예제 #1
    def hgt_500mb(self):

        u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
        v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
        u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
        v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
        height = wrf.unstaggerZ(self.height)
        ref_val = 50000.
        #Switched to Cython
        #self.u10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val)
        #self.v10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val)
        self.u10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val))
        self.v10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val))
        #self.var = wrf.hypsometric(height,self.press, ref_val, self.temp)
        self.var = np.array(wrf_cython.hypsometric(height, self.press, ref_val, self.temp))
        self.var2 = self.var
        self.varTitle = "500-mb Geopotential Height (m)\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
        #Set short variable title for time series
        self.sTitle = "500-mb Geopotential Height (m)"
예제 #2
    def PotentialVorticity(self):

        #Read in variables
        u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
        v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
        f = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('F')    
        #Define grid spacing in meters
        dx = self.dataSet.dx[self.dataSet.currentGrid-1] 
        dy = self.dataSet.dy[self.dataSet.currentGrid-1] 

        u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
        v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
        self.u10 = u_corr
        self.v10 = v_corr
        self.var = wrf.pot_vort(u,v,f,dx,dy,self.press,self.theta)
        self.var2 = self.var
        self.varTitle = "Potential Voricity (PVU)\n"+ self.dataSet.getTime()
        #Set short variable title for time series
        self.sTitle = "Potential Voricity (PVU)"
예제 #3
 def vort_850mb(self):
     u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
     v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
     u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
     v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
     ref_val = 85000.
     #Switched to Cython 
     #self.u10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     #self.v10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     self.u10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     self.v10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     self.var = wrf.rel_vort(self.u10,self.v10,
     self.var2 = wrf.get_mslp(self.height, self.press, self.temp, self.qvapor)
     self.varTitle = "850-mb Relative Voriticity ($10^{-5}$ $s^{-1}$)\n" +\
     #Set short variable title for time series
     self.sTitle = "850-mb Relative Voriticity ($10^{-5}$ $s^{-1}$)"
예제 #4
 def winds_300mb(self):
     u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
     v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
     u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
     v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
     height = wrf.unstaggerZ(self.height)
     ref_val = 30000.
     #Switched to Cython
     #self.u10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     #self.v10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     self.u10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     self.v10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     var1 = wrf.get_bulk_wind(self.u10,self.v10)
     self.var = wrf.convertWind_MStoKT(var1)
     #self.var2 = wrf.hypsometric(height, self.press, ref_val, self.temp)
     self.var2 = np.array(wrf_cython.hypsometric(height, self.press, ref_val, self.temp))
     self.varTitle = "300-mb Wind\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
     #Set short variable title for time series
     self.sTitle = "300-mb Wind"
예제 #5
    def richardson(self):
        u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
        v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
        u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
        v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
        wind = (u_corr*u_corr + v_corr*v_corr)**(0.5)
        height = wrf.unstaggerZ(self.height)

        #compute the vertical gradient of theta
        dtheta = np.gradient(self.theta)[0]
        du = np.gradient(wind)[0]
        dz = np.gradient(height)[0]
        #compute the richardson number
        self.u10 = u_corr
        self.v10 = v_corr
        self.var = ((self.g/self.theta)*(dtheta/dz))/(du/dz)**(2)
        self.var2 = self.var
        self.varTitle = "Richardson Number\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
        #Set short variable title for time series
        self.sTitle = "Richardson Number"
예제 #6
 def temp_500mb(self):
     u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
     v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
     u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
     v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
     height = wrf.unstaggerZ(self.height)
     ref_val = 50000.
     #Switched to Cython
     #var1 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(self.temp, self.press, ref_val)
     #self.u10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     #self.v10 = wrf.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val)
     var1 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(self.temp, self.press, ref_val))
     self.u10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(u_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     self.v10 = np.array(wrf_cython.loglinear_interpolate(v_corr, self.press, ref_val))
     self.var = wrf.convertT_KtoC(var1)
     #self.var2 = wrf.hypsometric(height, self.press, ref_val, self.temp)
     self.var2 = np.array(wrf_cython.hypsometric(height, self.press, ref_val, self.temp))
     self.varTitle = "500-mb Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
     #Set short variable title for time series
     self.sTitle = "500-mb Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)"
예제 #7
 def divergence(self):
     u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
     v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
     u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
     v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
     #For the WRF-ARW Arakawa C grid we don't need to use the unstagger winds
     # to calculate the gradient at the mass points
     #du = np.gradient(u_corr)[2]
     #dv = np.gradient(v_corr)[1]
     #Get dimensions
     dimsu = u.shape
     dimsv = v.shape
     du = u[:,:,1:dimsu[2]] - u[:,:,0:dimsu[2]-1]
     dv = v[:,1:dimsv[1],:] - v[:,0:dimsv[1]-1,:]
     dx = self.dataSet.dx[self.dataSet.currentGrid-1]
     dy = self.dataSet.dy[self.dataSet.currentGrid-1]
     self.u10 = u_corr
     self.v10 = v_corr
     self.var = (du/dx + dv/dy)*pow(10,5)
     self.var2 = self.var
     self.varTitle = "Divergence (10$^{-5}$ s$^{-1}$)\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
     #Set short variable title for time series
     self.sTitle = "Divergence (10$^{-5}$ s$^{-1}$)"