def drawBackground(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF): currentColor = self.backgroundBrush().color() if currentColor != self.backgroundColor: self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(self.backgroundColor)) super().drawBackground(painter, rect) if self._zoom <= self.gridZoomThreshold or not self.showGrid: return painter.setPen(QPen(self.gridColor, self.gridThickness)) lines = [] if self.gridSpacing.width() > 0: xStart = rect.left() - rect.left() % self.gridSpacing.width() while xStart <= rect.right(): line = QLineF(xStart, rect.bottom(), xStart, lines.append(line) xStart = xStart + self.gridSpacing.width() if self.gridSpacing.height() > 0: yStart = - % self.gridSpacing.height() while yStart <= rect.bottom(): line = QLineF(rect.left(), yStart, rect.right(), yStart) lines.append(line) yStart = yStart + self.gridSpacing.height() painter.drawLines(lines)
def drag_rect(self, pos): # Calculate how much the mouse has moved since the click. x_diff = pos.x() - self.mouse_press_pos.x() y_diff = pos.y() - self.mouse_press_pos.y() # Start with the rectangle as it was when clicked. rect = QRectF(self.mouse_press_rect) # Then adjust by the distance the mouse moved. if self.selected_handle is None: rect.translate(x_diff, y_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_TOP_LEFT: rect.adjust(x_diff, y_diff, 0, 0) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_TOP: rect.setTop( + y_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_TOP_RIGHT: rect.setTop( + y_diff) rect.setRight(rect.right() + x_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_LEFT: rect.setLeft(rect.left() + x_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_RIGHT: rect.setRight(rect.right() + x_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_BOTTOM_LEFT: rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() + y_diff) rect.setLeft(rect.left() + x_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_BOTTOM: rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() + y_diff) elif self.selected_handle == self.HANDLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT: rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() + y_diff) rect.setRight(rect.right() + x_diff) return rect
class Callout(QGraphicsItem): def __init__(self, chart): QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, chart) self._chart = chart self._text = "" self._textRect = QRectF() self._anchor = QPointF() self._font = QFont() self._rect = QRectF() def boundingRect(self): anchor = self.mapFromParent(self._chart.mapToPosition(self._anchor)) rect = QRectF() rect.setLeft(min(self._rect.left(), anchor.x())) rect.setRight(max(self._rect.right(), anchor.x())) rect.setTop(min(, anchor.y())) rect.setBottom(max(self._rect.bottom(), anchor.y())) return rect def paint(self, painter, option, widget): path = QPainterPath() path.addRoundedRect(self._rect, 5, 5) anchor = self.mapFromParent(self._chart.mapToPosition(self._anchor)) if not self._rect.contains(anchor) and not self._anchor.isNull(): point1 = QPointF() point2 = QPointF() # establish the position of the anchor point in relation to _rect above = anchor.y() <= aboveCenter = (anchor.y() > and anchor.y() <= belowCenter = (anchor.y() > and anchor.y() <= self._rect.bottom()) below = anchor.y() > self._rect.bottom() onLeft = anchor.x() <= self._rect.left() leftOfCenter = (anchor.x() > self._rect.left() and anchor.x() <= rightOfCenter = (anchor.x() > and anchor.x() <= self._rect.right()) onRight = anchor.x() > self._rect.right() # get the nearest _rect corner. x = (onRight + rightOfCenter) * self._rect.width() y = (below + belowCenter) * self._rect.height() cornerCase = ((above and onLeft) or (above and onRight) or (below and onLeft) or (below and onRight)) vertical = abs(anchor.x() - x) > abs(anchor.y() - y) x1 = (x + leftOfCenter * 10 - rightOfCenter * 20 + cornerCase * int(not vertical) * (onLeft * 10 - onRight * 20)) y1 = (y + aboveCenter * 10 - belowCenter * 20 + cornerCase * vertical * (above * 10 - below * 20)) point1.setX(x1) point1.setY(y1) x2 = (x + leftOfCenter * 20 - rightOfCenter * 10 + cornerCase * int(not vertical) * (onLeft * 20 - onRight * 10)) y2 = (y + aboveCenter * 20 - belowCenter * 10 + cornerCase * vertical * (above * 20 - below * 10)) point2.setX(x2) point2.setY(y2) path.moveTo(point1) path.lineTo(anchor) path.lineTo(point2) path = path.simplified() painter.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) painter.drawPath(path) painter.drawText(self._textRect, self._text) def mousePressEvent(self, event): event.setAccepted(True) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton: self.setPos( mapToParent(event.pos() - event.buttonDownPos(Qt.LeftButton))) event.setAccepted(True) else: event.setAccepted(False) def setText(self, text): self._text = text metrics = QFontMetrics(self._font) self._textRect = QRectF( metrics.boundingRect(QRect(0.0, 0.0, 150.0, 150.0), Qt.AlignLeft, self._text)) self._textRect.translate(5, 5) self.prepareGeometryChange() self._rect = self._textRect.adjusted(-5, -5, 5, 5) def setAnchor(self, point): self._anchor = QPointF(point) def updateGeometry(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.setPos(self._chart.mapToPosition(self._anchor) + QPointF(10, -50))