예제 #1
def main(args):
    """dump the content of a ROOT file into an ASCII format.

    import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
    root = ru.import_root()

    _inspect = root.RootUtils.PyROOTInspector.pyroot_inspect2

    import PyUtils.Logging as L
    msg = L.logging.getLogger('dump-root')

    msg.info('fname: [%s]', args.fname)
    root_file = root.TFile.Open(args.fname)
    if (root_file is None or not isinstance(root_file, root.TFile)
            or not root_file.IsOpen()):
        msg.error('could not open [%s]', args.fname)
        return 1

    tree_names = []
    if args.tree_name:
        tree_names = args.tree_name.split(',')
        tree_names = []
        keys = [k.GetName() for k in root_file.GetListOfKeys()]
        for k in keys:
            o = root_file.Get(k)
            if isinstance(o, root.TTree):

    msg.info('dumping trees:  %s', tree_names)

    rc = 0
    for tree_name in tree_names:
        f = ru.RootFileDumper(args.fname, tree_name)
        nentries = f.tree.GetEntries()
        if args.entries:
            nentries = args.entries
        for d in f.dump(tree_name, nentries):
            tree_name, ientry, name, data = d
            n = '.'.join(map(str, [tree_name, "%03i" % ientry] + name))
            print '%s %r' % (n, data)
    return 0
예제 #2
def main(args):
    """check that 2 ROOT files have same content (containers and sizes)
    global g_args
    g_args = args

    import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
    root = ru.import_root()

    import PyUtils.Logging as L
    msg = L.logging.getLogger('diff-root')

    from PyUtils.Helpers import ShutUp, ROOT6Setup

    if args.entries == '':
        args.entries = -1

    msg.info('comparing tree [%s] in files:', args.tree_name)
    msg.info(' old: [%s]', args.old)
    msg.info(' new: [%s]', args.new)
    msg.info('ignore  leaves: %s', args.ignore_leaves)
    msg.info('enforce leaves: %s', args.enforce_leaves)
    msg.info('hacks:          %s', args.known_hacks)
    msg.info('entries:        %s', args.entries)
    msg.info('mode:           %s', args.mode)
    msg.info('error mode:     %s', args.error_mode)

    import PyUtils.Helpers as H
    with H.ShutUp():
        fold = ru.RootFileDumper(args.old, args.tree_name)
        fnew = ru.RootFileDumper(args.new, args.tree_name)

    def tree_infos(tree, args):
        nentries = tree.GetEntriesFast()
        # l.GetBranch().GetName() gives the full leaf path name
        leaves = [
            l.GetBranch().GetName() for l in tree.GetListOfLeaves()
            if l.GetBranch().GetName() not in args.ignore_leaves
        return {
            'entries': nentries,
            'leaves': set(leaves),

    def diff_tree(fold, fnew, args):
        infos = {
            'old': tree_infos(fold.tree, args),
            'new': tree_infos(fnew.tree, args),

        nentries = min(infos['old']['entries'], infos['new']['entries'])
        itr_entries = nentries
        if args.entries in (-1, '', '-1'):
            #msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = nentries
            if infos['old']['entries'] != infos['new']['entries']:
                msg.info('different numbers of entries:')
                msg.info(' old: [%s]', infos['old']['entries'])
                msg.info(' new: [%s]', infos['new']['entries'])
                msg.info('=> comparing [%s] first entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = args.entries
        msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', itr_entries)

        old_leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] - infos['new']['leaves']
        if old_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the old file !')
            for l in old_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)
        new_leaves = infos['new']['leaves'] - infos['old']['leaves']
        if new_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the new file !')
            for l in new_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)
        skip_leaves = old_leaves | new_leaves | set(args.ignore_leaves)

        leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] & infos['new']['leaves']
        msg.info('comparing [%s] leaves over entries...', len(leaves))
        all_good = True
        n_good = 0
        n_bad = 0
        import collections
        from itertools import izip
        summary = collections.defaultdict(int)

        old_dump_iter = fold.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries)
        new_dump_iter = fnew.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries)

        def leafname_fromdump(entry):
            return '.'.join([s for s in entry[2] if not s.isdigit()])

        def reach_next(dump_iter, skip_leaves):
            keep_reading = True
            while keep_reading:
                    entry = dump_iter.next()
                except StopIteration:
                    return None
                entry[2][0] = entry[2][0].rstrip('.\0')  # clean branch name
                name = []
                skip = False
                for n in leafname_fromdump(entry).split('.'):
                    if '.'.join(name) in skip_leaves:
                        skip = True
                if not skip:
                    return entry
                # print 'SKIP:', leafname_fromdump(entry)

        read_old = True
        read_new = True
        d_old = None
        d_new = None

        while True:
            if read_old:
                prev_d_old = d_old
                d_old = reach_next(old_dump_iter, skip_leaves)
            if read_new:
                prev_d_new = d_new
                d_new = reach_next(new_dump_iter, skip_leaves)

            if not d_new and not d_old:

            read_old = True
            read_new = True
            if d_old == d_new:
                n_good += 1

            if d_old:
                tree_name, ientry, name, iold = d_old
            if d_new:
                tree_name, ientry, name, inew = d_new

            # FIXME: that's a plain (temporary?) hack
            if name[-1] in args.known_hacks:

            n_bad += 1

            in_synch = d_old and d_new and d_old[:-1] == d_new[:-1]
            if not in_synch:
                if not _is_summary():
                    if d_old:
                        print '::sync-old %s' % '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry] +
                                                         map(str, d_old[2]))
                        print '::sync-old ABSENT'
                    if d_new:
                        print '::sync-new %s' % '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry] +
                                                         map(str, d_new[2]))
                        print '::sync-new ABSENT'
                # remember for later
                if not d_old:
                    fold.allgood = False
                    summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                elif not d_new:
                    fnew.allgood = False
                    summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                    branch_old = '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry, d_old[2][0]])
                    branch_new = '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry, d_new[2][0]])
                    if branch_old < branch_new:
                        if not _is_summary():
                            print '::sync-old skipping entry'
                        summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                        fnew.allgood = False
                        read_new = False
                    elif branch_old > branch_new:
                        if not _is_summary():
                            print '::sync-new skipping entry'
                        summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                        fold.allgood = False
                        read_old = False
                        # MN: difference in the leaves
                        prev_leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_old)
                        prev_leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_new)
                        leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(d_old)
                        leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(d_new)
                        if prev_leaf_old == prev_leaf_new:
                            # array size difference?
                            if leaf_old == leaf_new and leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # could be a size difference in >1 dim arrays
                                # hard to sync, skipping both
                            elif leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # old has bigger array, skip old entry
                                read_new = False
                                if not _is_summary():
                                    print '::sync-old skipping entry'
                                summary[leaf_old] += 1
                            elif leaf_new == prev_leaf_new:
                                # new has bigger array, skip new entry
                                read_old = False
                                if not _is_summary():
                                    print '::sync-new skipping entry'
                                summary[leaf_new] += 1

                        if read_old and read_new:
                            summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                            if not _is_summary():
                                print '::sync-old+new skipping both entries'
                        fold.allgood = False
                        fnew.allgood = False

                if _is_exit_early():
                    print "*** exit on first error ***"

            n = '.'.join(map(str, ["%03i" % ientry] + name))
            diff_value = 'N/A'
                diff_value = 50. * (iold - inew) / (iold + inew)
                diff_value = '%.8f%%' % (diff_value, )
            except Exception:
            if not _is_summary():
                print '%s %r -> %r => diff= [%s]' % (n, iold, inew, diff_value)
            summary[leafname_fromdump(d_old)] += 1

            if name[0] in args.enforce_leaves:
                msg.info("don't compare further")
                all_good = False
            pass  # loop over events/branches

        msg.info('Found [%s] identical leaves', n_good)
        msg.info('Found [%s] different leaves', n_bad)

        if not _is_summary():
            keys = sorted(summary.keys())
            for n in keys:
                v = summary[n]
                msg.info(' [%s]: %i leaves differ', n, v)

        if (not fold.allgood) or (not fnew.allgood):
            msg.info('NOTE: there were errors during the dump')
            msg.info('fold.allgood: %s' % fold.allgood)
            msg.info('fnew.allgood: %s' % fnew.allgood)
            n_bad += 0.5
        return n_bad

    ndiff = diff_tree(fold, fnew, args)
    if ndiff != 0:
        msg.info('files differ!')
        return 2
    msg.info('all good.')
    return 0
예제 #3
def main(args):
    """diff two ROOT files (containers and sizes)"""

    global g_args
    g_args = args

    import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
    root = ru.import_root()  # noqa: F841

    import PyUtils.Logging as L
    msg = L.logging.getLogger('diff-root')
    if args.verbose:

    from PyUtils.Helpers import ShutUp  # noqa: F401

    if args.entries == '':
        args.entries = -1

    msg.info('comparing tree [%s] in files:', args.tree_name)
    msg.info(' old: [%s]', args.old)
    msg.info(' new: [%s]', args.new)
    msg.info('ignore  leaves: %s', args.ignore_leaves)
    msg.info('enforce leaves: %s', args.enforce_leaves)
    msg.info('leaves prefix:  %s', args.leaves_prefix)
    msg.info('hacks:          %s', args.known_hacks)
    msg.info('entries:        %s', args.entries)
    msg.info('mode:           %s', args.mode)
    msg.info('error mode:     %s', args.error_mode)
    msg.info('order trees:    %s', args.order_trees)

    import PyUtils.Helpers as H
    with H.ShutUp():
        fold = ru.RootFileDumper(args.old, args.tree_name)
        fnew = ru.RootFileDumper(args.new, args.tree_name)

    def tree_infos(tree, args):
        nentries = tree.GetEntriesFast()
        # l.GetBranch().GetName() gives the full leaf path name
        leaves = [
            l.GetBranch().GetName() for l in tree.GetListOfLeaves()
            if l.GetBranch().GetName() not in args.ignore_leaves
        if args.leaves_prefix:
            leaves = [l.replace(args.leaves_prefix, '') for l in leaves]
        return {
            'entries': nentries,
            'leaves': set(leaves),

    def ordered_indices(tree, reverse_order=False):
        from collections import OrderedDict
        import operator

        dict_in = {}
        nevts = tree.GetEntriesFast()

        for idx in range(0, nevts):
            if idx % 100 == 0:
                msg.debug('Read {} events from the input so far'.format(idx))
            if hasattr(tree, 'xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v2_EventInfoAux.'):
                event_info = getattr(tree,
                event_number = event_info.eventNumber
            elif hasattr(tree, 'xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v1_EventInfoAux.'):
                event_info = getattr(tree,
                event_number = event_info.eventNumber
            elif hasattr(tree, 'EventInfoAux.'):
                event_info = getattr(tree, 'EventInfoAux.')
                event_number = event_info.eventNumber
            elif hasattr(tree, 'EventInfo_p4_McEventInfo'):
                event_info = getattr(tree, 'EventInfo_p4_McEventInfo')
                event_number = event_info.m_event_ID.m_event_number
            elif hasattr(tree, 'EventInfo_p4_ByteStreamEventInfo'):
                event_info = getattr(tree, 'EventInfo_p4_ByteStreamEventInfo')
                event_number = event_info.m_event_ID.m_event_number
            elif hasattr(tree, 'ByteStreamEventInfo'):
                event_info = getattr(tree, 'ByteStreamEventInfo')
                event_number = event_info.m_event_ID.m_event_number
                msg.error('Cannot read event info, will bail out.')
            msg.debug('Idx : EvtNum {:10d} : {}'.format(idx, event_number))
            dict_in[idx] = event_number

        # Sort the dictionary by event numbers
        dict_out = OrderedDict(

        # Write out the ordered index list
        return [idx for idx in dict_out]

    def diff_tree(fold, fnew, args):
        infos = {
            'old': tree_infos(fold.tree, args),
            'new': tree_infos(fnew.tree, args),

        nentries = min(infos['old']['entries'], infos['new']['entries'])
        itr_entries = nentries
        if args.entries in (-1, '', '-1'):
            #msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = nentries
            if infos['old']['entries'] != infos['new']['entries']:
                msg.info('different numbers of entries:')
                msg.info(' old: [%s]', infos['old']['entries'])
                msg.info(' new: [%s]', infos['new']['entries'])
                msg.info('=> comparing [%s] first entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = args.entries
        msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', itr_entries)

        old_leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] - infos['new']['leaves']
        if old_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the old file !')
            for l in old_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)
        new_leaves = infos['new']['leaves'] - infos['old']['leaves']
        if new_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the new file !')
            for l in new_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)

        # need to remove trailing dots as they confuse reach_next()
        skip_leaves = [
            for l in old_leaves | new_leaves | set(args.ignore_leaves)
        for l in skip_leaves:
            msg.debug('skipping [%s]', l)

        leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] & infos['new']['leaves']
        msg.info('comparing [%s] leaves over entries...', len(leaves))
        n_good = 0
        n_bad = 0
        import collections
        summary = collections.defaultdict(int)

        if args.order_trees:
            slice_max = int(itr_entries) if int(itr_entries) > 0 else None
            itr_entries_old = ordered_indices(fold.tree)[0:slice_max]
            itr_entries_new = ordered_indices(fnew.tree)[0:slice_max]
            msg.debug('List of old indices {}'.format(itr_entries_old))
            msg.debug('List of new indices {}'.format(itr_entries_new))
            itr_entries_old = itr_entries
            itr_entries_new = itr_entries

        old_dump_iter = fold.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries_old)
        new_dump_iter = fnew.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries_new)

        def leafname_fromdump(entry):
            return '.'.join([s for s in entry[2] if not s.isdigit()])

        def reach_next(dump_iter, skip_leaves, leaves_prefix=None):
            keep_reading = True
            while keep_reading:
                    entry = next(dump_iter)
                except StopIteration:
                    return None
                entry[2][0] = entry[2][0].rstrip('.\0')  # clean branch name
                if leaves_prefix:
                    entry[2][0] = entry[2][0].replace(leaves_prefix, '')
                name = []
                skip = False
                for n in leafname_fromdump(entry).split('.'):
                    if '.'.join(name) in skip_leaves or n in skip_leaves:
                        skip = True
                if not skip:
                    return entry
                # print('SKIP:', leafname_fromdump(entry))

        read_old = True
        read_new = True
        d_old = None
        d_new = None

        while True:
            if read_old:
                prev_d_old = d_old
                d_old = reach_next(old_dump_iter, skip_leaves,
            if read_new:
                prev_d_new = d_new
                d_new = reach_next(new_dump_iter, skip_leaves,

            if not d_new and not d_old:

            read_old = True
            read_new = True

            if (args.order_trees and d_old and d_new
                    and d_old[-1] == d_new[-1]) or d_old == d_new:
                n_good += 1

            if d_old:
                tree_name, ientry, name, iold = d_old
            if d_new:
                tree_name, jentry, name, inew = d_new

            # for regression testing we should have NAN == NAN
            if args.nan_equal:
                if all(
                    [isinstance(x, Real) and isnan(x) for x in [iold, inew]]):
                    n_good += 1

            # FIXME: that's a plain (temporary?) hack
            if name[-1] in args.known_hacks:

            n_bad += 1

            if not args.order_trees:
                in_synch = d_old and d_new and d_old[:-1] == d_new[:-1]
                in_synch = d_old and d_new and d_old[0] == d_new[0] and d_old[
                    2] == d_new[2]
            if not in_synch:
                if _is_detailed():
                    if d_old:
                        print('::sync-old %s' %
                              '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry] +
                                       list(map(str, d_old[2]))))
                        print('::sync-old ABSENT')
                    if d_new:
                        print('::sync-new %s' %
                              '.'.join(["%03i" % jentry] +
                                       list(map(str, d_new[2]))))
                        print('::sync-new ABSENT')
                # remember for later
                if not d_old:
                    fold.allgood = False
                    summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                elif not d_new:
                    fnew.allgood = False
                    summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                    branch_old = '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry, d_old[2][0]])
                    branch_new = '.'.join(["%03i" % jentry, d_new[2][0]])
                    if branch_old < branch_new:
                        if _is_detailed():
                            print('::sync-old skipping entry')
                        summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                        fnew.allgood = False
                        read_new = False
                    elif branch_old > branch_new:
                        if _is_detailed():
                            print('::sync-new skipping entry')
                        summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                        fold.allgood = False
                        read_old = False
                        # MN: difference in the leaves
                        prev_leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_old)
                        prev_leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_new)
                        leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(d_old)
                        leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(d_new)
                        if prev_leaf_old == prev_leaf_new:
                            # array size difference?
                            if leaf_old == leaf_new and leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # could be a size difference in >1 dim arrays
                                # hard to sync, skipping both
                            elif leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # old has bigger array, skip old entry
                                read_new = False
                                if _is_detailed():
                                    print('::sync-old skipping entry')
                                summary[leaf_old] += 1
                            elif leaf_new == prev_leaf_new:
                                # new has bigger array, skip new entry
                                read_old = False
                                if _is_detailed():
                                    print('::sync-new skipping entry')
                                summary[leaf_new] += 1

                        if read_old and read_new:
                            summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                            if _is_detailed():
                                print('::sync-old+new skipping both entries')
                        fold.allgood = False
                        fnew.allgood = False

                if _is_exit_early():
                    print('*** exit on first error ***')

            if not args.order_trees:
                n = '.'.join(list(map(str, ["%03i" % ientry] + name)))
                n = '.'.join(
                    list(map(str, ["%03i.%03i" % (ientry, jentry)] + name)))
            diff_value = 'N/A'
                diff_value = 50. * (iold - inew) / (iold + inew)
                diff_value = '%.8f%%' % (diff_value, )
            except Exception:
            if _is_detailed():
                print('%s %r -> %r => diff= [%s]' %
                      (n, iold, inew, diff_value))
            summary[leafname_fromdump(d_old)] += 1

            if name[0] in args.enforce_leaves:
                msg.info("don't compare further")
            pass  # loop over events/branches

        msg.info('Found [%s] identical leaves', n_good)
        msg.info('Found [%s] different leaves', n_bad)

        if not _is_summary():
            keys = sorted(summary.keys())
            for n in keys:
                v = summary[n]
                msg.info(' [%s]: %i leaves differ', n, v)

        if (not fold.allgood) or (not fnew.allgood):
            msg.info('NOTE: there were errors during the dump')
            msg.info('fold.allgood: %s', fold.allgood)
            msg.info('fnew.allgood: %s', fnew.allgood)
            n_bad += 0.5
        return n_bad

    ndiff = diff_tree(fold, fnew, args)
    if ndiff != 0:
        msg.info('files differ!')
        return 2
    msg.info('all good.')
    return 0
예제 #4
def main(args):
    """check that 2 ROOT files have same content (containers and sizes)
    global g_args
    g_args = args
    import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
    root = ru.import_root()

    import PyUtils.Logging as L
    msg = L.logging.getLogger('diff-root')

    if args.entries == '':
        args.entries = -1
    msg.info('comparing tree [%s] in files:', args.tree_name)
    msg.info(' old: [%s]', args.old)
    msg.info(' new: [%s]', args.new)
    msg.info('ignore  leaves: %s', args.ignore_leaves)
    msg.info('enforce leaves: %s', args.enforce_leaves)
    msg.info('hacks:          %s', args.known_hacks)
    msg.info('entries:        %s', args.entries)
    msg.info('mode:           %s', args.mode)
    msg.info('error mode:     %s', args.error_mode)

    import PyUtils.Helpers as H
    with H.ShutUp() :
        fold = ru.RootFileDumper(args.old, args.tree_name)
        fnew = ru.RootFileDumper(args.new, args.tree_name)
    def tree_infos(tree, args):
        nentries = tree.GetEntriesFast()
        leaves = [l.GetName() for l in tree.GetListOfLeaves()
                  if l not in args.ignore_leaves]
        return {
            'entries' : nentries,
            'leaves': set(leaves),
    def diff_tree(fold, fnew, args):
        infos = {
            'old' : tree_infos(fold.tree, args),
            'new' : tree_infos(fnew.tree, args),

        nentries = min(infos['old']['entries'],
        itr_entries = nentries
        if args.entries in (-1,'','-1'):
            #msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = nentries
            if infos['old']['entries'] != infos['new']['entries']:
                msg.info('different numbers of entries:')
                msg.info(' old: [%s]', infos['old']['entries'])
                msg.info(' new: [%s]', infos['new']['entries'])
                msg.info('=> comparing [%s] first entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = args.entries
        msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', itr_entries)
        leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] & infos['new']['leaves']
        diff_leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] - infos['new']['leaves']
        if diff_leaves:
            msg.info('the following variables exist in only one tree !')
            for l in diff_leaves:
                msg.info(' - [%s]', l)
        leaves = leaves - set(args.ignore_leaves)
        msg.info('comparing [%s] leaves over entries...', len(leaves))
        all_good = True
        n_good = 0
        n_bad = 0
        import collections
        from itertools import izip
        summary = collections.defaultdict(int)
        for d in izip(fold.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries),
                      fnew.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries)):
            tree_name, ientry, name, iold = d[0]
            _,              _,    _, inew = d[1]
            name[0] = name[0].rstrip('\0')
            if ((not (name[0] in leaves)) or
                # FIXME: that's a plain (temporary?) hack
                name[-1] in args.known_hacks):
            if d[0] == d[1]:
                diff = False
                n_good += 1
            n_bad += 1
            diff = True

            in_synch = d[0][:-1] == d[1][:-1]
            if not in_synch:
                if not _is_summary():
                    print '::sync-old %s' % \
                          '.'.join(["%03i"%ientry]+map(str, d[0][2]))
                    print '::sync-new %s' % \
                          '.'.join(["%03i"%ientry]+map(str, d[1][2]))
                summary[name[0]] += 1
                # remember for later
                fold.allgood = False
                fnew.allgood = False

                if _is_exit_early():
                    print "*** exit on first error ***"
            n = '.'.join(map(str, ["%03i"%ientry]+name))
            diff_value = 'N/A'
                diff_value = 50.*(iold-inew)/(iold+inew)
                diff_value = '%.8f%%' % (diff_value,)
            except Exception:
            if not _is_summary():
                print '%s %r -> %r => diff= [%s]' %(n, iold, inew, diff_value)
            summary[name[0]] += 1

            if name[0] in args.enforce_leaves:
                msg.info("don't compare further")
                all_good = False
            pass # loop over events/branches
        msg.info('Found [%s] identical leaves', n_good)
        msg.info('Found [%s] different leaves', n_bad)

        if not _is_summary():
            keys = sorted(summary.keys())
            for n in keys:
                v = summary[n]
                msg.info(' [%s]: %i leaves differ', n, v)
        if (not fold.allgood) or (not fnew.allgood):
            msg.info('NOTE: there were errors during the dump')
            msg.info('fold.allgood: %s' % fold.allgood)
            msg.info('fnew.allgood: %s' % fnew.allgood)
            n_bad += 0.5
        return n_bad
    ndiff = diff_tree(fold, fnew, args)
    if ndiff != 0:
        msg.info('files differ!')
        return 2
    msg.info('all good.')
    return 0