def generate_turns_bishop(pos, board, possible_turns, color, turns_for_king): """ Adds all turns for bishop in dict :param pos: figure position :type pos: (int, int) :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param possible_turns: bishop possible turns, dict with key - end turn pos, value - list of start turn pos :type possible_turns: dict(...) :param color: bishop color :type color: int :param turns_for_king: kings possible turns :type turns_for_king: dict(...) """ possible_diffs = product([-1, 1], repeat=2) for diff_x, diff_y in possible_diffs: for i in range(1, board.board_size): turn_end = mf.tuple_sum(pos, (diff_x * i, diff_y * i)) if not board.check_pos(turn_end): break if board.get_type_map(turn_end) != board.empty_map: if board.get_color_map(turn_end) != color: possible_turns[turn_end].append(pos) else: turns_for_king[turn_end].append(pos) break possible_turns[turn_end].append(pos)
def generate_turns_knight(pos, board, possible_turns, color, turns_for_king): """ Adds all turns for knight in dict :param pos: figure position :type pos: (int, int) :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param possible_turns: kinght possible turns, dict with key - end turn pos, value - list of start turn pos :type possible_turns: dict(...) :param color: knight color :type color: int :param turns_for_king: kings possible turns :type turns_for_king: dict(...) """ possible_diffs = [(x, y) for x, y in permutations([1, 2, -1, -2], 2) if abs(x) != abs(y)] for diff in possible_diffs: turn_end = mf.tuple_sum(pos, diff) if board.check_pos(turn_end): if board.get_color_map(turn_end) != color: possible_turns[turn_end].append(pos) else: turns_for_king[turn_end].append(pos)
def positions_for_turns_block(board, list_of_start_pos, king_pos): """Get positions of blocking figures :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param list_of_start_pos: list of starting positions :type list_of_start_pos: list((int, int)) :param king_pos: king position :type king_pos: (int, int) :return: list of turns for blocking :rtype: list((int, int)) """ start_pos = list_of_start_pos[0] positions_for_block = list() start_map_type = board.get_type_map(start_pos) if start_map_type in (board.queen, board.rook, board.bishop): diff = mf.difference(king_pos, start_pos) norm_diff, rang = normalize_tuple(diff) for i in range(rang): positions_for_block.append( mf.tuple_sum(start_pos, mf.mul(norm_diff, i))) elif start_map_type in (board.pawn, board.knight): positions_for_block.append(start_pos) return positions_for_block
def check_king_on_fire(board, start_pos, king_pos, now_figure_pos): """Checks if king is under attack :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param start_pos: [description] :type start_pos: (int, int) :param king_pos: king position :type king_pos: (int, int) :param now_figure_pos: [description] :type now_figure_pos: (int, int) :return: if king is on fire :rtype: bool """ start_map_type = board.get_type_map(start_pos) if start_map_type in (board.queen, board.rook, board.bishop): diff = mf.difference(king_pos, start_pos) if not check_diff(board, diff, start_map_type): return False norm_diff, rang = normalize_tuple(diff) for i in range(rang): now_pos = mf.tuple_sum(start_pos, mf.mul(norm_diff, i)) if now_pos == now_figure_pos: continue if board.get_type_map(now_pos) != board.empty_map: return False return True return False
def test_tuple_sum(): test = [((1, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2)), ((2, 2), (0, 5), (2, 7)), ((1, 5), (5, 1), (6, 6))] for fir, sec, res in test: assert mf.tuple_sum(fir, sec) == res
def check_king_protected(board, king_pos, color, turns): """Checks if king can be beaten :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param king_pos: king position :type king_pos: (int, int) :param color: color :type color: int :param turns: possible turns :type turns: dict(tuple: {dict(tuple: {list()})}) :return: possible turns, bad figures, figures in check :rtype: tuple """ possible_turns = defaultdict(list) bad_figures = list() beating_figures = list() figs = list() # check for roook and queen possible_diffs = [-1, 1] for diff in possible_diffs: tmp_list = list() fig_pos = (-1, -1) for x_coord in islice(count(king_pos[0] + diff, diff), board.board_size): turn_end = (x_coord, king_pos[1]) flag, fig_pos = process_pos(board, turn_end, color, fig_pos, tmp_list, possible_turns, bad_figures, (board.rook, board.queen), beating_figures, figs) if flag: break tmp_list = list() fig_pos = (-1, -1) for y_coord in islice(count(king_pos[1] + diff, diff), board.board_size): turn_end = (king_pos[0], y_coord) flag, fig_pos = process_pos(board, turn_end, color, fig_pos, tmp_list, possible_turns, bad_figures, (board.rook, board.queen), beating_figures, figs) if flag: break # check foor bishop and queen possible_diffs = product([-1, 1], repeat=2) for diff_x, diff_y in possible_diffs: tmp_list = list() fig_pos = (-1, -1) for i in range(1, board.board_size): turn_end = mf.tuple_sum(king_pos, (diff_x * i, diff_y * i)) flag, fig_pos = process_pos(board, turn_end, color, fig_pos, tmp_list, possible_turns, bad_figures, (board.bishop, board.queen), beating_figures, figs) if flag: break # check for pawn for start_pos in bad_figures: if board.get_type_map(start_pos) == board.pawn: counter = 0 for end_pos in turns[start_pos]: if end_pos in beating_figures: if counter == 1: bad_figures.append(start_pos) possible_turns.pop(start_pos) break counter += 1 bad_figures.remove(start_pos) possible_turns[start_pos].append(end_pos) return (possible_turns, bad_figures, figs)
def generate_turns_king(pos, board, possible_turns, color, opponent_turns, opponent_turns_for_king): """ Adds all turns for king in dict :param pos: figure position :type pos: (int, int) :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param possible_turns: queen possible turns, dict with key - end turn pos, value - list of start turn pos :type possible_turns: dict(...) :param color: queen color :type color: int :param turns_for_king: kings possible turns :type turns_for_king: dict(...) """ possible_diffs = product([1, -1, 0], repeat=2) for diff in possible_diffs: turn_end = mf.tuple_sum(pos, diff) if (board.check_pos(turn_end) and board.get_color_map(turn_end) != color): if turn_end not in opponent_turns_for_king: possible_turns[turn_end].append(pos) # check castling diff = 7 if color == board.white and board.flipped: diff = 0 if color == and not board.flipped: diff = 0 if (pos[0] != diff and color == board.white) or (pos[0] != diff and color == return None if board.castling[color]: return None if pos in opponent_turns: return None left_rook, right_rook = (pos[0], 0), (pos[0], 7) positions = [1, 2, 3] if board.flipped: positions = [1, 2] if not board.king_movement[color] and not board.rook_movement[color][0]: if (board.get_type_map(left_rook) == board.rook and board.get_color_map(left_rook) == color): for x_coord in positions: if board.get_type_map((pos[0], x_coord)) != board.empty_map: break if (pos[0], x_coord) in opponent_turns: break else: if board.flipped: possible_turns[(pos[0], 1)].append( (*pos, (pos[0], 0), (pos[0], 2))) else: possible_turns[(pos[0], 2)].append( (*pos, (pos[0], 0), (pos[0], 3))) positions = [5, 6] if board.flipped: positions = [4, 5, 6] if not board.king_movement[color] and not board.rook_movement[color][1]: if (board.get_type_map(right_rook) == board.rook and board.get_color_map(right_rook) == color): for x_coord in positions: if board.get_type_map((pos[0], x_coord)) != board.empty_map: break if (pos[0], x_coord) in opponent_turns: break else: if board.flipped: possible_turns[(pos[0], 5)].append( (*pos, (pos[0], 7), (pos[0], 4))) else: possible_turns[(pos[0], 6)].append( (*pos, (pos[0], 7), (pos[0], 5))) return None
def remove_not_possible_turns(board, king_pos, color, turns, opponent_turns, turns_for_king): """Removes impossinle turns :param board: board object :type board: class board object :param king_pos: king position :type king_pos: (int, int) :param color: color :type color: int :param turns: [description] :type turns: [type] :param opponent_turns: [description] :type opponent_turns: [type] :return: possible turns :rtype: list(class Turn object) """ start_turns = transform_turns_dict(turns) good_turns, bad_figures, figs = check_king_protected( board, king_pos, color, start_turns) bad_positions = list() for now_fig in figs: if board.get_type_map(now_fig) in (board.rook, board.queen): if now_fig[0] == king_pos[0]: if (king_pos[0], king_pos[1] + 1) != now_fig: bad_positions.append((king_pos[0], king_pos[1] + 1)) if (king_pos[0], king_pos[1] - 1) != now_fig: bad_positions.append((king_pos[0], king_pos[1] - 1)) elif now_fig[1] == king_pos[1]: if (king_pos[0] + 1, king_pos[1]) != now_fig: bad_positions.append((king_pos[0] + 1, king_pos[1])) if (king_pos[0] - 1, king_pos[1]) != now_fig: bad_positions.append((king_pos[0] - 1, king_pos[1])) if board.get_type_map(now_fig) in (board.bishop, board.queen): now = normalize_tuple(mf.difference(king_pos, now_fig))[0] bad_positions.append(mf.tuple_sum(king_pos, now)) for start_turn in good_turns: start_turns[start_turn] = good_turns[start_turn] for start_turn in bad_figures: if start_turn in start_turns: start_turns.pop(start_turn) start_positions = opponent_turns[king_pos] opponent_start_turns = transform_turns_dict(opponent_turns) important_turns = remove_not_important_turns(opponent_start_turns, start_positions) possible_turns = defaultdict(list) for end_turn in start_turns[king_pos]: if end_turn not in bad_positions: if end_turn not in opponent_turns: possible_turns[end_turn].append(king_pos) elif end_turn not in turns_for_king: for start_pos in opponent_turns: if board.get_type_map(start_pos) != board.pawn: break else: possible_turns[end_turn].append(king_pos) if king_pos not in opponent_turns or len(opponent_turns[king_pos]) == 0: pos_start_turns = transform_turns_dict(possible_turns) start_turns[king_pos] = pos_start_turns[king_pos] turns = transform_turns_dict(start_turns) return turns positions_for_block = positions_for_turns_block(board, [*important_turns], king_pos) for pos_for_block in positions_for_block: if pos_for_block in turns: for start_pos in turns[pos_for_block]: if board.get_type_map(start_pos) != board.king: possible_turns[pos_for_block].append(start_pos) return possible_turns