예제 #1
 def creatDict(self): #insert other arguments
     'Create a Json dictionary incorporating queried data and the Highcharts functions.'
     # organize 2-D list into a 1-D list
     # orgDataIndex = 0
     # for col in queriedData:
     #     for row in queriedData: # this may be inverted order to organize by
     #         organizedData[orgDataIndex].add(queriedData[row][col])
     #         orgDataIndex += 1
     # create chart object--set appropriate chart options using the Highcharts functions (ie add_data_set) based on what options were passed to QueriedData constructor
     chart = Highchart()
     for row in self.queriedData:
         orgDataIndex = 0
         for element in range(1, len(row)): # access individual elements of the list that is within the outer list (how the 2d list is build)
             # ^ skip first column because it has the name of the variable, not a value
             orgDataIndex += 1
         chart.add_data_set(self.organizedData, series_type=self.sType, name=self.queriedData[row][0]) # name is assumed to be in the 0th column of each row
     chart.set_options(EXAMPLE_CONFIG) # add further configs
                                       # current EXAMPLE_CONFIG provides default visual options; can be found in examples.py
     # Using chart.__export_options__(), create a Json dictionary (member variable)
     return chart.__export_options__() # return new json dictionary