def test_nslookup(self): """ This method test the viability of Lookup().nslookup() """ # Test of the case that the domains is down expected = False PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["domain"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test of the case that the domains is invalid expected = False PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["domain"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test of the case that the domains is up expected = True PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["domain"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) del PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["domain"]
def test_nslookup_domain_up(self): """ Test of Lookup().nslookup() for the case a domain is up. """ expected = True PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) del PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"]
def test_nslookup_domain_invalid(self): """ Test of Lookup().nslookup() for the case a domain is invalid. """ expected = False PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) del PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"]
def test_nslookup_domain_down(self): """ Test of Lookup().nslookup() for the case a domain is down or non existant. """ expected = False PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"] = "" actual = Lookup().nslookup() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) del PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"]
def handle(self): """ Handle the lack of WHOIS. :smile_cat: :return: The strus of the domain after generating the files desired by the user. :rtype: str """ if self.matched_status.lower( ) not in PyFunceble.STATUS["list"]["invalid"]: # The matched status is not in the list of invalid status. # We initiate the source we are going to parse to the Generate class. source = "NSLOOKUP" if Lookup().nslookup(): # We could execute the nslookup logic. # We generate the status files with the up status. Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], source).status_file() # We return the up status. return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"] # We could not execute the nslookup logic. # * We generate the status file with the down status. Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"], source).status_file() # We return the down status. return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"] # The matched status is in the list of invalid status. # We generate the status file with the invalid status. Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"], self.invalid_source).status_file() # We return the invalid status. return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"]
def handle(self): """ Handle the lack of WHOIS. :) Returns: str The status of the domains after generating the files. """ source = "NSLOOKUP" if self.matched_status.lower( ) not in PyFunceble.STATUS["list"]["invalid"]: if Lookup().nslookup(): Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], source).status_file() return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"] Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"], source).status_file() return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"] Generate(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"], "IANA").status_file() return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"]
def _extract(self): # pragma: no cover """ Extract the expiration date from the whois record. :return: The status of the domain. :rtype: str """ # We try to get the expiration date from the database. expiration_date_from_database = Whois().get_expiration_date() if expiration_date_from_database: # The hash of the current whois record did not changed and the # expiration date from the database is not empty not equal to # None or False. # We generate the files and print the status. # It's an active element! Generate( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], "WHOIS", expiration_date_from_database, ).status_file() # We handle und return the official up status. return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"] # We get the whois record. self.whois_record = Lookup().whois(PyFunceble.INTERN["referer"]) # We list the list of regex which will help us get an unformatted expiration date. to_match = [ r"expire:(.*)", r"expire on:(.*)", r"Expiry Date:(.*)", r"free-date(.*)", r"expires:(.*)", r"Expiration date:(.*)", r"Expiry date:(.*)", r"Expire Date:(.*)", r"renewal date:(.*)", r"Expires:(.*)", r"validity:(.*)", r"Expiration Date :(.*)", r"Expiry :(.*)", r"expires at:(.*)", r"domain_datebilleduntil:(.*)", r"Data de expiração \/ Expiration Date \(dd\/mm\/yyyy\):(.*)", r"Fecha de expiración \(Expiration date\):(.*)", r"\[Expires on\](.*)", r"Record expires on(.*)(\(YYYY-MM-DD\))", r"status: OK-UNTIL(.*)", r"renewal:(.*)", r"expires............:(.*)", r"expire-date:(.*)", r"Exp date:(.*)", r"Valid-date(.*)", r"Expires On:(.*)", r"Fecha de vencimiento:(.*)", r"Expiration:.........(.*)", r"Fecha de Vencimiento:(.*)", r"Registry Expiry Date:(.*)", r"Expires on..............:(.*)", r"Expiration Time:(.*)", r"Expiration Date:(.*)", r"Expired:(.*)", r"Date d'expiration:(.*)", ] if self.whois_record: # The whois record is not empty. if "current_test_data" in PyFunceble.INTERN: # The end-user want more information whith his test. # We update the whois_record index. PyFunceble.INTERN["current_test_data"][ "whois_record"] = self.whois_record for string in to_match: # We loop through the list of regex. # We try tro extract the expiration date from the WHOIS record. expiration_date = Regex(self.whois_record, string, return_data=True, rematch=True, group=0).match() if expiration_date: # The expiration date could be extracted. # We get the extracted expiration date. self.expiration_date = expiration_date[0].strip() # We initate a regex which will help us know if a number # is present into the extracted expiration date. regex_rumbers = r"[0-9]" if Regex(self.expiration_date, regex_rumbers, return_data=False).match(): # The extracted expiration date has a number. # We format the extracted expiration date. self.expiration_date = self._format() if (self.expiration_date and not Regex( self.expiration_date, r"[0-9]{2}\-[a-z]{3}\-2[0-9]{3}", return_data=False, ).match()): # The formatted expiration date does not match our unified format. # We log the problem. Logs().expiration_date(self.expiration_date) # We log the whois record. Logs().whois(self.whois_record) if "current_test_data" in PyFunceble.INTERN: # The end-user want more information whith his test. # We update the expiration_date index. PyFunceble.INTERN["current_test_data"][ "expiration_date"] = self.expiration_date # We generate the files and print the status. # It's an active element! Generate( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], "WHOIS", self.expiration_date, ).status_file() # We log the whois record. Logs().whois(self.whois_record) # We save the whois record into the database. Whois(expiration_date=self.expiration_date).add() # We handle und return the official up status. return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"] # The extracted expiration date does not have a number. # We log the whois record. Logs().whois(self.whois_record) # We handle and return and h the official down status. return Status( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]).handle() # The whois record is empty. # We handle and return the official down status. return Status(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]).handle()
def handle(cls, status, invalid_source="IANA"): """ Handle the lack of WHOIS and expiration date. :smile_cat: :param matched_status: The status that we have to handle. :type status: str :param invalid_source: The source to set when we handle INVALID element. :type invalid_source: str :return: The strus of the domain after generating the files desired by the user. :rtype: str """ if status.lower() not in PyFunceble.STATUS["list"]["invalid"]: # The matched status is not in the list of invalid status. # We initiate the source we are going to parse to the Generate class. source = "NSLOOKUP" if Lookup().nslookup(): # We could execute the nslookup logic. # We get the status and source after extra rules check. status, source = cls.extra_rules.handle( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], source ) # We generate the status files with the up status. Generate(status, source).status_file() # We return the up status. return status, source # We could not execute the nslookup logic. # We get the status and source after extra rules check. status, source = cls.extra_rules.handle( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"], source ) # We generate the status file with the down status. Generate(status, source).status_file() # We return the down status. return status, source # The matched status is in the list of invalid status. # We get the status and source after extra rules check. status, source = cls.extra_rules.handle( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"], invalid_source ) # We generate the status file with the invalid status. Generate(status, source).status_file() # We return the status. return status, source
def referer(cls, extension): """ Return the referer for the given extension. :pram extension: A string, a valid domain extension. """ manual_server = { "aaa": "", "abb": "", "able": "", "accenture": "", "aetna": "", "aig": "", "americanexpress": "", "amex": "", "amica": "", "amsterdam": "", "analytics": "", "aramco": "", "athleta": "", "audible": "", "author": "", "aws": "", "axa": "", "azure": "", "baby": "", "banamex": "", "bananarepublic": "", "baseball": "", "bharti": "", "bing": "", "bloomberg": "", "bm": "", "book": "", "booking": "", "bot": "", "bz": "", "buzz": "", "call": "", "calvinklein": "", "caravan": "", "cartier": "", "cbn": "", "cbre": "", "cd": "", "chase": "", "circle": "", "cisco": "", "citadel": "", "citi": "", "citic": "", "cm": "", "coupon": "", "crown": "", "crs": "", "deal": "", "dealer": "", "dell": "", "dhl": "", "discover": "", "dnp": "", "duns": "", "dupont": "", "earth": "", "epost": "", "everbank": "", "farmers": "", "fast": "", "ferrero": "", "fire": "", "fj": "", "flickr": "", "flir": "", "food": "", "ford": "", "fox": "", "free": "", "frontier": "", "ftr": "", "ga": "", "gap": "", "gh": "", "gmo": "", "got": "", "grainger": "", "grocery": "", "guardian": "", "gucci": "", "hair": "", "hbo": "", "health": "", "homegoods": "", "homesense": "", "honeywell": "", "hoteles": "", "hotels": "", "hotmail": "", "hyatt": "", "hsbc": "", "hot": "", "ieee": "", "imdb": "", "int": "", "intel": "", "intuit": "", "ipirange": "", "itau": "", "iwc": "", "jetzt": "", "jlc": "", "jmp": "", "jnj": "", "jot": "", "joy": "", "jpmorgan": "", "jprs": "", "kinder": "", "kindle": "", "kpmg": "", "kpn": "", "kred": "", "kw": "", "lanxess": "", "lc": "", "lifeinsurance": "", "like": "", "lilly": "", "lincoln": "", "living": "", "lk": "", "loft": "", "microsoft": "", "nagoya": "", "nyc": "", "ps": "", "ren": "", "rw": "", "shop": "", "sl": "", "stream": "", "tokyo": "", "uno": "", "za": "", } if extension in manual_server: return manual_server[extension] else: whois_record = Lookup().whois( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["iana_whois_server"], "hello." + extension, 10 ) if whois_record: regex_referer = r"(refer:)\s+(.*)" matched = Regex( whois_record, regex_referer, return_data=True, rematch=True ).match() if matched: return matched[1] return None
def __init__(self): # We get the destination of the constructed IANA database. self.destination = (PyFunceble.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["default_files"]["iana"]) if PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.destination): # The destination exist. # We get its content. self.iana_db = Dict().from_json(File(self.destination).read()) else: # The destination does not exist. # We initiate the local variable which will save the content of the database. self.iana_db = {} # We initiate the URL to the IANA Root Zone Database page. self.iana_url = "" # We iniitate an instance of Lookup. self.lookup = Lookup() # We map the list of server which have to be set manually because # they are not present into the IANA Root Zone Database. self.manual_server = { "aaa": "", "abb": "", "able": "", "accenture": "", "aetna": "", "aig": "", "americanexpress": "", "amex": "", "amica": "", "amsterdam": "", "analytics": "", "aramco": "", "arte": "", "as": "", "athleta": "", "audible": "", "author": "", "aws": "", "axa": "", "azure": "", "baby": "", "banamex": "", "bananarepublic": "", "baseball": "", "bharti": "", "bing": "", "bloomberg": "", "bm": "", "book": "", "booking": "", "bot": "", "buzz": "", "bz": "", "call": "", "calvinklein": "", "caravan": "", "cartier": "", "caseih": "", "cbn": "", "cbre": "", "cd": "", "chase": "", "circle": "", "cisco": "", "citadel": "", "citi": "", "citic": "", "cm": "", "coupon": "", "crown": "", "crs": "", "deal": "", "dealer": "", "dell": "", "dhl": "", "discover": "", "dnp": "", "doosan": "", "duns": "", "dupont": "", "earth": "", "energy": "", "epost": "", "everbank": "", "farmers": "", "fast": "", "ferrero": "", "fire": "", "fj": "", "flickr": "", "flir": "", "food": "", "ford": "", "fox": "", "free": "", "frontier": "", "ftr": "", "ga": "", "gap": "", "gh": "", "gmo": "", "got": "", "grainger": "", "grocery": "", "guardian": "", "gucci": "", "hair": "", "hbo": "", "health": "", "homegoods": "", "homesense": "", "honeywell": "", "hot": "", "hoteles": "", "hotels": "", "hotmail": "", "hsbc": "", "htc": "", "hyatt": "", "ieee": "", "iinet": "", "imdb": "", "int": "", "intel": "", "intuit": "", "ipiranga": "", "ipirange": "", "itau": "", "iwc": "", "jetzt": "", "jlc": "", "jmp": "", "jnj": "", "jot": "", "joy": "", "jpmorgan": "", "jprs": "", "kinder": "", "kindle": "", "kpmg": "", "kpn": "", "kred": "", "kw": "", "lanxess": "", "lc": "", "lifeinsurance": "", "like": "", "lilly": "", "lincoln": "", "living": "", "lk": "", "loft": "", "lupin": "", "maif": "", "marshalls": "", "mattel": "", "mcd": "", "mcdonalds": "", "merckmsd": "", "microsoft": "", "mint": "", "mlb": "", "mobily": "", "moi": "", "montblanc": "", "moto": "", "msd": "", "mtpc": "", "mutual": "", "mutuelle": "", "nagoya": "", "nba": "", "netflix": "", "neustar": "", "nfl": "", "nhk": "", "nike": "", "northwesternmutual": "", "now": "", "ntt": "", "nyc": "", "office": "", "okinawa": "", "oldnavy": "", "open": "", "orientexpress": "", "otsuka": "", "passagens": "", "pay": "", "pfizer": "", "pharmacy": "", "piaget": "", "pictet": "", "pin": "", "ping": "", "pramerica": "", "praxi": "", "prime": "", "pru": "", "prudential": "", "ps": "", "qvc": "", "read": "", "realtor": "", "ren": "", "rocher": "", "room": "", "rw": "", "ryukyu": "", "safe": "", "safety": "", "sakura": "", "sapo": "", "sas": "", "save": "", "secure": "", "sener": "", "shaw": "", "shop": "", "silk": "", "skype": "", "sl": "", "smile": "", "sohu": "", "song": "", "spot": "", "staples": "", "statefarm": "", "stream": "", "suzuki": "", "swiftcover": "", "talk": "", "taobao": "", "target": "", "tjmaxx": "", "tjx": "", "tkmaxx": "", "tmall": "", "tokyo": "", "tube": "", "tunes": "", "tushu": "", "tvs": "", "unicom": "", "uno": "", "vivo": "", "vuelos": "", "wanggou": "", "watches": "", "weather": "", "weatherchannel": "", "weir": "", "whois": "", "windows": "", "winners": "", "wow": "", "xbox": "", "xn--1ck2e1b": "whois.nic.xn--1ck2e1b", "xn--2scrj9c": "", "xn--3hcrj9c": "", "xn--45br5cyl": "", "xn--45brj9c": "", "xn--8y0a063a": "whois.nic.xn--8y0a063a", "xn--bck1b9a5dre4c": "whois.nic.xn--bck1b9a5dre4c", "xn--cck2b3b": "whois.nic.xn--cck2b3b", "xn--czr694b": "whois.nic.xn--czr694b", "xn--e1a4c": "", "xn--eckvdtc9d": "whois.nic.xn--eckvdtc9d", "xn--fct429k": "whois.nic.xn--fct429k", "xn--fpcrj9c3d": "", "xn--fzc2c9e2c": "", "xn--g2xx48c": "whois.nic.xn--g2xx48c", "xn--gckr3f0f": "whois.nic.xn--gckr3f0f", "xn--gecrj9c": "", "xn--gk3at1e": "whois.nic.xn--gk3at1e", "xn--h2breg3eve": "", "xn--h2brj9c": "", "xn--h2brj9c8c": "", "xn--imr513n": "whois.nic.xn--imr513n", "xn--jvr189m": "whois.nic.xn--jvr189m", "xn--kpu716f": "whois.nic.xn--kpu716f", "xn--mgba3a3ejt": "whois.nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt", "xn--mgbb9fbpob": "whois.nic.xn--mgbb9fbpob", "xn--mgbbh1a": "", "xn--mgbbh1a71e": "", "xn--mgbgu82a": "", "xn--nyqy26a": "whois.nic.xn--nyqy26a", "xn--otu796d": "whois.nic.xn--otu796d", "xn--pbt977c": "whois.nic.xn--pbt977c", "xn--rhqv96g": "whois.nic.xn--rhqv96g", "xn--rovu88b": "whois.nic.xn--rovu88b", "xn--rvc1e0am3e": "", "xn--s9brj9c": "", "xn--ses554g": "", "xn--wgbh1c": "", "xn--xkc2al3hye2a": "", "xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h": "", "yahoo": "", "yamaxun": "", "yandex": "", "yokohama": "", "you": "", "za": "", "zappos": "", "zero": "", "zippo": "", }
class IANA: # pragma: no cover pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Logic behind the update and usage of `iana-domains-db.json` """ def __init__(self): # We get the destination of the constructed IANA database. self.destination = (PyFunceble.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["default_files"]["iana"]) if PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.destination): # The destination exist. # We get its content. self.iana_db = Dict().from_json(File(self.destination).read()) else: # The destination does not exist. # We initiate the local variable which will save the content of the database. self.iana_db = {} # We initiate the URL to the IANA Root Zone Database page. self.iana_url = "" # We iniitate an instance of Lookup. self.lookup = Lookup() # We map the list of server which have to be set manually because # they are not present into the IANA Root Zone Database. self.manual_server = { "aaa": "", "abb": "", "able": "", "accenture": "", "aetna": "", "aig": "", "americanexpress": "", "amex": "", "amica": "", "amsterdam": "", "analytics": "", "aramco": "", "arte": "", "as": "", "athleta": "", "audible": "", "author": "", "aws": "", "axa": "", "azure": "", "baby": "", "banamex": "", "bananarepublic": "", "baseball": "", "bharti": "", "bing": "", "bloomberg": "", "bm": "", "book": "", "booking": "", "bot": "", "buzz": "", "bz": "", "call": "", "calvinklein": "", "caravan": "", "cartier": "", "caseih": "", "cbn": "", "cbre": "", "cd": "", "chase": "", "circle": "", "cisco": "", "citadel": "", "citi": "", "citic": "", "cm": "", "coupon": "", "crown": "", "crs": "", "deal": "", "dealer": "", "dell": "", "dhl": "", "discover": "", "dnp": "", "doosan": "", "duns": "", "dupont": "", "earth": "", "energy": "", "epost": "", "everbank": "", "farmers": "", "fast": "", "ferrero": "", "fire": "", "fj": "", "flickr": "", "flir": "", "food": "", "ford": "", "fox": "", "free": "", "frontier": "", "ftr": "", "ga": "", "gap": "", "gh": "", "gmo": "", "got": "", "grainger": "", "grocery": "", "guardian": "", "gucci": "", "hair": "", "hbo": "", "health": "", "homegoods": "", "homesense": "", "honeywell": "", "hot": "", "hoteles": "", "hotels": "", "hotmail": "", "hsbc": "", "htc": "", "hyatt": "", "ieee": "", "iinet": "", "imdb": "", "int": "", "intel": "", "intuit": "", "ipiranga": "", "ipirange": "", "itau": "", "iwc": "", "jetzt": "", "jlc": "", "jmp": "", "jnj": "", "jot": "", "joy": "", "jpmorgan": "", "jprs": "", "kinder": "", "kindle": "", "kpmg": "", "kpn": "", "kred": "", "kw": "", "lanxess": "", "lc": "", "lifeinsurance": "", "like": "", "lilly": "", "lincoln": "", "living": "", "lk": "", "loft": "", "lupin": "", "maif": "", "marshalls": "", "mattel": "", "mcd": "", "mcdonalds": "", "merckmsd": "", "microsoft": "", "mint": "", "mlb": "", "mobily": "", "moi": "", "montblanc": "", "moto": "", "msd": "", "mtpc": "", "mutual": "", "mutuelle": "", "nagoya": "", "nba": "", "netflix": "", "neustar": "", "nfl": "", "nhk": "", "nike": "", "northwesternmutual": "", "now": "", "ntt": "", "nyc": "", "office": "", "okinawa": "", "oldnavy": "", "open": "", "orientexpress": "", "otsuka": "", "passagens": "", "pay": "", "pfizer": "", "pharmacy": "", "piaget": "", "pictet": "", "pin": "", "ping": "", "pramerica": "", "praxi": "", "prime": "", "pru": "", "prudential": "", "ps": "", "qvc": "", "read": "", "realtor": "", "ren": "", "rocher": "", "room": "", "rw": "", "ryukyu": "", "safe": "", "safety": "", "sakura": "", "sapo": "", "sas": "", "save": "", "secure": "", "sener": "", "shaw": "", "shop": "", "silk": "", "skype": "", "sl": "", "smile": "", "sohu": "", "song": "", "spot": "", "staples": "", "statefarm": "", "stream": "", "suzuki": "", "swiftcover": "", "talk": "", "taobao": "", "target": "", "tjmaxx": "", "tjx": "", "tkmaxx": "", "tmall": "", "tokyo": "", "tube": "", "tunes": "", "tushu": "", "tvs": "", "unicom": "", "uno": "", "vivo": "", "vuelos": "", "wanggou": "", "watches": "", "weather": "", "weatherchannel": "", "weir": "", "whois": "", "windows": "", "winners": "", "wow": "", "xbox": "", "xn--1ck2e1b": "whois.nic.xn--1ck2e1b", "xn--2scrj9c": "", "xn--3hcrj9c": "", "xn--45br5cyl": "", "xn--45brj9c": "", "xn--8y0a063a": "whois.nic.xn--8y0a063a", "xn--bck1b9a5dre4c": "whois.nic.xn--bck1b9a5dre4c", "xn--cck2b3b": "whois.nic.xn--cck2b3b", "xn--czr694b": "whois.nic.xn--czr694b", "xn--e1a4c": "", "xn--eckvdtc9d": "whois.nic.xn--eckvdtc9d", "xn--fct429k": "whois.nic.xn--fct429k", "xn--fpcrj9c3d": "", "xn--fzc2c9e2c": "", "xn--g2xx48c": "whois.nic.xn--g2xx48c", "xn--gckr3f0f": "whois.nic.xn--gckr3f0f", "xn--gecrj9c": "", "xn--gk3at1e": "whois.nic.xn--gk3at1e", "xn--h2breg3eve": "", "xn--h2brj9c": "", "xn--h2brj9c8c": "", "xn--imr513n": "whois.nic.xn--imr513n", "xn--jvr189m": "whois.nic.xn--jvr189m", "xn--kpu716f": "whois.nic.xn--kpu716f", "xn--mgba3a3ejt": "whois.nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt", "xn--mgbb9fbpob": "whois.nic.xn--mgbb9fbpob", "xn--mgbbh1a": "", "xn--mgbbh1a71e": "", "xn--mgbgu82a": "", "xn--nyqy26a": "whois.nic.xn--nyqy26a", "xn--otu796d": "whois.nic.xn--otu796d", "xn--pbt977c": "whois.nic.xn--pbt977c", "xn--rhqv96g": "whois.nic.xn--rhqv96g", "xn--rovu88b": "whois.nic.xn--rovu88b", "xn--rvc1e0am3e": "", "xn--s9brj9c": "", "xn--ses554g": "", "xn--wgbh1c": "", "xn--xkc2al3hye2a": "", "xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h": "", "yahoo": "", "yamaxun": "", "yandex": "", "yokohama": "", "you": "", "za": "", "zappos": "", "zero": "", "zippo": "", } def load(self): """ Initiate the IANA database if it is not the case. """ if "iana_db" not in PyFunceble.INTERN or not PyFunceble.INTERN[ "iana_db"]: # The global database is empty, None or does not exist. # We update it with the database content. PyFunceble.INTERN["iana_db"] = self.iana_db def _referer(self, extension): """ Return the referer for the given extension. :param extension: A valid domain extension. :type extension: str :return: The whois server to use to get the WHOIS record. :rtype: str """ # We get the a copy of the page. iana_record = self.lookup.whois( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["iana_whois_server"], "hello.%s" % extension) if iana_record and "refer" in iana_record: # The record is not empty. # We initiate a regex which will extract the referer. regex_referer = r"(?s)refer\:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)\n" # We try to extract the referer. matched = Regex(iana_record, regex_referer, return_data=True, group=1).match() if matched: # The referer was extracted successfully. # We return the matched referer. return matched # * The referer was not extracted successfully. # or # * The iana record is empty. if extension in self.manual_server: # The extension is in the list of manual entries. # We return the server which we set manually. return self.manual_server[extension] # We return None because we weren't able to get the server to call for # the given extension. return None def _extensions(self): """ Extract the extention from the given block. Plus get its referer. """ upstream_lines = (Download( self.iana_url, return_data=True).text().split('<span class="domain tld">')) # We extract the different extension from the currently readed line. regex_valid_extension = r"(/domains/root/db/)(.*)(\.html)" for block in upstream_lines: if "/domains/root/db/" in block: # The link is in the line. # We try to extract the extension. matched = Regex(block, regex_valid_extension, return_data=True, rematch=True).match()[1] if matched: # The extraction is not empty or None. # We get the referer. referer = self._referer(matched) # We yield the matched extension and its referer. yield (matched, referer) def update(self): """ Update the content of the `iana-domains-db` file. """ if not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["quiet"]: # * The quiet mode is not activated. # We print on screen what we are doing. print("Update of iana-domains-db", end=" ") # We loop through the line of the iana website. for extension, referer in self._extensions(): if extension not in self.iana_db or self.iana_db[ extension] != referer: # We add the extension to the databae. self.iana_db[extension] = referer # We save the content of the constructed database. Dict(self.iana_db).to_json(self.destination) if not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["quiet"]: # The quiet mode is not activated. # We indicate that the work is done without any issue. print(PyFunceble.INTERN["done"])
def _extract(self): # pragma: no cover """ Extract the expiration date from the whois record. """ self.whois_record = Lookup().whois(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["referer"]) to_match = [ r"expire:(.*)", r"expire on:(.*)", r"Expiry Date:(.*)", r"free-date(.*)", r"expires:(.*)", r"Expiration date:(.*)", r"Expiry date:(.*)", r"Expire Date:(.*)", r"renewal date:(.*)", r"Expires:(.*)", r"validity:(.*)", r"Expiration Date :(.*)", r"Expiry :(.*)", r"expires at:(.*)", r"domain_datebilleduntil:(.*)", r"Data de expiração \/ Expiration Date \(dd\/mm\/yyyy\):(.*)", r"Fecha de expiración \(Expiration date\):(.*)", r"\[Expires on\](.*)", r"Record expires on(.*)(\(YYYY-MM-DD\))", r"status: OK-UNTIL(.*)", r"renewal:(.*)", r"expires............:(.*)", r"expire-date:(.*)", r"Exp date:(.*)", r"Valid-date(.*)", r"Expires On:(.*)", r"Fecha de vencimiento:(.*)", r"Expiration:.........(.*)", r"Fecha de Vencimiento:(.*)", r"Registry Expiry Date:(.*)", r"Expires on..............:(.*)", r"Expiration Time:(.*)", r"Expiration Date:(.*)", r"Expired:(.*)", r"Date d'expiration:(.*)", ] if self.whois_record: for string in to_match: expiration_date = Regex( self.whois_record, string, return_data=True, rematch=True, group=0 ).match() if expiration_date: self.expiration_date = expiration_date[0].strip() regex_rumbers = r"[0-9]" if Regex( self.expiration_date, regex_rumbers, return_data=False ).match(): self.expiration_date = self._format() if self.expiration_date and not Regex( self.expiration_date, r"[0-9]{2}\-[a-z]{3}\-2[0-9]{3}", return_data=False, ).match(): self.log() self._whois_log() Generate( PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"], "WHOIS", self.expiration_date, ).status_file() self._whois_log() return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"] self._whois_log() return Status(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]).handle() self._whois_log() return Status(PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]).handle()