def test_idf_metrics(): summarizer = LexRankSummarizer() sentences = [ ("this", "sentence", "is", "simple", "sentence",), ("this", "is", "simple", "sentence", "yes", "is", "too", "too", "too",), ("not", "every", "sentence", "makes", "me", "happy",), ("yes",), (), ("every", "day", "is", "happy", "day",), ] metrics = summarizer._compute_idf(sentences) expected = { "this": math.log(6/3), "is": math.log(6/4), "yes": math.log(6/3), "simple": math.log(6/3), "sentence": math.log(6/4), "too": math.log(6/2), "not": math.log(6/2), "every": math.log(6/3), "makes": math.log(6/2), "me": math.log(6/2), "happy": math.log(6/3), "day": math.log(6/2), } assert expected == metrics
def test_cosine_similarity_sentences_with_no_common_word_should_be_zero(): """ We compute similarity of the sentences without single common word. These are considered dissimilar so have similarity close to 0.0. see """ sentence1 = ["this", "sentence", "is", "simple", "sentence"] tf1 = {"this": 1/2, "sentence": 1.0, "is": 1/2, "simple": 1/2} sentence2 = ["that", "paragraph", "has", "some", "words"] tf2 = {"that": 1.0, "paragraph": 1.0, "has": 1.0, "some": 1.0, "words": 1.0} idf = { "this": 2/1, "sentence": 2/1, "is": 2/1, "simple": 2/1, "that": 2/1, "paragraph": 2/1, "has": 2/1, "some": 2/1, "words": 2/1, } summarizer = LexRankSummarizer() cosine = summarizer.cosine_similarity(sentence1, sentence2, tf1, tf2, idf) assert abs(0.0 - cosine) < 0.00001
def test_article_example(): """Source:""" parser = PlaintextParser.from_string( load_resource("articles/prevko_cz_1.txt"), Tokenizer("czech") ) summarizer = LexRankSummarizer(stem_word) summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words("czech") sentences = summarizer(parser.document, 20) assert len(sentences) == 20
def test_tf_metrics(): summarizer = LexRankSummarizer() sentences = [ ("this", "sentence", "is", "simple", "sentence"), ("this", "is", "simple", "sentence", "yes", "is", "too", "too", "too"), ] metrics = summarizer._compute_tf(sentences) expected = [ {"this": 1/2, "is": 1/2, "simple": 1/2, "sentence": 1.0}, {"this": 1/3, "is": 2/3, "yes": 1/3, "simple": 1/3, "sentence": 1/3, "too": 1.0}, ] assert expected == metrics
def test_document_is_all_in_upper_case(): """ When all words is in upper case Plaintext parser first line as heading and LexRank algorithm raises exception "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero" because there is no sentence to summarize. See """ parser = PlaintextParser.from_string( "JUST WRITING SOME TEXT. TO TEST CASE. WITH ZERO SENTENCES RETURNED. FROM TOKENIZER.", Tokenizer("english") ) summarizer = LexRankSummarizer(stem_word) summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words("english") sentences = summarizer(parser.document, 20) assert len(sentences) == 0
def test_numpy_not_installed(): summarizer = LexRankSummarizer() numpy = lex_rank_module.numpy lex_rank_module.numpy = None with pytest.raises(ValueError): summarizer(build_document(), 10) lex_rank_module.numpy = numpy
def test_cosine_similarity_for_the_same_sentence_with_duplicate_words_should_be_one(): """ We compute similarity of the same sentences. These should be exactly the same and therefor have similarity close to 1.0. see """ sentence1 = ["this", "sentence", "is", "simple", "sentence"] tf1 = {"this": 1/2, "sentence": 1.0, "is": 1/2, "simple": 1/2} sentence2 = ["this", "sentence", "is", "simple", "sentence"] tf2 = {"this": 1/2, "sentence": 1.0, "is": 1/2, "simple": 1/2} idf = { "this": 2/2, "sentence": 2/2, "is": 2/2, "simple": 2/2, } summarizer = LexRankSummarizer() cosine = summarizer.cosine_similarity(sentence1, sentence2, tf1, tf2, idf) assert abs(1.0 - cosine) < 0.00001
def test_power_method_should_return_different_scores_for_sentences(): """See""" matrix = numpy.array([ [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9], [0.45, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0], [0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 1, 0.9], [0.7, 0, 0, 0.6, 0], [0.5, 0.123, 0, 0.111, 0.9], ]) scores = LexRankSummarizer.power_method(matrix, LexRankSummarizer.epsilon) assert len(frozenset(scores.tolist())) > 1
def build_lex_rank(parser, language): summarizer = LexRankSummarizer(Stemmer(language)) summarizer.stop_words = get_stop_words(language) return summarizer