class ProjectItemIcon(QGraphicsRectItem): """Base class for project item icons drawn in Design View.""" ITEM_EXTENT = 64 def __init__(self, toolbox, icon_file, icon_color, background_color): """ Args: toolbox (ToolboxUI): QMainWindow instance icon_file (str): Path to icon resource icon_color (QColor): Icon's color background_color (QColor): Background color """ super().__init__() self._toolbox = toolbox self.icon_file = icon_file self._moved_on_scene = False self.previous_pos = QPointF() self.current_pos = QPointF() self.icon_group = {self} self.renderer = QSvgRenderer() self.svg_item = QGraphicsSvgItem(self) self.colorizer = QGraphicsColorizeEffect() self.setRect( QRectF(-self.ITEM_EXTENT / 2, -self.ITEM_EXTENT / 2, self.ITEM_EXTENT, self.ITEM_EXTENT)) self.text_font_size = 10 # point size # Make item name graphics item. self._name = "" self.name_item = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self._name, self) self.set_name_attributes() # Set font, size, position, etc. # Make connector buttons self.connectors = dict( bottom=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="bottom"), left=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="left"), right=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="right"), ) # Make exclamation and rank icons self.exclamation_icon = ExclamationIcon(self) self.execution_icon = ExecutionIcon(self) self.rank_icon = RankIcon(self) brush = QBrush(background_color) self._setup(brush, icon_file, icon_color) shadow_effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect() shadow_effect.setOffset(1) shadow_effect.setEnabled(False) self.setGraphicsEffect(shadow_effect) def finalize(self, name, x, y): """ Names the icon and moves it by given amount. Args: name (str): icon's name x (int): horizontal offset y (int): vertical offset """ self.update_name_item(name) self.moveBy(x, y) def _setup(self, brush, svg, svg_color): """Setup item's attributes. Args: brush (QBrush): Used in filling the background rectangle svg (str): Path to SVG icon file svg_color (QColor): Color of SVG icon """ self.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.setBrush(brush) self.colorizer.setColor(svg_color) # Load SVG loading_ok = self.renderer.load(svg) if not loading_ok: self._toolbox.msg_error.emit( "Loading SVG icon from resource:{0} failed".format(svg)) return size = self.renderer.defaultSize() self.svg_item.setSharedRenderer(self.renderer) self.svg_item.setElementId( "") # guess empty string loads the whole file dim_max = max(size.width(), size.height()) rect_w = self.rect().width() # Parent rect width margin = 32 self.svg_item.setScale((rect_w - margin) / dim_max) self.svg_item.setPos(self.rect().center() - self.svg_item.sceneBoundingRect().center()) self.svg_item.setGraphicsEffect(self.colorizer) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, enabled=True) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) # Set exclamation, execution_log, and rank icons position self.exclamation_icon.setPos( self.rect().topRight() - self.exclamation_icon.sceneBoundingRect().topRight()) self.execution_icon.setPos( self.rect().bottomRight() - 0.5 * self.execution_icon.sceneBoundingRect().bottomRight()) self.rank_icon.setPos(self.rect().topLeft()) def name(self): """Returns name of the item that is represented by this icon. Returns: str: icon's name """ return self._name def update_name_item(self, new_name): """Set a new text to name item. Args: new_name (str): icon's name """ self._name = new_name self.name_item.setText(new_name) self.set_name_attributes() def set_name_attributes(self): """Set name QGraphicsSimpleTextItem attributes (font, size, position, etc.)""" # Set font size and style font = self.name_item.font() font.setPointSize(self.text_font_size) font.setBold(True) self.name_item.setFont(font) # Set name item position (centered on top of the master icon) name_width = self.name_item.boundingRect().width() name_height = self.name_item.boundingRect().height() self.name_item.setPos( self.rect().x() + self.rect().width() / 2 - name_width / 2, self.rect().y() - name_height - 4) def conn_button(self, position="left"): """Returns item's connector button. Args: position (str): "left", "right" or "bottom" Returns: QWidget: connector button """ return self.connectors.get(position, self.connectors["left"]) def outgoing_links(self): """Collects outgoing links. Returns: list of LinkBase: outgoing links """ return [ l for conn in self.connectors.values() for l in conn.outgoing_links() ] def incoming_links(self): """Collects incoming links. Returns: list of LinkBase: outgoing links """ return [ l for conn in self.connectors.values() for l in conn.incoming_links() ] def run_execution_leave_animation(self, skipped): """ Starts the animation associated with execution leaving the icon. Args: skipped (bool): True if project item was not actually executed. """ animation_group = QParallelAnimationGroup(self._toolbox) for link in self.outgoing_links(): animation_group.addAnimation( link.make_execution_animation(skipped)) animation_group.start() def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): """Sets a drop shadow effect to icon when mouse enters its boundaries. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ self.prepareGeometryChange() self.graphicsEffect().setEnabled(True) event.accept() def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): """Disables the drop shadow when mouse leaves icon boundaries. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ self.prepareGeometryChange() self.graphicsEffect().setEnabled(False) event.accept() def mousePressEvent(self, event): super().mousePressEvent(event) self.icon_group = set(x for x in self.scene().selectedItems() if isinstance(x, ProjectItemIcon)) | {self} for icon in self.icon_group: icon.previous_pos = icon.scenePos() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """Moves icon(s) while the mouse button is pressed. Update links that are connected to selected icons. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ super().mouseMoveEvent(event) self.update_links_geometry() def moveBy(self, dx, dy): super().moveBy(dx, dy) self.update_links_geometry() def update_links_geometry(self): """Updates geometry of connected links to reflect this item's most recent position.""" links = set(link for icon in self.icon_group for conn in icon.connectors.values() for link in conn.links) for link in links: link.update_geometry() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): for icon in self.icon_group: icon.current_pos = icon.scenePos() # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if (self.current_pos - self.previous_pos ).manhattanLength() > qApp.startDragDistance(): self._toolbox.undo_stack.push( MoveIconCommand(self, self._toolbox.project())) super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) def notify_item_move(self): if self._moved_on_scene: self._moved_on_scene = False scene = self.scene() scene.item_move_finished.emit(self) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Show item context menu. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Mouse event """ event.accept() self.scene().clearSelection() self.setSelected(True) ind = self._toolbox.project_item_model.find_item( self._toolbox.show_project_item_context_menu(event.screenPos(), ind) def itemChange(self, change, value): """ Reacts to item removal and position changes. In particular, destroys the drop shadow effect when the items is removed from a scene and keeps track of item's movements on the scene. Args: change (GraphicsItemChange): a flag signalling the type of the change value: a value related to the change Returns: Whatever super() does with the value parameter """ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemScenePositionHasChanged: self._moved_on_scene = True elif change == QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange.ItemSceneChange and value is None: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.setGraphicsEffect(None) return super().itemChange(change, value) def select_item(self): """Update GUI to show the details of the selected item.""" ind = self._toolbox.project_item_model.find_item( self._toolbox.ui.treeView_project.setCurrentIndex(ind)
class ProjectItemIcon(QGraphicsRectItem): ITEM_EXTENT = 64 def __init__(self, toolbox, x, y, project_item, icon_file, icon_color, background_color): """Base class for project item icons drawn in Design View. Args: toolbox (ToolBoxUI): QMainWindow instance x (float): Icon x coordinate y (float): Icon y coordinate project_item (ProjectItem): Item icon_file (str): Path to icon resource icon_color (QColor): Icon's color background_color (QColor): Background color """ super().__init__() self._toolbox = toolbox self._project_item = project_item self._moved_on_scene = False self._previous_pos = QPointF() self._current_pos = QPointF() self.icon_group = {self} self.renderer = QSvgRenderer() self.svg_item = QGraphicsSvgItem(self) self.colorizer = QGraphicsColorizeEffect() self.setRect( QRectF(x - self.ITEM_EXTENT / 2, y - self.ITEM_EXTENT / 2, self.ITEM_EXTENT, self.ITEM_EXTENT)) self.text_font_size = 10 # point size # Make item name graphics item. name = if project_item else "" self.name_item = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(name, self) self.set_name_attributes() # Set font, size, position, etc. # Make connector buttons self.connectors = dict( bottom=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="bottom"), left=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="left"), right=ConnectorButton(self, toolbox, position="right"), ) # Make exclamation and rank icons self.exclamation_icon = ExclamationIcon(self) self.rank_icon = RankIcon(self) brush = QBrush(background_color) self._setup(brush, icon_file, icon_color) self.activate() def activate(self): """Adds items to scene and setup graphics effect. Called in the constructor and when re-adding the item to the project in the context of undo/redo. """ scene = self._toolbox.ui.graphicsView.scene() scene.addItem(self) shadow_effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect() shadow_effect.setOffset(1) shadow_effect.setEnabled(False) self.setGraphicsEffect(shadow_effect) def _setup(self, brush, svg, svg_color): """Setup item's attributes. Args: brush (QBrush): Used in filling the background rectangle svg (str): Path to SVG icon file svg_color (QColor): Color of SVG icon """ self.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.SolidLine)) self.setBrush(brush) self.colorizer.setColor(svg_color) # Load SVG loading_ok = self.renderer.load(svg) if not loading_ok: self._toolbox.msg_error.emit( "Loading SVG icon from resource:{0} failed".format(svg)) return size = self.renderer.defaultSize() self.svg_item.setSharedRenderer(self.renderer) self.svg_item.setElementId( "") # guess empty string loads the whole file dim_max = max(size.width(), size.height()) rect_w = self.rect().width() # Parent rect width margin = 32 self.svg_item.setScale((rect_w - margin) / dim_max) x_offset = (rect_w - self.svg_item.sceneBoundingRect().width()) / 2 y_offset = (rect_w - self.svg_item.sceneBoundingRect().height()) / 2 self.svg_item.setPos(self.rect().x() + x_offset, self.rect().y() + y_offset) self.svg_item.setGraphicsEffect(self.colorizer) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, enabled=True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, enabled=True) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) # Set exclamation and rank icons position self.exclamation_icon.setPos( self.rect().topRight() - self.exclamation_icon.sceneBoundingRect().topRight()) self.rank_icon.setPos(self.rect().topLeft()) def name(self): """Returns name of the item that is represented by this icon.""" return def update_name_item(self, new_name): """Set a new text to name item. Used when a project item is renamed.""" self.name_item.setText(new_name) self.set_name_attributes() def set_name_attributes(self): """Set name QGraphicsSimpleTextItem attributes (font, size, position, etc.)""" # Set font size and style font = self.name_item.font() font.setPointSize(self.text_font_size) font.setBold(True) self.name_item.setFont(font) # Set name item position (centered on top of the master icon) name_width = self.name_item.boundingRect().width() name_height = self.name_item.boundingRect().height() self.name_item.setPos( self.rect().x() + self.rect().width() / 2 - name_width / 2, self.rect().y() - name_height - 4) def conn_button(self, position="left"): """Returns items connector button (QWidget).""" return self.connectors.get(position, self.connectors["left"]) def outgoing_links(self): return [ l for conn in self.connectors.values() for l in conn.outgoing_links() ] def incoming_links(self): return [ l for conn in self.connectors.values() for l in conn.incoming_links() ] def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): """Sets a drop shadow effect to icon when mouse enters its boundaries. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ self.prepareGeometryChange() self.graphicsEffect().setEnabled(True) event.accept() def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): """Disables the drop shadow when mouse leaves icon boundaries. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ self.prepareGeometryChange() self.graphicsEffect().setEnabled(False) event.accept() def mousePressEvent(self, event): super().mousePressEvent(event) self.icon_group = set(x for x in self.scene().selectedItems() if isinstance(x, ProjectItemIcon)) | {self} for icon in self.icon_group: icon._previous_pos = icon.scenePos() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """Moves icon(s) while the mouse button is pressed. Update links that are connected to selected icons. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Event """ super().mouseMoveEvent(event) self.update_links_geometry() def moveBy(self, dx, dy): super().moveBy(dx, dy) self.update_links_geometry() def update_links_geometry(self): """Updates geometry of connected links to reflect this item's most recent position.""" links = set(link for icon in self.icon_group for conn in icon.connectors.values() for link in conn.links) for link in links: link.update_geometry() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): for icon in self.icon_group: icon._current_pos = icon.scenePos() # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if (self._current_pos - self._previous_pos ).manhattanLength() > qApp.startDragDistance(): self._toolbox.undo_stack.push(MoveIconCommand(self)) super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) def notify_item_move(self): if self._moved_on_scene: self._moved_on_scene = False scene = self.scene() scene.item_move_finished.emit(self) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Show item context menu. Args: event (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent): Mouse event """ self.scene().clearSelection() self.setSelected(True) self._toolbox.show_item_image_context_menu(event.screenPos(), def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Handles deleting and rotating the selected item when dedicated keys are pressed. Args: event (QKeyEvent): Key event """ if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete and self.isSelected(): self._project_item._project.remove_item( event.accept() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_R and self.isSelected(): # TODO: # 1. Change name item text direction when rotating # 2. Save rotation into project file rect = self.mapToScene(self.boundingRect()).boundingRect() center = t = QTransform() t.translate(center.x(), center.y()) t.rotate(90) t.translate(-center.x(), -center.y()) self.setPos( self.setRotation(self.rotation() + 90) links = set(lnk for conn in self.connectors.values() for lnk in conn.links) for link in links: link.update_geometry() event.accept() else: super().keyPressEvent(event) def itemChange(self, change, value): """ Reacts to item removal and position changes. In particular, destroys the drop shadow effect when the items is removed from a scene and keeps track of item's movements on the scene. Args: change (GraphicsItemChange): a flag signalling the type of the change value: a value related to the change Returns: Whatever super() does with the value parameter """ if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemScenePositionHasChanged: self._moved_on_scene = True elif change == QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange.ItemSceneChange and value is None: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.setGraphicsEffect(None) return super().itemChange(change, value) def show_item_info(self): """Update GUI to show the details of the selected item.""" ind = self._toolbox.project_item_model.find_item( self._toolbox.ui.treeView_project.setCurrentIndex(ind)