def load_menu(self): self.store_list_menu.clear() icon = QIcon() icon.addFile(I('donate.png'), QSize(16, 16)) for n, p in sorted(self.gui.istores.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower()): if p.base_plugin.affiliate: self.store_list_menu.addAction(icon, n, partial(self.open_store, n)) else: self.store_list_menu.addAction(n, partial(self.open_store, n))
def __init__(self, window, parent=None): ''' @param: window BrowserWindow @param: parent QWidget ''' super().__init__(parent) self._ui = uic.loadUi('mc/other/BrowsingLibrary.ui', self) self._historyManager = HistoryManager(window) # HistoryManager self._bookmarksManager = BookmarksManager(window) # BookmarksManager settings = Settings() settings.beginGroup('BrowsingLibrary') self.resize(settings.value('size', QSize(760, 470))) self._historyManager.restoreState( settings.value('historyState', QByteArray())) settings.endGroup() gVar.appTools.centerWidgetOnScreen(self) historyIcon = QIcon() historyIcon.addFile(':/icons/other/bighistory.svg', QSize(), QIcon.Normal) historyIcon.addFile(':/icons/other/bighistory-selected.svg', QSize(), QIcon.Selected) bookmarksIcon = QIcon() bookmarksIcon.addFile(':/icons/other/bigstar.svg', QSize(), QIcon.Normal) bookmarksIcon.addFile(':/icons/other/bigstar-selected.svg', QSize(), QIcon.Selected) self._ui.tabs.AddTab(self._historyManager, historyIcon, _('History')) self._ui.tabs.AddTab(self._bookmarksManager, bookmarksIcon, _('Bookmarks')) self._ui.tabs.SetMode(FancyTabWidget.Mode_LargeSidebar) self._ui.tabs.setFocus() m = QMenu() m.addAction(_('Import Bookmarks...'), self._importBookmarks) m.addAction(_('Export Bookmarks...'), self._exportBookmarks) self._ui.importExport.setMenu(m) self._ui.tabs.CurrentChanged.connect(self._ui.searchLine.clear) self._ui.searchLine.textChanged.connect(self._search) gVar.appTools.setWmClass('Browsing Library', self)
class Matches(QAbstractItemModel): HEADERS = [ _('Enabled'), _('Name'), _('No DRM'), _('Headquarters'), _('Affiliate'), _('Formats') ] HTML_COLS = [1] def __init__(self, plugins): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) self.NO_DRM_ICON = QIcon(I('ok.png')) self.DONATE_ICON = QIcon() self.DONATE_ICON.addFile(I('donate.png'), QSize(16, 16)) self.all_matches = plugins self.matches = plugins self.filter = '' self.search_filter = SearchFilter(self.all_matches) self.sort_col = 1 self.sort_order = Qt.AscendingOrder def get_plugin(self, index): row = index.row() if row < len(self.matches): return self.matches[row] else: return None def search(self, filter): self.filter = filter.strip() if not self.filter: self.matches = self.all_matches else: try: self.matches = list(self.search_filter.parse(self.filter)) except: self.matches = self.all_matches self.layoutChanged.emit() self.sort(self.sort_col, self.sort_order) def enable_all(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): index = self.createIndex(i, 0) data = (True) self.setData(index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def enable_none(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): index = self.createIndex(i, 0) data = (False) self.setData(index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def enable_invert(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): self.toggle_plugin(self.createIndex(i, 0)) def toggle_plugin(self, index): new_index = self.createIndex(index.row(), 0) data = (is_disabled(self.get_plugin(index))) self.setData(new_index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()): return self.createIndex(row, column) def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid() or index.internalId() == 0: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(0, 0) def rowCount(self, *args): return len(self.matches) def columnCount(self, *args): return len(self.HEADERS) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None text = '' if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section < len(self.HEADERS): text = self.HEADERS[section] return (text) else: return (section + 1) def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() result = self.matches[row] if role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole): if col == 1: return ('<b>%s</b><br><i>%s</i>' % (, result.description)) elif col == 3: return (result.headquarters) elif col == 5: return (', '.join(result.formats).upper()) elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if col == 2: if result.drm_free_only: return (self.NO_DRM_ICON) if col == 4: if result.affiliate: return (self.DONATE_ICON) elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if col == 0: if is_disabled(result): return Qt.Unchecked return Qt.Checked elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if col == 0: if is_disabled(result): return ('<p>' + _( 'This store is currently disabled and cannot be used in other parts of calibre.' ) + '</p>') else: return ('<p>' + _( 'This store is currently enabled and can be used in other parts of calibre.' ) + '</p>') elif col == 1: return ('<p>%s</p>' % result.description) elif col == 2: if result.drm_free_only: return ( '<p>' + _('This store only distributes e-books without DRM.') + '</p>') else: return ('<p>' + _( 'This store distributes e-books with DRM. It may have some titles without DRM, but you will need to check on a per title basis.' ) + '</p>') # noqa elif col == 3: return ('<p>' + _( 'This store is headquartered in %s. This is a good indication of what market the store caters to. However, this does not necessarily mean that the store is limited to that market only.' ) % result.headquarters + '</p>') # noqa elif col == 4: if result.affiliate: return ('<p>' + _( 'Buying from this store supports the calibre developer: %s.' ) % + '</p>') elif col == 5: return ('<p>' + _( 'This store distributes e-books in the following formats: %s' ) % ', '.join(result.formats) + '</p>') return None def setData(self, index, data, role): if not index.isValid(): return False col = index.column() if col == 0: if bool(data): enable_plugin(self.get_plugin(index)) else: disable_plugin(self.get_plugin(index)) self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(index.row(), 0), self.index(index.row(), self.columnCount() - 1)) return True def flags(self, index): if index.column() == 0: return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) def data_as_text(self, match, col): text = '' if col == 0: text = 'b' if is_disabled(match) else 'a' elif col == 1: text = elif col == 2: text = 'a' if getattr(match, 'drm_free_only', True) else 'b' elif col == 3: text = getattr(match, 'headquarters', '') elif col == 4: text = 'a' if getattr(match, 'affiliate', False) else 'b' return text def sort(self, col, order, reset=True): self.sort_col = col self.sort_order = order if not self.matches: return descending = order == Qt.DescendingOrder self.matches.sort( None, lambda x: sort_key(unicode(self.data_as_text(x, col))), descending) if reset: self.beginResetModel(), self.endResetModel()
class Matches(QAbstractItemModel): HEADERS = [_('Enabled'), _('Name'), _('No DRM'), _('Headquarters'), _('Affiliate'), _('Formats')] HTML_COLS = [1] def __init__(self, plugins): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) self.NO_DRM_ICON = QIcon(I('ok.png')) self.DONATE_ICON = QIcon() self.DONATE_ICON.addFile(I('donate.png'), QSize(16, 16)) self.all_matches = plugins self.matches = plugins self.filter = '' self.search_filter = SearchFilter(self.all_matches) self.sort_col = 1 self.sort_order = Qt.AscendingOrder def get_plugin(self, index): row = index.row() if row < len(self.matches): return self.matches[row] else: return None def search(self, filter): self.filter = filter.strip() if not self.filter: self.matches = self.all_matches else: try: self.matches = list(self.search_filter.parse(self.filter)) except: self.matches = self.all_matches self.layoutChanged.emit() self.sort(self.sort_col, self.sort_order) def enable_all(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): index = self.createIndex(i, 0) data = (True) self.setData(index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def enable_none(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): index = self.createIndex(i, 0) data = (False) self.setData(index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def enable_invert(self): for i in xrange(len(self.matches)): self.toggle_plugin(self.createIndex(i, 0)) def toggle_plugin(self, index): new_index = self.createIndex(index.row(), 0) data = (is_disabled(self.get_plugin(index))) self.setData(new_index, data, Qt.CheckStateRole) def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()): return self.createIndex(row, column) def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid() or index.internalId() == 0: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(0, 0) def rowCount(self, *args): return len(self.matches) def columnCount(self, *args): return len(self.HEADERS) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None text = '' if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section < len(self.HEADERS): text = self.HEADERS[section] return (text) else: return (section+1) def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() result = self.matches[row] if role in (Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole): if col == 1: return ('<b>%s</b><br><i>%s</i>' % (, result.description)) elif col == 3: return (result.headquarters) elif col == 5: return (', '.join(result.formats).upper()) elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if col == 2: if result.drm_free_only: return (self.NO_DRM_ICON) if col == 4: if result.affiliate: return (self.DONATE_ICON) elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole: if col == 0: if is_disabled(result): return Qt.Unchecked return Qt.Checked elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if col == 0: if is_disabled(result): return ('<p>' + _('This store is currently disabled and cannot be used in other parts of calibre.') + '</p>') else: return ('<p>' + _('This store is currently enabled and can be used in other parts of calibre.') + '</p>') elif col == 1: return ('<p>%s</p>' % result.description) elif col == 2: if result.drm_free_only: return ('<p>' + _('This store only distributes e-books without DRM.') + '</p>') else: return ('<p>' + _('This store distributes e-books with DRM. It may have some titles without DRM, but you will need to check on a per title basis.') + '</p>') # noqa elif col == 3: return ('<p>' + _('This store is headquartered in %s. This is a good indication of what market the store caters to. However, this does not necessarily mean that the store is limited to that market only.') % result.headquarters + '</p>') # noqa elif col == 4: if result.affiliate: return ('<p>' + _('Buying from this store supports the calibre developer: %s.') % + '</p>') elif col == 5: return ('<p>' + _('This store distributes e-books in the following formats: %s') % ', '.join(result.formats) + '</p>') return None def setData(self, index, data, role): if not index.isValid(): return False col = index.column() if col == 0: if bool(data): enable_plugin(self.get_plugin(index)) else: disable_plugin(self.get_plugin(index)) self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(index.row(), 0), self.index(index.row(), self.columnCount() - 1)) return True def flags(self, index): if index.column() == 0: return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable return QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) def data_as_text(self, match, col): text = '' if col == 0: text = 'b' if is_disabled(match) else 'a' elif col == 1: text = elif col == 2: text = 'a' if getattr(match, 'drm_free_only', True) else 'b' elif col == 3: text = getattr(match, 'headquarters', '') elif col == 4: text = 'a' if getattr(match, 'affiliate', False) else 'b' return text def sort(self, col, order, reset=True): self.sort_col = col self.sort_order = order if not self.matches: return descending = order == Qt.DescendingOrder self.matches.sort(None, lambda x: sort_key(unicode(self.data_as_text(x, col))), descending) if reset: self.beginResetModel(), self.endResetModel()