadow_target_visible self.shadow_cursor.visible = mdf.shadow_cursor_visible self.ball_color = [1, 0, 0] self.solo = False
class RandomGen(object): def __init__(self, config_file, mm_ip): daq_config = self.load_config(config_file) self.setup_daq(daq_config) self.setup_dragonfly(mm_ip) self.serial_no = 2 self.variable = 0 # 0 and 1 cause problems for LogReader def load_config(self, config_file): cfg = SafeConfigParser() daq_config = Config() daq_config.minV = cfg.getfloat('main', 'minV') daq_config.maxV = cfg.getfloat('main', 'maxV') daq_config.nsamp = cfg.getint('main', 'nsamp_per_chan_per_second') daq_config.nchan = cfg.getint('main', 'nchan') daq_config.nirq = self.freq = cfg.getint('main', 'nirq_per_second') return daq_config def setup_daq(self, daq_config): self.daq_task = DAQInterface(self, daq_config) self.daq_task.register_callback(self.on_daq_callback) print "DrAQonfly: DAQ configured" def setup_dragonfly(self, mm_ip): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(mm_ip) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "DrAQonfly: connected to dragonfly" def on_daq_callback(self, data): mdf = rc.MDF_PLOT_POSITION() self.serial_no += 1 mdf.tool_id = 0 mdf.missing = 0 self.variable += 1[:] = np.array([self.variable] * 3) mdf.ori[:] = np.array( [self.variable] * 4 ) # will work but need!!! reading modules to know the format of buffer #mdf.buffer[data.size:] = -1 msg = CMessage(rc.MT_PLOT_POSITION) copy_to_msg(mdf, msg) self.mod.SendMessage(msg) print self.variable sys.stdout.write('|') sys.stdout.flush() # now check for exit message in_msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0) if rcv == 1: hdr = msg.GetHeader() msg_type = hdr.msg_type dest_mod_id = hdr.dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print "Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting..." self.daq_task.StopTask() self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() self.stop() elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'RandomGen') def run(self): self.daq_task.StartTask() print "!" while True: pass def stop(self): self.daq_task.StopTask() self.daq_task.ClearTask()
class AppStarter(object): def __init__(self, server): self.setup_dragonfly(server) def setup_dragonfly(self, server): self.host_name = platform.uname()[1] self.host_os = platform.system() self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_APP_START) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_KILL) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", server # this one is slightly different than the one in Common/python, leave this one here def respond_to_ping(self, msg, module_name): #print "PING received for '{0}'".format(p.module_name) dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id p = rc.MDF_PING() copy_from_msg(p, msg) if (p.module_name.lower() == module_name.lower()) or (p.module_name == "*") or \ (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): mdf = rc.MDF_PING_ACK() mdf.module_name = module_name + ":" + self.host_name # + ":" + self.host_os msg_out = CMessage(rc.MT_PING_ACK) copy_to_msg(mdf, msg_out) self.mod.SendMessage(msg_out) def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type == rc.MT_APP_START: try: mdf = rc.MDF_APP_START() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) config = mdf.config print "Config: %s" % config # -- to do -- # get a list of all modules in appman.conf for this host # see if any of the modules above are already/still running # start non-running modules # -- to do -- print "Creating scripts" appman.create_script(config, self.host_name) print "Starting modules on host: %s" % self.host_name appman.run_script(self.host_name) self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_APP_START_COMPLETE) except Exception, e: print "ERROR: %s" % (e) elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: print 'got ping' self.respond_to_ping(msg, 'AppStarter') # we use this msg to stop modules individually elif msg_type == MT_EXIT: print 'got exit' elif msg_type == MT_KILL: print 'got kill' appman.kill_modules()
class BackgroundProcess(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, parent, config_file, server): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.load_config(config_file) self.parent = parent self.collect_count = 0 self.hotspot_count = 0 self.TMS_trigger = False self.new_hotspot_data = False self.new_collect_data = False self.ext_trig = False self.daemon = True self.setup_dragonfly(server) self.ext_trig = dit.DAQOut() self.setup_buffers() self.start() def load_config(self, config_file): cfg = SafeConfigParser() self.config = Config() #daq_config.minV = cfg.getfloat('main', 'minV') #daq_config.maxV = cfg.getfloat('main', 'maxV') self.config.nsamp = cfg.getint('main', 'nsamp_per_chan_per_second') self.config.nchan = cfg.getint('main', 'nchan') self.config.nemg = cfg.getint('main', 'nemg') self.config.nirq = self.freq = cfg.getint('main', 'nirq_per_second') self.config.pre_trig = cfg.getfloat('main', 'pre_trigger') self.config.trig_chan = cfg.getfloat('main', 'trig_chan') self.config.perchan = self.config.nsamp / self.config.nirq self.config.npt = self.config.nsamp * self.config.nchan / self.config.nirq self.config.pre_trig_samp = self.config.pre_trig * self.config.nsamp assert((self.config.nsamp * self.config.nchan) % self.config.nirq == 0) assert(self.config.nsamp % self.config.nirq == 0) def setup_dragonfly(self, server): subscriptions = [MT_EXIT, \ rc.MT_PING, \ rc.MT_DAQ_DATA, \ rc.MT_SAMPLE_GENERATED, \ rc.MT_TMS_TRIGGER] self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) for sub in subscriptions: self.mod.Subscribe(sub) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at ", server def setup_buffers(self): self.cols = 2 self.rows = self.config.nemg / self.cols self.npt = 2500 self.old_data = np.zeros((self.config.nchan, self.npt+300)) # bigger to account for variable trig location in buffer self.new_data = np.zeros((self.config.nchan, self.npt+300)) self.collect_data = np.zeros((self.config.nemg, self.npt)) self.hotspot_data = np.zeros((self.config.nemg, self.npt)) def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0) if rcv == 1: # read a Dragonfly message msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() return elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'fast_display_rms') else: self.process_message(msg) def process_message(self, msg): msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == rc.MT_TMS_TRIGGER: self.TMS_trigger = True else: # if it is a NiDAQ message from channels 0-7, plot the data #self.counter += 1 if msg_type == rc.MT_DAQ_DATA: #sys.stdout.write("*") #sys.stdout.flush() mdf = rc.MDF_DAQ_DATA() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) # add data to data buffers (necessary, or just use graphics buffers?) # update plots to new data buffers buf = mdf.buffer self.new_data[:,:-self.config.perchan] = self.old_data[:,self.config.perchan:] for i in xrange(self.config.nchan): #if i == 0: # print mdf.buffer[perchan * i:perchan * (i + 1)].size self.new_data[i, -self.config.perchan:] = buf[i:self.config.nchan * self.config.perchan:self.config.nchan] self.old_data[:] = self.new_data[:] if self.parent.current_tab == 'Collect': if self.TMS_trigger: if self.config.pre_trig_samp <= np.argmax(self.old_data[self.config.trig_chan, :] >= 3) <= (self.config.pre_trig_samp)+200: self.trig_index = np.argmax(self.old_data[self.config.trig_chan, :] >= 3) self.collect_data = self.old_data[:self.config.nemg, self.trig_index - self.config.pre_trig_samp:self.trig_index + self.npt - self.config.pre_trig_samp] self.old_data = self.old_data * 0 self.new_data = self.new_data * 0 self.new_collect_data = True self.TMS_trigger = False if self.parent.current_tab == 'Hotspot': if self.config.pre_trig_samp <= np.argmax(self.old_data[self.config.trig_chan, :] >= 3) <= self.config.pre_trig_samp+200: self.trig_index = np.argmax(self.old_data[self.config.trig_chan, :] >= 3) self.hotspot_data = self.old_data[:self.config.nemg, self.trig_index - self.config.pre_trig_samp:self.trig_index + self.npt - self.config.pre_trig_samp] self.new_hotspot_data = True self.old_data = self.old_data * 0 self.new_data = self.new_data * 0
class Metronome(object): def __init__(self, config_file, mm_ip): self.load_config(config_file) self.count = 0 self.pause_state = True self.setup_Dragonfly(mm_ip) self.calc_rates() def load_config(self, config_file): self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.pretrigger_time = self.config.getfloat('metronome', 'pretrigger time') self.metronome_period = self.config.getfloat('metronome', 'metronome period') self.in_msg_type = 'DAQ_DATA' # trigger msg self.in_msg_num = eval('rc.MT_%s' % (self.in_msg_type.upper())) print self.in_msg_num, 'config load complete' def calc_rates(self): self.in_msg_freq = 1 / self.chk_msg() self.metronome_count = self.metronome_period * self.in_msg_freq if self.pretrigger_time > 0: #negative pre-trigger fire after metronome self.trigger_out_count = self.metronome_count - self.pretrigger_time * self.in_msg_freq else: self.trigger_out_count = self.metronome_count + self.pretrigger_time * self.in_msg_freq print 'Got frequency! %d' % self.in_msg_freq print self.metronome_count, self.trigger_out_count def chk_msg(self): while True: in_msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(in_msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, in_msg, 'Metronome') elif msg_type == self.in_msg_num: in_mdf = eval('rc.MDF_%s()' % (self.in_msg_type.upper())) copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg) return in_mdf.sample_header.DeltaTime def setup_Dragonfly(self, mm_ip): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(mm_ip) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) self.mod.Subscribe(self.in_msg_num) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_MNOME_STATE) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", mm_ip def run(self): while True: in_msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(in_msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, in_msg, 'Metronome') elif msg_type == rc.MT_MNOME_STATE: print 'got message' in_mdf = rc.MDF_MNOME_STATE() copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg) if in_mdf.state == 0: print 'got stop' self.pause_state = True self.count = 0 elif in_mdf.state == 1: print 'got start' self.pause_state = False self.count = 0 elif in_mdf.state == 2: print 'got pause' self.pause_state = True self.count = 0 elif msg_type == self.in_msg_num: if self.pause_state: pass else: self.count += 1 if self.pretrigger_time > 0: if self.count == self.metronome_count: in_mdf = eval('rc.MDF_%s()' % (self.in_msg_type.upper())) copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg) out_mdf = rc.MDF_TMS_TRIGGER() out_mdf.sample_header = in_mdf.sample_header out_msg = CMessage(rc.MT_TMS_TRIGGER) copy_to_msg(out_mdf, out_msg) self.mod.SendMessage(out_msg) self.count = 0 - int( np.random.uniform(0, 1.5, 1)[0] * self.in_msg_freq) if self.count == self.trigger_out_count: sound_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.play_sound) sound_thread.start() else: if self.count == self.trigger_out_count: in_mdf = eval('rc.MDF_%s()' % (self.in_msg_type.upper())) copy_from_msg(in_mdf, in_msg) out_mdf = rc.MDF_TMS_TRIGGER() out_mdf.sample_header = in_mdf.sample_header out_msg = CMessage(rc.MT_TMS_TRIGGER) copy_to_msg(out_mdf, out_msg) self.mod.SendMessage(out_msg) if self.count == self.metronome_count: self.count = 0 - int( np.random.uniform(0, 1.5, 1)[0] * self.in_msg_freq) sound_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.play_sound) sound_thread.start() def play_sound(self): winsound.Beep(1500, 1000)
class MplCanvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, width=8, height=10, dpi=80): self.parent = parent self.redraw_yticks = True self.figure = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi, facecolor='#bbbbbb') FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.figure) self.setParent(parent) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) def run(self, config_file, server): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.msg_types = ['END_TASK_STATE', 'SESSION_CONFIG', 'EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION'] self.msg_types.sort() self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) for i in self.msg_types: self.mod.Subscribe(eval('rc.MT_%s' % (i))) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", server print "mod_id = ", self.mod.GetModuleID() self.config_file = config_file self.load_config() self.init_vars() self.init_plot() self.init_legend() timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) QtCore.QObject.connect(timer, QtCore.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.timer_event) timer.start(10) def init_vars(self): self.num_trials = 0 self.reset_counters() self.msg_cnt = 0 self.console_disp_cnt = 0 def reset_counters(self): self.trial_sync = 0 self.num_trials_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.started_window = [] self.givenup_window = [] self.success_window = [] self.shadow_started_window = [] self.shadow_givenup_window = [] self.shadow_success_window = [] self.percent_start = 0 self.percent_success = 0 self.percent_givenup = 0 self.hist_narrow_SUR = [] self.hist_narrow_GUR = [] self.hist_narrow_STR = [] self.hist_wide_SUR = [] self.hist_wide_GUR = [] self.hist_wide_STR = [] def update_gui_label_data(self): self.parent.GALL.setText("%d" % self.num_trials_postcalib) self.parent.GSTR.setText("%d" % self.num_trial_started_postcalib) self.parent.GGUR.setText("%d" % self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib) self.parent.GSUR.setText("%d" % self.num_trial_successful_postcalib) #def reload_config(self): # self.load_config() # for ax in self.figure.axes: # self.figure.delaxes(ax) # self.figure.clear() # self.draw() # self.init_plot(True) # self.init_legend() # self.redraw_yticks = True #def load_config(self): # self.config = ConfigObj(self.config_file, unrepr=True) def load_config(self): self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.window_narrow = self.config.getint('general', 'window_narrow') self.window_wide = self.config.getint('general', 'window_wide') self.task_state_codes = {} for k, v in self.config.items('task state codes'): self.task_state_codes[k] = int(v) def init_plot(self, clear=False): self.nDims = 3 self.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=.05, right=.98, left=.08, top=.98, hspace=0.07) = [] self.old_size = [] self.ax_bkg = [] self.lines = [] ax = self.figure.add_subplot(1,1,1) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.85, box.height]) self.reset_axis(ax) self.draw() bbox_width = ax.bbox.width bbox_height = ax.bbox.height if clear == True: # force to redraw bbox_width = 0 bbox_height = 0 self.old_size.append( (bbox_width, bbox_height) ) self.ax_bkg.append(self.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox)) self.colors = ['k', 'r', 'g'] self.styles = ['-', '-', '--'] for d in range(self.nDims): for m in range(3): line, = ax.plot([], [], self.colors[d]+self.styles[m], lw=1.5, aa=True, animated=True) line.set_ydata([0, 0]) line.set_xdata([0, 1]) self.lines.append(line) self.draw() def reset_axis(self, ax): #, label): ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylim(-1, 101) ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) for tick in ax.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_fontsize(9) def init_legend(self): legnd = [] for d in range(self.nDims): for m in range(3): line = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0,0], [0,0], color=self.colors[d], ls=self.styles[m], lw=1.5) legnd.append(line) legend_text = [] legend_text.append('STR') legend_text.append('STR%d' % self.window_narrow) legend_text.append('STR%d' % self.window_wide) legend_text.append('GUR') legend_text.append('GUR%d' % self.window_narrow) legend_text.append('GUR%d' % self.window_wide) legend_text.append('SUR') legend_text.append('SUR%d' % self.window_narrow) legend_text.append('SUR%d' % self.window_wide) self.figure.legend(legnd, legend_text, loc = 'right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False, labelspacing=1.5, prop={'size':'11'}) self.draw() def timer_event(self): done = False while not done: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type # SESSION_CONFIG => start of session if msg_type == rc.MT_SESSION_CONFIG: #self.msg_cnt += 1 self.num_trials = 0 self.reset_counters() self.update_gui_label_data() # EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION => end of an adaptation round elif msg_type == rc.MT_EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION: #self.msg_cnt += 1 self.reset_counters() self.update_gui_label_data() # END_TASK_STATE => end of a task elif msg_type == rc.MT_END_TASK_STATE: #self.msg_cnt += 1 mdf = rc.MDF_END_TASK_STATE() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) # need to know: # begin task state code # final task state code # intertrial state code if ( == 1): self.trial_sync = 1 self.shadow_started_window.append(0) if ( == self.task_state_codes['begin']) & (mdf.outcome == 1): if self.trial_sync: #print "*** trial started ***" #self.rewards_given += 1 self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_success_window.append(0) self.shadow_givenup_window.append(0) self.shadow_started_window[-1] = 1 if mdf.reason == "JV_IDLE_TIMEOUT": if self.trial_sync: self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_givenup_window[-1] = 1 if ( == self.task_state_codes['final']) & (mdf.outcome == 1): if self.trial_sync: #print "*** trial complete and successful" self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_success_window[-1] = 1 if ( == self.task_state_codes['intertrial']): if self.trial_sync: # do end-of-trial stuff here self.num_trials += 1 self.num_trials_postcalib += 1 self.num_trial_started_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib self.num_trial_successful_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib if len(self.shadow_success_window) > self.window_wide: #self.window_narrow: self.shadow_success_window.pop(0) if len(self.shadow_givenup_window) > self.window_wide: #self.window_narrow: self.shadow_givenup_window.pop(0) if len(self.shadow_started_window) > self.window_wide: #self.window_narrow: self.shadow_started_window.pop(0) self.success_window = copy.deepcopy(self.shadow_success_window) self.started_window = copy.deepcopy(self.shadow_started_window) self.givenup_window = copy.deepcopy(self.shadow_givenup_window) if self.num_trials_postcalib > 0: self.percent_start = 100 * self.num_trial_started_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib self.percent_givenup = 100 * self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib self.percent_success = 100 * self.num_trial_successful_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib percent_success_wide_window = np.NAN if len(self.success_window) >= self.window_wide: num_success_window = np.sum(self.success_window) percent_success_wide_window = 100 * num_success_window / len(self.success_window) percent_givenup_wide_window = np.NAN if len(self.givenup_window) >= self.window_wide: num_givenup_window = np.sum(self.givenup_window) percent_givenup_wide_window = 100 * num_givenup_window / len(self.givenup_window) percent_started_wide_window = np.NAN if len(self.started_window) >= self.window_wide: num_started_window = np.sum(self.started_window) percent_started_wide_window = 100 * num_started_window / len(self.started_window) percent_success_narrow_window = np.NAN if len(self.success_window) >= self.window_narrow: success_window_narrow = self.success_window[len(self.success_window)-self.window_narrow:] num_success_window = np.sum(success_window_narrow) percent_success_narrow_window = 100 * num_success_window / len(success_window_narrow) percent_givenup_narrow_window = np.NAN if len(self.givenup_window) >= self.window_narrow: givenup_window_narrow = self.givenup_window[len(self.givenup_window)-self.window_narrow:] num_givenup_window = np.sum(givenup_window_narrow) percent_givenup_narrow_window = 100 * num_givenup_window / len(givenup_window_narrow) if len(self.started_window) >= self.window_narrow: started_window_narrow = self.started_window[len(self.started_window)-self.window_narrow:] num_started_window = np.sum(started_window_narrow) percent_started_narrow_window = 100 * num_started_window / len(started_window_narrow) self.hist_narrow_STR.append(percent_started_narrow_window) self.hist_narrow_SUR.append(percent_success_narrow_window) self.hist_narrow_GUR.append(percent_givenup_narrow_window) self.hist_wide_STR.append(percent_started_wide_window) self.hist_wide_SUR.append(percent_success_wide_window) self.hist_wide_GUR.append(percent_givenup_wide_window) self.update_gui_label_data() elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'TrialStatusDisplay') elif msg_type == MT_EXIT: self.exit() done = True else: done = True self.console_disp_cnt += 1 if self.console_disp_cnt == 50: self.update_plot() self.console_disp_cnt = 0 def update_plot(self): #print "All trials : %d" % (self.num_trials_postcalib) #print "" #print "GSTR: ", self.percent_start #print "GGUR: ", self.percent_givenup #print "GSUR: ", self.percent_success #print "" #print "STR win: ", self.started_window #print "GUP win: ", self.givenup_window #print "SUC win: ", self.success_window #print "" #print "nSTR: ", self.hist_narrow_STR #print "nGUR: ", self.hist_narrow_GUR #print "nSUR :", self.hist_narrow_SUR #print "" #print "wSTR: ", self.hist_wide_STR #print "wGUR: ", self.hist_wide_GUR #print "wSUR :", self.hist_wide_SUR #print "" #print "Msg cnt : %d" % (self.msg_cnt) #print "\n ----------------------- \n" i = 0 ax =[i] current_size = ax.bbox.width, ax.bbox.height if self.old_size[i] != current_size: self.old_size[i] = current_size self.draw() self.ax_bkg[i] = self.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) self.restore_region(self.ax_bkg[i]) #if len(self.hist_narrow_STR) > 1: if not self.hist_narrow_STR: self.lines[0].set_ydata([self.percent_start, self.percent_start]) self.lines[0].set_xdata([0, 1]) ax.draw_artist(self.lines[0]) self.lines[3].set_ydata([self.percent_givenup, self.percent_givenup]) self.lines[3].set_xdata([0, 1]) ax.draw_artist(self.lines[3]) self.lines[6].set_ydata([self.percent_success, self.percent_success]) self.lines[6].set_xdata([0, 1]) ax.draw_artist(self.lines[6]) else: ax.set_xlim(0, len(self.hist_narrow_STR)-1) for k in range(0,9): self.lines[k].set_xdata(range(len(self.hist_narrow_STR))) self.lines[0].set_ydata([self.percent_start, self.percent_start]) self.lines[0].set_xdata([0, len(self.hist_narrow_STR)]) self.lines[1].set_ydata(self.hist_narrow_STR) self.lines[2].set_ydata(self.hist_wide_STR) ### self.lines[3].set_ydata([self.percent_givenup, self.percent_givenup]) self.lines[3].set_xdata([0, len(self.hist_narrow_STR)]) self.lines[4].set_ydata(self.hist_narrow_GUR) self.lines[5].set_ydata(self.hist_wide_GUR) ### self.lines[6].set_ydata([self.percent_success, self.percent_success]) self.lines[6].set_xdata([0, len(self.hist_narrow_STR)]) self.lines[7].set_ydata(self.hist_narrow_SUR) self.lines[8].set_ydata(self.hist_wide_SUR) for k in range(0,9): ax.draw_artist(self.lines[k]) self.blit(ax.bbox) # need to redraw once to update y-ticks if self.redraw_yticks == True: self.draw() self.redraw_yticks = False def exit(self): print "exiting" self.parent.exit_app() def stop(self): print 'disconnecting' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM()
class TrialStatus(object): def __init__(self, config_file, server): self.load_config(config_file) self.msg_nums = [eval('rc.MT_%s' % (x)) for x in self.msg_types] self.trial_sync = 0 self.num_trials = 0 self.num_trials_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.success_window = [] self.started_window = [] self.givenup_window = [] self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_success_window = [] self.shadow_started_window = [] self.shadow_givenup_window = [] self.last_time = time() self.setup_dragonfly(server) #self.rewards_given = 0 #self.prev_rewards_given = 0 def load_config(self, config_file): self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.msg_types = [ 'END_TASK_STATE', 'SESSION_CONFIG', 'EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION' ] #'GIVE_REWARD' self.msg_types.sort() self.window_len = self.config.getint('general', 'window_len') self.task_state_codes = {} for k, v in self.config.items('task state codes'): self.task_state_codes[k] = int(v) def setup_dragonfly(self, server): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) for i in self.msg_types: self.mod.Subscribe(eval('rc.MT_%s' % (i))) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to RTMA at", server def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'TrialStatus') else: self.process_message(msg) this_time = time() self.diff_time = this_time - self.last_time if self.diff_time > 1.: self.last_time = this_time self.write() def reset_counters(self): self.trial_sync = 0 self.num_trials_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib = 0 self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib = 0 self.started_window = [] self.givenup_window = [] self.success_window = [] self.shadow_started_window = [] self.shadow_givenup_window = [] self.shadow_success_window = [] def process_message(self, in_msg): msg_type = in_msg.GetHeader().msg_type if not msg_type in self.msg_nums: return # SESSION_CONFIG => start of session if msg_type == rc.MT_SESSION_CONFIG: self.num_trials = 0 self.reset_counters() # EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION => end of an adaptation round elif msg_type == rc.MT_EM_DECODER_CONFIGURATION: self.reset_counters() # END_TASK_STATE => end of a task elif msg_type == rc.MT_END_TASK_STATE: mdf = rc.MDF_END_TASK_STATE() copy_from_msg(mdf, in_msg) # need to know: # begin task state code # final task state code # intertrial state code if ( == 1): self.trial_sync = 1 self.shadow_started_window.append(0) if ( == self.task_state_codes['begin']) & (mdf.outcome == 1): if self.trial_sync: #print "*** trial started ***" #self.rewards_given += 1 self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_success_window.append(0) self.shadow_givenup_window.append(0) self.shadow_started_window[-1] = 1 if mdf.reason == "JV_IDLE_TIMEOUT": if self.trial_sync: self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_givenup_window[-1] = 1 if ( == self.task_state_codes['final']) & (mdf.outcome == 1): if self.trial_sync: #print "*** trial complete and successful" self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib += 1 self.shadow_success_window[-1] = 1 if ( == self.task_state_codes['intertrial']): if self.trial_sync: # do end-of-trial stuff here self.num_trials += 1 self.num_trials_postcalib += 1 self.num_trial_started_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_started_postcalib self.num_trial_successful_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_successful_postcalib self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib = self.shadow_num_trial_givenup_postcalib if len(self.shadow_success_window) > self.window_len: self.shadow_success_window.pop(0) if len(self.shadow_givenup_window) > self.window_len: self.shadow_givenup_window.pop(0) if len(self.shadow_started_window) > self.window_len: self.shadow_started_window.pop(0) self.success_window = copy.deepcopy( self.shadow_success_window) self.started_window = copy.deepcopy( self.shadow_started_window) self.givenup_window = copy.deepcopy( self.shadow_givenup_window) def write(self): percent_start = percent_success = percent_givenup = 0 percent_success_window = num_success_window = 0 percent_started_window = num_started_window = 0 percent_givenup_window = num_givenup_window = 0 if self.num_trials_postcalib > 0: percent_start = 100 * self.num_trial_started_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib percent_givenup = 100 * self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib percent_success = 100 * self.num_trial_successful_postcalib / self.num_trials_postcalib if len(self.success_window) > 0: num_success_window = np.sum(self.success_window) percent_success_window = 100 * num_success_window / len( self.success_window) if len(self.started_window) > 0: num_started_window = np.sum(self.started_window) percent_started_window = 100 * num_started_window / len( self.started_window) if len(self.givenup_window) > 0: num_givenup_window = np.sum(self.givenup_window) percent_givenup_window = 100 * num_givenup_window / len( self.givenup_window) print "All trials : %d\n" % (self.num_trials_postcalib) print "Started trials : %d (%0.0f%%)" % ( self.num_trial_started_postcalib, percent_start) print "Given-up trials : %d (%0.0f%%)" % ( self.num_trial_givenup_postcalib, percent_givenup) print "Success trials : %d (%0.0f%%)\n" % ( self.num_trial_successful_postcalib, percent_success) print "Started trials out of last %d\t\t: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (len( self.started_window), num_started_window, percent_started_window) print "Given-up trials out of last started %d\t: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (len( self.givenup_window), num_givenup_window, percent_givenup_window) print "Success trials out of last started %d\t: %d (%0.0f%%)" % (len( self.success_window), num_success_window, percent_success_window) print ""
class ButtonDetector(object): debug = True bounce_start = np.zeros([ncontrollers, rc.MAX_INPUT_DOFS]) - 1 was_pressed = np.zeros([ncontrollers, rc.MAX_INPUT_DOFS], dtype=bool) def __init__(self, config_file, server): self.load_config(config_file) self.get_inputs() self.setup_dragonfly(server) def load_config(self, config_file): self.config = SafeConfigParser() def setup_dragonfly(self, server): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(0, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_INPUT_DOF_DATA) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", server def run(self): while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0.1) if rcv == 1: msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type dest_mod_id = msg.GetHeader().dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break; elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'ButtonDetector') else: self.process_message(msg) def get_inputs(self): sections = self.config.sections() self.inputs = {} for sec in sections: if 'input ' in sec: tag = self.config.get(sec, 'tag') self.inputs[tag] = {} def process_message(self, msg): msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type == rc.MT_INPUT_DOF_DATA: mdf = rc.MDF_INPUT_DOF_DATA() copy_from_msg(mdf, msg) tag = mdf.tag if tag in self.inputs.keys(): dof_vals = np.asarray(mdf.dof_vals[:], dtype=float) cid = int(mdf.tag[-1]) pressed = ~self.was_pressed[cid] & (dof_vals > btn_threshold) started = self.bounce_start[cid] > 0 # start timers on previously unstarted counters self.bounce_start[cid, pressed & ~started] = time.time() dt = time.time() - self.bounce_start[cid] held = dt > bounce_threshold valid_held = pressed & held for vh in np.flatnonzero(valid_held): if vh in name_lookup.keys(): self.was_pressed[cid, vh] = True self.send_btn_press(name_lookup[vh], cid) released = self.was_pressed[cid] & (dof_vals < btn_threshold) valid_released = released & held & ~valid_held for vr in np.flatnonzero(valid_released): if vr in name_lookup.keys(): self.was_pressed[cid, vr] = False self.send_btn_release(name_lookup[vr], cid) self.bounce_start[cid, vr] = -1 def send_btn_press(self, btn, controller_id): print "controller_id %d sending button press %s" % (controller_id, btn) btn_map = {'l1' : rc.PS3_B_L1, 'l2' : rc.PS3_B_L2, 'r1' : rc.PS3_B_R1, 'x' : rc.PS3_B_X, 'sq' : rc.PS3_B_SQUARE, 'crc': rc.PS3_B_CIRCLE, 'trg': rc.PS3_B_TRIANGLE} mdf_out = rc.MDF_PS3_BUTTON_PRESS() mdf_out.whichButton = btn_map[btn] mdf_out.controllerId = controller_id # make outgoing message data msg_out = CMessage(rc.MT_PS3_BUTTON_PRESS) copy_to_msg(mdf_out, msg_out) self.mod.SendMessage(msg_out) def send_btn_release(self, btn, controller_id): print "controller_id %d sending button release %s" % (controller_id, btn) btn_map = {'l1' : rc.PS3_B_L1, 'l2' : rc.PS3_B_L2, 'r1' : rc.PS3_B_R1, 'x' : rc.PS3_B_X, 'sq' : rc.PS3_B_SQUARE, 'crc': rc.PS3_B_CIRCLE, 'trg': rc.PS3_B_TRIANGLE} mdf_out = rc.MDF_PS3_BUTTON_RELEASE() mdf_out.whichButton = btn_map[btn] mdf_out.controllerId = controller_id msg_out = CMessage(rc.MT_PS3_BUTTON_RELEASE) copy_to_msg(mdf_out, msg_out) self.mod.SendMessage(msg_out)
class SampleGenerator(object): def __init__(self, config_file, server): self.serial_no = 2 self.freq = 50 # Hz self.load_config(config_file) self.setup_dragonfly(server) def load_config(self, config_file): self.config = SafeConfigParser() triggers = self.config.get('main', 'triggers').split() self.triggers = [eval('rc.MT_%s' % (x)) for x in triggers] if not triggers: freq = self.config.get('main', 'frequency') if freq != '': self.freq = self.config.getfloat('main', 'frequency') print "Freq: %.2f" % (self.freq) def setup_dragonfly(self, server): self.mod = Dragonfly_Module(rc.MID_SAMPLE_GENERATOR, 0) self.mod.ConnectToMMM(server) self.mod.Subscribe(MT_EXIT) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_PING) self.mod.Subscribe(rc.MT_SPM_SPIKECOUNT) for trigger in self.triggers: self.mod.Subscribe(trigger) self.mod.SendModuleReady() print "Connected to Dragonfly at", server if platform.system() == "Windows": # On Windows, the best timer is time.clock() self.default_timer = time.clock else: # On most other platforms the best timer is time.time() self.default_timer = time.time def run(self): self.delta_time_calc = self.default_timer() #time.time() while True: msg = CMessage() rcv = self.mod.ReadMessage(msg, 0.001) if rcv == 1: hdr = msg.GetHeader() msg_type = hdr.msg_type dest_mod_id = hdr.dest_mod_id if msg_type == MT_EXIT: if (dest_mod_id == 0) or (dest_mod_id == self.mod.GetModuleID()): print 'Received MT_EXIT, disconnecting...' self.mod.SendSignal(rc.MT_EXIT_ACK) self.mod.DisconnectFromMMM() break elif msg_type == rc.MT_PING: respond_to_ping(self.mod, msg, 'SampleGenerator') elif (msg_type == rc.MT_SPM_SPIKECOUNT): msg_src_mod_id = hdr.src_mod_id if msg_src_mod_id == rc.MID_SPM_MOD: print "\n\n ** Detected SPM_SPIKECOUNT messages coming from SPM_MOD! Quitting..\n\n" sys.exit(0) else: if len(self.triggers) > 0: self.process_msg(msg) else: # if no triggers... if len(self.triggers) == 0: period = (1. / self.freq) time_now = self.default_timer() delta_time = period - (time_now - self.delta_time_calc) #print "%f %f %f\n\n" % (time_now, self.delta_time_calc, delta_time) if delta_time > 0: time.sleep(delta_time) self.delta_time_calc = self.delta_time_calc + period self.send_sample_generated() def process_msg(self, msg): msg_type = msg.GetHeader().msg_type if msg_type in self.triggers: time_now = self.default_timer() #time.time() delta_time = time_now - self.delta_time_calc self.delta_time_calc = time_now self.send_sample_generated() def send_sample_generated(self): sg = rc.MDF_SAMPLE_GENERATED() self.serial_no += 1 sg.sample_header.SerialNo = self.serial_no sg.sample_header.Flags = 0 sg.sample_header.DeltaTime = (1. / self.freq) sg.source_timestamp = self.default_timer() #time.time() sg_msg = CMessage(rc.MT_SAMPLE_GENERATED) copy_to_msg(sg, sg_msg) self.mod.SendMessage(sg_msg) sys.stdout.write('|') sys.stdout.flush()