예제 #1
class EricSchemeReply(QIODevice):
    Class implementing a reply for a requested eric: page.
    @signal closed emitted to signal that the web engine has read
        the data
    closed = pyqtSignal()

    _speedDialPage = ""

    def __init__(self, job, parent=None):
        @param job reference to the URL request
        @type QWebEngineUrlRequestJob
        @param parent reference to the parent object
        @type QObject
        super(EricSchemeReply, self).__init__(parent)

        self.__loaded = False
        self.__job = job
        self.__mutex = QMutex()

        self.__pageName = self.__job.requestUrl().path()
        self.__buffer = QBuffer()


    def __loadPage(self):
        Private method to load the requested page.
        if self.__loaded:

        lock = QMutexLocker(self.__mutex)

        if self.__pageName == "adblock":
            contents = self.__adBlockPage()
        elif self.__pageName in ["home", "start", "startpage"]:
            contents = self.__startPage()
        elif self.__pageName == "speeddial":
            contents = self.__speedDialPage()
            contents = ""



        self.__loaded = True

    def bytesAvailable(self):
        Public method to get the number of available bytes.
        @return number of available bytes
        @rtype int
        lock = QMutexLocker(self.__mutex)  # __IGNORE_WARNING__
        return self.__buffer.bytesAvailable()

    def readData(self, maxlen):
        Public method to retrieve data from the reply object.
        @param maxlen maximum number of bytes to read (integer)
        @return string containing the data (bytes)
        lock = QMutexLocker(self.__mutex)  # __IGNORE_WARNING__
        return self.__buffer.read(maxlen)

    def close(self):
        Public method used to cloase the reply.
        super(EricSchemeReply, self).close()

    def __adBlockPage(self):
        Private method to build the AdBlock page.
        @return built AdBlock page
        @rtype str
        query = QUrlQuery(self.__job.requestUrl())
        rule = query.queryItemValue("rule")
        subscription = query.queryItemValue("subscription")
        title = self.tr("Content blocked by AdBlock Plus")
        message = self.tr("Blocked by rule: <i>{0} ({1})</i>").format(
            rule, subscription)

        page = readAllFileContents(":/html/adblockPage.html")
        page = page.replace("@FAVICON@", "qrc:icons/adBlockPlus16.png")
        page = page.replace("@IMAGE@", "qrc:icons/adBlockPlus64.png")
        page = page.replace("@TITLE@", title)
        page = page.replace("@MESSAGE@", message)

        return page

    def __startPage(self):
        Private method to build the Start page.
        @return built Start page
        @rtype str
        page = readAllFileContents(":/html/startPage.html")
        page = page.replace("@FAVICON@", "qrc:icons/ericWeb16.png")
        page = page.replace("@IMAGE@", "qrc:icons/ericWeb32.png")
        page = page.replace("@TITLE@",
                            self.tr("Welcome to eric6 Web Browser!"))
        page = page.replace("@ERIC_LINK@", self.tr("About eric6"))
        page = page.replace("@HEADER_TITLE@", self.tr("eric6 Web Browser"))
        page = page.replace("@SUBMIT@", self.tr("Search!"))
        if qApp.isLeftToRight():
            ltr = "LTR"
            ltr = "RTL"
        page = page.replace("@QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION@", ltr)

        return page

    def __speedDialPage(self):
        Private method to create the Speeddial page.
        @return prepared speeddial page (QByteArray)
        if not self._speedDialPage:
            page = readAllFileContents(":/html/speeddialPage.html")
            page = page.replace("@FAVICON@", "qrc:icons/ericWeb16.png")
            page = page.replace("@IMG_PLUS@", "qrc:icons/plus.png")
            page = page.replace("@IMG_CLOSE@", "qrc:icons/close.png")
            page = page.replace("@IMG_EDIT@", "qrc:icons/edit.png")
            page = page.replace("@IMG_RELOAD@", "qrc:icons/reload.png")
            page = page.replace("@IMG_SETTINGS@", "qrc:icons/setting.png")
            page = page.replace("@LOADING-IMG@", "qrc:icons/loading.gif")
            page = page.replace("@BOX-BORDER@",

            page = page.replace("@JQUERY@", "qrc:javascript/jquery.js")
            page = page.replace("@JQUERY-UI@", "qrc:javascript/jquery-ui.js")

            page = page.replace("@SITE-TITLE@", self.tr("Speed Dial"))
            page = page.replace("@URL@", self.tr("URL"))
            page = page.replace("@TITLE@", self.tr("Title"))
            page = page.replace("@APPLY@", self.tr("Apply"))
            page = page.replace("@CLOSE@", self.tr("Close"))
            page = page.replace("@NEW-PAGE@", self.tr("New Page"))
            page = page.replace("@TITLE-EDIT@", self.tr("Edit"))
            page = page.replace("@TITLE-REMOVE@", self.tr("Remove"))
            page = page.replace("@TITLE-RELOAD@", self.tr("Reload"))
            page = page.replace(
                self.tr("Are you sure to remove this"
                        " speed dial?"))
            page = page.replace(
                self.tr("Are you sure you want to reload"
                        " all speed dials?"))
            page = page.replace("@TITLE-FETCHTITLE@",
                                self.tr("Load title from page"))
            page = page.replace("@SETTINGS-TITLE@",
                                self.tr("Speed Dial Settings"))
            page = page.replace("@ADD-TITLE@", self.tr("Add New Page"))
            page = page.replace("@TXT_NRROWS@",
                                self.tr("Maximum pages in a row:"))
            page = page.replace("@TXT_SDSIZE@",
                                self.tr("Change size of pages:"))
            page = page.replace(
                self.tr("SpeedDial requires enabled"
                        " JavaScript."))

            self._speedDialPage = page

        from WebBrowser.WebBrowserWindow import WebBrowserWindow
        dial = WebBrowserWindow.speedDial()
        page = (self._speedDialPage.replace(
            "@INITIAL-SCRIPT@", dial.initialScript()).replace(

        return page
예제 #2
class HelpSchemeReply(QIODevice):
    Class implementing a reply for a requested qthelp: page.

    @signal closed emitted to signal that the web engine has read
        the data

    see: https://fossies.org/linux/eric6/eric/WebBrowser/Network/QtHelpSchemeHandler.py
    All credits for this class go to:
    Detlev Offenbach, the developer of The Eric Python IDE(https://eric-ide.python-projects.org)

    closed = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, job, engine, parent=None):

        @param job reference to the URL request
        @type QWebEngineUrlRequestJob
        @param engine reference to the help engine
        @type QHelpEngine
        @param parent reference to the parent object
        @type QObject
        super(HelpSchemeReply, self).__init__(parent)

        url = job.requestUrl()
        strUrl = url.toString()

        self.__buffer = QBuffer()

        # For some reason the url to load maybe wrong (passed from web engine)
        # though the css file and the references inside should work that way.
        # One possible problem might be that the css is loaded at the same
        # level as the html, thus a path inside the css like
        # (../images/foo.png) might cd out of the virtual folder
        if not engine.findFile(url).isValid():
            if strUrl.startswith(QtHelp_DOCROOT):
                newUrl = job.requestUrl()
                if not newUrl.path().startswith("/qdoc/"):
                    newUrl.setPath("/qdoc" + newUrl.path())
                    url = newUrl
                    strUrl = url.toString()

        self.__mimeType = mimetypes.guess_type(strUrl)[0]
        if self.__mimeType is None:
            # do our own (limited) guessing
            self.__mimeType = self.__mimeFromUrl(url)

        if engine.findFile(url).isValid():
            data = engine.fileData(url)
            data = QByteArray(self.tr(
                """<head><title>Error 404...</title></head>"""
                """<body><div align="center"><br><br>"""
                """<h1>The page could not be found</h1><br>"""


    def bytesAvailable(self):
        Public method to get the number of available bytes.

        @return number of available bytes
        @rtype int
        return self.__buffer.bytesAvailable()

    def readData(self, maxlen):
        Public method to retrieve data from the reply object.

        @param maxlen maximum number of bytes to read (integer)
        @return string containing the data (bytes)
        return self.__buffer.read(maxlen)

    def close(self):
        Public method used to cloase the reply.
        super(HelpSchemeReply, self).close()

    def __mimeFromUrl(self, url):
        Private method to guess the mime type given an URL.

        @param url URL to guess the mime type from (QUrl)
        @return mime type for the given URL (string)
        path = url.path()
        ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()
        if ext in ExtensionMap:
            return ExtensionMap[ext]
            return "application/octet-stream"

    def mimeType(self):
        Public method to get the reply mime type.

        @return mime type of the reply
        @rtype bytes
        return self.__mimeType.encode("utf-8")
예제 #3
class HelpSchemeReply(QIODevice):
    Class implementing a reply for a requested qthelp: page.

    The Qt signal *closed* is emitted to signal that the web engine has read the data.

    see: https://fossies.org/linux/eric6/eric/WebBrowser/Network/QtHelpSchemeHandler.py
    All credits for this class go to:
    Detlev Offenbach, the developer of The Eric Python IDE(https://eric-ide.python-projects.org)

    closed = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, job, engine, parent=None):

        :param job: reference to the URL request
        :type job: QWebEngineUrlRequestJob
        :param engine: reference to the help engine
        :type engine: QHelpEngine
        :param parent: reference to the parent object
        :type parent: QObject
        super(HelpSchemeReply, self).__init__(parent)

        url = job.requestUrl()
        strUrl = url.toString()

        self.__buffer = QBuffer()

        # For some reason the url to load maybe wrong (passed from web engine)
        # though the css file and the references inside should work that way.
        # One possible problem might be that the css is loaded at the same
        # level as the html, thus a path inside the css like
        # (../images/foo.png) might cd out of the virtual folder
        if not engine.findFile(url).isValid():
            if strUrl.startswith(QtHelp_DOCROOT):
                newUrl = job.requestUrl()
                if not newUrl.path().startswith("/qdoc/"):
                    newUrl.setPath("/qdoc" + newUrl.path())
                    url = newUrl
                    strUrl = url.toString()

        self.__mimeType = mimetypes.guess_type(strUrl)[0]
        if self.__mimeType is None:
            # do our own (limited) guessing
            self.__mimeType = self.__mimeFromUrl(url)

        if engine.findFile(url).isValid():
            data = engine.fileData(url)
            data = QByteArray(self.tr(
                """<head><title>Error 404...</title></head>"""
                """<body><div align="center"><br><br>"""
                """<h1>The page could not be found</h1><br>"""


    def bytesAvailable(self):
        Public method to get the number of available bytes.

        :returns: number of available bytes
        :rtype: int
        return self.__buffer.bytesAvailable()

    def readData(self, maxlen):
        Public method to retrieve data from the reply object.

        :param maxlen: maximum number of bytes to read (integer)
        :returns: string containing the data (bytes)
        return self.__buffer.read(maxlen)

    def close(self):
        Public method used to close the reply.
        super(HelpSchemeReply, self).close()

    def __mimeFromUrl(self, url):
        Private method to guess the mime type given an URL.

        :param url: URL to guess the mime type from (QUrl)
        :returns: mime type for the given URL (string)
        path = url.path()
        ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()
        if ext in ExtensionMap:
            return ExtensionMap[ext]
            return "application/octet-stream"

    def mimeType(self):
        Public method to get the reply mime type.

        :returns: mime type of the reply
        :rtype: bytes
        return self.__mimeType.encode("utf-8")