def urls_equivalent(leftUrl, rightUrl): """ Lazy method to determine whether two QUrls are equivalent. At the moment it assumes that if ports are unset that they are port 80 - in absence of a URL normalization function in QUrl or ability to use qHash from QT 4.7 """ return leftUrl.port(80) == rightUrl.port(80) and \ leftUrl.toString(QUrl.FormattingOption(QUrl.RemovePort)) == rightUrl.toString(QUrl.FormattingOption(QUrl.RemovePort))
def _process_reply(self, reply): try: request, handler, xml = self._active_requests.pop(reply) except KeyError: self.log.error("Error: Request not found for %s" % str(reply.request().url().toString())) return error = int(reply.error()) redirect = reply.attribute( QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl() self.log.debug( "Received reply for %s: HTTP %d (%s)", reply.request().url().toString(), reply.attribute( QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt()[0], reply.attribute(QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute ).toString()) if handler is not None: if error: self.log.error( "Network request error for %s: %s (QT code %d, HTTP code %d)", reply.request().url().toString(), reply.errorString(), error, reply.attribute(QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest. HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt()[0]) # Redirect if found and not infinite if not redirect.isEmpty() and not XmlWebService.urls_equivalent( redirect, reply.request().url()): self.log.debug("Redirect to %s requested", redirect.toString()) self.get( str(, redirect.port(80), # retain path, query string and anchors from redirect URL redirect.toString( QUrl.FormattingOption(QUrl.RemoveAuthority | QUrl.RemoveScheme)), handler, xml, priority=True, important=True) elif xml: xml_handler = XmlHandler() xml_handler.init() xml_reader = QtXml.QXmlSimpleReader() xml_reader.setContentHandler(xml_handler) xml_input = QtXml.QXmlInputSource(reply) xml_reader.parse(xml_input) handler(xml_handler.document, reply, error) else: handler(str(reply.readAll()), reply, error) reply.close()