예제 #1
def main():
    li = Molecule('Li',
                  atomlist = [(3,(0,0,0))],
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(li,ETemp=1e4)
    return en
예제 #2
def main():
    r = 0.7
    h2 = Molecule('h2',
                  atomlist=[(1, (0, 0, r / 2.)), (1, (0, 0, -r / 2.))],
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(h2, ETemp=1e4)
    return en
예제 #3
def main(**opts):
    r = opts.get('r', 1.0)
    lih = Molecule('lih',
                   atomlist=[(3, (0, 0, 0)), (1, (0, 0, r))],
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(lih, **opts)

    return en
예제 #4
def main(**opts):
    r = opts.get('r',0.70)
    h2 = Molecule('h2',
                  atomlist = [(1,(0,0,r/2.)),
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(h2,**opts)
    return en
예제 #5
def main():
    r = 0.7
    h2 = Molecule('h2',
                  atomlist = [(1,(0,0,r/2.)),
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(h2,ETemp=1e4)
    return en
예제 #6
def main(**opts):
    r = opts.get('r',1.0)
    lih = Molecule('lih',
                   atomlist = [(3,(0,0,0)),
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(lih,**opts)

    return en
예제 #7
def test_exx():
    logging.info("Testing EXX functions")

    h2o = Molecule('H2O',
                   atomlist = [(8,(0,0,0)),    # the geo corresponds to the 
                               (1,(0.959,0,0)),# one that Yang used
                   units = 'Angstrom')

    h2 = Molecule('H2',
                   atomlist = [(1,(0.,0.,0.7)),(1,(0.,0.,-0.7))],
                   units = 'Bohr')
    he = Molecule('He',atomlist = [(2,(0,0,0))])
    ne = Molecule('Ne',atomlist = [(10,(0,0,0))])
    ohm = Molecule('OH-',atomlist = [(8,(0.0,0.0,0.0)),
                   units = 'Angstrom',
                   charge = -1)
    be = Molecule('Be',atomlist = [(4,(0.0,0.0,0.0))],
                  units = 'Angstrom')
    lih = Molecule('LiH',
                   atomlist = [(1,(0,0,1.5)),(3,(0,0,-1.5))],
                   units = 'Bohr')
    #for atoms in [h2,he,be,lih,ohm,ne,h2o]:
    for atoms in [h2,lih]:
        logging.info("--%s--" % atoms.name)

        # Caution: the rydberg molecules (He, Ne) will need a
        #  much much larger basis set than the default returned
        # by getbasis (which is 6-31G**)
        bfs = getbasis(atoms)
        S,h,Ints = getints(bfs,atoms)

        enhf,orbehf,orbshf = rhf(atoms,integrals=(S,h,Ints))
        logging.info("HF  total energy = %f"% enhf)

        enlda,orbelda,orbslda = dft(atoms,
                                   bfs = bfs)
        logging.info("LDA total energy = %f" % enlda)

        energy,orbe_exx,orbs_exx = exx(atoms,orbslda,
                                       bfs = bfs,
        logging.info("EXX total energy = %f" % energy)
예제 #8
def test_grad(atoms,**opts):
    basis = opts.get('basis',None)
    verbose = opts.get('verbose',False)

    bfs = getbasis(atoms,basis)
    S,h,Ints = getints(bfs,atoms)

    nel = atoms.get_nel()
    enuke = atoms.get_enuke()

    energy, orbe, orbs = dft(atoms,return_flag=1)

    nclosed,nopen = atoms.get_closedopen()
    D = mkdens_spinavg(orbs,nclosed,nopen)

    # Now set up a minigrid on which to evaluate the density and gradients:
    npts = opts.get('npts',1)
    d = opts.get('d',1e-4)
    # generate any number of random points, and compute
    # analytical and numeric gradients:
    print "Computing Grad Rho for Molecule %s" % atoms.name
    maxerr = -1
    for i in range(npts):
        x,y,z = rand_xyz()
        rho = get_rho(x,y,z,D,bfs)
        rho_px = get_rho(x+d,y,z,D,bfs)
        rho_mx = get_rho(x-d,y,z,D,bfs)
        rho_py = get_rho(x,y+d,z,D,bfs)
        rho_my = get_rho(x,y-d,z,D,bfs)
        rho_pz = get_rho(x,y,z+d,D,bfs)
        rho_mz = get_rho(x,y,z-d,D,bfs)
        gx,gy,gz = get_grad_rho(x,y,z,D,bfs)
        gx_num = (rho_px-rho_mx)/2/d
        gy_num = (rho_py-rho_my)/2/d
        gz_num = (rho_pz-rho_mz)/2/d

        dx,dy,dz = gx-gx_num,gy-gy_num,gz-gz_num
        error = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
        maxerr = max(error,maxerr)
        print " Point  %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f" % (x,y,z,error)
        print "  Numerical %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f" % (gx_num,gy_num,gz_num)
        print "  Analytic  %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f" % (gx,gy,gz)
    print "The maximum error in the gradient calculation is ",maxerr
예제 #9
def dissoc(**opts):
    rmin = opts.get('rmin', 0.65)
    rmax = opts.get('rmax', 1.01)
    step = opts.get('step', 0.05)
    doplot = opts.get('doplot', False)
    rs = arange(rmin, rmax, step)
    E = []
    for r in rs:
        lih = Molecule('lih',
                       atomlist=[(3, (0, 0, 0)), (1, (0, 0, r))],
        en, orbe, orbs = dft(lih, **opts)
        print "%.3f %.5f" % (r, en)

    if doplot:
        from pylab import plot
        plot(rs, E, 'bo-')
예제 #10
def main(**opts):
    functional = opts.get('functional', 'BLYP')
    h = Molecule('H', atomlist=[(1, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    he = Molecule('He', atomlist=[(2, (0, 0, 0))])
    li = Molecule('Li', atomlist=[(3, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    be = Molecule('Be', atomlist=[(4, (0, 0, 0))])
    b = Molecule('B', atomlist=[(5, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    c = Molecule('C', atomlist=[(6, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=3)
    n = Molecule('N', atomlist=[(7, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=4)
    o = Molecule('O', atomlist=[(8, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=3)
    f = Molecule('F', atomlist=[(9, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    ne = Molecule('Ne', atomlist=[(10, (0, 0, 0))])
    #for atoms in [h,he,li,be,b,c,n,o,f,ne]:
    # Just do singlets now, since higher multiplicities are off
    #  b/c of Average Open Shell issues
    print "Running Pople atom tests using %s functional" % functional
    for atoms in [he, be, ne]:
        en, orbe, orbs = dft(atoms, functional=functional)
        print atoms.name, en
예제 #11
def dissoc(**opts):
    rmin = opts.get('rmin',0.65)
    rmax = opts.get('rmax',1.01)
    step = opts.get('step',0.05)
    doplot = opts.get('doplot',False)
    rs = arange(rmin,rmax,step)
    E = []
    for r in rs:
        lih = Molecule('lih',
                       atomlist = [(3,(0,0,0)),
        en,orbe,orbs = dft(lih,**opts)
        print "%.3f %.5f" % (r,en)

    if doplot:
        from pylab import plot
예제 #12
def main():
    he = Molecule('He',atomlist=[(2,(0,0,0))])
    be = Molecule('Be',atomlist=[(4,(0,0,0))])
    ne = Molecule('Ne',atomlist=[(10,(0,0,0))])
    h2 = Molecule('H2',atomlist = [(1,(0,0,0.70)),

    #mols = [he,h2,be]
    mols = [he,h2,be,ne]
    #mols = [ne]
    for mol in mols:
        #for functional in ['SVWN','BLYP','PBE']:
        #for functional in ['S0','PBE']:
        for functional in ['PBE']:
            en,orbe,orbs = dft(mol,functional = functional)
            if (mol.name,functional) in results:
                worked = is_close(en,results[mol.name,functional])
                worked = None
            print mol.name,functional,en,worked
예제 #13
def main():
    he = Molecule('He',atomlist=[(2,(0,0,0))])
    ne = Molecule('Ne',atomlist=[(10,(0,0,0))])
    he3 = Molecule('He3',atomlist=[(2,(0,0,0))],multiplicity=3)

    # S0 functional
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(he,functional='S0',basis=basis_data)
    print "He S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-2.7229973821,en)
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(ne,functional='S0',basis=basis_data)
    print "Ne S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-127.4597878033,en)
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(he3,functional='S0',basis=basis_data)
    print "He3 S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-1.7819689849,en)

    # SVWN functional
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(he,functional='SVWN',basis=basis_data)
    print "He SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-2.834247,en)
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(ne,functional='SVWN',basis=basis_data)
    print "Ne SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-127.203239,en)
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(he3,functional='SVWN',basis=basis_data)
    print "He3 SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-1.833287,en)

    # XPBE functional
예제 #14
def main():
    he = Molecule('He', atomlist=[(2, (0, 0, 0))])
    ne = Molecule('Ne', atomlist=[(10, (0, 0, 0))])
    he3 = Molecule('He3', atomlist=[(2, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=3)

    # S0 functional
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(he, functional='S0', basis=basis_data)
    print "He S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-2.7229973821, en)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(ne, functional='S0', basis=basis_data)
    print "Ne S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-127.4597878033, en)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(he3, functional='S0', basis=basis_data)
    print "He3 S0 sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-1.7819689849, en)

    # SVWN functional
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(he, functional='SVWN', basis=basis_data)
    print "He SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-2.834247, en)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(ne, functional='SVWN', basis=basis_data)
    print "Ne SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-127.203239, en)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(he3, functional='SVWN', basis=basis_data)
    print "He3 SVWN sb %10.5f is %10.5f" % (-1.833287, en)

    # XPBE functional
예제 #15
#!/usr/bin/env python

from PyQuante import Molecule
from PyQuante.dft import dft

coord = [(1, (0.0998334, 0.995004, -0.6)), (1, (0.911616, 0.411044, 1.6)),
         (1, (0.811782, -0.58396, -0.6)), (1, (-0.0998334, -0.995004, 1.6)),
         (1, (-0.911616, -0.411044, -0.6)), (1, (-0.811782, 0.583961, 1.6)),
         (6, (0, 0, 0)), (6, (0, 0, 1))]

ethane = Molecule('ethane', coord, units="Angstrom")
en, orbe, orbs = dft(ethane, functional="LDA", basis="sto-3g")
예제 #16
def main():
    atomlist = Molecule('Li',atomlist = [(3,(0,0,0))],multiplicity=2)
    en,orbe,orbs = dft(atomlist,verbose=True)
    return en
예제 #17
파일: h2o.py 프로젝트: markf94/Liquid_QML
def H2O_Molecule(tst, info, auX, auZ):
    H2O = Molecule('H2O', [('O', (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ('H', (auX, 0.0, auZ)),
                           ('H', (-auX, 0.0, auZ))],

    # Get a better energy estimate
    if dft:
        print "# info=%s A.U.=(%g,%g) " % (info, auX, auZ)
        edft, orbe2, orbs2 = dft(H2O, functional='SVWN')

    bfs = getbasis(H2O, basis_data=basis_data)
    #S is overlap of 2 basis funcs
    #h is (kinetic+nucl) 1 body term
    #ints is 2 body terms
    S, h, ints = getints(bfs, H2O)

    #enhf is the Hartee-Fock energy
    #orbe is the orbital energies
    #orbs is the orbital overlaps
    enhf, orbe, orbs = rhf(H2O, integrals=(S, h, ints))
    enuke = Molecule.get_enuke(H2O)

    # print "orbe=%d" % len(orbe)

    temp = matrixmultiply(h, orbs)
    hmol = matrixmultiply(transpose(orbs), temp)

    MOInts = TransformInts(ints, orbs)

    if single:
        print "h = \n", h
        print "S = \n", S
        print "ints = \n", ints
        print "orbe = \n", orbe
        print "orbs = \n", orbs
        print ""
        print "Index 0: 1 or 2 in the paper, Index 1: 3 or 4 in the paper (for pqrs)"
        print ""
        print "hmol = \n", hmol
        print "MOInts:"
        print "I,J,K,L = PQRS order: Cre1,Cre2,Ann1,Ann2"

    if 1:
        print "tst=%d info=%s nuc=%.9f Ehf=%.9f" % (tst, info, enuke, enhf),

    cntOrbs = 0
    maxOrb = 0
    npts = len(hmol[:])
    for i in xrange(npts):
        for j in range(i, npts):
            if abs(hmol[i, j]) > 1.0e-7:
                print "%d,%d=%.9f" % (i, j, hmol[i, j]),
        cntOrbs += 1
        if i > maxOrb: maxOrb = i
        if j > maxOrb: maxOrb = j

    nbf, nmo = orbs.shape
    mos = range(nmo)
    for i in mos:
        for j in xrange(i + 1):
            ij = i * (i + 1) / 2 + j
            for k in mos:
                for l in xrange(k + 1):
                    kl = k * (k + 1) / 2 + l
                    if ij >= kl:
                        ijkl = ijkl2intindex(i, j, k, l)
                        if abs(MOInts[ijkl]) > 1.0e-7:
                            print "%d,%d,%d,%d=%.9f" % (l, i, j, k,
            cntOrbs += 1
            if i > maxOrb: maxOrb = i
            if j > maxOrb: maxOrb = j
    print ""

    return (maxOrb, cntOrbs)
예제 #18
gradient_diatomic(sol, smoothing=0.005)

# In[33]:

from PyQuante.Molecule import Molecule
from PyQuante.dft import dft
h2 = Molecule('h2',[(1,(0,0,0)),(1,(1.4,0,0))])

# In[35]:

en,orbe,orbs = dft(h2,functional='LDA')

# In[ ]:

# In[8]:

gradient_diatomic(sol, smoothing=0.2)

# In[14]:
예제 #19
#!/usr/bin/env python

from PyQuante import Molecule
from PyQuante.dft import dft

lih = Molecule('LiH', [(1, (0, 0, -1.210905)), (3, (0, 0, 0.403635))],
en, orbe, orbs = dft(lih, functional="LDA", basis="sto-3g")
예제 #20
def main():
    atomlist = Molecule("H", atomlist=[(1, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(atomlist)
    return en
예제 #21
def main():
    atomlist = Molecule('H', atomlist=[(1, (0, 0, 0))], multiplicity=2)
    en, orbe, orbs = dft(atomlist)
    return en
예제 #22
Calculates the Boron atom using DFT.

from PyQuante import SCF, Molecule, dft, Atom
B = Molecule('Boron',[(5, (0,0,0))])
B.multiplicity = 2
E, eigs, orbitals = dft.dft(B)
print "total energy:", E
print "KS energies:", eigs
예제 #23
파일: h2o.py 프로젝트: ForNeVeR/Liquid
def H2O_Molecule(tst,info,auX,auZ):
    H2O = Molecule('H2O',
           [('O',  ( 0.0,  0.0, 0.0)),
            ('H',  ( auX,  0.0, auZ)),
            ('H',  (-auX,  0.0, auZ))],

    # Get a better energy estimate
    if dft:
        print "# info=%s A.U.=(%g,%g) " % (info,auX,auZ)
        edft,orbe2,orbs2 = dft(H2O,functional='SVWN')

    bfs= getbasis(H2O,basis_data=basis_data) 
    #S is overlap of 2 basis funcs 
    #h is (kinetic+nucl) 1 body term 
    #ints is 2 body terms 

    #enhf is the Hartee-Fock energy 
    #orbe is the orbital energies 
    #orbs is the orbital overlaps 
    enuke   = Molecule.get_enuke(H2O)

    # print "orbe=%d" % len(orbe)

    temp = matrixmultiply(h,orbs) 
    hmol = matrixmultiply(transpose(orbs),temp) 

    MOInts = TransformInts(ints,orbs) 

    if single:
         print "h = \n",h
         print "S = \n",S
         print "ints = \n",ints
         print "orbe = \n",orbe
         print "orbs = \n",orbs
         print ""
         print "Index 0: 1 or 2 in the paper, Index 1: 3 or 4 in the paper (for pqrs)"
         print ""
         print "hmol = \n",hmol
         print "MOInts:"
         print "I,J,K,L = PQRS order: Cre1,Cre2,Ann1,Ann2"

    if 1:
        print "tst=%d info=%s nuc=%.9f Ehf=%.9f" % (tst,info,enuke,enhf),

    cntOrbs    = 0
    maxOrb    = 0
    npts    = len(hmol[:])
    for i in xrange(npts):
        for j in range(i,npts):
            if abs(hmol[i,j]) > 1.0e-7:
                print "%d,%d=%.9f" % (i,j,hmol[i,j]),
        cntOrbs += 1
        if i > maxOrb: maxOrb = i
        if j > maxOrb: maxOrb = j

    nbf,nmo    = orbs.shape
    mos        = range(nmo)
    for i in mos:
        for j in xrange(i+1):
            ij      = i*(i+1)/2+j
            for k in mos:
                for l in xrange(k+1):
                    kl = k*(k+1)/2+l
                    if ij >= kl:
                        ijkl = ijkl2intindex(i,j,k,l)
                        if abs(MOInts[ijkl]) > 1.0e-7:
                            print "%d,%d,%d,%d=%.9f" % (l,i,j,k,MOInts[ijkl]),
            cntOrbs += 1
            if i > maxOrb: maxOrb = i
            if j > maxOrb: maxOrb = j
    print ""

    return (maxOrb,cntOrbs)
예제 #24
__author__ = 'yutongpang'
from PyQuante.Molecule import Molecule
h2 = Molecule('H2',
                 [(1,  (0.00000000,     0.00000000,     0.36628549)),
                  (1,  (0.00000000,     0.00000000,    -0.36628549))],
from PyQuante.dft import dft
en,orbe,orbs = dft(h2)
print "HF Energy = ",orbs