def __init__(self, vm): super(VmTemplateItem, self).__init__() self.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.vm = vm if vm.template is not None: self.setText( else: font = QFont() font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) self.setFont(font) self.setTextColor(QColor("gray")) if vm.is_appvm(): # and vm.template is None self.setText("StandaloneVM") elif vm.is_template(): self.setText("TemplateVM") elif vm.qid == 0: self.setText("AdminVM") elif vm.is_netvm(): self.setText("NetVM") else: self.setText("---") self.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter)
def update_items(self): self.item = QGraphicsRectItem( 0, 0, self.width, self.row_h * self.coeff_h) seq_width = 0 nopen = QPen(Qt.NoPen) self.item.setPen(nopen) font = QFont(self.ftype, self.fsize) if self.fstyle == "italic": font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) elif self.fstyle == "oblique": font.setStyle(QFont.StyleOblique) rect_cls = QGraphicsRectItem for i, val in enumerate(self.liste): width = self.col_w height = self.row_h * len(str(val)) + 1 rectitem = rect_cls(0, 0, width, height, parent=self.item) rectitem.setX(seq_width) # to give correct X to children item rectitem.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(self.bgcolor))) rectitem.setPen(nopen) # write letter if enough space in height if height >= self.fsize: text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(str(val), parent=rectitem) text.setFont(font) text.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(self.fgcolor))) # Center text according to rectitem size # txtw = text.boundingRect().width() txth = text.boundingRect().height() text.setRotation(self.rot) text.setX(txth) seq_width += width self.width = seq_width
def __init__(self, vm): super(VmTemplateItem, self).__init__() self.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable|Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.vm = vm if vm.template is not None: self.setText( else: font = QFont() font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) self.setFont(font) self.setTextColor(QColor("gray")) if vm.is_appvm(): # and vm.template is None self.setText("StandaloneVM") elif vm.is_template(): self.setText("TemplateVM") elif vm.qid == 0: self.setText("AdminVM") elif vm.is_netvm(): self.setText("NetVM") else: self.setText("---") self.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter)
def popup_activer_module(self): u"""Affiche un menu permettant d'activer des modules.""" menu = PopUpMenu(u"Module à activer", self, 'crayon') deja_charges = [onglet.__module__.split('.')[-1] for onglet in self] exercices = None for nom in param.modules: if nom not in deja_charges: titre = param.descriptions_modules[nom]['titre'] if titre.startswith('Exercices - '): if exercices is None: exercices = menu.addMenu(u'Exercices') action = exercices.addAction(titre[12:]) else: action = menu.addAction(titre) action.triggered.connect(partial(self.activer_module, nom, selectionner=True)) menu.addSeparator() print png_pth('reload') action = menu.addAction(QIcon(png_pth('reload')), u"Restaurer la session précédente") action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True) action.triggered.connect(self.ChargerSessionPrecedente) font = QFont() ##font.setBold(True) font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) action.setFont(font) menu.exec_(self.newTabButton.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, self.newTabButton.height())))
def get_font(self, key): font = QFont() try: font = QFont(self.get(key + "_family"), int(self.get(key + '_size'))) font.setStyle(int(self.get(key + '_style'))) except Exception as inst: print inst return font
def __init__(self, title, parent, icon=None): QMenu.__init__(self, title, parent) if icon is None: title = u'\u2022 ' + title self._title = self.addAction(title) else: if isinstance(icon, basestring): ##icon = QIcon(png(icon)) icon = QIcon(png_pth(icon)) self._title = self.addAction(icon, title) self._title.setEnabled(False) self._title.setIconVisibleInMenu(True) font = QFont() font.setBold(True) font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) self._title.setFont(font) self.addSeparator()
def QFont_from_Font(font): """ Convert the given Enaml Font into a QFont. Parameters ---------- font : Font The Enaml Font object. Returns ------- result : QFont The QFont instance for the given Enaml font. """ qfont = QFont(, font.pointsize, font.weight) qfont.setStyle( qfont.setCapitalization(font.caps) return qfont
def trinomial_face(binom, spp, ftype="Verdana", fsize=10, fgcolor="black", fstyle="normal", bold=False): """ Stolen from: """ font = QFont(ftype, fsize) font.setBold(bold) if fstyle == "italic": font.setStyle(QFont.StyleItalic) elif fstyle == "oblique": font.setStyle(QFont.StyleOblique) text = QGraphicsTextItem() text.setFont(font) if spp is None: text.setHtml("<i>{}</i>".format(binom)) else: text.setHtml("<i>{}</i> {}".format(binom, spp)) rect = QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, text.boundingRect().width(), text.boundingRect().height() - 10) text.setParentItem(rect) center = rect.boundingRect().center() text.setPos(rect.boundingRect().x(), center.y() - text.boundingRect().height() / 2) # no border rect.setPen(QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen)) return ete3.faces.StaticItemFace(rect)
class NumberBar(QWidget): '''class that deifnes textEditor numberBar''' def __init__(self, editor): QWidget.__init__(self, editor) self.editor = editor self.editor.blockCountChanged.connect(self.updateWidth) self.editor.updateRequest.connect(self.updateContents) self.font = QFont() self.numberBarColor = QColor("#e8e8e8") def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self.numberBarColor) block = self.editor.firstVisibleBlock() # Iterate over all visible text blocks in the document. while block.isValid(): blockNumber = block.blockNumber() block_top = self.editor.blockBoundingGeometry( block).translated(self.editor.contentOffset()).top() # Check if the position of the block is out side of the visible area. if not block.isVisible() or block_top >= event.rect().bottom(): break # We want the line number for the selected line to be bold. if blockNumber == self.editor.textCursor().blockNumber(): self.font.setBold(True) painter.setPen(QColor("#000000")) else: self.font.setBold(False) painter.setPen(QColor("#717171")) painter.setFont(self.font) # Draw the line number right justified at the position of the line. paint_rect = QRect(0, block_top, self.width(), self.editor.fontMetrics().height()) painter.drawText(paint_rect, Qt.AlignRight, str(blockNumber + 1)) block = painter.end() QWidget.paintEvent(self, event) def getWidth(self): count = self.editor.blockCount() width = self.fontMetrics().width(str(count)) + 10 return width def updateWidth(self): width = self.getWidth() if self.width() != width: self.setFixedWidth(width) self.editor.setViewportMargins(width, 0, 0, 0) def updateContents(self, rect, scroll): if scroll: self.scroll(0, scroll) else: self.update(0, rect.y(), self.width(), rect.height()) if rect.contains(self.editor.viewport().rect()): fontSize = self.editor.currentCharFormat().font().pointSize() self.font.setPointSize(fontSize) self.font.setStyle(QFont.StyleNormal) self.updateWidth()