def __init__(self, args=None, **kwargs): description="""\ Generates snapshots of an OpenFOAM-case and a predefined paraview-State-File using the PV3FoamReader that comes with OpenFOAM. The state-file can be generated using a different case (the script adjusts it before using) but the original case has to have a similar structure to the current one. Also exactly one PV3Reader has to be used in the state-file (this requirement is fullfilled if the StateFile was generated using paraFoam) In TextSources the string "%(casename)s" gets replaced by the casename. Additional replacements can be specified """ CommonSelectTimesteps.__init__(self) PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <case>", interspersed=True, nr=1, **kwargs)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Runs a OpenFoam Utility that only supports being run for one or all times to be run at multiple selected times """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, exactNr=False, args=args, description=description)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Reads an XML-file that specifies a base case and a parameter-variation and executes all the variations of that case """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <xmlfile>",nr=1,interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Changes the type of a boundary in the boundary-file """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self,args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> <boundaryName> <new type>", changeVersion=False, nr=3, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description=""" Create a Modules modulefile for OpenFOAM. Input parameter 'OpenFOAM configuration file': bashrc or cshrc file for OpenFOAM; usually $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/bashrc or $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/cshrc. Output parameter 'modulefile': the resulting module file. For more information on Modules, visit the Environment Modules Project: http:// """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog OpenFOAM_cfgFile modulefile", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=2)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Change GGI boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> ggiPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=2)
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """\ Change GGI boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> ggiPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=2)
def __init__(self,args=None): description=""" Change MixingPlane boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory>", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=1)
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """ Change MixingPlane boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory>", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=1)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Changes the name of a boundary in the boundary-file. Also if a time-step is specified """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self,args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> <boundaryName> <new name>", changeVersion=False, nr=3, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description=""" Init MixingPlane boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> mixingPlane_MasterPatchName mixingPlane_ShadowPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=3)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Generates a decomposeParDict for a case and runs the decompose-Utility on that case """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <case> <procnr>", interspersed=True, nr=2)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Gets a XML-file that describes how to build a case from a case template and some parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <DescriptionFile>", interspersed=True, nr=0, exactNr=False)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Runs a command, but first switches the environment to a specific OpenFOAM-version. Is of use for using wmake for a specific version """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, nr=1, exactNr=False, args=args, usage="%prog [options] <command> [arguments]", description=description)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Reads data from the sample-dictionary and generates appropriate gnuplot-commands """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <casedir>", nr=1, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ This utility does some basic manipulations with STL-files """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <source1.stl> <source2.stl> ...", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=1, exactNr=False)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Packs a case into a tar-file copying the system, constant and 0-directories. Excludes all .svn-direcotries and all files ending with ~ """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <case>", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=1)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Reads data from the sample-dictionary and generates appropriate gnuplot-commands. As an option the data can be written to a CSV-file. """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <casedir>", nr=1, changeVersion=False, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Reads a Foam-Dictionary and prints it to the screen. Mainly for reformatting unformated dictionaries and debugging the parser """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <dictfile>", nr=1, changeVersion=False, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """\ Runs an OpenFoam solver. Needs the usual 3 arguments (<solver> <directory> <case>) and passes them on (plus additional arguments). Output is sent to stdout and a logfile inside the case directory (PyFoamSolver.logfile) The Directory PyFoamSolver.analyzed contains this information: a) Residuals and other information of the linear solvers b Execution time c) continuity information d) bounding of variables """ CommonPlotLines.__init__(self) PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, exactNr=False, args=args, description=description)
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """ Init MixingPlane boundary condition parameters """ PyFoamApplication.__init__( self, args=args, description=description, usage= "%prog <caseDirectory> mixingPlane_MasterPatchName mixingPlane_ShadowPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=3)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Searches for sampled surface in the VTK-format in a directory and makes pictures from them """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <casedir>", nr=1, changeVersion=False, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ APoMaFoX is "A Poor Mans FoamX". A small text interface to the CaseBuilder-Functionality """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseBuilderFile>", interspersed=True, nr=0, exactNr=False)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Takes a field-file and makes the whole internal field uniform. Either taking the value from a patch or using a user-specified value """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <fieldfile>", changeVersion=False, nr=1, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Removes all timesteps but the first from a case-directory. Also removes other data that is generated by sovers/utilities/PyFoam """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory>", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=1, exactNr=False)
def __init__(self,args=None): description=""" Init GGI boundary condition parameters in boundary file. Init GGI boundary fields in time directories. Generate faceSet scripts for ggi zones. Modify GGI zones information in decomposeParDict file. """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <caseDirectory> ggi_MasterPatchName ggi_ShadowPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=3)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ List the valid OpenFOAM-cases in a number of directories along with some basic information (number of timesteps, last timestep, etc). Currently doesn't honor the parallel data """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [<directories>]", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=0, exactNr=False)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Runs the potentialFoam solver on a case to get a decent initial condition. Copies the current fields for U and p to backup-files. """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <caseDirectory>", interspersed=True, nr=1)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Tests what value a section/option pair gives for a specific OpenFOAM-version Used to find configuration problems """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <section> <option>", nr=2, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Searches a directory for timelines that were generated by some functionObject and generates the commands to gnuplot it. As an option the data can be written to a CSV-file. """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <casedir>", nr=1, changeVersion=False, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None): description="""\ Takes a field-file. Looks up the polyMesh/boundary-file of the case and adds the corresponding patches to the boundary field setting it to zeroGradient for all patches and walls """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <fieldfile>", changeVersion=False, nr=1, interspersed=True)
def __init__(self,args=None,inputApp=None): description="""\ Reads a file with pickled application data and if asked for prints it. Mainly used for testing the exchange of data via pickled data """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options]", nr=0, changeVersion=False, interspersed=True, inputApp=inputApp)
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """\ Join together two or more CSV-files. Data is resampled to fit the timescale of the the first CSV-file """ PyFoamApplication.__init__( self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog <source1.csv> <source2.csv> ... <dest.csv>", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=3, exactNr=False, )
def __init__(self, args=None): description = """ Init GGI boundary condition parameters in boundary file. Init GGI boundary fields in time directories. Generate faceSet scripts for ggi zones. Modify GGI zones information in decomposeParDict file. """ PyFoamApplication.__init__( self, args=args, description=description, usage= "%prog <caseDirectory> ggi_MasterPatchName ggi_ShadowPatchName", interspersed=True, changeVersion=False, nr=3)
def __init__(self, args=None, **kwargs): description = """\ Starts paraview with an OpenFOAM-case and a predefined paraview-State-File modifieing the state-File in such a way that it is usable with the case The state-file can be generated using a different case (the script adjusts it before using) but the original case has to have a similar structure to the current one. Also exactly one PV3Reader has to be used in the state-file (this requirement is fullfilled if the StateFile was generated using paraFoam) """ PyFoamApplication.__init__(self, args=args, description=description, usage="%prog [options] <case>", interspersed=True, nr=1, **kwargs)