def __init__(self, fetcher): self.fetcher = fetcher self.connect(self.fetcher, SIGNAL("want_update"), self.requestData) self.fragment = fetcher.fragment self.cumulative_mode = False self.interval = Interval('daily') self.reset_start = False self.saved_start = 0 self.is_closed = False self.uuid = QUuid.createUuid().toString() # ugl, ugl, ugl, it's ugly yeah \o/ # print type(self.parent().window) if hasattr(self.parent().window, 'current_page'): self.current_page = self.parent().window.current_page else: self.current_page = None self.user_settings = None # XXX this is ugly # TODO kill the crap who has written this. top_window = self.parent() while top_window: try: self.user_settings = top_window.user_settings except AttributeError: top_window = top_window.parent() else: break self.title = QLabel() self.title.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) self.title.setStyleSheet('font: bold 13px')
def createSqlLayer( self, sqlQuery, layerName = '' ): isVectorLayer, fieldName = self.findGeomColumns(sqlQuery) print 'I:geom columns=', fieldName.toLatin1().data(), ' isVectorLayer=', isVectorLayer if fieldName.isEmpty(): print 'cannot find column with type geometry' return if len(layerName) == 0: layerName = 'query ' + QUuid.createUuid().toString() else: layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName(layerName) print 'test layer count:', len(layers) if len(layers) > 0: QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer( layers[0].id() ); if isVectorLayer == True: uri = QgsDataSourceURI() uri.setConnection(, self.port, self.dbname, self.user, self.passw) uri.setDataSource("", self.appendIdColumn(sqlQuery, fieldName), fieldName, "", "id") #qgis.core.QgsDataSourceURI.setDataSource?4(QString, QString, QString, QString aSql=QString(), QString aKeyColumn=QString()) layer = QgsVectorLayer( uri.uri(), layerName, "postgres" ) else: viewName = self.generateView(sqlQuery) connString = "PG: dbname=%s host=%s user=%s password=%s port=%s schema=%s table=%s" % ( self.dbname,, self.user, self.passw, self.port, self.schemaName, viewName ) print 'I:connString=', connString layer = QgsRasterLayer( connString, layerName ) if not layer.isValid() : print "Failed to load" return QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer( layer )
def connectToDb( self ): self.uidConnection = self.uidConnection + QUuid.createUuid().toString() d = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase( "QPSQL", self.uidConnection) d.setHostName( ) d.setPort( int( self.port ) ) d.setDatabaseName( self.dbname ) d.setUserName( self.user ) d.setPassword( self.passw ) if not showError(None, 'error', 'error connect DB: host:' + + ' dbname:' + self.dbname + ' user:'******' passw=' + self.passw ) self.createScheme()
def _createNewActivity(id=None, otherActivity=None): # Connect to the protocol signal self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("created( bool, int, QString )"), _createNewActivityFinished) # Create a new Uuid if id is not None: uid = QPlainUuid(id) else: uid = QPlainUuid(QUuid.createUuid()) tagGroups = list(TagGroup() for i in range(len(groups))) # attrs is a dictionary: key = field index, value = QgsFeatureAttribute # show all attributes and their values self.log("Attribute list:") for (k, attr) in attrs.iteritems(): if k is not identifierColumnIndex: self.log("%s: %s" % (fieldIndexMap[k], attr.toString())) # First search the correct taggroup to append attributeName = provider.fields()[k].name() currentTagGroup = 0 for g in groups: if attributeName in g: break else: currentTagGroup += 1 if attr is not None and attr.toString() != '': tag = Tag(key=fieldIndexMap[k], value=attr.toString()) tagGroups[currentTagGroup].addTag(tag) if tagGroups[currentTagGroup].mainTag() is None: tagGroups[currentTagGroup].setMainTag(tag) a = Activity(id=uid) a.setGeometry(feature.geometry()) for tg in tagGroups: if len(tg.tags) > 0: a.addTagGroup(tg) wrapperObj = {} wrapperObj['activities'] = [a.createDiff(otherActivity)] self.activityProtocol.add(json.dumps(wrapperObj, sort_keys=True, indent=4 * ' '))
def __openDatabase(self, dbPath): """ :type dbPath: str :return: """ qDebug("\n(VFK) Open DB: {}".format(dbPath)) if not QSqlDatabase.isDriverAvailable('QSQLITE'): raise VFKError(u'Databázový ovladač QSQLITE není dostupný.') connectionName = QUuid.createUuid().toString() db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", connectionName) db.setDatabaseName(dbPath) if not raise VFKError(u'Nepodařilo se otevřít databázi. ') self.setProperty("connectionName", connectionName)
allAttrs = provider.attributeIndexes() # start data retreival: fetch geometry and all attributes for each feature[fieldIndex]) caps = provider.capabilities() # retreive every feature with its geometry and attributes while provider.nextFeature(feat): # fetch map of attributes attrs = feat.attributeMap() # attrs is a dictionary: key = field index, value = QgsFeatureAttribute # show all attributes and their values for (k, attr) in attrs.iteritems(): if k == fieldIndex: #if attr.toString() == "": if caps & QgsVectorDataProvider.ChangeAttributeValues: identifier = QUuid().createUuid().toString() # Remove the unwanted brackets identifier.remove(QChar('{'), Qt.CaseInsensitive) identifier.remove(QChar('}'), Qt.CaseInsensitive) print "Newly create UUID: %s" % identifier attrs = { fieldIndex : QVariant(identifier)} success = provider.changeAttributeValues({ : attrs }) #print success QgsApplication.exitQgis()
def __init__(self, string): QUuid.__init__(self, string)
def _open_database(self, dbPath): """Opens a database. Checks if there are geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables in the database, if not it creates and fills those tables. Checks if there are all PU columns in PAR table, if it it creates and fills those columns. Args: dbPath (str): A full path to the database. Raises: dw.puError: When SQLITE database driver is not available or when database connection fails. """ if not QSqlDatabase.isDriverAvailable('QSQLITE'): raise self.dW.puError( self.dW, self, u'SQLITE database driver is not available.', u'Databázový ovladač QSQLITE není dostupný.', u'Databázový ovladač QSQLITE není dostupný.') connectionName = QUuid.createUuid().toString() db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE', connectionName) db.setDatabaseName(dbPath) if not raise self.dW.puError(self.dW, self, u'Database connection failed.', u'Nepodařilo se připojit k databázi.', u'Nepodařilo se připojit k databázi.') self.set_text_statusbar.emit(u'Kontroluji tabulky a sloupce...', 0, False) QgsApplication.processEvents() sqlQuery = QSqlQuery(db) sqlDir = QDir(self.pluginDir.path() + u'/data/sql') query = self._read_text_from_file(sqlDir.filePath(u'check_gc_srs.sql')) sqlQuery.exec_(query) QgsApplication.processEvents() checkGcSrsSize = 0 while checkGcSrsSize += 1 if checkGcSrsSize < 2: queries = self._read_text_from_file( sqlDir.filePath(u'create_fill_gc_srs.sql')).split(';') for query in queries: sqlQuery.exec_(query) QgsApplication.processEvents() query = self._read_text_from_file( sqlDir.filePath(u'check_pu_columns_PAR.sql')) sqlQuery.exec_(query) QgsApplication.processEvents() columns = [] while record = sqlQuery.record() name = str(record.value('name')) columns.append(name) if not all(column in columns for column in self.dW.allPuColumns): queries = self._read_text_from_file( sqlDir.filePath(u'add_pu_columns_PAR.sql')).split(';') for query in queries: sqlQuery.exec_(query) QgsApplication.processEvents() queries = self._read_text_from_file( sqlDir.filePath(u'create_sobr_spol.sql')).split(';') for query in queries: sqlQuery.exec_(query) db.close()