예제 #1
class mousetrap_form(item.item, mouse_response_mixin):

	"""Tracks mouse movements in custom form defined using OpenSesame script"""

	initial_view = u'controls'
	#initial_view = u'split'
	description = u'Tracks mouse movements in custom form defined using OpenSesame script'

	def reset(self):

			Initialize plug-in.
		self.item_type = u'mousetrap_form'
		# Set default values for variables (not displayed in controls)
		self.var.spacing = 0
		self.var.focus_widget = None
		self.var.only_render = u'no'
		self.var.margins = u'0;0;0;0'
		self.var.start_unit = u'grid'

		# Set default values for variables
		self.var._theme = u'plain'
		self.var.logging_resolution = 10
		self.var.timeout = u'infinite'
		self.var.correct_button = u''
		self.var.update_feedback = u'no'
		self.var.reset_mouse = u'no'
		self.var.click_required = u'yes'
		self.var.mouse_buttons_allowed = u'left_button;right_button'
		self.var.check_initiation_time = u'no'
		self.var.max_initiation_time = 1000
		self.var.skip_item = u'no'
		self.var.save_trajectories = u'yes'

		# Set default values for col and row
		# so their ratio corresponds to ratio of screen resolutions
		h = self.var.__parent__.height
		w = self.var.__parent__.width

		if float(w)/h == 4.0/3:
			cols = 12
			rows = 9
		elif float(w)/h == 16.0/9:
			cols = 16
			rows = 9
		elif float(w)/h == 16.0/10:
			cols = 16
			rows = 10
			cols = 16
			rows = 9

		self.var.cols = str(cols)
		self.var.rows = str(rows)
		self.var.warning_message = 'widget '+str(cols/2-2)+' '+str(rows/2-1+rows%2)+' 4 1 label text="Please start moving"'

		# Adapt start coordinates so that they correspond
		# to the center of the button in the form_text_display item
		h_start = (float(h)-2*50-2*10)/6*5.5+70
		self.var.start_coordinates = str(float(cols)/2)+';'+str(round(h_start/float(h) * float(rows),2))

		# Set internal variables
		self._cols = None
		self._rows = None
		self._timeout = None
		self._correct_button = None
		self._start_coordinates = None
		self._max_initiation_time = None
		self._warning_message = None
		self._start_unit = None
		self._warning_widget = None

		self._widgets = []
		self._variables = []

	def parse_line(self, line):

		Allows for arbitrary line parsing, for item-specific requirements.

		line	--	A single definition line.

		# taken from form_base.py

		cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(line)
		if cmd != u'widget':
		if len(arglist) != 5:
			raise osexception(_(u'Invalid widget specification: %s' % line))
		self._widgets.append((arglist, kwdict))
		if u'var' in kwdict:

	def to_string(self):

		Parse the widgets back into a definition string

		A definition string

		# taken from form_base.py

		s = item.item.to_string(self, self.item_type)
		for arglist, kwdict in self._widgets:
			s += u'\t%s\n' % self.syntax.create_cmd(u'widget', arglist, kwdict)
		s += u'\n'
		return s

	def clean_input(self,text):

		"""Replace unnecessary characters with whitespace"""

		text= text.replace(',', ' ')
		text= text.replace(';', ' ')
		text= text.replace('(', ' ')
		text= text.replace(')', ' ')

	def prepare(self):

		"""Prepares the item."""


		if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

			# Get values for internal variables (to allow the use of OpenSesame variables)
			self._cols = self.var.cols
			self._rows = self.var.rows
			self._correct_button = self.var.correct_button
			self._start_coordinates = self.var.start_coordinates

			# Prepare the form
				cols = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._cols).split(';')]
				rows = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._rows).split(';')]
				margins = [float(i) for i in unicode(self.var.margins).split(';')]
				raise osexception(
					_(u'cols, rows, and margins should be numeric values separated by a semi-colon'))

			# Modification of original form:
			# if cols and rows only have one value, then treat this as the number of cols/rows
			if len(cols)==1:
				cols = int(cols[0])
			if len(rows)==1:
				rows = int(rows[0])

			# Initialize form
			self._form = MT_form(self.experiment, cols=cols, rows=rows, \
				margins=margins, spacing=self.var.spacing, theme=self.var._theme, item=self)

			# Prepare the widgets
			self.focus_widget = None
			for arglist, orig_kwdict in self._widgets:
				kwdict = orig_kwdict.copy()
				# Evaluate all values
				arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
				for key, val in kwdict.items():
					kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
				# Translate paths into full file names
				if u'path' in kwdict:
					kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
				# Process focus keyword
				focus = False
				if u'focus' in kwdict:
					if kwdict[u'focus'] == u'yes':
						focus = True
					del kwdict[u'focus']
				# Parse arguments
				_type = arglist[4]
					col = int(arglist[0])
					row = int(arglist[1])
					colspan = int(arglist[2])
					rowspan = int(arglist[3])
					raise osexception(
						_(u'In a form widget col, row, colspan, and rowspan should be integer'))
				# Create the widget and add it to the form
					_w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
				except Exception as e:
					raise osexception(
						u'Failed to create widget "%s": %s' % (_type, e))
				self._form.set_widget(_w, (col, row), colspan=colspan,
				# Add as focus widget
				if focus:
					if self.focus_widget is not None:
						raise osexception(
							_(u'You can only specify one focus widget'))
					self.focus_widget = _w

			# Create list with allowed mouse buttons as integers
			if self.var.click_required == u'yes':
				# Convert to string first (in case that only one integer is provided)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed = str(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed= self.clean_input(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed= [self.button_code(i) for i in self._mouse_buttons_allowed]

			# Prepare start_coordinates
			if self.var.reset_mouse == u'yes':

				self._start_unit = self.var.start_unit

				# Clean input for start_coordinates
				self._start_coordinates= self.clean_input(self._start_coordinates)

				# Create start_coordinate tuple
				if '.' in self._start_coordinates:
					self._start_coordinates= self._start_coordinates.split()
					self._start_coordinates= tuple([float(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])
					self._start_coordinates= self._start_coordinates.split()
					self._start_coordinates= tuple([int(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])

			# Prepare initiation time warning
			if self.var.check_initiation_time == u'yes':
				self._max_initiation_time = int(self.var.max_initiation_time)

					cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(self.var.warning_message)

					# Evaluate all values
					arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
					for key, val in kwdict.items():
						kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
					# Translate paths into full file names
					if u'path' in kwdict:
						kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
					# Create the widget
					_type = arglist[4]
					_w  = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)

					raise osexception(u'Failed to create widget for warning message.\
					Please check again the syntax and test it, e.g.,\
					by directly inserting the widget in the OpenSesame script first.')

	def run(self):

		"""Runs the item."""

		if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

			# Prepare timeout
			self._timeout = self.var.timeout
			if self._timeout == 'infinite':
				self._timeout = None
					self._timeout = int(self._timeout)
					raise osexception(u'Timeout specified incorrectly. It should either be an integer or "infinite".')


			if self.var.only_render == u'yes':

				# Execute form
				button_clicked, response_time, initiation_time, timestamps, xpos, ypos = self._form._exec(
					click_required = self.var.click_required==u'yes',
					warning_widget = self._warning_widget

				# Set response variables as OpenSesame variables
				self.experiment.response = button_clicked
				self.experiment.response_time = response_time
				self.experiment.var.set('response_%s'% self.name,button_clicked)
				self.experiment.var.set('response_time_%s'% self.name,response_time)
				self.experiment.var.set('initiation_time_%s'% self.name,initiation_time)

				# Save trajectory data
				if self.var.save_trajectories ==u'yes':
					self.experiment.var.set('timestamps_%s'% self.name,timestamps)
					self.experiment.var.set('xpos_%s'% self.name,xpos)
					self.experiment.var.set('ypos_%s'% self.name,ypos)

				# Determine if response was correct and set corresponding variable
				if self.var.correct_button ==u'':
					correct = None
					self.experiment.var.correct = u'undefined'
					if button_clicked == self._correct_button:
						correct = 1
						correct = 0
					self.experiment.var.set('correct_button_%s'% self.name,self._correct_button)
					self.experiment.var.correct = correct
				self.experiment.var.set('correct_%s'% self.name,self.experiment.var.correct)

				# Response bookkeeping (optional)
				if self.var.update_feedback == u'yes':

	def var_info(self):

			Add response variables to var info list.

			desc:	A list of (var_name, description) tuples.
			type:	list

		l = item.item.var_info(self)

		if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

			for var in self._variables:
				l.append( (var, u'[Response variable]') )

			response_variables = [
				'response','response_%s'% self.name,
				'response_time','response_time_%s'% self.name,
				'initiation_time','initiation_time_%s'% self.name,
				'correct','correct_%s'% self.name,
				'correct_button_%s'% self.name]

			if self.var.update_feedback == u'yes':

			if self.save_trajectories ==u'yes':
				response_variables.extend(['timestamps_%s'% self.name,
										   'xpos_%s'% self.name,
										   'ypos_%s'% self.name])

			for var in response_variables:
				l.append( (var, u'[Response variable]') )

		return l
예제 #2
class mousetrap_form(item.item):
    """Tracks mouse movements in custom form defined using OpenSesame script"""

    initial_view = u'controls'
    #initial_view = u'split'
    description = u'Tracks mouse movements in custom form defined using OpenSesame script'

    def reset(self):
			Initialize plug-in.

        self.item_type = u'mousetrap_form'

        # Set default values for variables (not displayed in controls)
        self.var.spacing = 0
        self.var.focus_widget = None
        self.var.only_render = u'no'
        self.var.margins = u'0;0;0;0'
        self.var.start_unit = u'grid'

        # Set default values for variables
        self.var._theme = u'plain'
        self.var.logging_resolution = 10
        self.var.timeout = u'infinite'
        self.var.correct_button = u''
        self.var.update_feedback = u'no'
        self.var.reset_mouse = u'yes'
        self.var.click_required = u'yes'
        self.var.mouse_buttons_allowed = u'1;3'
        self.var.check_initiation_time = u'no'
        self.var.max_initiation_time = 1000
        self.var.skip_item = u'no'
        self.var.save_trajectories = u'yes'

        # Set default values for col and row
        # so their ratio corresponds to ratio of screen resolutions
        h = self.var.__parent__.height
        w = self.var.__parent__.width

        if float(w) / h == 4.0 / 3:
            cols = 12
            rows = 9
        elif float(w) / h == 16.0 / 9:
            cols = 16
            rows = 9
        elif float(w) / h == 16.0 / 10:
            cols = 16
            rows = 10
            cols = 16
            rows = 9

        self.var.cols = str(cols)
        self.var.rows = str(rows)
        self.var.warning_message = 'widget ' + str(cols / 2 - 2) + ' ' + str(
            rows / 2 - 1 + rows % 2) + ' 4 1 label text="Please start moving"'

        # Adapt start coordinates so that they correspond
        # to the center of the button in the form_text_display item
        h_start = (float(h) - 2 * 50 - 2 * 10) / 6 * 5.5 + 70
        self.var.start_coordinates = str(float(cols) / 2) + ';' + str(
            round(h_start / float(h) * float(rows), 2))

        # Set internal variables
        self._cols = None
        self._rows = None
        self._timeout = None
        self._correct_button = None
        self._start_coordinates = None
        self._mouse_buttons_allowed = None
        self._max_initiation_time = None
        self._warning_message = None
        self._start_unit = None
        self._warning_widget = None

        self._widgets = []
        self._variables = []

    def parse_line(self, line):
		Allows for arbitrary line parsing, for item-specific requirements.

		line	--	A single definition line.

        # taken from form_base.py

        cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(line)
        if cmd != u'widget':
        if len(arglist) != 5:
            raise osexception(_(u'Invalid widget specification: %s' % line))
        self._widgets.append((arglist, kwdict))
        if u'var' in kwdict:

    def to_string(self):
		Parse the widgets back into a definition string

		A definition string

        # taken from form_base.py

        s = item.item.to_string(self, self.item_type)
        for arglist, kwdict in self._widgets:
            s += u'\t%s\n' % self.syntax.create_cmd(u'widget', arglist, kwdict)
        s += u'\n'
        return s

    def clean_input(self, text):
        """Replace unnecessary characters with whitespace"""

        text = text.replace(',', ' ')
        text = text.replace(';', ' ')
        text = text.replace('(', ' ')
        text = text.replace(')', ' ')
        return (text)

    def prepare(self):
        """Prepares the item."""


        if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

            # Get values for internal variables (to allow the use of OpenSesame variables)
            self._cols = self.var.cols
            self._rows = self.var.rows
            self._correct_button = self.var.correct_button
            self._start_coordinates = self.var.start_coordinates
            self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self.var.mouse_buttons_allowed

            # Prepare the form
                cols = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._cols).split(';')]
                rows = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._rows).split(';')]
                margins = [
                    float(i) for i in unicode(self.var.margins).split(';')
                raise osexception(
                    _(u'cols, rows, and margins should be numeric values separated by a semi-colon'

            # Modification of original form:
            # if cols and rows only have one value, then treat this as the number of cols/rows
            if len(cols) == 1:
                cols = int(cols[0])
            if len(rows) == 1:
                rows = int(rows[0])

            # Initialize form
            self._form = MT_form(self.experiment, cols=cols, rows=rows, \
             margins=margins, spacing=self.var.spacing, theme=self.var._theme, item=self)

            # Prepare the widgets
            self.focus_widget = None
            for arglist, orig_kwdict in self._widgets:
                kwdict = orig_kwdict.copy()
                # Evaluate all values
                arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
                for key, val in kwdict.items():
                    kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
                # Translate paths into full file names
                if u'path' in kwdict:
                    kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
                # Process focus keyword
                focus = False
                if u'focus' in kwdict:
                    if kwdict[u'focus'] == u'yes':
                        focus = True
                    del kwdict[u'focus']
                # Parse arguments
                _type = arglist[4]
                    col = int(arglist[0])
                    row = int(arglist[1])
                    colspan = int(arglist[2])
                    rowspan = int(arglist[3])
                    raise osexception(
                        _(u'In a form widget col, row, colspan, and rowspan should be integer'
                # Create the widget and add it to the form
                    _w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise osexception(u'Failed to create widget "%s": %s' %
                                      (_type, e))
                self._form.set_widget(_w, (col, row),
                # Add as focus widget
                if focus:
                    if self.focus_widget is not None:
                        raise osexception(
                            _(u'You can only specify one focus widget'))
                    self.focus_widget = _w

            # Create list with allowed mouse buttons as integers
            if self.var.click_required == u'yes':
                # Convert to string first (in case that only one integer is provided)
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = str(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self.clean_input(
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self._mouse_buttons_allowed.split(
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = [
                    int(i) for i in self._mouse_buttons_allowed

            # Prepare start_coordinates
            if self.var.reset_mouse == u'yes':

                self._start_unit = self.var.start_unit

                # Clean input for start_coordinates
                self._start_coordinates = self.clean_input(

                # Create start_coordinate tuple
                if '.' in self._start_coordinates:
                    self._start_coordinates = self._start_coordinates.split()
                    self._start_coordinates = tuple(
                        [float(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])
                    self._start_coordinates = self._start_coordinates.split()
                    self._start_coordinates = tuple(
                        [int(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])

            # Prepare initiation time warning
            if self.var.check_initiation_time == u'yes':
                self._max_initiation_time = int(self.var.max_initiation_time)

                    cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(

                    # Evaluate all values
                    arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
                    for key, val in kwdict.items():
                        kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
                    # Translate paths into full file names
                    if u'path' in kwdict:
                        kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
                    # Create the widget
                    _type = arglist[4]
                    _w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
                    self._warning_widget = [
                        _w, (int(arglist[0]), int(arglist[1])),

                    raise osexception(
                        u'Failed to create widget for warning message.\
					Please check again the syntax and test it, e.g.,\
					by directly inserting the widget in the OpenSesame script first.')

    def run(self):
        """Runs the item."""

        if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

            # Prepare timeout
            self._timeout = self.var.timeout
            if self._timeout == 'infinite':
                self._timeout = None
                    self._timeout = int(self._timeout)
                    raise osexception(
                        u'Timeout specified incorrectly. It should either be an integer or "infinite".'


            if self.var.only_render == u'yes':

                # Execute form
                button_clicked, response_time, initiation_time, timestamps, xpos, ypos = self._form._exec(
                    reset_mouse=self.var.reset_mouse == u'yes',
                    click_required=self.var.click_required == u'yes',

                # Set response variables as OpenSesame variables
                self.experiment.response = button_clicked
                self.experiment.response_time = response_time
                self.experiment.var.set('response_%s' % self.name,
                self.experiment.var.set('response_time_%s' % self.name,
                self.experiment.var.set('initiation_time', initiation_time)
                self.experiment.var.set('initiation_time_%s' % self.name,

                # Save trajectory data
                if self.var.save_trajectories == u'yes':
                    self.experiment.var.set('timestamps_%s' % self.name,
                    self.experiment.var.set('xpos_%s' % self.name, xpos)
                    self.experiment.var.set('ypos_%s' % self.name, ypos)

                # Determine if response was correct and set corresponding variable
                if self.var.correct_button == u'':
                    correct = None
                    self.experiment.var.correct = u'undefined'
                    if button_clicked == self._correct_button:
                        correct = 1
                        correct = 0
                    self.experiment.var.set('correct_button_%s' % self.name,
                    self.experiment.var.correct = correct
                self.experiment.var.set('correct_%s' % self.name,

                # Response bookkeeping (optional)
                if self.var.update_feedback == u'yes':

    def var_info(self):
			Add response variables to var info list.

			desc:	A list of (var_name, description) tuples.
			type:	list

        l = item.item.var_info(self)

        if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

            for var in self._variables:
                l.append((var, u'[Response variable]'))

            response_variables = [
                'response_%s' % self.name, 'response_time',
                'response_time_%s' % self.name, 'initiation_time',
                'initiation_time_%s' % self.name, 'correct',
                'correct_%s' % self.name,
                'correct_button_%s' % self.name

            if self.var.update_feedback == u'yes':
                    ['acc', 'accuracy', 'avg_rt', 'average_response_time'])

            if self.save_trajectories == u'yes':
                    'timestamps_%s' % self.name,
                    'xpos_%s' % self.name,
                    'ypos_%s' % self.name

            for var in response_variables:
                l.append((var, u'[Response variable]'))

        return l
예제 #3
	def prepare(self):

		"""Prepares the item."""


		if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

			# Get values for internal variables (to allow the use of OpenSesame variables)
			self._cols = self.var.cols
			self._rows = self.var.rows
			self._correct_button = self.var.correct_button
			self._start_coordinates = self.var.start_coordinates

			# Prepare the form
				cols = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._cols).split(';')]
				rows = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._rows).split(';')]
				margins = [float(i) for i in unicode(self.var.margins).split(';')]
				raise osexception(
					_(u'cols, rows, and margins should be numeric values separated by a semi-colon'))

			# Modification of original form:
			# if cols and rows only have one value, then treat this as the number of cols/rows
			if len(cols)==1:
				cols = int(cols[0])
			if len(rows)==1:
				rows = int(rows[0])

			# Initialize form
			self._form = MT_form(self.experiment, cols=cols, rows=rows, \
				margins=margins, spacing=self.var.spacing, theme=self.var._theme, item=self)

			# Prepare the widgets
			self.focus_widget = None
			for arglist, orig_kwdict in self._widgets:
				kwdict = orig_kwdict.copy()
				# Evaluate all values
				arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
				for key, val in kwdict.items():
					kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
				# Translate paths into full file names
				if u'path' in kwdict:
					kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
				# Process focus keyword
				focus = False
				if u'focus' in kwdict:
					if kwdict[u'focus'] == u'yes':
						focus = True
					del kwdict[u'focus']
				# Parse arguments
				_type = arglist[4]
					col = int(arglist[0])
					row = int(arglist[1])
					colspan = int(arglist[2])
					rowspan = int(arglist[3])
					raise osexception(
						_(u'In a form widget col, row, colspan, and rowspan should be integer'))
				# Create the widget and add it to the form
					_w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
				except Exception as e:
					raise osexception(
						u'Failed to create widget "%s": %s' % (_type, e))
				self._form.set_widget(_w, (col, row), colspan=colspan,
				# Add as focus widget
				if focus:
					if self.focus_widget is not None:
						raise osexception(
							_(u'You can only specify one focus widget'))
					self.focus_widget = _w

			# Create list with allowed mouse buttons as integers
			if self.var.click_required == u'yes':
				# Convert to string first (in case that only one integer is provided)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed = str(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed= self.clean_input(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
				self._mouse_buttons_allowed= [self.button_code(i) for i in self._mouse_buttons_allowed]

			# Prepare start_coordinates
			if self.var.reset_mouse == u'yes':

				self._start_unit = self.var.start_unit

				# Clean input for start_coordinates
				self._start_coordinates= self.clean_input(self._start_coordinates)

				# Create start_coordinate tuple
				if '.' in self._start_coordinates:
					self._start_coordinates= self._start_coordinates.split()
					self._start_coordinates= tuple([float(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])
					self._start_coordinates= self._start_coordinates.split()
					self._start_coordinates= tuple([int(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])

			# Prepare initiation time warning
			if self.var.check_initiation_time == u'yes':
				self._max_initiation_time = int(self.var.max_initiation_time)

					cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(self.var.warning_message)

					# Evaluate all values
					arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
					for key, val in kwdict.items():
						kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
					# Translate paths into full file names
					if u'path' in kwdict:
						kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
					# Create the widget
					_type = arglist[4]
					_w  = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)

					raise osexception(u'Failed to create widget for warning message.\
					Please check again the syntax and test it, e.g.,\
					by directly inserting the widget in the OpenSesame script first.')
예제 #4
    def prepare(self):
        """Prepares the item."""


        if self.var.skip_item == u'no':

            # Get values for internal variables (to allow the use of OpenSesame variables)
            self._cols = self.var.cols
            self._rows = self.var.rows
            self._correct_button = self.var.correct_button
            self._start_coordinates = self.var.start_coordinates
            self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self.var.mouse_buttons_allowed

            # Prepare the form
                cols = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._cols).split(';')]
                rows = [float(i) for i in unicode(self._rows).split(';')]
                margins = [
                    float(i) for i in unicode(self.var.margins).split(';')
                raise osexception(
                    _(u'cols, rows, and margins should be numeric values separated by a semi-colon'

            # Modification of original form:
            # if cols and rows only have one value, then treat this as the number of cols/rows
            if len(cols) == 1:
                cols = int(cols[0])
            if len(rows) == 1:
                rows = int(rows[0])

            # Initialize form
            self._form = MT_form(self.experiment, cols=cols, rows=rows, \
             margins=margins, spacing=self.var.spacing, theme=self.var._theme, item=self)

            # Prepare the widgets
            self.focus_widget = None
            for arglist, orig_kwdict in self._widgets:
                kwdict = orig_kwdict.copy()
                # Evaluate all values
                arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
                for key, val in kwdict.items():
                    kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
                # Translate paths into full file names
                if u'path' in kwdict:
                    kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
                # Process focus keyword
                focus = False
                if u'focus' in kwdict:
                    if kwdict[u'focus'] == u'yes':
                        focus = True
                    del kwdict[u'focus']
                # Parse arguments
                _type = arglist[4]
                    col = int(arglist[0])
                    row = int(arglist[1])
                    colspan = int(arglist[2])
                    rowspan = int(arglist[3])
                    raise osexception(
                        _(u'In a form widget col, row, colspan, and rowspan should be integer'
                # Create the widget and add it to the form
                    _w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise osexception(u'Failed to create widget "%s": %s' %
                                      (_type, e))
                self._form.set_widget(_w, (col, row),
                # Add as focus widget
                if focus:
                    if self.focus_widget is not None:
                        raise osexception(
                            _(u'You can only specify one focus widget'))
                    self.focus_widget = _w

            # Create list with allowed mouse buttons as integers
            if self.var.click_required == u'yes':
                # Convert to string first (in case that only one integer is provided)
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = str(self._mouse_buttons_allowed)
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self.clean_input(
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = self._mouse_buttons_allowed.split(
                self._mouse_buttons_allowed = [
                    int(i) for i in self._mouse_buttons_allowed

            # Prepare start_coordinates
            if self.var.reset_mouse == u'yes':

                self._start_unit = self.var.start_unit

                # Clean input for start_coordinates
                self._start_coordinates = self.clean_input(

                # Create start_coordinate tuple
                if '.' in self._start_coordinates:
                    self._start_coordinates = self._start_coordinates.split()
                    self._start_coordinates = tuple(
                        [float(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])
                    self._start_coordinates = self._start_coordinates.split()
                    self._start_coordinates = tuple(
                        [int(i) for i in self._start_coordinates])

            # Prepare initiation time warning
            if self.var.check_initiation_time == u'yes':
                self._max_initiation_time = int(self.var.max_initiation_time)

                    cmd, arglist, kwdict = self.syntax.parse_cmd(

                    # Evaluate all values
                    arglist = [self.syntax.eval_text(arg) for arg in arglist]
                    for key, val in kwdict.items():
                        kwdict[key] = self.syntax.eval_text(val, var=self.var)
                    # Translate paths into full file names
                    if u'path' in kwdict:
                        kwdict[u'path'] = self.experiment.pool[kwdict[u'path']]
                    # Create the widget
                    _type = arglist[4]
                    _w = getattr(widgets, _type)(self._form, **kwdict)
                    self._warning_widget = [
                        _w, (int(arglist[0]), int(arglist[1])),

                    raise osexception(
                        u'Failed to create widget for warning message.\
					Please check again the syntax and test it, e.g.,\
					by directly inserting the widget in the OpenSesame script first.')