예제 #1
def test_StateTomo_detailed():
    NumberOfIons = 2
    PhononOverhead = 1

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberOfIons + PhononOverhead, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('SS,0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, 2*pi, 0, 0), \
        ] )

    ScanObj = IPS.ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq,

    data_dmr = ScanObj.output_dict['qstates_camera']
    rho = dmr.IterML.iterfun(data_dmr, 100)
    #if np.real(rho[3,3]) > 0.99:
    #    print 'statetomo passed'

    return np.real(rho[3, 3]) > 0.99
예제 #2
def test_heating_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 10
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberofPhonons,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    # since data.RhoPNAll doesn't save phonons, we'll have to simulate sequentially
    numRuns = 5
    phonons = np.zeros(numRuns)

    dec.doRandNtimes = 1
    dec.dict['heating'] = True
    dec.progbar = False
    params.progbar = False
    params.heatingrate = 250
    maxDelay = 1000

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Delay(params, maxDelay), \
        ] )
    widgets = [progbar.Percentage(), ' ', progbar.Bar(),' ', progbar.ETA()]
    pbar = progbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start()

    for i in range(numRuns): 
        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        phonons[i] = qc.indexToState(np.nonzero(data.Yend)[0][0], hspace)[0]
    epsilon = np.abs(maxDelay/params.heatingrate - np.mean(phonons))

    return epsilon < 2*np.std(phonons)  # allow 2 sigma deviation
예제 #3
def test_ProcTomo_detailed():
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 7

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberOfIons + PhononOverhead, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2,0),
        ] )

    ScanObj = IPS.ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq,

    data_proctom = ScanObj.output_dict['qstates_camera']
    chi = proctom.proctomo(data_proctom, 100)
    #if np.real(chi[0,0]) > 0.99:
    #    print 'proctomo passed'

    chiId = qproc.Unitary2Chi(pulseseq[0].Uidtr.conjugate())
    return np.max(abs(chi - chiId)) < 0.001
예제 #4
def test_heating_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 10
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberofPhonons, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    # since data.RhoPNAll doesn't save phonons, we'll have to simulate sequentially
    numRuns = 5
    phonons = np.zeros(numRuns)

    dec.doRandNtimes = 1
    dec.dict['heating'] = True
    dec.progbar = False
    params.progbar = False
    params.heatingrate = 250
    maxDelay = 1000

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Delay(params, maxDelay), \
        ] )
    widgets = [progbar.Percentage(), ' ', progbar.Bar(), ' ', progbar.ETA()]
    pbar = progbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start()

    for i in range(numRuns):
        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        phonons[i] = qc.indexToState(np.nonzero(data.Yend)[0][0], hspace)[0]
        pbar.update(int(1. * (i + 1) * 100 / numRuns))

    epsilon = np.abs(maxDelay / params.heatingrate - np.mean(phonons))

    return epsilon < 2 * np.std(phonons)  # allow 2 sigma deviation
예제 #5
def test_dephasing_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 0
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberofPhonons, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.coherenceTime = 1000
    params.correlationTime = 0.1
    dec.doRandNtimes = 20
    dec.dict['dephase'] = True
    dec.progbar = False

    params.stepsize = 10
    params.ODEtimestep = 1
    params.detuning = 2 * pi * 0.01  #kHz
    params.progbar = False
    #dec.doPP = True
    #dec.doPPprintstats = False

    tdelay = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
    YR = np.zeros([len(tdelay), hspace.dimensions], np.complex64)
    pop = np.zeros([len(tdelay), hspace.dimensions], np.complex64)

    widgets = [progbar.Percentage(), ' ', progbar.Bar(), ' ', progbar.ETA()]
    pbar = progbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start()

    for i in range(len(tdelay)):
        pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0), \
            sim.Delay(params, tdelay[i]), \
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, pi/2) \
            ] )

        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        YR[i, :] = data.YR[-1, :]

        pbar.update(int(1. * (i + 1) * 100 / (len(tdelay))))

    data1 = sim.database(tdelay, YR, hspace, pulseseq=None, statesvalid=False)

    # fitting part
    p0 = [0.5, params.detuning, pi / 2, 0.5, params.coherenceTime]
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.cos(p[1] * x + p[2]) * np.exp(-np.log(
        2) * (x / p[4])**2) + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y - fitfun(p, x)
    x = data1.T
    y = data1.YR[:, 0]
    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun,
                                               args=(x, y),

    epsilon = 100  # with 20 iterations allow 100us offset in coherence time
    return data1
예제 #6
def test_ACStark_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,0,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.progbar = False

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0),
        sim.Rac(params, 0, 0, 0),
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0)
        ] )

    ACtime = np.linspace(0,10*pi,100)
    realtime = np.zeros_like(ACtime)

    YR = np.zeros([len(ACtime), hspace.dimensions], dtype='complex')

    for i in range(len(ACtime)):
        pulseseq[1] = sim.Rac(params, ACtime[i], 0, 0)
        realtime[i] = pulseseq[1].duration
        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        YR[i,:] = data.YR[-1,:]

    data1 = sim.database(realtime, YR, hspace, statesvalid = False)

    # start with fit here
    x = data1.T
    y = data1.YtrN.transpose()[0] # this is the s-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([1, params.omac, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: 1-p[0]*np.sin(p[1]*x/2+p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(x,y), full_output = True)

    epsilon = 10**-3
    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print("amplitude of AC oscillations wrong")
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print("frequency of AC oscillations wrong")
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print("phase of AC oscillations wrong")
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print("offset of AC oscillations wrong")

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon), data1, fitfun, par, startparams
예제 #7
def test_ACStark_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,0,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.progbar = False

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0),
        sim.Rac(params, 0, 0, 0),
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0)
        ] )

    ACtime = np.linspace(0,10*pi,100)
    realtime = np.zeros_like(ACtime)

    YR = np.zeros([len(ACtime), hspace.dimensions], dtype='complex')

    for i in range(len(ACtime)):
        pulseseq[1] = sim.Rac(params, ACtime[i], 0, 0)
        realtime[i] = pulseseq[1].duration
        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        YR[i,:] = data.YR[-1,:]

    data1 = sim.database(realtime, YR, hspace, statesvalid = False)

    # start with fit here
    x = data1.T
    y = data1.YtrN.transpose()[0] # this is the s-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([1, params.omac, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: 1-p[0]*np.sin(p[1]*x/2+p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(x,y), full_output = True)

    epsilon = 10**-3
    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print "amplitude of AC oscillations wrong"
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print "frequency of AC oscillations wrong"
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print "phase of AC oscillations wrong"
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print "offset of AC oscillations wrong"

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon), data1, fitfun, par, startparams
예제 #8
def test_Rabi_carrier_detailed(figNum):
    #print(TestUserFUnction.figNum, TestUserFunction.figNum_start, "<<<<")
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 2

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.stepsize = 1
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1
    params.printpulse = False # don't print pulse details

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [
        sim.Rcar(params, 10*pi, 0, -1)
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)


    # start with fit here
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN.transpose()[0] # this is the s-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([1, params.omc, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: 1-p[0]*np.sin(p[1]*x/2+p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(x,y), full_output = True)



    epsilon = 10**-5
    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print("amplitude of Rabi oscillations wrong")
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print("frequency of Rabi oscillations wrong")
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print("phase of Rabi oscillations wrong")
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print("offset of Rabi oscillations wrong")

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon)
예제 #9
def test_Rabi_carrier_detailed(figNum):
    #print TestUserFUnction.figNum, TestUserFunction.figNum_start, "<<<<"
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 2

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.stepsize = 1
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1
    params.printpulse = False # don't print pulse details

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [
        sim.Rcar(params, 10*pi, 0, -1)
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)


    # start with fit here
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN.transpose()[0] # this is the s-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([1, params.omc, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: 1-p[0]*np.sin(p[1]*x/2+p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(x,y), full_output = True)

    #print startparams
    #print par

    #print startparams-par

    epsilon = 10**-5
    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print "amplitude of Rabi oscillations wrong"
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print "frequency of Rabi oscillations wrong"
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print "phase of Rabi oscillations wrong"
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print "offset of Rabi oscillations wrong"

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon)
예제 #10
def test_dephasing_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 0
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberofPhonons,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.coherenceTime = 1000
    params.correlationTime = 0.1
    dec.doRandNtimes = 20
    dec.dict['dephase'] = True
    dec.progbar = False

    params.stepsize = 10
    params.ODEtimestep = 1
    params.detuning = 2*pi*0.01  #kHz
    params.progbar = False
    #dec.doPP = True
    #dec.doPPprintstats = False

    tdelay = np.linspace(0,1000,100)
    YR = np.zeros([len(tdelay),hspace.dimensions], np.complex64)
    pop = np.zeros([len(tdelay),hspace.dimensions], np.complex64)

    widgets = [progbar.Percentage(), ' ', progbar.Bar(),' ', progbar.ETA()]
    pbar = progbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start()

    for i in range(len(tdelay)):
        pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0), \
            sim.Delay(params, tdelay[i]), \
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, pi/2) \
            ] )

        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        YR[i,:] = data.YR[-1,:]


    data1 = sim.database(tdelay, YR, hspace, pulseseq=None, statesvalid = False)

    # fitting part
    p0 = [0.5, params.detuning, pi/2, 0.5, params.coherenceTime]
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.cos(p[1]*x+p[2]) * np.exp(-np.log(2)*(x/p[4])**2) + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)
    x = data1.T
    y = data1.YR[:,0]
    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, p0, args=(x,y), full_output = True)
    epsilon = 100 # with 20 iterations allow 100us offset in coherence time
    #print par
    return data1
예제 #11
    def loadsimdata(self, data, print_fidelities=False):
        ''' load simulation data directly from variables '''
        try: # data is a database object
            self.data = data
            self.data.RhoPNAll = np.array(self.data.RhoPNAll)
            self.rhosim = self.data.RhoPN
        except AttributeError: # or it's just the densmats
            # make a dummy data object
            self.data = sim.database(np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1), sim.hspace(1,2,0,0))
            self.data.RhoPNAll = data

        self.simloaded = True
        if print_fidelities:
            for i in range(np.min([len(self.rhosim), len(self.rho)])):
                print i, ": ", U.jozsafid(self.rho[i], self.rhosim[i])
예제 #12
def test_state_initialisation_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberOfPhonons = 1

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberOfPhonons, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.stateiniterr = 0.2

    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    dec.doPP = False
    dec.progbar = False
    dec.doRandNtimes = 10
    dec.dict['initerr'] = True

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons * 'S' + ',0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, 5*pi, 0),
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)

    # start with fit here
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN.transpose()[-1]  # this is the d-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 0.8
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([0.8, params.omc, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.sin(p[1] * x / 2 + p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y - fitfun(p, x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun,
                                               args=(x, y),
    #    print(par)

    # even for the 1000 realisations, allow for a 3% error
    epsilon = 0.03
    return abs(abs(par[0]) - startparams[0]) < epsilon
예제 #13
def test_state_initialisation_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberOfPhonons = 1

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfPhonons,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.stateiniterr = 0.2

    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    dec.doRandNtimes = 1000
    dec.dict['initerr'] = True

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons*'S'+',0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, 5*pi, 0),
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)

    # start with fit here
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN.transpose()[-1] # this is the d-state population

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 0.8
    # p[1] ... freq, should be params.omc
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0

    startparams = np.array([0.8, params.omc, 0, 0])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0]*np.sin(p[1]*x/2+p[2])**2 + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(x,y), full_output = True)
#    print par

    # even for the 1000 realisations, allow for a 3% error
    epsilon = 0.03
    return abs(abs(par[0])-startparams[0]) < epsilon
예제 #14
def test_spontdecay_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 1
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberofPhonons, 0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    dec.doRandNtimes = 100
    dec.dict['spontdecay'] = True
    dec.doPP = True
    dec.doPPprintstats = False
    dec.progbar = False
    # for the test we set it to 300 mus, instead of 1.168 s
    params.lifetime = 300

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons * 'D' + ',0', hspace)] = 1
    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons * 'S' + ',0', hspace)] = 0

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Delay(params, 1000), \
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)

    # fitting part
    p0 = [1, params.lifetime]
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.exp(-x / float(p[1]))
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y - fitfun(p, x)
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN[:, 0]
    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun,
                                               args=(x, y),

    epsilon = 50  # with 100 iterations allow 50us offset in decay time

    #    print(np.abs(par[-1] - params.lifetime))
    return np.abs(par[-1] - params.lifetime) < epsilon
예제 #15
def test_StateTomo_detailed():
    NumberOfIons = 2
    PhononOverhead = 1

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('SS,0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, 2*pi, 0, 0), \
        ] )

    ScanObj = IPS.ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq, params, dec, np.arange(3**NumberOfIons), type = 'StateTomo')

    data_dmr = ScanObj.output_dict['qstates_camera']
    rho = dmr.IterML.iterfun(data_dmr, 100)
    #if np.real(rho[3,3]) > 0.99:
    #    print 'statetomo passed'

    return np.real(rho[3,3]) > 0.99
예제 #16
def test_spontdecay_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    NumberofPhonons = 1
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberofPhonons,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    dec.doRandNtimes = 100
    dec.dict['spontdecay'] = True
    dec.doPP = True
    dec.doPPprintstats = False
    dec.progbar = False
    # for the test we set it to 300 mus, instead of 1.168 s
    params.lifetime = 300

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons*'D'+',0', hspace)] = 1
    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex(NumberOfIons*'S'+',0', hspace)] = 0

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Delay(params, 1000), \
        ] )

    data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)

    # fitting part
    p0 = [1, params.lifetime]
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.exp(-x / float(p[1]))
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)
    x = data.T
    y = data.YtrN[:,0]
    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, p0, args=(x,y), full_output = True)
    epsilon = 50 # with 100 iterations allow 50us offset in decay time

#    print np.abs(par[-1] - params.lifetime)
    return np.abs(par[-1] - params.lifetime) < epsilon
예제 #17
def test_ProcTomo_detailed():
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 7

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1

    pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
        sim.Rcar(params, pi/2,0),
        ] )

    ScanObj = IPS.ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq, params, dec, np.arange(12**NumberOfIons), type = 'ProcTomo')

    data_proctom = ScanObj.output_dict['qstates_camera']
    chi = proctom.proctomo(data_proctom, 100)
    #if np.real(chi[0,0]) > 0.99:
    #    print 'proctomo passed'

    chiId = qproc.Unitary2Chi(pulseseq[0].Uidtr.conjugate())
    return np.max(abs(chi - chiId)) < 0.001
예제 #18
파일: expMS.py 프로젝트: sxwang/TIQC-SPICE
''' test of MS gates '''

import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import PyTIQC.tools.progressbar as progbar
import scipy.optimize as spop

pi = np.pi

NumberOfIons = 2
PhononOverhead = 7
hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)
dec = sim.decoherence(params)

#dec.doRandNtimes = 1
#dec.dict['all'] = True
#dec.doPP = False
#params.use_servers( ['local'])
params.progbar = True

#params.shortestMS = 4

pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
#    sim.Hide(params, 3, True),
#    sim.Hide(params, 4, True), 
    sim.RMS(params, pi/2, 0),
예제 #19
def test_Ramsey_carrier_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 2

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1
    params.stepsize = 1
    params.printpulse = False # don't print pulse details

    numberofpoints = 20
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, numberofpoints)
    ex = np.zeros(numberofpoints)

    for i in range(numberofpoints):
        pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, -1),
#            sim.Delay(params, tdelay[i]),
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, phi[i], -1)

        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        ex[i] = data.YtrN[-1,0]

    # fig1 = pl.figure(1)
    # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    # ax1.plot(phi, ex)
    # fig1.show()

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... because phase is in units of pi -> 1
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0.5

    startparams = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0.5])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0]/2*np.cos(p[1]*x+p[2]) + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(phi,ex), full_output = True)

    #print startparams
    #print par

    #print startparams-par

    epsilon = 10**-5

    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print "amplitude of Ramsey experiment wrong"
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print "frequency of Ramsey experiment wrong"
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print "phase of Ramsey experiment wrong"
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print "offset of Ramsey experiment wrong"

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon)
    import numpy as np
    import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
    import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc

    pi = np.pi

    runStateTomo = False
    runStateTomoPP = False
    runProcTomo = False
    runProcTomoPP = True

    if runStateTomo or runStateTomoPP:
        NumberOfIons = 2
        PhononOverhead = 1

        hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
        params = sim.parameters(hspace)
        dec = sim.decoherence(params)

        pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
          sim.Rcar(params, 2*pi, 0, 0),
        ] )

        if runStateTomo:
            ScanObj = ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq, params, dec, np.arange(3**NumberOfIons), type='StateTomo', verbose=True)
        elif runStateTomoPP:
            ScanObj = ScanParameter_in_Sequence(pulseseq, params, dec, np.arange(3**NumberOfIons), type='StateTomo', verbose=True, doPP=True, use_ideal=True)

예제 #21
''' a 2-ion CNOT in a 3-ion chain based on pulse sequence from Nebendahl (2009) '''

import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

import time

pi = np.pi

NumberOfIons = 3
NumberOfPhonons = 7
hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberOfPhonons, 0)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)

params.stepsize = 100
params.printpulse = True

dec = sim.decoherence(params)

pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0),
    sim.Rac(params, pi/2, 0, 0),
    sim.RMS(params, pi/4, 0),
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/4, 0),
    sim.Rac(params, pi, 0, 2),
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/4, 0),
    sim.RMS(params, pi/4, 0),
    sim.Rac(params, pi/2, 0, 0),
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0),
예제 #22
''' Cirac-Zoller CNOT '''

import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc

pi = np.pi

hspace = sim.hspace(2,2,2,0)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)
dec = sim.decoherence(params)

params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('SS,0', hspace)] = 1
params.stepsize = 10
params.ignorelightshift = 1
#params.addressing = np.array([[1,0.1],[0.1,1]])

ang = np.arccos(-np.real(np.exp(pi/2*1j*np.sqrt(2))));
pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi, 0, 0), \
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi/2, 0, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, np.sqrt(2)*pi, pi/2, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi/2, pi, 1), \
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, pi + ang, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi, 0, 0) \
    ] )

data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)

예제 #23
def test_Ramsey_carrier_detailed(figNum):
    NumberOfIons = 1
    PhononOverhead = 2

    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfIons+PhononOverhead,0)
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)

    params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S,0', hspace)] = 1
    params.stepsize = 1
    params.printpulse = False # don't print pulse details

    numberofpoints = 20
    phi = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, numberofpoints)
    ex = np.zeros(numberofpoints)

    for i in range(numberofpoints):
        pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, -1),
#            sim.Delay(params, tdelay[i]),
            sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, phi[i], -1)

        data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
        ex[i] = data.YtrN[-1,0]

    # fig1 = pl.figure(1)
    # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    # ax1.plot(phi, ex)
    # fig1.show()

    # p[0] ... amplitude, should be 1
    # p[1] ... because phase is in units of pi -> 1
    # p[2] ... phase, should be 0
    # p[3] ... offset, should be 0.5

    startparams = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0.5])

    # 1-data ... to get the D-state population
    fitfun = lambda p, x: p[0]/2*np.cos(p[1]*x+p[2]) + p[3]
    errfun = lambda p, x, y: y-fitfun(p,x)

    par, covmat, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(errfun, startparams, args=(phi,ex), full_output = True)



    epsilon = 10**-5

    if par[0] - startparams[0] > epsilon:
        print("amplitude of Ramsey experiment wrong")
    if par[1] - startparams[1] > epsilon:
        print("frequency of Ramsey experiment wrong")
    if par[2] - startparams[2] > epsilon:
        print("phase of Ramsey experiment wrong")
    if par[3] - startparams[3] > epsilon:
        print("offset of Ramsey experiment wrong")

    return np.all(par-startparams < epsilon)
예제 #24
''' Cirac-Zoller CNOT '''

import PyTIQC
import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc

pi = np.pi

hspace = sim.hspace(2, 2, 2, 0)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)
dec = sim.decoherence(params)

params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('SS,0', hspace)] = 1
params.stepsize = 10
params.ignorelightshift = 1
#params.addressing = np.array([[1,0.1],[0.1,1]])

ang = np.arccos(-np.real(np.exp(pi / 2 * 1j * np.sqrt(2))))
pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi, 0, 0), \
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi/2, 0, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, np.sqrt(2)*pi, pi/2, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi/2, pi, 1), \
    sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, pi + ang, 1), \
    sim.Rblue(params, pi, 0, 0) \
    ] )

data = qc.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec)
예제 #25
def main():
    ### run params ##################################
    pulseseqfileShor = 'experiments/Shorseq.py'
    firstMultMap = True # Do first multiplication with CNOT 
                        # mapping instead of Multiplier 
                        # (does nothing in easy cases)
    select_a = 7 # Factoring base: 2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 11, or 14

    doRun = True
    doIdeal = True
    printpulse = False
    saveKitaev = False
    doPPKitaev = True

    print 'a =',select_a
    NumberOfIons = 5
    NumberOfPhonons = 0 if doIdeal else 7 
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfPhonons,0)
    hspace.initial_state("quantum", qstate='DSSSS')
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.use_servers( ['all'] )
    params.ppcpus = 16
    params.shortestMS = 16
    params.progbar = True
    params.saveallpoints = False
    params.coherenceTime = 15000
    params.hidingerr = 1
    params.printpulse = printpulse
    params.progbar = printpulse
    params.pplog = False
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)
    dec.doRandNtimes = 16
    dec.doPP = True
    dec.dict['all'] = True
#    if doPPKitaev: params.ppcpus = 2
    Kit = Kitaev.Kitaev()
    # load the pulse sequences
    # change ion order and define permutations

    Fred12 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred23 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred34 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred24 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred13 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred12.changeions(params, (1,2,0))
    Fred23.changeions(params, (2,3,0))
    Fred34.changeions(params, (3,4,0))
    Fred24.changeions(params, (2,4,0))
    Fred13.changeions(params, (1,3,0))
    cnot13 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12)
    cnot24 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12)

    times2 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 3, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True), #vis: 1,2
        sim.Hide(params, 3, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True), #vis: 2,3
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True), #vis: 3,4
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False) #vis: 1,2,3,4

    times4 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 3, True), #vis: 2,4
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 3, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True), #vis: 1,3
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False)

    times8 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True), #vis: 3,4
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True), #vis: 2,3
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 3, True), #vis: 1,2
        sim.Hide(params, 3, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False)

    times13 = copy.deepcopy(times8)

    times7 = copy.deepcopy(times2)

    ### general pulse sequence
    def GeneratePulseSeq(a):
        NOP = sim.PulseSequence([sim.Delay(params, 0.1)])

        if a in (2,7,8,13): # hard cases
            if firstMultMap:
                a2modN = cnot24
                a2modN = times4
        else:               # easy cases
            a2modN = NOP
        if   a == 2:
            amodN = times2
        elif a == 7:
            amodN = times7
        elif a == 8:
            amodN = times8
        elif a == 13:
            amodN = times13
        elif a == 4:
            amodN = cnot24
        elif a == 11:
            amodN = cnot13
        elif a == 14:
            amodN = cnot1234

        pulseseq_group = Kit.GeneratePulseSeq(params, [NOP, a2modN, amodN])
        return pulseseq_group
    pulseseq = GeneratePulseSeq(select_a)
    if doIdeal:
        for ps in pulseseq:
            for pulse in ps:
                pulse.use_ideal = True
    ### run it
    if doRun:
        tic = time.time()
        result = Kit.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec, doPP=doPPKitaev)
        if not doIdeal: print "runtime: ", time.time()-tic, "sec"
        print np.around(result,6)
    if saveKitaev:
        timestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f')
        fnameappend = ''
        f = open('Shor'+str(select_a)+'-params-'+fnameappend+timestr+'.pk', 'wb')
        pickle.dump(dec.dict_params_static, f)

    return True#dataobj
예제 #26
def main():
    ### run params ##################################
    pulseseqfileShor = 'experiments/Shorseq_6qubit.py'
    firstMultMap = True # Do first multiplication with CNOT 
                        # mapping instead of Multiplier 
                        # (does nothing in easy cases)

    select_a = 4 # Factoring base: 2,4,5,8,10,11,13,16,17,19

    doRun = True
    doIdeal = True
    printpulse = False
    saveKitaev = False
    doPPKitaev = True

    print 'N = 21, a =',select_a
    NumberOfIons = 6
    NumberOfPhonons = 0 if doIdeal else 7 
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons,2,NumberOfPhonons,0)
    hspace.initial_state("quantum", qstate='DSSSSS')
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)
    params.use_servers( ['all'] )
    params.ppcpus = 16
    params.shortestMS = 16
    params.progbar = True
    params.saveallpoints = False
    params.coherenceTime = 15000
    params.hidingerr = 1
    params.printpulse = printpulse
    params.progbar = printpulse
    params.pplog = False
    dec = sim.decoherence(params)
    dec.doRandNtimes = 1 #16
    dec.doPP = True
    dec.dict['all'] = False
#    if doPPKitaev: params.ppcpus = 2
    Kit = Kitaev.Kitaev()
    # load the pulse sequences
    # change ion order and define permutations

    cnot12_6 = sim.PulseSequence([ cnot12 ])

    Fred35 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred13 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred35.changeions(params, (3,5,0))
    Fred13.changeions(params, (1,3,0))
    cnot15 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot23 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot24 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot25 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot35 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)

    times4 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True), #vis: 3,5
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, True), #vis: 1,3
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, False)

    times16 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, True), #vis: 1,3
        sim.Hide(params, 5, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True), #vis: 3,5
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False)

    ### general pulse sequence
    def GeneratePulseSeq(a):
        NOP = sim.PulseSequence([sim.Delay(params, 0.1)])

        if a in (2,5,16,19):    # a^2=4 cases
            if firstMultMap:
                a16modN = cnot15
                a16modN = times16
            a8modN = times4
            a4modN = times16
            a2modN = times4
            if a == 16:
                a1modN = times16
                a1modN = cnot24 # only cheating method implimented...

        elif a in (4,10,11,17): # a^2=16 cases
            if firstMultMap:
                a16modN = cnot13
                a16modN = times4
            a8modN = times16
            a4modN = times4
            a2modN = times16
            if a == 4:
                a1modN = times4
                a1modN = cnot24 # only cheating method implimented...

        elif a in (8,13):
            a16modN = NOP
            a8modN  = NOP
            a4modN  = NOP
            a2modN  = NOP
            if   a == 8:
                a1modN = cnot25
            elif a == 13:
                a1modN = cnot23

        oplist = [a16modN, a8modN, a4modN, a2modN, a1modN]

        pulseseq_group = Kit.GeneratePulseSeq(params, oplist)
        return pulseseq_group
    pulseseq = GeneratePulseSeq(select_a)
    if doIdeal:
        for ps in pulseseq:
            for pulse in ps:
                pulse.use_ideal = True
    ### run it
    if doRun:
        tic = time.time()
        result = Kit.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec, doPP=doPPKitaev)
        if not doIdeal: print "runtime: ", time.time()-tic, "sec"
        print np.around(result,6)
    if saveKitaev:
        timestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f')
        fnameappend = ''
        f = open('Shor'+str(select_a)+'-params-'+fnameappend+timestr+'.pk', 'wb')
        pickle.dump(dec.dict_params_static, f)

    return True#dataobj
예제 #27
def main():
    ### run params ##################################
    pulseseqfileShor = 'experiments/Shorseq_6qubit.py'

    firstMultMap = True  # Do first multiplication with CNOT
    # mapping instead of Multiplier
    # (does nothing in easy cases)

    select_a = 4  # Factoring base: 2,4,5,8,10,11,13,16,17,19

    doRun = True
    doIdeal = True
    printpulse = False
    saveKitaev = False
    doPPKitaev = True

    print('N = 21, a =', select_a)

    NumberOfIons = 6
    NumberOfPhonons = 0 if doIdeal else 7
    hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberOfPhonons, 0)
    hspace.initial_state("quantum", qstate='DSSSSS')
    params = sim.parameters(hspace)

    params.ppcpus = 16
    params.shortestMS = 16
    params.progbar = True
    params.saveallpoints = False
    params.coherenceTime = 15000
    params.hidingerr = 1

    params.printpulse = printpulse
    params.progbar = printpulse
    params.pplog = False

    dec = sim.decoherence(params)
    dec.doRandNtimes = 1  #16
    dec.doPP = True
    dec.dict['all'] = False
    #    if doPPKitaev: params.ppcpus = 2

    Kit = Kitaev.Kitaev()

    # load the pulse sequences
    # change ion order and define permutations
    # execfile(pulseseqfileShor,locals(),globals())
    def makeexec(f):
        f = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', f))
        c = compile(open(f, 'rb').read(), f, 'exec')
        return c


    cnot12_6 = sim.PulseSequence([cnot12])

    Fred35 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred13 = copy.deepcopy(Fredkin)
    Fred35.changeions(params, (3, 5, 0))
    Fred13.changeions(params, (1, 3, 0))

    cnot15 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot23 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot24 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot25 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot35 = copy.deepcopy(cnot12_6)
    cnot15.changeions(params, (0, 1, 5))
    cnot23.changeions(params, (0, 2, 3))
    cnot24.changeions(params, (0, 2, 4))
    cnot25.changeions(params, (0, 2, 5))
    cnot35.changeions(params, (0, 3, 5))

    times4 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True), #vis: 3,5
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, True), #vis: 1,3
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, False)

    times16 = sim.PulseSequence([ \
        sim.Hide(params, 2, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, True),
        sim.Hide(params, 5, True), #vis: 1,3
        sim.Hide(params, 5, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 1, True), #vis: 3,5
        sim.Hide(params, 1, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 2, False),
        sim.Hide(params, 4, False)

    ### general pulse sequence
    def GeneratePulseSeq(a):

        NOP = sim.PulseSequence([sim.Delay(params, 0.1)])

        if a in (2, 5, 16, 19):  # a^2=4 cases
            if firstMultMap:
                a16modN = cnot15
                a16modN = times16
            a8modN = times4
            a4modN = times16
            a2modN = times4
            if a == 16:
                a1modN = times16
                a1modN = cnot24  # only cheating method implimented...

        elif a in (4, 10, 11, 17):  # a^2=16 cases
            if firstMultMap:
                a16modN = cnot13
                a16modN = times4
            a8modN = times16
            a4modN = times4
            a2modN = times16
            if a == 4:
                a1modN = times4
                a1modN = cnot24  # only cheating method implimented...

        elif a in (8, 13):
            a16modN = NOP
            a8modN = NOP
            a4modN = NOP
            a2modN = NOP
            if a == 8:
                a1modN = cnot25
            elif a == 13:
                a1modN = cnot23

        oplist = [a16modN, a8modN, a4modN, a2modN, a1modN]

        pulseseq_group = Kit.GeneratePulseSeq(params, oplist)
        return pulseseq_group


    pulseseq = GeneratePulseSeq(select_a)

    if doIdeal:
        for ps in pulseseq:
            for pulse in ps:
                pulse.use_ideal = True

    ### run it
    if doRun:
        tic = time.time()
        result = Kit.simulateevolution(pulseseq, params, dec, doPP=doPPKitaev)
        if not doIdeal: print("runtime: ", time.time() - tic, "sec")
        print(np.around(result, 6))

    if saveKitaev:
        timestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f')
        fnameappend = ''
        Kit.datagroupsave('Shor' + str(select_a) + '-data-' + fnameappend +
                          timestr + '.pk',
        Kit.resultSave('Shor' + str(select_a) + '-res-' + fnameappend +
                       timestr + '.npy')
        f = open(
            'Shor' + str(select_a) + '-params-' + fnameappend + timestr +
            '.pk', 'wb')
        pickle.dump(dec.dict_params_static, f)

    return True  #dataobj
예제 #28
""" scan of carrier transition varying detuning, showing spectrum """

import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc
import PyTIQC.tools.progressbar as progbar
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

pi = np.pi

NumberOfIons = 1
NumberofPhonons = 1
hspace = sim.hspace(NumberOfIons, 2, NumberofPhonons, 0)
hspace.initial_state("thermal", nBar=0.5)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)
dec = sim.decoherence(params)

params.stepsize = 600

detuning = np.arange(-1.2 * params.omz, 1.2 * params.omz, params.omz / 300)
# dets1 = np.arange(-1.1*params.omz, -0.9*params.omz, 2*pi*0.001)
# detc = np.arange(-2*pi*0.1, 2*pi*0.1, 2*pi*0.001)
# dets2 = np.arange(0.9*params.omz, 1.1*params.omz, 2*pi*0.001)
# detuning = np.hstack([ dets1, detc, dets2 ])
YR = np.zeros([len(detuning), hspace.dimensions], np.complex128)

widgets = [progbar.Percentage(), " ", progbar.Bar(), " ", progbar.ETA()]
pbar = progbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets).start()

for i in range(len(detuning)):
    params.detuning = detuning[i]
예제 #29
''' test script for AC Stark pulse.
do a single AC stark pulse and show the state evolution. '''

import numpy as np
import PyTIQC.core.simtools as sim
import PyTIQC.core.qctools as qc
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import scipy.optimize as spop
pi = np.pi

hspace = sim.hspace(1, 2, 0, 0)
params = sim.parameters(hspace)
dec = sim.decoherence(params)

params.y0[qc.stateToIndex('S' + ',0', hspace)] = 1
params.stepsize = 1
params.printpulse = False
params.progbar = False

# change this to check amplitude of off-resonant excitations
#params.ACintenFac = 60

#params.solver = "Cheby" # seems to not work for this one

pulseseq = sim.PulseSequence( [ \
  sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, 0), \
  sim.Rac(params,pi, 0, 0), \
  sim.Rcar(params, pi/2, 0, 0) \
  ] )