def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): m = QMenu(self) m.addAction(_('Sort alphabetically'), self.sort_alphabetically) hidden = self.current_db.prefs['virt_libs_hidden'] if hidden: s = m._s = m.addMenu(_('Restore hidden tabs')) for x in hidden: s.addAction(x, partial(self.restore, x)) m.addAction(_('Hide virtual library tabs'), self.disable_bar) m.exec_(ev.globalPos())
class BooksView(QTableView): # {{{ files_dropped = pyqtSignal(object) add_column_signal = pyqtSignal() def viewportEvent(self, event): if (event.type() == event.ToolTip and not gprefs['book_list_tooltips']): return False return QTableView.viewportEvent(self, event) def __init__(self, parent, modelcls=BooksModel, use_edit_metadata_dialog=True): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) self.gui = parent self.setProperty('highlight_current_item', 150) self.row_sizing_done = False self.alternate_views = AlternateViews(self) if not tweaks['horizontal_scrolling_per_column']: self.setHorizontalScrollMode(self.ScrollPerPixel) self.setEditTriggers(self.EditKeyPressed) if tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_cell': self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked|self.editTriggers()) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'open_viewer': self.setEditTriggers(self.SelectedClicked|self.editTriggers()) self.doubleClicked.connect(parent.iactions['View'].view_triggered) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_metadata': # Must not enable single-click to edit, or the field will remain # open in edit mode underneath the edit metadata dialog if use_edit_metadata_dialog: self.doubleClicked.connect( partial(parent.iactions['Edit Metadata'].edit_metadata, checked=False)) else: self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked|self.editTriggers()) setup_dnd_interface(self) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setSelectionBehavior(self.SelectRows) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setWordWrap(False) self.rating_delegate = RatingDelegate(self) self.timestamp_delegate = DateDelegate(self) self.pubdate_delegate = PubDateDelegate(self) self.last_modified_delegate = DateDelegate(self, tweak_name='gui_last_modified_display_format') self.languages_delegate = LanguagesDelegate(self) self.tags_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, ',', 'all_tag_names') self.authors_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_author_names', True) self.cc_names_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_custom', True) self.series_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.publisher_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.text_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.cc_text_delegate = CcTextDelegate(self) self.cc_enum_delegate = CcEnumDelegate(self) self.cc_bool_delegate = CcBoolDelegate(self) self.cc_comments_delegate = CcCommentsDelegate(self) self.cc_template_delegate = CcTemplateDelegate(self) self.cc_number_delegate = CcNumberDelegate(self) self.display_parent = parent self._model = modelcls(self) self.setModel(self._model) self._model.count_changed_signal.connect(self.do_row_sizing, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect(self._model.current_changed) self.preserve_state = partial(PreserveViewState, self) # {{{ Column Header setup self.can_add_columns = True self.was_restored = False self.column_header = HeaderView(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.setHorizontalHeader(self.column_header) self.column_header.setMovable(True) self.column_header.setClickable(True) self.column_header.sectionMoved.connect(self.save_state) self.column_header.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.column_header.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.show_column_header_context_menu) self.column_header.sectionResized.connect(self.column_resized, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.row_header = HeaderView(Qt.Vertical, self) self.setVerticalHeader(self.row_header) # }}} self._model.database_changed.connect(self.database_changed) hv = self.verticalHeader() hv.setClickable(True) hv.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.selected_ids = [] self._model.about_to_be_sorted.connect(self.about_to_be_sorted) self._model.sorting_done.connect(self.sorting_done, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # Column Header Context Menu {{{ def column_header_context_handler(self, action=None, column=None): if not action or not column: return try: idx = self.column_map.index(column) except: return h = self.column_header if action == 'hide': h.setSectionHidden(idx, True) elif action == 'show': h.setSectionHidden(idx, False) if h.sectionSize(idx) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(idx) h.resizeSection(idx, sz) elif action == 'ascending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) elif action == 'descending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) elif action == 'defaults': self.apply_state(self.get_default_state()) elif action == 'addcustcol': self.add_column_signal.emit() elif action.startswith('align_'): alignment = action.partition('_')[-1] self._model.change_alignment(column, alignment) elif action == 'quickview': from calibre.customize.ui import find_plugin qv = find_plugin('Show Quickview') if qv: rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 0: current_row = rows[0].row() current_col = self.column_map.index(column) index = self.model().index(current_row, current_col) qv.actual_plugin_.change_quickview_column(index) self.save_state() def show_column_header_context_menu(self, pos): idx = self.column_header.logicalIndexAt(pos) if idx > -1 and idx < len(self.column_map): col = self.column_map[idx] name = unicode(self.model().headerData(idx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) self.column_header_context_menu = QMenu(self) if col != 'ondevice': self.column_header_context_menu.addAction(_('Hide column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='hide', column=col)) m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Sort on %s') % name) a = m.addAction(_('Ascending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='ascending', column=col)) d = m.addAction(_('Descending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='descending', column=col)) if self._model.sorted_on[0] == col: ac = a if self._model.sorted_on[1] else d ac.setCheckable(True) ac.setChecked(True) if col not in ('ondevice', 'inlibrary') and \ (not self.model().is_custom_column(col) or self.model().custom_columns[col]['datatype'] not in ('bool', )): m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Change text alignment for %s') % name) al = self._model.alignment_map.get(col, 'left') for x, t in (('left', _('Left')), ('right', _('Right')), ('center', _('Center'))): a = m.addAction(t, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='align_'+x, column=col)) if al == x: a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(True) if not isinstance(self, DeviceBooksView): if self._model.db.field_metadata[col]['is_category']: act = self.column_header_context_menu.addAction(_('Quickview column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='quickview', column=col)) rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 1: act.setEnabled(False) hidden_cols = [self.column_map[i] for i in range(self.column_header.count()) if self.column_header.isSectionHidden(i)] try: hidden_cols.remove('ondevice') except: pass if hidden_cols: self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Show column')) for col in hidden_cols: hidx = self.column_map.index(col) name = unicode(self.model().headerData(hidx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) m.addAction(name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='show', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Shrink column if it is too wide to fit'), partial(self.resize_column_to_fit, column=self.column_map[idx])) self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Restore default layout'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='defaults', column=col)) if self.can_add_columns: self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('column.png')), _('Add your own columns'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='addcustcol', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.popup(self.column_header.mapToGlobal(pos)) # }}} # Sorting {{{ def about_to_be_sorted(self, idc): selected_rows = [r.row() for r in self.selectionModel().selectedRows()] self.selected_ids = [idc(r) for r in selected_rows] def sorting_done(self, indexc): pos = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() self.select_rows(self.selected_ids, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True) self.selected_ids = [] self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(pos) def sort_by_named_field(self, field, order, reset=True): if field in self.column_map: idx = self.column_map.index(field) if order: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) else: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) else: self._model.sort_by_named_field(field, order, reset) def multisort(self, fields, reset=True, only_if_different=False): if len(fields) == 0: return sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(self._model.sort_history, ignore_column_map=True) if only_if_different and len(sh) >= len(fields): ret=True for i,t in enumerate(fields): if t[0] != sh[i][0]: ret = False break if ret: return for n,d in reversed(fields): if n in self._model.db.field_metadata.keys(): sh.insert(0, (n, d)) sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(sh, ignore_column_map=True) self._model.sort_history = [tuple(x) for x in sh] self._model.resort(reset=reset) col = fields[0][0] dir = Qt.AscendingOrder if fields[0][1] else Qt.DescendingOrder if col in self.column_map: col = self.column_map.index(col) hdrs = self.horizontalHeader() try: hdrs.setSortIndicator(col, dir) except: pass # }}} # Ondevice column {{{ def set_ondevice_column_visibility(self): m = self._model self.column_header.setSectionHidden(m.column_map.index('ondevice'), not m.device_connected) def set_device_connected(self, is_connected): self._model.set_device_connected(is_connected) self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() # }}} # Save/Restore State {{{ def get_state(self): h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map state = {} state['hidden_columns'] = [cm[i] for i in range(h.count()) if h.isSectionHidden(i) and cm[i] != 'ondevice'] state['last_modified_injected'] = True state['languages_injected'] = True state['sort_history'] = \ self.cleanup_sort_history(self.model().sort_history) state['column_positions'] = {} state['column_sizes'] = {} state['column_alignment'] = self._model.alignment_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] state['column_positions'][name] = h.visualIndex(i) if name != 'ondevice': state['column_sizes'][name] = h.sectionSize(i) return state def write_state(self, state): db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name and db is not None: db.prefs.set(name + ' books view state', state) def save_state(self): # Only save if we have been initialized (set_database called) if len(self.column_map) > 0 and self.was_restored: state = self.get_state() self.write_state(state) def cleanup_sort_history(self, sort_history, ignore_column_map=False): history = [] for col, order in sort_history: if not isinstance(order, bool): continue if col == 'date': col = 'timestamp' if ignore_column_map or col in self.column_map: if (not history or history[-1][0] != col): history.append([col, order]) return history def apply_sort_history(self, saved_history, max_sort_levels=3): if not saved_history: return for col, order in reversed(self.cleanup_sort_history( saved_history)[:max_sort_levels]): self.sortByColumn(self.column_map.index(col), Qt.AscendingOrder if order else Qt.DescendingOrder) def apply_state(self, state, max_sort_levels=3): h = self.column_header cmap = {} hidden = state.get('hidden_columns', []) for i, c in enumerate(self.column_map): cmap[c] = i if c != 'ondevice': h.setSectionHidden(i, c in hidden) positions = state.get('column_positions', {}) pmap = {} for col, pos in positions.items(): if col in cmap: pmap[pos] = col for pos in sorted(pmap.keys()): col = pmap[pos] idx = cmap[col] current_pos = h.visualIndex(idx) if current_pos != pos: h.moveSection(current_pos, pos) sizes = state.get('column_sizes', {}) for col, size in sizes.items(): if col in cmap: sz = sizes[col] if sz < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(cmap[col]) h.resizeSection(cmap[col], sz) self.apply_sort_history(state.get('sort_history', None), max_sort_levels=max_sort_levels) for col, alignment in state.get('column_alignment', {}).items(): self._model.change_alignment(col, alignment) for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionSize(i) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(i) h.resizeSection(i, sz) def get_default_state(self): old_state = { 'hidden_columns': ['last_modified', 'languages'], 'sort_history':[DEFAULT_SORT], 'column_positions': {}, 'column_sizes': {}, 'column_alignment': { 'size':'center', 'timestamp':'center', 'pubdate':'center'}, 'last_modified_injected': True, 'languages_injected': True, } h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] old_state['column_positions'][name] = i if name != 'ondevice': old_state['column_sizes'][name] = \ min(350, max(self.sizeHintForColumn(i), h.sectionSizeHint(i))) if name in ('timestamp', 'last_modified'): old_state['column_sizes'][name] += 12 return old_state def get_old_state(self): ans = None name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name: name += ' books view state' db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) if db is not None: ans = db.prefs.get(name, None) if ans is None: ans = gprefs.get(name, None) try: del gprefs[name] except: pass if ans is not None: db.prefs[name] = ans else: injected = False if not ans.get('last_modified_injected', False): injected = True ans['last_modified_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'last_modified' not in hc: hc.append('last_modified') if not ans.get('languages_injected', False): injected = True ans['languages_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'languages' not in hc: hc.append('languages') if injected: db.prefs[name] = ans return ans def restore_state(self): old_state = self.get_old_state() if old_state is None: old_state = self.get_default_state() max_levels = 3 if tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup'] is not None: sh = [] try: for c,d in tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup']: if not isinstance(d, bool): d = True if d == 0 else False sh.append((c, d)) except: # Ignore invalid tweak values as users seem to often get them # wrong print('Ignoring invalid sort_columns_at_startup tweak, with error:') import traceback traceback.print_exc() old_state['sort_history'] = sh max_levels = max(3, len(sh)) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.apply_state(old_state, max_sort_levels=max_levels) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) self.do_row_sizing() self.was_restored = True def refresh_row_sizing(self): self.row_sizing_done = False self.do_row_sizing() def do_row_sizing(self): # Resize all rows to have the correct height if not self.row_sizing_done and self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()) > 0: self.resizeRowToContents(0) self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(self.rowHeight(0) + gprefs['extra_row_spacing']) self.row_sizing_done = True def resize_column_to_fit(self, column): col = self.column_map.index(column) self.column_resized(col, self.columnWidth(col), self.columnWidth(col)) def column_resized(self, col, old_size, new_size): # arbitrary: scroll bar + header + some max_width = self.width() - (self.verticalScrollBar().width() + self.verticalHeader().width() + 10) if max_width < 200: max_width = 200 if new_size > max_width: self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.setColumnWidth(col, max_width) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # }}} # Initialization/Delegate Setup {{{ def set_database(self, db): self.alternate_views.set_database(db) self.save_state() self._model.set_database(db) self.tags_delegate.set_database(db) self.cc_names_delegate.set_database(db) self.authors_delegate.set_database(db) self.series_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_series) self.publisher_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_publishers) self.alternate_views.set_database(db, stage=1) def database_changed(self, db): for i in range(self.model().columnCount(None)): if self.itemDelegateForColumn(i) in (self.rating_delegate, self.timestamp_delegate, self.pubdate_delegate, self.last_modified_delegate, self.languages_delegate): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self.itemDelegate()) cm = self.column_map for colhead in cm: if self._model.is_custom_column(colhead): cc = self._model.custom_columns[colhead] if cc['datatype'] == 'datetime': delegate = CcDateDelegate(self) delegate.set_format(cc['display'].get('date_format','')) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'comments': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_comments_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'text': if cc['is_multiple']: if cc['display'].get('is_names', False): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_names_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.tags_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'series': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] in ('int', 'float'): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_number_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'bool': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_bool_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'rating': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.rating_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'composite': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_template_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'enumeration': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_enum_delegate) else: dattr = colhead+'_delegate' delegate = colhead if hasattr(self, dattr) else 'text' self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), getattr(self, delegate+'_delegate')) self.restore_state() self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() #}}} # Context Menu {{{ def set_context_menu(self, menu, edit_collections_action): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.context_menu = menu self.alternate_views.set_context_menu(menu) self.edit_collections_action = edit_collections_action def contextMenuEvent(self, event): sac = self.gui.iactions['Sort By'] sort_added = tuple(ac for ac in self.context_menu.actions() if ac is sac.qaction) if sort_added: sac.update_menu() self.context_menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() # }}} @property def column_map(self): return self._model.column_map @property def visible_columns(self): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = (x for x in xrange(h.count()) if not h.isSectionHidden(x)) rmap = {i:x for i, x in enumerate(self.column_map)} return (rmap[h.visualIndex(x)] for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1) def refresh_book_details(self): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx.isValid(): self._model.current_changed(idx, idx) def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): # Needed as Qt bug causes headerview to not always update when scrolling QTableView.scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy) if dy != 0: self.column_header.update() def scroll_to_row(self, row): if row > -1: h = self.horizontalHeader() for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionViewportPosition(i) >= 0: self.scrollTo(self.model().index(row, i), self.PositionAtCenter) break def set_current_row(self, row=0, select=True, for_sync=False): if row > -1 and row < self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = list(range(h.count())) logical_indices = [x for x in logical_indices if not h.isSectionHidden(x)] pairs = [(x, h.visualIndex(x)) for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1] if not pairs: pairs = [(0, 0)] pairs.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:cmp(x[1], y[1])) i = pairs[0][0] index = self.model().index(row, i) if for_sync: sm = self.selectionModel() sm.setCurrentIndex(index, sm.NoUpdate) else: self.setCurrentIndex(index) if select: sm = self.selectionModel(), sm.ClearAndSelect|sm.Rows) def keyPressEvent(self, ev): val = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() ret = super(BooksView, self).keyPressEvent(ev) if ev.isAccepted() and ev.key() in (Qt.Key_Home, Qt.Key_End ) and ev.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(val) return ret def ids_to_rows(self, ids): row_map = OrderedDict() ids = frozenset(ids) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if len(row_map) >= len(ids): break c = if c in ids: row_map[c] = row return row_map def select_rows(self, identifiers, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True): ''' Select rows identified by identifiers. identifiers can be a set of ids, row numbers or QModelIndexes. ''' rows = set([x.row() if hasattr(x, 'row') else x for x in identifiers]) if using_ids: rows = set([]) identifiers = set(identifiers) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if in identifiers: rows.add(row) rows = list(sorted(rows)) if rows: row = rows[0] if change_current: self.set_current_row(row, select=False) if scroll: self.scroll_to_row(row) sm = self.selectionModel() sel = QItemSelection() m = self.model() max_col = m.columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1 # Create a range based selector for each set of contiguous rows # as supplying selectors for each individual row causes very poor # performance if a large number of rows has to be selected. for k, g in itertools.groupby(enumerate(rows), lambda (i,x):i-x): group = list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), g)) sel.merge(QItemSelection(m.index(min(group), 0), m.index(max(group), max_col)), sm.Select), sm.ClearAndSelect)
class TagsView(QTreeView): # {{{ refresh_required = pyqtSignal() tags_marked = pyqtSignal(object) edit_user_category = pyqtSignal(object) delete_user_category = pyqtSignal(object) del_item_from_user_cat = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) add_item_to_user_cat = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) add_subcategory = pyqtSignal(object) tags_list_edit = pyqtSignal(object, object) saved_search_edit = pyqtSignal(object) rebuild_saved_searches = pyqtSignal() author_sort_edit = pyqtSignal(object, object, object, object) tag_item_renamed = pyqtSignal() search_item_renamed = pyqtSignal() drag_drop_finished = pyqtSignal(object) restriction_error = pyqtSignal() tag_item_delete = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) def __init__(self, parent=None): QTreeView.__init__(self, parent=None) self.alter_tb = None self.disable_recounting = False self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)) self.setTabKeyNavigation(True) self.setAnimated(True) self.setHeaderHidden(True) self.setItemDelegate(TagDelegate(self)) self.made_connections = False self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setDragEnabled(True) self.setDragDropMode(self.DragDrop) self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) self.in_drag_drop = False self.setAutoExpandDelay(500) self.pane_is_visible = False self.search_icon = QIcon(I('search.png')) self.user_category_icon = QIcon(I('tb_folder.png')) self.delete_icon = QIcon(I('list_remove.png')) self.rename_icon = QIcon(I('edit-undo.png')) self._model = TagsModel(self) self._model.search_item_renamed.connect(self.search_item_renamed) self._model.refresh_required.connect(self.refresh_required, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self._model.tag_item_renamed.connect(self.tag_item_renamed) self._model.restriction_error.connect(self.restriction_error) self._model.user_categories_edited.connect(self.user_categories_edited, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self._model.drag_drop_finished.connect(self.drag_drop_finished) stylish_tb = ''' QTreeView { background-color: palette(window); color: palette(window-text); border: none; } ''' self.setStyleSheet(''' QTreeView::item { border: 1px solid transparent; padding-top:0.9ex; padding-bottom:0.9ex; } QTreeView::item:hover { background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #e7effd, stop: 1 #cbdaf1); border: 1px solid #bfcde4; border-radius: 6px; } ''' + ('' if gprefs['tag_browser_old_look'] else stylish_tb)) if gprefs['tag_browser_old_look']: self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) @property def hidden_categories(self): return self._model.hidden_categories @property def db(self): return self._model.db @property def collapse_model(self): return self._model.collapse_model def set_pane_is_visible(self, to_what): pv = self.pane_is_visible self.pane_is_visible = to_what if to_what and not pv: self.recount() def get_state(self): state_map = {} expanded_categories = [] for row, category in enumerate(self._model.category_nodes): if self.isExpanded(self._model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex())): expanded_categories.append(category.category_key) states = [c.tag.state for c in category.child_tags()] names = [(, c.tag.category) for c in category.child_tags()] state_map[category.category_key] = dict(izip(names, states)) return expanded_categories, state_map def reread_collapse_parameters(self): self._model.reread_collapse_model(self.get_state()[1]) def set_database(self, db, alter_tb): self._model.set_database(db) self.alter_tb = alter_tb self.pane_is_visible = True # because TagsModel.set_database did a recount self.setModel(self._model) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) pop = self.db.CATEGORY_SORTS.index(config['sort_tags_by']) self.alter_tb.sort_menu.actions()[pop].setChecked(True) try: match_pop = self.db.MATCH_TYPE.index(config['match_tags_type']) except ValueError: match_pop = 0 self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()[match_pop].setChecked(True) if not self.made_connections: self.clicked.connect(self.toggle) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.show_context_menu) self.refresh_required.connect(self.recount, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.alter_tb.sort_menu.triggered.connect(self.sort_changed) self.alter_tb.match_menu.triggered.connect(self.match_changed) self.made_connections = True self.refresh_signal_processed = True db.add_listener(self.database_changed) self.expanded.connect(self.item_expanded) def database_changed(self, event, ids): if self.refresh_signal_processed: self.refresh_signal_processed = False self.refresh_required.emit() def user_categories_edited(self, user_cats, nkey): state_map = self.get_state()[1] self.db.prefs.set('user_categories', user_cats) self._model.rebuild_node_tree(state_map=state_map) p = self._model.find_category_node('@'+nkey) self.show_item_at_path(p) @property def match_all(self): return (self.alter_tb and self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()[1].isChecked()) def sort_changed(self, action): for i, ac in enumerate(self.alter_tb.sort_menu.actions()): if ac is action: config.set('sort_tags_by', self.db.CATEGORY_SORTS[i]) self.recount() break def match_changed(self, action): try: for i, ac in enumerate(self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()): if ac is action: config.set('match_tags_type', self.db.MATCH_TYPE[i]) except: pass def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): dex = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if self.in_drag_drop or not dex.isValid(): QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return # Must deal with odd case where the node being dragged is 'virtual', # created to form a hierarchy. We can't really drag this node, but in # addition we can't allow drag recognition to notice going over some # other node and grabbing that one. So we set in_drag_drop to prevent # this from happening, turning it off when the user lifts the button. self.in_drag_drop = True if not self._model.flags(dex) & Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled: QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return md = self._model.mimeData([dex]) pixmap =, 25) drag = QDrag(self) drag.setPixmap(pixmap) drag.setMimeData(md) if self._model.is_in_user_category(dex): drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction|Qt.MoveAction, Qt.CopyAction) else: drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # Swallow everything except leftButton so context menus work correctly if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton or self.in_drag_drop: QTreeView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) self.in_drag_drop = False def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # swallow these to avoid toggling and editing at the same time pass @property def search_string(self): tokens = self._model.tokens() joiner = ' and ' if self.match_all else ' or ' return joiner.join(tokens) def toggle(self, index): self._toggle(index, None) def _toggle(self, index, set_to): ''' set_to: if None, advance the state. Otherwise must be one of the values in TAG_SEARCH_STATES ''' modifiers = int(QApplication.keyboardModifiers()) exclusive = modifiers not in (Qt.CTRL, Qt.SHIFT) if self._model.toggle(index, exclusive, set_to=set_to): self.tags_marked.emit(self.search_string) def conditional_clear(self, search_string): if search_string != self.search_string: self.clear() def context_menu_handler(self, action=None, category=None, key=None, index=None, search_state=None): if not action: return try: if action == 'set_icon': try: path = choose_files(self, 'choose_category_icon', _('Change Icon for: %s')%key, filters=[ ('Images', ['png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg'])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if path: path = path[0] p = QIcon(path).pixmap(QSize(128, 128)) d = os.path.join(config_dir, 'tb_icons') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) with open(os.path.join(d, 'icon_'+ sanitize_file_name_unicode(key)+'.png'), 'wb') as f: f.write(pixmap_to_data(p, format='PNG')) path = os.path.basename( self._model.set_custom_category_icon(key, unicode(path)) self.recount() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return if action == 'clear_icon': self._model.set_custom_category_icon(key, None) self.recount() return if action == 'edit_item': self.edit(index) return if action == 'delete_item': self.tag_item_delete.emit(key,, index.original_name) return if action == 'open_editor': self.tags_list_edit.emit(category, key) return if action == 'manage_categories': self.edit_user_category.emit(category) return if action == 'search': self._toggle(index, set_to=search_state) return if action == 'add_to_category': tag = index.tag if len(index.children) > 0: for c in index.all_children(): self.add_item_to_user_cat.emit(category, c.tag.original_name, c.tag.category) self.add_item_to_user_cat.emit(category, tag.original_name, tag.category) return if action == 'add_subcategory': self.add_subcategory.emit(key) return if action == 'search_category': self._toggle(index, set_to=search_state) return if action == 'delete_user_category': self.delete_user_category.emit(key) return if action == 'delete_search': saved_searches().delete(key) self.rebuild_saved_searches.emit() return if action == 'delete_item_from_user_category': tag = index.tag if len(index.children) > 0: for c in index.children: self.del_item_from_user_cat.emit(key, c.tag.original_name, c.tag.category) self.del_item_from_user_cat.emit(key, tag.original_name, tag.category) return if action == 'manage_searches': self.saved_search_edit.emit(category) return if action == 'edit_author_sort': self.author_sort_edit.emit(self, index, True, False) return if action == 'edit_author_link': self.author_sort_edit.emit(self, index, False, True) return reset_filter_categories = True if action == 'hide': self.hidden_categories.add(category) elif action == 'show': self.hidden_categories.discard(category) elif action == 'categorization': changed = self.collapse_model != category self._model.collapse_model = category if changed: reset_filter_categories = False gprefs['tags_browser_partition_method'] = category elif action == 'defaults': self.hidden_categories.clear() self.db.prefs.set('tag_browser_hidden_categories', list(self.hidden_categories)) if reset_filter_categories: self._model.set_categories_filter(None) self._model.rebuild_node_tree() except: return def show_context_menu(self, point): def display_name( tag): if tag.category == 'search': n = if len(n) > 45: n = n[:45] + '...' return "'" + n + "'" return index = self.indexAt(point) self.context_menu = QMenu(self) if index.isValid(): item = tag = None if item.type == TagTreeItem.TAG: tag_item = item tag = item.tag while item.type != TagTreeItem.CATEGORY: item = item.parent if item.type == TagTreeItem.CATEGORY: if not item.category_key.startswith('@'): while item.parent != self._model.root_item: item = item.parent category = unicode( key = item.category_key # Verify that we are working with a field that we know something about if key not in self.db.field_metadata: return True # Did the user click on a leaf node? if tag: # If the user right-clicked on an editable item, then offer # the possibility of renaming that item. if tag.is_editable: # Add the 'rename' items self.context_menu.addAction(self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) if key in ('tags', 'series', 'publisher') or \ self._model.db.field_metadata.is_custom_field(key): self.context_menu.addAction(self.delete_icon, _('Delete %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_item', key=key, index=tag)) if key == 'authors': self.context_menu.addAction(_('Edit sort for %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_sort', self.context_menu.addAction(_('Edit link for %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_link', # is_editable is also overloaded to mean 'can be added # to a user category' m = self.context_menu.addMenu(self.user_category_icon, _('Add %s to user category')%display_name(tag)) nt = self.model().category_node_tree def add_node_tree(tree_dict, m, path): p = path[:] for k in sorted(tree_dict.keys(), key=sort_key): p.append(k) n = k[1:] if k.startswith('@') else k m.addAction(self.user_category_icon, n, partial(self.context_menu_handler, 'add_to_category', category='.'.join(p), index=tag_item)) if len(tree_dict[k]): tm = m.addMenu(self.user_category_icon, _('Children of %s')%n) add_node_tree(tree_dict[k], tm, p) p.pop() add_node_tree(nt, m, []) elif key == 'search' and tag.is_searchable: self.context_menu.addAction(self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction(self.delete_icon, _('Delete search %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_search', key=tag.original_name)) if key.startswith('@') and not item.is_gst: self.context_menu.addAction(self.user_category_icon, _('Remove %(item)s from category %(cat)s')% dict(item=display_name(tag), cat=item.py_name), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_item_from_user_category', key = key, index = tag_item)) if tag.is_searchable: # Add the search for value items. All leaf nodes are searchable self.context_menu.addAction(self.search_icon, _('Search for %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search', search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_plus'], index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction(self.search_icon, _('Search for everything but %s')%display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search', search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_minus'], index=index)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() elif key.startswith('@') and not item.is_gst: if item.can_be_edited: self.context_menu.addAction(self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s')%item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction(self.user_category_icon, _('Add sub-category to %s')%item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='add_subcategory', key=key)) self.context_menu.addAction(self.delete_icon, _('Delete user category %s')%item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_user_category', key=key)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() # Hide/Show/Restore categories self.context_menu.addAction(_('Hide category %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='hide', category=key)) if self.hidden_categories: m = self.context_menu.addMenu(_('Show category')) for col in sorted(self.hidden_categories, key=lambda x: sort_key(self.db.field_metadata[x]['name'])): m.addAction(self.db.field_metadata[col]['name'], partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='show', category=col)) # search by category. Some categories are not searchable, such # as search and news if item.tag.is_searchable: self.context_menu.addAction(self.search_icon, _('Search for books in category %s')%category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search_category', index=self._model.createIndex(item.row(), 0, item), search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_plus'])) self.context_menu.addAction(self.search_icon, _('Search for books not in category %s')%category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search_category', index=self._model.createIndex(item.row(), 0, item), search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_minus'])) # Offer specific editors for tags/series/publishers/saved searches self.context_menu.addSeparator() if key in ['tags', 'publisher', 'series'] or \ (self.db.field_metadata[key]['is_custom'] and self.db.field_metadata[key]['datatype'] != 'composite'): self.context_menu.addAction(_('Manage %s')%category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='open_editor', category=tag.original_name if tag else None, key=key)) elif key == 'authors': self.context_menu.addAction(_('Manage %s')%category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_sort')) elif key == 'search': self.context_menu.addAction(_('Manage Saved Searches'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_searches', if tag else None)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction(_('Change category icon'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='set_icon', key=key)) self.context_menu.addAction(_('Restore default icon'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='clear_icon', key=key)) # Always show the user categories editor self.context_menu.addSeparator() if key.startswith('@') and \ key[1:] in self.db.prefs.get('user_categories', {}).keys(): self.context_menu.addAction(_('Manage User Categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_categories', category=key[1:])) else: self.context_menu.addAction(_('Manage User Categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_categories', category=None)) if self.hidden_categories: if not self.context_menu.isEmpty(): self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction(_('Show all categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='defaults')) m = self.context_menu.addMenu(_('Change sub-categorization scheme')) da = m.addAction(_('Disable'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='disable')) fla = m.addAction(_('By first letter'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='first letter')) pa = m.addAction(_('Partition'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='partition')) if self.collapse_model == 'disable': da.setCheckable(True) da.setChecked(True) elif self.collapse_model == 'first letter': fla.setCheckable(True) fla.setChecked(True) else: pa.setCheckable(True) pa.setChecked(True) if config['sort_tags_by'] != "name": fla.setEnabled(False) m.hovered.connect(self.collapse_menu_hovered) fla.setToolTip(_('First letter is usable only when sorting by name')) # Apparently one cannot set a tooltip to empty, so use a star and # deal with it in the hover method da.setToolTip('*') pa.setToolTip('*') if not self.context_menu.isEmpty(): self.context_menu.popup(self.mapToGlobal(point)) return True def collapse_menu_hovered(self, action): tip = action.toolTip() if tip == '*': tip = '' QToolTip.showText(QCursor.pos(), tip) def dragMoveEvent(self, event): QTreeView.dragMoveEvent(self, event) self.setDropIndicatorShown(False) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return src_is_tb = event.mimeData().hasFormat('application/calibre+from_tag_browser') item = if item.type == TagTreeItem.ROOT: return flags = self._model.flags(index) if item.type == TagTreeItem.TAG and flags & Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled: self.setDropIndicatorShown(not src_is_tb) return if item.type == TagTreeItem.CATEGORY and not item.is_gst: fm_dest = self.db.metadata_for_field(item.category_key) if fm_dest['kind'] == 'user': if src_is_tb: if event.dropAction() == Qt.MoveAction: data = str(event.mimeData().data('application/calibre+from_tag_browser')) src = cPickle.loads(data) for s in src: if s[0] == TagTreeItem.TAG and \ (not s[1].startswith('@') or s[2]): return self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) return md = event.mimeData() if hasattr(md, 'column_name'): fm_src = self.db.metadata_for_field(md.column_name) if md.column_name in ['authors', 'publisher', 'series'] or \ (fm_src['is_custom'] and ( (fm_src['datatype'] in ['series', 'text', 'enumeration'] and not fm_src['is_multiple']) or (fm_src['datatype'] == 'composite' and fm_src['display'].get('make_category', False)))): self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) def clear(self): if self.model(): self.model().clear_state() def is_visible(self, idx): item = if getattr(item, 'type', None) == TagTreeItem.TAG: idx = idx.parent() return self.isExpanded(idx) def recount(self, *args): ''' Rebuild the category tree, expand any categories that were expanded, reset the search states, and reselect the current node. ''' if self.disable_recounting or not self.pane_is_visible: return self.refresh_signal_processed = True ci = self.currentIndex() if not ci.isValid(): ci = self.indexAt(QPoint(10, 10)) path = self.model().path_for_index(ci) if self.is_visible(ci) else None expanded_categories, state_map = self.get_state() self._model.rebuild_node_tree(state_map=state_map) self.blockSignals(True) for category in expanded_categories: idx = self._model.index_for_category(category) if idx is not None and idx.isValid(): self.expand(idx) self.show_item_at_path(path) self.blockSignals(False) def show_item_at_path(self, path, box=False, position=QTreeView.PositionAtCenter): ''' Scroll the browser and open categories to show the item referenced by path. If possible, the item is placed in the center. If box=True, a box is drawn around the item. ''' if path: self.show_item_at_index(self._model.index_for_path(path), box=box, position=position) def expand_parent(self, idx): # Needed otherwise Qt sometimes segfaults if the node is buried in a # collapsed, off screen hierarchy. To be safe, we expand from the # outermost in p = self._model.parent(idx) if p.isValid(): self.expand_parent(p) self.expand(idx) def show_item_at_index(self, idx, box=False, position=QTreeView.PositionAtCenter): if idx.isValid() and is not self._model.root_item: self.expand_parent(idx) self.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.scrollTo(idx, position) if box: self._model.set_boxed(idx) def item_expanded(self, idx): ''' Called by the expanded signal ''' self.setCurrentIndex(idx)
class LocationManager(QObject): # {{{ locations_changed = pyqtSignal() unmount_device = pyqtSignal() location_selected = pyqtSignal(object) configure_device = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) = [-1, -1, -1] self.count = 0 self.location_actions = QActionGroup(self) self.location_actions.setExclusive(True) self.current_location = 'library' self._mem = [] self.tooltips = {} self.all_actions = [] def ac(name, text, icon, tooltip): icon = QIcon(I(icon)) ac = self.location_actions.addAction(icon, text) setattr(self, 'location_' + name, ac) ac.setAutoRepeat(False) ac.setCheckable(True) receiver = partial(self._location_selected, name) ac.triggered.connect(receiver) self.tooltips[name] = tooltip m = QMenu(parent) self._mem.append(m) a = m.addAction(icon, tooltip) a.triggered.connect(receiver) if name != 'library': self._mem.append(a) a = m.addAction(QIcon(I('eject.png')), _('Eject this device')) a.triggered.connect(self._eject_requested) self._mem.append(a) a = m.addAction(QIcon(I('config.png')), _('Configure this device')) a.triggered.connect(self._configure_requested) self._mem.append(a) else: ac.setToolTip(tooltip) ac.setMenu(m) ac.calibre_name = name self.all_actions.append(ac) return ac self.library_action = ac('library', _('Library'), 'lt.png', _('Show books in calibre library')) ac('main', _('Device'), 'reader.png', _('Show books in the main memory of the device')) ac('carda', _('Card A'), 'sd.png', _('Show books in storage card A')) ac('cardb', _('Card B'), 'sd.png', _('Show books in storage card B')) def set_switch_actions(self, quick_actions, rename_actions, delete_actions, switch_actions, choose_action): self.switch_menu = if self.switch_menu: self.switch_menu.addSeparator() else: self.switch_menu = QMenu() self.switch_menu.addAction(choose_action) self.cs_menus = [] for t, acs in [(_('Quick switch'), quick_actions), (_('Rename library'), rename_actions), (_('Delete library'), delete_actions)]: if acs: self.cs_menus.append(QMenu(t)) for ac in acs: self.cs_menus[-1].addAction(ac) self.switch_menu.addMenu(self.cs_menus[-1]) self.switch_menu.addSeparator() for ac in switch_actions: self.switch_menu.addAction(ac) if self.switch_menu != self.library_action.setMenu(self.switch_menu) def _location_selected(self, location, *args): if location != self.current_location and hasattr( self, 'location_' + location): self.current_location = location self.location_selected.emit(location) getattr(self, 'location_' + location).setChecked(True) def _eject_requested(self, *args): self.unmount_device.emit() def _configure_requested(self): self.configure_device.emit() def update_devices(self, cp=(None, None), fs=[-1, -1, -1], icon=None): if icon is None: icon = I('reader.png') self.location_main.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) had_device = self.has_device if cp is None: cp = (None, None) if isinstance(cp, (str, unicode)): cp = (cp, None) if len(fs) < 3: fs = list(fs) + [0][0] = fs[0][1] = fs[1][2] = fs[2] cpa, cpb = cp[1] = fs[1] if fs[1] is not None and cpa is not None else -1[2] = fs[2] if fs[2] is not None and cpb is not None else -1 self.update_tooltips() if self.has_device != had_device: self.location_library.setChecked(True) self.locations_changed.emit() if not self.has_device: self.location_library.trigger() def update_tooltips(self): for i, loc in enumerate(('main', 'carda', 'cardb')): t = self.tooltips[loc] if[i] > -1: t += u'\n\n%s ' % human_readable([i]) + _('available') ac = getattr(self, 'location_' + loc) ac.setToolTip(t) ac.setWhatsThis(t) ac.setStatusTip(t) @property def has_device(self): return max( > -1 @property def available_actions(self): ans = [self.location_library] for i, loc in enumerate(('main', 'carda', 'cardb')): if[i] > -1: ans.append(getattr(self, 'location_' + loc)) return ans
class ImageManager(QWidget): """An ImageManager manages a stack of images (and associated ImageControllers)""" def __init__(self, *args): QWidget.__init__(self, *args) # init layout self._lo = QVBoxLayout(self) self._lo.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._lo.setSpacing(0) # init internal state self._currier = PersistentCurrier() self._z0 = 0; # z-depth of first image, the rest count down from it self._updating_imap = False self._locked_display_range = False self._imagecons = [] self._imagecon_loadorder = [] self._center_image = None self._plot = None self._border_pen = None self._drawing_key = None self._load_image_dialog = None self._model_imagecons = set() # init menu and standard actions self._menu = QMenu("&Image", self) qag = QActionGroup(self) # exclusive controls for plotting topmost or all images self._qa_plot_top = qag.addAction("Display topmost image only") self._qa_plot_all = qag.addAction("Display all images") self._qa_plot_top.setCheckable(True) self._qa_plot_all.setCheckable(True) self._qa_plot_top.setChecked(True) QObject.connect(self._qa_plot_all, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self._displayAllImages) self._closing = False self._qa_load_clipboard = None self._clipboard_mode = QClipboard.Clipboard QObject.connect(QApplication.clipboard(), SIGNAL("changed(QClipboard::Mode)"), self._checkClipboardPath) # populate the menu self._repopulateMenu() def close(self): dprint(1, "closing Manager") self._closing = True for ic in self._imagecons: ic.close() def loadImage(self, filename=None, duplicate=True, to_top=True, model=None): """Loads image. Returns ImageControlBar object. If image is already loaded: returns old ICB if duplicate=False (raises to top if to_top=True), or else makes a new control bar. If model is set to a source name, marks the image as associated with a model source. These can be unloaded en masse by calling unloadModelImages(). """ if filename is None: if not self._load_image_dialog: dialog = self._load_image_dialog = QFileDialog(self, "Load FITS image", ".", "FITS images (%s);;All files (*)" % (" ".join( ["*" + ext for ext in FITS_ExtensionList]))) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) dialog.setModal(True) QObject.connect(dialog, SIGNAL("filesSelected(const QStringList &)"), self.loadImage) self._load_image_dialog.exec_() return None if isinstance(filename, QStringList): filename = filename[0] filename = str(filename) # report error if image does not exist if not os.path.exists(filename): self.showErrorMessage("""FITS image %s does not exist.""" % filename) return None # see if image is already loaded if not duplicate: for ic in self._imagecons: if ic.getFilename() and os.path.samefile(filename, ic.getFilename()): if to_top: self.raiseImage(ic) if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)) return ic # load the FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "reading FITS image", filename) self.showMessage("""Reading FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: image = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(str(filename)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""<P>Error loading FITS image %s: %s. This may be due to a bug in Tigger; if the FITS file loads fine in another viewer, please send the FITS file, along with a copy of any error messages from the text console, to [email protected].</P>""" % ( filename, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # create control bar, add to widget stack ic = self._createImageController(image, "model source '%s'" % model if model else filename, model or, model=model) self.showMessage("""Loaded FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) dprint(2, "image loaded") return ic def showMessage(self, message, time=None): self.emit(SIGNAL("showMessage"), message, time) def showErrorMessage(self, message, time=None): self.emit(SIGNAL("showErrorMessage"), message, time) def setZ0(self, z0): self._z0 = z0 if self._imagecons: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[0]) def enableImageBorders(self, border_pen, label_color, label_bg_brush): self._border_pen, self._label_color, self._label_bg_brush = \ border_pen, label_color, label_bg_brush def lockAllDisplayRanges(self, rc0): """Locks all display ranges, and sets the intensity from rc0""" if not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True rc0.lockDisplayRange() try: for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc0: rc1.setDisplayRange(*rc0.displayRange()) rc1.lockDisplayRange() finally: self._updating_imap = False def unlockAllDisplayRanges(self): """Unlocks all display range.""" for ic in self._imagecons: ic.renderControl().lockDisplayRange(False) def _lockDisplayRange(self, rc0, lock): """Locks or unlocks the display range of a specific controller.""" if lock and not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True try: # if something is already locked, copy display range from it for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc0 and rc1.isDisplayRangeLocked(): rc0.setDisplayRange(*rc1.displayRange()) finally: self._updating_imap = False def _updateDisplayRange(self, rc, dmin, dmax): """This is called whenever one of the images (or rather, its associated RenderControl object) changes its display range.""" if not rc.isDisplayRangeLocked(): return # If the display range is locked, propagate it to all images. # but don't do it if we're already propagating (otherwise we may get called in an infinte loop) if not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True try: for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc and rc1.isDisplayRangeLocked(): rc1.setDisplayRange(dmin, dmax) finally: self._updating_imap = False def getImages(self): return [ic.image for ic in self._imagecons] def getTopImage(self): return (self._imagecons or None) and self._imagecons[0].image def cycleImages(self): index = self._imagecon_loadorder.index(self._imagecons[0]) index = (index + 1) % len(self._imagecon_loadorder) self.raiseImage(self._imagecon_loadorder[index]) def blinkImages(self): if len(self._imagecons) > 1: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[1]) def incrementSlice(self, extra_axis, incr): if self._imagecons: rc = self._imagecons[0].renderControl() sliced_axes = rc.slicedAxes() if extra_axis < len(sliced_axes): rc.incrementSlice(sliced_axes[extra_axis][0], incr) def setLMRectSubset(self, rect): if self._imagecons: self._imagecons[0].setLMRectSubset(rect) def getLMRectStats(self, rect): if self._imagecons: return self._imagecons[0].renderControl().getLMRectStats(rect) def unloadModelImages(self): """Unloads images associated with model (i.e. loaded with the model=True flag)""" for ic in [ic for ic in self._imagecons if id(ic) in self._model_imagecons]: self.unloadImage(ic) def unloadImage(self, imagecon): """Unloads the given imagecon object.""" if imagecon not in self._imagecons: return # recenter if needed self._imagecons.remove(imagecon) self._imagecon_loadorder.remove(imagecon) self._model_imagecons.discard(id(imagecon)) # reparent widget and release it imagecon.setParent(None) imagecon.close() # recenter image, if unloaded the center image if self._center_image is imagecon.image: self.centerImage(self._imagecons[0] if self._imagecons else None, emit=False) # emit signal self._repopulateMenu() self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) if self._imagecons: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[0]) def getCenterImage(self): return self._center_image def centerImage(self, imagecon, emit=True): self._center_image = imagecon and imagecon.image for ic in self._imagecons: ic.setPlotProjection(self._center_image.projection) if emit: self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) def raiseImage(self, imagecon): # reshuffle image stack, if more than one image image if len(self._imagecons) > 1: busy = BusyIndicator() # reshuffle image stack self._imagecons.remove(imagecon) self._imagecons.insert(0, imagecon) # notify imagecons for i, ic in enumerate(self._imagecons): label = "%d" % (i + 1) if i else "<B>1</B>" ic.setZ(self._z0 - i * 10, top=not i, depthlabel=label, can_raise=True) # adjust visibility for j, ic in enumerate(self._imagecons): ic.setImageVisible(not j or bool(self._qa_plot_all.isChecked())) # issue replot signal self.emit(SIGNAL("imageRaised")) self.fastReplot() # else simply update labels else: self._imagecons[0].setZ(self._z0, top=True, depthlabel=None, can_raise=False) self._imagecons[0].setImageVisible(True) # update slice menus img = imagecon.image axes = imagecon.renderControl().slicedAxes() for i, (next, prev) in enumerate(self._qa_slices): next.setVisible(False) prev.setVisible(False) if i < len(axes): iaxis, name, labels = axes[i] next.setVisible(True) prev.setVisible(True) next.setText("Show next slice along %s axis" % name) prev.setText("Show previous slice along %s axis" % name) # emit signasl self.emit(SIGNAL("imageRaised"), img) def resetDrawKey(self): """Makes and sets the current plot's drawing key""" if self._plot: key = [] for ic in self._imagecons: key.append(id(ic)) key += ic.currentSlice() self._plot.setDrawingKey(tuple(key)) def fastReplot(self, *dum): """Fast replot -- called when flipping images or slices. Uses the plot cache, if possible.""" if self._plot: self.resetDrawKey() dprint(2, "calling replot", time.time() % 60) self._plot.replot() dprint(2, "replot done", time.time() % 60) def replot(self, *dum): """Proper replot -- called when an image needs to be properly redrawn. Cleares the plot's drawing cache.""" if self._plot: self._plot.clearDrawCache() self.resetDrawKey() self._plot.replot() def attachImagesToPlot(self, plot): self._plot = plot self.resetDrawKey() for ic in self._imagecons: ic.attachToPlot(plot) def getMenu(self): return self._menu def _displayAllImages(self, enabled): busy = BusyIndicator() if enabled: for ic in self._imagecons: ic.setImageVisible(True) else: self._imagecons[0].setImageVisible(True) for ic in self._imagecons[1:]: ic.setImageVisible(False) self.replot() def _checkClipboardPath(self, mode=QClipboard.Clipboard): if self._qa_load_clipboard: self._clipboard_mode = mode try: path = str(QApplication.clipboard().text(mode)) except: path = None self._qa_load_clipboard.setEnabled(bool(path and os.path.isfile(path))) def _loadClipboardPath(self): try: path = QApplication.clipboard().text(self._clipboard_mode) except: return self.loadImage(path) def _repopulateMenu(self): self._menu.clear() self._menu.addAction("&Load image...", self.loadImage, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_L) self._menu.addAction("&Compute image...", self.computeImage, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_M) self._qa_load_clipboard = self._menu.addAction("Load from clipboard &path", self._loadClipboardPath, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_P) self._checkClipboardPath() if self._imagecons: self._menu.addSeparator() # add controls to cycle images and planes for i, imgcon in enumerate(self._imagecons[::-1]): self._menu.addMenu(imgcon.getMenu()) self._menu.addSeparator() if len(self._imagecons) > 1: self._menu.addAction("Cycle images", self.cycleImages, Qt.Key_F5) self._menu.addAction("Blink images", self.blinkImages, Qt.Key_F6) self._qa_slices = ( (self._menu.addAction("Next slice along axis 1", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 0, 1), Qt.Key_F7), self._menu.addAction("Previous slice along axis 1", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 0, -1), Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_F7)), (self._menu.addAction("Next slice along axis 2", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 1, 1), Qt.Key_F8), self._menu.addAction("Previous slice along axis 2", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 1, -1), Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_F8))) self._menu.addSeparator() self._menu.addAction(self._qa_plot_top) self._menu.addAction(self._qa_plot_all) def computeImage(self, expression=None): """Computes image from expression (if expression is None, pops up dialog)""" if expression is None: (expression, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Compute image", """Enter an image expression to compute. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all functions from the numpy module are available (including sub-modules such as fft). Use 'a', 'b', 'c' to refer to images. Examples: "(a+b)/2", "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", "fft.fft2(a)", etc.""") # (expression,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Compute image","""<P>Enter an expression to compute. # Use 'a', 'b', etc. to refer to loaded images. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all the # functions from the numpy module are available. Examples of valid expressions include "(a+b)/2", # "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", etc. # </P> # """) expression = str(expression) if not ok or not expression: return # try to parse expression arglist = [(chr(ord('a') + ic.getNumber()), ic.image) for ic in self._imagecons] try: exprfunc = eval("lambda " + (",".join([x[0] for x in arglist])) + ":" + expression, numpy.__dict__, {}) except Exception as exc: self.showErrorMessage("""Error parsing expression "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None # try to evaluate expression self.showMessage("Computing expression \"%s\"" % expression, 10000) busy = BusyIndicator() QApplication.flush() # trim trivial trailing dimensions. This avoids the problem of when an NxMx1 and an NxMx1x1 arrays are added, # the result is promoted to NxMxMx1 following the numpy rules. def trimshape(shape): out = shape while out and out[-1] == 1: out = out[:-1] return out def trimarray(array): return array.reshape(trimshape(array.shape)) try: result = exprfunc(*[trimarray(x[1].data()) for x in arglist]) except Exception as exc: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error evaluating "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None busy = None if type(result) != and type(result) != numpy.ndarray: self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" is of invalid type "%s" (array expected).""" % (expression, type(result).__name__)) return None # convert coomplex results to real if numpy.iscomplexobj(result): self.showErrorMessage("""Result of "%s" is complex. Complex images are currently not fully supported, so we'll implicitly use the absolute value instead.""" % (expression)) expression = "abs(%s)" % expression result = abs(result) # determine which image this expression can be associated with res_shape = trimshape(result.shape) arglist = [x for x in arglist if hasattr(x[1], 'fits_header') and trimshape(x[1].data().shape) == res_shape] if not arglist: self.showErrorMessage("""Result of "%s" has shape %s, which does not match any loaded FITS image.""" % ( expression, "x".join(map(str, result.shape)))) return None # look for an image in the arglist with the same projection, and with a valid dirname # (for the where-to-save hint) template = arglist[0][1] # if all images in arglist have the same projection, then it doesn't matter what we use # else ask if len([x for x in arglist[1:] if x[1].projection == template.projection]) != len(arglist) - 1: options = [x[0] for x in arglist] (which, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Compute image", "Coordinate system to use for the result of \"%s\":" % expression, options, 0, False) if not ok: return None try: template = arglist[options.index(which)][1] except: pass # create a FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "creating FITS image", expression) self.showMessage("""Creating image for %s""" % expression, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(result.transpose(), template.fits_header) skyimage = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(name=expression, filename=None, hdu=hdu) except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error creating FITS image %s: %s""" % (expression, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # get directory name for save-to hint dirname = getattr(template, 'filename', None) if not dirname: dirnames = [getattr(img, 'filename') for x, img in arglist if hasattr(img, 'filename')] dirname = dirnames[0] if dirnames else None # create control bar, add to widget stack self._createImageController(skyimage, expression, expression, save=((dirname and os.path.dirname(dirname)) or ".")) self.showMessage("Created new image for %s" % expression, 3000) dprint(2, "image created") def _createImageController(self, image, name, basename, model=False, save=False): dprint(2, "creating ImageController for", name) ic = ImageController(image, self, self, name, save=save) ic.setNumber(len(self._imagecons)) self._imagecons.insert(0, ic) self._imagecon_loadorder.append(ic) if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)) self._lo.addWidget(ic) if self._border_pen: ic.addPlotBorder(self._border_pen, basename, self._label_color, self._label_bg_brush) # attach appropriate signals image.connect(SIGNAL("slice"), self.fastReplot) image.connect(SIGNAL("repaint"), self.replot) image.connect(SIGNAL("raise"), self._currier.curry(self.raiseImage, ic)) image.connect(SIGNAL("unload"), self._currier.curry(self.unloadImage, ic)) image.connect(SIGNAL("center"), self._currier.curry(self.centerImage, ic)) QObject.connect(ic.renderControl(), SIGNAL("displayRangeChanged"), self._currier.curry(self._updateDisplayRange, ic.renderControl())) QObject.connect(ic.renderControl(), SIGNAL("displayRangeLocked"), self._currier.curry(self._lockDisplayRange, ic.renderControl())) self._plot = None # add to menus dprint(2, "repopulating menus") self._repopulateMenu() # center and raise to top of stack self.raiseImage(ic) if not self._center_image: self.centerImage(ic, emit=False) else: ic.setPlotProjection(self._center_image.projection) # signal self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) return ic
class TagsView(QTreeView): # {{{ refresh_required = pyqtSignal() tags_marked = pyqtSignal(object) edit_user_category = pyqtSignal(object) delete_user_category = pyqtSignal(object) del_item_from_user_cat = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) add_item_to_user_cat = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) add_subcategory = pyqtSignal(object) tags_list_edit = pyqtSignal(object, object) saved_search_edit = pyqtSignal(object) rebuild_saved_searches = pyqtSignal() author_sort_edit = pyqtSignal(object, object, object, object) tag_item_renamed = pyqtSignal() search_item_renamed = pyqtSignal() drag_drop_finished = pyqtSignal(object) restriction_error = pyqtSignal() tag_item_delete = pyqtSignal(object, object, object) def __init__(self, parent=None): QTreeView.__init__(self, parent=None) self.alter_tb = None self.disable_recounting = False self.setUniformRowHeights(True) self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)) self.setTabKeyNavigation(True) self.setAnimated(True) self.setHeaderHidden(True) self.setItemDelegate(TagDelegate(self)) self.made_connections = False self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setDragEnabled(True) self.setDragDropMode(self.DragDrop) self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) self.in_drag_drop = False self.setAutoExpandDelay(500) self.pane_is_visible = False self.search_icon = QIcon(I('search.png')) self.user_category_icon = QIcon(I('tb_folder.png')) self.delete_icon = QIcon(I('list_remove.png')) self.rename_icon = QIcon(I('edit-undo.png')) self._model = TagsModel(self) self._model.search_item_renamed.connect(self.search_item_renamed) self._model.refresh_required.connect(self.refresh_required, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self._model.tag_item_renamed.connect(self.tag_item_renamed) self._model.restriction_error.connect(self.restriction_error) self._model.user_categories_edited.connect(self.user_categories_edited, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self._model.drag_drop_finished.connect(self.drag_drop_finished) stylish_tb = ''' QTreeView { background-color: palette(window); color: palette(window-text); border: none; } ''' self.setStyleSheet(''' QTreeView::item { border: 1px solid transparent; padding-top:0.9ex; padding-bottom:0.9ex; } QTreeView::item:hover { background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #e7effd, stop: 1 #cbdaf1); border: 1px solid #bfcde4; border-radius: 6px; } ''' + ('' if gprefs['tag_browser_old_look'] else stylish_tb)) if gprefs['tag_browser_old_look']: self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) @property def hidden_categories(self): return self._model.hidden_categories @property def db(self): return self._model.db @property def collapse_model(self): return self._model.collapse_model def set_pane_is_visible(self, to_what): pv = self.pane_is_visible self.pane_is_visible = to_what if to_what and not pv: self.recount() def get_state(self): state_map = {} expanded_categories = [] for row, category in enumerate(self._model.category_nodes): if self.isExpanded(self._model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex())): expanded_categories.append(category.category_key) states = [c.tag.state for c in category.child_tags()] names = [(, c.tag.category) for c in category.child_tags()] state_map[category.category_key] = dict(izip(names, states)) return expanded_categories, state_map def reread_collapse_parameters(self): self._model.reread_collapse_model(self.get_state()[1]) def set_database(self, db, alter_tb): self._model.set_database(db) self.alter_tb = alter_tb self.pane_is_visible = True # because TagsModel.set_database did a recount self.setModel(self._model) self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) pop = self.db.CATEGORY_SORTS.index(config['sort_tags_by']) self.alter_tb.sort_menu.actions()[pop].setChecked(True) try: match_pop = self.db.MATCH_TYPE.index(config['match_tags_type']) except ValueError: match_pop = 0 self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()[match_pop].setChecked(True) if not self.made_connections: self.clicked.connect(self.toggle) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.show_context_menu) self.refresh_required.connect(self.recount, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.alter_tb.sort_menu.triggered.connect(self.sort_changed) self.alter_tb.match_menu.triggered.connect(self.match_changed) self.made_connections = True self.refresh_signal_processed = True db.add_listener(self.database_changed) self.expanded.connect(self.item_expanded) def database_changed(self, event, ids): if self.refresh_signal_processed: self.refresh_signal_processed = False self.refresh_required.emit() def user_categories_edited(self, user_cats, nkey): state_map = self.get_state()[1] self.db.prefs.set('user_categories', user_cats) self._model.rebuild_node_tree(state_map=state_map) p = self._model.find_category_node('@' + nkey) self.show_item_at_path(p) @property def match_all(self): return (self.alter_tb and self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()[1].isChecked()) def sort_changed(self, action): for i, ac in enumerate(self.alter_tb.sort_menu.actions()): if ac is action: config.set('sort_tags_by', self.db.CATEGORY_SORTS[i]) self.recount() break def match_changed(self, action): try: for i, ac in enumerate(self.alter_tb.match_menu.actions()): if ac is action: config.set('match_tags_type', self.db.MATCH_TYPE[i]) except: pass def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): dex = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if self.in_drag_drop or not dex.isValid(): QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return # Must deal with odd case where the node being dragged is 'virtual', # created to form a hierarchy. We can't really drag this node, but in # addition we can't allow drag recognition to notice going over some # other node and grabbing that one. So we set in_drag_drop to prevent # this from happening, turning it off when the user lifts the button. self.in_drag_drop = True if not self._model.flags(dex) & Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled: QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return md = self._model.mimeData([dex]) pixmap =, 25) drag = QDrag(self) drag.setPixmap(pixmap) drag.setMimeData(md) if self._model.is_in_user_category(dex): drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction, Qt.CopyAction) else: drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # Swallow everything except leftButton so context menus work correctly if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton or self.in_drag_drop: QTreeView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) self.in_drag_drop = False def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # swallow these to avoid toggling and editing at the same time pass @property def search_string(self): tokens = self._model.tokens() joiner = ' and ' if self.match_all else ' or ' return joiner.join(tokens) def toggle(self, index): self._toggle(index, None) def _toggle(self, index, set_to): ''' set_to: if None, advance the state. Otherwise must be one of the values in TAG_SEARCH_STATES ''' modifiers = int(QApplication.keyboardModifiers()) exclusive = modifiers not in (Qt.CTRL, Qt.SHIFT) if self._model.toggle(index, exclusive, set_to=set_to): self.tags_marked.emit(self.search_string) def conditional_clear(self, search_string): if search_string != self.search_string: self.clear() def context_menu_handler(self, action=None, category=None, key=None, index=None, search_state=None): if not action: return try: if action == 'set_icon': try: path = choose_files(self, 'choose_category_icon', _('Change Icon for: %s') % key, filters=[ ('Images', ['png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg']) ], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if path: path = path[0] p = QIcon(path).pixmap(QSize(128, 128)) d = os.path.join(config_dir, 'tb_icons') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) with open( os.path.join( d, 'icon_' + sanitize_file_name_unicode(key) + '.png'), 'wb') as f: f.write(pixmap_to_data(p, format='PNG')) path = os.path.basename( self._model.set_custom_category_icon( key, unicode(path)) self.recount() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return if action == 'clear_icon': self._model.set_custom_category_icon(key, None) self.recount() return if action == 'edit_item': self.edit(index) return if action == 'delete_item': self.tag_item_delete.emit(key,, index.original_name) return if action == 'open_editor': self.tags_list_edit.emit(category, key) return if action == 'manage_categories': self.edit_user_category.emit(category) return if action == 'search': self._toggle(index, set_to=search_state) return if action == 'add_to_category': tag = index.tag if len(index.children) > 0: for c in index.all_children(): self.add_item_to_user_cat.emit(category, c.tag.original_name, c.tag.category) self.add_item_to_user_cat.emit(category, tag.original_name, tag.category) return if action == 'add_subcategory': self.add_subcategory.emit(key) return if action == 'search_category': self._toggle(index, set_to=search_state) return if action == 'delete_user_category': self.delete_user_category.emit(key) return if action == 'delete_search': saved_searches().delete(key) self.rebuild_saved_searches.emit() return if action == 'delete_item_from_user_category': tag = index.tag if len(index.children) > 0: for c in index.children: self.del_item_from_user_cat.emit( key, c.tag.original_name, c.tag.category) self.del_item_from_user_cat.emit(key, tag.original_name, tag.category) return if action == 'manage_searches': self.saved_search_edit.emit(category) return if action == 'edit_author_sort': self.author_sort_edit.emit(self, index, True, False) return if action == 'edit_author_link': self.author_sort_edit.emit(self, index, False, True) return reset_filter_categories = True if action == 'hide': self.hidden_categories.add(category) elif action == 'show': self.hidden_categories.discard(category) elif action == 'categorization': changed = self.collapse_model != category self._model.collapse_model = category if changed: reset_filter_categories = False gprefs['tags_browser_partition_method'] = category elif action == 'defaults': self.hidden_categories.clear() self.db.prefs.set('tag_browser_hidden_categories', list(self.hidden_categories)) if reset_filter_categories: self._model.set_categories_filter(None) self._model.rebuild_node_tree() except: return def show_context_menu(self, point): def display_name(tag): if tag.category == 'search': n = if len(n) > 45: n = n[:45] + '...' return "'" + n + "'" return index = self.indexAt(point) self.context_menu = QMenu(self) if index.isValid(): item = tag = None if item.type == TagTreeItem.TAG: tag_item = item tag = item.tag while item.type != TagTreeItem.CATEGORY: item = item.parent if item.type == TagTreeItem.CATEGORY: if not item.category_key.startswith('@'): while item.parent != self._model.root_item: item = item.parent category = unicode( key = item.category_key # Verify that we are working with a field that we know something about if key not in self.db.field_metadata: return True # Did the user click on a leaf node? if tag: # If the user right-clicked on an editable item, then offer # the possibility of renaming that item. if tag.is_editable: # Add the 'rename' items self.context_menu.addAction( self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) if key in ('tags', 'series', 'publisher') or \ self._model.db.field_metadata.is_custom_field(key): self.context_menu.addAction( self.delete_icon, _('Delete %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_item', key=key, index=tag)) if key == 'authors': self.context_menu.addAction( _('Edit sort for %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_sort', self.context_menu.addAction( _('Edit link for %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_link', # is_editable is also overloaded to mean 'can be added # to a user category' m = self.context_menu.addMenu( self.user_category_icon, _('Add %s to user category') % display_name(tag)) nt = self.model().category_node_tree def add_node_tree(tree_dict, m, path): p = path[:] for k in sorted(tree_dict.keys(), key=sort_key): p.append(k) n = k[1:] if k.startswith('@') else k m.addAction( self.user_category_icon, n, partial(self.context_menu_handler, 'add_to_category', category='.'.join(p), index=tag_item)) if len(tree_dict[k]): tm = m.addMenu(self.user_category_icon, _('Children of %s') % n) add_node_tree(tree_dict[k], tm, p) p.pop() add_node_tree(nt, m, []) elif key == 'search' and tag.is_searchable: self.context_menu.addAction( self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction( self.delete_icon, _('Delete search %s') % display_name(tag), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_search', key=tag.original_name)) if key.startswith('@') and not item.is_gst: self.context_menu.addAction( self.user_category_icon, _('Remove %(item)s from category %(cat)s') % dict(item=display_name(tag), cat=item.py_name), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_item_from_user_category', key=key, index=tag_item)) if tag.is_searchable: # Add the search for value items. All leaf nodes are searchable self.context_menu.addAction( self.search_icon, _('Search for %s') % display_name(tag), partial( self.context_menu_handler, action='search', search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_plus'], index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction( self.search_icon, _('Search for everything but %s') % display_name(tag), partial( self.context_menu_handler, action='search', search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_minus'], index=index)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() elif key.startswith('@') and not item.is_gst: if item.can_be_edited: self.context_menu.addAction( self.rename_icon, _('Rename %s') % item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_item', index=index)) self.context_menu.addAction( self.user_category_icon, _('Add sub-category to %s') % item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='add_subcategory', key=key)) self.context_menu.addAction( self.delete_icon, _('Delete user category %s') % item.py_name, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='delete_user_category', key=key)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() # Hide/Show/Restore categories self.context_menu.addAction( _('Hide category %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='hide', category=key)) if self.hidden_categories: m = self.context_menu.addMenu(_('Show category')) for col in sorted(self.hidden_categories, key=lambda x: sort_key( self.db.field_metadata[x]['name'])): m.addAction( self.db.field_metadata[col]['name'], partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='show', category=col)) # search by category. Some categories are not searchable, such # as search and news if item.tag.is_searchable: self.context_menu.addAction( self.search_icon, _('Search for books in category %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search_category', index=self._model.createIndex( item.row(), 0, item), search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_plus'])) self.context_menu.addAction( self.search_icon, _('Search for books not in category %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='search_category', index=self._model.createIndex( item.row(), 0, item), search_state=TAG_SEARCH_STATES['mark_minus'])) # Offer specific editors for tags/series/publishers/saved searches self.context_menu.addSeparator() if key in ['tags', 'publisher', 'series'] or \ (self.db.field_metadata[key]['is_custom'] and self.db.field_metadata[key]['datatype'] != 'composite'): self.context_menu.addAction( _('Manage %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='open_editor', category=tag.original_name if tag else None, key=key)) elif key == 'authors': self.context_menu.addAction( _('Manage %s') % category, partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='edit_author_sort')) elif key == 'search': self.context_menu.addAction( _('Manage Saved Searches'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_searches', if tag else None)) self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction( _('Change category icon'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='set_icon', key=key)) self.context_menu.addAction( _('Restore default icon'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='clear_icon', key=key)) # Always show the user categories editor self.context_menu.addSeparator() if key.startswith('@') and \ key[1:] in self.db.prefs.get('user_categories', {}).keys(): self.context_menu.addAction( _('Manage User Categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_categories', category=key[1:])) else: self.context_menu.addAction( _('Manage User Categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='manage_categories', category=None)) if self.hidden_categories: if not self.context_menu.isEmpty(): self.context_menu.addSeparator() self.context_menu.addAction( _('Show all categories'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='defaults')) m = self.context_menu.addMenu(_('Change sub-categorization scheme')) da = m.addAction( _('Disable'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='disable')) fla = m.addAction( _('By first letter'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='first letter')) pa = m.addAction( _('Partition'), partial(self.context_menu_handler, action='categorization', category='partition')) if self.collapse_model == 'disable': da.setCheckable(True) da.setChecked(True) elif self.collapse_model == 'first letter': fla.setCheckable(True) fla.setChecked(True) else: pa.setCheckable(True) pa.setChecked(True) if config['sort_tags_by'] != "name": fla.setEnabled(False) m.hovered.connect(self.collapse_menu_hovered) fla.setToolTip( _('First letter is usable only when sorting by name')) # Apparently one cannot set a tooltip to empty, so use a star and # deal with it in the hover method da.setToolTip('*') pa.setToolTip('*') if not self.context_menu.isEmpty(): self.context_menu.popup(self.mapToGlobal(point)) return True def collapse_menu_hovered(self, action): tip = action.toolTip() if tip == '*': tip = '' QToolTip.showText(QCursor.pos(), tip) def dragMoveEvent(self, event): QTreeView.dragMoveEvent(self, event) self.setDropIndicatorShown(False) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return src_is_tb = event.mimeData().hasFormat( 'application/calibre+from_tag_browser') item = if item.type == TagTreeItem.ROOT: return flags = self._model.flags(index) if item.type == TagTreeItem.TAG and flags & Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled: self.setDropIndicatorShown(not src_is_tb) return if item.type == TagTreeItem.CATEGORY and not item.is_gst: fm_dest = self.db.metadata_for_field(item.category_key) if fm_dest['kind'] == 'user': if src_is_tb: if event.dropAction() == Qt.MoveAction: data = str(event.mimeData().data( 'application/calibre+from_tag_browser')) src = cPickle.loads(data) for s in src: if s[0] == TagTreeItem.TAG and \ (not s[1].startswith('@') or s[2]): return self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) return md = event.mimeData() if hasattr(md, 'column_name'): fm_src = self.db.metadata_for_field(md.column_name) if md.column_name in ['authors', 'publisher', 'series'] or \ (fm_src['is_custom'] and ( (fm_src['datatype'] in ['series', 'text', 'enumeration'] and not fm_src['is_multiple']) or (fm_src['datatype'] == 'composite' and fm_src['display'].get('make_category', False)))): self.setDropIndicatorShown(True) def clear(self): if self.model(): self.model().clear_state() def is_visible(self, idx): item = if getattr(item, 'type', None) == TagTreeItem.TAG: idx = idx.parent() return self.isExpanded(idx) def recount(self, *args): ''' Rebuild the category tree, expand any categories that were expanded, reset the search states, and reselect the current node. ''' if self.disable_recounting or not self.pane_is_visible: return self.refresh_signal_processed = True ci = self.currentIndex() if not ci.isValid(): ci = self.indexAt(QPoint(10, 10)) path = self.model().path_for_index(ci) if self.is_visible(ci) else None expanded_categories, state_map = self.get_state() self._model.rebuild_node_tree(state_map=state_map) self.blockSignals(True) for category in expanded_categories: idx = self._model.index_for_category(category) if idx is not None and idx.isValid(): self.expand(idx) self.show_item_at_path(path) self.blockSignals(False) def show_item_at_path(self, path, box=False, position=QTreeView.PositionAtCenter): ''' Scroll the browser and open categories to show the item referenced by path. If possible, the item is placed in the center. If box=True, a box is drawn around the item. ''' if path: self.show_item_at_index(self._model.index_for_path(path), box=box, position=position) def expand_parent(self, idx): # Needed otherwise Qt sometimes segfaults if the node is buried in a # collapsed, off screen hierarchy. To be safe, we expand from the # outermost in p = self._model.parent(idx) if p.isValid(): self.expand_parent(p) self.expand(idx) def show_item_at_index(self, idx, box=False, position=QTreeView.PositionAtCenter): if idx.isValid() and Qt.UserRole).toPyObject() is not self._model.root_item: self.expand_parent(idx) self.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.scrollTo(idx, position) if box: self._model.set_boxed(idx) def item_expanded(self, idx): ''' Called by the expanded signal ''' self.setCurrentIndex(idx)
class BooksView(QTableView): # {{{ files_dropped = pyqtSignal(object) add_column_signal = pyqtSignal() def viewportEvent(self, event): if (event.type() == event.ToolTip and not gprefs['book_list_tooltips']): return False return QTableView.viewportEvent(self, event) def __init__(self, parent, modelcls=BooksModel, use_edit_metadata_dialog=True): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) self.setProperty('highlight_current_item', 150) self.row_sizing_done = False if not tweaks['horizontal_scrolling_per_column']: self.setHorizontalScrollMode(self.ScrollPerPixel) self.setEditTriggers(self.EditKeyPressed) if tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_cell': self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked | self.editTriggers()) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'open_viewer': self.setEditTriggers(self.SelectedClicked | self.editTriggers()) self.doubleClicked.connect(parent.iactions['View'].view_triggered) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_metadata': # Must not enable single-click to edit, or the field will remain # open in edit mode underneath the edit metadata dialog if use_edit_metadata_dialog: self.doubleClicked.connect( partial(parent.iactions['Edit Metadata'].edit_metadata, checked=False)) else: self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked | self.editTriggers()) self.drag_allowed = True self.setDragEnabled(True) self.setDragDropOverwriteMode(False) self.setDragDropMode(self.DragDrop) self.drag_start_pos = None self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setSelectionBehavior(self.SelectRows) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setWordWrap(False) self.rating_delegate = RatingDelegate(self) self.timestamp_delegate = DateDelegate(self) self.pubdate_delegate = PubDateDelegate(self) self.last_modified_delegate = DateDelegate( self, tweak_name='gui_last_modified_display_format') self.languages_delegate = LanguagesDelegate(self) self.tags_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, ',', 'all_tag_names') self.authors_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_author_names', True) self.cc_names_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_custom', True) self.series_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.publisher_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.text_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.cc_text_delegate = CcTextDelegate(self) self.cc_enum_delegate = CcEnumDelegate(self) self.cc_bool_delegate = CcBoolDelegate(self) self.cc_comments_delegate = CcCommentsDelegate(self) self.cc_template_delegate = CcTemplateDelegate(self) self.cc_number_delegate = CcNumberDelegate(self) self.display_parent = parent self._model = modelcls(self) self.setModel(self._model) self._model.count_changed_signal.connect(self.do_row_sizing, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect( self._model.current_changed) self.preserve_state = partial(PreserveViewState, self) # {{{ Column Header setup self.can_add_columns = True self.was_restored = False self.column_header = HeaderView(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.setHorizontalHeader(self.column_header) self.column_header.setMovable(True) self.column_header.setClickable(True) self.column_header.sectionMoved.connect(self.save_state) self.column_header.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.column_header.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.show_column_header_context_menu) self.column_header.sectionResized.connect(self.column_resized, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.row_header = HeaderView(Qt.Vertical, self) self.setVerticalHeader(self.row_header) # }}} self._model.database_changed.connect(self.database_changed) hv = self.verticalHeader() hv.setClickable(True) hv.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.selected_ids = [] self._model.about_to_be_sorted.connect(self.about_to_be_sorted) self._model.sorting_done.connect(self.sorting_done, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # Column Header Context Menu {{{ def column_header_context_handler(self, action=None, column=None): if not action or not column: return try: idx = self.column_map.index(column) except: return h = self.column_header if action == 'hide': h.setSectionHidden(idx, True) elif action == 'show': h.setSectionHidden(idx, False) if h.sectionSize(idx) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(idx) h.resizeSection(idx, sz) elif action == 'ascending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) elif action == 'descending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) elif action == 'defaults': self.apply_state(self.get_default_state()) elif action == 'addcustcol': self.add_column_signal.emit() elif action.startswith('align_'): alignment = action.partition('_')[-1] self._model.change_alignment(column, alignment) elif action == 'quickview': from calibre.customize.ui import find_plugin qv = find_plugin('Show Quickview') if qv: rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 0: current_row = rows[0].row() current_col = self.column_map.index(column) index = self.model().index(current_row, current_col) qv.actual_plugin_.change_quickview_column(index) self.save_state() def show_column_header_context_menu(self, pos): idx = self.column_header.logicalIndexAt(pos) if idx > -1 and idx < len(self.column_map): col = self.column_map[idx] name = unicode(self.model().headerData(idx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) self.column_header_context_menu = QMenu(self) if col != 'ondevice': self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Hide column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='hide', column=col)) m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Sort on %s') % name) a = m.addAction( _('Ascending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='ascending', column=col)) d = m.addAction( _('Descending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='descending', column=col)) if self._model.sorted_on[0] == col: ac = a if self._model.sorted_on[1] else d ac.setCheckable(True) ac.setChecked(True) if col not in ('ondevice', 'inlibrary') and \ (not self.model().is_custom_column(col) or self.model().custom_columns[col]['datatype'] not in ('bool', )): m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Change text alignment for %s') % name) al = self._model.alignment_map.get(col, 'left') for x, t in (('left', _('Left')), ('right', _('Right')), ('center', _('Center'))): a = m.addAction( t, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='align_' + x, column=col)) if al == x: a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(True) if not isinstance(self, DeviceBooksView): if self._model.db.field_metadata[col]['is_category']: act = self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Quickview column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='quickview', column=col)) rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 1: act.setEnabled(False) hidden_cols = [ self.column_map[i] for i in range(self.column_header.count()) if self.column_header.isSectionHidden(i) ] try: hidden_cols.remove('ondevice') except: pass if hidden_cols: self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Show column')) for col in hidden_cols: hidx = self.column_map.index(col) name = unicode(self.model().headerData( hidx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) m.addAction( name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='show', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Shrink column if it is too wide to fit'), partial(self.resize_column_to_fit, column=self.column_map[idx])) self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Restore default layout'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='defaults', column=col)) if self.can_add_columns: self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('column.png')), _('Add your own columns'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='addcustcol', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.popup( self.column_header.mapToGlobal(pos)) # }}} # Sorting {{{ def about_to_be_sorted(self, idc): selected_rows = [r.row() for r in self.selectionModel().selectedRows()] self.selected_ids = [idc(r) for r in selected_rows] def sorting_done(self, indexc): pos = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() self.select_rows(self.selected_ids, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True) self.selected_ids = [] self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(pos) def sort_by_named_field(self, field, order, reset=True): if field in self.column_map: idx = self.column_map.index(field) if order: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) else: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) else: self._model.sort_by_named_field(field, order, reset) def multisort(self, fields, reset=True, only_if_different=False): if len(fields) == 0: return sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(self._model.sort_history, ignore_column_map=True) if only_if_different and len(sh) >= len(fields): ret = True for i, t in enumerate(fields): if t[0] != sh[i][0]: ret = False break if ret: return for n, d in reversed(fields): if n in self._model.db.field_metadata.keys(): sh.insert(0, (n, d)) sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(sh, ignore_column_map=True) self._model.sort_history = [tuple(x) for x in sh] self._model.resort(reset=reset) col = fields[0][0] dir = Qt.AscendingOrder if fields[0][1] else Qt.DescendingOrder if col in self.column_map: col = self.column_map.index(col) hdrs = self.horizontalHeader() try: hdrs.setSortIndicator(col, dir) except: pass # }}} # Ondevice column {{{ def set_ondevice_column_visibility(self): m = self._model self.column_header.setSectionHidden(m.column_map.index('ondevice'), not m.device_connected) def set_device_connected(self, is_connected): self._model.set_device_connected(is_connected) self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() # }}} # Save/Restore State {{{ def get_state(self): h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map state = {} state['hidden_columns'] = [ cm[i] for i in range(h.count()) if h.isSectionHidden(i) and cm[i] != 'ondevice' ] state['last_modified_injected'] = True state['languages_injected'] = True state['sort_history'] = \ self.cleanup_sort_history(self.model().sort_history) state['column_positions'] = {} state['column_sizes'] = {} state['column_alignment'] = self._model.alignment_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] state['column_positions'][name] = h.visualIndex(i) if name != 'ondevice': state['column_sizes'][name] = h.sectionSize(i) return state def write_state(self, state): db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name and db is not None: db.prefs.set(name + ' books view state', state) def save_state(self): # Only save if we have been initialized (set_database called) if len(self.column_map) > 0 and self.was_restored: state = self.get_state() self.write_state(state) def cleanup_sort_history(self, sort_history, ignore_column_map=False): history = [] for col, order in sort_history: if not isinstance(order, bool): continue if col == 'date': col = 'timestamp' if ignore_column_map or col in self.column_map: if (not history or history[-1][0] != col): history.append([col, order]) return history def apply_sort_history(self, saved_history, max_sort_levels=3): if not saved_history: return for col, order in reversed( self.cleanup_sort_history(saved_history)[:max_sort_levels]): self.sortByColumn( self.column_map.index(col), Qt.AscendingOrder if order else Qt.DescendingOrder) def apply_state(self, state, max_sort_levels=3): h = self.column_header cmap = {} hidden = state.get('hidden_columns', []) for i, c in enumerate(self.column_map): cmap[c] = i if c != 'ondevice': h.setSectionHidden(i, c in hidden) positions = state.get('column_positions', {}) pmap = {} for col, pos in positions.items(): if col in cmap: pmap[pos] = col for pos in sorted(pmap.keys()): col = pmap[pos] idx = cmap[col] current_pos = h.visualIndex(idx) if current_pos != pos: h.moveSection(current_pos, pos) sizes = state.get('column_sizes', {}) for col, size in sizes.items(): if col in cmap: sz = sizes[col] if sz < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(cmap[col]) h.resizeSection(cmap[col], sz) self.apply_sort_history(state.get('sort_history', None), max_sort_levels=max_sort_levels) for col, alignment in state.get('column_alignment', {}).items(): self._model.change_alignment(col, alignment) for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionSize(i) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(i) h.resizeSection(i, sz) def get_default_state(self): old_state = { 'hidden_columns': ['last_modified', 'languages'], 'sort_history': [DEFAULT_SORT], 'column_positions': {}, 'column_sizes': {}, 'column_alignment': { 'size': 'center', 'timestamp': 'center', 'pubdate': 'center' }, 'last_modified_injected': True, 'languages_injected': True, } h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] old_state['column_positions'][name] = i if name != 'ondevice': old_state['column_sizes'][name] = \ min(350, max(self.sizeHintForColumn(i), h.sectionSizeHint(i))) if name in ('timestamp', 'last_modified'): old_state['column_sizes'][name] += 12 return old_state def get_old_state(self): ans = None name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name: name += ' books view state' db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) if db is not None: ans = db.prefs.get(name, None) if ans is None: ans = gprefs.get(name, None) try: del gprefs[name] except: pass if ans is not None: db.prefs[name] = ans else: injected = False if not ans.get('last_modified_injected', False): injected = True ans['last_modified_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'last_modified' not in hc: hc.append('last_modified') if not ans.get('languages_injected', False): injected = True ans['languages_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'languages' not in hc: hc.append('languages') if injected: db.prefs[name] = ans return ans def restore_state(self): old_state = self.get_old_state() if old_state is None: old_state = self.get_default_state() max_levels = 3 if tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup'] is not None: sh = [] try: for c, d in tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup']: if not isinstance(d, bool): d = True if d == 0 else False sh.append((c, d)) except: # Ignore invalid tweak values as users seem to often get them # wrong print( 'Ignoring invalid sort_columns_at_startup tweak, with error:' ) import traceback traceback.print_exc() old_state['sort_history'] = sh max_levels = max(3, len(sh)) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.apply_state(old_state, max_sort_levels=max_levels) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) self.do_row_sizing() self.was_restored = True def refresh_row_sizing(self): self.row_sizing_done = False self.do_row_sizing() def do_row_sizing(self): # Resize all rows to have the correct height if not self.row_sizing_done and self.model().rowCount( QModelIndex()) > 0: self.resizeRowToContents(0) self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize( self.rowHeight(0) + gprefs['extra_row_spacing']) self.row_sizing_done = True def resize_column_to_fit(self, column): col = self.column_map.index(column) self.column_resized(col, self.columnWidth(col), self.columnWidth(col)) def column_resized(self, col, old_size, new_size): # arbitrary: scroll bar + header + some max_width = self.width() - (self.verticalScrollBar().width() + self.verticalHeader().width() + 10) if max_width < 200: max_width = 200 if new_size > max_width: self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.setColumnWidth(col, max_width) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # }}} # Initialization/Delegate Setup {{{ def set_database(self, db): self.save_state() self._model.set_database(db) self.tags_delegate.set_database(db) self.cc_names_delegate.set_database(db) self.authors_delegate.set_database(db) self.series_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_series) self.publisher_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_publishers) def database_changed(self, db): for i in range(self.model().columnCount(None)): if self.itemDelegateForColumn(i) in (self.rating_delegate, self.timestamp_delegate, self.pubdate_delegate, self.last_modified_delegate, self.languages_delegate): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self.itemDelegate()) cm = self.column_map for colhead in cm: if self._model.is_custom_column(colhead): cc = self._model.custom_columns[colhead] if cc['datatype'] == 'datetime': delegate = CcDateDelegate(self) delegate.set_format(cc['display'].get('date_format', '')) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'comments': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_comments_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'text': if cc['is_multiple']: if cc['display'].get('is_names', False): self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), self.cc_names_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), self.tags_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'series': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] in ('int', 'float'): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_number_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'bool': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_bool_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'rating': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.rating_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'composite': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_template_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'enumeration': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_enum_delegate) else: dattr = colhead + '_delegate' delegate = colhead if hasattr(self, dattr) else 'text' self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), getattr(self, delegate + '_delegate')) self.restore_state() self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() #}}} # Context Menu {{{ def set_context_menu(self, menu, edit_collections_action): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.context_menu = menu self.edit_collections_action = edit_collections_action def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.context_menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() # }}} # Drag 'n Drop {{{ @classmethod def paths_from_event(cls, event): ''' Accept a drop event and return a list of paths that can be read from and represent files with extensions. ''' md = event.mimeData() if md.hasFormat('text/uri-list') and not \ md.hasFormat('application/calibre+from_library'): urls = [unicode(u.toLocalFile()) for u in md.urls()] return [ u for u in urls if os.path.splitext(u)[1] and os.path.exists(u) ] def drag_icon(self, cover, multiple): cover = cover.scaledToHeight(120, Qt.SmoothTransformation) if multiple: base_width = cover.width() base_height = cover.height() base = QImage(base_width + 21, base_height + 21, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) base.fill(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0).rgba()) p = QPainter(base) rect = QRect(20, 0, base_width, base_height) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(10) rect.moveTop(10) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(0) rect.moveTop(20) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.setCompositionMode(p.CompositionMode_SourceAtop) p.drawImage(rect.topLeft(), cover) p.restore() p.drawRect(rect) p.end() cover = base return QPixmap.fromImage(cover) def drag_data(self): m = self.model() db = m.db rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() selected = list(map(, rows)) ids = ' '.join(map(str, selected)) md = QMimeData() md.setData('application/calibre+from_library', ids) fmt = prefs['output_format'] def url_for_id(i): try: ans = db.format_path(i, fmt, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: fmts = db.formats(i, index_is_id=True) if fmts: fmts = fmts.split(',') else: fmts = [] for f in fmts: try: ans = db.format_path(i, f, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: ans = db.abspath(i, index_is_id=True) return QUrl.fromLocalFile(ans) md.setUrls([url_for_id(i) for i in selected]) drag = QDrag(self) col = self.selectionModel().currentIndex().column() md.column_name = self.column_map[col] drag.setMimeData(md) cover = self.drag_icon(m.cover(self.currentIndex().row()), len(selected) > 1) drag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-15, -15)) drag.setPixmap(cover) return drag def event_has_mods(self, event=None): mods = event.modifiers() if event is not None else \ QApplication.keyboardModifiers() return mods & Qt.ControlModifier or mods & Qt.ShiftModifier def mousePressEvent(self, event): ep = event.pos() if self.indexAt(ep) in self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() and \ event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and not self.event_has_mods(): self.drag_start_pos = ep return QTableView.mousePressEvent(self, event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if not self.drag_allowed: return if self.drag_start_pos is None: return QTableView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) if self.event_has_mods(): self.drag_start_pos = None return if not (event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton) or \ (event.pos() - self.drag_start_pos).manhattanLength() \ < QApplication.startDragDistance(): return index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return drag = self.drag_data() drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction) self.drag_start_pos = None def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if int(event.possibleActions() & Qt.CopyAction) + \ int(event.possibleActions() & Qt.MoveAction) == 0: return paths = self.paths_from_event(event) if paths: event.acceptProposedAction() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): paths = self.paths_from_event(event) event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() self.files_dropped.emit(paths) # }}} @property def column_map(self): return self._model.column_map def refresh_book_details(self): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx.isValid(): self._model.current_changed(idx, idx) def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): # Needed as Qt bug causes headerview to not always update when scrolling QTableView.scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy) if dy != 0: self.column_header.update() def scroll_to_row(self, row): if row > -1: h = self.horizontalHeader() for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden( i) and h.sectionViewportPosition(i) >= 0: self.scrollTo(self.model().index(row, i), self.PositionAtCenter) break def set_current_row(self, row=0, select=True): if row > -1 and row < self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = list(range(h.count())) logical_indices = [ x for x in logical_indices if not h.isSectionHidden(x) ] pairs = [(x, h.visualIndex(x)) for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1] if not pairs: pairs = [(0, 0)] pairs.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) i = pairs[0][0] index = self.model().index(row, i) self.setCurrentIndex(index) if select: sm = self.selectionModel(), sm.ClearAndSelect | sm.Rows) def keyPressEvent(self, ev): val = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() ret = super(BooksView, self).keyPressEvent(ev) if ev.isAccepted() and ev.key() in ( Qt.Key_Home, Qt.Key_End) and ev.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(val) return ret def ids_to_rows(self, ids): row_map = OrderedDict() ids = frozenset(ids) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if len(row_map) >= len(ids): break c = if c in ids: row_map[c] = row return row_map def select_rows(self, identifiers, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True): ''' Select rows identified by identifiers. identifiers can be a set of ids, row numbers or QModelIndexes. ''' rows = set([x.row() if hasattr(x, 'row') else x for x in identifiers]) if using_ids: rows = set([]) identifiers = set(identifiers) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if in identifiers: rows.add(row) rows = list(sorted(rows)) if rows: row = rows[0] if change_current: self.set_current_row(row, select=False) if scroll: self.scroll_to_row(row) sm = self.selectionModel() sel = QItemSelection() m = self.model() max_col = m.columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1 # Create a range based selector for each set of contiguous rows # as supplying selectors for each individual row causes very poor # performance if a large number of rows has to be selected. for k, g in itertools.groupby(enumerate(rows), lambda (i, x): i - x): group = list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), g)) sel.merge( QItemSelection(m.index(min(group), 0), m.index(max(group), max_col)), sm.Select), sm.ClearAndSelect)
def __init__(self, parent, hide_on_close=False): QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowIcon(pixmaps.tigger_starface.icon()) self._currier = PersistentCurrier() self.hide() # init column constants for icol, col in enumerate(self.ViewModelColumns): setattr(self, "Column%s" % col.capitalize(), icol) # init GUI self.setWindowTitle("Tigger") # self.setIcon( cw = QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(cw) cwlo = QVBoxLayout(cw) cwlo.setMargin(5) # make splitter spl1 = self._splitter1 = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical, cw) spl1.setOpaqueResize(False) cwlo.addWidget(spl1) # Create listview of LSM entries = SkyModelTreeWidget(spl1) # split bottom pane spl2 = self._splitter2 = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, spl1) spl2.setOpaqueResize(False) self._skyplot_stack = QWidget(spl2) self._skyplot_stack_lo = QVBoxLayout(self._skyplot_stack) self._skyplot_stack_lo.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # add plot self.skyplot = SkyModelPlotter(self._skyplot_stack, self) self.skyplot.resize(128, 128) self.skyplot.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self._skyplot_stack_lo.addWidget(self.skyplot, 1000) self.skyplot.hide() QObject.connect(self.skyplot, SIGNAL("imagesChanged"), self._imagesChanged) QObject.connect(self.skyplot, SIGNAL("showMessage"), self.showMessage) QObject.connect(self.skyplot, SIGNAL("showErrorMessage"), self.showErrorMessage) self._grouptab_stack = QWidget(spl2) self._grouptab_stack_lo = lo = QVBoxLayout(self._grouptab_stack) self._grouptab_stack_lo.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # add groupings table self.grouptab = ModelGroupsTable(self._grouptab_stack) self.grouptab.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), self.grouptab.setEnabled) lo.addWidget(self.grouptab, 1000) lo.addStretch(1) self.grouptab.hide() # add image controls -- parentless for now (setLayout will reparent them anyway) self.imgman = ImageManager() self.skyplot.setImageManager(self.imgman) QObject.connect(self.imgman, SIGNAL("imagesChanged"), self._imagesChanged) QObject.connect(self.imgman, SIGNAL("showMessage"), self.showMessage) QObject.connect(self.imgman, SIGNAL("showErrorMessage"), self.showErrorMessage) # enable status line self.statusBar().show() # Create and populate main menu menubar = self.menuBar() # File menu file_menu = menubar.addMenu("&File") qa_open = file_menu.addAction("&Open model...", self._openFileCallback, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_O) qa_merge = file_menu.addAction("&Merge in model...", self._mergeFileCallback, Qt.CTRL + Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_O) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), qa_merge.setEnabled) file_menu.addSeparator() qa_save = file_menu.addAction("&Save model", self.saveFile, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_S) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("isUpdated"), qa_save.setEnabled) qa_save_as = file_menu.addAction("Save model &as...", self.saveFileAs) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), qa_save_as.setEnabled) qa_save_selection_as = file_menu.addAction("Save selection as...", self.saveSelectionAs) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSelection"), qa_save_selection_as.setEnabled) file_menu.addSeparator() qa_close = file_menu.addAction("&Close model", self.closeFile, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_W) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), qa_close.setEnabled) qa_quit = file_menu.addAction("Quit", self.close, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q) # Image menu menubar.addMenu(self.imgman.getMenu()) # Plot menu menubar.addMenu(self.skyplot.getMenu()) # LSM Menu em = QMenu("&LSM", self) self._qa_em = menubar.addMenu(em) self._qa_em.setVisible(False) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), self._qa_em.setVisible) self._column_view_menu = QMenu("&Show columns", self) self._qa_cv_menu = em.addMenu(self._column_view_menu) em.addSeparator() em.addAction("Select &all", self._selectAll, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_A) em.addAction("&Invert selection", self._selectInvert, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_I) em.addAction("Select b&y attribute...", self._showSourceSelector, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Y) em.addSeparator() qa_add_tag = em.addAction("&Tag selection...", self.addTagToSelection, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_T) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSelection"), qa_add_tag.setEnabled) qa_del_tag = em.addAction("&Untag selection...", self.removeTagsFromSelection, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_U) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSelection"), qa_del_tag.setEnabled) qa_del_sel = em.addAction("&Delete selection", self._deleteSelection) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSelection"), qa_del_sel.setEnabled) # Tools menu tm = self._tools_menu = QMenu("&Tools", self) self._qa_tm = menubar.addMenu(tm) self._qa_tm.setVisible(False) QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), self._qa_tm.setVisible) # Help menu menubar.addSeparator() hm = self._help_menu = menubar.addMenu("&Help") hm.addAction("&About...", self._showAboutDialog) self._about_dialog = None # message handlers self.qerrmsg = QErrorMessage(self) # set initial state self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.model = None self.filename = None self._display_filename = None self._open_file_dialog = self._merge_file_dialog = self._save_as_dialog = self._save_sel_as_dialog = self._open_image_dialog = None self.emit(SIGNAL("isUpdated"), False) self.emit(SIGNAL("hasSkyModel"), False) self.emit(SIGNAL("hasSelection"), False) self._exiting = False # set initial layout self._current_layout = None self.setLayout(self.LayoutEmpty) dprint(1, "init complete")
def makemenu_helper(widget, menu_spec, menu=None): """ Make and return a reusable or one-time-use (at caller's option) popup menu whose structure is specified by menu_spec, which is a list of menu item specifiers, each of which is either None (for a separator) or a tuple of the form (menu text, callable or submenu, option1, option2, ...) with 0 or more options (described below). A submenu can be either another menu_spec list, or a QMenu object (but in the latter case the menu text is ignored -- maybe it comes from that QMenu object somehow -- not sure if this was different in Qt3). In either case it is the 2nd menu-item-tuple element, in place of the callable. Otherwise the callable must satisfy the python 'callable' predicate, and is executed if the menu item is chosen, wrapped inside another function which handles Undo checkpointing and Undo-command-name setting. The options in a menu item tuple can be zero or more (in any order, duplicates allowed) of the following: 'disabled' -- the menu item should be disabled; 'checked' -- the menu item will be checked; None -- this option is legal but ignored (but the callable must still satisfy the python predicate "callable"; constants.noop might be useful for that case). The Qt3 version also supported tuple-options consisting of one of the words 'iconset' and 'whatsThis' followed by an appropriate argument, but those have not yet been ported to Qt4 (except possibly for disabled menu items -- UNTESTED). Unrecognized options may or may not generate warnings, and are otherwise ignored. [###FIX that -- they always ought to print a warning to developers. Note that right now they do iff 'disabled' is one of the options and ATOM_DEBUG is set.] The 'widget' argument should be the Qt widget which is using this function to put up a menu. If the menu argument is provided, it should be a QMenu to which we'll add items; otherwise we create our own QMenu and add items to it. """ from utilities.debug import print_compact_traceback import types if menu is None: menu = QMenu(widget) ## #bruce 070514 removed to fix a cosmetic and performance bug # (on Mac, possibly on other platforms too; probably unreported) # in which the debug menu first appears in screen center, slowly grows # to full size while remaining blank, then moves to its final position # and looks normal (causing a visual glitch, and a 2-3 second delay # in being able to use it). May fix similar issues with other menus. # If this causes harm for some menus or platforms, we can adapt it. # bruce 040909-16 moved this method from basicMode to GLPane, # leaving a delegator for it in basicMode. # (bruce was not the original author, but modified it) #menu = QMenu( widget) for m in menu_spec: try: #bruce 050416 added try/except as debug code and for safety menutext = m and widget.trUtf8(m[0]) if m and isinstance(m[1], QMenu): #bruce 041010 added this case submenu = m[1] #menu.insertItem( menutext, submenu ) menu.addMenu(submenu) # how do I get menutext in there? # (similar code might work for QAction case too, not sure) elif m and isinstance( m[1], types.ListType): #bruce 041103 added this case submenu = QMenu(menutext, menu) submenu = makemenu_helper( widget, m[1], submenu) # [this used to call widget.makemenu] menu.addMenu(submenu) elif m: assert callable(m[1]), \ "%r[1] needs to be a callable" % (m,) #bruce 041103 # transform m[1] into a new callable that makes undo checkpoints and provides an undo command-name # [bruce 060324 for possible bugs in undo noticing cmenu items, and for the cmdnames] func = wrap_callable_for_undo(m[1], cmdname=m[0]) # guess about cmdname, but it might be reasonable for A7 as long as we ensure weird characters won't confuse it import foundation.changes as changes changes.keep_forever( func ) # THIS IS BAD (memory leak), but it's not a severe one, so ok for A7 [bruce 060324] # (note: the hard part about removing these when we no longer need them is knowing when to do that # if the user ends up not selecting anything from the menu. Also, some callers make these # menus for reuse multiple times, and for them we never want to deallocate func even when some # menu command gets used. We could solve both of these by making the caller pass a place to keep these # which it would deallocate someday or which would ensure only one per distinct kind of menu is kept. #e) if 'disabled' not in m[2:]: act = QAction(widget) act.setText(menutext) if 'checked' in m[2:]: act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(True) menu.addAction(act) widget.connect(act, SIGNAL("activated()"), func) else: # disabled case # [why is this case done differently, in this Qt4 port?? -- bruce 070522 question] insert_command_into_menu(menu, menutext, func, options=m[2:], raw_command=True) else: menu.addSeparator( ) #bruce 070522 bugfix -- before this, separators were placed lower down or dropped # so as not to come before disabled items, for unknown reasons. # (Speculation: maybe because insertSeparator was used, since addSeparator didn't work or wasn't noticed, # and since disabled item were added by an older function (also for unknown reasons)?) pass except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit): raise print_compact_traceback( "exception in makemenu_helper ignored, for %r:\n" % (m, )) #bruce 070522 restored this (was skipped in Qt4 port) pass #e could add a fake menu item here as an error message
def setup_ui(self): self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('diff.png'))) self.stacks = st = QStackedLayout(self) self.busy = BusyWidget(self) self.w = QWidget(self) st.addWidget(self.busy), st.addWidget(self.w) self.setLayout(st) self.l = l = QGridLayout() self.w.setLayout(l) self.view = v = DiffView(self, show_open_in_editor=self.show_open_in_editor) l.addWidget(v, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) r = l.rowCount() self.bp = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('back.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.view.next_change, -1)) b.setToolTip(_('Go to previous change') + ' [p]') b.setText(_('&Previous change')), b.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 0) = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('forward.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.view.next_change, 1)) b.setToolTip(_('Go to next change') + ' [n]') b.setText(_('&Next change')), b.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 1) = s = HistoryLineEdit2(self) s.initialize('diff_search_history') l.addWidget(s, r, 2) s.setPlaceholderText(_('Search for text')) s.returnPressed.connect(partial(self.do_search, False)) self.sbn = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.do_search, False)) b.setToolTip(_('Find next match')) b.setText(_('Next &match')), b.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 3) self.sbp = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.do_search, True)) b.setToolTip(_('Find previous match')) b.setText(_('P&revious match')), b.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 4) = b = QRadioButton(_('Left panel'), self) b.setToolTip(_('Perform search in the left panel')) l.addWidget(b, r, 5) self.rb = b = QRadioButton(_('Right panel'), self) b.setToolTip(_('Perform search in the right panel')) l.addWidget(b, r, 6) b.setChecked(True) self.pb = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('config.png'))) b.setText(_('&Options')), b.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) b.setToolTip(_('Change how the differences are displayed')) b.setPopupMode(b.InstantPopup) m = QMenu(b) b.setMenu(m) cm = = QMenu(_('Lines of context around each change')) for i in (3, 5, 10, 50): cm.addAction( _('Show %d lines of context') % i, partial(self.change_context, i)) cm.addAction(_('Show all text'), partial(self.change_context, None)) self.beautify_action = m.addAction('', self.toggle_beautify) self.set_beautify_action_text() m.addMenu(cm) l.addWidget(b, r, 7) self.hl = QHBoxLayout() l.addLayout(self.hl, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) self.names = QLabel('') self.hl.addWidget(self.names, r) if self.revert_button_msg is not None: self.rvb = b =, b.setIcon(QIcon(I('edit-undo.png'))), b.setAutoDefault(False) b.clicked.connect(self.revert_requested) b.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.hl.addWidget(, r) self.view.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason)
class BooksView(QTableView): # {{{ files_dropped = pyqtSignal(object) add_column_signal = pyqtSignal() is_library_view = True def viewportEvent(self, event): if (event.type() == event.ToolTip and not gprefs['book_list_tooltips']): return False return QTableView.viewportEvent(self, event) def __init__(self, parent, modelcls=BooksModel, use_edit_metadata_dialog=True): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) self.gui = parent self.setProperty('highlight_current_item', 150) self.row_sizing_done = False self.alternate_views = AlternateViews(self) if not tweaks['horizontal_scrolling_per_column']: self.setHorizontalScrollMode(self.ScrollPerPixel) self.setEditTriggers(self.EditKeyPressed) if tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_cell': self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked | self.editTriggers()) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'open_viewer': self.setEditTriggers(self.SelectedClicked | self.editTriggers()) self.doubleClicked.connect(parent.iactions['View'].view_triggered) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_metadata': # Must not enable single-click to edit, or the field will remain # open in edit mode underneath the edit metadata dialog if use_edit_metadata_dialog: self.doubleClicked.connect( partial(parent.iactions['Edit Metadata'].edit_metadata, checked=False)) else: self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked | self.editTriggers()) setup_dnd_interface(self) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setWordWrap(False) self.rating_delegate = RatingDelegate(self) self.timestamp_delegate = DateDelegate(self) self.pubdate_delegate = PubDateDelegate(self) self.last_modified_delegate = DateDelegate( self, tweak_name='gui_last_modified_display_format') self.languages_delegate = LanguagesDelegate(self) self.tags_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, ',', 'all_tag_names') self.authors_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_author_names', True) self.cc_names_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_custom', True) self.series_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.publisher_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.text_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.cc_text_delegate = CcTextDelegate(self) self.cc_enum_delegate = CcEnumDelegate(self) self.cc_bool_delegate = CcBoolDelegate(self) self.cc_comments_delegate = CcCommentsDelegate(self) self.cc_template_delegate = CcTemplateDelegate(self) self.cc_number_delegate = CcNumberDelegate(self) self.display_parent = parent self._model = modelcls(self) self.setModel(self._model) self._model.count_changed_signal.connect(self.do_row_sizing, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect( self._model.current_changed) self.preserve_state = partial(PreserveViewState, self) self.marked_changed_listener = FunctionDispatcher(self.marked_changed) # {{{ Column Header setup self.can_add_columns = True self.was_restored = False self.column_header = HeaderView(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.setHorizontalHeader(self.column_header) self.column_header.sortIndicatorChanged.disconnect() self.column_header.sortIndicatorChanged.connect( self.user_sort_requested) self.column_header.setMovable(True) self.column_header.setClickable(True) self.column_header.sectionMoved.connect(self.save_state) self.column_header.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.column_header.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.show_column_header_context_menu) self.column_header.sectionResized.connect(self.column_resized, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.row_header = HeaderView(Qt.Vertical, self) self.row_header.setResizeMode(self.row_header.Fixed) self.setVerticalHeader(self.row_header) # }}} self._model.database_changed.connect(self.database_changed) hv = self.verticalHeader() hv.setClickable(True) hv.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.selected_ids = [] self._model.about_to_be_sorted.connect(self.about_to_be_sorted) self._model.sorting_done.connect(self.sorting_done, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # Column Header Context Menu {{{ def column_header_context_handler(self, action=None, column=None): if not action or not column: return try: idx = self.column_map.index(column) except: return h = self.column_header if action == 'hide': h.setSectionHidden(idx, True) elif action == 'show': h.setSectionHidden(idx, False) if h.sectionSize(idx) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(idx) h.resizeSection(idx, sz) elif action == 'ascending': self.sort_by_column_and_order(idx, True) elif action == 'descending': self.sort_by_column_and_order(idx, False) elif action == 'defaults': self.apply_state(self.get_default_state()) elif action == 'addcustcol': self.add_column_signal.emit() elif action.startswith('align_'): alignment = action.partition('_')[-1] self._model.change_alignment(column, alignment) elif action == 'quickview': from calibre.customize.ui import find_plugin qv = find_plugin('Show Quickview') if qv: rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 0: current_row = rows[0].row() current_col = self.column_map.index(column) index = self.model().index(current_row, current_col) qv.actual_plugin_.change_quickview_column(index) self.save_state() def show_column_header_context_menu(self, pos): idx = self.column_header.logicalIndexAt(pos) if idx > -1 and idx < len(self.column_map): col = self.column_map[idx] name = unicode(self.model().headerData(idx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) self.column_header_context_menu = QMenu(self) if col != 'ondevice': self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Hide column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='hide', column=col)) m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Sort on %s') % name) a = m.addAction( _('Ascending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='ascending', column=col)) d = m.addAction( _('Descending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='descending', column=col)) if self._model.sorted_on[0] == col: ac = a if self._model.sorted_on[1] else d ac.setCheckable(True) ac.setChecked(True) if col not in ('ondevice', 'inlibrary') and \ (not self.model().is_custom_column(col) or self.model().custom_columns[col]['datatype'] not in ('bool', )): m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Change text alignment for %s') % name) al = self._model.alignment_map.get(col, 'left') for x, t in (('left', _('Left')), ('right', _('Right')), ('center', _('Center'))): a = m.addAction( t, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='align_' + x, column=col)) if al == x: a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(True) if not isinstance(self, DeviceBooksView): if self._model.db.field_metadata[col]['is_category']: act = self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Quickview column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='quickview', column=col)) rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(rows) > 1: act.setEnabled(False) hidden_cols = [ self.column_map[i] for i in range(self.column_header.count()) if self.column_header.isSectionHidden(i) ] try: hidden_cols.remove('ondevice') except: pass if hidden_cols: self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Show column')) for col in hidden_cols: hidx = self.column_map.index(col) name = unicode(self.model().headerData( hidx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) m.addAction( name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='show', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Shrink column if it is too wide to fit'), partial(self.resize_column_to_fit, column=self.column_map[idx])) self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Restore default layout'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='defaults', column=col)) if self.can_add_columns: self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('column.png')), _('Add your own columns'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='addcustcol', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.popup( self.column_header.mapToGlobal(pos)) # }}} # Sorting {{{ def sort_by_column_and_order(self, col, ascending): self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.sortByColumn( col, Qt.AscendingOrder if ascending else Qt.DescendingOrder) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) def user_sort_requested(self, col, order=Qt.AscendingOrder): if col >= len(self.column_map) or col < 0: return QTableView.sortByColumn(self, col) field = self.column_map[col] self.intelligent_sort(field, order == Qt.AscendingOrder) def intelligent_sort(self, field, ascending): m = self.model() pname = 'previous_sort_order_' + self.__class__.__name__ previous = gprefs.get(pname, {}) if field == m.sorted_on[0] or field not in previous: self.sort_by_named_field(field, ascending) previous[field] = ascending gprefs[pname] = previous return previous[m.sorted_on[0]] = m.sorted_on[1] gprefs[pname] = previous self.sort_by_named_field(field, previous[field]) def about_to_be_sorted(self, idc): selected_rows = [r.row() for r in self.selectionModel().selectedRows()] self.selected_ids = [idc(r) for r in selected_rows] def sorting_done(self, indexc): pos = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() self.select_rows(self.selected_ids, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True) self.selected_ids = [] self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(pos) def sort_by_named_field(self, field, order, reset=True): if field in self.column_map: idx = self.column_map.index(field) self.sort_by_column_and_order(idx, order) else: self._model.sort_by_named_field(field, order, reset) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.column_header.setSortIndicator(-1, Qt.AscendingOrder) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) def multisort(self, fields, reset=True, only_if_different=False): if len(fields) == 0: return sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(self._model.sort_history, ignore_column_map=True) if only_if_different and len(sh) >= len(fields): ret = True for i, t in enumerate(fields): if t[0] != sh[i][0]: ret = False break if ret: return for n, d in reversed(fields): if n in self._model.db.field_metadata.keys(): sh.insert(0, (n, d)) sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(sh, ignore_column_map=True) self._model.sort_history = [tuple(x) for x in sh] self._model.resort(reset=reset) col = fields[0][0] dir = Qt.AscendingOrder if fields[0][1] else Qt.DescendingOrder if col in self.column_map: col = self.column_map.index(col) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) try: self.column_header.setSortIndicator(col, dir) finally: self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # }}} # Ondevice column {{{ def set_ondevice_column_visibility(self): m = self._model self.column_header.setSectionHidden(m.column_map.index('ondevice'), not m.device_connected) def set_device_connected(self, is_connected): self._model.set_device_connected(is_connected) self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() # }}} # Save/Restore State {{{ def get_state(self): h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map state = {} state['hidden_columns'] = [ cm[i] for i in range(h.count()) if h.isSectionHidden(i) and cm[i] != 'ondevice' ] state['last_modified_injected'] = True state['languages_injected'] = True state['sort_history'] = \ self.cleanup_sort_history(self.model().sort_history, ignore_column_map=self.is_library_view) state['column_positions'] = {} state['column_sizes'] = {} state['column_alignment'] = self._model.alignment_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] state['column_positions'][name] = h.visualIndex(i) if name != 'ondevice': state['column_sizes'][name] = h.sectionSize(i) return state def write_state(self, state): db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name and db is not None: db.prefs.set(name + ' books view state', state) def save_state(self): # Only save if we have been initialized (set_database called) if len(self.column_map) > 0 and self.was_restored: state = self.get_state() self.write_state(state) def cleanup_sort_history(self, sort_history, ignore_column_map=False): history = [] for col, order in sort_history: if not isinstance(order, bool): continue col = {'date': 'timestamp', 'sort': 'title'}.get(col, col) if ignore_column_map or col in self.column_map: if (not history or history[-1][0] != col): history.append([col, order]) return history def apply_sort_history(self, saved_history, max_sort_levels=3): if not saved_history: return if self.is_library_view: for col, order in reversed( self.cleanup_sort_history( saved_history, ignore_column_map=True)[:max_sort_levels]): self.sort_by_named_field(col, order) else: for col, order in reversed( self.cleanup_sort_history(saved_history) [:max_sort_levels]): self.sort_by_column_and_order(self.column_map.index(col), order) def apply_state(self, state, max_sort_levels=3): h = self.column_header cmap = {} hidden = state.get('hidden_columns', []) for i, c in enumerate(self.column_map): cmap[c] = i if c != 'ondevice': h.setSectionHidden(i, c in hidden) positions = state.get('column_positions', {}) pmap = {} for col, pos in positions.items(): if col in cmap: pmap[pos] = col for pos in sorted(pmap.keys()): col = pmap[pos] idx = cmap[col] current_pos = h.visualIndex(idx) if current_pos != pos: h.moveSection(current_pos, pos) sizes = state.get('column_sizes', {}) for col, size in sizes.items(): if col in cmap: sz = sizes[col] if sz < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(cmap[col]) h.resizeSection(cmap[col], sz) self.apply_sort_history(state.get('sort_history', None), max_sort_levels=max_sort_levels) for col, alignment in state.get('column_alignment', {}).items(): self._model.change_alignment(col, alignment) for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionSize(i) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(i) h.resizeSection(i, sz) def get_default_state(self): old_state = { 'hidden_columns': ['last_modified', 'languages'], 'sort_history': [DEFAULT_SORT], 'column_positions': {}, 'column_sizes': {}, 'column_alignment': { 'size': 'center', 'timestamp': 'center', 'pubdate': 'center' }, 'last_modified_injected': True, 'languages_injected': True, } h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] old_state['column_positions'][name] = i if name != 'ondevice': old_state['column_sizes'][name] = \ min(350, max(self.sizeHintForColumn(i), h.sectionSizeHint(i))) if name in ('timestamp', 'last_modified'): old_state['column_sizes'][name] += 12 return old_state def get_old_state(self): ans = None name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name: name += ' books view state' db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) if db is not None: ans = db.prefs.get(name, None) if ans is None: ans = gprefs.get(name, None) try: del gprefs[name] except: pass if ans is not None: db.prefs[name] = ans else: injected = False if not ans.get('last_modified_injected', False): injected = True ans['last_modified_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'last_modified' not in hc: hc.append('last_modified') if not ans.get('languages_injected', False): injected = True ans['languages_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'languages' not in hc: hc.append('languages') if injected: db.prefs[name] = ans return ans def restore_state(self): old_state = self.get_old_state() if old_state is None: old_state = self.get_default_state() max_levels = 3 if tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup'] is not None: sh = [] try: for c, d in tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup']: if not isinstance(d, bool): d = True if d == 0 else False sh.append((c, d)) except: # Ignore invalid tweak values as users seem to often get them # wrong print( 'Ignoring invalid sort_columns_at_startup tweak, with error:' ) import traceback traceback.print_exc() old_state['sort_history'] = sh max_levels = max(3, len(sh)) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.apply_state(old_state, max_sort_levels=max_levels) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) self.do_row_sizing() self.was_restored = True def refresh_row_sizing(self): self.row_sizing_done = False self.do_row_sizing() def do_row_sizing(self): # Resize all rows to have the correct height if not self.row_sizing_done and self.model().rowCount( QModelIndex()) > 0: self.resizeRowToContents(0) self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize( self.rowHeight(0) + gprefs['extra_row_spacing']) self._model.set_row_height(self.rowHeight(0)) self.row_sizing_done = True def resize_column_to_fit(self, column): col = self.column_map.index(column) self.column_resized(col, self.columnWidth(col), self.columnWidth(col)) def column_resized(self, col, old_size, new_size): # arbitrary: scroll bar + header + some max_width = self.width() - (self.verticalScrollBar().width() + self.verticalHeader().width() + 10) if max_width < 200: max_width = 200 if new_size > max_width: self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.setColumnWidth(col, max_width) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # }}} # Initialization/Delegate Setup {{{ def set_database(self, db): self.alternate_views.set_database(db) self.save_state() self._model.set_database(db) self.tags_delegate.set_database(db) self.cc_names_delegate.set_database(db) self.authors_delegate.set_database(db) self.series_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_series) self.publisher_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_publishers) self.alternate_views.set_database(db, stage=1) def marked_changed(self, old_marked, current_marked): self.alternate_views.marked_changed(old_marked, current_marked) if bool(old_marked) == bool(current_marked): changed = old_marked | current_marked i = self.model() def f(x): try: return i(x) except ValueError: pass sections = tuple(x for x in map(f, changed) if x is not None) if sections: self.row_header.headerDataChanged(Qt.Vertical, min(sections), max(sections)) else: # Marked items have either appeared or all been removed self.model().set_row_decoration(current_marked) self.row_header.headerDataChanged(Qt.Vertical, 0, self.row_header.count() - 1) self.row_header.geometriesChanged.emit() def database_changed(self, db): for i in range(self.model().columnCount(None)): if self.itemDelegateForColumn(i) in (self.rating_delegate, self.timestamp_delegate, self.pubdate_delegate, self.last_modified_delegate, self.languages_delegate): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self.itemDelegate()) cm = self.column_map for colhead in cm: if self._model.is_custom_column(colhead): cc = self._model.custom_columns[colhead] if cc['datatype'] == 'datetime': delegate = CcDateDelegate(self) delegate.set_format(cc['display'].get('date_format', '')) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'comments': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_comments_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'text': if cc['is_multiple']: if cc['display'].get('is_names', False): self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), self.cc_names_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), self.tags_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'series': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] in ('int', 'float'): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_number_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'bool': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_bool_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'rating': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.rating_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'composite': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_template_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'enumeration': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_enum_delegate) else: dattr = colhead + '_delegate' delegate = colhead if hasattr(self, dattr) else 'text' self.setItemDelegateForColumn( cm.index(colhead), getattr(self, delegate + '_delegate')) self.restore_state() self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() #}}} # Context Menu {{{ def set_context_menu(self, menu, edit_collections_action): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.context_menu = menu self.alternate_views.set_context_menu(menu) self.edit_collections_action = edit_collections_action def contextMenuEvent(self, event): sac = self.gui.iactions['Sort By'] sort_added = tuple(ac for ac in self.context_menu.actions() if ac is sac.qaction) if sort_added: sac.update_menu() self.context_menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() # }}} @property def column_map(self): return self._model.column_map @property def visible_columns(self): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = (x for x in xrange(h.count()) if not h.isSectionHidden(x)) rmap = {i: x for i, x in enumerate(self.column_map)} return (rmap[h.visualIndex(x)] for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1) def refresh_book_details(self): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx.isValid(): self._model.current_changed(idx, idx) return True return False def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): # Needed as Qt bug causes headerview to not always update when scrolling QTableView.scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy) if dy != 0: self.column_header.update() def scroll_to_row(self, row): if row > -1: h = self.horizontalHeader() for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden( i) and h.sectionViewportPosition(i) >= 0: self.scrollTo(self.model().index(row, i), self.PositionAtCenter) break @property def current_book(self): ci = self.currentIndex() if ci.isValid(): try: return self.model() except (IndexError, ValueError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass def current_book_state(self): return self.current_book, self.horizontalScrollBar().value() def restore_current_book_state(self, state): book_id, hpos = state try: row = self.model() except (IndexError, ValueError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): return self.set_current_row(row) self.scroll_to_row(row) self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(hpos) def set_current_row(self, row=0, select=True, for_sync=False): if row > -1 and row < self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = list(range(h.count())) logical_indices = [ x for x in logical_indices if not h.isSectionHidden(x) ] pairs = [(x, h.visualIndex(x)) for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1] if not pairs: pairs = [(0, 0)] pairs.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) i = pairs[0][0] index = self.model().index(row, i) if for_sync: sm = self.selectionModel() sm.setCurrentIndex(index, sm.NoUpdate) else: self.setCurrentIndex(index) if select: sm = self.selectionModel(), sm.ClearAndSelect | sm.Rows) def row_at_top(self): pos = 0 while pos < 100: ans = self.rowAt(pos) if ans > -1: return ans pos += 5 def row_at_bottom(self): pos = self.viewport().height() limit = pos - 100 while pos > limit: ans = self.rowAt(pos) if ans > -1: return ans pos -= 5 def moveCursor(self, action, modifiers): orig = self.currentIndex() index = QTableView.moveCursor(self, action, modifiers) if action == QTableView.MovePageDown: moved = index.row() - orig.row() try: rows = self.row_at_bottom() - self.row_at_top() except TypeError: rows = moved if moved > rows: index = self.model().index(orig.row() + rows, index.column()) elif action == QTableView.MovePageUp: moved = orig.row() - index.row() try: rows = self.row_at_bottom() - self.row_at_top() except TypeError: rows = moved if moved > rows: index = self.model().index(orig.row() - rows, index.column()) elif action == QTableView.MoveHome and modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: return self.model().index(0, orig.column()) elif action == QTableView.MoveEnd and modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: return self.model().index(self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()) - 1, orig.column()) return index def ids_to_rows(self, ids): row_map = OrderedDict() ids = frozenset(ids) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if len(row_map) >= len(ids): break c = if c in ids: row_map[c] = row return row_map def select_rows(self, identifiers, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True): ''' Select rows identified by identifiers. identifiers can be a set of ids, row numbers or QModelIndexes. ''' rows = set([x.row() if hasattr(x, 'row') else x for x in identifiers]) if using_ids: rows = set([]) identifiers = set(identifiers) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if in identifiers: rows.add(row) rows = list(sorted(rows)) if rows: row = rows[0] if change_current: self.set_current_row(row, select=False) if scroll: self.scroll_to_row(row) sm = self.selectionModel() sel = QItemSelection() m = self.model() max_col = m.columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1 # Create a range based selector for each set of contiguous rows # as supplying selectors for each individual row causes very poor # performance if a large number of rows has to be selected. for k, g in itertools.groupby(enumerate(rows), lambda (i, x): i - x): group = list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), g)) sel.merge( QItemSelection(m.index(min(group), 0), m.index(max(group), max_col)), sm.Select), sm.ClearAndSelect)
class Widget(QWidget, ScreenWidget): name = "manualPartitioning" def __init__(self): QWidget.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_ManualPartWidget() self.ui.setupUi(self) = self.intf = ctx.interface # New Device Popup Menu self.setupMenu() #self.connect(self.ui.newButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.createDevice) self.connect(self.ui.editButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.editDevice) self.connect(self.ui.deleteButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.deleteDevice) self.connect(self.ui.resetButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.reset) self.connect(self.ui.deviceTree, SIGNAL("itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)"), self.activateButtons) self.connect(, SIGNAL("triggered(QAction*)"), self.createDevice) def shown(self): checkForSwapNoMatch(self.intf, self.populate() (errors, warnings) = if errors or warnings: ctx.mainScreen.disableNext() else: ctx.mainScreen.enableNext() self.update() def execute(self):"Manual Partitioning selected...") ctx.mainScreen.processEvents() check = self.nextCheck() if not check: ctx.mainScreen.enableBack() elif check is None: ctx.mainScreen.enableNext() return check def update(self): if ctx.mainScreen.enableNext() else: ctx.mainScreen.disableNext() self.updateMenus() def activateButtons(self, item, index): if item: if isinstance(item.device, Device) and not isinstance(item.device, parted.partition.Partition): self.ui.editButton.setEnabled(True) self.ui.deleteButton.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.editButton.setEnabled(False) self.ui.deleteButton.setEnabled(False) def nextCheck(self): (errors, warnings) = if errors: detailed = _("The partitioning scheme you requested " "caused the following critical errors." "You must correct these errors before " "you continue your installation of %s.") \ % yali.util.product_name() comments = "\n\n".join(errors) self.intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Partitioning Errors"), detailed, comments, type="error") return False if warnings: detailed = _("The partitioning scheme you requested generated the " "following warnings. Would you like to continue with " "your requested partitioning " "scheme?") comments = "\n\n".join(warnings) rc = self.intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Partitioning Warnings"), detailed, comments, type="custom", customIcon="warning", customButtons=[_("Ok"), _("Cancel")], default=1) if rc: return False formatWarnings = getPreExistFormatWarnings( if formatWarnings: detailed = _("The following pre-existing devices have " "been selected to be formatted, destroying " "all data.") comments = "" for (device, type, mountpoint) in formatWarnings: comments = comments + "%s %s %s\n" % (device, type, mountpoint) rc = self.intf.detailedMessageWindow(_("Format Warnings"), detailed, comments, type="custom", customIcon="warning", customButtons=[_("Format"), _("Cancel")], default=1) if rc: return False return True def backCheck(self): rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("All Changes that you made will be removed"), type="custom", customIcon="warning", customButtons=[_("Ok"), _("Cancel")], default=1) if not rc: return True return False def setupMenu(self): = QMenu("New") self.standardDevices ="Standard")) self.lvmDevices ="LVM")) self.raidDevices ="RAID")) self.createPartition = self.standardDevices.addAction(_("Partition")) self.createPartition.setWhatsThis(_("General purpose of partition creation")) self.createPartition.setVisible(False) self.createPhysicalVolume = self.lvmDevices.addAction(_("Physical Volume")) self.createPhysicalVolume.setWhatsThis(_("Create LVM formatted partition")) self.createPhysicalVolume.setVisible(False) self.createVolumeGroup = self.lvmDevices.addAction(_("Volume Group")) self.createVolumeGroup.setWhatsThis(_("Requires at least 1 free LVM formatted partition")) self.createVolumeGroup.setVisible(False) self.createLogicalVolume = self.lvmDevices.addAction(_("Logical Volume")) self.createLogicalVolume.setWhatsThis(_("Create Logical Volume on selected Volume Group")) self.createLogicalVolume.setVisible(False) self.createRaidMember = self.raidDevices.addAction(_("Member")) self.createRaidMember.setWhatsThis(_("Create Raid formatted partition")) self.createRaidMember.setVisible(False) self.createRaidArray= self.raidDevices.addAction(_("Array")) self.createRaidArray.setWhatsThis(_("Requires at least 2 free Raid formatted partition")) self.createRaidArray.setVisible(False) self.ui.newButton.setMenu( def addDevice(self, device, item): if device.format.hidden: return format = device.format if not format.exists: formatIcon = QIcon(":/gui/pics/tick.png") else: #formatIcon = QIcon(":/gui/pics/dialog-error.png") formatIcon = QIcon("") # mount point string if format.type == "lvmpv": vg = None for _vg in if _vg.dependsOn(device): vg = _vg break mountpoint = getattr(vg, "name", "") elif format.type == "mdmember": array = None for _array in if _array.dependsOn(device): array = _array break mountpoint = getattr(array, "name", "") else: mountpoint = getattr(format, "mountpoint", "") if mountpoint is None: mountpoint = "" # device name name = getattr(device, "lvname", # label label = getattr(format, "label", "") if label is None: label = "" item.setDevice(device) item.setName(name) item.setMountpoint(mountpoint) item.setLabel(label) item.setType( item.setSize("%Ld" % device.size) item.setFormat(formatIcon) item.setExpanded(True) def populate(self): # Clear device tree self.ui.deviceTree.clear() # first do LVM vgs = if vgs: volumeGroupsItem = DeviceTreeItem(self.ui.deviceTree) volumeGroupsItem.setName(_("Volume Groups")) volumeGroupsItem.setExpanded(True) for vg in vgs: volumeGroupItem = DeviceTreeItem(volumeGroupsItem) self.addDevice(vg, volumeGroupItem) volumeGroupItem.setType("") for lv in vg.lvs: logicalVolumeItem = DeviceTreeItem(volumeGroupItem) self.addDevice(lv, logicalVolumeItem) # We add a row for the VG free space. if vg.freeSpace > 0: freeLogicalVolumeItem = DeviceTreeItem(volumeGroupItem) freeLogicalVolumeItem.setName(_("Free")) freeLogicalVolumeItem.setSize("%Ld" % vg.freeSpace) freeLogicalVolumeItem.setDevice(None) freeLogicalVolumeItem.setMountpoint("") # handle RAID next raidarrays = if raidarrays: raidArraysItem = DeviceTreeItem(self.ui.deviceTree) raidArraysItem.setName(_("Raid Arrays")) raidArraysItem.setExpanded(True) for array in raidarrays: raidArrayItem = DeviceTreeItem(raidArraysItem) self.addDevice(array, raidArrayItem) # now normal partitions disks = # also include unpartitioned disks that aren't mpath or biosraid whole = filter(lambda d: not d.partitioned and not d.format.hidden, disks.extend(whole) disks.sort(key=lambda d: # Disk&Partitions drivesItem = DeviceTreeItem(self.ui.deviceTree) drivesItem.setName(_("Hard Drives")) drivesItem.setExpanded(True) for disk in disks: diskItem = DeviceTreeItem(drivesItem) diskItem.setExpanded(True) diskItem.setName("%s - %s" % (disk.model, #self.ui.deviceTree.expandItem(diskItem) if disk.partitioned: partition = disk.format.firstPartition extendedItem = None while partition: if partition.type & parted.PARTITION_METADATA: partition = partition.nextPartition() continue partName = devicePathToName(partition.getDeviceNodeName()) device = if not device and not partition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: ctx.logger.debug("can't find partition %s in device tree" % partName) # Force partitions tree item not to be less than 12 MB if partition.getSize(unit="MB") <= 12.0: if not or not partition.getFlag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT): partition = partition.nextPartition() continue if device and device.isExtended: if extendedItem: raise RuntimeError, _("Can't handle more than " "one extended partition per disk") extendedItem = partItem = DeviceTreeItem(diskItem) partitionItem = extendedItem elif device and device.isLogical: if not extendedItem: raise RuntimeError, _("Crossed logical partition before extended") partitionItem = DeviceTreeItem(extendedItem) else: # Free space item if partition.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: partitionItem = DeviceTreeItem(extendedItem) else: partitionItem = DeviceTreeItem(diskItem) if device and not device.isExtended: self.addDevice(device, partitionItem) else: # either extended or freespace if partition.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: deviceName = _("Free") device = partition deviceType = "" else: deviceName = deviceType = _("Extended") partitionItem.setName(deviceName) partitionItem.setType(deviceType) size = partition.getSize(unit="MB") if size < 1.0: size = "< 1" else: size = "%Ld" % (size) partitionItem.setSize(size) partitionItem.setDevice(device) partition = partition.nextPartition() else: self.addDevice(disk, diskItem) def refresh(self, justRedraw=None): ctx.logger.debug("refresh: justRedraw=%s" % justRedraw) self.ui.deviceTree.clear() if justRedraw: rc = 0 else: try: doPartitioning( rc = 0 except PartitioningError, msg: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error Partitioning"), _("Could not allocate requested partitions: %s.") % msg, customIcon="error") rc = -1 except PartitioningWarning, msg: rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning Partitioning"), _("Warning: %s.") % msg, customButtons=[_("Modify Partition"), _("Continue")], customIcon="warning") if rc == 1: rc = -1 else: rc = 0 all_devices = bootDevs = [d for d in all_devices if d.bootable]
class BooksView(QTableView): # {{{ files_dropped = pyqtSignal(object) add_column_signal = pyqtSignal() def viewportEvent(self, event): if (event.type() == event.ToolTip and not gprefs['book_list_tooltips']): return False return QTableView.viewportEvent(self, event) def __init__(self, parent, modelcls=BooksModel, use_edit_metadata_dialog=True): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) if not tweaks['horizontal_scrolling_per_column']: self.setHorizontalScrollMode(self.ScrollPerPixel) self.setEditTriggers(self.EditKeyPressed) if tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_cell': self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked|self.editTriggers()) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'open_viewer': self.setEditTriggers(self.SelectedClicked|self.editTriggers()) self.doubleClicked.connect(parent.iactions['View'].view_triggered) elif tweaks['doubleclick_on_library_view'] == 'edit_metadata': # Must not enable single-click to edit, or the field will remain # open in edit mode underneath the edit metadata dialog if use_edit_metadata_dialog: self.doubleClicked.connect( partial(parent.iactions['Edit Metadata'].edit_metadata, checked=False)) else: self.setEditTriggers(self.DoubleClicked|self.editTriggers()) self.drag_allowed = True self.setDragEnabled(True) self.setDragDropOverwriteMode(False) self.setDragDropMode(self.DragDrop) self.drag_start_pos = None self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setSelectionBehavior(self.SelectRows) self.setShowGrid(False) self.setWordWrap(False) self.rating_delegate = RatingDelegate(self) self.timestamp_delegate = DateDelegate(self) self.pubdate_delegate = PubDateDelegate(self) self.last_modified_delegate = DateDelegate(self, tweak_name='gui_last_modified_display_format') self.languages_delegate = LanguagesDelegate(self) self.tags_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, ',', 'all_tag_names') self.authors_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_author_names', True) self.cc_names_delegate = CompleteDelegate(self, '&', 'all_custom', True) self.series_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.publisher_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.text_delegate = TextDelegate(self) self.cc_text_delegate = CcTextDelegate(self) self.cc_enum_delegate = CcEnumDelegate(self) self.cc_bool_delegate = CcBoolDelegate(self) self.cc_comments_delegate = CcCommentsDelegate(self) self.cc_template_delegate = CcTemplateDelegate(self) self.cc_number_delegate = CcNumberDelegate(self) self.display_parent = parent self._model = modelcls(self) self.setModel(self._model) self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect(self._model.current_changed) self.preserve_state = partial(PreserveViewState, self) # {{{ Column Header setup self.can_add_columns = True self.was_restored = False self.column_header = self.horizontalHeader() self.column_header.setMovable(True) self.column_header.sectionMoved.connect(self.save_state) self.column_header.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.column_header.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.show_column_header_context_menu) self.column_header.sectionResized.connect(self.column_resized, Qt.QueuedConnection) # }}} self._model.database_changed.connect(self.database_changed) hv = self.verticalHeader() hv.setClickable(True) hv.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) self.selected_ids = [] self._model.about_to_be_sorted.connect(self.about_to_be_sorted) self._model.sorting_done.connect(self.sorting_done, type=Qt.QueuedConnection) # Column Header Context Menu {{{ def column_header_context_handler(self, action=None, column=None): if not action or not column: return try: idx = self.column_map.index(column) except: return h = self.column_header if action == 'hide': h.setSectionHidden(idx, True) elif action == 'show': h.setSectionHidden(idx, False) if h.sectionSize(idx) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(idx) h.resizeSection(idx, sz) elif action == 'ascending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) elif action == 'descending': self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) elif action == 'defaults': self.apply_state(self.get_default_state()) elif action == 'addcustcol': self.add_column_signal.emit() elif action.startswith('align_'): alignment = action.partition('_')[-1] self._model.change_alignment(column, alignment) self.save_state() def show_column_header_context_menu(self, pos): idx = self.column_header.logicalIndexAt(pos) if idx > -1 and idx < len(self.column_map): col = self.column_map[idx] name = unicode(self.model().headerData(idx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) self.column_header_context_menu = QMenu(self) if col != 'ondevice': self.column_header_context_menu.addAction(_('Hide column %s') % name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='hide', column=col)) m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Sort on %s') % name) a = m.addAction(_('Ascending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='ascending', column=col)) d = m.addAction(_('Descending'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='descending', column=col)) if self._model.sorted_on[0] == col: ac = a if self._model.sorted_on[1] else d ac.setCheckable(True) ac.setChecked(True) if col not in ('ondevice', 'inlibrary') and \ (not self.model().is_custom_column(col) or \ self.model().custom_columns[col]['datatype'] not in ('bool', )): m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu( _('Change text alignment for %s') % name) al = self._model.alignment_map.get(col, 'left') for x, t in (('left', _('Left')), ('right', _('Right')), ('center', _('Center'))): a = m.addAction(t, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='align_'+x, column=col)) if al == x: a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(True) hidden_cols = [self.column_map[i] for i in range(self.column_header.count()) if self.column_header.isSectionHidden(i)] try: hidden_cols.remove('ondevice') except: pass if hidden_cols: self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() m = self.column_header_context_menu.addMenu(_('Show column')) for col in hidden_cols: hidx = self.column_map.index(col) name = unicode(self.model().headerData(hidx, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) m.addAction(name, partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='show', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.addSeparator() self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Shrink column if it is too wide to fit'), partial(self.resize_column_to_fit, column=self.column_map[idx])) self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( _('Restore default layout'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='defaults', column=col)) if self.can_add_columns: self.column_header_context_menu.addAction( QIcon(I('column.png')), _('Add your own columns'), partial(self.column_header_context_handler, action='addcustcol', column=col)) self.column_header_context_menu.popup(self.column_header.mapToGlobal(pos)) # }}} # Sorting {{{ def about_to_be_sorted(self, idc): selected_rows = [r.row() for r in self.selectionModel().selectedRows()] self.selected_ids = [idc(r) for r in selected_rows] def sorting_done(self, indexc): pos = self.horizontalScrollBar().value() self.select_rows(self.selected_ids, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True) self.selected_ids = [] self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(pos) def sort_by_named_field(self, field, order, reset=True): if field in self.column_map: idx = self.column_map.index(field) if order: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.AscendingOrder) else: self.sortByColumn(idx, Qt.DescendingOrder) else: self._model.sort_by_named_field(field, order, reset) def multisort(self, fields, reset=True, only_if_different=False): if len(fields) == 0: return sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(self._model.sort_history, ignore_column_map=True) if only_if_different and len(sh) >= len(fields): ret=True for i,t in enumerate(fields): if t[0] != sh[i][0]: ret = False break if ret: return for n,d in reversed(fields): if n in self._model.db.field_metadata.keys(): sh.insert(0, (n, d)) sh = self.cleanup_sort_history(sh, ignore_column_map=True) self._model.sort_history = [tuple(x) for x in sh] self._model.resort(reset=reset) col = fields[0][0] dir = Qt.AscendingOrder if fields[0][1] else Qt.DescendingOrder if col in self.column_map: col = self.column_map.index(col) hdrs = self.horizontalHeader() try: hdrs.setSortIndicator(col, dir) except: pass # }}} # Ondevice column {{{ def set_ondevice_column_visibility(self): m = self._model self.column_header.setSectionHidden(m.column_map.index('ondevice'), not m.device_connected) def set_device_connected(self, is_connected): self._model.set_device_connected(is_connected) self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() # }}} # Save/Restore State {{{ def get_state(self): h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map state = {} state['hidden_columns'] = [cm[i] for i in range(h.count()) if h.isSectionHidden(i) and cm[i] != 'ondevice'] state['last_modified_injected'] = True state['languages_injected'] = True state['sort_history'] = \ self.cleanup_sort_history(self.model().sort_history) state['column_positions'] = {} state['column_sizes'] = {} state['column_alignment'] = self._model.alignment_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] state['column_positions'][name] = h.visualIndex(i) if name != 'ondevice': state['column_sizes'][name] = h.sectionSize(i) return state def write_state(self, state): db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name and db is not None: db.prefs.set(name + ' books view state', state) def save_state(self): # Only save if we have been initialized (set_database called) if len(self.column_map) > 0 and self.was_restored: state = self.get_state() self.write_state(state) def cleanup_sort_history(self, sort_history, ignore_column_map=False): history = [] for col, order in sort_history: if not isinstance(order, bool): continue if col == 'date': col = 'timestamp' if ignore_column_map or col in self.column_map: if (not history or history[-1][0] != col): history.append([col, order]) return history def apply_sort_history(self, saved_history, max_sort_levels=3): if not saved_history: return for col, order in reversed(self.cleanup_sort_history( saved_history)[:max_sort_levels]): self.sortByColumn(self.column_map.index(col), Qt.AscendingOrder if order else Qt.DescendingOrder) def apply_state(self, state, max_sort_levels=3): h = self.column_header cmap = {} hidden = state.get('hidden_columns', []) for i, c in enumerate(self.column_map): cmap[c] = i if c != 'ondevice': h.setSectionHidden(i, c in hidden) positions = state.get('column_positions', {}) pmap = {} for col, pos in positions.items(): if col in cmap: pmap[pos] = col for pos in sorted(pmap.keys()): col = pmap[pos] idx = cmap[col] current_pos = h.visualIndex(idx) if current_pos != pos: h.moveSection(current_pos, pos) sizes = state.get('column_sizes', {}) for col, size in sizes.items(): if col in cmap: sz = sizes[col] if sz < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(cmap[col]) h.resizeSection(cmap[col], sz) self.apply_sort_history(state.get('sort_history', None), max_sort_levels=max_sort_levels) for col, alignment in state.get('column_alignment', {}).items(): self._model.change_alignment(col, alignment) for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionSize(i) < 3: sz = h.sectionSizeHint(i) h.resizeSection(i, sz) def get_default_state(self): old_state = { 'hidden_columns': ['last_modified', 'languages'], 'sort_history':[DEFAULT_SORT], 'column_positions': {}, 'column_sizes': {}, 'column_alignment': { 'size':'center', 'timestamp':'center', 'pubdate':'center'}, 'last_modified_injected': True, 'languages_injected': True, } h = self.column_header cm = self.column_map for i in range(h.count()): name = cm[i] old_state['column_positions'][name] = i if name != 'ondevice': old_state['column_sizes'][name] = \ min(350, max(self.sizeHintForColumn(i), h.sectionSizeHint(i))) if name in ('timestamp', 'last_modified'): old_state['column_sizes'][name] += 12 return old_state def get_old_state(self): ans = None name = unicode(self.objectName()) if name: name += ' books view state' db = getattr(self.model(), 'db', None) if db is not None: ans = db.prefs.get(name, None) if ans is None: ans = gprefs.get(name, None) try: del gprefs[name] except: pass if ans is not None: db.prefs[name] = ans else: injected = False if not ans.get('last_modified_injected', False): injected = True ans['last_modified_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'last_modified' not in hc: hc.append('last_modified') if not ans.get('languages_injected', False): injected = True ans['languages_injected'] = True hc = ans.get('hidden_columns', []) if 'languages' not in hc: hc.append('languages') if injected: db.prefs[name] = ans return ans def restore_state(self): old_state = self.get_old_state() if old_state is None: old_state = self.get_default_state() max_levels = 3 if tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup'] is not None: sh = [] try: for c,d in tweaks['sort_columns_at_startup']: if not isinstance(d, bool): d = True if d == 0 else False sh.append((c, d)) except: # Ignore invalid tweak values as users seem to often get them # wrong import traceback traceback.print_exc() old_state['sort_history'] = sh max_levels = max(3, len(sh)) self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.apply_state(old_state, max_sort_levels=max_levels) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # Resize all rows to have the correct height if self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()) > 0: self.resizeRowToContents(0) self.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(self.rowHeight(0)) self.was_restored = True def resize_column_to_fit(self, column): col = self.column_map.index(column) self.column_resized(col, self.columnWidth(col), self.columnWidth(col)) def column_resized(self, col, old_size, new_size): # arbitrary: scroll bar + header + some max_width = self.width() - (self.verticalScrollBar().width() + self.verticalHeader().width() + 10) if max_width < 200: max_width = 200 if new_size > max_width: self.column_header.blockSignals(True) self.setColumnWidth(col, max_width) self.column_header.blockSignals(False) # }}} # Initialization/Delegate Setup {{{ def set_database(self, db): self.save_state() self._model.set_database(db) self.tags_delegate.set_database(db) self.cc_names_delegate.set_database(db) self.authors_delegate.set_database(db) self.series_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_series) self.publisher_delegate.set_auto_complete_function(db.all_publishers) def database_changed(self, db): for i in range(self.model().columnCount(None)): if self.itemDelegateForColumn(i) in (self.rating_delegate, self.timestamp_delegate, self.pubdate_delegate, self.last_modified_delegate, self.languages_delegate): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self.itemDelegate()) cm = self.column_map for colhead in cm: if self._model.is_custom_column(colhead): cc = self._model.custom_columns[colhead] if cc['datatype'] == 'datetime': delegate = CcDateDelegate(self) delegate.set_format(cc['display'].get('date_format','')) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'comments': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_comments_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'text': if cc['is_multiple']: if cc['display'].get('is_names', False): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_names_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.tags_delegate) else: self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'series': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_text_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] in ('int', 'float'): self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_number_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'bool': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_bool_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'rating': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.rating_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'composite': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_template_delegate) elif cc['datatype'] == 'enumeration': self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), self.cc_enum_delegate) else: dattr = colhead+'_delegate' delegate = colhead if hasattr(self, dattr) else 'text' self.setItemDelegateForColumn(cm.index(colhead), getattr(self, delegate+'_delegate')) self.restore_state() self.set_ondevice_column_visibility() #}}} # Context Menu {{{ def set_context_menu(self, menu, edit_collections_action): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.context_menu = menu self.edit_collections_action = edit_collections_action def contextMenuEvent(self, event): self.context_menu.popup(event.globalPos()) event.accept() # }}} # Drag 'n Drop {{{ @classmethod def paths_from_event(cls, event): ''' Accept a drop event and return a list of paths that can be read from and represent files with extensions. ''' md = event.mimeData() if md.hasFormat('text/uri-list') and not \ md.hasFormat('application/calibre+from_library'): urls = [unicode(u.toLocalFile()) for u in md.urls()] return [u for u in urls if os.path.splitext(u)[1] and os.path.exists(u)] def drag_icon(self, cover, multiple): cover = cover.scaledToHeight(120, Qt.SmoothTransformation) if multiple: base_width = cover.width() base_height = cover.height() base = QImage(base_width+21, base_height+21, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) base.fill(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0).rgba()) p = QPainter(base) rect = QRect(20, 0, base_width, base_height) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(10) rect.moveTop(10) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.drawRect(rect) rect.moveLeft(0) rect.moveTop(20) p.fillRect(rect, QColor('white')) p.setCompositionMode(p.CompositionMode_SourceAtop) p.drawImage(rect.topLeft(), cover) p.restore() p.drawRect(rect) p.end() cover = base return QPixmap.fromImage(cover) def drag_data(self): m = self.model() db = m.db rows = self.selectionModel().selectedRows() selected = list(map(, rows)) ids = ' '.join(map(str, selected)) md = QMimeData() md.setData('application/calibre+from_library', ids) fmt = prefs['output_format'] def url_for_id(i): try: ans = db.format_path(i, fmt, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: fmts = db.formats(i, index_is_id=True) if fmts: fmts = fmts.split(',') else: fmts = [] for f in fmts: try: ans = db.format_path(i, f, index_is_id=True) except: ans = None if ans is None: ans = db.abspath(i, index_is_id=True) return QUrl.fromLocalFile(ans) md.setUrls([url_for_id(i) for i in selected]) drag = QDrag(self) col = self.selectionModel().currentIndex().column() md.column_name = self.column_map[col] drag.setMimeData(md) cover = self.drag_icon(m.cover(self.currentIndex().row()), len(selected) > 1) drag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-15, -15)) drag.setPixmap(cover) return drag def event_has_mods(self, event=None): mods = event.modifiers() if event is not None else \ QApplication.keyboardModifiers() return mods & Qt.ControlModifier or mods & Qt.ShiftModifier def mousePressEvent(self, event): ep = event.pos() if self.indexAt(ep) in self.selectionModel().selectedIndexes() and \ event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and not self.event_has_mods(): self.drag_start_pos = ep return QTableView.mousePressEvent(self, event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if not self.drag_allowed: return if self.drag_start_pos is None: return QTableView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) if self.event_has_mods(): self.drag_start_pos = None return if not (event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton) or \ (event.pos() - self.drag_start_pos).manhattanLength() \ < QApplication.startDragDistance(): return index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return drag = self.drag_data() drag.exec_(Qt.CopyAction) self.drag_start_pos = None def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if int(event.possibleActions() & Qt.CopyAction) + \ int(event.possibleActions() & Qt.MoveAction) == 0: return paths = self.paths_from_event(event) if paths: event.acceptProposedAction() def dragMoveEvent(self, event): event.acceptProposedAction() def dropEvent(self, event): paths = self.paths_from_event(event) event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() self.files_dropped.emit(paths) # }}} @property def column_map(self): return self._model.column_map def refresh_book_details(self): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx.isValid(): self._model.current_changed(idx, idx) def scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy): # Needed as Qt bug causes headerview to not always update when scrolling QTableView.scrollContentsBy(self, dx, dy) if dy != 0: self.column_header.update() def scroll_to_row(self, row): if row > -1: h = self.horizontalHeader() for i in range(h.count()): if not h.isSectionHidden(i) and h.sectionViewportPosition(i) >= 0: self.scrollTo(self.model().index(row, i), self.PositionAtCenter) break def set_current_row(self, row, select=True): if row > -1 and row < self.model().rowCount(QModelIndex()): h = self.horizontalHeader() logical_indices = list(range(h.count())) logical_indices = [x for x in logical_indices if not h.isSectionHidden(x)] pairs = [(x, h.visualIndex(x)) for x in logical_indices if h.visualIndex(x) > -1] if not pairs: pairs = [(0, 0)] pairs.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:cmp(x[1], y[1])) i = pairs[0][0] index = self.model().index(row, i) self.setCurrentIndex(index) if select: sm = self.selectionModel(), sm.ClearAndSelect|sm.Rows) def select_rows(self, identifiers, using_ids=True, change_current=True, scroll=True): ''' Select rows identified by identifiers. identifiers can be a set of ids, row numbers or QModelIndexes. ''' rows = set([x.row() if hasattr(x, 'row') else x for x in identifiers]) if using_ids: rows = set([]) identifiers = set(identifiers) m = self.model() for row in xrange(m.rowCount(QModelIndex())): if in identifiers: rows.add(row) rows = list(sorted(rows)) if rows: row = rows[0] if change_current: self.set_current_row(row, select=False) if scroll: self.scroll_to_row(row) sm = self.selectionModel() sel = QItemSelection() m = self.model() max_col = m.columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1 # Create a range based selector for each set of contiguous rows # as supplying selectors for each individual row causes very poor # performance if a large number of rows has to be selected. for k, g in itertools.groupby(enumerate(rows), lambda (i,x):i-x): group = list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), g)) sel.merge(QItemSelection(m.index(min(group), 0), m.index(max(group), max_col)), sm.Select), sm.ClearAndSelect)
class LocationManager(QObject): # {{{ locations_changed = pyqtSignal() unmount_device = pyqtSignal() location_selected = pyqtSignal(object) configure_device = pyqtSignal() update_device_metadata = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) = [-1, -1, -1] self.count = 0 self.location_actions = QActionGroup(self) self.location_actions.setExclusive(True) self.current_location = 'library' self._mem = [] self.tooltips = {} self.all_actions = [] def ac(name, text, icon, tooltip): icon = QIcon(I(icon)) ac = self.location_actions.addAction(icon, text) setattr(self, 'location_'+name, ac) ac.setAutoRepeat(False) ac.setCheckable(True) receiver = partial(self._location_selected, name) ac.triggered.connect(receiver) self.tooltips[name] = tooltip m = QMenu(parent) self._mem.append(m) a = m.addAction(icon, tooltip) a.triggered.connect(receiver) if name != 'library': self._mem.append(a) a = m.addAction(QIcon(I('eject.png')), _('Eject this device')) a.triggered.connect(self._eject_requested) self._mem.append(a) a = m.addAction(QIcon(I('config.png')), _('Configure this device')) a.triggered.connect(self._configure_requested) self._mem.append(a) a = m.addAction(QIcon(I('sync.png')), _('Update cached metadata on device')) a.triggered.connect(lambda x : self.update_device_metadata.emit()) self._mem.append(a) else: ac.setToolTip(tooltip) ac.setMenu(m) ac.calibre_name = name self.all_actions.append(ac) return ac self.library_action = ac('library', _('Library'), 'lt.png', _('Show books in calibre library')) ac('main', _('Device'), 'reader.png', _('Show books in the main memory of the device')) ac('carda', _('Card A'), 'sd.png', _('Show books in storage card A')) ac('cardb', _('Card B'), 'sd.png', _('Show books in storage card B')) def set_switch_actions(self, quick_actions, rename_actions, delete_actions, switch_actions, choose_action): self.switch_menu = if self.switch_menu: self.switch_menu.addSeparator() else: self.switch_menu = QMenu() self.switch_menu.addAction(choose_action) self.cs_menus = [] for t, acs in [(_('Quick switch'), quick_actions), (_('Rename library'), rename_actions), (_('Delete library'), delete_actions)]: if acs: self.cs_menus.append(QMenu(t)) for ac in acs: self.cs_menus[-1].addAction(ac) self.switch_menu.addMenu(self.cs_menus[-1]) self.switch_menu.addSeparator() for ac in switch_actions: self.switch_menu.addAction(ac) if self.switch_menu != self.library_action.setMenu(self.switch_menu) def _location_selected(self, location, *args): if location != self.current_location and hasattr(self, 'location_'+location): self.current_location = location self.location_selected.emit(location) getattr(self, 'location_'+location).setChecked(True) def _eject_requested(self, *args): self.unmount_device.emit() def _configure_requested(self): self.configure_device.emit() def update_devices(self, cp=(None, None), fs=[-1, -1, -1], icon=None): if icon is None: icon = I('reader.png') self.location_main.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) had_device = self.has_device if cp is None: cp = (None, None) if isinstance(cp, (str, unicode)): cp = (cp, None) if len(fs) < 3: fs = list(fs) + [0][0] = fs[0][1] = fs[1][2] = fs[2] cpa, cpb = cp[1] = fs[1] if fs[1] is not None and cpa is not None else -1[2] = fs[2] if fs[2] is not None and cpb is not None else -1 self.update_tooltips() if self.has_device != had_device: self.location_library.setChecked(True) self.locations_changed.emit() if not self.has_device: self.location_library.trigger() def update_tooltips(self): for i, loc in enumerate(('main', 'carda', 'cardb')): t = self.tooltips[loc] if[i] > -1: t += u'\n\n%s '%human_readable([i]) + _('available') ac = getattr(self, 'location_'+loc) ac.setToolTip(t) ac.setWhatsThis(t) ac.setStatusTip(t) @property def has_device(self): return max( > -1 @property def available_actions(self): ans = [self.location_library] for i, loc in enumerate(('main', 'carda', 'cardb')): if[i] > -1: ans.append(getattr(self, 'location_'+loc)) return ans
class ImageManager(QWidget): """An ImageManager manages a stack of images (and associated ImageControllers)""" def __init__(self, *args): QWidget.__init__(self, *args) # init layout self._lo = QVBoxLayout(self) self._lo.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._lo.setSpacing(0) # init internal state self._currier = PersistentCurrier() self._z0 = 0 # z-depth of first image, the rest count down from it self._updating_imap = False self._locked_display_range = False self._imagecons = [] self._imagecon_loadorder = [] self._center_image = None self._plot = None self._border_pen = None self._drawing_key = None self._load_image_dialog = None self._model_imagecons = set() # init menu and standard actions self._menu = QMenu("&Image", self) qag = QActionGroup(self) # exclusive controls for plotting topmost or all images self._qa_plot_top = qag.addAction("Display topmost image only") self._qa_plot_all = qag.addAction("Display all images") self._qa_plot_top.setCheckable(True) self._qa_plot_all.setCheckable(True) self._qa_plot_top.setChecked(True) QObject.connect(self._qa_plot_all, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self._displayAllImages) self._closing = False self._qa_load_clipboard = None self._clipboard_mode = QClipboard.Clipboard QObject.connect(QApplication.clipboard(), SIGNAL("changed(QClipboard::Mode)"), self._checkClipboardPath) # populate the menu self._repopulateMenu() def close(self): dprint(1, "closing Manager") self._closing = True for ic in self._imagecons: ic.close() def loadImage(self, filename=None, duplicate=True, to_top=True, model=None): """Loads image. Returns ImageControlBar object. If image is already loaded: returns old ICB if duplicate=False (raises to top if to_top=True), or else makes a new control bar. If model is set to a source name, marks the image as associated with a model source. These can be unloaded en masse by calling unloadModelImages(). """ if filename is None: if not self._load_image_dialog: dialog = self._load_image_dialog = QFileDialog( self, "Load FITS image", ".", "FITS images (%s);;All files (*)" % (" ".join(["*" + ext for ext in FITS_ExtensionList]))) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) dialog.setModal(True) QObject.connect(dialog, SIGNAL("filesSelected(const QStringList &)"), self.loadImage) self._load_image_dialog.exec_() return None if isinstance(filename, QStringList): filename = filename[0] filename = str(filename) # report error if image does not exist if not os.path.exists(filename): self.showErrorMessage("""FITS image %s does not exist.""" % filename) return None # see if image is already loaded if not duplicate: for ic in self._imagecons: if ic.getFilename() and os.path.samefile( filename, ic.getFilename()): if to_top: self.raiseImage(ic) if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)) return ic # load the FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "reading FITS image", filename) self.showMessage("""Reading FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: image = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(str(filename)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage( """<P>Error loading FITS image %s: %s. This may be due to a bug in Tigger; if the FITS file loads fine in another viewer, please send the FITS file, along with a copy of any error messages from the text console, to [email protected].</P>""" % (filename, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # create control bar, add to widget stack ic = self._createImageController(image, "model source '%s'" % model if model else filename, model or, model=model) self.showMessage("""Loaded FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) dprint(2, "image loaded") return ic def showMessage(self, message, time=None): self.emit(SIGNAL("showMessage"), message, time) def showErrorMessage(self, message, time=None): self.emit(SIGNAL("showErrorMessage"), message, time) def setZ0(self, z0): self._z0 = z0 if self._imagecons: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[0]) def enableImageBorders(self, border_pen, label_color, label_bg_brush): self._border_pen, self._label_color, self._label_bg_brush = \ border_pen, label_color, label_bg_brush def lockAllDisplayRanges(self, rc0): """Locks all display ranges, and sets the intensity from rc0""" if not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True rc0.lockDisplayRange() try: for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc0: rc1.setDisplayRange(*rc0.displayRange()) rc1.lockDisplayRange() finally: self._updating_imap = False def unlockAllDisplayRanges(self): """Unlocks all display range.""" for ic in self._imagecons: ic.renderControl().lockDisplayRange(False) def _lockDisplayRange(self, rc0, lock): """Locks or unlocks the display range of a specific controller.""" if lock and not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True try: # if something is already locked, copy display range from it for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc0 and rc1.isDisplayRangeLocked(): rc0.setDisplayRange(*rc1.displayRange()) finally: self._updating_imap = False def _updateDisplayRange(self, rc, dmin, dmax): """This is called whenever one of the images (or rather, its associated RenderControl object) changes its display range.""" if not rc.isDisplayRangeLocked(): return # If the display range is locked, propagate it to all images. # but don't do it if we're already propagating (otherwise we may get called in an infinte loop) if not self._updating_imap: self._updating_imap = True try: for ic in self._imagecons: rc1 = ic.renderControl() if rc1 is not rc and rc1.isDisplayRangeLocked(): rc1.setDisplayRange(dmin, dmax) finally: self._updating_imap = False def getImages(self): return [ic.image for ic in self._imagecons] def getTopImage(self): return (self._imagecons or None) and self._imagecons[0].image def cycleImages(self): index = self._imagecon_loadorder.index(self._imagecons[0]) index = (index + 1) % len(self._imagecon_loadorder) self.raiseImage(self._imagecon_loadorder[index]) def blinkImages(self): if len(self._imagecons) > 1: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[1]) def incrementSlice(self, extra_axis, incr): if self._imagecons: rc = self._imagecons[0].renderControl() sliced_axes = rc.slicedAxes() if extra_axis < len(sliced_axes): rc.incrementSlice(sliced_axes[extra_axis][0], incr) def setLMRectSubset(self, rect): if self._imagecons: self._imagecons[0].setLMRectSubset(rect) def getLMRectStats(self, rect): if self._imagecons: return self._imagecons[0].renderControl().getLMRectStats(rect) def unloadModelImages(self): """Unloads images associated with model (i.e. loaded with the model=True flag)""" for ic in [ ic for ic in self._imagecons if id(ic) in self._model_imagecons ]: self.unloadImage(ic) def unloadImage(self, imagecon): """Unloads the given imagecon object.""" if imagecon not in self._imagecons: return # recenter if needed self._imagecons.remove(imagecon) self._imagecon_loadorder.remove(imagecon) self._model_imagecons.discard(id(imagecon)) # reparent widget and release it imagecon.setParent(None) imagecon.close() # recenter image, if unloaded the center image if self._center_image is imagecon.image: self.centerImage(self._imagecons[0] if self._imagecons else None, emit=False) # emit signal self._repopulateMenu() self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) if self._imagecons: self.raiseImage(self._imagecons[0]) def getCenterImage(self): return self._center_image def centerImage(self, imagecon, emit=True): self._center_image = imagecon and imagecon.image for ic in self._imagecons: ic.setPlotProjection(self._center_image.projection) if emit: self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) def raiseImage(self, imagecon): # reshuffle image stack, if more than one image image if len(self._imagecons) > 1: busy = BusyIndicator() # reshuffle image stack self._imagecons.remove(imagecon) self._imagecons.insert(0, imagecon) # notify imagecons for i, ic in enumerate(self._imagecons): label = "%d" % (i + 1) if i else "<B>1</B>" ic.setZ(self._z0 - i * 10, top=not i, depthlabel=label, can_raise=True) # adjust visibility for j, ic in enumerate(self._imagecons): ic.setImageVisible(not j or bool(self._qa_plot_all.isChecked())) # issue replot signal self.emit(SIGNAL("imageRaised")) self.fastReplot() # else simply update labels else: self._imagecons[0].setZ(self._z0, top=True, depthlabel=None, can_raise=False) self._imagecons[0].setImageVisible(True) # update slice menus img = imagecon.image axes = imagecon.renderControl().slicedAxes() for i, (next, prev) in enumerate(self._qa_slices): next.setVisible(False) prev.setVisible(False) if i < len(axes): iaxis, name, labels = axes[i] next.setVisible(True) prev.setVisible(True) next.setText("Show next slice along %s axis" % name) prev.setText("Show previous slice along %s axis" % name) # emit signasl self.emit(SIGNAL("imageRaised"), img) def resetDrawKey(self): """Makes and sets the current plot's drawing key""" if self._plot: key = [] for ic in self._imagecons: key.append(id(ic)) key += ic.currentSlice() self._plot.setDrawingKey(tuple(key)) def fastReplot(self, *dum): """Fast replot -- called when flipping images or slices. Uses the plot cache, if possible.""" if self._plot: self.resetDrawKey() dprint(2, "calling replot", time.time() % 60) self._plot.replot() dprint(2, "replot done", time.time() % 60) def replot(self, *dum): """Proper replot -- called when an image needs to be properly redrawn. Cleares the plot's drawing cache.""" if self._plot: self._plot.clearDrawCache() self.resetDrawKey() self._plot.replot() def attachImagesToPlot(self, plot): self._plot = plot self.resetDrawKey() for ic in self._imagecons: ic.attachToPlot(plot) def getMenu(self): return self._menu def _displayAllImages(self, enabled): busy = BusyIndicator() if enabled: for ic in self._imagecons: ic.setImageVisible(True) else: self._imagecons[0].setImageVisible(True) for ic in self._imagecons[1:]: ic.setImageVisible(False) self.replot() def _checkClipboardPath(self, mode=QClipboard.Clipboard): if self._qa_load_clipboard: self._clipboard_mode = mode try: path = str(QApplication.clipboard().text(mode)) except: path = None self._qa_load_clipboard.setEnabled( bool(path and os.path.isfile(path))) def _loadClipboardPath(self): try: path = QApplication.clipboard().text(self._clipboard_mode) except: return self.loadImage(path) def _repopulateMenu(self): self._menu.clear() self._menu.addAction("&Load image...", self.loadImage, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_L) self._menu.addAction("&Compute image...", self.computeImage, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_M) self._qa_load_clipboard = self._menu.addAction( "Load from clipboard &path", self._loadClipboardPath, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_P) self._checkClipboardPath() if self._imagecons: self._menu.addSeparator() # add controls to cycle images and planes for i, imgcon in enumerate(self._imagecons[::-1]): self._menu.addMenu(imgcon.getMenu()) self._menu.addSeparator() if len(self._imagecons) > 1: self._menu.addAction("Cycle images", self.cycleImages, Qt.Key_F5) self._menu.addAction("Blink images", self.blinkImages, Qt.Key_F6) self._qa_slices = ((self._menu.addAction( "Next slice along axis 1", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 0, 1), Qt.Key_F7), self._menu.addAction( "Previous slice along axis 1", self._currier.curry( self.incrementSlice, 0, -1), Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_F7)), (self._menu.addAction( "Next slice along axis 2", self._currier.curry(self.incrementSlice, 1, 1), Qt.Key_F8), self._menu.addAction( "Previous slice along axis 2", self._currier.curry( self.incrementSlice, 1, -1), Qt.SHIFT + Qt.Key_F8))) self._menu.addSeparator() self._menu.addAction(self._qa_plot_top) self._menu.addAction(self._qa_plot_all) def computeImage(self, expression=None): """Computes image from expression (if expression is None, pops up dialog)""" if expression is None: (expression, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Compute image", """Enter an image expression to compute. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all functions from the numpy module are available (including sub-modules such as fft). Use 'a', 'b', 'c' to refer to images. Examples: "(a+b)/2", "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", "fft.fft2(a)", etc.""" ) # (expression,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Compute image","""<P>Enter an expression to compute. # Use 'a', 'b', etc. to refer to loaded images. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all the # functions from the numpy module are available. Examples of valid expressions include "(a+b)/2", # "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", etc. # </P> # """) expression = str(expression) if not ok or not expression: return # try to parse expression arglist = [(chr(ord('a') + ic.getNumber()), ic.image) for ic in self._imagecons] try: exprfunc = eval( "lambda " + (",".join([x[0] for x in arglist])) + ":" + expression, numpy.__dict__, {}) except Exception as exc: self.showErrorMessage("""Error parsing expression "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None # try to evaluate expression self.showMessage("Computing expression \"%s\"" % expression, 10000) busy = BusyIndicator() QApplication.flush() # trim trivial trailing dimensions. This avoids the problem of when an NxMx1 and an NxMx1x1 arrays are added, # the result is promoted to NxMxMx1 following the numpy rules. def trimshape(shape): out = shape while out and out[-1] == 1: out = out[:-1] return out def trimarray(array): return array.reshape(trimshape(array.shape)) try: result = exprfunc(*[trimarray(x[1].data()) for x in arglist]) except Exception as exc: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error evaluating "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None busy = None if type(result) != and type( result) != numpy.ndarray: self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" is of invalid type "%s" (array expected).""" % (expression, type(result).__name__)) return None # convert coomplex results to real if numpy.iscomplexobj(result): self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" is complex. Complex images are currently not fully supported, so we'll implicitly use the absolute value instead.""" % (expression)) expression = "abs(%s)" % expression result = abs(result) # determine which image this expression can be associated with res_shape = trimshape(result.shape) arglist = [ x for x in arglist if hasattr(x[1], 'fits_header') and trimshape(x[1].data().shape) == res_shape ] if not arglist: self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" has shape %s, which does not match any loaded FITS image.""" % (expression, "x".join(map(str, result.shape)))) return None # look for an image in the arglist with the same projection, and with a valid dirname # (for the where-to-save hint) template = arglist[0][1] # if all images in arglist have the same projection, then it doesn't matter what we use # else ask if len( [x for x in arglist[1:] if x[1].projection == template.projection ]) != len(arglist) - 1: options = [x[0] for x in arglist] (which, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Compute image", "Coordinate system to use for the result of \"%s\":" % expression, options, 0, False) if not ok: return None try: template = arglist[options.index(which)][1] except: pass # create a FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "creating FITS image", expression) self.showMessage("""Creating image for %s""" % expression, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(result.transpose(), template.fits_header) skyimage = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(name=expression, filename=None, hdu=hdu) except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error creating FITS image %s: %s""" % (expression, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # get directory name for save-to hint dirname = getattr(template, 'filename', None) if not dirname: dirnames = [ getattr(img, 'filename') for x, img in arglist if hasattr(img, 'filename') ] dirname = dirnames[0] if dirnames else None # create control bar, add to widget stack self._createImageController( skyimage, expression, expression, save=((dirname and os.path.dirname(dirname)) or ".")) self.showMessage("Created new image for %s" % expression, 3000) dprint(2, "image created") def _createImageController(self, image, name, basename, model=False, save=False): dprint(2, "creating ImageController for", name) ic = ImageController(image, self, self, name, save=save) ic.setNumber(len(self._imagecons)) self._imagecons.insert(0, ic) self._imagecon_loadorder.append(ic) if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)) self._lo.addWidget(ic) if self._border_pen: ic.addPlotBorder(self._border_pen, basename, self._label_color, self._label_bg_brush) # attach appropriate signals image.connect(SIGNAL("slice"), self.fastReplot) image.connect(SIGNAL("repaint"), self.replot) image.connect(SIGNAL("raise"), self._currier.curry(self.raiseImage, ic)) image.connect(SIGNAL("unload"), self._currier.curry(self.unloadImage, ic)) image.connect(SIGNAL("center"), self._currier.curry(self.centerImage, ic)) QObject.connect( ic.renderControl(), SIGNAL("displayRangeChanged"), self._currier.curry(self._updateDisplayRange, ic.renderControl())) QObject.connect( ic.renderControl(), SIGNAL("displayRangeLocked"), self._currier.curry(self._lockDisplayRange, ic.renderControl())) self._plot = None # add to menus dprint(2, "repopulating menus") self._repopulateMenu() # center and raise to top of stack self.raiseImage(ic) if not self._center_image: self.centerImage(ic, emit=False) else: ic.setPlotProjection(self._center_image.projection) # signal self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")) return ic
def setup_ui(self): self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('diff.png'))) self.stacks = st = QStackedLayout(self) self.busy = BusyWidget(self) self.w = QWidget(self) st.addWidget(self.busy), st.addWidget(self.w) self.setLayout(st) self.l = l = QGridLayout() self.w.setLayout(l) self.view = v = DiffView(self, show_open_in_editor=self.show_open_in_editor) l.addWidget(v, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) r = l.rowCount() self.bp = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('back.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.view.next_change, -1)) b.setToolTip(_('Go to previous change') + ' [p]') b.setText(_('&Previous change')), b.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 0) = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('forward.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.view.next_change, 1)) b.setToolTip(_('Go to next change') + ' [n]') b.setText(_('&Next change')), b.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 1) = s = HistoryLineEdit2(self) s.initialize('diff_search_history') l.addWidget(s, r, 2) s.setPlaceholderText(_('Search for text')) s.returnPressed.connect(partial(self.do_search, False)) self.sbn = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.do_search, False)) b.setToolTip(_('Find next match')) b.setText(_('Next &match')), b.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 3) self.sbp = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png'))) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.do_search, True)) b.setToolTip(_('Find previous match')) b.setText(_('P&revious match')), b.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) l.addWidget(b, r, 4) = b = QRadioButton(_('Left panel'), self) b.setToolTip(_('Perform search in the left panel')) l.addWidget(b, r, 5) self.rb = b = QRadioButton(_('Right panel'), self) b.setToolTip(_('Perform search in the right panel')) l.addWidget(b, r, 6) b.setChecked(True) self.pb = b = QToolButton(self) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('config.png'))) b.setText(_('&Options')), b.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) b.setToolTip(_('Change how the differences are displayed')) b.setPopupMode(b.InstantPopup) m = QMenu(b) b.setMenu(m) cm = = QMenu(_('Lines of context around each change')) for i in (3, 5, 10, 50): cm.addAction(_('Show %d lines of context') % i, partial(self.change_context, i)) cm.addAction(_('Show all text'), partial(self.change_context, None)) self.beautify_action = m.addAction('', self.toggle_beautify) self.set_beautify_action_text() m.addMenu(cm) l.addWidget(b, r, 7) self.hl = QHBoxLayout() l.addLayout(self.hl, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) self.names = QLabel('') self.hl.addWidget(self.names, r) if self.revert_button_msg is not None: self.rvb = b =, b.setIcon(QIcon(I('edit-undo.png'))), b.setAutoDefault(False) b.clicked.connect(self.revert_requested) b.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.hl.addWidget(, r) self.view.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def makemenu_helper(widget, menu_spec, menu = None): """ Make and return a reusable or one-time-use (at caller's option) popup menu whose structure is specified by menu_spec, which is a list of menu item specifiers, each of which is either None (for a separator) or a tuple of the form (menu text, callable or submenu, option1, option2, ...) with 0 or more options (described below). A submenu can be either another menu_spec list, or a QMenu object (but in the latter case the menu text is ignored -- maybe it comes from that QMenu object somehow -- not sure if this was different in Qt3). In either case it is the 2nd menu-item-tuple element, in place of the callable. Otherwise the callable must satisfy the python 'callable' predicate, and is executed if the menu item is chosen, wrapped inside another function which handles Undo checkpointing and Undo-command-name setting. The options in a menu item tuple can be zero or more (in any order, duplicates allowed) of the following: 'disabled' -- the menu item should be disabled; 'checked' -- the menu item will be checked; None -- this option is legal but ignored (but the callable must still satisfy the python predicate "callable"; constants.noop might be useful for that case). The Qt3 version also supported tuple-options consisting of one of the words 'iconset' and 'whatsThis' followed by an appropriate argument, but those have not yet been ported to Qt4 (except possibly for disabled menu items -- UNTESTED). Unrecognized options may or may not generate warnings, and are otherwise ignored. [###FIX that -- they always ought to print a warning to developers. Note that right now they do iff 'disabled' is one of the options and ATOM_DEBUG is set.] The 'widget' argument should be the Qt widget which is using this function to put up a menu. If the menu argument is provided, it should be a QMenu to which we'll add items; otherwise we create our own QMenu and add items to it. """ from utilities.debug import print_compact_traceback import types if menu is None: menu = QMenu(widget) ## #bruce 070514 removed to fix a cosmetic and performance bug # (on Mac, possibly on other platforms too; probably unreported) # in which the debug menu first appears in screen center, slowly grows # to full size while remaining blank, then moves to its final position # and looks normal (causing a visual glitch, and a 2-3 second delay # in being able to use it). May fix similar issues with other menus. # If this causes harm for some menus or platforms, we can adapt it. # bruce 040909-16 moved this method from basicMode to GLPane, # leaving a delegator for it in basicMode. # (bruce was not the original author, but modified it) #menu = QMenu( widget) for m in menu_spec: try: #bruce 050416 added try/except as debug code and for safety menutext = m and widget.trUtf8(m[0]) if m and isinstance(m[1], QMenu): #bruce 041010 added this case submenu = m[1] #menu.insertItem( menutext, submenu ) menu.addMenu(submenu) # how do I get menutext in there? # (similar code might work for QAction case too, not sure) elif m and isinstance(m[1], types.ListType): #bruce 041103 added this case submenu = QMenu(menutext, menu) submenu = makemenu_helper(widget, m[1], submenu) # [this used to call widget.makemenu] menu.addMenu(submenu) elif m: assert callable(m[1]), \ "%r[1] needs to be a callable" % (m,) #bruce 041103 # transform m[1] into a new callable that makes undo checkpoints and provides an undo command-name # [bruce 060324 for possible bugs in undo noticing cmenu items, and for the cmdnames] func = wrap_callable_for_undo(m[1], cmdname = m[0]) # guess about cmdname, but it might be reasonable for A7 as long as we ensure weird characters won't confuse it import foundation.changes as changes changes.keep_forever(func) # THIS IS BAD (memory leak), but it's not a severe one, so ok for A7 [bruce 060324] # (note: the hard part about removing these when we no longer need them is knowing when to do that # if the user ends up not selecting anything from the menu. Also, some callers make these # menus for reuse multiple times, and for them we never want to deallocate func even when some # menu command gets used. We could solve both of these by making the caller pass a place to keep these # which it would deallocate someday or which would ensure only one per distinct kind of menu is kept. #e) if 'disabled' not in m[2:]: act = QAction(widget) act.setText( menutext) if 'checked' in m[2:]: act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(True) menu.addAction(act) widget.connect(act, SIGNAL("activated()"), func) else: # disabled case # [why is this case done differently, in this Qt4 port?? -- bruce 070522 question] insert_command_into_menu(menu, menutext, func, options = m[2:], raw_command = True) else: menu.addSeparator() #bruce 070522 bugfix -- before this, separators were placed lower down or dropped # so as not to come before disabled items, for unknown reasons. # (Speculation: maybe because insertSeparator was used, since addSeparator didn't work or wasn't noticed, # and since disabled item were added by an older function (also for unknown reasons)?) pass except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit): raise print_compact_traceback("exception in makemenu_helper ignored, for %r:\n" % (m,) ) #bruce 070522 restored this (was skipped in Qt4 port) pass #e could add a fake menu item here as an error message